4 s Notice to Advertisers, i rHOSK desiring the Insertion of display ads., or change of same, must Ret their ropy in jot later than Monday evening for Tuemiay's wiition, or Thursday evening for Friday', edi on. Tub Patt&ion Publishing Co. Take Notice. X. The mm of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of weddine presents and donors, nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be da rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five vents a line. These rules will be strictly adher- to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable aad made known lpon application. We hold each and every correspondent re ponslbie for his or her communication. No .orrespondence will be published unless the riters real name is signed as an evidence of food faith. T- P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS JLI. ing Agent, 21 Merchants .Exchange, 4an Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. Give your business to Heppner people, 2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp tier. Patronize those who patronize ou. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Oambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. a. B. TEDRUWK, Prop. Exposure to roach weather, dampness, extreme oold, etc., is apt to brine on an at tuck ot rheumatism or nenralnia; chipped bands nod face, cracked lips and violent itobing of tbe skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on band at all times for im mediate application when troubles of tuts nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 2oo, 50o and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Slocnm-JobnsoD Drug Co. Quite a Dumber of friends of Mr. Frank and Miss Lntie Farnsworth tendered tbe young people a farewell party at tbe borne of their parents Wednesday evening last, A most enjoyable time was bad. Miss Lutie and Frank take their departure tomorrow evening for San Francisco, the former on a brief visit to relatives and friends and tbe latter to remain permanently. Grace, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Whetstone, swallowed a onpper one cent piece yesterday while playing witb tbe ooin and patting it in her mouth. No serious results followed. Captain Sweeney, U. 8.., San Diego, Gal. says: "iSbiloh's Catarrh Remedy ib the first medioine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe best beer on the Pacific coast. Also on hands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. Green Mathews for shaving, hair- cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time daring business hoars. CM. Jones, assistant. Here and There. Mrs. T. W. Ayers, Sr., is quite sick. Spray sells meat lower than ever In a reoent editorial the Salem, Oregon, Independent says: "Time and agaio have we seen Chamberlain's Cungh Kemedy tried and never without tbe most satisfactory lesnlts. When ever we see a person ahiioted witb hoarseness, with a oough or oold, we invariably Bdvise tbem to get Chamber Iain's Oough Remedy; and when they never reuret it. It always does the work and does it well." For sale by Slooum Jobnson Drug Co. Spring Vied. cine Is a necessity because the tonio ot winter air is gone, and milder weather, increased moisture, accumulated Impurities In the blood and debilitated oondition of the body, open the way for that tired feeling, nervous troubles, and other ills. The kin, mucous membrane and the various organs strive in vain to relieve the Im pure current of lite. They all welcome ood's S arsa- parilla tosfsist Nature at this time when she most needs help, to purify the blood, tone and strengthen the laboring organs and build up the nerves. "I was not able to wait on mvself and could not gain any strength until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla about three months ago. Now I am doing my house work. My right lung was badly effected, aud in the spring and summer I was very weak, but Hood's Sarsaparilla ban done me much good and I have great confidence in it." Mrs. E. K. Knight, Tecumseh, Ok. Purifies The Blood " I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and it has always built up my system, given me a good appetite and cleanBed my blood." Thomas Kroger, Tulare, California. -1rrAfa D;ilc the afler-niniier pill ana aii -ai .7 s nu xamuy camarue. zoo. THE CITY ELECTION. Morgan for Mayor and Ayers, Horner and slocnm the Successful Cooncilmen. before. Carl Crow was up from Lexington yesterday. Grain fed meats at summer prioes nt Spray's. Mark M. Boyd is in Heppner from Baker City. W. A. Kirk is ooofined to bis room witb illness. 0. L. Warden, of Portland, was in Heppner yesterday. