Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 01, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE desiring the insertion of display a.s.(
or change of same, must Ret their copy in
lot later than Monday evening lor Tuesday's
edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi
on. Thk Patterson Publishing Co.
Take Notice.
L The sum of five cents per line will be
charged lor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
tesTX&t," lists of wedding presents and donors,
imf obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
sntertainments from which revenue is to be de
' rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
"We hold each and every correspondent re
poneible for his or her communication. No
rrespondence will be published unless the
writer b real name is signed as an evidence of
ood faith.
Lj in Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
San Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper Is kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
aer. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrlven every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the Interior country.
Phill Conn, Agent.
City Hotel Bar!
The Public are Informed that G. B. Tedrowe
is located in the City Hotel Building, and keeps
the beat brands of Liquors and CigarB to be
.found in Heppner.
Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served In largest
'sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Brosnan was in Tuesday from
sella meat lower than
Grain fed meats at summer
prices at
Trim D. Mathews was over from Gal
loway Tuesday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
v alia Walla, Wash.
R. C. Wills, the Lexington merchant,
was in Heppner Tuesday.
Smoke T. & B. Tobacco for sale bv P.
0. Thompson Company. 4t.
The Gazette is in need of a few onrds
of wood on subscription. Bring it in.
New supply of blacksmith coal just
reoeived by P. 0. Thompson Co. it.
J. G. B. Phillips, an attorney of Fort
land, Bpent yesterday in Heppner on
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Floyd Thomas is reported as improv
ing rapidly at the Good Samaritan hos
pital, Portland.
Anyone having one, two and tbree-year-old
steers for sale should see Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
" The Gazette has quite a number of
communications on file which will
receive attention at an early date.
Everyone is praising the elegant dis
play of photos put in Horner & War
ren's window by Gilhousen Bros. tf.
A sure cure for the liquor habit. No.
cure no pay. For full particulars aud
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Store. 9-tf.
Hey there! where are you going?
Why up to Gilhousen Bros, for piotures.
Their cut prioe will be up by the 15th,
you know. tf.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
- baironta always ic stook. Baths in con
nection. Call on him.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artiat, oan
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where he will dispense at popular prioes,
shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc.
The streeta of HeDpner are dry
almost dusty, and finer weather was
never bestowed upon any section than
ia now the share of Morrow county.
Dallas Perkine celebrated her 8th
birthday on Thursday of last week, at
trie home of her mother in this city.
Quite a number of ber Heppner friends
were present,
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
beBt beer on the Paoi So coast. Also on
hands the best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 56if.
Elder W. F. Cowden, of Taooma, ia
assisting in conducting the meetings at
the Christian church, whiob we are in
formed are very interesting and quite
well attended.
Harvey Akers was in yesterday from
the Gooseberry section. Plowing is in
progress and oropB are being pat in
qnite rapidly, even though the prioe re
mains quite low.
Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diego,
Cal. says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy is
the first medicine I have ever found that
would do me auy good." Price 50c.
T. W. Ayera, Jr.
W. A. Johnston departed last evening
for his old home in Ohio where he will
remain about six weeks. DuriDg hi
absence Mrs. Jobnstou and son will
visit the former's father in Portland.
Marble playing and other festive
sports are now enjoyed by onr denizens,
and are as much indicative of the
advent of spring in this climate as is the
coming of tne blueDira in noosieruom.
Clearance a ale of gerts fnrnishlng
eoxis at the store of P. C. Thompson
Co., to continue till Maroh 1st. Now is
the time to get bargains. Bring your
cash. All gents fnrnisbiog goods at
cost. .
An earthquake shock was experienced
at Portland at 0:4 o'oiook last Monday
morning (local time) There were three
distinct shocks, the vibrations being
from north to south, lasting for about
9 seconds.
B. F. 8waggart ia prepared to furnish
his "Bore Shot squirrel poison in
wholesale lots. He bus already received
a large order from Washington and
Idaho. Every where it baa been nsed,
it has not failed to exterminate the little
pests. li.
Attend the school meeting Monday
and assnt in electing a director who
ia in favor of keeping onr sobools np to
the present high standard. It ia a
bniiness proposition as well aa to the
interest of the children that a progressive
man be elected.
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme oold, etc., ia apt to bring on ao
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped banda and face, craoked lira
aud tioleut itching of the skin also owe
their origin to oold weather. Dr. J. H.
