V Notice to Advertisers. rH08E desiring the insertion of display ads., or change ol same, must Ret their copy in lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening lor Friday's edi--on. Thk Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit ir shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and another sntertainmenta from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five -enta a line. These rules will be strictly edher dd to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable asd made known lpon application. We hold each and everv lyirrMivniiUnt pa. ponsible for his or her communication. No orresponaeuce win be published unless the ffrlters real name is signed as an evidence of ood faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTW- ing Agent, 21 Merchants (exchange, -jan Francisco, is nnr authorized agent. This paper la kept on file In his office. Give your businessto Heppner people, ind therefore assist to build up Hepp er. Patronize those who patronize ou. , TIME TABLE. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, lohn Day and Canyon City, leaves an follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapeflt, quickest and best line to or from the luterior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Fhllt Conn, Agent. City Hotel Bar! The Public are Informed that 0. B. Tedrowe Is located in the City Hotel Buildiner, and keeps the best brands of Liquors and Cigars to be found in Huppner. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest llzed uiugu. G. B. TED ROW K, Prop. Here and There. Spray sella meat lower than ever before. Qrain fed meats at summer prices nt Spray's. , Mrs. Ed. Day is a little better from ber recent sickness. Mrs. 8. S. Horner Is quite sick with rheumatism again. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, yValla WhIIb, Wash. Presiding Elder Howard left on Wed nesday's train for Pendleton. Loin steak, 8 eta.; round steak, 6 cts.; rib steak, 5 cts., at Sprays. J. P. Hayden, of Lang & Co., is in the city interviewing our merobants. Qeo. French is in the oity from Butter creek, visiting bis folks for a few days. 0. T. Walker, of Pac Paoking Co., ar rived od the morning train to buy cattle. The protracted meetings nt the M. E oburcb, south, are oreating a great deal of interest. H, M. Thornton, a prominent sheep man of lone is spending a few days vis iting in the city. Anyone having one, two and three-year-old steers for Bale should see Sum Kinsman at Heppner. tf. The Literary olubbave postponed their meeting for next Saturday night, owing to ibe meetings going on at the M. E. cburcb. Mr. B, F. Swaegart desires to give notice that he will have prepared and on the market bis squirrel poison at an early date. tf, D. P. Ketchum, of The Dalles, nrrived on this morning's train in quest of mut ton sheep, and will buy as many as are in the market. A snre oure for the liquor habit. No. cure no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drug Store. 9 if. . The Literary Club will on the follow ing Saturday render the heaviest pro gram yet given by them. The publio is cordially invited. A. P. Bradbury, of the Portland Cracker Co., left on last night's train for the East. He reports business gradually on the inorease. On our streets today we notice the following prominent men from Lexing ton: X. A. Leach, J. W. Vaugban, E. L. Padburg, Obas. Barnett. Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and baironts always in stock. Baths in oon neotion. Call on him. The Christian cburoh will in the near future present to the publio an enter tainment. It will be the most nnique affair ever given in Heppner, There will be a ball at Lexington on Wednesday avening, February 20. All ara cordially invited to oome. Good order and a pleasant time assured. G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, oan be fonnd at his parlors, Matlock corner, where he will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc. Mr. Jno. Buesiok, of Herren & Buesick. will leave for Sitka, Alaska, about March lOtb, to engage in mining. Mr. J. G, Thompson may possibly accompany bim. - An entertainment for the benefit of the Christian ebnroh will be given at the opera hall on Thursday evening. Feb, 21st. You are invited to attend and help along a good work. Admis sion, adults 25c; obildren, 15c; reserved seats 35 cts , for sale at C. 8. Vanduyn's. The largest real estate deal ever oon aummsted in this country was 1 miles of Brooklyn, N. Y. water front, costing 130,000,000. A cheok for $12,000,000 was given. This ia the largest check ever passed through