Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 01, 1895, Image 1

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t i ii i. Hi i i:t i tin ii in i hi mm iiriniiM mii r ii im
The persistent wooin lover I
Is the one who gets the maid ; !
And the constant advertiser
Gets the cream of all the trad?. !
The man who fries to advertise I
With printer's ink consistent,
One word must learn nor froi it lorn, f
And that cne word's persistent I
iiiuiiMt nun in uiti iiiMiitiuiiii
ftiiMnna HKM iimt i mjii i n mi mi i rini.iit 1 1 11 1 iiauaiS
Tuesdays and Fridays
Ar $1W pr year, $1.25 fur biz raunthe, 7& ots.
for three muuuit.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The of Txinsr Crwk, Grant
Comity, Oregon, Is published by the same coin
pany every Friday mornlnir. HubBorlntton
pvinp, Kper vear. Fnrftdvrtidiie',atn. adores
E2.X:tT Xj'. PATTEKSOU, Editor him
Manager, Lone Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Huppuer, Oregon.
THIS PA.PKR is kept on tila at E. C. OakoV
Advertising Aftenoy, fH and HS ittrphnntii
ISschRntra, Ban Francisco, California, where con
Tacts for advertininK can be made for it.
Union Pacfig Railway-Local card.
No, 10, minM leaves lleppner 9:43 p. m. daily
xaept Sanday
10, " ar. at Willows Jo. p.m.
8, leaves " a m.
" (t, ar. at lleppner 5:0) n. dail
except. Monday.
Kast bound, main line ar. at Arlington 1 't. m
West " ' M leavoa " 1:2 h. in
Westbound loal frirh' lava Arlington 8-!fi
a. m., arrive1 at The Dillea 1:1 p. m. Ijocal
paaseniw leavm Th D tile at 2:U'Jp. ra. arriv s
at Portland at 7:00 p- m.
United States OlhViiils,
.fieeident G rover Cleveland
Vice-Preaident Ad ai Svnion
Wec-efary of Hfate WaltorQ 0 re-ham
Hwirotary of Treaanry John (i. (lrlil
tlecretary of Interior,, Hko Smith
Secretary of War Darnel H. Limont
rteuretaryof Navy Hilary A.JiMrhe"
PostmaBter-ftoneral Wilon H. Ritsell
Attorn ey-tieneral Itiehanl 8. Olnev
Secretary of Agriculture J. titer ling Mortoi
State of Oregon.
Governor B. Ponnnvei
fleorRtaryof State W. MuBrid.
Treasnrer Phil. Mptsohan
6apt. Public Instruction K. B. MrKlroj
Senators j. n. Dnlt.h
j Hineer rTwrmatir
1 ht ii tfii;
Printer Frank C Rak
Supreme Judges W. P. Lord
f li. S. Bean
Seventh Judicial IHatrirr,
Circuit Judge W. I. Bradohaw
Pfomouting Attorney A. A. Jayne
Morrow County OtilriaK
.Joint Senator
i van ty Judge .
"' Commissioners
J. M. Baker.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" School Snp't
, A, W. (rowan
J. 8. Boothbj
Julius Keithl
J. It. Howard
.T. W. Morrow
,.G. W. Harr't.irto'
.... Frank Uilliui'
J. Willi-
Go.. l,or
, Anna HilBiKe
T.W. Ayers. Ji
ilayor ..,.P. O B rc
Ooiinrihnen O. E, Farnawnftb, Mi
Lien ten thai. Otia Pattrsin, Julias Keithly,
W. A. Johnston, J. L. Yeager.
Kecorder F. J. Ilnllork
Treuanrer A. M. Qnni
Precinct Ofllcerp.
JnBticeofthe Peace K. I. Kwianf
Constable N. 8. Whetbtum
United States land OfHceni.
J. F. Moore Tlpis
A. 8. Biggu .
B.F, WPson
J. H. Kobbins
, . . . !Wlte
. . . Uweiv
G. A. It.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the lost Saturday of
AcK month. All veterans are invited to join.