MoLean's Voloanic Oil Liniment Bhould
be kept on band at all times for im
mediate application when troubles of this
nature appear. It is a sovereign
remedy. 2oo, 50o and $1.00 per bottle.
For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co.
At the opera bonis Wm. F. Cowden,
general superintendent of missions for
the Pacific Northwest, will preach Sun
day morning and evening. Morning
subjeot, "The Great Salvat on," where
in the Bible ahall we find it. Evening
anbjoct, "The Fatal Neglect." Mr.
Cowden will preach from evening ij
evening until further notice.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregooiau, the greatest newspaper of
the Weat. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for oue year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, the Web
foot Planter, an agricultural paper.
Come in now and subsorlbe.
The painter tells ns that the speoial
branding oil (sold by P. C. Thompson
Co., at 50 cents per gallon,) has better
staying qualities than pure Unseed oil
but will not do lor bouse painting be
cause of its tendency to tnrn dark on
exposure to light. Made for the pur
pose of branding sheep. Bring your
own cans to pnt it in. tf.
Cbas. A. Maskrey, special oorrespnn
dent and J. P. MoManns, editor of the
Pendleton Tribune, have returned to
their post of duty. The Tribune was one
of the few Dolph papers of-Eastern Ore
gon, and stood by its man to the last
roll oall.
Wm. Pen I and says that his numerous
flocks are thriving well under the in
fluence nf the fine spring weather. It is
to be hoped that good weather will still
prevail during the lambing season
which is near at baud.
Every business man should use every
possible means to keep the soboot up to
its present standard. If our school, the
pride of the community and the best in
the state, is ruined, selfishness is the
prompting motive.
The honesty of some men may be
tested by ooraparing the prioes of
Linseed Oil and Fish Oil. Buy your oil
for branding sheep of P. C. Thompson
Co , who are not diciples of Isaac
Walton. tf.
The United Artisans, an Oregon
fraternal and benevolent sooiety organ
ized by Oregon men, has JjuBt reoently
been organized in Portland, and a
branoh is contemplated here in the near
Shiloh's Cure, the great Coiiffh and
Croup Cure, ia in great demand. Pocket
size o intttins twenty-five doses only 25c.
Children love it. Sold bv T. W. Ayers
They are simply fine, the best 1 have
ever seen, is the remarks heard by many
who stop to look at Gilhousen Bros,'
photos in Horner & Warren's window.
The force being baak in the harness
gin, onr readers oan i-xpect that every
effort, will be made to keep the Gazette
well np in the matter of news.
Green Mathews for shaving, hair-
cuttiug, shiimpooiug and nil other work
in that line, Baths at, any time (luring
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
J, F. Hoyse reports protracted meeting
iu progress at Hardman. Also that the
farming community are very busy pro
seoutiug farming operation.
Poor brandim oil ia expensive at any
prioe, beennae the brand will soon oome
off. Call on Minor & Co. aud get the
best. tf
Geo. Miller, the postmaster of Doug
las, is in town today. Mr. Miller is one
of the ptogressive citizens of that
Buy vnur oil for marking sheep of
P. 0. Thompson OouiDa'.y at 50 cents
per gallon. Briug your own cans to put
it in. tf.
Expected to arrive at Minor & Co.'sin
the next few days, the largest stock of
dry goods ever brought to Heppner. tf
O. L. and A. W.Patterson arrived from
Salem yesterday morning. Orin leaven
for Long Creek tomorrow morning.
- H M. Thornton has bought the Hardy
Long band of horses, the prioe paid
being $5 per bead, eight in number.
Every legal voter of Heppner School
District No. 1, should attend the meet
ing next Monday.
Full supply of garden seeds, both
package and bulk for sale by P. C.
Thompson Co. tf.
Claude Goats, of Hardman, is yet
seriously ill from an attack of pneu
Born To the wife of W. W. Gillette,
near Galloway on the 24th lost., a son
Gilhousen Bros, best 84 photos go at
8l.7o per doz for twenty-live days.
A S60 sewing machine for $40 cash, at
the Btore of P. C. Thompson Co. 2t.
OhaB. Repass wns one of onr Eight
Mile visitors Tuesday last.
Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 eta.;
rib steak, 5 cte., at Sprays.
No fish oil sold br Minor A Co. for
branding sheep. tf
Chas. Johnson was up today from
Rheumatism Cored.
