i us 1 1FY00AREIN AFIOLC Km r Advertising GAZETTE Will help you out FARMING. DIVERSIFIED It is pretty generally conceded that the low prices for grain are caused by the cheapening of the cost of production by the use of improved labor-saving machines. And the day when a crop must be cultivated because it requires less labor than some others has passed. The crops which pay bost are those that cost the most to produce, because they are grown less abundantly than the cheaper kinds. Corn, wheat and oats are grown at one-fourth the cost of former times and the old prices will never re turn unless the misfortune of a famine should occur. There are crops grown iu this country which do not supply the home market, and one of them is onions, and this is due to the fact that they require more labor than wheat or oats. Many kinds of fruit and vege tables are below the amount re quired by the home market. It is not supposed that farmers will suddenly revolutionize their methods, but it will be an advan tage for them to study markets and statistics and endeavor to learn what may be required, Labor should, of course, be con snlerod in growing a crop, but it is labor that makes the value, and while it is well to cheapen the labor, yet the amount of labor required should never deter one from growing a crop. A crop that pays well one year may not be profitable the next. The farmor should keep himself woll informed and be always prepared to avail himsolf of the advantages offered by growing a variety of crops in order to satisfy the demands of all classes. DEMAND FOR HEAVY HORSES, cultural department on the use of metal railroad ties and preserva tive processes and metal tin plates for wooden ties. It shows that about 20 per cent of the railroad mileage of the world, outside of the United States and Canada, is laid on metal. In the United States little practical progress in metal ties is reported. It is plain that every possible precaution should be taken to preserve our forests, but the only way the rail roads can ever be induced to adopt them, will be for the agricultural department to demonstrate that they are less expensive and more durable than wooden ones. Their protests will have about as much effect as pouring water on a ducks back. Hie bill creating two more judicial districts in Eastern Oregon has passed both houses. This will compell the appointment of one new judge anil two district attorneys, and will cost the people $7500 a year. We agree with The Dalles Chronicle in saying that there was no more need for these new districts than a wagon has for five wheels, but it makes places by which the legal fraternity will get a small swipe at the public crib. The clays ot the cayuBe are numbered and the Btuekman must from this on breed a good heavy draft horse. It has boon the custom of horsoraiscrs iu the west to turn the mare on the range and never see tho colt, except to brand it, until it is driven to market, and yet people wondor why horses an so cheap. They refuse to breed what the market wants, and the market refuses to pay a decent price for tho common horses that are presented for salo. The whol world wants a hoavy draft horse. We can raise them in Oregon as well as anywhere. Electricity and steam have supplanted the light and medium weight horses, but the heavy dray and 'bus horse is still iu domand. It is to the butchor wo must look if we would know how to breed cattle for profit and it is to the city contractor we must refer if horseraisiug is to bo made possible. Of course th hoavy horses will not do for farm purposes, but you can uot aim too high. The aim must be to breei a hoavy horse for tho city and iu bo doing you will have pleuty of medium horses for agricultural purposes. The organization of a board o trado at Uepptior is in the rigl: direction. When it will have be come a permanent organization will form a powerful factor for tho upbuilding of Morrow county interests. Centralization is neces sary in every move for public gout and without a board of trado similar organization much that . bhould be done is neglected. Uu organized effort is usually more or less futile, and now that we ca always refer to