the New York olearing boos. . Yesterday at Lexington occurred the marriage of Mr. B. F. Willis and Miss Lennie Ltffler. The youDg man being unable to eeoure the marriage license, called to his aid one MeAlith, who iwore to Miss Lennie being the required age. Mr. Leffier swore ont complaint against MoAlitb and Willis. McAlith's i trial came off this afternoon before I Justice Freeland. He waived eiami- j nation and was bound over to the grand jury in $300 bonds. Mr. Willis' trial Is I tel for 10 a. nt. kHrariay. I I The proposed change in the branch I train servioe has not yet materialized. This seems to ns would be a great benefit to the O R. & N. Co., as it would certainly develop a good looal passenger as well as stook business between Heppner and The Dalles at least it would greatly aid the stock men in taking care of stock while in transit, giving them daylight instead of all night runs. The passenger business would gradually grow, especially from the John Days to The Dalles. A justioe of the peace hereafter, or as soon as the new law ia approved by the governor, shall require the private pros ecutor in a criminal action to give se curity for costs and disbursements be fore filing or reoeiying the complaint therein, in the amount authorized in civil aotions, and not otherwise. The law is to be enacted owing to the fact that many irresponsible parties are re peatedly instituting actions on frivolous pretexts, resulting in needless expense to taxpayers. Exposure to rongh weather, dampness, extreme onld, etc., is apt to bring on an attaok of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped bands and face, cracked lips and violent itching of the skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. McLean's Voloanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for im mediate application when troubles of tbis nature appear. It ia a sovereign remedy. 25o, 50o and $100 per bottle. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Miss Brown, a graduate of Mt. Vernon conservatory, also a graduate of the Cleveland, Ohio, sohool of mnaio, will commence next week to give lessons in voice oulture at the residence of Dr. McSwords. This is an opportunity that Heppner people are fortunate in meeting with. Her voice certainly is extraordi nary, as she was one of the leading sing ers at the world's fair. We are requested to announce that the H. L. & D. sooiety will not meet on Saturday, (tomorrow) evening, owing to the meetings now in progress at the M. E. ohuroh, South. The program as arranged for this meeting will be carried out in full at the next regular meeting of the society one week from tomorrow night. Art Minor is endeavoring to raise funds for the repairing and putting in pr.ip?r shape the dam at Lexington. This is a very worthy scheme, as it is a sura preventative of all salmon coming up Willow creek. Any contribution will be received by him for the above purpose. M. D. Roohe, the Grand Organizer for the Woodmen of Trie World, will install a camp tonight at Arlington with 30 obarlir members. Tbis lodge though young, comparatively soenking, is fast coming to tbe front as one of the best of lodges. Clearance sale of gents furnishing go?ds at the store of P. C. Thompson Co., to continue till Maruh 1st. Now is the time to get bargains. Bring your oaah. All gen's furnishing goods at oost. tf. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Dieto, Cal. SBys: "Shiloh's Cata'rh Remedy is the first medioine I have ever fonnd that would do me any good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe best beer on the Paoifio onast. Also on hands the beat brands of liquors, wines and cigars, 56tf. Mrs. T. W. Ayers, Sr., is rapidly recovering from a severe spell of sick ness. Her many friends will be glad to see ber agaiu in her usual good health. Mr. 'Gene Vangh'in will return to Heppner in a few d tys from Obioago, where he has been in a'tendanoe at one of tbe leading schools of dentistry. Green Mathews tor shaving, bair- cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. CM. Jones, assistant. Minor & Co. have reoently enlarged their commodious store room and re painted it throughout, greatly improving its general appearance. Mr. Ed. J. Slocum reoeived a letter from Floyd Thomas tbis morning. The corps of pbysioiaus have decided to operate on bim today. Among tbe noticeable features of tbe hard times, there are five or six new houses being built, and not a vacant house in our midst. Mr. Homer MoFarland baa fully re covered his health in California, and speaks in glowing terms of Los Angeles in particular. For