Bheumatism is caused by lactic noid
in the blood attacking the fibroin tissues
of the joints. Keep your blood pure
and healthy aud you will not have
rheumatinm. Hood's SHrsapanlla gives
the blood vitality and nohnessand toues
the whole hody. neutralizes the acidity
of tbe blood aud thus cure rhetnrritlsin.
Hood's Pills sre the hest after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure beadaohe.
Everybody stops at Horner & War
ren's show window and we don't blame
them, for s finer display of photos has
never been seen in Heppner. It is a
lovely frost scene a large ea9el f
feet wide by "t feet high, made with
of rustio and fringed with glittering
moss, inside of which represents an old
fashioned window. Tbe whole is inlaid
in tbe most beautiful and artistic man
ner, with as rare specimens of the photo
art bs one ever sees. They are taken of
our own town people by Gilhousen
Bros, and will rival the best oity dis -plays.
Everyone should see this display
at evening when the electric lights are
on. Gilhousen bros. will surely win a
name for their pictures. tf.
RrjrkltD's Ainle Salve.
Tbe best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cores Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
pe. iect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPce 25 cents par box, jot by
T. W, Aytrg, Jr.
Tired Feeling
Means danger. It is a serious
condition and will lead to disas
trous results if it is not ver
come at once. It is a sure sign
that the blood is impoverished
and impure. The best remedy ia
Whichmakcs rich, healthy blood,
and thus gives strength and elas
ticity to the muscles, vigor to
the brain and health and vitality
to every part of the body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla positively
Makes the
Weak Strong
" I suffered with tired feeling
and run down condition, and I was
generally out of order. I am now
taking my third bottle of Hood's
Sarsaparilla and the tired feeling is
gone and I feel like a different
man. I recommend Hood's Sarsa
parilla to all who suffer as I did."
J. F. Eigsecker, Shaw, Oregon.
Only Hood's
rusn 9;wy to huv, easy to
liOOd S FlSlS take, easy in effect. 25c
Made CimnimouB at the So question of
Joe Simon After an Election Was had.
The King left oat in the Cold.
A great many of t he Gazette's readers
who also draw inspiration from the
oolumns of the Oregonian, depending
apon the latter paper for their outside
news, have no real idea of how it came
about that Geo. W. McBride reoeived 72
votes on the ballot whiob made bim a
United States senator to suoceed Joseph
S. Dolph.
The 58th ballot, or 21st ballot for
Saturday, February 23, stood as follows:
Lord 30; Dolph 36; dare 10; Ruley 6;
Weatberford 1; McBride 3; Tongue 1.
Total 87; pairs one and absent one.
At the close of this ballot there was a
lull in the proceedings. Some person,
said to be Senator Ddph, sent in two
boxes of oranges sod the joint con
vention fell tojschool-boy sports, throw
ing oranges all over the legislative
ohamber. At exactly 11:25 the con
vention was called to order by President
Simon. At IhiB juncture Representative
Cleeron, of Columbia county, nrose aud
plaoed in nomiuatinn Geo. W. McBride,
stating that he and several fri nils were
desirous of breaking the deadlock and
would vote for Mr McBride, and if the
opposition were true to their promise a
senator would be elected. The nomi
nation nf McBride was seconded by
Rep. Barkley, of Marion, oue of tne
"antis." On roll oall, Sunittor Alley, of
Lane, an anti, led off for McBride,
followed by every one of the opposition
to Dolph, and gaining on this vote
Messrs. Calbreatb, Calvert, Cleeton,
Giwdy, Sehlbrede, Sbutrum and
Stanley, the antis having already gained
the support of Messrs. Brownell, Qobson,
Mintie, Moores aud Patterson, of
In detail the Inst vote on Dolph and
MoBride stood as follows:
Dolph Baouroft, Beach, Blunde',1,
Bridges, Cardwell, Carter, Conn, Daly,
David, Dawson, Denny, Gesner, Gowan,
Long, Maxwell, McCrsken, McGinn,
MoGreer, Moorhead, Myers, Prioe,
Smith, of Clackamas, Smith, of Joseph
ine, Smith, of Polk, Steiwer, Templeton,
Thompson, Woodard and Simon 30.