our local trad organization ui all matters interest the Gazette expects better and greater work than ever before. It is true that interest is wanin just at present, but this should not be. Let those elected to office be Bt their post and show that they have an interest in its welfare and much good will result from it. A 1'Rotkst against the ttonn dation of torests in order to secure material for ruilroud ties is made in a rsport iiad by th fri Boothby's portage railway measure, as spoken of in another column, was defeated in the house last Tuesday evening. Though it of great interest to almost the entire Eastern Oregon section, and not a small part of that section as represented, it carried with it quite a large appropriation, and at this juncture with hard times upon us, it is a difficult matter to induce the legislature to accede to the demands of eveD so large a section as Eastern Oregon. But until the state assists in this matter of opening Columbia, or whon the new regime of senatorial representation in congress falls down hard on the ship railway fraud and comes down to common sense proposition, but little can be expected towards the relief asked. conatdered in the senate and pasted. The bill will probably pass the boose aa it carries no appropriation, and if oar militia is to be continued, wilt be of vast benefit. Senator Dawson's bill to abolish the state board of equalization went down to defeat jesterdajr. Butler made a masterly effort in its favor, bat it all went for naught. Senator McGinn is etodsed for the remainder ot the session on account ot the death of his brother, Gilbert Mo Qinn whose demise ooonrred recently in AirzoDa. Patterson's senate bill for the con veying of prisoners, insane patients, etc, to tbeir respective institutions by speoial deputies, died in the boose. It out sheriffs oat entirely from consider ation in the mutter and was considered unfair and unjust. Tbe bill on assessment and taxation, presented by Mr. liarke, pBBsed the hoase yesterday. Mr. Long, of Mult nomah made more effort in its behalf than any other representative outside ot Mr. Burke. Yonr correspondent is of the opinion that it oorreotsany tendency for doable taxation. Mr. Boothby's portage bill was de feated by a vote of 33 to 22. Senator King's irrigation bill has passed both bouses and will be signed bv tbe governor. It will give eeotions desiring to make ditohes the same authority bb school districts in the matter of bonding, only that it requires three-fifths of the voters in the district to authorize issuance of bonds. Cole knocked out Faxton'g bill pro viding that certain rich bankers oould oontrol state funds. This is not the wording of tbe bill, yet in faot this is wbat it means. Young's house bill making taxes payable in cash only baa passed the house. It will give all scrip holders equal recognition, if it becomes a law, Hon. J. N. Brown is here and is an applicant for the proseouting attorney- shin of tbe new judicial dietriot of Morrow and Umatilla. Mr. Brown is the only applicant irom Morrow, and as that oounty is oonoeded tbe plaoe, Umatilla having the judge, Mr. Brown will likely Buoceed. Dave. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no epecial mention All wbo have nsed Eleotric Bitters sing tbe s ime song of praise. A purer medicine d'ies not xist j "nee mm (lreat Oaks From little scorns uniw, so also do fatal iIiwhbcs upriug from small barinnings Never lu-Jhd symptoms of Kidney tior.tjlts; if a'lnw.1 to develops they sutTeriii'' and sorrow. lr. and ' ,Hs guaranteed to do all that ,e ! J. H. McLWa Liver and Kidney Balm claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Halt Khenm and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as oure all Miilarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Consti pation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or mooev refunded. Pre" 50c. and $1 per bottle at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store. Turned the Hose on Them. A twenty-round glove contest, which gave better satisfaction than any ever held in Livingston, Mont., took place there recently. Before the contest it leaked out that it was to be