A. PATENTS! NOTICK TO INVENTORS. Tbere w.ts never n time in the history of onr on tint ry when the demand for inventions nod imprnveraeuts in the arts aud scieiCPB (jennrRlty waa bo great bb now. The oonvenienfwa of mp.iUind in tho factory and workshop, the household Bud o,i farm, n wm.: ad in nffidtil liie. rrqnp cmitiiHi-v nCnesfl ong to the uppnrttttmuee '". imp'impntfl nf each in onlnr rn ;tve hihor. time ami expense. The political chimup in the adminmtrft ti.ni of g ivnnnBnt dues not affect the progress of the Araerhinu inventor, who beitiotiihe nlrt, nti.l ready to per ceive the existing deUoiencies, does not permit the riff.iirs of (jovernment to de ter him from quickly oouoeivittR the remedy to overcome exiali.iK diflcrepno cies. T'o creat cire tinonnt be exr 0ed iu Obonaing a competent and skill ful altorney to prepare and proHecnte no application for patent. Valuable in terea'e have been hwt and destroyed iu inminairable iusU'ices bv the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is t Lis advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" Hvstpm. Inventors who entrust tbfir buMiness to this class of attorneys do o at immiuAnt risk, aa tbe breadth and strength of the patent ia never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weddorbiim, Oeneral Manaeet 018 I1' street, N. W.,WashinKton, D. C rpprepen'iim a large number of impor tant rbiily and wpplcly paper, and rpv era! periodicals nf tbe country, was in stitnted to imb-et its natrnns from the nnfiff) methoiU heretofnre employpd in this line nf business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charire of all p'ltent buiopps entrmted to it for rea snnabte tVon, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, including me chanical invMiitions, desitfn patent, trade-marko, labels, cnpyriahts. interfer ences, infringprnnts, validity renortp, and uiv?s esppoial at'enion to rejpetrd cases. It is hIbo prpparpil to enttr into competition with any firm iu securing foreict patents. Write for intrivHon and ndvitie. John WEPPRnnrRN. (118 F Street, P. 0. Box 385. Washington, P. C. VTOCK RltAVDS. White yon Mop yonr purnnnptinn rmid up yon c.n kop your brand in freeof charge. Allvn, T. .1 . Inim. Or. Httwwi (,( on loft piivilil'r: cittlo rtt on Wt hin, nnrlcrh'top rishfr R'ir. nuit upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. Armf roil, J, 0,. Alpine, Or, T with har nn tlor i 'in left nhonliler of horses; cattle same on 1'r hip. Allison. O. T)., Ki?nt Mile. Or. Cattle bmnn O V) on UFt liip tm-1 hnroq name brand on right sho'iMnr. K'vnTfi V,aUt Hil. AtVins, J. -T., nsnnnwr. Or. TTnrso. .TA flon no'"f'l i Mt, flank: "attl". amenn left hip. B-Whnlvnow. A. d , Alpine. Or. Horses bran In 1 7 li un ellhor shoulder. Ranae in Mor "(iw cuvintv imntt.'r. T. W., Hani man. Or. Cattle brand ed R on toft hip anrt thitrh: sntit in each ear. Bmnn'ir. Pter. innflbarry Oroson Horaes brant'! Pit on left shoulder. Cattle Bame on riffV- side. Hirke. M St C. I.oncr Crootc. Or On cattle, M Y nnnnooto i nn l"Ft h'n. mop off laft ear, nr. rtnr half nron off nht. ITrmw, Rimn brand on lot. ft shoulder. Hinge in Grant and Morrow on at v. Urn nan, .Tarry, Ijqna. Or. Horses brandoi 7 on riffhf Hhoaldri it-M M on the loft side. LrPt R-ir hi"1 nroi nd rinht tr nnnur slonfl. Rirton, Win,. Kpnnflr, Or. -Hnrm, J Ron r.srht thii; cattle same on riptht hip; split in oah nir. Hrnwn. I'la, T)tinfft,on, Or. TT'irnnn IB on th rlshfc tifi: cattle Bame on righthip; range, Mor row fl'innty. nrnwn, J. C., Tloppnnr. Or. HnrBes. circle C with 1nt in tor on hip; cattlo, sn-ne. Brown, W. .1., T,fna. Oregon. Mores W hnr over it, on the left shoalder. Cattle same on left hln. Hover, W. G Hepoiftr, Or. Tforaen, tmx brand on ri hip cattio, same, with split in eah oar. Horr. WO., PTenpner, Or. TTorses, P B on left