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 cts.; rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays. County Commissioner J. L. Howard was in tbe oity yesterday. Lo Tillard is spending a few days in the city from Lena visiting friends. ' The squirrels are out and Heppner boys find sport in gunning for tbem. H. M. Rogers, of San Francisoo, arrived in Heppner yesterday morning. T. R. Watson and Meyer Abraham, commercial men of Portland, are iu the oity. We notioed Wm. Douglas, a promi nent stookman, of Lena, this oounty. on oar streets yesterday. Rev. J. T. Moore will preach at the Baptist ohurcb next Sunday evening at 7 o'olook. All are invited. Mr. B. F. Swaggart desires to give notice that be will have prepared and on the market his squirrel poison at an early date. tf. A sure cure for the liquor habit. No. care no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drugstore. . 9-tf. Hick Mathews still runs tbe City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts Blways il stook. Baths in con nection. Call on him. G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, oan be found at his parlors, Matlock corner, where he will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. . When the hair begins to fall out or turu gray, the soalp needs doctoring, and we know of no better speoitio than Hall's Vegetable Soilieian Hair Re-newer. Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. '.ioc., ouc, ana i. ooia oy T. W. Ayers, Jr. Rath Chapter Eastern Star. A. F. & A. M.. was organized with 34 charter members in this city last Friday even ing by I. M. Vert, assistant grand patron, of Pendleton. B. F. Swaggart is manufacturing squirrel poison by the wholesale and is ready to fill all orders small or large. Mr. Swaggart ie located in tbe Jerry Cohn building near the postoffioe. Olearanoe sale of gents famishing goads at tbe store of P. 0. Thompson Co., to oontinue till March 1st. Now is the time to get bargains. Bring your cash. All gents foruisbing goods at cost. tf. There will be a ball at Lexington on Monday evening the 11th, to which all are invited. You are guaranteed a g iod time, so come and enjoy yourself. Yon oan get tickets at city drug store, Lexington Dr. MoSwords yesterday performed a very saooessful operation on tbe left eye of Osman Hager, removing therefrom a disagreeable cyst tumor about the size of a hazel not, looated between tbe ball of the eye and bone. To grow old gracefully, one most live temperately, oalmly, methodically; be interested in all that is going oo in the world; be cheerful, happy Bndoontented, and above all, keep the blood pure aud vigorous by tbe use ot Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Be sore you get Ayer's. When suffering from throat and lang troubles, take only suoh medicines as has been Droved worthy of oonfidenoe. Such a remedy is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; a speciSo for sudden colds, and invalu able in all forms of pulmonary com plaints. Sold by druggists. Price $1. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promptly attended to; they are nature's warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die victims of kidney diseases who could bare been saved had they taken proper preoaatio is. Tbe prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm has saved thousands of valuable lives. If yon have any draogemnt of the kidneys ' try it Price $1 per bottle. Belief Corps Mibtino. There will be a special metine of the Women's Relief Corp?, at 1 o'clock, rtatnrUv. the '.nb day of February, 1 '.5, at lue M. E rtmreh, at Lexington, for th pn-j, of installing the newly ulected i.fiioers for D ensuing tr, All bnuld be present, MeFARLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY'S Big store at Heppner has a complete assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener al Merchandise. &s$ We Sell The Celebrated . . GOLDEN WEST Baking Powder A x r "COLUMBIA" ROASTED COFFEE. These goods are Strictly Pure and give tbe best of satisfaction. We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices, FOR CASH ONLY. NO MOKE CREDIT SALES Our books are closed to any Further Credit Business. A Few Cash Prices. They Speak Louder Than Wobds. Heppner's annual mnnioipal eleotion has come and gone and is now numbered among the events and happeningB. of tbe past. Tuesday last was a beautiful, typioal spring day in Heppner and lent a charm and energy to tbe work of those aspiring for municipal honors. Candi dates and co-workers were buzzing around like a swarm of bees, to gain votes, and while all labored witb a will for tbe sucoess of their man or ticket, everything passed off quietly witb no eruptions whatever to mar the tran quility ot feeling among our people and a desire on their part to let tbe best men get there, witb a proper analogy, of course, of tbe meritorious abilities, qualifications and fitness for the offioe to which they