a rank fake, and arrangements were made to give it a fitting reception. Time was called shortly after ten o'clock, and as soon as the principals entered the ring a section of the city hose was coupled onto a hydrant near by. liy the time the third round was called everything was in readiness, and while the prin cipals were engaged in carrying out the rankest of fakes a rush was made for the front window, a nozzle was thrust through the glass and the full force of the water was turned into the ring. The first shot struck one of the combatants in the small of the back. resulting in a knockout blow. Both the principals rushed from the ring, and the water was turned on the spec tators, few escaping without a drenching. is certxin cure f r any diseH?e of weak ueHS of tlie Kidn"s. A trial will con vince you of its great potency. Pnoe 81 (10 per bottle. For sale by Slocum Johnson Drug Co. The little insect popularly called tho deuth watch or tick is a limber-boring insect which usually commences its sound late in the spring, and is no other than the call by which the male and female are led to each oilier, the same as with birds during the mating season. The sound t". ey emit is not owing to the voice of the insect but to its beating on or striking any hard substance with the fchield or fore part of its head. The prevailing number of strokes are from seven to nme and eleven, and it is this circumstance which probably adds to the ominous character it bears among ignorant and superstitious persons. In all Investigation blnzes the way for human progress. Rule 15, which pre vented the admission of patent medi cines at the World's Fair, caused an investigation of all the blood-purifiers presented for exhibition purposes. The result of this examination by scientific men, proved that Ayer's Harsaparilla whs the only remedy of thekind entitled to the onnfidenoe of the oommittee, and Worthy of their endorsement. Shiloh's Cure, the great Conch and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers Jr. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OKKGON lJ Feb. 19. 1WI. Notice Ib hereby i:tven that the following Humeri settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his clKim. ami that said proof w ill be made before J. V. Morrow, eonnty clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 111, 1W viz : HIKVM M. TIlnlCNTON, hrl e no s:i",7. for the NK1., and N'J HE1, sec 7,tp 1 8. r 24 EiVM. He names the following witnesses to prove his ooiitinnous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. P. Voruz anrl A. T. Mr-Nay, of Heppner ; Paul Kietman and A. T. Wood, lone. J. F. MOORE, fii'im'Kt Heglster. onsumptsovi ran formerly pronounced incurable. Xow it is not f the early stages of the disease Scott's Emulsion will effect a cure quicker than any other known specific. Scott's Emulsion pro motes the making of healthy lung-tissue, relieves inflammation, overcomes the excess ive waste of the disease and gives vital strength. Tor Coughs, Golds, Weak Lungs, Sore Throat, BroncMtis, Consumption, Scrofula, Aiiaoih, Loss of Flesh and Wasting Diseases of Children. Buy only the genuine with our trade mark on salmon-colored wrapper. s,-,l far bamthltt on Scotfs Emulsion. EA'EE. Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $ I. 1 TRAOC MARK. The United States is borrowing more mouey to pay ponce expenses than Japan and China combined are to carry on their war. Frederick Douglass, the color ed orator, died on the night of Feb. 20th at his home in Washing ton city. Toe sober truth about bond- selling under present circum stances is that it means the buying of gold. Hope Urnshed to Earth Will rise again in tbe bosom of a dyspeptic wise enough to substitute for the pseudotonics, which have bambooz led him out of his belief in tbe possi bility of oure, the real invigomnt and stomuchio, Uostetter's Stomauh Bitters. I'he bilious, the nervoiiB, tbe dyspeptic, tbe rheumatic alike derive speedy benefit (mm this helpful botanic medicine. Persons sufTerintr from indigestion will gain no positive permaneut good from the firey, uumedicnted stimulants of oommeroe, too often nsed recklessly. The Bitters is immeHsnrsblv