Trie Will help you out TO OUlt LEGISLATORS. From the Corvallla Gazette. Now is tbe time and this is the opportunity to break tho Portlnnd ring, which hns cnuti oiled in poli tics and opposed the best interests of Oregon for twenty years. Yen, Portlnnd, itself, the home of this ring, 1)H8 beon defrauded, through its methods, of her liiithright. The continued monopoly on the (.'olum- bia river route has driven the rich treasures of the Inland Empire across the Cascades and Washing ton has grown wealthy from the trade that rightly belongs to our metropolis. Tne prime mover in this body of bnodlers is a corpora tion lawjer whose sole interest lies in faithfully serving his employers, who, being able to furnish abun dant funds, render him a formida ble opponent to the best interests of the people, and he lias never failed to exercise his power in that direction. The methods which he uses are the basest ones known to unscrupulous politicians, some of them putting toshnme those of the great coriuptionist, Boss Tweed, who went to the penitentiary for his crimes. This is strong lan guage, but can anyone sny it is un true? Vill anyone attempt to ex cuse liitn on account of tho license in the politics of this nge? It is a fitting answer to sny that he has flagrantly scandalized the very license put forward ns his apology. Tho wethoiln hy which he defeated Judge Waldo for the supreme bench should forever damn him in the mind of every honest man. lie now wishes to send a member of his firm to represent his employers in the U. S. senate. Will you as sist him in doing it? The people are aroused as never before to op pose Dolph k Simon. There is not a hamlet within the state which does not today stand in rebellion against the pair. We havo suffer ed long, but this is the first time we have stood in open rebellion and turned at bay. The hisses which we hear in the halls of the capitol when Dolph's name is call ed is tho faintest echo of the pub lic indignation hieh is sweeping the stute. Oppositions to the Portland ling heretofore has been but the ill-natured grumble of a discontented bandit who was easily silenced by the supreior gouoral ship of Sinviu. This time the clement are tin ned loose ami the very fonndutions are being broken up. Ninety per cent of the repub lican novvspapers in the state are filling their columns with opposi tion to Dolph. There is no cor poration, conspiracy, concoited Bction, nor caijh behind this upris ing. The people do not want Dolph. They have lepudiatod him in their hearts, and they will re pudiate you if you fasten him upon them. Let the almost united voice of the people conjure you to listoa to them. You me supposed to be the friends of the people and the BOtvants of your constituents. You are temporarily entrusted with a power which belongs to them. Use it ns they direct and they will bless you. Almso it and they may justly despise you forever. AX ACT TO FORFEIT CKUTAIX LAXl) GliAXTS. We received from Hon. W. K, Ellis, a bill to amend an act to for- feit certain laud grants heretofore granted for tho purpose of aiding in tho construction of railroads ; and for other iiurposes. The committee on public lands, after having considered a bill ap proved Sept. HO, 1890, have recom mended tho passage of said bill, as also has the commissioner. This bill will bo of grent benefit to Oregon, Washington aud Idaho, and is in keeping with the true sentiments of Mr. Ellis for his constituents in this neck of the woods. PlIKSIPEXT I'LKVKLAXn ll'fS Hot Deed to worry ovr tha surplus on GAZETTE hand aDy more at least not until he dances again to the wants of England in issuing more bands for their benefit. Tbe organization of a board of trade inaugurates new life and more enrgy among the business men of Heppner than any enter prise ever attempted here. The Corbet banquet came and went, and what did it accomplish ? Can any one but the participants answer? All Frre. Those who bave oscd Dr. King', New Discovery know its value, and those who hive not, have now tbe npportnnity to fry it tree. Call on the advertised ilriiL-uistH and Bet a trial bottle, free, end ynnr name and address to H. E. Bticklfln & Co., Cbinago, and get a inmple