Bhnldnr: catHrt satin on leTt hin. Hrnwnl, W. J., FoT.Or-Cattl. JH connected on iPt side: crop on loft par and two splits and middle piece onr mir on righr ir: on hores same brand on the left thigh; Uange in Fox valley, (irav.t oountv, Ofirnner Warren, Wafirner, Or. Horses brand ed O on richt stihV; turtle three bars) n rieht ribs, crop nndplit in each ear. Range in Crnnt R'ul Alnrrnw CO'tntifta. Cain, K., t laleb.Or Y D on horses on loft stifle TJ with quarter circle ovor lt.on left shoulder and on lfrt stiHe on all ooltn n'der Rynarsjn left Rhonlder only on all horses over 5 years. All ranee in Oranr oonrv. Cate, ('ha. U Vinson or Lena, Or. Rorups H C on riht should "f; catMe samo on right hip. ltaniro ftrllv nnd H-natlUa n-mnHes, Corr'cnll, M M. On' low iy. Or Cattle rrop ont of faph our and imderhit, wnn'e in fnrhd; liorso bulf ui"l 0 on lft ttjtie. Range Mor row and Uma'i'la com lien. Carl.T. 11.. John lHv, Or Double cmss on each hip on cattle, wallow fork and undr bit in riuht oar, solit in left ear. Hantre in Grnnt couniy. On sheep, inverted and spwir point ou shoulder. Kar markn.i wes, nrop on left ear punched hoot hit in right. Wthers. nrop in riht and nn Inr half crop in left ear. All rungs in (train oou'uv. Cook, A. .l.,jn ia,Or. Horses, ftOon rishtshonl der. ('Mt'le. nam nun risrhthin: ear mark Bcjuare crop n'T Inft and nlit in riarht, Currin. It. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on leftttiin. Coi Kd. H.. Hardnian. Or Caitle, C with E in nnnter: hortns CK on left iin, Cochran, 11. K.. Mo'innmnt. (irant Co, Or. I.r hrand"d circle with Mr hnnnafh. on lft tdoild'r: oat.tln a-nn brand on both hips, mark under slop- both nr4 and dnwlan. Ctiaidn, H.. Ilar l-nan, Or. ttorsos brandd on rii()t lap. Tattle braudnd the samn. Alw br'til-t Cl o-i horw tight thitrh: c;i te s-rm brand on rigtit shoulder, and cut off en 1 of ril)VuWs. W. M .Gall twav, Or. Cattln. H Pop r'uSt si I . s V'tiloff-fork: in each ear; horses. It D My, n.".. nn-las. Or. 'lorse hnntelEr.Y rn t hoallir, oittle sa:ua on lefthtp. hole ir right ei-. , En ry. i H.. Ua',d'nai. Or Horses branded mv-trn:! I". with tail) on lft houder ; ist tb niiw ou ritht hi. Kingpin Mormw coniiy. Kl')r''ioe. Ij. A.. lUno'irtr. Or. Cattle, LV m ruVhip; horoi V with bar undar on right bU' ld-r. Kloreaoa. 8. P. Hepmnr, Or Horum, K on tit it hn 1 trt : naMn, Y n ritjht hip or rhtah. Krench. (Jorg, IIpp ir. Or. Cattle brandM WK. with bir ovnr it, in l"ft sid crop off left oar. I tors sa-n1 brand o i left hip. ltntry, Ki'iMr, (fioh-i. Or. HrtM hrndet ft. 8. with a quarter cirt'la ovr it. on left Htifle. liangnin Morrow and Urn itilla nounties. Hi alt. A. IV, Uid Or.-iWKle. round-top with iviart-r nir.-ln irvlr it on th rtirht hip. i;n'HEin Mirr.-wand C -n tilla iMnnti. Ilpiton I nk-. Ha-n'lron, Or Cttl.twobve on nitoiir hto: nrop in right ear and split in left. Ho ris, J on runt thi ih. Ilange in 'J"1 t county Tlairhn. Samnel. Wairner, Or- J" fT P U ."oii'-uvto Hon ri rht honld-"'on hup-: on n'tttl", on ruhi liipa-vt o-i .ft Bid-, swallow fork in ritM n-r and lit in Inft. Uan in HayntHck lirir,ir. n nnfp ltl Milron, Vi--rcr, Or. T1orn hrandnl -O- (cattln w th mrallnl tails) in Inft phonldr Cuttle itne on lytt hip also large circle oo left side. Howxrl J L. Oitloww, Or. niaMf (cross with t ir i'iow i'l on rigil so ilder; naitlsine on t'ft id. Haas.- in Marrow and Lmittlla counties Hall. Klwii, John Pnv, Or. Cntt'e E Hon ri rht liin; h -s a w ue cu riht slnulder. Kmigi in Ortu c uity. H'Wi, ti'. Hpnw, Or. Moim, shaded heart oi th l''t sh vild-r. Haiic Morrow ('. llnsikir, H (. Wa?r. Or. -Horsj, tl on left ,h- d Ur. -Hn, w r hip. Hu nnhriv,J il Hardtntu, Or, Horses, H on Il u .n. lnS. Y.xtSt Mil. Or Ho-sn TT n th- K i! I ? I n irr o;i the l't ntitt.1 Cat ..,ii'm!.i'! In. Iivu in M t .w ""'i"t Ilr-v, ll'-imT, Or Hor tirn ld 1 , ,k i!m ! i ' I r: o 'tiA bun l- I J on ri'tt hii. '" iiu l-trhit in left o.ir. liaagj in y.orro c 'U'Kv . J i l -tvu S. d , II vi-r. Or Mors s, horw shoj J a rr sauaUr. tUtUs, tha aauas, Ui-Wji on hlijhtilile. J.d Or.