McBride Alley, Baker, Barkley,
Boothby, Brownell, Burke, Oalureatb,
Calvert, Cleeton, Cole, Coon, Cooper,
Craig, Curtis, Davis, Dunn, Gotes.Gowdy,
Guild, Gurdane, Hiliegas, Hobson,
Hofer, Hope, Joboson, Keyt, Lester,
Lyle, MoClung, Mintie, Patterson, Pat
terson, Rinearson, Scott, Sehlbrede,
Sbutrum, Smith, of Linn, Stanley,
Tigard, Wright, Yates and Moores 42.
Then Templeton, of Linn, Smith, of
Polk, Bridges and Ciou, of Douglas,
Klamath and Lake, respectively, feil
into line in the order named aud gave
Mr. McBride one more vote than he
President Simon Baw himself and
colleagues left out in the cold, and bis
quiok, active brain revolved immediately
as to tbe manner iu wh eb thev could
make the most out of a bad job. Joe
then ordered that the records show
McBride as having received the full 72
votes, unless there was objection tberelo.
None being offered tbe ringsters slid
into tbe ''bond wagon" and were imr
mediately lost sight of.
Tongue cannot describe tbe saene as
tbe climax was reached only a few
minutes before 12 o'clock on this memor
able night, forty-two votes bad
already been cast for McBride and
members of tbe joint convention were
falling down over each other to change
their votes from Dolph to bim.
President Simon was hurrying nervously
tbe work of tbe chief clerk in order to
get the announcement of the vote before
tbe assemblage in time to vet another
ballot. But Urn tired Dolph men who
bad been continually whipped into line
for forty days; held day ofter day by
promises from their chief that never
materialized; soolded, coaxed and threat
ened, name oat one art-r another for the
Dative son of Oregon, the man of the
people. Hon. 0o. W. MoBride. Bridges
. .
was tbe 45tb msn and Coon came too
lets to bs of any service. An election of
a L tilled rjutes seontrr was had ana tue !
ringsters were, laconically speaking.
left holding the sack. Tiie
mem oers or
tbe jjint convention were lost in
densely orowded throng on tbe floor of
the honse ebsmbor, and the gallerie
Is the Place for Fresh
It is the Headquarters !
palntCi I)rug:a Oils. Glnss. Toi
let Artloea, l".a3t edlolnea,
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
for Infants and Children.
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abcher, M. D.,
ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castorla is so unlrersal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
CiftLoa Mvlrttn, D. D.,
New York City.
and lobbies were packed from one end
to the other. From the moment that
MoBride's name came before the con
vention till the election was announced,
oheer after cheer which made the old
oapitol tremble went up from the
exoited multitude. The name of Mo
Bride was eleotrical and hie election was
conoeded from the moment Cleeton
arose to champion his cause.
It May Do as Much for Yon.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a Bevere kidney trouble for
a number of years, with severe pains in
his baok and also that his bladder was
affected. He tried many so-called kid
ney cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he began use of Eleo
trio Bitters and found relief at once.
Electric Bitters is especially adopted to
the oure of all Kidney and Liver troubles
and often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Prioe
only 50o. tor large bottle. At drug store
of T. W. Ayers, Jr.
The Lexington correspondent desires
to hear from the Eight Mile Center pro
traoted meeting. The Gazette hears
that the meeting is progressing nioely.
Though many are busy with spring
work, it iB fairly well attended and
many conversions have resulted from
the efforts of the good people.
Symptoms of kidney troubles should
be promptly attended to; they are
nature's warnings that something is
wrong. Many persons die viotiins of
kidney diseases who could have been
saved had they taken proper preonntio is.
The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver and Kidney Balm has saved
.i . . r TP
have anv derangement of the kidneys
try it. Price $1 per bottle.
Editor Johnson, of the Corvallis Ga
zette, an native anti-ring niau, spent
several weeks in Salem during the
senatorial fight. Mr. Johnson runs the
only republican paper in Benton county.
Piles! Piles! Itching Files.
bymptomB Moisture; intense itching
and Btinging; most at night; worse by
sorotcbing. If allowed to continue
tumors form, whiob often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne a
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and iu most oases
removes the tumors, At drnggists, or
by mail, for SOoents. Dr.Swuynei Son,
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head dear
as a bell. 25c , 50c, and 81 Sold by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Administrators Notice.
tersof Anminlotration on tne Bitate oi
J. G. You i.R, deeeaHerl, were Krm.ted to the
undfrsiKiied on the IMh day of January ISM,
hv the Count v Court of Morrow County. All
person havinir claim against said Kmate are
rtouired to exhibit them tome for allowance.
at my place on Khca Creek, within nix months
after the date of toil notice or they ihall b
fnrpvur harred.
