OREGON'S SENATOR. George Washington McBride is to be the next United States senator from Oregon in place of J. N. Dolph, whose terra expires March 4th. He was elected on Saturday, February 23d, just as the clock was striking for midnight. It is too bad that he couldn't have been elected on February 22d ; then we might have expected him to chop down a cherry tree or two and tell the truth about it. But let that be aa it may, he is our senator, and was elected by the people's repre sentatives and to represent the people's interests. "We feel con fident he will do that. In all posi tions of trust to which he has been elected he has been an able and faithful servant of the people. The people of Oregon have shown their appreciation of this by electing him to fill a higher position. The election of Mr. McBride was not, as many claim, a piece of spite work anything to defeat Dolph. While the people's representatives were working hard to defeat Dolph and "ring rule," they were also working hard to elect a good man who would represent our interests. This we believe they have done. The only objection anyone can raise to McBride is that he is not a strong man physically. This we consider is decidedly in his favor. J udging from the recent knock-outs in the senate there is too much muscle there already. It will also i- i i.i . ue remeinoerea mat some years ago John L. Sullivan tried to got into congress on his muscle, but failed. What we want in our law makers is brains and a desire to benefit the people, and Mr. Mc- Bndo possesses these qualifica tions. In the election of Mr. Mc Bride to the senate the people have clearly demonstrated that they are tired of being i un by the money power. Mr. McBride is a friend to the poor man as well as the rich, and will stop and shake hands with a man in overalls as quick as one in broadcloth. We are BatisCed with the result and beliovo that a majority of the people are satisfied. It has boon stoutly claimod by the friends of silyer that tho de monetization of that metal by our government in 1873 transferred immense wealth from the borrow ing and debtor cIiihs to the capital ists. The advocates of gold stand ard have as stoutly denied this. But now comes the London Statist, a non-partisan statistical paper and a supposed authority in such matters, and points out that if silver is rostorod to its place, "i7 is perfectly clear that there will be a great transfer of property from tho capitalist and lending classes to the producing and borrowing class," and that this "would injure capitalists and lenders, both iu the United States and Europe." Well, if this is true then tho chatigo of 1873 must have caused "a great transfer of property from the borrowing and debtor class, who had no moro than their share then, to the lending clasn, and must have injured them even more than tho return to silver now would injure tho Standard. capitalists. Christian Sknatok Houai.ih's hns intro duced a bill which defines the crime of train-robbing and fixes the maximum penalty at capital punishment. The act provides that nnyouo who shall remove, displace or injure any switch, frog, rail, tie, bridge or trestle, or who shall place upon any railway track any obstruction or explosive sub stance, or enter into any conspiracy with intent to commit train rob bery, shall upon conviction be punished by death or confinement in tho penitentiary for a term of not less than ton years. Tnn cnptiiu of one of our American war-ships in tho East eiyi, after visiting Japan, war hospital near Nagasaki: "The hospital was the admiration of the French and English surgeons, as well as our own. The medical staff were all Japanese, who had graduated in medicine and surgery either in America or England. They had the most modern instru ments and systems, the newest anti-septics everything h hospital on modern lines should have. 11 11.1 .1 i a du an tins is tne work o a generation. Goverxok Budd has recovered from his recent illness, but acting on the advice of his physician, still remains in his room. It is expect ed that he will soon resume the duties of his office. It is currently reported that Senator-elect McBride's position on the money question is favorable to the coinage