-Honea. oiroleT cm MARIAN FROELICH. Tenderly. 8va. Sea, , g- lnro- - f P f P 5 ten der, soft car - rock thy sor - rows --r round thee in thy til life's beam - ing eft stifle; cattle, Bame on right hip, under halt iron in riht nd nidit 'n left ear Knny. Mik, Heppor, Or. HoraeB brandnd KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ar: nndnr slnne on the rlarht Kirk J. T., HepDner. Or. Horses 69 on lefi thnnhlnr; cattl. P on left hip. Kirk. Jesen. Hflppner, Or.; horBe 11 on left tmnlder; cattle same on right Bide, underbit or iaht ear. Knmberland.W.n'..lVIonnt Vernon. Or. T L on 'Wttle on riht and left sidns. ewailow fork in If ft w and under oioo in riht ear. Horaenaamn brand on Inft Rhonlder. Range in Grant eountv. Loftnn, Stephen, Fox. Or. H U on left hip n cattle, crop and split on right, ear. Horse wmn brand on left shoulder. Uange Grant oonntv. Liennllnn. John W., 1- Or, TToren branded half-oircle JTj connected on leftehonl dor. Cattle, aamc on left hib. Itanse, near Lex inatnn Leuhey, J. W. lleppner Or. Horses branded fjftrnt m lef t shoulder; cettle Ntne on left hip, wattle oyer hsht eye, three slits in r-ght ear. Iird, Goorge, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double II cot.nectt Sometimes called f aw;ng n. on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, rteppnnr. rr. rattle, U D on rivht hip; horse. M on leftehonlder. Morgan. H. N Hppuer. Or, Horses, M ) on lfr shonldf cattle same on left hip. Mitch nil, Ooar. lone, Or. Horses, 77 on righ' hin: rattle, 77 on right ide. MnClaren, D. Rrowneville. Or, HorseF, Fiflrnrn Son "ach shoot der: cattle, M2 on hin MoHirr. Frank, Fm Vallnv, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder in ennh ar; horses same brand on left stifle, ToHal-j, v. ., natuiiwia, Or. un Worse. w with half cirole undnr on left shonlder;on nattm, four brB nnnnnn.tnd on top on the right side Bnngn in Orant Oounrv. Nnnl.Andmw. Lonn Hock. Or. Horses A N non ne"tad on luft shonldnr: cAf tln "amn on both Mop, Nordyke. E., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: na'tle. ame on Inft hin. Olivnr. Joseph. Canyon City. Or. A 9 on nttl on Inft hip: on horses, same on left thigh, Kangr in Orant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P 0 on lefi shon.dm. Olp. Herman. Prairin City, Or. On oattlo. O TjP oonnnnted on left hip; homns on left atiiif and wart le on non. Hann in ftrant connty. pnaroon, Olnvn. Eiflht Mile. Or. Horsns, qnar tnr ci'-nln hild on le't shoulder and 21 on left hin. Cqttle, fork in lft" ar. right cropped. o Inft hin. Harnjn on Eiiht Mile. Parknr Oleason, Hard man, Or, Horses IP or loft qhonldnr. Pinnr, pmA t, Tjeicington. Or. Hor ns brand e fL K nonnectnd Inft shoulder; cattle mon riffht hip. Kange, lorrow connty, Pmr,J. H., Ininirton. Or. Horsns, .IK Pon nnotnrl o Inft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. nndr hi in An',h nar. P-ttyq. A. C.. lonn. Or.: horses diamond P on shnnlder: cattln, ,T H J oonnnotcd. on th Inft hip, upper BloPe in left ear and slip in th? ri'it. Uood. Andmw, Hardman. Or, Horan. "onarp or. with oi'rtr-'''rclnovnriton left stif'. Hnnintror. Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C It od Inft vh'-mldnr. Ifimh nos,. Hnnnonr, Or. Horsns hmn'td on thn q) shonl'lor; rattle. IX on the Inft hm "-.n n(T Inft nar nnd dnwlan on neck. Hango it Morrow aud adioining counting. H-nrtAv, Andrnw. jPTinton, Or. Horsot hrandwl A R on right- nhonlder, vent onartm rirnln ovnr hrand: attlo same on right hip Hien Monw oonntv. Hovwn, Wm. H, Pairwille. Or H!t oonnnctm with onartnF oir1n ovnr top on nettlnon ritrht hir and cmp oT rieht onr and split in Inft. Honw nmn hra"d on lfr nhouldnr. Uange in Morrow Ornnt nnd frit Ham onntina, llnotor J. W., Hnppnnr, Or. Horses, JO left shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip. Snok'-all. J. W., Oooseberry, Or. Home hrnndnd 31 on left shoulder; lauge in 51orr S'ti'inir. C C Hnppnnr, Or Horn hranded on loCt shonldor: oHttl" nam on left hip Swwffnrt. H. K.. Iinrinirton, Or. Hnrgn witb dah nndnr if on Inft stifle nattl H wil' titmh nndnr it on richt hn, crtn off rinht ar an vi'tdld on rirht hind ln. Katige in Morrow. Oi'l'amnnd nmatilln nonntina. Hwtifnrt. A I.. Ahnna. Or. Horwnn hrand4 J nn in nhonidnr: ot nnn on left hip. CroT. or x vnt'n on Inft hind In. Straight W. K. Tr-nort-r. Or Hnrnfte hdnd J S on lf- stifln: rwttln .T S on I it ft hip, swallow fork in rich' ear, nndnrbit in left, Hion. Tho.. Ilnponer, Or. Horses, fl A P on left hin: onftl sm on left hip. Shnr.Jihn. Kox, Or. Nf! cfnnM'td on homnn on reht hip: ctfi, wm on righ bio. nron rT riht nar and ander bit in left ear. fituis in 'n"t onntT. R-nith Bmt Hnanvill, Or, Horw, brand Ad H . . onnh'nldnr; ontrln. amn on Inft shouirtnr W4iuir. Jam. Arlinron, Or.: horse hranded JS left houl-ln naftln thn mm, nn r w ldU. Kj-g in lo-mw and flilllamco 'nfie K'nhn, V. A., HtMmn. Or-; hinm MM no rie-ht KtiMn: pAtln hor'ioal L on the right side HtnvMnMn, Ir A. J.. Hnonr. Or. 4'nttlr, t on right hu : iiwlnwfork in Inft nr. Hwngvart. ft. W.. Hnnir Or liurww, 44 or pft hmild" :ontn. 44 on lft hin. Snwrv rV ft . Ilntnr. Or. Cnttln W C ok j Uft hn. oron off rifht nnl iT-dM in inft year, i H'art; rorn W Con inft Bhnn'dnr. Tho-no-n. J. A.. Honn'. -. HorsM, g on lif iftih r; on'tln, ' on ft vhonldnr. Tinnt.S.T..Kr;ierpri9e.Or. Horses, C-oo left , ihonldnr. ITam-w R. W.. H no on nr. Or. Small oap'tal T left ahrmlder. horses; osUtla tarn w httt hip with split in boU) eaxa. I to my heart I press; by its riso and fall, A- tjR zggzg z$FZgE3i. zgJ-J-z: Ims lm-i mmr c m' m o ' -m -52 SSS-i 1 - m 1 1 I 1 i -L jjl i ZZI!" " 1 i-j uTJ 1 - bJt- 1 fiip:'- "- gggzz . m ?zz-r -' g -;-:- j g " gj p g - g y& AffKtloutetly dedlultd to littl, THEODORE HARRY C0H1. LULLABY. 1. Sloop soft - ly, O 2. Up - oa my breast loco. Till flit - tinj sua h! wero my heart ress. all; May dreams ao fair They'd fado in dreams p sleep, Whilo an - - gels guard sky Would e'en dis - xn Copyright, 18Q4, by The New York Musical Record Co. Them ton, H. M.. lonn. Or. Homes branded HT connected on Inftstilie: sheen same brand. Vandprnool. H. T.. Lnna, On Horsns HV oon n noted on right shonlder;cattle, same on right hi i. Walbndgf, Wm.. HopTiner. Or. Horens, TJ. L. on the Inft Bhouldor; fiHttle fame on tight hip. crop off left, ear nnd right par loinnd. Wilson,. lonn t),, Halnm or TTennner, f)r. Ho-ses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Itang Morrow nonnty. Warren. W H. Caleb. Or Cattle W with nimrtw oircle ovnr it, on Isft side, split in ri(rhtnp,r fIors BHmn brand on left shoulder, Hanoi' Gmnt connty. Wadn. Hnnry, Honrn(r. Or. Horsns brands an of apadns on left phonldnr and Inft hip Cattln hrandnH samn on left eide and Inft hip. Wolflngnr. John, John iny Cilv.Or On horww thrno parfp bars on left nhonlder; 7 on nhnnn bit in both earn. Itauge in Grant and Malhnei aonntins. Wofxlward, John. Tlnnnner, Or. Horses, TJl 0Oinnotnd on Inftnhontdnr. Watkins, Lisbe. Hnppnnr, Or. Horses brandet1 UK oonneoted on left stifle. Wallace. Chartns. II ppner. Or. Cattln, W or right thigth, holt in left ear: horsns, W on righ" shoiilaer stnif Bam eon ieft, nhonldnr. Whittier rnm., nniningniti, BaVnrCo., Or. Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, vasco, fTainilton, Or. Qnartnr otr cle over thren bars on left hip, both cattle anr horns. Kange firant connty. Williams, J O. Long Oeek. Or RorpnB, onar tor circle over three bars on Ifft hip; cattle same and alit in nach nar. Itangn in (Irant connty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horws mnningA A on Bhouldnr; ('attle, n-amo on right hip. Voting, J. H., (fMwnhrry. Or. Horsns brandn ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Journal thev subscribe to is the best and ii.ust reliab.o authority obtainable STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. It deals practically with fruits and vegetables, trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the field of horticulture systematically and thoroughly. It illustrates and describes methods of cultiva tion, improved varieties and labor-saving devices. It is, without doubt, The Paperforthe People! $1.00 a Tear (?4 number). Specimen enpy and Sn-oage catalogue oi horticultural Look FREE on application. American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y. GOiHi u.ic;ii. Every patriotic cu ,m should give hil personal efTorl and influence to increase the circutatiun ul hi, hume paper which teach el the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duly to aid in this respect in evirr way possible. After the home paper is taken cars of, why not sub scribe lor the Ahesican Economist, publiihed by the American Protective Tariff League t One ol its correspon dents says t " No true American can get along without it. 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher ia the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake nan, General Secretary, 135 West 23d St.. Sew York. PbotoiirKiibs 81.50 pel diwn hI Kbpr pard's gallf ry, uenr nptrs boose, nnrtb Main St.. Heoooer. Ore. 26lt. -S S- m 0 Cfli o- I i iiM I urn q i !, i i m& G. FROELICH. my babe, bo swoet, 'Which thy gold - en head, Eock'd - hcama como to prcet With for aye tho hod To na E - den's glades Spread so - rcno and fair, Un - p! the through night's shades, And a moth - cr's care, And T II AVE A SURE, T'MED, PltnvtCV ANT) 1 rim run teed pure for Hi o and Chick hn CholerH, which h s st"oi1 tht cukI forceven yours without full iiro. Unit I know of, but bus H'oot cl tlionstiiids of ourt'H I hitvp Mid ovor j:H)i)(l reoL'ip'H nnd family rights in ofjiht month, and not a riiiRle 'oinplnint received yet. I sold ench and e ery one on u jriirtf iitee. nnd I Nifllsell that way. If Ilnlhiud (Jholt-raCuremid Prcven rntivo fails to cure or jirevent Chidein. I will refund your money. 'Hub is hur enough. Six I'ounds of tiie medicine can be uiiide itt ntotul cost of fnmi $1 to Jl.'jO, eniuiKh to tln;V) hops nud lul) chlckeiiR n year. Ymi are then nsRiucd tieriiimt chtdera for one year, if ou will tiy tli 8 remedy, 1 atiure yon you M ill never reuret it. L'8e it. and your boeH nud ehleke a will look better and healthier thnu ever before Heclpe nnd fnmi y rltiht onlv $1.00. l;ead prepared ntedicl es 50e and $1 per bottle or package. Address 1.1 HH. ItAPUElj V- TTI'MAW. Agents wanted at once. Cowurts, Ala. TESTIMOITIALS: Tn1lns. Texn. April n, moi. Mrn Ttnfhel V. Thomaw. Dear Miulum: I have thnrough'v tented your oh"leni rented v and find It o. K. It'SRrand. Iu close 10 will try ihe neeuc 1 lease send at once nnd oblige. Vety respectfully, 11. W. IUupkr. Dnllait. Text!. May H) h. 1S!. ITnve Rold out. I enclose ViO for which Bend me all the recipes you can nnd the ritrhrg to tbe count! 8 named below. I never saw nnytbiti. sell Bti fast. l' hat i the least you will lake for thent 'te. If your price b reasonable will take theBtate. Very respectfully. II. W. Warper. (I have not room for all his letters. I If took the state. Here is one more of Mb letters.) Dillas. Texas. July 17th, ISM. Mrs. T!chel V. Thomas, Dear Madam ; Since toking the state riirht 1 canvassed three weeks and m"de f tf7 selling recipes and territory. 