to be pre- ferrered to these as a tonic, eiuoe its pure busis is modified by tbe conjunction with it of vegetable ingredients of the highest remedinl excellence. Malaria is prevented snd remedied by it, and it infuses vigor into the wenk and siokly. A wine glasslul three times a day is the average dose. "Only a triHe," you say, perhnps so, but it is heat not to trifle with it. That oongh, if neglected, may result in some thing serious, such as bronchitis, pneu monia, or even consumption. Sore throat, colds, congbs, boareenoBH, diffl culty of breathing, and similar disorders, though so onmtnnn as to excite tin ularm, should be trented without delay. The continued irritation of the bronchial tubes may result in a dangerous iufluri mation. The best remedy to Hike is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is agreeable to the taste, only small doses are needed, and it is always ready for use. Aoiors. singers, preaohers, teachers, auctioneers aud all whose vnotl organs are severely taxed, deul nre they prefer this prepar ation to anv other. It affords speedy relief, soothes and heals the irritated muoous membrane, and gives tone strong h, and titxibility to the voice, no other medicine is so prompt to aot, snd so sure t" cure as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. To it were awarded medal and diploma at the World's Fair. MISSING LINKS. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE reu'ularanninil mcetinRnf the stockhold ers of the Morrow Countv Land & Trust Co. will be held at the oltiee of its t easnrer on the sec ond xntimlm- in March. lHfi.Y hetweell the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p.m. for the purpose ot electing omeerB lor the ensuing year. GEO. D. FELL. sec'y Heppnei, 1 r., Feb. 21st lij'Jj. rWjfiSi Administrators Notice, Estate of John W. Dav, on. deceased. IVTOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT I.F.T- i.1 ters ot administration on me esiaie in John W. Dawson, rieeeaserl, were eranted to the undersigned on the loth day of February, ISto. by tire county court of Morrow county. All persons having claimB ucaiiist saitl estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at Heppner. Oreiton, within six mouths after the date of this notice. Dated this Kith dav of February, ISO',. flllmlD T. It. LYON.", Administrator -- City ! Hotel. THIS Popular Hostelry h&s again I been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals orixl Rooms at Popular Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER CALL. AT OI' I ow FROM THE STATE CA VITAL Sai.k.u, Or., Feb. 181)5. Ed. Ga zette: The house and Semite have gotten down to night sessions aud are doing oonsiderubla work. Last night Mutlinn's senate bill atTeeting the salaries of olUoers ot Multnomah oouuty whs sent lo its long sleep iu tho house, having already passed the senate. Tbe Hitunu oliarter would bava met with a similar fate hsd it not been re-referred to the Multnomah delegation. Ho lar, the house has showed itself stile to liotate legislation, and obnoxious measures full like ouaff before the wind. j ins evening s special oar osme up from Portland with a delegation who are anxious that Boothby's portage measure shall pass. It provides for portage facilities and carries an appro priation of $31X1,000, but when amended, as it will be, it will not oarry over $13"),- 000, helher it will pass or not re mains to be seen. The measure lo Increase the salaries ot tbe governor and supreme judges was re-referred tonight. , The senatorial fight is sKl interesting Today "the 30" oast their full strength tor S. A. Lowell (or senator disproving assertions that they ooujd not uenlral iza on soy person outside of Judge Williams. In faot, tlwy will support any good republican ud tbeir lotion todav does uot mean that thsy may not turn to Williams again; If the occssioo demands it. Your correspondent be lieves thrtt if any senator is elected it will b) Governor Lord.! i IUv, Lands for Bett lenient. The following described land, sll situated in Morrow county, and heretofore held out settle ment as indemnity lands by tho Northern Pacific have been declared open tor settlement: Description. Bee. Tp. R. NK'i ano NW!i and SEKi 1 Is 'ile NW of NK'4 :l is ate H'i NK and NW'-i is ale 8'4 aud HK!i 18 '-':,e All of 8 Is ale Allot ' is 2.1C All of is le All of 11 Is Zie All of : w is icte All of t." Is !Be All of lr is Zie NKV and NW ID is 2M N Kfc and Utt'S, at is All of Is e All ot 1 in 'ile All of 3 in Allot S in -ae All ot 7 In 2:ie All of 9 In -'' Allot U In ate All of 1 In ate All of .. 