aspired. There were cast 208 votes and the successful candidates for rcuuioipal honors are: Mayor, Tuos. Morgan, 137; oounoilmen, T. W. Ayers, Jr., 120; S. S. Horner, 123; Ed. J. Hlocum, 101; K'red J. Hallook, recorder, (no opposition) 197; E. L. Freeland, t reasurer (no opposition) 187. The suooessful oaadidutes are num bered among our most representative oitizeos and will, without doubt, manage the municipal affairs of Heppuer to the best interests of all and iu conformity with the wishes of the people. Mayor- elect Morgan, who will preside over tbe deliberations of tbe council for the next year as Heppner's chief eieontive, will fulfill the functions of bis office witb dignity and honor. Messrs T. W. Ayers, Jr., Ed. J. Slocum aud S. S. Horner, the newly e'eoted counoilmei,are prominent business men of the city, indentified with its best interests and in sympathy with the welfare of tbe people in general on every line that teuds to the economi cal management of our city government, the prestige and future progreesivenesB of the oity of Heppuer. Tbe unsuccessful candidates for municipal honors at Tuesday's election, Messrs. P. O. Borg, for mayor, J. B. Natter, Thos. Quaid and T. H. Bisbee, for oounui'men, are bIbo among our most representative and prominent business men and their defeat, which they all take gracefully, does not cast any discredit ou the qualifications and fitness of tbe gentlemen to offices to which they aspired, and in the future as in tbe past they will be found doing business at tbe same old stands, lined up iu sympathy with tbe best interests and future progressive welfare of Heppner and tbe sentiments ot the people. The young teller obeyed the order. aud Beed. passing through the direotors' room, walked behind the oounter, where he seoured Holgate's hands with a heavy whip cord, and be blindfolded and gagged him, comDelling him to crouch underneath the counter. Then tbe robber barred the Dnion ayeuue en trance witb an iron bar, and began helping himself to the ooin. Holgate says : "He bad a sack witb him. and just as be dropped the first stack ot $20 pieoes into it Teller D. C. Southworth onme along witb a shotgun which he shoved through the glass door and shouted to Beed to hold up his hands. Beed cried out to bim not to shoot, as he was un armed, and wbb ready to surrender. The fellow bad in tbe meantime taken off his false whiskers and disposed of his pistol, whioh looked muoh smaller to me subsequently than it originally did when it was shoved under my nose. A few minutes after Mr, Southworth came to my rescue, Beed was arrested and taken to the West Hide police station." Best Syrup, per keg 12.50 BeanB, 27 pounds for 1.00 Roast Coftee, 4 pounds ... 1.00 Green Coffee, 44 pounds 1.00 Granulated Sugar, 16 pounds 1.00 Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds 1.00 BeBt Rice, 14 pounds 100 Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00 Sugar Corn, 8 cans 1.00 Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2'4 ttis 1.00 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 214 lbs 100 Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound 5 gallon Keg Pickles i 1.00 5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25 20 lbs. Rolled Oats 1.00 8 pounds Chocolate 6 cans Table Fruit 1 12 poundB Seedless Raisins l.oo lb pounas iiixira Kaunas i.w fjhiloh's Cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is iu great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers Jr. Meeting of Business Men. There will be a niee'ing ot the business men of Heppuer tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, at tbe office of the oily recorder, for the purpose ot organizing a board ot trade. A full attendanoe of business meu is requested. By order ot Geo. Consbb, Oboar Minor, b'RANK Gilliam, E. G. Sherry, J. F. Spray. Dry Goods Boots & Shoes At prices to compete with any cash store in the country. CASH STORE! Credit Has no future value to us, and we don't want any man's Patronage Upon any other than a money basis. We can't place "credit" at any kind of interest. We Don't Want The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell goodB for less money than you can get them elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL ! ! & wm, CASH STORE. GIVE US A CALL. niOFBRLHP HI. CO. Leeer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Lash CJnly. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. It is the Headquarters ! This Space Belongs to GILLIAM & BISBEE. HARDWARE. - paints, Dru Oils. (51ii, Toi let Artloes, Patent Medtotnea, ESto, . ; Office of all stages running out of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. Idi ,utc -OF- For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Salem, Oregon, The Mull Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura cure. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles, byinptoms Moisture; lulense itching aud stinging; moat at night; worsn by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, wbiob often bleed Bud ulcerate, becoming very tore. Swaynk 8 Ointment stops the itching aud bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes tbe tumors, At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr.Swayne & Son, Philadelphia, A Great Battle is continually going on in the human system. Tbe demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the consti tution, to ruin health, to drag victims to tbe grave. Hood's Sarsnparilla is the weapon with wbiob to defend one's self, drive the desperate enemy from the field and restore bodily health lor many years. Hood's Pills oure nausea, sickness, indigestion and biliousness. 25o. BOLD BANK First National of last ap. HOHBEUY. Portland la held Woodmen of thk Would. Mr. M. D. Roche, of Portland, and deputy state or ganizer of tbe Woodmen of the World, arrived in Heppner this morning. Mr. Roche b here for tbe purpose ot organiz ing a camp of Woodmeu aud bis efforts in that direotion are meeting witb good sucoess. A charter membership of 25 is required to obtain a oharter md this number we think Mr. Roube will exper ience no trouble in proouring. The benefits of the order are manifold and it ranks today among tbe leading seoret orgauizatlons of tbe state, f oamp being organized in almost every city, village and hamlet, besides being the oheapegt and soundest life insurance that one oould carry. A Recommendation From Lou Angeles. 632 Castelar St., Los Angeles, Cal. After having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtain ing relief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was almost immediately re lieved. I highly reoomraend this as the best medicine known. L. M. Hamilton. For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drng Co. for Infants and Children. Ollls, Dawson Ss Iyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL RANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON LEGAL BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office .the " Cob tori a is bo well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Anciiin, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Castoria curtsa Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, give sleep, and promotes dl gestion, Without injurious medication. "The use of 'Castoria Is so universal and I "For several years I nave rocommenuea its merits so well known that It seems a work I your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to of sunereroeatlon to endorse It. Few are the I do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial ntollifpnt famillefl who do not keeD Castoria I results." within easy reach." j I EDwnc r. i ahoev, ai. v. Caklos Miami, D. D., I issth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. New York City. Tn Cbntato Cokpikt, 77 Miikrat Strut, Niw York Crrr. Portland Telesram. A most desperate attempt to rob the First National bank of East Portland, on tbe corner of Onion avenue and East Washington street, was made Wednes day afternoon by Rv. J. C. Beed, formerly a Buptiet minister ou the East Side. At 12:30 o'clock Teller E. X. Holgate was alone in tbe bank, when man disguised with false whiskers, entered. Holgate reoogoized bim as being Reed. Tbe teller stepped from a desk where he bad been writing . in a book, to the oounter, when Beed drew a b ttle from bis pooket containing a white substance, and said: "This is nitro glycerine and there's enough ot it to blow you and me to hU!" Holgate beina startled at tbe man's condnct, stepped back of the counter a ! few steps, upon which tbe robber culled ' a revolver, wbieb setmed of very large I calf- r to tlio teller at that tautncDt, i claiming : ! "T.'..!l up j-onr bftiids, or I'll Wow juur bruna cat: iac jour bbiw3 JTW Digest of Land Decision. Furnish ed by W. D. Harlan, Land and Mining Attorney, Washington, D. 0. A settler who has established bis residence in good faith does not forfeit bis rights thereunder by a temporary absence in the discharge of official duties, nor is tbe right of transmutation during suoh absence affected thereby. The rule that recognizes official duty as au exoose for temporary abeeooe is equally applicable whether the duty is inposed by tbe appointing power or by election. The n.nmi.unn urn in ina mtnura ftp nun. i .,,l!nrul nhrant,r i.f H trunl. I'leuteil hv nis S'Omaob u,... , j Awed by a Glass Eye. One of the many superstitious feara that render the laborers from sunny Italy co generally docile was recently taken advantage of by a shrewd Irish foreman employed on a public job. There was a misunderstanding likely to