Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 26, 1895, Image 4

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Affectionttetly dedicated to KtH THEODORE HARRY COHN.
There was never a time in the history
of our ooantry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and soienoes generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the fnotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require oontinuai accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affeot the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oare cannot be exer
cised in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and proseoute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
merit of inoompetent oounsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
nav" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadtn
mil dtrenoth of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to
get Bn allowanoe and obtain the tee,
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager
618 V street, N. W.,Washington, D. C.
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
.titn toil rn nrntent its Dfttrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in tliin linA nf business. The said Oon-
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, inolnding me
ohanioal inventions, design patents,
i.n.iu.nrlra lnhnlfi. cnnv riirh ts. interfer-
enoee. infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
..noon If ia nlan nrnnRmrt to enter into
competition with any firm iu securing
romiffii patents.
Write for infltruotionH and advice.
John Weddekbuiin.
H18 F Street,
P. O. Box 385. WaehinRton, D. 0.
While you Hunpynnr Bubseription paid up yen
can keep yimrDrana in ireeui untrue.
Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Honws 0(4 on loft
ah(tull(r; cuttle sumo on left hip, nntler bit on
riht mr, unci upper bit on the loft; range, Mor
row oonntar.
- T f. Atnino Or T with hn nn.
dor it on lf't sliouldur f horses; cattle aaine
m Mi.,nII0 TV. Kiuht, Mile. Or. Cattle brand
() Don loft hi.) ami horwiH nume brand on right
Bhtnildor. Kriiko. KiKhtmiie.
AiikiiiB, J. J., Hoppner, Or. Horses, JA oon
nn Ittft. flunk: cattle, name on left. hiD.
iWtholwnflw, A. (i., Alpine, Or. Hurnos
hrnnilml 7 K uii either shoulder. Hauge in Mor-
is ffiiiintv
iinn.iiHt.nr, J. W.t llardman, Or, Cattle brand
ed It on loft hip and thigh; split in eaoh ear.
Hrnnnor, 1'ntnr. Honnbrry Orogon Horse
brnnrlod I B on loft Blumhior, Cuttle name on
n HnrkoM Ht C, Long Urook, Or On cattle,
iu a v miniitintml nn loft hin. oniD off loft ear. nn-
ilor half orop nil riht. Uoraoe, name brand on
Itttft shoulilur. Hange in Grant and Morn:
HroHinan, .Torry, ljena, Or. Horses branded 7
on fight HIIOUHUM", tmum " on it'll. Biuo.
IjHrt Har hair orop aim ngiu wr uvmr muiiH.
u,.rt,.ii Wm . Monnnor. Or. Horses, J H
right thigh; cattle, name on right hip; split in
Hrown, Inn, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right Bt itio; cattle name on right hip; range, Mor
row oounty.
Brown, J. ('., Heppnor, Or. Horses, oirole
C with dot in noi tor on lft hip; cattle, name.
Hrown, W. J., I-iMia, Orctgon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left Hlumldor. Cattln aamo on loft
1,ffilyor. W. ft., Hoppner, Or. Horses, box
brimd otv right hip cattle, same, with split in
liorg, P. O., Hoppner, Or. Hnraea, P B on left
Bhouldor; cuttle, same on loft hip.
Ilrownloe, W-J., Kox,Or Cattle. JH oonnected
cm leftside; orop on loft oar and two split and
mitlillo piooe cut out on right ear; on horses tmme
brand on the loft tliighi Itunge in Fox valley,
Orant oounty,
i 'nrynnr Wnrron. wanner. Or. Horse brand
wlOtm riglit stiile; oat tie (throe barn) on
right ribs, crop and split in each oar. Kange in
Cain.K.. Calob.Or.-Y I on horaea on loft stifle
U with quarter circle over it, on loft Hhoulder
.wi n left, utitirt on all colts nndor li yearo: on
loft shoulder only on all horaoa over 5 years. All
range in tirant oouiity.