Thii lKth day of Jan. 1W6.
B. C. HAY,
Cj-J. Adminlnmtiv.
Notice of intention.
j Jan. 19, lf. Notice ia hereby Riven that
the following named iettler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
hi claim, and that said proof will he made
before J. W. Morrow, Co. clerk, at Heppner,
Ort-Kon, on March 6, 1H', viz:
Hd. No. 4832, for the B',4 Nw and lot" 'd 4.
tier. 1, Tp. 2 rf, K 'lh E., W. M.
He names the followlnn witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz;
K. J, Hiil.C. A. Johnson, of Lexington, Ore.,
J. T. Yount. Wm. Kstcs, of Heppner, ore.
ao:t-H. Jah. K. Moork, Register.
Fj Notlre Is hereby Klven that letters of i
mtnistratlon on the estate of T. K. Itarton, de
cessefi. were rrantefl to the unoVrslirnen' on the
y-th day February, 1H, by tbe county court of
Morrow county. All persona havlrir claims
against said estate are required to exhibit them
to me for allowance, at my home in Ktirht Mile.
I Morrow fjo., Or., within sir month, after the
i date of this notiee, or they shall he forever
barred. f3!mi J. . vot.s'u, Admr.
j 1 Ms 2f,th day ol February, 1.
. i fl . M, . c hM iiwM.eA hJ
mutual consent, W. A. Johnston retlilnit from
tne bunne... All accounts ann nois are pay
hla m U1nf.r Jb fVi ..nt thnu Ihit hiv. h.Bn
loaded by letter. ' AU art parable y
! Miner Co. t -H
Groceries, Cheap for
PHIL. COHN. Proprietor.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives steep, and promotes di
gestion, Without Injurious medication.
"For SBTeral years I have recommended
your ' Castorla, 1 and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Eownc F. Pardee, M. D.
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
The Centacr Cohpakt, 77 Miirrat Street, New York Crrr.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offick at The Dalles, Okbiion,
January ill. lfOT.
IN following-named settler has tiled notice
1,1a liitotiUnn to mako filial nrnof in SUDDOrt
of his claim, and that paid proof will he made
before J. YV. Morrow, county Clerk, at tieppner,
Oregon, on Maroh 14, lH'tr,, vis :
Hd. E. No. 2895, for the EVt HE Sec. 11, and NV4
FU Sp, 14. Tn :l. 8. K. '2; E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi
Mat Huches, John Woodward, John Hickcy,
Sherman Leillcr, all of Heppner, Oregon
Notice of Intention.
Feb. 14, x'Xi. Notice is hereby given that
the followiiiK named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make tlnal proof in support nf
h it claim, and that said proof will bo made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on March m, l(t5, viz:
Hd. No. M for the N V, 8WH BVt'H Bee. 11, and
NW!4 NW4 See. 11, Tp. 1 N. K 27 E. W. M.
He names the following; witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Isaac Vincent, W. M. Avers, Isaac Howard, J.
L. Howard, ull of (iallowav, ore.
n. r. willow,
fl.l-nvja. Itexlster.
Notice of Intention.
Lanh OrncE at La g kanoe, Obf.uon.
Junimry HI, HHIB.
IN followintr-imwu'd settler has filed notiee
or his intention to make tlnal proof in support
of his elaim, slid that haid proof will be made
before the rounlv elerk of Morrow county at
Heppner. Or., on March IS, WJ.', viz :
Williiiill W. Uotuicy.
Hd No. 0041, for the V NJ Wtf SH'4, Bee.
21. Tii 6 H. RatKVVM.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon, auucuuivauou
of said lain!, viz :
W. K. Mikesell, Lnnus Penland, W. R. CaBcy,
D. A. Hamilton, all of Heppner, Or.
flml5 Register.
X of Morrow. State of Oregon.