of silver so far as it can be done without threatening the parity. Queen Liliuokalani is now on trial in Hawaii for treason, with every indication that she will be found guilty. Deportation will probably be the sentence. Congress is growing dull; there havn't been a brawl in either house for over a week. "Only a trifle," yomayt per b ftps bo, but it is best not to trifle with it. That cough, if neglected, may result in some thing serious, suoh as bronchitis, pneu monia, or even consumption. Hore throat, onlds, coughs, hoarseness, diffi culty of breathing, and similar disorders, though so oummon as to excite no alarm, should be treated without delay. The oontinued irritation of the bronchial tubes may result ia a dangerous inflam mation. The best remedy to take is Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. It is agreeable to the taste, only small doses are needed, and it is always ready for use. Aotors, singers, preaouers, teachers, auctioneers, and all whose voonl organs are severely taxed, declare they prefer this prepar ation to any other. It affords speedy relief, soothes Bnd heals the irritated muoous membrane, aod gives tone, strength, and flexibility to the voice, no other medioine is so prompt to aot, md so sure to onre as Ayer's Cherry I'entoral. To ii were awarded medal and diploma at the World's Fair. TlMIIIOlt ClIIniKB DECISION. Assistant Commissioner Bowers, of the general land office, has rendered a decision in regard to timber oulture land claims which will be interesting throughout the western states. The difforenoe is, in efl'ect, that there is in the statute no requirement com pelling patentees on arid regions to immediately oonstruot irrigating canals to insure the growth of the ten sores of trees required by the timber oulture law. Mrs. Bowers holds that after the two years permit uuder the law or the culture of the soil for the growth of trees, a reasonable time must be allowed the eutryman to experiment in planting uib ireeB in order ma! tie may see whether or not he can obtain suoh growth of trees as is required by the Htatute without putting himself to the ueoessity of constructing irrigating oanals. If after several years of such experiments, he finds that the tree growth onnuot be obtained without irrigation, he must then taks the neoessary steps if he propnses to make the proof uuder the law which permits an eutrymeu Bfter 8 years to obtain the title by leaving the neoessary number of trees upon teu aores of land. Inasmuch us the entrvman la permitted under the law to postpone proof (or thirteen r ifter entry upon it, this construction of the law seems the only reasocable one ihliougu it is ooutrary to a ireneral nucierstunding in pructioe which has grown up in the department. It May Do as Muoh for Yon. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes that he had a severe kidney trouhle for a number of years, with severe pains in ins back and also that his blmhhir vn alTected. lie tried matiy so-oalled kid ney cures but without Buy good result. About a year ago he began use of Eleo- trio Bitters Bnd found relief nt once. F.lectric Hitters is especially adopted to the onre of all Kidney and Liver tronlilsn and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only ode. for large bottle. At drug store of T. W . Ayers, Jr. K AIM'S KK0M (lOONUIIKMlY. Spring seems to be here. Squirrels are in ahuudiiuce. The school will begin soon at Goose berry. I'loning is the order of the day iu this vicinity. A great many of our farmers are haul ing wheat to lone. Oliver Snyder and family of Heppuer were iu our midst a few days since. W. 1 Snyder has been on the oripple list for several days with a sore ankle. J- llivens and Mr. Sapp, of Iilaek Horse, are attending the debate at Hale Kidge. The debate which began Monday last is running in full blast with a good attendance. Those who oan't get seats stand up. The debate runs six days. Those ol a Biblical thought ought to have heard the debate at Hale Kidge, as it was a treat. Those engaged iu dis cussion were Kevs. Bramblet and Curl. Kev. Smith aoting as moderator. Jaky Jake Feb. it, 1S115. Investigation blateg the wiv for human progress. Rule IS, which pre vented the admission of