box of Dr. Kind's New Life Pills tree, as well as a oony of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do yon sod and cost you nothing. T. W. AyerB, Jr., drug store. Tbe Arrest of Rev. J. 11. Shulte. Word oomea to s from Salem that on the evening of February 11th, Rev. J. VI. Shulse was arrested in that city. As we gather, it eeema Ibat when be was living in Humbolt, Mo., be met a young lady, Miss Nancy A. George, won her iud BHnd Bnd WRB married to her Sinoe whioh time be has lived with bei as his wife, a part of tbe t me in Mis souri, Kansas and Oregon. Tbe marriage was twenty-five years ago. This fact being known In the members of the South Salem M. E. ohurch, abont 7:30 p. m. about 1 0 members of tbe ohurch, neighbors and friends arrested husband and wifp, led them to the ohnroh into the presenoe of John Parsons, D. D., pre siding elder of Sulem district, who acted as judge on this oooasinn, who sentenced them to aooept a "well" full of silver. Many other gifts were given, songs were snug, speeches were made; an original poem, by Prof. J. T. Matthews, was read by him. At 10 p. m. the prisoners were released and all repaired to tbeir homes. X. $100 Howard 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that acienoe has beeu able to oure in all its stages and that is C.itiirrb, Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbeou ly positive cure now known to tbe med ioul fraternity. Catarrh being a con Ht it ii t in ii til disease, requires a constitu li mill treatment. Hall's CatairbCure is taken internally, actingdirectly upon the blond and mucous surface of tbe system, thereby destroying the fouudaliou of the rl iHeiiee, and giving the put lent strength by building up the constitution and as HiHtiiii'tuttura iu doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith initecura ttve powers, that they oiler One Hundred llollarH for any case that it tails to cure. .Send for lint of Testimonials, AddrekS T ledoF. J. CHENEY & Co., Ohio. B5TSold by Druggist, 75. ' I0.NE ITEMS. Wheat hauling has again onm-nenoed, and farmers find plenty to do. The revival meetings in district No. 14 have closed, and quite a number were emersed iu Khea creek. The meadow larks have put in their appearanoe, which is generally con sidered a sign of early spring. The county superintendent was over in the Jordon Fork neighborhood visit ing several schools dnriog tbe week. Much sickness is prevalent among the ohildren. Sourletina is making tbe rounds, but not in this immediate neighborhood. A. W. Balsiger had the misfortune of losing his best working horse. It was ov rely out ou the wire and succumbed to the inevitable. Several farmers bave visited the Lexington Flouring Mills, but returned only wilt) a Hundred pounds of flour. The mills cannot run yet. The weekly snoial hop was held at the I Mio hall on Friday evening, by the danaing club. They are contemplating giving it up iu tbe near future. Farmers are anxious to begin plowing' as the weather seems settled and little freezing. Spring reeding, plowing, gardening and wheat hauling will make the farmers bustle. Those cunning little animals, the squirrel have come forth from their winter quarters aud are ready to defy the farmers. The battle for supremacy should oominenoe at onoe. A stitch iu time saves nine. Apply thatasyonr rule. H 'V. Carle preaches at our school bouse Sunday afternoon after Sunday school. Our Sunday sohool is steadily impressing in attendance. The time has been ohauged to 3 p. m. After Sunday school service those in attendance spend some tinio in practicing singing, ac companied by musio on tbe organ. Another opportunity to further the interests of lone aud neighborhood bas presented itself. A few residents of the Saddle Butte district have expressed their desire to joiu that district with the lone district. Our citizens should tnka hold of Una mattei, circulate a petition to li0'11 tl,e ,wo districts and secure the miijorily of the signatures of the legal voters of both districts and remit to the eouuty superintendent at once. lone bas long been known as a "dead town," simply beonnse its educational advantages have not been promoted. Citizens w'io are averse