Cate, Chas. ll Vinson or Lena, Or. Horaoa
if C on right shoulder; cattle Rame on ngni mp,
it. M.ii row nod lltuatllla counties.
Cnrriirall. M M.Oallnway, Or Cattle crop out
of .aoh oar and UMdorbit, wattle in forehead
Itoraos half circle 0 on loft stitle. liango Mor
rn uml HmitiiMiL cnnntieH.
Curl. '1'. 11.. Joliu Hay, Or. Double oroas on
..!, Kin on cattle. Rwallow fork and umlor bi
iu right ear, apuc in ioti oar. nango in uram
iMHiniy. 'n aluwpt invrtl A and npmr point
ou Hhouldor. Kar uiarkou owi, crop on left ear
pundit) upper bit in riglit. W others. onp in
rigid and under half crop iu left ear. All raugt
in Grant countv.
Cook, A. J.,lioua.Or. Horeee, BO on right nhonl
iter; Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square
crop otl left and Hitlit iu right.
Currin. H. I'urriuHVille, Or. -UoraoB, on
left Htttle.
Co K.d. H., Hanlman, Or (attle, C with
Kin center: horses. CK on left iip.
Cochran, It. IC, Monument, (rant (o, Or.
MorHiw branded circle with bar bonoath, on left
Hhoulder; cattle anme brand on both hips, mark
umler alone both eacn and dewlap.
Chaptn, II.. llnnlman. Or, Horses branded
n on right, hip. Cattle branded the same. AIhu
brands CI on horHow right thigh; ca'tlo bhmio
braml ou right shouLdur, and cut oil cud of
"oouTlaMS, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, H Don
right mde.awadow-fork iu each ear; horses, H D
""kIv, j! H. A Hons. Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed &LY on loft shoulder, cattle aaiue ou left
bin. hole in right ear.
Kuiory, C. M., llardman, Or, Horstw branded
) , reversed C with tail on left Hhimlder ; cat
tle name ou right hip. Hango in Morrow county.
KltrtMico, L. A., Hoppner, (r. ('attle, LK on
right hip;. horses, K with bar, under on right
"''t'btreuee. H. P. Hoppner. Or Horses, K on
right shtm'dei; cattle, h on right hip or thigh.
r ronrh, Geoigo, Hoppner, Or. Cattle brando!
WK, witli bar over it. on loft side; crop utl left
oar. Hore. samo brand on loft hip.
Gentry, Elmer, Koho, Or. Htireee branded H.
H. with a quarter cinle over it, on loft stitle.
Hun go in Morrow and 0 matt Ha conn tie.
Hiatt A. H liidgo, tr.('attlo, rmind-Uip K
withiptartor circle under it on the right hip.
Kongo in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hioton JeiikH, Haiiiiltoii, Or Cat tie. two bait
itti either lup; crop iu right oar and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Hango in Grant county
Hughe, Haninel, Wagner, Or-J" (T K L.
iMmntH'tcd Win rtulit shoe dor on norths; on oat t It,
ou right hip ami on left side, swallow fork in
rmhl ear and slit in left- Itaugo in Haystack
dint riot. Marrow cunntv.
Hulo, Milton, Wanner, Or. Horse hranded
-() (cattle with parallel tails) ou left shoulder
Cattle same ou left hip also largo circle ou loft
Howard .1 L, (Klloway. Or. HoraosT (oro
with h if aliovc it) on rigul shttulder; cattle HHiue
on left side. Hang in Morrow and I'lnautla
1 ' Hal "Ktlwin, John Dav, Or. Cattle K Hon
right hip; hers same oil right shoulder. Hauge
in Grant county.
Hughe. Mat, Hoppner. Or. lloraoe, haliHl
heart on the left shoulder. Hango Morrow Co.
Huiisaker, H A. Wagner, Or. Hursttt, V ou left
h'uldor; cattle, on loft hip.