1 In ate All of 17 In ate All of W In le Allot ill In ale All of .' in i-e All of 2.r' In ale Alio! '.'7 in All of '-"J in Mo All of l in a'e All of : In aie All of -US In aie S'tof NK and K'of SWV4 Ill an ale SK ' of N H i and SK 'i ill an ale Lots 2, anil 4 an a:te awi of aw ;a an ate All i I I I --"J Alt of it is aie All of . . is ait. .V, of NW'm and SSi of 8E 7 is ale NlK, NKV 7 Is aie K1, o( SW'i anil SEii 7 Is aie 1Ota :l andt 7 Is ate 81. of NKV,lldj ol NWS 9 SH V of !-K, SI NKi of NWi.4 11 HW anil WH of SB1 II HKW of KI U K'iof NKV and W.of NW4 18 NWl, of NEl 13 SK1, of NW IK 8Wl snd KH ot SKtt Ill All of IS All of 17 All of 19 All of 21 Allot ... .U All of 1 All of 8 All of 5 All of 7 All of 9 All of It Ml of IS All ol IS All of 17 All of Ill All ol ai All of ... ai Allot as All of J7 Ailot Allot All of All of !liK 8', of SW'.antl S'iofSW i. on t ami Policemen in Austria must under stand telegraphy. Patti has a gold watch only three fourths of an inch in diameter. Ovek 200,000 postal cards are used every day in the United States. IN France, lielfrium and several other European countries all elections are held on Sunday. Canada's divorces for the past twen ty years have just been figured up and they amount to only 110. The water that pours over the fall? at Niagara is washing the rock away at the rate of five yards in four years. Tiiehe are more artesian wells i California than in any other state i the union. One countv claims four hundred and fifty-seven inich wells. Ac'coiiiimo to the iMi'ianenl l.nR'ineei there arc good veusims for believing that the friction of rain is the real cause of light tuny. CITAflON. iIIT OF The Lancashire Insurance Co. O ANCHB8 T J , ENGLAND R' PiTITlKllV IC.m on.-, oftlmllostlntlie -vVorie" THK STATU TN THK COUNTY CO 1 of Oregon, for .torrov county. In the matter of the estate ol freriricn wroiz- sehiimn. I'o any and all persons known and unKnoun ilitr'i'1'Htr-ri in said estate, greeting : IN THK NAMK OF THK STATE OK OKKtlON, You hereby cileri anrl required to appear In the countv court of the stiite of Oregon, for the Countv of Morrow, at the court room thereof, at Heppner in the county of Morrow on Mon day the (ith dav of May, lwfj, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there t show cause, if any exist, whv an order of sale should not he marie for the following deseriliod real propertv heltnmine to the above-named estate, towit : ' HeKinnilit; il HS-lm chains from S K cor ner of Stt '4 of sec Jil, tp s, 11 ail H W M ; thence north at right angles with south line of said section a Id-lim chains; llieiice at rk'ht angles west distance 72 liuls, thence at rigli angle south a f,2-Wt) chains, thence (it right angles east 7a links to beginning, containing 1',1,-VKO of an acre. . . Witness, the Hon. Julius Keithly. judge of the countv court of the state of Oregon, lor the Cnutityof Morrow with the se 1 of said court allixcd, liis Will dav ol February, A. II. lb'.i.i. IriKAI.l Attest: .1. w f 10-m 19 MOKI'.OW, Clerk. J" WORTH A GUINEA A BOX (Covered with a Tasteless and Soluble Coating. Nl'l' .""01 nr. Run oiv1.., All ol Uits I, a, 3 and t ' j. 01 r m SW', aud Si, of 8 NK, and K, ol NV 1 ois 1 an NKol 8W l and SE'4 NKi aud K N , V snd SWl. aud NEI4 Allot KS ol NWiiiml lots I snd 3. NK suit K.)4 ol XV Wsol NW All of All of All of All of All of All of All ol All of All ol Alio! All of NWV nd 8NVU and 8E4 NVt lT sud SW;ud (-Ji NK'tsnd NW4hd SE1 .... ME lj snd 8V and SE V . . . F.i ol NW V, and KV ol SWV, M 1, J, 8 sud 4 KKV M su,t xwi,,uasr. ...29 ...SI ...M .35 ...iU .. as ... 1 .... 