1 will start several sub-agents next week, could I exchange a portion of I'exns for a portt n of Kansas? Very respectfully, II. W. Haio'EK. MUlen. Ceorgin. D'c. Uth, m. Mrs. Thomas: 1 write a letter of etniu ry. How much of this state is unsold? 1 want bal ance of the state. Holland's Chole-n Cure f just hat ft is represented to be It but provd a blessMig to the farmers of ilil cmtnty. Very respectfully, C '. Kuknfiki.ii, Agent for Screxeu County. Rock Bridge, Ohio. pec. 4th Mrs. Tl'omas: Ite' ipe came to hand and it's all t. K. Kudosed tli d frw lor Hocking, I'ii-ka-way and Fa ilield counties. W hat will you lake for the Btate? Yours truly, T. Uanstein. I have thousands more testimonials. I guar aniee Molland's Cholera Cure and Preventative to cure and prevent lunr and chic en Cholera in each mid every case or refund the mnnev. This is fair enough Don't nttpoiieorderitig because voiinmvnota present be IctlHTcd withcbd era. 'I he Idea is to prevent ic in time. This my remedy w ill do and wilt also keep your hogs and chi bens in a i lee healthy condition, lien em! and local agents wauled. Mute aud family rights tor sale or trade. Address Mas. It AC il kl V. Th- mas. Bw-Sra. towarts, Ala. Chicken Cholera Cateats, Trade-aarh, Design Fatents. Ccpjrights. And all Pa:eot biuineu conducted tcr MODERATE FEES. laf ormatlon and ivlc tfreo to UtTcntorB alunp. Addrna PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDOERCURN, Manages Attomf-f, Box 46S. WtusBirnir. J- C STT.'s CoroTmar 1 inaaasred by a rr .;. ' : r Itic larrrt end lvo;t lnnariiinl now' r : , (t.; .ta'leu Sl.tp,. for tlrt- rtr'nua pr.-?nB ? n' s o (f Ins" Ihclr Bniiarrt-Jcra ar-Sc-t uj.- . :.; '.t4. acil lacoxpi-uut Ia.t:it A;'?a:s, u:iu ei !i fiti -a prmtl&ff thti ajrertlti'mcctTOnctiesor rrro-iat tkiraati tilgh nada ar tba P- Cwciwl; W CHOLERA lio - - ly vi;; lull her lul il la Sort - ly t'-y moth - PBECI0US STONES. Intorosting 'Faots About Soino ot tho World's Earo Gems. Uoautirul Agntra nnd Crystnls Known to tho Ancients Tho Eiiuuonri Not tho Most Vtiluotl, ns Is Com monly Su;)no3iMl. Iloyomt all question, tho ruby stands supreme as the most precious substance in the world, says the Mew York Ad vertiser. Ho much many persons know, but few are aware that rubies, sapphires, oriental amethysts and to pazes are all practically the same p;ein. They arc corundum, or crystallised alumina, but witli infinite diversities of coloring and iulinite different values. It is curious, but true, that a ruby is only a red sapphire, and a tapphiro only a blue ruby. The finest "pigeon's blood" rubio". come from llnrmah. thofe from Siamor Ceylon being too dark or too A:., v.nil Ihe TJontana stones beirirr uloinh- i:;Ju brown, A perfect oac carat :-. ( i:r cu may cost six hundred dollar.!, w.iile a diamond of the linest water of the same size can be Ixntffht for one hun dred and-Uvcuty-iive dollars. The rich color of the ruby, a color which does not blacken like tile blue of a sapphire by nixht, is supposed to be due to a traej of oxide of chromium, but this i:. still a moot point wilh cheuii ',:;. and all are not even I'.grccd as to toe : :ip phire's velvet tir;re. This latter stone is leitch less valuable tliau ruby. beinr found larger and nioi'e abundantly. Sapphires really present nil colors, the. pure white variety, when skill "ally cut, bein;,'' diiiicult to tell from a diaiiei-ul. This is a deception dishonest jeweler ; not unfrequently practice to catch the unwary, lioth rubies and sapphires are occasionally met with as ".itar stones" that is, opaque cabochon-ctu frems showing' the perfect steely rays of a star. The e.acrald is another exceedingly dear stone, surpassing the diamond in value when of food size and free from Oaws. Unfortunately, this pom is rare ly faultless, but. if perfect, it easily fetches live hun.lre:l dollars a carat. Ihucrakl