Humphreys, J M Uanlmau, Or. lloraea. U on
Vlust'on, Luther, Kight Mila, Or. Horw II on
the loft shoulder and heart on the left stirle Cat
tlo same on left htp. Hango in Morrow county.
,1.ni(. Harry. H"ppn'T, lr- Horses branded
II J on the left Bhoitldttr: cattle tkaauiltwt J mi
right hip, also uuderhil in left ear. Hange tu
Morrow county.
J tin km. H. M., Heppnor, Or.-HorBrta, horse.
1n J on left shoulder. Cattle, the aaiut,
lUnge on Klht Mile. . ,
j Ji Or.-HaisM. ireUT on
my heart I
iU rise and
ten - der, soft car
rock thy sor - rows
left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half
tn-op in riutit and suift .n left ear j
Konny, Miks, Heppner, Or. Horeee brandod
KNV on left hip cattle same and orop off left
ear: under lo.e on the right
Kirk, J.T., Hoppner. Or. Horses 89 en left
shoulder; cattle, iW on left. hip.
Kirk, Jense, Hoppner, Or,t horees 11 on left
eLonldor; cattle same on right side, underbit on
right ear,
Knmberland.W. ft.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on right and left aides, swallow fork in left
ear and under oiop in right ear. Homes same
brand on left shoulder, ltange In Wrant countv.
Lofton, Htepiion, Fox, Or. H L on left hip
on oattle. orop and split on right ear. Horaoe
same brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant
Lionallen, John W., Lexington, Or. Horse
branded half-oirole JL connected on loft, Bhoul
dor. Oattle, same on lefthiu. JUuge, near Lex
Loahey, J. W. Hoppner Or. Horeee branded
It and on left shoulder; nettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three elite in right
Lord, George, Hoppner, Or. Horeee branded
double U coi.nectt d Sometimes called a
ewing H, on left ehonlder.
Minor, Oscar, neppnor. Or, rattle, M D on
right hip; horse. Hon left shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., Hoppner. Or. Horeee, M )
on left shonldei cattle same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle, 77 on right eide.
McOlaren, 1). W., HrownsTille, Or, Iforsee,
Piiruro (Von each shoulder; cattle, M2 on hip
McOirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mnle ehoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs Aid under in
each ear; horses Heme brand on left stifle.
MnHaloh. u. ninimn. Or. tin tionmm. w
with half oirole under on left shoulder; on tttJ,
rour oars connected oo top on me riguc eiai
Hango in Grant County.
Noal. Andrew. Ijono Hook.Or. Horsee A N col
noctod on left nhonldar: oattle same on both Mit .
Nonlyke, K Hilvorton, Or. -Horeee, oirole 7 on
left thiKh; cattle, same on left hip,
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A ton cattle1
on left hip; on horsee, same on left thigh, Karure
iu Grunt county.
Oiler, l'erry, Lexington, Or.-P 0 on left
Olp, Herman, Traine City, Or. on cattle, f
LI' connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartle on nose, Han wo in Grant county,
Pearson, Otava, Eight Mile, Or. Home, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder end U4 on le't
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, 1M
ou toft hip. Kanseon Kight Mile.
Parker .V Gleason, Hard man, Or, Horeee IP or
left shoulder.
Pijier. Krnattt, Lexington. Or, Hnre brand
A .E (L K connectwl) on left Hhoulder; cattle
moon right hip. Hange, Morrow count.
Piper, J, H., Ijexingttm. Or. -Horses, .IK con
nected in. loft shmiLdar; cattle, same on left hip.
onder hit in each ear.
Petty, V C, lone, Or.; horse diamond Hon
slionldor; cattle, J H J otinnectfd, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Hore, nuar
oriw with quarter-circle over it on left stirle.
Ketiingor, t'hris, Hoppner, Or. Horses. C 11 tn
loft nlmnlder.