1 ...a ! Is 1 14 is la is la Is la Is Is li In In In In In In In In Iu in ale In 2lo In '.'le In ao In -' li la -2 le In aie In 2le In ale in 21 2n 24e Is 2Se Is 2 It 2.e Is 2Se Is H' It 2.S) li 2.V 1 are a marvellous Antidote for Weak fltomach SICK HEAD ACHE, Impair. ed If 1 co tton, Con st, p ntt on JUtiorder ed Liver, Ate. t found also to be especially efficacious and remedial by FF.MAI.E SVFFGUKUS. Ot all druggists. Price 25 oentsatoox. Now YorK liepoi, nn i aiiat nt. You Can Get Fftrrv'R Seeds at vonr dealers 1 in fpfish and tortile us thoimh you got them direct from f erry s Seed Farms. fERRYS&EDS are known and plunled every where, ann nr ninny uo b?t Ferry's Serd Annual lor inua teu.H uu uliuul them, Free. 9. M. Ferry A Co. D t rolt, M ioh . SUMMONS. TS THE CJRWTT UOlTKT OF THE STATE of urrtgon for tlie Comity of Morrow. George W. Hurriiitfton, al j Administrator of t li c j i Ks!iir,Jof .ItiineftStowui't, i (lout-used, IMuiutilr', VH. Jus, D, Hamilton, Dora C Hamilton, J. N Brown, j Tin1 Northern Counties Investment Trust. (Um- ltudj and Addle I'urvlu, I ltefemlants J To JaineR D. Hamilton, Porn C. Hnmiiton and Tlie Northern Counties Investment Trust, (Limited). DerendMiits, IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF ORE GON: Vou are hereby required to appear and answer the eoinphiint filed atrainet in the obove entitled action bv tbe that day of the next term of the above entitled court, to wit : on Mon day, the 'JMh dav of March, IMi'i, and if you fad so to answer, for" want thereof the plaintiff wiil tiike judgment atrainst tbe defendant James 1). Hamilton for tbe sum of One Thousand Dollars with interest thereon from tlie Jlst dav of June, IS!i;t. at tbe rate of ten per rent, per mmum; rthd rhe sum of One Hundred and Tvvemy-K ve Dollars as attomev'w fees, and the costs and disbursements of this action. Also for a decree of this court for th foreclosure of a certain mortgage described in the complaint and ex ecuted bv tlie defendants .lame D. Hamilton and Dora C. Hamilton, on tbe Ji'tb oay ol .lau narv. LS'.M. to secure the payment of a certain nmintssorv note made hv .laim-H P. Hamilton to Die defendant, ,1. N. Brown, described in the complaint herein; nnd ior other and further relief, according to the prayerof said complaint. 'l ids summons is published by order of tlie Hon. VY. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above en titled court, made in chambers at The Dalles, Oretron. on the 2nd day February, 1S;to. FKASK KKLL'Xitt, FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government to that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain tneif patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent ana reii. able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, it not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. 4' With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys. , and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re taiiicd counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct ! terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to s Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and j Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. I If you have an invention on hand send a sketcn or pnotograpn xrn, r- gether with a brief description of the important teatures, ami you u idvised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infr ng ng on your rights, or it you are cnargea wiui muuj- - yj others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C p. o. box 63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 3- Cut this out and send It with your moult."" j M.r... it?- V IT MOV Attorney for I'laiiititF. SUMMONS. rN THE CIRCl'IT COi:r.T fflR THE COUNTY . Tou'iinentl, MuiutifT. 