0 C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith,
Adjutant. tf (ommandpr.
T V dresied Lumber. 16 miles of lleppner, a
what U known as the
110 0
(5.00 per 1,000 feet, additional.
O. A.. Hamllton,Mnn'et
la known to most penoca.
Thejr Illustrate that greater quantity la
Not alwaya most to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
Aa compared with any previously knowa
Ripans Tabules : Price, 50 cents boxv
Of dnif giats, or by mail.
RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprues St., N.T.
:".,t Modem und progressive
ai:r.li,ptie or lufomailon vrt: to
New rUvca, Coaa.
3 J
'""' j4fffftfh Lightest
Simplest. WJJjjJitV Eile'rt
Strongest. pSTOra Worklnj:
5oid W3t Ji4y Most
Top XrJf ! Accurate
P:iver. Compact,
E. M:NEILL, Rsceiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
:E&0 TCT 7 E5
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers leave Portland
tvery 5 Days For
For full riPtnilx call nn O. B & N.
nt at lleppuer, i r iwlilreHs
Ghii. Fhs. hat.
PnitTLAND, Oregon
TIX 33
Run Two Fast Trains Daily
Between St. Paul. Minneapolis, and Chicng
Milwaukee and a'l points in WTbcohhIti maktiu
uonnectton in Chlcapo with all lines runninv
East and South.
Tickets sold and huggnge checked through ti
ill points in the United States and Canadlai
For full information apply to your nearest
fleket atrent or JAS. c. I'OND.
Oen. IMb undTtiT. Airt... M.Lvaukee Wis,
lationai n$ oiisppir.
President. Cashier.
Mde on FBVornble Terms.
fF.PPNKIt. tf
Rrompt answer and an borcft opinion, wrlle to
IINN A lit., who have Itnd nearly fifty renrs1
experience In tlie patent buslrrss. Communlra
tlons strictly confidential. A llmirilinolt of In
formation concerning I'ntriitN and bow to ob
tain iliem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical und scientific boohs cent free.
Patents tnken thro null Munn ft Co. reeelra
BiHJial notice In the di'iitilic Anierirnii, and
thus are broii'ibt widely before the public with
out cost to the Inventor. This splendid nnrrr,
Issued weekly, elegantly ilinstrnted. has by fur ti e
lar:est ctrculntioa of any scientific work In the
world, fc.'l a year. Fnmple copfps sent free.
Uulldlng Kditionj monthly, $150 a year. Blntrle
copies, cents. Fvery number contains beau
tiful plates, In colors, and photnprnnbs of now
bonnes, with f enablinR builders to show the
latest dfiBlpns i...j secure contracts. Addrrts
sUUlSN & CO JStW VOUK, sllil B 110 AD WAT,
Qaicxs: txivxde;
San Francisco
And all pointa In California, via the Mt, Bhastt
route of tlie
Southern Pacific Co.
fh oTAat hithway thronirh California to all
points Kwt and South, (irnnd Koenin Route
oftholaei6c 'onn. Pallman Hnffet
81epra. KtKHind-elatui Hleepnm
Atthsvl tnr..-.. i
accommodation fur aeeoDd-clafW passengers.
For rates, ticket, deeping car reservations,
ste.. enll npon ir nddreM
K iCORHLKK. Ma-iager. E. P. ROGERS. Asst
fen. F. At P. Af?t,. Porrland. Oreron
A0dres s letter or r"fltil csM to
TFE PRE CE. A 1 31 ft fflWPUT,
I0HN W?00PRBURH, . Managing Attornev.