patent medi cines at the World's Fair, caused an investigation of all the ulood-puritiers preseuted for exhibition purposes. The result of this examination by scientific men, proved that Ayer's Sarsapsrilla was the only remedy of thekiud entitled to the ooutldenoe of the oouimiltee, and wsrlhy nt tatir uinriement. KING HIS REIGN IS OVER AT LIST. MEDICAL SCIKNCE DRIVES HlM FROM 1IIH THROME. A MEDICINE DIS-' COVERED THAT RHEUMATISM CAN NOT RRSIST. A BOON FOR SUFFERERS. (From the St. Louli Mo., Chronlrte.) Rheumatism has long b fflad the medical profession. Medioine for external and internal use has been pro duced, plasters tried, eleotrioity experi mented with, hot and oold baths and a thonsnnd other things tried, all without avail. King Rheumatism still ruled supreme, making the life of its subjects a perfeot inferno on earth. The first real step toward oonquering rheumatism was made by Dr. Williams, an eminent Canadian physician, who discovered that the prime oause of rheumatism could be traced to the blood. Aoting upon this theory be produced and compounded a prescription which he used with the greatest suooess for a number of years. This prescription is now known as Bt. Williams' Pink Pills for pale people, and is known throughont the land as one of the most powerful of our remedial agents. The effect of using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for rheumatism was bronght to light lately by a Chronicle reporter who interviewed John Ferguson, of 7039 South Broadway, St. Louis, who had been a sufferer with the incapacitating disease. "No man knows it all, of oourse," be says, "but the man whose judgment prompts him to have a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the house koows a heap. "Those pills," he oontinued, "have proved of great benefit not only to me, but to my wife. Strange to say, we both suffered from the sBme ailment although my wife's oondition was muoh worse than mine. Neither of ns oould sleep at night; we had shooting pains in our arms, sides and limbs, and a con tinual soreness all over the body. What we suffered from was nothing more or less than rheumatism. At times my wife had to orawl upstairs on her hands and knees, aod as for me, I would at night twitch and jerk despite my ntmost efforts to control myseif. We suffered the torture, 1 think, of the damned. "I confess it was with some misgivings as to the effioaoy of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills tliat I bought a box, but we look oack with a great deal of pleasure to tne day when the box was bought. "Would you balieve it? in three weeks the pain began to leave ns. My case not being as severe as iny wife's, I soon got well, but it took nearly three months before Mrs. Ferguson could say she was eutirely free from rheumatic pains. Uf course, I recommend Dr. Williams' fitik Fills to all my friends Mr. I'erguson is not aloue in his expenenoe. Mis words are indorsed by 1. A. Uampbell, an iron worker living on Chouteau avenue. He hurl hn emoted with rheumatism. "Any one who suffered as I did has my heartfelt Bvmnatnv." he snva "Working as I d:d in a plaoe subjeot to nuuiieu aim severe ominges or temoera- ture, 1 was almost always suffering from a oold. Uue day I was seized with ohills and had to leava my work and go home to bnd. "My doctor ordered me to remain in bed at least several days, and I followed his advice. Somehow or other, I began to lose my previously g.md appetite, a depression of spirit, lock of ambition, a tired feeling and even loss of memory followed. I couldn't Keep my feet warm, aud my usual ruddy complexion had given away to a sallow hue. "With my family to support, I onnldu't afford to be idle. I struggled agaiust my feelings as best I could do, even with the doctor's IipIp was vry little. "Hearing of Dr. Wiiliams' Pink Pills I determined to try them. The effeots were nothing short of marvelom. They made me wel1, and hs a preventive I take them regularly. They're the best medicine I know of, ami as such my friends hear mo spink of them." An analysis of Dr. Willii mi' Fink Pills ah ws th it thev ire ait unfailing speoitie for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, nr. Vitus' danoe. soialica. neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or femile. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on reoeipt of price, (5i oents a box or 6 boxes for $2.50 they Bre never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medioine Company, Schetieo tady, N. Y. Knights of the Mai'rahppn. The State Commander writes ns from Lincoln, Neb , as follows : "After trvinu other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate oough in our twu children, we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entire ly left them. We will not be without it hereafter, ns our txperieuoe proves that it will onre where all other remediesfi.il." Signed, F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as It is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at the drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr. t.KOlttiE W HrKltlliE. Klrrtoil U 8. Splinter oq the Itiillot. Kiflynlnth On the fiOth ballot of the joint session of Oregon's legislature aud the 23.1 of tho evening. George Washington Mo Bride was eleoted United States senator to succeed Joseph N. Dolph, whose term will expire March 4th next. Tbedeeieive vote was: McKride, rep 72 naiey, uein (i Hare, pop m Weatherford, deui 1 Total vole S'.l Abseut 1 Necessary to a choice 4 i tieorge Washington Mdiride is a native son of Oregon, having been born in Yamhill county in 1SS4. He is a son of Dr. James McBride, who was well known as one of the earliest and sturdiest pioneers in this slate. Mr. McBride was educated in the common schools and at Willamette university, Salem, and the Christian college (now the state normal school) at Monmouth. In 1807 his parents left Yamhill comity and located at St. Helen's, Columbia couutv, which place he has made his home ever since. In IS82 he was elected to the Oregon bouse of representatives, and ii sobss questly e heeea ipsaker of that body. In 1S86 Mr. MoBride was nomi nated by the "republican, for J secretary of state, and was elected. His ; popularity is attested by the fact that the two principal nominees on the ticket with him governor and treasurer were defeated. Mr. McBride performed the duties of his offioe so satisfactorily that he was renominated by acclamation in 1890, and re-elected by a handsome majority. He served out the full term and retired the first of the present year to give way to his successor. During muoh of the time he was secre tary of state Mr. McBride battled with physical weakness, but his will is strong, and he was able to be almost constantly at bis post of duly and personally to administer the manifold duties uf his office. It is well known that the office of seoretary of state has never been oonduoted more satisfactorily lo the people than during Mr. McBride's two terms. Reoently he made a journey to New York for the purpose, so it was stated at the time, of plaoing himself in the hands of emioeut physicians, it appears with very satisfactory results. Mr. MoBride is not and never will be robust, bat he has outlived ill health and is a prodigious worker. He is of medium height, oomplexion neither decidedly dark nor fair, has blue-gray eyes, weighs about 140 pounds, and wears a lull, cropped brown beard. He only laoks the appearanoe of perfect vigor to be strikingly handsome. . Mr. MoBride oomes from an old and very well-know Oregon family. He has several brothers, who have achieved leading positions in the law and in medioine. He is often called an "Oregon boy." With the exception of two years spent in San Francisco, he has always lived in Oregon. Personally he possesses a obarming address, which baa doubtless had much to do with his political suooess. Mr. MoBride is not married. HIS POLICY. All that can be learned about Mr. Mc Bride's political ideas are expressed below. "I favor the fulfillment of the pledges made in the last republican national platform. I am oonfident that the re publican party, when restored to power, will 'ulfill every pledge and will euuot legislation to proteot and encourage the mining industries, as well as fie agri cultural and manufacturing industries of the nation. It is iny opinion that needed reforms, in our national systems, must go hand in hand with true tariff reform, returuiug in our legist ition to the republican policy of protection." OOOOOOOOGO o o It is now beyond dis- 0 putc.that (Worth 4 Guinea ',.,.'' (Tasteless) I O are a specific in all O O cases of Indigestion, Q O Biliousness, Sick- O headache, and kin- Q O drcd troubles. 