KhhIi Hros., Henpner, Or. Horeee brand ml 3
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
rmip otl left ear and dewlap on neck. Hangw ii
Morrow anil adioiuiug counties,
Keaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or, Hnremt
braudeii A It on right shouldor, vent tpartei
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Hango Morrow comity.
KoyHO, Win. H. DairyTille, Or Hll connectot
with quarter circle over tp on cattle on riht hip
and crop off right ear and eptit Id left. Horf
eiiine brand on loft shoulder. Hange in Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Hector, J. W.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
Hpicknall, J. W.. "Tlooeeberry, Or. Horee
brandiHl 81 on left shoulder; range in Morn
Hailing, C 0 Hoppner, Or Horse branded
OH loft shoulder; cuttle same on loft hip
Hwawgart, H. F.. Lexington, Or. Horeee
with datth umler it on left stifle: cattle H with
druth under it on rittlit hip, oron off riht ear and
waddled on right hind teg. Hange iu Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
Nwatrnart, A. L.,Alhena. Or. Horse branded i
nn left Hhoulder; oottle eame on left hip. Croy
on oar. wattle on left hi ad leg.
Straight W. K... Uepimer, Or, Horse shaded
3 H on left ntirle; cattle J Hon left hip, swallow
fork in rwhi ear, nnderbit In left.
happ, Tint., Heppner, Or. Horeee, 8 A P on
loft hip: cattle name on toft hip.
Hhrier.John. Kox, Or. NC oonnMted on
horse on nht hip; oattie, same ou rivht hip,
cnp otl ritdit ear and under bit in left ear, llajige
in ii rant county.
Hnuth Hro., rnnTlHe, Or, Honoa, Snnr1el
H. i. onsh mldor; cattle, aio on left ahonlder.
Kiimre. Juio. Arlington, Or,; horse branded
JH on left shoulder: oattle the same, also nM
whiI.IIm, lU'ge in Mormwand Gilliam ooontiex.
Hiephns. V. AM Hanlman, Ors horeee Ht on
right utitlet cattle honeontal L oruth rivht side
Stevenson, Mre A. J., Hoppner. Or Cattle, 0
on rmht hie: ewallow-fork in left er.
Hwaugart.G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horsee, 44 on
loft Hhoulde-; cattle. 44 on left hip.
Hperry.K. U.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W 0 on
left Inp.crop off right and underbit iu left year,
dewUii; horsee W Con loft ehonlder.
Thompttttti, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horeee, R on
left shonldpr; tattle, 'i ou left shoulder.
Tii'tet,ti.TEuierprise-Or. Uorsee, CVou left
Turner H. W.. Henoner. Or. Smll nanltAl T
Ileft ehonldsr, horeee; oattle seme on left hip
with epht in both eeuv.
1. Sleep soft - ly, O my babe, so sweet, Which
2. Up - on my breast thy gold en head, Rock'd
Sri. 8va.
4m loco. m. loco.
r. k 1 . . 1 i . wkimik omo 1 mmmmm i
I r y 1 r r If. TT
) i -, - i i - J- i --
n s I , 1 fc-. 1 I J I I J i 1 , f a 1 N
Pi4 : z9trfi -3ttEE52. I 1
im - J m p - f " -f e a-
tji 1 lt ( 1-'- T i y 1
ffm $folL - W-0 N m- m
e vi i w t i u n s i i-i
round thoe in thy sleep, While an - - gela guard theo through night's shades, And
til life's beam - ing sky Would e'en dis - pel a moth - er's care, And
flJ i I is l-i , ! N l ; n
7-SiF- z 0. 1 mj zM rjz n"m
mj- fFgf e jiS.
J I i -m S 'S 0 jj-B" m
Till flit ting sun
h! were my heart
May dreams as fair
They'd fade in dreams
Copyright, i8q4, by The New York Musical Record Co.
Thornton, H. M., lone. Or. Homes branded
HT connected on loft stifle; sheep b .me brand.