P.O.Box 485. WASHliiGTON'.D. C,
In-. f t s i "n't -l'or3''1vit'l"; In
Jtv in tre reetitrr Armvi r N' v inreih
u".-iv ,t , ird'-s't sr-rf t" 1H4'. n
i!i ir v t(rin-p, now nf'tl-f O'd ,,r,fl ts'-'-- y It
i-iTfiT'. y. 1 i.-ot:Ma entitled to M'er r it
rnd for r-ir taw ifo ettargii for advice. Koi'ti-
Bold by Drujclsu or Bent ty mail, tfa, Ka.
tad $1.00 per package. BampleB free.
IT ft "WSf Tie Favorite TOSmfOTOn
FW rrnVfcrlboTccUianaxcatb,!).
Vor sule t, 'J . w . ii , j i.. Ii.iajit
The thtimb Js an nnfaillnp inrn
of clia ncter. Tl.u ttjimrf 'I pc in
dhatis a tt r- tig wi.i. fitui ci.i-tfry
and tiriiiiipff. loM-Ij aWim ir- the
ISiiatiiliiK-ti 'i'ypc, tin: tht.tt.boi ilioct
or ativuncc'i iilt-as and buim!
aiiitiiy. ltnih of thc?e tp( liilriiiy
lo the b ii f-y man or womnn; and
JJentorcci'u l'iuiiiiy JM u: ay.'wv pre
pares ci-peciiilly f'-r such pirn s
wliole volume of new ittci:t. cou i
dt-ntt d in a ?mui splice. n i hut the
ri-cortl tit il.o whole wurldV work
for a month may he r ad in hnif an
hour. The Conical 'Jjpc hdid.U'i
rt'liiiement, nil tun-, ui.d a love ol
music, po tr and fiction. A pew a
uith tint type of thumb will thor
oughly fiij(iy the literary utlitirtious
of LctnorLi B Mngtiy.u.e. The Ar
liic Tyre tinit-it h a love ol
In atitv aiid rrt, v iticli will find rare
pleasure in the majjiiilU'i nt oil-picture
of lores, Pi'j x 21 i lichen, icpro.
dm-ed fiom tlie origitmi paimiiiL' by
c Lonpru, 1 li- ninct celehroted f
livinsr llowcr-paintern, which will
I'c given M evt ry mbMTibtT to
1) moreFt's Jlaunzine for V it5. The
cost of thir superb work ol tu't was
-Hj0.(0; and the leproiluciion
cannot be diff'npnishcd from the
or ginal. Ilepiden thin, an exquti-ite
nil or water-c'lor piihiic If pub
hid in each iiumhirof theJlua.
zinc, tt ltd the nit cleg lire fo pro
fuetvanil ptiperttly iiliiftraud Hiat
the Mninizine is, in reality, a port
folio of art works of the Linnet
order. The rhllrisonLicType id the
1 li umb of the t"inkcr and iuvi-iitor
of fdu-f, who will he deeply inter
csird in those developed monthly
lit Dr-nionst's Majisine, in every
one of its itiimeroiiM depaitinei:ts,
wheh cover the cm ire artistic and
iei.tific field, lironieliii(f every
fact, fancy, and fnd of ihc day.
Demon si's In f imply a perfect
l''j,mily Magazine, and wns Ioiik ago
clowned (Jiiecn of the Monthlies.
Sent! In your Futifcription: it will
cost oulv r'4,00, ai d you will have
n dozen Khipazines in one, Achhct
V. Jknninus Di mokest. I'ubM-her.
15 Knt Will Street, New Yoik.
'I hnnyli not ii fnc hion mapfizinc. its
perfect fjhion paL'ep.and it articles
on family nni domestic niatieri. will
hu of Mipeihitive inteiet to those
poo-'St-li R tlio Feminine Tipe of
Tii umb. which lm.ii titer in it b emu II
eize, plcud1' hckh, soft iiuil, and
Fmooth, rounded tip, thos-o trnits
vhieh beloiiff esM-t'tially to the
rentier rex. every one of wi om chonld subpcilbe to
moiexi 's I ;ipa.iue. J f yon are n narquaiiitcd wh h
ts merits. h-ikI for a specimen copy if reel, and
on will admit (hat seeing these THUMBS lms put
foil in thy v.a of Hivim; moeev hv (P dln in one
laL'iizino cvt ryttiiiii; tu euli&Iy the Hlciury wunts oi
ho whole fninily.
qulcklv. Over 2,000 private endo'sements,
PreuiatureuFi-s menns imooten y In the fint
Btiee. It Is a tyinp om of Bemisl weannesa
aid barrpnnrsa. It can bo B.opped in 8uday
b7 the use o f Hndyan.