result in a general strike, and he as sembled the men together, listening patiently to their statement of griev ances. When they concluded, he called to his side the bookkeeper of the con tractor, a man with penetrating dark eyes, one of them quite still because it was artificial. The foreman stated with emphasis, the only terms upon which he would compromise, and the bookkeeper kept his "evil eye" fixed on the crowd. The terms were ac cepted without a murmur, and the crowd hastily dispersed. The book keeper was entirely unconscious of per forming any part in determining the controversy A CHANCE FOR IIUSTLKRH. -Cafe OPEN DAY AND NIQIIT MAX sw-Um MMITII, lroprletor xin 1 MORHIHOM n r., Between Hueoncl & Third, Portland, Ore Owing to the advantages gained through , being a member of tbe .... bpeclman Cases. 8. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis. niH. I troubled with neuralgia and rhenmatium, as disordered, his liver was iu ,atrn f th .nrvevnr ,Bnerl. do ! afleoted to an alarming uegree. apperne not preclude the assertion ot any right, or the proof of tbe facts as they really exist. Asst. Heo'yHims. fell away, and he was terribly reduoed iu flesh and strength. Three bottles of Eleotric Bitters cured bim. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ills., bad s running son on his leg of eight vears's landing. Used three bottles of Eleotrle Bitters and sevenbnxesnf Buok. lea's Arnica Halve, and his lg is sonnd and well. Jobn Speaker, Ca'awba, U. Urtat Uskt From little acorns grow, so also do total diseases spring from small beginnings. Never negleot symptoms of Kidney troubles; if allowed to develope tbey i had five larae feversores nn hie leg. doo- vance inuob si.ffefiiig and sorrow. Dr. tn-i (.nil he whs incnriihle. 0' bottle 1,1. b. McLean's Liver and Kidney Baiia I f:,f Eleutric Bittern imd oue b'x Buofclen's I is a certhio "nr for any liibcate .f weax- Arnica Halve cured him entirely, buld neea if the Kidneys. A tri.il wiii con- hy T. W. Ayers, Jr. 'niioevon of its rreat n-jtenov. Price; ' ho4 j gl UQ nr bottla tot m by Riorum j Oitg Molr is lo th eiiy frrcn tb We want Beveral live, wide-awake can vassers to represent the Gazette in this and adioining oouuties, in connection witb the Nutional Newspaper Union, The work is new, popular aud very profitable, n quiring neither capital nor previous experience. It is worth look ing after, and if ymi want a real good thing in the way of liht, pleasant and profitable employment il will pay you to investigate this at once. There is money in it for hustlers. Write for full par ticulars to TflE NATIONAL CO, 81-tf "t. Louia, Mo. Now is the time to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of the West. With the O'.zette. both strict ly in advance, for oue ear, $3. No better combination of newspapers oan be made in the state. Besides we will give as a premium an additional journal. tbe Web font Planter, an agricultural paper. Come in now and subsorlbe. P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to make prioes for cash as low as tbe lowest. Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. McFarlund Mercantile Co., have uhanged their business to an absolute oanh basis, beginning with the new year. Their prices compare with the lowest. Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow der, as good as the best in the market and cheaper. Bse new ad. a B. A. Bnnsaker runs stage between HeDpuer and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every de.y except Sunday. Hbortest and cheap est roule to the interi-jr. V. Ohn, agent. Henry SheigiDger has so far rs. eoversd from rbvutnatjtm to ba bl nt tw cmI -feat frt f r , Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested canes intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes , Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having conflicting olaims nnder the agricultural land laws. Bod those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural .i.in.mt.- ,iri ln between claimants under any of the public land laws and tbe llailroad oompaniel and their grantees, and the states auu meir grantees, unuer the bwemp-Land and Hchool-Land Grants. bpecialty made of securing patents iu the shortest possible time for settlers who have oomplied witb tbe laws under whioh their entries were mede, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of tbeir patents, oaused by Trilling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given in all matters relating t the public lands, especially ou points arising under tbe new laws wbiob have been reoently passed providing for the disposal of the publio domain. If you want yonr land patent in hurry if you want your Und business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., r. o. Bt, m. Weahlapk p R