The Northern Coui.tiesl
Investment Trust
G. W. Btewart, James I
D. Hamilton, G. W.
HarrltiKton Addle Par-
viii anil J. N. Brown,
Defendant, j
To O. V. Htewart and James D. Hamilton, De
GON. You are hereby rcouired to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled cause on or before the first day of
the nei treirulnr term of the above named court.
to-wit: March '2ft. and If you fall so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
iudiruient against you and will apply to the
cou rt for the relief demanded in IU cumplalnt,
to: wit:
A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dollars
irold coin with interest thereon at the rate of
eiffht percent rer annum from the first dny of
July, M2, until paid. For the sum of Six ond
Kiftv Two Hundreths Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of eiRht per cent per annum
from the Uth day of January, IK).1), and the sum
of One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and
costs and disbursements of this suit. Also fo
th foreclosure of the mortiraKe executed by de
fendant (i, W. Stewart so secure the payment of
the same ana conveying tne w. oi tne nvv
Hen. H. The W 'K of the NWU. the KM of the
HE!4 and the NV4 of the Sec. :ilt and the
HW14 of the HW'H of Hec. 82, all In Tp 5 South of
Rbiikc '2ft E W M, for the sale of said premises
and tor junpment ann execution against uieue
fendant (i. W. Stewart for any deficiency wider,
may remain after applying the proceeds of the
sale of said premises in payment of the above
named sums, and tor such further relief as is
demanded in plaintiff's complaint.
This summons is served bv publication by or
der of W- L Bradshaw, JudK of the above
named court. J. N. BROWN.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon, for the county of Morrow.
In the matter of thei
entate of Ellnha! CITATION.
Hnerry, deceased. )
To Hul'la F.dwards, and all unknown persons
Interested In auirl estate.
GON, You are hereby cited and required to ap
pear In the County t'ourt of the Htateof Oregon,
for the County of Morrow at the Court Koom
thereof, st lleppner In ttie Oemnty of Morrow on
WedneBditv, the r.th 'lay of March, lvi. at 10
o'clock In the forenoon nf that day, then and
there to sl.ow muse if any exist, why an order
of sale shall not be made of the real property of
said estate, dehcnbed as follows, Uj-wlt :
Beginning Mt a stake 4x.'ixl0 Inches at a point
A. ns chains w est of the southeast comer of the
donation land claim of Charles Klce, notifica
tion No. 2hw aud claim No. 4'J, in Township 1;(
south, of range 8 west, of the Wlllajnette Meri
dian, and running; thence north aud parallel
with the east line of sild claim 47 chains to a
stake on the north line of said claim, thence
weftt 2.S4 chains to a stake, thenee south 47
chains to a .take 9x10x14 Inches, thence ea.t 2.H4
chains to the place of beginning, containing;
thirteen and thirty-four one-hundredth, acres,
more or ie.s, situate fn County of Linn aud
Huite of Oregon,
WITNESS, the Hon. Julius Kelthly,
Judge of the County Court of the
Htate of Oregon, for the County of
HEAI..1 Morrow with the Heal of said Court
slflxed, this Mh day of February
A. D.. li.
llmV Clerk.
Has no future
we don't want
Upon any other than
can't place "credit" at
We Don't Want
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can get
them elsewhere.
he k
This Space Belongs to
111. Kcclcy ktitut.
IBMllsu Dawson Ss Iyons,
All busioesB attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
... .THE
sw-3ra Proprietor.
Owing to tbe advantages gained through,
bning a member of tbe ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prioes for cash as
low as tbe lowest.
Corner Main and Willow Htreets,
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individnals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimants under Ibe Mineral Lbws and egrionltnral
olairaants; and also between "laimants nnder any of tbe pnblio land laws and the
Hailroad oompaniee and their grantees, and the stBtes and their grantees, nnder
the Hwsmp-Land and School-Land Grams.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlera
who have oomplied with the laws nnder whiob their entries were made, Bnd who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue ol their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whiob can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given iu all matters relating t tLe pnblio lands, especially on
points arising under tbe new laws whiob have been recently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe public domain.
If yon want vour land patent In a hurry if you want yoor land business, of
any charaoter, attended to by skilllul and competent attorneys, and promptly de
posed of, write to
John Wedderuurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O, Boi, 8S6, Walngto. V 0.
value to us, and
any mail's
a money basis. TV
BDy kind of interest
For the Oure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gasrtth office for particulars.
Strlctlyconfldeutlal, Treatment private and sur
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. .....
ant jvio hihon wr..
Between Beeornt & Thtrrl,
fortiiinil, Or