a good laugh these dull times, have Mr. J. H. Mc Haley tell youthenqw Oat story. It is a true story, and has a good moral. Miss Martha Neville is convalescent from a very aevtre sickuess. Her many frieuds will be delighted to know of her recovery. Jerry Cohn reoeived a letter from Mr. Cohn who is at the Good Samaritan hospital and she is improving but very slowly. Wm. Rudio, a prominent merchant of Long Creek, returned from Salem on Tnursday morning's train. E. G. Slocnm is working at tbe power house during E. U. Sluoum's abseooe in Portland. J. D. Kanworthy, representing Riobey, Ruberts & Kerr, arrived on this morning's train. Gilhoosen Bros, best $1 photos go at $1.75 per dr, tor twenty-five days. J. F. Willis, our preseot assessor from Lexington is on our streets today. Mr. Marion is in th city in the interest of Wsdhams & Co. J. L. Ayers and family are in the oity from Butter creek, Karl's Clover P.oot will purify your Blood, clear y inr Complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25c . 60c, and $1- Hold by T. W. Avars, Jr. The Only Great and thoroughly re. liable building-up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It h is won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story : Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail " Formerly every year I had an erup tion on my body, and a kind of biting pain besides. I have had it now for tour years every summer, but since I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I bare had no trace of it. I hava taken seven bottles." Feed Fosteb, 3101 Black St., Denver, Colorado. Cet HOOD'S Hnnrl's PiHa nr" tasteless, mild. ffee UUUU 1 mauve, Aii druggisu. 26c Counterfeiters. Walla Walla ii stirred np over the discovery that coun terfeiters have been operating in that city and neighboring cities. Very thorough investigation is being made and iu his oonfeBaion to the offloers San day night Ed Monroe stated in sub stance that be became acquainted with Anderson in Dayton last summer. Moo roe wos sweeping out a saloon one morning when be found a 50-cent piece and Anderson happened in at the time and claimed it. A few days after tbe oc ourreuoe Anderson aoooated Monroe in a wood yard and asked bim if he knew what kind of money that was he found on tbe floor of the saloon a few mornings previous and Monroe answered be did not. Then the counterfeiter told bim that he made the money and was then operating in Dayton. Monroe at various times reoeived counterfeit money know ing it to be such. The coin is perfeot, being an exact counterfeit of Uncle Sam's, even to tbe initial of the designer. Tbe ring is missing, and on the reverse side the design is not quite, on close in speotion, as clear cut as the United States minted oiin. There is a thin coating of silver on the outside wtiioh makes it look like a new piece of money freah from the mint. Tbe date is 1894. In a recent editorial tbe Salem. Oregon, Independent Bays: "Time nod again have we seen C amberlam's Cough Remedy tried aud never without the most satisfactory resnlts. When ever we see a person afllioted with hoarseness, with a cough or cold, we invariably advise them to get Chamber lain's Cough Remedy; and when they never regret it. It always does tbe work and does it well." For sale by Slooom Johnson Drug Co. Board of Trade. The Board of Trade met attheoounoil chambers Wednesday night and perfeoted a permanent organization, by eleoling Geo. Conser, president ; Ed, R. Bishop, secretary; W. O. Minor, treasurer. The following oimmittees were ap pointed to view the Parrish oreek road : W, O, Minor and Tbos. Morgan, They are instructed with full power to aotaod oontract the road. Tbe benefits to be derived from this enterprise oan hard) be estimated, as it opos up for Heppner a seolion of country that they long have been entitled to. It shortens tbe distance from tbe John Day oouutry to Heppner by one-half, insuring to Heppner all that traje Ibat now patronize Tbe Dalles. Piles! PllesI Itching Piles, bymptoms Moisture; intense ttohing and atinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, biob often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swatne b Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed ing, beals ulceration, and in roost oases removes tbe tumors. At druggiats, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne ft Son, Philadelphia, A Railroader's Prayer. An exchange perpetrates the following as tbe prayer offered by a converted rail road man while kneeling at tba "mourn er's bench:" "Oh Lord, now that I have flagged Thee, lift my feet on tbe rough road