Thoi ew diwiovery wns mtiQ" by the Social
fete of the old famnus Hudson Medical Institute.
It is the stronpest viiaiizer mace. It is very
powerful, but ha inb es. Bold for 8100 a pnek
aseor6 packages to? S5,00(pl8inselefl boxes).
Written guarantee given fora cure. If yon buy
six boxes ami are rot entirely cured, six more
will be sent to on free of all cargfs.
Ben-ifr rireu'ar-and t'-stimoniwl?. Adiress
Junction Stoditoii ifiarkel A i iiisSta.
Sau fruiic-Mco. C'ul.
Sold Everywhere.
Grown Everywhere.
Afiit your d.niir lor ti.em. -t-m1 for
Ferrr's red AiiiiiihI fr I9-.
iiivhiuboil'Uhii piuniersurxi lovers
. ot Hue veKetaiii'4 ana Kmmiui.
r lower. H riip lor it r ree A
11. m. F r. If tt V A CO.,
5; (? nOO wrtliof lovely Ausic tor forty
Ctntl, consisting of ioo pap;es
full size bheet Music of 'u,e-
latest, brightest, liveliest and must popular
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
gotten up In the most eljrant manner, In-
2 eluding four Urge size Port'aits.
CARMENCITA, tht Hparith Dancer,
PAQtREWM, tht Greet Wavs!, 2
Jt: muuiE luiQUAti curvm. zSl
m- Broadway Theatre B;jg..NcwYorkGy.
ifi III rm
leading, I'len- iWlsnvM Strengthens,
Uric n.en of i'mJpWa In tIk orates
Europe and JHfl andlonelhe
America. li'ffiWol entjrei ytm.
purely yoga- lES Debility,
table. HsES-SSi'Scl Nervousness,
Hudyan stops BlWMOTJ Emissions,
s S3
charge in W P In, In the
manhood Mmmm hileuei
The Romantlo Tale of an Amor
loan Proressor's DownfalL
Led br the Wiles of an Aleutian Island
Maldea ,o Forsake ills Wife and ConsW
try A Touching Story of Llfa
,. In the North.
Maj! S. R. Nettleton, who was two
years United States special treasury
apent at the Pribylov islands, or Seal
islands as they are sometimes called,
was a close observer of the customs of
the Aleutians, and relates many inter
esting anecdotes of his sojourn there,
says the St. Louis Republic.
"In the far away Pribylov islands
there is a little convent devoted to a
nameless reliffion," said Maj. Nettle
ton. "It has only one occupant, whom
the natives call KchatUa, the Aleutian
nun. She worships no invisible divin
ity and has no theoretical doctrines,
but she teaches her people that if they
live honestly and relieve the sick and
unfortunate they will be rewarded.
"Years afro, when the islands were
the property of Uussia, a Russian
trader came to the islands to exchange
his merchandise for sealskins and the
fur of the .silver pray fox. He fell in
love with an Aleutian maiden, the
belle of the island, and in the due
course of time they were married.
The trader and his dusky wife made
hiany voyages between the island and
Russian ports, but one day they were
brought from their ship to one of the
Al.'iskn Commercial company's huts,
both very ill with a terrible fever.
With them were two little twin girls,
whose exuberant health and spirits
were a sad contrast to tlie condition of
their parents. 'lhe next, day their
mother died. Her husband was at tlie
point of death, but when Ids dying
wife was brought to his bedside mid
asked him to give their children to her
parents lie feebly assented. When the
funeral of his wife was taking place
he too died, and the two little orphans
were removed to the home of their
"Their lives were uneventful until
they reached the age . of sixteen.