25 cents a box, f COOOOOOQGO 82 w s $3 SHOE IS THE BEST. FIT FOR A KING- CORDOVAN. FRENCH . ENAMELLED CALF. 435P Fine Calf&Kangarool 3.P POLICE, 3 SOLES. 1250x. ""alVIfy,; -EXTRA FINE. ''J. 602. EXTRA FINE- 2.l7BOYS"SCIIOOLSK0Ei LADIES- SPND FOB CAT A I nC.UF W-L-DOUGLAfli BROCKTON. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They (rive the best valuo for the money, They equal ouBtotn shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities aro unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,-stamped on sole. From $1 to $3 saved over other makes. , If your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by Denier whose nniue will uliortlv np- pearhere. Agent wanted. Apply it ouea ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Roll! oiitrinlit. no rent, no rovultr. Ad intmt I to Oity, VillHRH or Country. ISeflilrd in i-verr . nnmft niioii, More nnu ottH-t1. (ireMusii'uuvtir- 1 ihiiop itntl lipnt wpHer on eiirfh. ! Ar'iil uih (1-0111 to 8BO H-i An,. Oiia in a resiitenco nifunu a a;loii tile neiffhhent. Fine instrument.-., no tm u-mli Initywhere, nny distance. Complete, remty lor I owe wnen toill'i-eil. t an he put up hy i-ny ( tie, I never out uf order, no retmirili!!, lii't a life 'ttinie. nrriimed. A money ninW-r. W'ri'e ' m . Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Colunmus. 0 CHICKEN FUSING PAYS If you use the Pet alum Incut) to to A Brooder. Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. CatnlojrtetlsaU about it, ami describes every articieneeoeuior lut, poultry business. The" ERIE mechanically the bet iwheel. Prettiestttirxlcl. We are 1'acitic Coast Auenta. Hirvi-lV ntn. loime.miiiletifree o ivr full ilrscrM Jon , nrlwt, etc. , aofnts WANrrn. PETALCTMA Iff CUBA TOR CO., PeUlama.Cal. Ukanch llotTSB, t,(t 8 Main St., 1,03 Anircle. Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTH'K TS HFKKHY tilVKN THAT THE 1 UtliliTniinii'il mlminiRtrMtnr uf t,n outat.i ..1 Ji'Bfpll Jolllis.m. iU'i'chju'.I. will iimkrt Html ..r. tU'iiu'iit of his accounts wit" tm.l estniv us BUi h HilministrHtur tit the next ttnti of the eoiintyeourt ot Morrow county, nt the court honsf, to be lioMen at Hcppner'lM miM county 011 the Ith day of March. A I. iv. Wl.t J. C. WATTKNBKRGKR. TO CONsr.1PTI KM. Tb uiiilersinftl haviut; bcfii rratoretl to liertlth by simple, mentis, Httcr sntT r iag for several yeurn with n severe lunj; affection, nd lliat dread . iliseHse, Cuu Bnruption, ia nnxions to mnke known to hia follow enffsrers tbe means of hub. To those who desire it. he will rbeerfnl. ly send, free of charge, a copy of tbe pre soription used, whioh they will find a sure cine for Consumption, Astlmm. Ca tarrh. Uroiifliitie and all throat and Innii nialadies. lie hopes nil huiT-tit will iis. hi,i renidv as it in inv:i!iiMl'le. Th in" i desirum the prescription, winch will pest I them tinthinif, anil umv prove a hi'iiv ! will please address, Itev. EUWAKD A. WILSON. Frooilyn, N. T. junll-w. W.l $3S V ' 1 KJt w r, ft 9 E3& Catalogue 1JJ 91 mm) Lands for Hetilruiept. The f"llov ing it'Briled land, all situated in Morrow county, end lieretnloie hell out settle ment as inileuiaity IiiimIs by the Northern I'm hie have been .lee tared open for sett'einent: ; new rlu!on. . Tp. K. All (if SWi, an . of si;: LotB 1, t ami 4 S '4 .if NK'i ami E ..f &:i KM -;, of N i1 f"':, ol HEJ rlK'ri N!, S'.; in rtWViami S' of siv . A i ! of NEI4 unit Nv.i. titul Sv4 . K", of SK'j. NH i4 of s S'a of SVi4 and Ji;i of SI-;1.. 8W4 of SKI. N'. of NKi4 N K'.i Rllil NVt'ij N", of sW imil N', of SK'i All of ... Allot 3 All of 6 All of. 7 All of 9 NE'4 and N" anil SW'V '. . .11 NE'4 anil NV'4 ami ftE1 y.i NE'i and KVl ...15 All of 1- NKi, 19 K'i of NVl4 and NW14 of ,NW 14 19 NK! of SWl and SK' 19 r.'-4 ami . w i ami SWU 21 NIC1" ami NW'i and Sh. 