of lite and plant them safely on tbe deok of Ibe train of salvation. Let me use the safety lamp known as prudence, make all tbe couplings in Ibe train with tbe strong link of Thy love end let my band lamp be the Bible. And Heavenly Father keep all tbe switches closed that lead i ff on tbe sidings, especially those with a blind end. Ob, Lord, if it be Tby pleasure, have every semaphore block along the line show white lines of hope, that I may make the run without stopping. And Lord, give us tbe ten oommandments aa a schedule and wbeo I have finished tbe run and have, oo sobednle lime, pulled into tbe great, dark slBtion of death, may Tboo, tbe superintendent of Ibe universe, say with a smile, 'Well dune, tbou good and faith ful servant, come up aud sign the pay roll and reoeive your check .or sternal happiness.'" The Groaine Merit Of Hood's Sarsaparilla wins friend wherever it is fairly and honestly tried. To have perfeot health, you must have pure b'ood, and the beat way to have pnre blood is to take Hood's Sarsapar illa, tbe beat blood purifier and strength builder. It expels all taint of sorofala, alt rneum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up tbe whole sys tem. Hood's pills are prompt ear) efBalenl . ii Big store at Heppner has a complete assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener al Merchandise. n We Sell The Celebrated GOLDEN WEST Baking Powder AND- "COLUMBIA" ROASTED COFFEE. f These goods are Strictly Pure and $ W give tbe best of satisfaction. We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices, FOR CASH ONLY. NO MORE CREDIT SALES ! Our books are closed to any Further Credit Business. A Few Cash Prices. They Speak Louder Than Words. Best Syrup, per keg , 12.50 Beans, 27 poundB for 1.00 Roast Coftee, 4 pounds 1.00 Oreen Coffee, 4H poundB 1.00 Granulated Sugar, ia pounds 1.00 Extra C Sugar, 17 poundB 1.00 Best Rice, 14 pounds . 100 Tomatoea, 10 cans 1.00 Sugar Corn, 8 cans 1.00 Golden Oate Baking Powder, 2 lbs 1.00 Dr. Price's Balling Powder, 2 lbs 1.00 Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound 40 5 gallon Keg Pickle 100 5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.2S 20 lbs. Rolled Oats 1.00 3 poundB Chocolate 90 6 cans Table Fruit 100 12 pounds Seedless Raisins 1.01) 16 poundB Extra Kalslua 1.00 Leeer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. It is the Headquarters! jpnl t, Druga Oils, Glass, Tot let Artloea, Patent; MedloineB, Etc. . Office of all stages running for Infants M Ckttortft Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.' II. A. Archie, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The usa of 'Castorla is so universal and itg merits bo well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keepCastoria within easy reach. CiBLOS MXBTTM, D. D., New York City. The Cewtatr LATEST M SALEM Salem, Or., Feb. 12.-8peoial to (he Giette.-Dolph, 41; Lowell, 12; Williams.lO; Lord, 7; Hare, 10; Raley, 7; Weatberford, 7; paired Rinearaoo tod Smith, of Claokamna. Bbiloh'a Care, lie great Cnnph and Croup Core, ia ia great demand. Pocket size ooDtaina tweuly tive dimes only 25c. Children love it. Bold by X. W. Ayera Jr. tnVn.flA M.,..lll. 1'.. hutm changed their baaioesa to an abxolute oah basia, beginning with the new year. Their prices oompare with tbe lowest. Aleo sell tbe Golden Weat Baking Pow der, aa good aa tbe best in the market and cheaper. See new ad. a B. A. Honaaker runs etage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day eioept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to tbe interior. P. Cohn, agent. Notice of Intention. I AND Or?Kt AT la. GRANDE, 0R80OK, j Feb. 14, IMS. Notice Is hereby given that the following named Mttler bui filed notice of bis InUntlOD to make Ana.1 proof In support of ta sclalm, and that said proof will be made before t. W. Morrow. County Clvra, at liuppuer, Oregon, on March Ml, ifJi, viz : FRANK CLEM, M4. No. dm for the N 8WJ4 HW Sec. 11, and NW)t NWla bee. H, Tp. 1 N. K J7 K. W. M. lit names the following wltneiwtf to prove bis continuous residence upon and cunlvutlon of said land, viz: Isaac Vincent, W. M Ayers. Isaac Howard, J. U Howard, all of Galloway. Or. 1 f. WTIJtOlT, . Mm. I v a v a Dry Goods Boots & Shoes At prices to compete with any cash store in the country. GIVE US A CALL. out of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhcca, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without Injurious modlcatlon. "For several years I hare recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneflclaJ results.'1 Edwin F. Pardee, M. D. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City, Covpakt, 77 Mvtiray Btrxct, New York Crrr. Summons. TN THK CIRCUIT fOI'RT FOR THE COUNTY 1 of Morrow, Htate of Oregon. The Northern Counties 1 investment l rust Limited, Plalntlir. VH. 0. W. Stewart, James I). Hamilton, G. W. Harrington A'ldlePur vili and J. N. Hrown. Defendants. To (i. W. Htewart mid James D, Hamilton, De fendants. IN THK NAMK OF TIK HTATK OF ORE GON. You are hereby reoulred to appear and answer the complaint (lied uifulust you In the Hbove entitled cause on or before the first day of the ne t reiru ar term oe tneahove named court. to.wlt: March 2r, 1S!K; anil If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plalntllFwlll take Judgment against you and will apply to the court lor the relief aeuiauueu in us complaint, to:wlt: A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dollars gold coin with Interest thereon at the rate of eight percent ner annum from the first day of July. wrz. until paid. Forthosuin ol Hljc anil Fifty Two Hundreths Hollars with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the fth day of January, Ixil'i, and the sum of One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for tb" foreclosure of tne mortgage executed by de fendant G. W. Htewart so secure the payment of the same ann conveying tne w'A or tne mw, Hec. 30. The WU of the NWU. the KM of the HK"4 and the NJ of the HX4 Sec. 81, and the HW$ of tbe HW, of Hec. :, all In Tp .1 Konth of Range 'Hi K VV M, for the sale of said premises ana lor juugmem ana execution against me de fendant G. W. Htewart for any deficiency which may remain after applying tbe proceeds of the sale of said premises in payment of the above nsmed sums, and tor such further relief as is demanded In plaintlrrs complaint. This summons Is erved by publication by or- der of W. urausnaw, juuga oi tne aoove named court. J. N. BROWN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Now ia the time to get the Weekly Oregnnian, the greatest newspaper of the West. With the Uazette, both strict ly in advanco, (or one year, $3. No better oiimbinntion of newspapers oan be made in the state. Besides we will give ss a premium an additional journal, the Web foot Plaoter, an agrienltcral paper. Oesia in bow tad mWerlbe. CASH Credit Has no future we don't want Patronage Upon any other than can't place "credit" at We Don't Want The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell goods for less money than you can get them elsewhere. GIVE US 1 CASH This Space GILLIAM m 4 wpii HARDWARE. h Keeley klihlc -OF- Z&llis. Dawson &s lyyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, All bnsinesa attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Oollectora. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, THE OPEN DAY MAX (SMITH, sw-3m Proprietor, Owing to tbe advantages gained through being a member of the . . . . BLANKS P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to make prices for cash aa low aa tbe lowest. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Land Patents Land putonts secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individnals having ooBllicling olaima nndor the agricultural land laws, and tboee between olaimmita under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between "liiimunts under any of the pnblio land laws and the Knilroad oompanies and I heir grantees, and the states and their grantees, under the Swamp-Land and Hchool-Land drums. Hpeelalty made of securing patents in tbe shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with the laws under w hioh their entries were made, and wbo are aonoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue ol their patents, caused by Trilling Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given iu all matters relating U the publio lands, especially ou points arising onder tbe new lawa wbiob bava been reoently passed providing for tbe disposal of tbe public domaio. If you want your land patent iu a hurry i( you wsut your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and oompeteut attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 9W. Wwblnclaai. V 0. STORE! value to ua, and any mah's a money basis. We BDy kind of interest. A CALL ! STORE. Belongs to & BISBEE. For the Oure 01 Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Balem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gaiktt office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura cure. OREGON Plenty of them at the Gazette Office -Safe AND NIGIIT" ism MOHHIHON MT., llctwccu Hccoud JSl Third, 1'ortlf tiid, Or HEITNER, OREGON.