and aquamarine, the latter a b.'aul ifully sunny soa-ftreen stone, nn; identical in chemical composition, be ing varieties of the mi'ncral beryl with trace., of diuercnt colorin.T maltor. lieryl is fmiryl in all shades from honey yellow to the velvet ftrecii cf the ri;rht emerald. The aquamarine variety lias lately become dear and fashionable, and rightly so, for the stone is durable anu a lovely object. The late emperor of Uracil is said to have possessed an aquamarine of over two hundred ounces troy weight. The indefinite colors of the beryl must have been known for ages, since this gem reprc LCntcd the doubting Thomas. After perfect rubies and emeralds, and perhaps after great pearls, comes the diamond in value. This, too. has a range of colors, the most prised being red. blue. green, and water white, while brown cr gray tinges arc not quite so highly esteemed. The Koh-iO.'oor. of one hundred and two and three-fourths carats, ranks low in point of size with some of the world's great stows for instance with the ircst Mogul, two hundred and seventy-nine carats in wei'diL. L'amond 1, too haide t nrncral kr.ov :. brittle tWjgh it !.: acTds do nt : iV -et it. atsl il is r.l -o the only combust!. o gen. 11 has high re tractive and li .pcrsivc power j ("tiro"), and come s-"f:iinrr.s Income phos l SI'2 pw-r- ( i9lf.-zi 3Fr - rrE0 ) PT ? 0 ,rfr -frrT' l j2 C (2 r? C! ' I " f ' 'V m I : VSw-B 1 m I 1 r 1? i r raa .il , zr--r-zzti y s , 1 1 : An - ctl!1 t:orJ flream-land r.ro com - - ing. Sleep, shep, ba - - by mine, I I I L . n tempo. . -fhJ7- r c ; r 1 j II K 1 ( -- j- t-r- , i-T J- r vT , , a a F io 110? SJS ) "-- ' -g-. gg-:-- -0 -rr -"? -1zztztzl . en tan do. Turo B3 a ser - aph froi c' - rS Swayed to and fro, Gen - tly and slow, ..ii zzz3 ?-?z2& pi -S S- jS s . I V I c j ) r a n p esL-o- g:a:EgEgEEzzzEra.E Zr- , " pz2zz---'- 3 1 dZ J J Liut to llio ilrcaui-un - Ccl'-ri tlo - ty. 7 y. ft j -"- p - p -s -q- r ( SP -S SzJ!l- j i"-JJ ItEFTt.flX. -'. h keep, by... Bleep, -9 a' cr i3 hum - ciing; tSwayed to uud 1 riuumicndo c ritardando. phorescent by the action of light. It usually occursus an eight-sided crystal. The name topaz is applied to three distinct kind of stones, to the oriental topa., which is really a yTcllow sapphire; to the Scotch topaz, which is only quartz, just as amethysts arc violet-colored quartz of little value; and to the llrazilian topaz, a vivacious, sherry-colored gem which is the only true topaz. This latter stone takes a high, brilliant polish, and it feels slippery to the touch. The rose pink tcpaz seen in shops is not a natural color; it is obtained by subjecting the dark yellow varieties to great heat. The commercial value of topaz is ex tremely fluctuating, one reason being that light exercises a bleaching effect on it. Another gem, beautiful and interest ing in itself, which is occasionally sold for the true ruby, is the red zircon, also called jargoon and jacinth or hyacinth. Jewelers call these stones "jacinth rubies" and charge accordingly. The gem is of all colors, the pure white ones being hard to distinguish from dia monds, on account of their wonderful lire. Chrysolite is just as white, but it is like glass compared with a diamond or jargoon. There are two kinds of chrysoberyl used as gems. One the well-known oriental cats-eye, an opaquo greenish brown caboehon-cut stone, showing a steely flash or line like silver wire; the other, the little known but beautiful and curious alexandrite. This unique rrem is olive or pistachio green by day light, and it has the remarkuble prop erty of turning a raspberry red by nrti licial light. The green tourmaline is much like alexandrite by day. This is the mint chemically complex of all gems, and it occurs also in red and browu crystals. had priach:ro enough. Stnrlca Tk-lt Aro Tunny, Hut