Neither hn.i lecn to school, ami they
knew nothing of the outside world, ex
cept, uiiiit they lvmenilien'.l of the
fairy -a'iM told to ainu.se their child
hood fa.-ieies. About this time the
United States purcliasett Alas .a and
sent a young profess. r ir.im one of the
leading eastern universities to the
Island on a tcieiitilic expedition, The
trip Was tin urdumis urns, and he left
his young wife at home with her rela
tives. Securing the data and statistics
for which lie was sevt, in a few .days,
time hnng heavily n ids hands, and
the young ,-nvant v. rtoo, tlie task
of instructing the beautiful but illiter
ate sister:, . Kchntka was an apt pupil,
quailing eagerly from the I'ierian
spring, out, tier sister, nil hough quite
as bright, seemed to Ue lnne'i more in
terested in liar tutor than she was in
her grammar or arithmetic. The at
traction was mutual, and when a ship
came on whicli tlie young prefeSMOi
might have returned home he wrote to
his wife tlmt he was unexpectedly de
tained and could not come home for
another three months. T he arrivals of
ships at the islands were few and far
between, and the next mail brought a
letter imploring liiin to return home,
as. his wife was at the point of death.
It so happened that one of the Alaska
Commercial company's sclionevs was
to sail for San Francisco the billowing
day. The young professor r iMjlutely
went on board, bribing the boatmen to
refuse to bring his Aleutian sweetheart
to the schooner should she ask them to
do so.
"The schooner lay fully a mile from
the shore, and the sailors were already
in the tall masts spr ading the canvas
preparatory to departure, when one of
them caught sight of a woman swim
ming in the water. She came on board
and implored the young man to aban
don his idea of returning intnu;. or to
stay at least until tt'.e m .' '..ii), 1 let
knowledge of Kngli: h wt.- bunted, but
as she knelt, before him 1,11 tlie deck of
the ship, her dark ryes pleading more
eloquently than words, he decided to
forsake his invalid wife and spend his
days with his Aleutian love.
"lie returned to the island and en
deavored lo forget tlie woman whom
he had promised to love and cherish,
who. lying at the dark portals of death,
was longing for a parting kiss or a last
embrace before she died. The mail
which next reached the inlands in
formed him that his wife was dead;
that she died with his name on her
lips, and that her last intelligibleutter
anee was a hope that he would meet
her in the better land.
"lie read the letter and fell to the
floor unconscious. Fully two months
of faithful nursing saved him from
dying of brain fever. When he was
well enough to return home he mar
ried Ids A leutian sweetheart. KchatUa,
her sister, refused to leave the islands.
During the epidemic of smallpox,
which nearly depopulated the islands
a few years ago. she was one of the
very few who did not take the disease,
ulthough she was constantly at the
bedside of the sufferers. The simple
natives say that the Great Spirit re
fused to spoil her beauty, that she
might shine as an angel of light among
them and teach the road to the Aleu
tian heaven, where seals are plenty and
it is never cold."
Von Billow KtL-ardinl such a Nlinr.raa an
Illness, Not n Man.
As a conductor he simply worked
marvels, even with an indifferent or
chestra, and this is the performance he
perhaps enjoyed most; he would com
pare his conducting to his piano forte
playing, and say at the end of a con
cert, provided he was satisfied: "Thl
is the finest liechstein I have played ;
on," says the Sa urday Review. Rulnw ;
at orchestra rehearsals was almost as ,
intercstin f as Verdi, and opjratic per-!
formances Carmen, for Instance
undci his baton were the rarest treats ;
a musician could enjoy. Hit connec
tion with tlie operatic staje led Uiia to
the definition of a tenor, w hich it is dif
ficult not to repeat: "Bin Tenor ist kein
Mensch; cs ist eine Krankheit. (A ten
or is not a man; it is mi illness.) And
since an anecdote has been perpetrated
room for another lniuht be found.