to the real interests of education, will Hud it a detriment to the progress of their cotD tuunity. The eduoational faoilitiea iu our community are practically at a stand still. Advauos the cftu's of education in our midst aud you will attract people to our neighborhood who make use of the opportunity afforded to educate, and will kelp tu build up our oommiiuity. By uiunbiuiug these two districts we will baye several miles of rsiliosd, and tnosidtrisg til this ft, will b able to have at least 6 months sobool every year, it Dot more. More families will then move into lone and ere another deeade baa passed, yoa will see lone the leading city of Morrow county, That's not all "fudge," wait and see. Jake. Feb. 9tb, If 95. Hope Crnnhed to Earth Will rise again in the bosom of a dyspeptio wise enough to substitute for the peeudotomca, whi.di bave bambooz led him out of bis belief in the possi bility of core, the real iDvigorant and stomacbio, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The bilious, the nervous, the dyspeptio. tbe rbeumatio alike derive speedy benefit from this helpful botanio medicine. Persons suffering from indigestion will Bain no positive permanent good from the firey, an medicated stimulants of oommeroe, too often used recklessly. The Bitters is immeasurably to be pre ferrered to these as a tonic, ainoe ile pure basis is modified by the conjunction with it of vegetab e ingredients of tbe highest remedial excellence. Malarin is prevented and remedied by it, and it infuses vigor into the weak and eiokly. A wine glassful three times a day is tbe averagu dose. SUBJUGATION OF WILD CATTLE. How It Wm Accomnlllhed by Primitive Kurupeaui. The first and simplest use made of the animals from which man derives strength appears to have been brought about by the subjugation of wild cattle the bulls and buffaloes. Several wild varieties of the bovine tribe were originally widely dissemi nated in Europe and Asia, and these forms must have been frequent objects of chase by the ancient hunters. Al though in their adult state these ani mals were doubtless originally intract able, the young were mild-mannered and, as we can readily conceive, must often have been led captive to the abodes of the primitive people. As is common with all gregarious animals which have long acknowledged the authority of their natural herds men, the dominant malesof their tribe, these creatures lent themselves to do mestication. Even the first generation of the cap tives reared by hand probably showed a disposition to remain with their mas ters, and in a few generations this na tive impulse might well have been so far developed that the domestic herd was established, affording perhaps at first only ilesh and hides, and leading the people who made them captives to a nomadic life, that constant search for fresh fields and pastures new which characterizes people who are supported by their lloeks and herds. (jood Fund. An Englishman and a Scotchman were walking in the fields together. "Humph!" said the Englishman, "oats are very well in their way. Now in England we feed them tu horses, but here your men eat them." "Ay, ayl" said the Scotchman. "And just see what fine horses there are in England, and what fine men there are in Scot land." Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buckler & Co., Chicago, and a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A trial will convinoe yon of Ibeir roerils. These pills are easy in notion and are particu larly effeotive iu the cure of constipation and sick beadaohe. For malaria and liver trouble they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterinnp substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken hy their action, but by giving tone to stomaoh and howelc greatly invigorate the system. . Regular size 2!)0. per box. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., druggist. rxtrtiviif-nnt Funrrals. The late John Jay had this to say in his will about extravagant funerals and the custom of wearing crape as mourning: "Kegarding the extrava gance in funerals and mourning as un seemly and burdensome, I wish my funeral to be severely simple; and I ask my children and grandchildren, whom I thank for their constant affec tion, to observe my wishes in this re gard, anil let any mourning they may wear for me be mild, inexpensive and without crape." The injunction might well be followed by many with less means than Mr. Jay's family possess. Ostentatious display at funerals and in mourning is one of the costly and con spicuous follies of the day. An interesting fact not generally known in regard to the diplomatic corps is that a member of that august body cannot, under the penalty of offi cial reprimand and danger of recall, appear nt a fancy ball in the national court costume. This fact was devel oped during the past wiutur when a large fancy ball was given ut one oi the private houses on the same even ing as the presidential reception totht diplomatic corps. Those of tho diplo mats who attended tho bull later in the evening were obliged to first cbnngt. the court costume worn ut the white house. Inquiry on the pnrt of curious friends developed the reason just stated. A Kocouinie ndatitui From Lot Angeles. 632 Oastelar St., Los Angeles, Cal. After having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtain ing relief, I used Chamberlain's Fain Balm and was almost immediately re lieved. I highly recommend this hs the best medicine known. 1. M. Hamilton. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. TO CONSUMPTIVE! The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Cou sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of rnre. To those who desire it, he will cheerful ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre. soription used, which they will find a sure cute for Consumption, Asthma, Ca tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will nse his remedv as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will oost them nothing, and inny prove a blessing, will pleae address. Rev. EDWARO A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w. Any person wbo desires to trade good uniuoiimberod farm lands, stiitab'. Hud in condition for raising wheat, fnr property in l'ortland ;Q"M oftrw. should ou.ll at the Tho Carte. According" to Scripture, curses wore known from the beginning; of man. Hut the earliest curse the world has authentic record of is found inscribed on a door-socket of King Saron of liubylonia. IWOO B. C, in the. Assyrio lojrieal collection of the University of Pennsylvania. Tiie inscription which has been translated by Dr. II. V. Ilil prccht, of the university, calls down the vengeance of the pods, Bel bhamash and Ninnu, upon the bold dis turber of the stone. A Quint Debauch In China -In China those who wish for an hour's rest or for a quiet talk with a friend can secure both by entering one of the large drinking halls, where cov ered cups are at once brought to them, each containing a measure of tea, whereon the waiter dexterously pours boiling water from a large kettle. . Great Oaks From little acorns grow, fo also do fatal diseases spring from email beeinnincs. Never Deglect Bvmptoras of Kidney troubles; if allowed to develope they cause muob suffering and sorrow. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is a certain cure for any disease of weak ness of the Kidneys. A. trial will con vince you of its great potency. Price SI 00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum Johnson Drug Co. now Ruiiiang Destroy Rati. ' The following is said to be the Rus sian method of destroying rats, and as it appears to be an effectual one those who are annoyed with these animals are recommended to try it. Catch in a wire trap fifteen or twenty large rats (feed them in an extra trap or wire cage until you have the required num ber); then cease to feed them. They will soon become ferocious and fight, kill and feed upon one another. When only six or eight remain, turn them loose. Accustomed to feed upon their species they will hunt and destroy numbers. Symptoms o( kidney trouoles should be promptly attended to; they are nature's warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die viotims of kidney diseases who oould have been saved had they taken proper preoauliois. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm has saved thousands of valuable lives. If you have any derangement of the kidneys try it. Price $1 per bottle. LuaAi. ....Ms are sometimes large and sometime., small, because they are formed at diiferent heights in the air. The glow-worm has a brush attached to its tail, because it is necessary to show its light that the baek be kept clean. Decayino wood and putrefying fish look luminous in the dark, liecausc they are really undergoing a slow combus tion. Iron bedsteads are safe during a thun derstorm, because, being good conduc tors, they keep the electricity from the body. Sit.veh tarnishes when exposed to the light, because of the actinic or chem ical property possessed by the rays of the sun.-.- A buiinino gas jet is unhealthy in a bed chamber, because one gas light gives out us much carbonic acid gas as two sleepers. Wmfiiclothing is cool, because it re flects the heat of the sun; black cloth ing is-wrm, because it absorbs both heat and light. A i iSEB BUSINESS WOMi. A Page From Her History. T o i "Dortant exporicneps of oilier nro I',;.. . i :i :Ul ' Tim following Is no eei'1fun: "I li (1 Ivi n troubled villi liiNirfc (HsuiliO '..'" V-m: -. i.mi '!i t'f i hat- limo very seriously. Fur live y . I xn t routed by olio pliy si'i:ui ron tin iiL: ' ,-, J v:m in business, lutt obliged to ivsiie im li v.,r,;nt (tf my lie;.!th. A phy sl i w.. 1 inv friends tint 1 .-.mid . tvH live a iiv iK'i. My for i 11 hd limbs wore hudly swul k"i. :;;!' I win indeed In n serious condition v i n v;r .e:n:m lilroete-d my attention to Ur. Miles' New I lean I'nre, nnu said Unit Ids shier, v !: liiifl'been iitlifeteil with heart di e:i- bad been r tired by tho remedy, and w as ie:;ii:i ,i. s.roii, healthy woman. 1 pnreluued a. '"o, j of t lie lleurl Cure, ami in less than mi lio::r nfter taliiie? tho fiist (Ipso 1 ronkl feet ii deeiueU improvement in the eirevilat ion of !mv b ;),d. When 1 hud taken throe doses I er:i! 1 move mv ankles, somet liln' I had not dune for inoni Its. and my limits had been swol len mi itiiu i halt i hey seemed utmost putriljed. H.'f ire I had taken one bottle of tho New lle-i' i Cure the swelling had ull pone down, nn I I w as so inin'h better that I did my own wn k. On my reeonnnendnt ion six ot hers aro t;i in r i his valuable remedy." Airs. Morguu, fii: W. Harrison St.,Chieajio, 111. llr. M:!e-.' New (earl Cure, a discovery of nn eiMLiicni specialist In heart uheaso, is sold by nil erujrms' s on a positive pua run tee, or sent hv -b lu .Miles Medieat t'o.,KlUbart, lnd.,on r-i 'bt of price. per bottlf, six lio'lies for to CMii-e -- pt'inaid. It is positively f r;o f rum u..i i i.i v, or dauurous uriis For sale by T. Ayern, jr. .L. Douglas $3 SHOE FIT FOR AKIN, tf3. CORDOVAN, FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. WEdfclRf $3.BppoLICE,3 SOLES. 3..t1rI ..-n$2. WORKING.. EXTRA F.NE.S. i2.l7BOYS'SCH0QLSri0EI Vltlaw LADIES' .'. StINU rUK tILUUUE 'S W L'DOUGL A3. Over One Million People wear the W, L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory TttT give the txt value for the monev. Thev equal oustom shoe In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are uneurpassed. The price are uniform,-stamped on sole. Prom $1 to $3 saved over other makes. , U your dailec cannot supply you we cm. ld by Dealer arbone tiara ft will ehortlv Bp- par here. Affcnt wanted, pDlvitoncft t- v j k - fl.-0rl nr )nft Anfnfft !73 i 7.mi . Im i:phiiuiinw.h-r, Wuiu. h im. u-i 'tmn. in .., luiojie. ki d -tir rfui tv ? . ' t na-uilr-Au r.. Utu rS b tkU ll-a-.aX)ii. is "V 'tt Toot Your lluru! Here are two incidents with a moral: A boy w as sent to town to sell some potatoes. lie returned at night, and throw down the lu;r and sold, surlily: 'Nobody 1 met a:.ked me for po tatoes. l;u auebs inu-it be uwful dull!" In the same town t'.iere was a boy who went about, bawling at the top of his voice: "Fish, fish fresh fish!'' "What a dreadful noise!" said an angry wom an. "Do vou hear me?" askc-.l the boy, politely. "Hear you! You can be heard a mile away!" "Well," said the boy. placidly, "that's what I'm holleriu' for. Fish, fish fresh fish!" If you want people to appreciate your worth, you must let them know what you can do. The vitality of the small horsefly