Vanderpool, H. T Ijona, Or; He roes H V con
tieoted on right shoulder ;oat tie, bj line on right
Walbridge, Win.. Hoppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
on the loft shouldor; cattle eame on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopr ed.
Wilson, John 0,, Balom or Fleopner, Or.
Horsee branded Jq on the left eh craldor. ltauge
Morrow county.
Warren, W H. Caleb, Or Oattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, spl it in rihtoar.
Horses same brand on left eho'ilder. Haugoic
lirant oonuty.
Wade, Henry, Heppnor, Or. Horsea branded
ace of epadee on left shoulder and loft hip
Cattle branded same on left sidd and left hip.
Wolflngor, John, John Oay (Mftf. Or On horso
three parallel bare on left shouldor; 7 on Hheap,
bit in both ears. Hango in Ore it and iMulhner
Woodward, lohn, Heppner, Or. Horsee, UP
conneoted on leftehouldor.
Watkins, Lishe, lloppnor, Or. Hoi-eos branded
UK oonnected on left etirle.
Wallace, Charloe. Heppnor, Or. Cattle, W or
right thigh, hole in left oir; ho', W on rigt
alioulaer eonir sumoon eft shoulder.
Whittier nro., nunrmgion. Baker (o.. Or. -HorBe
branded W H oonneotot ou left shoulder
Williams, Vaeco, nami'ton.Or, Qnarter oir
ole over three bare on le't hip, both cattle and
horses. Hange Grant conntff.
Williams, J O, Long Creek. Of Horees, quar
ter circle over throe bare on left, hip; oattle same
and lit in each r. ftange in Grant nonut.y
Wren, A, A., Heppner, Or. Hovee runningA A
on shoulder; tVtle. same on riyht hip.
Young, J. 8.. Goonet-rtrrv. Or Hovee brand
THrw Hchl'h.'"M.
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should see that the Journal they subscribe
to is the best and most reliable
Authority o burnable.
It deals practically with fruits and vegetable!,
trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the
field of horticulture systematically
and thoroughly. It Illustrates and
describe methods of cultiva
tion, improved varieties and
labor saving devices.
It is, without doubt,
Itie Paper for tie People!
1.00 a Tear ($4 number).
Specimen copy and fWpage catalogue of
horticultural books FREE on application.
American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.V.
Evtry patriotic ctirrn should give hit
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of hit home paper which
teachtt the American policy o Protec
tion. It It hit duty to aid In this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper it taken care of, why not tub
scribe (or the AuitKAN Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of Ita correspon
dent! aayt I "Ne true American can
get along without K. 1 consider It the
greatest and trueet political teacher in
the United State."
Send poeUI card request lor ires
sample copy. Add at WilbuT. Wake,
man. General Secretary, 1 15 West 13d
BU Hew Yarfc.
rholotfrHpha SI. 50 pel dozen at Sbep
prd's KAllery, Dear opera bouse, north
Main St. HtBDOtr. Ors. 30tt.
rtz f-
- benms come to greet With
for aye the bed To
E - den's glades Spread
rene and fair, Un -
guaranteed cure for Hon and Chick kn
Cholera, which has stood the test lor seven years
without failure, that I know of, but has elleet
el thousands of cures. I have sold over Zi. 0)0
receipts and family rights in eight months, and
not a single complaint received yet. 1 Bold en eh
and every one on a guarantee, and I still sell
that way. If Holland Cholera Cure and Preven
tative fails to cure or prevent Cholera. I will
refund your money. This 1b fair enough. Six
pounds of the medicine can be made at a total
cost of from $1 to $1.20, enough to doft) hogs and
100 chickens a year. You are then assured
against cholera for one year. If you will try
this remedy, I assure you you will never regret
It. Use it, and your hogs and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Recipe and family right only $1.00, Ready
prepared medicines 50c and $1 per bottle or
package. Address
Agents wanted at once. Cowurta, Ala.