It will be remembered how some two '
n tt, ...... KM
in the eourse of a speech referred rath
er rudely to the "grumblers" (Xorgler)
at the existing regime, and advised all
such to shake oil the dust of the Vater
land's soil. The speech created an un
usual stir in all circles, and there was a
large contingent of officials and others
who took the hint and became known
forthwith asStaubabscliuttler. Bulow,
who had always something to say or
write, held his tongue thia time, but
at the first philharmonic concert he
conducted in lierlin as he stepped on
the platform he took out a very large
handkerchief and in full view of the
audience began to dust his shoes, just
to show that he was not satisfied with
the existing state of things.
Ho took it also musically out of
Count Ilochburg when that amiable
despot had him turned out of the lier
lin opera house. It was at a piano
forte recital at tho Singacademie,
where, by way of a prelude, Ilulow
Just played the first few bars of
Figaro's aria, "Se vuol ballare, Sig.
Contino." liulow's sarcastic vein found
also an outlet in a composition of little
merit, but one by which he, strangely
enough, set great store, "Ilumoris
tische Quadrille aus Motiven der Oper
llenvenuto Cellini von Iierlioz," a mis
take not easily explained in so serious
an artist and due probably to a passing
MILLET hiu in. l-.m.WiSTERS.
The Artist Cniild Swing a Scytho with
tli Uost of riinin.
Fierre Millet, a younger brother of
the painter of the "Angelus," describes
the artist's life at Harbison, in Century.
When it was harvest-time, ho would
often lead the way to the places where
he hoped to see the harvesters at work.
AVhen we were at a little distance
from them, he would stop. "Sec," he
would say; "all thcirmovements count.
There is nothing done uselessly. No
tice, too, how well tho light strikes
them and absorbs all the little details,
till there remain only the stronger ac
cents of shade which define here and
there tho luminous masses. Tho light
of the plain is entirely different from
that of the studio, where it enters only
by a window. It is something of which
a good many painters who never go
out of Paris have no idea."
It sometimes happened that these
harvesters would notice that wo wero
observing them, and some of tho band
would say to the others: "See these
Parisians who aro looking at us. I
!;hould like to see them do our work.
It is another thing to hold pencils, hey?"
Francois once said to them: "Ah,
what you do is very difficult, is it
"If you wish to try it, you will find
out," replied one. "IIrc, tako my
This did not disturb Francois. lie
took the scythe and began to cut the
wheat with an case and skill superior
to theirs. They did not watch hiin
long before they exclaimed; "Ah,
monsieur, it is not tlie first timo you
have done this work You do it better
than we."
Continuing our walk, wo came upon
other objects of artistic interest.
These were people binding the wheat
into sheaves, and others loading the
carts, and transporting the sheaves to
the place where they were piling them
in huge stacks. Francois watched this
with great eagerness, saying to mo:
"See the grand movements of the men
who lift tho sheaves on their pitch
forks, to give them to those who arc
on the stacks. It is astonishing, to
ward the approach of night, how
grand everything on the plain appears,
especially when wo see figures thrown
out against the sky. Then they look
like giants."
The 1'iri.ilty ol Atkins Tor a Ivlss In llrlt
h llurmith.
d'-n p;
bee court reports in tho I.on
.t;, luielimcs quote the price
. it-Mch usually ran'res from
I. '
i it ' i to half a sovereign, ac
. . Die temperament ol the
t.rat.e. How ridiculously cheap
s. says a writer in London Truth,
l:ii seen from the following ac
count of the cost of merely asking for
a kiss, which has been sent to me from
"l'robably you will hardly credit the
story, but it is quite true, and, though
the names ure withheld by the Allaha
bad paper which gives the facts, the
parties are well known. An ofiicer of
the Madras medical service was hold
in one of the most -desirable civil
surgeoncies in the province, and there
he recidved a visit from a civilian and
his wife. While driving with the lady
in a dog-cart the doctor asked her for
a kiss. It was very wrong, (especially
as there was a native servant sitting
behind the couple), and lie met, with the
stern repub! which his impudence and
imprudence invited. This exemplary
woman afterward wrote to the doctor
that she, lir.it told her husbund of his
conduct. The doctor then wrote an
abject apology, which tlie husband
submitted to the Madras government.