'Jo 111 i w aim &v i4 27 All of J9 XK!, and Ntt'tj :, NKi and SVi4 :il NE h d SHi4 NEi-4 and NVi4 and SK'J :f S's of SW4 ami ij'a of bE!4 ! .2'.! All of ;; S'4 of NK!i and tHo( KW4 SVV'of NV"4 set SU'V of tiK'i S;l SVV, ol NWJi ;s NY.i of swi4 ;ir, HJ-j of tiY4 and 8' of SE'i ; lltle 2tie Great Oaks From little nrarnn irrow, bo also do fntal iliseitBen spring from Bmnll b"i;inniiina Never Deflect symptoms of Kidney troubles; if allowed to developo they CHiise muoh Btifferina and Rorrow.. Dr. J. H. McLeao's Liver and Kidney Bxlm is a certain onre for auy disease of weak ness of the Kidneys. A trial will non vmoe you of its preat potency. Price SI 00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum Johnson Drug Co. Notice of Intention. rAND OFFICE AT THE DAIXKS, OREGON 4 Feb. 19. 1S9I. Notli-e Is hi'ri'hv fiiifti that tho followinn named settler line (iu-d notioe of his Intention to rnnke final proof in support of his claim, ttinl that said proof will be ntniie before J. V. Morrow, r-ounty clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 10, lH!lri, viz : HIRAM M. TTTORSTON, hd e no .1157, for the N'E'j anil N SE'i. sec 7, tpls, r24EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continnona residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: K. I. Voruz and A.T. McNav, of Heppner ; Paul Kk'ttiian and A. T. Wood, lone. J. F. JI0OHE, f'-'2in'3 Hcttlstcr. Stockholders' Meeting. N-OTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE retiiitarannual meeting: of the stockhold ers of the Morrow County Land it Trunt Co. will be held at the otliee of its t'eusurer oti the sec ond Saturday in March. Iwiij, between the hours of 10 a. in. anil 4 p, m. for tho purpose of electing otlicers for the ensuing year. GEO. I). FELT.. .Scc'y Heppnei, ( r., Feb. 21st 1S95. taJ-ina. Administrators Notice. Estate of John W. iJaWMm. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT l.KT ters of administration 011 the esUte of .loblt W. Dawson, decensed. were granted to the undersigned on the 15lli day of February, 1S!i."i. by the county court of Morrow county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance a Hoppiior, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice. I'Hteil this 19th dav of February, 1K95. ' f Htm I a T. It. LYONS, Administrator. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COLHT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow county. In the matter of the estate of Fredrick Kicrz sclunnn. To any and all persons known and unknown, interested in said estate, greeting : I.N THE NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON', You hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room tnereof, at Heppner in the county of Morrow on Mon day the Mb day of May, 195, at 10 o'clock, in the lorcnoon of that day, then aud there t show cause, if any exist, why an order of sule should not be made for the following described real property belonging to the above-naincd estate, towit : llegiuiiing 9 sr.-laf) chains from s E cor-nei- of SW ' of sec I'll, tp "J s, R -Jii E W M ; thence north at right ang'es with south line of snid sections chains; thence at rtirht angles west distance 72 linls, thence at righ allele south 2 Iti-lrii) chains, thence at right angles east 72 links to beginning, containing BW of an acre. Witness, the Hon. Julius Kcithly, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Morrow with the se"l of snid court alltM'd, 'his 19th dav of February, A. i). Ih9;,. SEAL) Attest: J. V. MOKROW, fl'-'-inia rierk. SUMMONS. Pe THK CIRCriT COP II T OK TITK STATE Of OrcL'tm for the CoMlitA- of Mnrimv ueoiirc . iitirnnuion, a) Adiniiiistnttor uf th -ttit'of .huiiCR Stewart, deceased, I'laintiiV, vs. Jan. P. Hamilton, Dora C llaiiiilton, J. N Hrown, The Northern f'oimties Iiivi'Btinetit Triist, (J,ini ited) iitnl Adriio T'urvin, Defend nut h To .Innios D. Hiiinilton, D-ira t Hamilton and Thy Northern Counties Investment Trust. (Limited). IVfeudniitn. IN TMM NAME OK THE STATE OF ORE GON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the eomnlniut tiled aaiit in the bove entitled action bv the lirst ttav of the next t"rm f th1 above entitled court, towit: On Mon day, the 'J.Mh day of March, 1M), mid if vou a;I so toauswer, for want thereof the plaintiff wiil tike judgment RErninHt the defendant J times P. Hiimilton for thesum of One Thousand Dollars wiih interest