a Little Douhirul. The story is related of a bishop who came to one of our state prisons and was told: "Xo need of you here, sir. Wo have eight preachers safely locked tip who are brought out each Sabbath to minister to their fellow-prisoners." If this appear a doubtful tale.it can be varied with the following about a young lady hunday-sciiool tcaelier who j has a class of rather bright boys, avcr I aging between seven and nine years, i Kecenlly she requested each pupil to come on the following .Sunday with i some passage of Scripture bearing up j u.i love, 'j be lads heeded the request j and ia turn 1 ceiled their verses bcar j ing upon that popular subject, such as I "Love your enemies," Little children I love one another," etc. The teacher I ',a!d to the boy whoso turn came last; i 'Well. I'.obbie. what is your verse?" I liaising himself up, ho responded; "hong of Solomon, second chapter, I Cflh verse: 'Stay me with flagons, I comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love.' " ri3li That Need No tTatcr. In Java nnd Dorneo there arc two kinds rf fi ,'i which inhabit the ponds and email f. c-.hwatcr streams. When the water t.i-.eppears during the hot season these fi h burrow i.it.j the mud and remain there i:i torpid condition until the autumn rains begin. S 'iir: inhuman wretches have just been arrested in iiUkunitz. Austria, who par .ned a shoeing calling. They stole children, thca deformed taeia, for begging purposes. -r sleep, ba by 5 m Iro, Gen - tly nnd slow. r L I'KIZKS UN PATHN'IS How to get tlOO and Peruana Makfa" Frtune. Wo seenre pHtenls and to indues people to keep track nt their bright idens we offer a prize of odb hundred dollars to be paid on the fiiet of every moulh to Hip peienn who submits to as I lie most meritoiious iuventiou daring the proceeding mouth. We will also Htlvertise the invention free of charge in the National Recorder, n weekly news, pnper, published in Wellington, D. 0., hioli baa an extensive circulation thrntighnnt the United States aud, is dovoled lo Ihe interest of inventors, NOT SO 11AUD AS II SKHM8. The ideii of lienitf nble to invent some thing "Hikes most people hb being very diflicnl'; I his delusion the company wlliea to dispel. It is tbe oiniple things nnd Baud I iuventinne that make tbe greatest smouDt of money, anil the com plex iiiiee Hre seldom profitable. Almost everybody, ut souit) time or nrjotber, oonoenea nn idea, which, if patented, would pn lihbly be worth to hini a fortune. UiiforlniiHtely mob ideas are nviiall) dii-miKbed without thought. Tba simple inventions like the car wirdow which could be easily slid np BDd down without brenkiug the passenger's back, the aance pnu. collar button, the nut look, the bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are thing that almoat everjose sees some way of improving upon, and it is these kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest returns to tbe author. The prz- we i ffer will be paid at tbe emloteHob mouth, whether tbe sppli nalinn ha beeu BoM upon by the Patent Office or not. Every competitor miiat apply for a patent on his invention 'h'niiyh ne, nnd wlietl er be eennres tbe piiz'or not, tbe inventor will buve a valuable, patent. TUB PHE9S CLAIM COMPANY, John Weddehboiin, Geu'l Mnnnger, Gil F Ht. N. VV. Washington, D. C. P. fi. The re'ponaihility of Ibis nnmpany may be jwlusd from the fsrt 'hat its stock is held by about seventeen Snnilrcd of tbe leading newspapers of the United Htafra. tf. D W1T1I- PRENTISS d; YOU'RE B0UXDTQ TAKE 'EM LKAVKS NO CONSTIPATION, pii'n It. a wi ll in DlllniKnem. Sli k Heartache ami Malaria. The only com PoaTABf. a Mil In ih worhl. Hold hjr xil d iirsIhu or apnt by mid I on re-t-irt ol pri it. 2i i nH per box. PI1ENTI&J CHEMICAL CO., 411 California tiaat, Eso Fraaclaco, Cat. in n. rp MM J I 1