Without being allowed to say a word
on his own behalf, the doctor was
forthwith officially advised to re
sign the service to avoid dismissal.
Since then the Madras government has
been induced to mollify its decision.
Tlie offender is graciously permitted
to serve tho further nine months neces
sary to qualify him for the lowest scale
of pension, bat he lias teen transferred
from his civil survoncy back to mili
tary service and packed uff to a remote
station in upper iluirnaii."
Tae K.0I0 OhjTft cf a Minnesota Coaplo at
tNo V. nrld'H I air.
At tho world's fair it was r.musing to
note the diver', ity of objects which vis
itors found the mo:.t interesting. Cne
young woman, who war; busy writing
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
in her note-book in the agricultural
building1, hurriedly ran over to a tabic
and pushed to the front with so much
zeal that the bystanders supposed she
had forpotteu her purse or something
else equally important; but having
scanned the table eagerly, she merely
said: "O, yes, sugar beets," and ran
away again to a sheltered place to
write it down.
Another instance was that of an old
couple, weary-looking and bundle
laden, who asked a guard where tho
Minnesota building could bo found.
He indicated the direction.
"Is it fur?'' asked the man.
"Yes, about half a mile from here."
"O dear! Well, come, Mary, we'll
put her through now we're here," said
tho old man, shouldering his heavy
Hut the woman was more garrulous.
She detained the guard long enough to
explain that they lived in Minnesota
twelve years and then moved to Ohio.
Now they were going back to Minne
sota. "We was goln' through Chicago, so
we jest stopped off two hours to sco
the fair. We don't kecr much for fairs
anyway; all wc want to see is the Min
nesota buildin', and wo are bound to
see that, if it takes half a day!"
How tho YnungHtprg Ensnare Dragon
Flies for Kltea.
One of the greatest amusements for
the children of J.umn is catching the
"dragon fly," said Dr. W. V. Taylor, of
lioston, who, according to the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat, has spent several
years in Japan. Japan is a land of
children, and thousands of them liter
ally put in several weeks every autumn
in capturing dragon flies and tying
kites to them for the fun of seeing
them fly. Soon after the turn of the
sun in tho afternoon hundreds and
thousands of huge dragon flies busy
themselves flying here and thero over
the rice fields and gardens, catching
insects and gnats. The Japanese hoys
carefully saturate the end of a bamboo
with tar and start out for the fun.
They must hold the buraboo up to at
tract the unsuspecting dragons to take
a rest. In a moment the boy gives the
bamboo a twist, and puts tho tar end
into fin rannv motions that it, is impos
sible for the creature to avoid it. The
boys are so expert at the business
that I have seen them chase u fly that
had gotten much ahead of them, and
succeed in sticking the dragon fly to
the reed. Wlum onco on the tar end
of the pole there is a miserable future
for the captives. They aro tied to
gether and carried around in the chase.
Then a string is tied to each one, and
a small piece of paper, serving us a
kite, which the poor flies arc required
to sail. They fly away, but of course
soon get caught in a tree or bush sad
die of starvation.
The Ohatlnate Animals Mnat lie lluraorsd
or Illluihugfrml.
Camels aro not like horses, says the
Ash ton Reporter. If 11 horse does not
want to do anything wo make him. It
a camel does not want to do anything
ho leaves it undone. No amount ol
coaxing, no amount of cruelty will
make him budge. He has the deter
mination of a mulo combined with tho
strength of aa elephant. A camel is
one of those aggravating brutes
which will drive a hot-tempered man
to distraction. Nothing will persuade
him to listen to reason. He will op
pose your will with a passive resist
once that is absolutely unconquerable.