0. W. Hnrrln, Defend- A VETERAN'S VERDICT. In s In In The War is Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Indlnnn contributed her thousands of tirnre (Hi I ilicrs io 1 1 if w nr. ami no suite brurs n In -t -tc v ivt-nni in that rc-ptrt than it tiiH's, In Htfnitim' it is rapluiy at-quirini: hii pnviaiiU' pi.ifi. 1 it war ami i hern tint tMilornon Si weil. well known us a writer H8 '!," loin wuii ;m honorable posiilon. Pnr lnp tin- uite war he wus a ineinher of t'o, M, tu. N Y. t'HVHtv ami of tlie 13. li lnuian.i In fantry VoiiuHeerv Heaanllna an important elrvnmsuiiiee ho wrhesart follows: "r-everal of i o!l vru-rans here are usin Pr Ke-mriit'VM Nervine, Heart i'liro ani Nervf unti Liver 1'itlA. ali of them slvJnsc splernii.l suil-.ia' -lion, in fact, we have never Urcii mmim thai compare with them. Of the rim. vn- nni-i s:v ihev are tlie bei. codv ThomnB Wniilen, V. U. Scott, Geo. W. Hurria, Defendanti. To Thomas Waltlen ami ants. IN THE NAMK OF THE STATE OF ORE GON, Yon are hereby required, to appear and answer the complaint Hied aeainut yon in the above entitled ease on or hefnre the tl rut day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-nit: Mo- day. tlie2rth day of March. IMi.i; and if yon fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho emrt for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: Jndu'inent atrainst defendant. Thomas T'nl don, for i he sum of Two Hundred Four and sixtv One hundredths Dollars in U. 8. (iold Colli with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cert tier minnm. from tlie tlrst nav ot tehni&ry. lw.t. until paid, and for the further sum of Thirtv-live Hollars attorney's fee. together with thei'iistsaitd diburtemei.ts of this suit to be And that the mortpjis:e described in p'aintllf's complriint be forecloF. d and that the premises (herein described, to-wit: TheSW4 of Sec J-l Tp 1 N. U i K V M, be s.dd to Batisfy said judgment. Ami that tho said Geo. W. Harris and all per sons eltiimiiii.' by, through or under him be forever barred of'all riht or equit of redemp tion in said premises. This summons is served by publication bv order of b. BrOshinv. jndne nt tno Seventh judicial district .f the Ktate ot Oregon Uated January :io, J. N. BKOWN. . Altorney for I'lainiitf. MONEY 3 IT 13 ABSOLUTlLY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE wi7 r3 OCH DEALERS can sell you m.chlne cheaper than yon can gcol whore. The NEW HOME la our best, but we make cheaper kinds, urli B3 the ClIIHAX, IDEA 6. and oilier Hlsh Arm Full Nickel Plaied Sevvtna Machine for $15.00 aud u!. Call on our agent or write u. AVe wani four trade, and If prices, Jermo and e n uare dealing will win, we will liive It. We challenee the world to ,, -odace o BETTER $60.00 Sewing '71 aclilne for $50.00, or a better t0. T wins Machine for $110.00 than you con buy from us, or our Auents. T33 BEW HOVE SEVUG MMH1CE CO. ;o,r;;s4SSK'v tU, I'UASCISCO, CAL. ATLAJ.TA.ua. FOR 8ALS BY The New Home Sewing Machine Co. 257 Market St. San Franoisoo, Cal, "SOgOPARCELSOFMAIL'imS FOR 10 1-CENT STANIPt (ri'KUlar price 2SC.) your d- areas If receivea wiiuu. d' will Ije tor 1 year beUlr Kbela. Only Dlreutory guarntwlng lS.OO custumerv; fhiu pu llHhers ana maniiuw turera yuo'U receive, probabiy, tbouBaiidt rA valuable hooks, papery M.ninlpn.mairar.lneM,etc. Willi o'ne-of yonr prlnled heft .,nuto, thereon. IaTB "S ?"! Slso print and prepay postage on i o your label adare. to you ; "hkb Mick on your ye10!?'! vak nrevent their being tost. J. A. l of Ke dVv lie, N.T , writ. : " From mv 25 cent address In your I.lghtnln SlWtoVv V" received my 600 addresj labeTs and over SOOO lrce ol Wall. My addresses you c"ltereo anuing publishers and manufactnrerm Srm3 nSn all . part, of U orlc' of mail from alt Darts WORLD'S JTAIK DIRECTORY No. 147 Franklord and Oirard Avei. tihla. Fa. CO. fhlladel- The rec'il' Babsorlptlon prloe of lb Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 aod tbs regular prioe ot the Weekly Oreuoniao iB 81.50. Anyone eotworibing for tb Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for J3. All old anb sonbera paying their sabseriDtioiie for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe Bam. Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays, Wednesday", and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. H. Wade, Prop. T. W. Ayers Jr., agent. Citation. S THE COI'NTY C'OfRTOF THE STATE OK Halkm, Or., Feb., JO, 18H5.-K.I. On Idle. Yesterday Uovau' bill for a srs erm plats organisation was rt- NKU and NWV V aiul si, oi i nl iV ol NKV ami lot t. h1. ol .M aud Et,' . al NEW and oh ol SW1... aad KU, .. i ceirlndti art ' rasa.) In In In In 3u w blD.ltiOll t ' ftl'illl "f i h.'VH ,.,v 1 .1. fill ' 'V'i R .. Ill lt 1 1 l"P' ep:i liUiililU'j rtMnlrt"d in a prt'O- fH'ir n.tuirv ,r liavc ever ktuiwn. ii 'tui minis of praise for tln-m. I" ! .icrviivtli of a uew pniK'lple In ; ;i I louo uj the vstc;n wonilor . . to nil. trv ll-ff-e "nu'iiu." Y , Vartoh. Ind.. Pv. l.