Ttflllas, Texas, April 13, 1803.
Mrs Rachel V. Thomas. Dear Madam: I have
thoroughly tested your cholera remedy and tlnd
it O. K. It's grand. I e-iclose $10 will try the
agenev. Please send at once and oblige. Very
respectfully, H. W. Harprk.
Pallas. Texas, May Wh, 1893.
Have sold out. I enclose $50 for which send
me all the recipes you can and the rights to the
counties named below, I never saw auythtiw
sell so fast. V hat is the leHst you will take for
thest ite. If your price i reasonable will take
the state. Very respectfully,
H. W. Wart eh,
(I have not room for all his letters. He took
the statu. Here is one more of his letters.)
Pallas. Texas, July 17th, 1803.
Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam Hiuce
tokiTig the state right 1 cHiivaBsed three weeks
and msde $iW7 selling recipes and territory. 1
will start several sub-agents next week. Could
I exchange a portion of Texas for a portion of
Kansas? Very respectfully, H. V. II ah per.
Millen. Georgia, Dec. 14th, 1803.
Mrs. Thomas: I write a letter of enquiry.
How much of this state is unsold? I want bal
ance of tne state. Holland's Cholera Cure Is
Just what it Is represented to be. It has proved
a blessing to the farmers of tht county. Very
respsctfully, C. . Eoknfikld,
Agent for Screven County.
Rock Bridge, Ohio, Pec. 4th ISM.
Mrs. Thomas: Recipe came to hand and it's
all O. K. Enclosed flr.d $: for Hocking. Picka
way and Fairfield counties, What will you
take for the state? Yours truly.
P. Hanstkin.
I have thousands more testimonials. I guar
antee Holland's Cholera Cure and Preventative
to cure and prevent hog and chken Cholera in
each and every case or refund the money. This
Is fair enough. Don't postpone ordering because
you in at not at present be bothered with chol
era. The idea is to prevent it iu time. This my
remedv w ill do and will also keep your hogs
ami chickens in a nice healthy condition, (jeu
ernl and local agents wanted. Slate and family
rights for sale or trade. Address
Mil!. KACHKL V. Tlt-'MAS,
sv-;tm. Cow arts, Ala.
Chicken Cholera
Oeieats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all rstcint bavlsra. conducted for
Information nd ndvlc. tfrrn to tnrenton wltaool
anus. AddrtM
Muuflng Attoruey,
'.tt Box 40. Washikuti x. -C
tTht. Conipuy U maoifttd by com 'r.ntloo ot
thf lrtrvt nd mo.t ttitf iK'uti.l n. w.;h. t ..i ttit
-tilted State, for t!1,1 r,p!-!i, pu'iio1 of pros,
Inf lh-ir .u tMrrtber. niu. t uuiuM:toik
.ad UiL'OuiutfL'ut l'uifut Aitvuts, .:id e'ti p.xl
pnnttnjt Uu. mivrtlMUtint voucbn for tho r.ponri
Wlltjr ud hit b nndtat of Um hM y.w. Couiouf
ho - - ly vip;
lull her lnl
f- I K
b1p zf stt -i A
Soft - ly thy moth - er is hnm - ming; Swayed to and fro. Gen - tly and alow,
S fc "
( Ba . r 3 : r
V rftj. w m m . m
1 fcr 1 P rail
An - gels from dream-land
m 11 ; ; p ,g r
... en . '. '. ". ". tan ! '. ". ". ". . do.
-0 0
Pure as a sor - aph
Tbe Trip Down a Unep Shaft Full
Thrill to tho Tenderfoot.
Going down into the mine is indeed
a thrilling experience and one rather
overwhelming to the "tenderfoot,"
says a writer in Cassier's Magazine.