thereon from the'-Mst dav of June. is;);j. at the rate of ten per cent, per annum; a'ul rhe sum of One Hundred and Twenfv-K ve Dnllais as attornevV fees, and the costs and disburseinentsof this action. Also for a decree of this court for the foreclosure of a certain mortira.'e described in the complaint and ex ecuted by the defendants .lame- I). Hamilton and lora C. Hamilton, on the J'th day of .hin uary. iv.it. to secure the pavmeutof a certain promissory note mailt by Jaint-s I). Ilaniilton to tne defendant, J. N. Hrown, described in the complaint herein; ami tor other and further relict, according to the prayer of said com plaint. This summons is published by order of the Hon. YV. t. Hradrdiaw. .Indue of the. above en titled court, made in chambers nt The Italics, Oretiuii, on the Jnd dav Kebrunrv, ls'V. ' fi:ank"kki,i,im;o, fs-TnL'J Attorney for I'lnintitl'. SUMMONS. TN THK I'lllcriTCIit'RT FDHTIIE t'Ot'NTV 1 of Mnrriiw, -tat uf Oregon. J. 11, Tuwutielnl, 1 I'liilnliir. I vs. , Thotnns Wnlileii, J W. o. Sentt. 1 Cleo. W. lliirn's. Pefenilimtn. To Thonitiu WtiUleu unit nuts. . W, Harris, Hcfend IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OK ORK- iiu., uu ttre tit'reliv renutreo to iiiuimr mn.i answer ttie emnplHint tile.l ajxiitust vou iu tin almve entitleil ense un or hefure tin1 tirst .Iny of the next reijulnr term nf the nhove eioitleil e.iurt, tu vvit: M.i-ihiy. the jr.th .lav of Mari h. IV'..: anil if you full to itusuer. for want thereof ttie I'laintitV will apnly to the e uirt for the reliet iK-in.uule.l in his eont jilmut. tn-wtl: Juilirnielit atHitit .l.-fenilimt. Thoieas vVnl . Jon. forthe sum of Two Humlreil Knur ami Sixty one Huuilre.ltl-s Pnllo's iu I', s. dnl.i Oi-iu w ith Inten-st thereon at the rate nf in i-er eet-t per auniiui. irom flic lirst -lav of K'lirnarv. ls;i, until pai.l, itn.l for the furth-r s'lin i.i 1 liirty-tivo l. .liars n'tornev s iVe. trirelher with the eolsaiKKIistiureiue:.Ui of this suit to tr taxeti Ami that the mnrteaue ileserihe.t In p'aiutiH" oomplsint he foreelosi .i an. I that tlte prenus.-s therein .lesi iihed, to-ut: ThesH of Set Tp 1 N. Ii E W M, he s.il,l to satisfy satil Jnilcnent. Ami tiiat the saiil Geo. v. Harris and U p.T sons elnlmliii; hv. thronch or uu.ier him ho forever barred ( all right or equity of re.leinti. tiott in sanl premises. This summons is served by piiblii-atton bv order of 1 . Br-.tshaw. jtnlije of tne .-voitrii judieial distriet el the state ol op--on Pateu Janu.irv su, Is'o. .1. N. nuows. A.torrey lor l'laiuii;t'. i.IST 111" I.K! rn:i. AT liEi'PNi: w nu.K, L Dr.. K. -I rv;:t(i'.sf.! iv H M wheTilh-'f. tive - n..l. Moure, Aluco rhes J. 1' ltlors please say r 'Ooghs and CoScls Sore Throat, UroncLitis, Weak Lungg, General Debility uuJ all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured bj Scott's Emulsion Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and consumption is often cured. No other nourishment restoret strength so quickly and effectively. Weak Babies and Thin Children are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. Tho only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put up ia salmon colored wrapper. Refuse cheap substitutes! Send Jar pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott &. Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and SI. City : THIS Popular Hostelry has again I been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals nnd Rooms at Foxular Prices. Mrs. NOTARY PUBLIC A- CONVEYANCER The Lancashire Insurance Co. O AISTOI IIC!S T J , BNOltAND 1 W. PATTERSON. AGKNT. "Q oUheBeatlnthe World FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneyi,' and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tamed counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I terferencesv Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to , Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. getlier with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, 0. 