after decapitation is as remarkable as that of the snake that has undergone the same process. He does not Use his wings, if the beheading has beeu done neatly, so as not to injure him other wise, but walks about, stopping now and then for a "dry wash," rubbing his legs together and cleaning his wings. If touched, he will side olf. If blown upon he will cling tightly to avoid be ing carried away. This performance he will continue for a quarter of an hour or so. Bnckleu't Arnica salve. Tbe best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give periect satisfaction or money rerunueu. riPce 25 cents per box. For side by T. W. Ayers. Jr. Combustibility of Celluloid. A London (Eng.) paper reports the case of a ladv, standing near a bright fire, who suddenly found herself en veloped in smoke. A gentleman who came to her rescue succeeded in crush ing the ignited portion of her dress. not, however, without severely burning his hand. On investigation the fire was found to have originated from a spot where a large fancy button had been, but had disappeared. Similar buttons were subsequently examined, and were found to lie highly influminable, being made of celluloid. I . - . H.UA A tSlfhV 1 1 . (Tnctniss'?-Effectual. ) For Sick-Headachej Impaired Digestion.! f Liver Disorders anck Female Ailments. Renowned all over the World, g Covered rtfllt a Tasteless It Snlulile Coaling. S Ask for Dcecham's and take no otlreri. j Made at St. Helens, KnRland. Sold by 0 drumrists and dealers. Price 2S cents a J SUMMONS. tn tiik ciunriT corur ok the state L of ()ri'K"n fe-r tlit? bounty of Monovv. Ueoiifo W. Harrington, ml Administrator of t li e j , Kstatrtof JumesStewart, deceased, Plaintiff, p vrt. Jas. D. Hamilton; Dora C ' Hamilton, J. S Brown, The. Northern Counties InvesttnentTrnsr. (Lim ited) and Addle I'urvln, I Defendants J To JamoH T. Hamilton, Dura C. Hamilton and The Northern enmities Investment Trust, (Limited). Defendants. IJf TMK NAME OK THE STATE OF ORE GON: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the enmphutit tiled inridnst in thu Hlmve entitled action bv the tirst day of the next t-rm of the above entitled court, to wit : On Mon day, the i'lth day of March, ls!T. and if yon fa-1 bo to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff; wiil tnke judgment against the defendant James 1). Hamilton fnr theHtim of One Thousand Dollars with intercut thereon from the'ilst day of June, 18!i:i. (it the rate of ten per cent, per Annum; am! the mim of One Hundred and Twority-K;ve Dollars as attornev'n fees, and the cents and disbursements of this action. Also for a decree of this court for flip foreclosure of a certain mortgae described in the complaint and ex ecuted by tlit defendants .lame D. "niuilron and lmraC. Hamilton, ou the 211th day of Jan nary, lK'.H. to secure tho payment of a certain promissory note made, by James D- Hamilton to toe defendant, J. N. ilrown, described in the complaint herein; and lor other and further relief, according to the prayer of said complaint. This summons is published by order of the Hnn. W, ,, Bradslmw. Judne of the above en titled court, made in chambers at 't'ho. Dulles, Oregon, ou the '2nd day February. 1 FIIANK KKIXOdtt, fM-mvi'2 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT CorilT FOR TIIE COUNTY 0 1 J, it. Towttsend, Plaintiff. vs. I Thomas Walden, f W. (i. Seott, I Geo. W. Harris, Defendants. 1 To Thomas Walden and Ci. W. Harris, Defend ants. IN TFIE NAME OF THE PT ATE OF ORE GON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed imainst you in the above entitled case mi or before, the tirst day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: Mtv dav. the2.Mh dav of Mttrch. isd.'i; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the phuni;iit wm apply to tne curt lor tne relief demnded in Mb complaint, to-wit; Judgment aeaiuHt defendant, Thomas Wal don, for the sum of Two Hundred Four ami Ixtv One Hundredths Dollars in V. S. (jold Coin with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per ceet. per annum, trom tne nrst oav ot reornary lNKtt, until paid, and for the further sum of Thirty-tlve Dollars attorney's fee, together with theeostsand disbursemei-ts of tlitB suit to be mxed And that the moTtcase described in p'aiutiff's complaint be foreclosed aud that the premises therein iiescrnen, to-wit: me i 01 ee ji Tn I N, 11 i"i E V M. be 8 h to satisfy sai- judument. And that tho said Geo. W. Harris ami nil per sous chiimiiiL' bv. through or under him be forever barred of all right or equity of redemp- tton in sum premises. This suiniii"iis is served by publication by order of w !.. Tir'isbaw. j mitre of tne Seventh judicial district f the xtale of Oregon. j Dated January W, lv..'