Enveloped in suits of waterproof, with
hats of oilskin and provided with can
dles, a party ready for the descent pre
sents a grewsome spectacle, reminding
one forcibly of certain conceptions of
Dore. The cage, which serves for both
passengers and freight, rises to a level
with the floor of the shafthouse, and
is simply a platform of wood v.-ith up
rights and framing of iron. This fits
closely in the shaft, being lowered and
raised by means of machinery puzzling
enough to the interested stranger,
with its drum, sheaves, cable and vari
ous safety appliances. To take a posi
tion on that little square of wood, feel
ing that on this machinery, "which
does sometimes break, you know,"
hangs all one's hope, requires some
courage. Much comfort is derived
from the assurance of the foreman that
this same cage has safely carried down
and up all the dclvers below with never
an accident yet. With the warning,
"elbows in," the cage drops. With a
gasp one reaches wildly about to find
nothing to hold to in that damp dark
ness, growing so dense as that square
"hole of daylight" diminishes so rapid
ly, and down we glide through trick
ling waters without jar and in utter
silence till, with a thud, the cage stops,
two thousand five hundred feet under
The dim candle light casts weird
shadows as we follow the superin-l
tendent along a narrow gallery cut in
the igneous rock to connect the vein
with the shaft. At the intersection
another long gallery extends to the
right and left, but its parallel walls
are smooth, often highly polished, at
times four feet apart: again more, but
always with an inclination to the
vertical. These are the faces of the
fissured rock between which, over
head and below, is the vein matter.
Through the gloomy darkness we pick
our way cautiously along the narrow
plank, resting ou ties laid over the
gutterway. lielow us the water rushes
down to the shaft, emptying into the
"sump," a continuation of the shaft
below the lowest level, serving as a
well out of which the water is lifted
by the great pumps, whose continual
beat, up and down, up and down, with
monotonous regularity, breaks the si
lence like the throb of some great hid
den heart. Climbing a ladder, or.
rather, five ladders for there is a plat
form at every twenty feet in Egyptian
darkness, illumined only by the light
of a caudle, with ice cold water dripping
from each round and trickling along
one's arm and a small torrent from
the tarpaulin hat down one's back, is
apt to dampen, if not to eradicate for
ever, any lingering fancy for a miner's
life. I
Hugo'i Greatn... still Goe. rnrecogrnlied
bj HroQa or Marble. j
A monument to Gounod is decided
upon. A subscription of twenty thou-'
sand dollars was raised easily, rapidly j
and triumphantly. The sculptor is '
selected, and soon Paris will be en-1
dowed with the statue of the com-'
poser who v ill only be known to fu-;
ture generations as the author of one
great creation, namely: "Faust," and
the perpetrator thereafter of various
charming works, "Mireille" and
"liomeo and Juliet," for example, and
.1 n h , r
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S5b j? i ? 1 V V g- U-- -g- U
t . f .-.-a-- I h- I -f-y i ppp "-'
I diminuendo e ritardando,
Lullaby. 2.
are com
ing. Sleep,
M. . a tempo.
from glo - ry; Swayed to and
also of large quantities of more or less
dismal failures. No one will claim
that Gounod was the greatest com
poser of his day; yet he is to be glori
fied while the ashes of Victor Hugo lie
unburied in their dusty coffin, tossed
carelessly into the vaults of the Panth
eon and covered with the moldering
remains of the magnificent floral trib
utes that were sent to do honor to his
funeral, says the Paris correspondent
of the Philadelphia Telegraph.
A statue of Victor Hugo was decided
upon also, but the subscriptions lan
guished and dwindled until they
stopped at an amount of twenty-five
hundred dollars. So the literary giant
of our generation is only commemo
rated by his own great works, and his
neglected coilin is left unremarked,
save by the horrified or indifferent
eyes of the countless tourists who drift
to the Pantheon to see the new fres
coes, painted by the great artists of
France by order of the republic, and
who incidentally explore the vaults of
the huge temple.