0. p.o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. ? Cut this out and send It with your lnouim.B ilfltli - " IT IS HBSOLlimY The Best SEWitiG MACHIKS MADE SAVE MONEY WE Ml OUR DEALERS can cell you ms.cbtnea cheaper than you can get el where. The NEW IIOMi! Ik our belt, but we make cheaper ki;i:, mirh as the CLIMAX, IDEAL aud othr Hish Arm Full Nickel dialed Sowing machines for $15.00 and np. Call on our agent or write un. IVo wo cl your trade, and If prices, teriiin and square dealing will win, we will uvt it. We challenge the world to i -od ace a BETTER $50.00 Sewl-.ta Uaeliine for $50.00, or a better ?!. " wins Machine for $30.00 tLuu i o... or. a buy from u, or our Azcnlf, 111 HEW HOME SEWING MACEIIiE G). oca.. Mass. Boston, Mabs. 28 Union SoCAnn. K. V UUCA':. IlX. Sr. LOU13, MO. DAI.LA6, iliaa. bi 1'UAKCISCO, Cai atlaxxa. Ua. FOR SALE BY Tile New Home Sewing Machine Co. 257 Market St. San Francisoii, Cal. AND rrsSrrir, IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war. are entitled, it" now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was cnusetl bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. VIlHMVSof such soldiers aud Bailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether aoldler'idet was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own tabor for support. Witf" not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. CillLDKKN' are entitled (if under sixteen years) ia almost all cases where tbwe wu Sv widow, or p)ie has since died or remarried. PAKENTSare entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier dld in serruv, or from e fleet of service., and they are now dependent upon their own labor for np port. It makes no diU'erence whether soldier served or died ia late war or in regular irmr or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other laws. Mithout losing any rights. Thousands ol" soldiers drawing from $a to$io per month tinder the old la are entitled to higher rates uuder new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, bat aio tor others, w hether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regTilar army or navy also the war art also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk. Croek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flo. Ida Indian Wars of 1834 to 143, are entitled under a recent act. Mfxican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixtytwo years of aire or disabled jr dependent. - Oid claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted mnder iater laws or not. Rejected claims reopened and settlement seenred. If rejection improper or illegal. CertiiK-ait-s ot service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war whu oav- lost theirortsinril papers. tkud for laws and iiit ortnation. No charge for advice. No feennless successful. Address, THEI PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Atiprajy, Box 463. a,ao1j,KGTON,'tJ. P.O, ft Hotel. Tom Bradley, Prop. AT OP I CM 3000 parcels of mail; rs FOR 10 1-CENT STAMPS (regular prlue Sc.J your ad dress if received within 34 days will be for 1 year boldly ttnnteu on guiuuieu ttbels. Only Directory guaranteeing lull.ooft customers: from vut I; Ushers and manufac ture n, yo il receivt. ') probabiy, thousands oi samDles.maKaElnes.etc All rr. and each Darcei with one of vour printed address label, pasted thereon. EXTRA! We will also print and prepay postage on 500 at your label addresses to you; which stick on vour envelopes, books, etc., U prevent their being losL J. A. Wabiv of Keldsvllle, N. C., writes : " From my 26 cent address In your Llghtnint Directory I've received my 500 addreat labels and over 8000 Parcel' o RHnil. My addresses you scattered among publishers and manufacture are arriving dally, on valuable parcel of mall from all parts of the WorULr WORLD'S JTAIR DIRECTORY CO. No. 147 Frankford and Olrard Aves. rhiladel phia. Pa. The regular snbsoription prloe of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette ia $2.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonina is SI. 50. Any one Bubucribiog for the Gazette nnd paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oreftonisn for 83. All old ub aenbera paying their subscriptions for one year in adyanoe will be entitled to the same. Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning cm Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, id. Wade. Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent. MMM MM IW