The only way to treat a camel is to
humor if you cannot humbug him.
They will often lie down if you load
them with tho proverbial last straw,
and you might beat them to death or
offer up all the pleasures of Paradise
before they would get up. They are
pig-headed beasts. Sometimes when
they havo quite a light load they
turn nasty and throw themselves
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to tho ground. Cut, although
they are obstinate, they aro not
cuto, and an Arab, by pretending to
submit, can generally get the better of
the stubborn beasts. The drivers will
ostentatiously removo three or four
packages from the load, and the ani
mal, with an inward chuckle of satis
faction, rises at once, without perceiv
ing' that the parcels have meanwhile
been returned to their former place.
As ho flatters himself ho has shirked
some of his duty he swings away with
a light heart, gratified beyond meas
ure, like a spoiled child, at having its
own way. The camel is an unsociable
beast, llo is also habitually dull, ex
cept when he is sniffing the salt air of
tho desert. When ho in treading the
sands, with tho burning sun ou his
back and the boundless waste before
him, he feels himself at homo. The
immcniio heat makes him bubble over
with pleasure and fills his frame with
sublime intoxication. It has been
stated on tho best authority that he
can go nine days without water. Anil
if you had ever seen a camel drink
water when lie does get a chance of
quenching his thirst you would not bo
surprised at this. They have been
known to put away seven gallons and
a half at a time.
Dut Xt Was a Wootlen Los nnd Didn't
Hurt lllin Snrlously.
Police officers detailed in charge of
postal wagons see more of tho woes and
ills of suffering humanity than most
people. Lato one night a short time
ago a Chicago saloonkeeper called for
the ambulance from tho West Chicago
nvenue station, saying there was a man
lying on tlie sidewalk near Carpenter
and Front streets badly injured and
unconscious. Tho unfortunate was
bundled into tho umbulauco and
landed in the examining room at the
county hospital. On the way to the
hospital tho sufferer became partially
conscious and indicated that his right
leg was the cause of great discomfort.
He. could not speak English, but tho
officers understood that his right leg
had been injured. In the examining
room he mado an extremely wry face
when tho physican approached, and it
was then discovered he hud been drink
ing heavily. The physician felt tho
man's right leg between the knee nnd
ankle without drawing up the panta
loons or exposing the skin, nnd found
the bono broken bailly four or flvo
inches nbovo tho ankle, and tho pa
tient was then removed to tho operating
room. Here a more complete examin
ation was made, and it was learned
the man's right leg was broken in tho
most terrible manner. AVhen tho
patient saw the condition of his leg ho
actually shed tears. It was a wooden
leg, and he was drunk and bemoaning
the expense to be incurred in tho pur
chase cf another leg.
Lord ISowen, an Unglish judge, was
once tempted to sum up ironicdly. It
was tho case of a burglar wha had
been caught, having cntereil from tho
roof and taken the prccauti m to leavo
his boots on top. His defense waa that
he was in the habit of taking miJnight
htrolls on the roofs of houses, and that
he was tempted by curiosity to havo a
look at one of tho interiors. Lord
ISowen said, sarcastically: "If, gentle
men of the jury, you think it probable,
that the prisoner considered tho roofs
of the houses a salubrious place for an
evening walk; if you suppose that tho
temptation to inspect the interior of
the bouses beneath him was tho out
come of a natural and pardonablo curi
oisity. In that case, of course, you will
acquit hira, and regard him as a
thoughtful and considerate man, who
would naturally removo his boots be
fore entering tho house, and take
every precaution not to disturb his
neighbors." To the judge's amazement,
the jury took him at his word and ac
quitted the prisoner. Lord Ilowen
never attempted to jolto with a jury
This All Through.
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