Until not very long ago one huge va
cant space was visible at the Pantheon,
among the completed panels that sur
rounded. It. As was courteous to so
great an artist, the government had
offered a section of the Pantheon to
Meissonier to decorate. Meissonier
instantly accepted, although perfectly
conscious he could not paint one of
those huge frescoes any more than a
fly could fire a cannon; but being an
artistic dog in the manger, he could
neither do it himself nor would he al
low anyone else to take the work. Of
course, since his death it is satisfac
torily completed.
A Camp of Soldiers Saved by Gyper't
Knowledge of Nature.
People who spend much of their lives
out of doors, particularly in the coun
try, sometimes develop powers of ob
servation and deduction that seem lit
tle short of marvelous to men of indoor
habits. During the Austro-Prussian
war of 1800, when Archduke Joseph of
Austria and his corps were retreating
before the advance of the Prussians,
they encamped one day near a Bohe
mian town, and the archduke was
lodged in a cottage.
At about twelve o'clock at night the
archduke's adjutant reported that a
gypsy soldier wished to see him on a
matter of importance.
On being admitted to the archduke's
presence, the gypsy announced that
the enemy was approaching, and when
asked how he knew, he took the arch
duke to the door, and pointing to sev
eral birds flying over a wood at some
distance, he said:
"liirds sleep as well as people, and
these birds would not be flying about
at this time of night if they had not
leen disturbed. The enemy is march
ing through the woods, and has fright
ened theih."
Kelyiug on the gypsy soldier's knowl
edge, the archduke commanded that
an alarm be given at once. An hour
later the outposts were fighting with
the Irussian soldiers. The camp was
saved, thanks to the quick observation
of the gypsy.
A Celeetlal Harder."
An Egyptian shopkeeper had a deity
to whom he offered sacrifice every
morning, and whose duty it was in re
turn for this reverence to stand in
front of the shop during the day, a sort
of eelestial "barker," and direct the
attention of the people passing1 by to
the shop and i! contents.
sleep, ba by mine,
sleep, ba - - by mine,
fro, Gen - tly and slow.
J , J ----
How to get 1100 and Perhaps Hake a
We seoare patents aod to induce
people to keep track ot their bright
ideas we offer a prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid on the first of every
month to tbe person who submits lo na
the most meritorious invention daring
the proceeding month. We will also
advertise the invention free of charge in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, published in Washington, D. 0
which has an extensive circulation
throughout tbe United States and is
devoted to tbe interests of inventors.
The idea of being able to invent tome
thing strikes most people as being very
difficult; this delusion the company
wishes to dispel. It is the simple things
and small inventions that make tbe
greatest amount ot money, and tbe oom
plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost
everybody, at tome time or toother,
oonoeives rd idea, which, if patented,
would probably be worth to bim
fortnne. Unfortunately snob ideas are
usually dismissed without thought. Tbe
simple inventions like the car window
which could be easily slid up and down
without breaking tbe passenger's back,
the sauce pan, oollar button, tbe nut look,
the bottle stopper, tbe snow shovel, tre
things that almost everyone sees some
WBy of improving npon, and it is these
kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest
returns to tbe author.
Tbe prize we offer will be paid at the
end of eaoh month, whether tbe appli
cation has been aoted npon by the
Pateot Office or not. Every competitor
must apply for a patent on bis invention
tbrongb ns, Bnd whether he sec ores the
prize or not, the inventor will have
valuable patent.
John Wedobrbtjbn, Gen'l Msnsger,
618 F St. N. W. Washington, D. 0.
P. S. The responsibility of tbit
oompany mny be jnded from tbe fact
that its stock is beld by a boot seventeen
hand red of the hading newspapers of
the United rftalrs. tf.
itai Pi
cure, it, at well u Blllou.neaa. Sick Beadacbe
nd Malaria. Tbe only comfortabu pill In
the world. Sold by nil dtuggiiu or fent by
mall on receipt ot price, 25 centa per box.
treet, San Fraociteo, Cel.