-vi iiU'tiU". tirv t"V itll ilrutiri.'s I'll .'inrir. or i-tit uirvi t ty IliO to., KlUl.arl. Itui.. O'l ro- "-i i r lumlo. sit bottit'S So. e i - ' 1,. i,wii:vt'.ycoauutiuciUKir 1 1. .iioruus drud. F.ir sale by T. W, Ayers, jr. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT L Oremm. for llu' countv ul Morrow. In tho mutter ol tht'i estiite of Klili" CITATION. Sperrv. iIci-ohm-.I ) To Hill, la Kiln nr.ls. eml nil unknown persons illtl"-f.tni 111 S'li'l l'"'!!1!" IS THK NAMK I'K THE STATE OF OlIE GiiS, You art" lo rcto- cited iinil rcqiiired to np ncHr In the t'oimly outt ol the Sliireol iirt-con. hir tin' Countv of Mormw sr the Courl Kooni thereof, at Heppner in the Coutitvot .Morrow on Weilneniav. the I'-rh day i.t March, ls'-i. at U' o'clock in the forenoon of thitr dsv. then anil there to ,-ow cause If any eiit, why an order ol sile shail not he ina,ie of the real property of : said estate. decnled as follow e. lo.w II : 1 HeuinnitiK nt a stake -Ix ixlf' inches ar a point , .Sfv. chains w est of the southeast corner of the! donation land claim of Charles Rice, notifica tion No. I'l'i'.' and onlm No 4!i, in Township r, south, of min:e we-r. of the Willamette Mcrl-i rilan. and runt'thc thence north and liaralle". with the east I'ise of sild claim 17 Cham, to a. stakeon the north line of said clf.lm. thatice j we.t 'J.4 chat'.s to a etft'ie. thence Bouin ; chains to a stake 'i 10x14 in, -lies, thence ea.t .'.4 1 chains to the place of bcein:i lim. contHiiitua I thirteen and thirty-four ot e-bundre,iTh acres, i more or les. situate in County oi l.uiu ai.,1 . Stale ol iVecoi. ! i U (Vfis, the Hon. lo'.ios Kl'tll'y. Jiuk'c oi the Coii-ov l o'.iri of the , s'atc ol Orc-j.i 'or 'he Co otty of i SEAL Morroi i i'l, iiicSc.il m' s od ( j I atVwd.this 5th cav uf r.tin.iirTf A P.. lti. I I ATTtST . J. W. .MORBO-W. 1 ItVaiv. Clerk. . ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days.er over. In Ihe Ul wan are entitled, if now partlallror wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, w net Her alssoni" was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary cireumstancet. . . WlUOWSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled hf not remarried) whether oldlerlJJ was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. WIS not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to aervlce. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where tnsre was an. widow, or she has since died or remarried. .,- , , . ,.. . . PARKNTS are entitled If soldier Jxft neither widow nar ehltd, provided soldier Mad la service, or from rftecta of service, and thev are now dependent upon their own labor for sap port. It makes no diHerence whether soldier served or died in late war or In regalar army or """loldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates nnder othe Thousands of soldiers drawing from $J to lie per month nnder the 'Old lav are entitled to hlslior rales under new law, not only on account of disabilitiea for which bow pensioned, kat also for others, whetherdu to servtceor not. - Soldiers snd sailors disabled in lineof duty In regular army or navy alaeatae wsr are alas entitled, whether discharged for disabilltyor not. .. .. Survivors, and their widows, of the BlaKHaw.Crh.ChTnkaild Issalaolaw H Ida Indian Warsof ISS'4 to areentitled under reeent act. Mexican TT ar soldiers snd their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of re or disabled Dr deneudent. . old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted ander later laws or not. ...... .... Rccctcd calms reopened and settlement secured, If rejection Improper or illeaal. . Cett-.hcatrs of service and discharse obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war WBo save lo-t their original papers. SU4 for Uws and inlormation. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Aaarcaa, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing; AttorttfX Box 463. u"t,u isVgTON.'D. O P. O. Box O