. j J. N. ItK'lWN. Attorney for Platniiff. Citation. IN THK COt'NTY ('(M KT OK THE STATK OF Oregon, tor the county of Morrnvv, In tlu- mutter of thfi estnto of Klishnj CITATION. To Hul'la Kilwanls. nutl nil uiiktiown per'n'.g inltTr! in :iul istnre IN THK NAMK OK TUT STATK OF OMK- GON. are hi'roliy ci'til nml miiiirt-tl t. np- I pear in tite I uuntv uri ci nu- nifoi orien t i tir tlu 0(nuHv of Morimv ar tlu' Morinv at tlu' tonrt Uoom I thori'of. at tlepi'iHT in tbeOnuniv .it Mnrrow on Vediu"dy. the t'.tli uiiy i March, 1 ';, t in i oYliH'k in the forenoon of that dny, then and there to nrifw ranee if any exi:, hy an order j 01 s-ile hall no: he made of the mil properly of i said estate. deerihed Hf follow s, o-w U : j Hot: tuning t u staxe in iuehes at a piiint i s tu i 'ham w t-tr of the tjiinihi Ht mrtter ot the ' do tation land elaim ( cltarlt s Kiee. notjt'u H- i tion No. iU'.' and elaim No. ). in I o nshipi; 'south, of rainre ,i wet. oi the WiiVimette M-Ti- dtan. and rum iti ji tltenee north aid i-anei with the east line of sid claim -i. phansroa t-te on tho norUi line of au1 elaim, tf' , wpftt rr,Ri,!g to stake, thftiee nouTh 47 i chAlna to a stake txl0x!4 inches, titetn e cn-t -4 ' ehainn to tho plnee of betitntiiic. etutaidni; 1 ttiineen ano iniriy-itur oi e iiuin,reot: a,-re. 1 mort or less, situnie in ronnTy t.f li mm n:d State of " rt o;i i I K'. the Hon. J iili'is K j-Mly. JuiU'f oi ; the i. ointy ( oui of the tti:e of (rcco tor the t. o: U .' SEAL Morrow ,th the of s-M r.'.urt alh ed. lliiji jib dav Oi rebnmry a n.. ATTEST:. J VT. MORK'HV thmS. C'.srk. of Cod-livor 0:i, with Hypophosphites of Limo aud Soda, is a constructive food that nourishes, enriches tho blood, croatoa solid iW-i, stops wasting and gives strength. It u for all astin like Consumption, Scrofula, Anrnmb, Marasmus j cr for Coughs and Colda, C:ro Throst, Bronchitis, Voak Lungs, Loss of Ilesli and General Debility. Scott's Emulsion has no equal as , nourishment for Babies and Crowing Children. Buy only t'.io genuine put up in salmon-colored wrapper. Smdfar pampltt en Scott's Emulsion. FUEL. Scott & Downo, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and SI. City ; THIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals tincl Kooms at Popular Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER )t The Lancashire Insurance Co. OK MANCHESTKHt BNGLAND W IMTTFIWW 0.'T one ofthe Best in te LWoria 11. I it 1 I LillU".'. ii.lin.. FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government Is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theil patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and relh able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirelv, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and cf seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tamed counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases. Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to . Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. ' If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course t- pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u? for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. ' Cut this out and send it with your lnoul.0 i ABSOLUTELY me best SEWING MACHINE MADE ATE Olt Oril DEAI.ERS can sell you ms.shlnei cheaper than yon can get elsewhere. The NEW HOMR is our beat, but we make cheaper kinds, anrh as the CLIMAX, IDEAL and oilier High Arm Full Nickel Plaled So vi in it Machine for $15.00 and up. Call on our agent or write u. Wo war.; your trade, and If prices, terms and 10 uare dealing will win, we will liive it. We challenge he world to p -odacea BETTER $50.00 Sewing; K aclilne for $50.00, or a better $20. ' raine Machine for $30.00 than you can buy from ns, or our Agents. lilS HEW HOME SEWING MACEI11E CO. Oiuxi. Vas. Bostok, Mass. 88 Uktoh Sotake, N. Y. CuiCAIlO.It,!,. ST. IjOl'lSt MO. DALLiS, TUUh fcAJli'HAHClSCO, CAL. ATUJiIA,iiA. FOR SALE BY The New Ho 257 Market St. Sewiug Machine Co. Sad FraDCisoo, Cat, ANDrrwi SAVESwml MONEY 4tSI IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Ktel'mam an L-y J , ! l.,lMiJl.i.xj. iJ,LAIEls;te; -....- ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honornbly dUclianred soldiers and sailors who served ninety davs, or over, fn the late war, are entitled, u now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual" labor, whether disabilitw was cniisrd bv servic e or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. I A I UOWSofsueh soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier'sdep was due 10 armv service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Wirf" not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. j . tHILDKKN are entitled (if under sixteen i widow, or she has since died or retnarrird. j FARFNTS are entitled if soldier left nelthep widow nor child, provided soldier died In 1 son-ice, or from ffct of servtcw, and thev are now dependent upon theirown labor for sup- port, it makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. t Soldiers of tbe late war. pensioned under one law may apply for niftier rmtea nader other r laws, w itliout losine; any rights. : Tnousands of soldiers drawing from a tojio per month tinder the old 1 are entitled to higher rios under new law, not oulv on account of disabilities for which now pensioned but aUo for others, whether due to service ornot Soldiers and sailors disabled in lineof duty in regular army or navy atao the war art lo entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. survivors, and their widows, of the Flaok Id Indian Wars of to 1843, ar entitled nnder recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows alsoentltled, if sixty-two years of are or disahtod it deoendt nt. Old cUiims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under awr lawsornoi. j Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection Improper or il lethal. ' Certirio:ites if service aud discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war wfau nave lost their original papers. 6eud for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful AddrCU, ti ic? nrccc? r niKtC rnnnnnv I l n L- rri :o vl- i I l JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, Box 463.' x-.- - ""-"'HOTOr, p.o, 1 I g Diseases Hotel. CALL, AT 3C00 PARCELS 0? MAIL'imS FOR 10 1-CtPIT STAMP! (regular price '2Sc.) your ad dress if received within 30 days will be for 1 year boldly labels. Only Directory guaranteeing 129.000 customers; from pub- lluhorM Rnfl muniir&O. itturets you'll receive. prooaoiy. inouauiiua uf valuable hooks, papery Bainnles.tnaKazlnes.etc a,, r..... and each uarre. with one of your prl n tefl nUnm Ubeli pasted thereon. EXTRA ! also print and prepay postage on 5M ol your label addresses to you ; which stick on vour envelopes, books, etc., U Ihvi holnir lost. J. A. V ARB bf lteldsvllle, N. C, writes : "trom my 25 cent address In your Mghtiilm Directory I'-'e received mySOtladilresj labels and over S000 Parrels of Mall. Mv addresses you scattered among publishers and manufacturers are arriving dally, ou valuable narrej of mall from all larts of the -World. WORLD'S Jf'AIR DIRECTORY CO.. so. 117 Friinkfonl and Girard Aves. Philadel phia. Pa. The regular eulisoription prloe of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 nod tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregoninn is 1.50. Anyone enbeoribing for tbe (isz-tte nnd pnying for one year in idvnnoe enn set both the Gazette and Weekly OregoDian for SB. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advanoe will be entitled to tbe SKine. Stage leaves for Echo Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. a. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent. years) in almost all cases where there was n. Hawk, CreK,cneTKeeajid Haausoieer FMSV uimo uinrnni,