Notice to Aduertisers. rHOSE desiring the Insertion of display ads., or change of same, must (ret their copy in lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's dition, or Thursday evening lor Friday's edi .on. Ths Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. L The sum of Ave cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, Kid obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2, Notices of church and society and another entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five jtaU a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable aHd made known lpon application. We hold each and every correspondent re ponslble for his or her communication. No orrespondence will be published unless the irrlter's real name Is signed as an evidence of food faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS . ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, tan Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. Give your business to Heppner people, ind therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those fvho patronize jou. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, fohnUay and Canyon City, leaves as follows ; Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p.m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to Inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brandB of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. G. B. TEDKOWE, Prop. Here and There. VI. H. Herman, of Portland, is in the city. Lard, 10-pound buoket, $1.00 at J. F. Spray's. s the E. 0. Frey, of Hardman, was in Hepp ner yesterday. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, rYalla Walla, Wash. D. F. Ketohum, a cattle buyer of The Dalles, is in the city. Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 ctB,; rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays. Fred Hallook, derjutv sheriff, paid an official visit to Eight Mile yesterday. Dell 8. Laahier, a liquor drummer of Portland, was in the oily Wednesday. The tax roll will shortly be plaoed in the hands of the sheriff for oolleotiou. Henry Bieben, of Helena, Montana, arrived yesterday morning. Mr. Siebeu is here to purchase muttou sheep. Mrs. Eelley is seriously ill at her borne on Willow oreeU, and much conoern fur her recovery is expressed by friends. F, W. Hollabaugb, Paul Linquist and H. B. W. Smith, commercial men, interviewed Heppner merchants yester day. Born Near this oity, on Thursday Jan., 31st, 1895, to the wife of Tbos. Marlatt, a boy. Mother and child doiug well. Mr. B. r . Swaggart desires to give notice that he will have prepared and on the market his squirrel poison at an early date. tf. A Bare cure for the liquor habit. No. cure no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayars, Jr., City Drug Store. 9-tf. Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts always it stook. Baths in con nection. Call on him. B. T. Parker, a prominent citizen of Baker Oity, arrived in Heppner this morning with a view of embarking in in the photograph business. R. H. Sberrill and wife arrived in Hennner this morning en route to Eight Mile, where Mr. Sberrill will preaoh the gospel of the Aaventist faith Baldness is either hereditary or caused by sickness, mental exhaustion, wearing tight fitting hats, and over work and trouble. Halt's Keuewer will prevent it. The will of the late James G. Fair has been stolen from the county clerk office, in 'Frisoo. and there is not the slightest olew to the perpetrators of crime. Karl's Clover Boot will purify your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead dear as a bell. 25c., 50o., and SI. bold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. I. W. Vert, assistant grand patron Eastern Star, A. F. A A. M., arrived in Heppner this morning from Pendleton, and tonight will organize a ohapter of the Eastern Star in this city. Regular preaohing services at the opera bouse on tomorrow evening, and Sunday morning and evening, by Elder J. W. Jenkins. Sunday school at 10 a. m. You are invited to these services. The residenoe of George W. Wells, deputy oounty clerk, on Chase avenue, under course of construction, will be ready for oooupanuy in about six weeks. When oompleted it will be a neat resi dence. Clearance sale of gents furnishing goads at the store of P. 0. Thompson Co., to oontinne till Maroh 1st. Now is the time to get bargains. Bring your cash. All gents furnishing goods at oost, . tf. The announcement of Fhill Cohn, one of Heppner's leading and enterprising citizens, appears in this issue as a can didate for the office of city treasurer. Phill's many friends in Heppner want him to have the offioe and will do their best to elect bim. If, when orossing a railroad traok. yon see a train approaohing at thirty miles an hour get out of the way as soon as possible. When threatened with ohronio rheumatism or catarrh, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla persistently and patiently, and the danger will soon pass away. Jerry Cohn returned yesterday morn ing from Portland. He reports Mrs. Cohn. who is receiving medical treat ment at the Good Samaritan hospital, as improving slowly, and that it will be several weeks yet before sbe is able to return home. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promptly attended to; tbey are nature's warnings that something is i wrong. Many persons die victims of kidney diseases who could have been nvod had thev taken proper preoautio is. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney balm has saved thousands of valuable lived. If you have toy derangtmsnt ot try a PrkTl perhottl. T. R. Lyons, the prominent young attorney, arrived in Heppner Monday morning to permanently reside. Mr. Lynns has taken obarge ot the law offioe of Ellis & Dawson and will look after the affairs of the late firm, and also nettle up the estate ot the deoeased Mr. Daw son. Mr. Lyons formerly resided in Heppner at whioh time be was associated with the late Mr. Dawson in the praotioe of law. He is well and favorably known in Morrow county, and his many friends will be pleased to learn of his return to this city. Exposure to rough weather, dampness, extreme oold, etc., is apt to bring on an attaok of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped bands and face, cracked lips and violent itobing of the skin also owe their origin to oold weather. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on hand at all times for im mediate application when troubles of this nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25a, 50o and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co. Mr. Tbos. Marshall, formerly in the confectionery business in tbis oity, but now traveling for Matschek, Haradon & Co., wholesale confeotioners of Portland, and also representing Page & Son, of the same plaoe, commission men, is here in the interest of the firms he represents. Mr. Marshall is meeting many old time friends who are pleased to meet him. Without the means at hand for com bating it, a oold may prove more dangerous than the small pox. No family is safe unless provided for such an emergency. In Bndden attacks of oold, croup, asthma, etc, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is un invaluable specific. S. J. Patterson, representing Balfonr, Gnthrie & Co., grain dealers of Portland, was in the oity Wednesday looking after the interests of the company. Mr. Pat terson left Wednesday evening for the Palouse oountry. Gilhonsen Bros, and Mr. W. B. Galloway, photographer, will oombine and work together, making a permanent gallery. A branch gallery will be established in some of the interior towns. It Respectfully. Gilhousbh, Galloway & Co. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer on the Paaifio ooast. Also on hands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. Captain Sweeney, P. S. A., San Diego, Cal. says : "Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do ine any good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. C. M. Jones, assistant. Well and Happy Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla Dull Headaches-That Tired Feeling. Mr. W. H. ToUs San Francisco, Cal. " One of the greatest mistakes people make Is to lock the door after the horse is stolen, or in other words, to wait until they are sick In bed before they do anything for the poor body. Neither my wife nor myself were real sick s I attended to my business, and my wife to her household duties daily. But we had dull, heavy headaches, and a little overexertion would tire us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. So we took three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the result was perfectly satisfactory. I be lieve Hood's Sarsaparilla Saved Us a Severe Sickness And a big doctor's bill. II people would only remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure,' there would be less suffering In the world. My advice to all who do not feel HoodVCures well Is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla according to directions, and vou will be well and happy." W. 11. Toles, 145 12th St., San Francisco, Cal. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. "How to Care All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swaynb's Ointment." No internal medioine required. Uurea tetter, eozema, itch, all eruptions on the race, hands, nose, leaviog the skin dear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Askyourdrug gist for Kwayne's Ointment. THE CITY ELECTION. Literary. . The Heppner Literary and debating society rendered the following programme to a crowded house un last Saturday evening. Debate, Resolved that the Indian has been benefited by the disoovery of America by the Whites." Led by Geo. Thornton and Harry Warren. Hon. J. N. Brown, Lena Be nine and May Railey were the judges chosen, and n ndered their decision in tavur of theatlirmaiive. The society paper was then read, aud follow ed with a eoLg bv Frank Thomas. The exeroises were closed with a laughable farce, entitled "A fuuuy Story," by the members. The programme for next Saturday evening cousists of the follow ing, debate, "Unsolved that the ludiao has received better treatment from the whites than the Negroes," to be led by W. L. Baling aud H, F. Hyned assisted by Maggie Adkins and H. F. Bagley for the aitirrnative and Floss Farnsworth and Joe Hayes for the negative. Song by Maggie Adkins, stump speech by L). C. Boyd and a laughable fame, entitled "The Dutch Justice," with four charac ters. This booiety is meeting with unexpected sncoeas and their roll of membership is constantly increasing. Nothing is presented to the publio and and nothing indulged in by the members except that which is of an elevating and moral character. It was organized tor the purpose of building up and im proving the mental faculty, and all tue members should co-operate and work earnestly for the accomplish ment of that end. It has a good set of officers that are inhering earnestly tor the up building of the society, and the members should all fall in line and aid them in their enorta and their society will ever be successful. Considerable Interest Being Manifest in the Coming Election. The annual municipal election which ooours in tbis city Tuesday next, Feb. 5, 1895, is, as the time draws near, wax ing warm and occasioning much interest and talk among our oitizens. Quite a number of caudidates to succeed the retiring counoilmen Messrs. Yeager, Keitbley and Johnston are prominently spoken of, the holdover counoilmen being Messrs. Patterson, Liohtenthal and Farnsworth. So far we have heard of no opposition to the reelection of May r Borg to suooeed himself, and from present indications it is probable that be will have clear sailing and an unanimous elcotion. The announcements of Messrs Ed. J. Slocnm, S. S. Horner and T. H. Bisbee appear in today's Gazette for council men. They are among our represen tative business men and would certainly serve the best interests of the oity and people faithfully. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for outs, BruiBes, Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, letter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively oures riles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. riPce 25 oents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. McFARLAND MERCANT LE COMPANY'S Big store at Heppner has a oomplete assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener al Merchandise. We are Agents for The Celebrated . . GOLDEN WEST Baking Powder AND- "COLUMBIA" ROASTED COFFEE. These sronds are Strictly Pure and give the oestof satisfaction. We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices, FOR CASH ONLY. NO MORE CREDIT SALES Our books are closed to any Further Credit Business. A Few Cash Prices. fHEY Si'EAK Louder Than Words. Best Syrup, per keg 12.50 Beans, 22 pounds for... 1.00 Roast Coflee, 4 pounds. 1.00 Green Coffee, 4V4 pounds 1.00 Granulated Hugar, 16 pounds 1.00 Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds l.oa Best Rice, 14 pounds....: 100 Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00 Sugar Norn, 8 cans 1.00 Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2i lbs 1.00 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2y, rbs 1.00 Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound 40 5 gallon Keg Vickels 1.00 5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.2o 18 lbs. Rolled Oats 1.00 3 pounds Chocolate. 1K 6 cans Table Fruit 100 14 pounds Seedless Raisins 1.00 15 pounds Extra Raisins 1.00 Dry Goods Boots & Shoes At prices to compete with any cash store in the country. CASH STORE! -wt- Credit lias no future value to us, and we don't want any man's Patronage Upon any other than a money basis. TVs can't place "credit" at any kind of interest. We Don't Want The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell goods for less money than you can get them elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL ! MINOR & COMPANY, CASH STORE. GIVE US A CALL. IUUD H. 00. for Infants and Children. This Space Belongs to GILLIAM & BISBEE. HARDWARE. Care for Headache. As a remedy (or all forms ot Headache Electric Bitters baa proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the moat dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure e bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial In oases of habitual constipation Eleo- trio Bitters cures by giving the Deeded tone to the bowels, and few oases long resist the use of this medicine. Try once. Large bottUs only fifty oenta at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store. Impbovkments. Carpenters are busi ly engaged making improvements in the building oocuoied by the mercantile Arm of Minor & Co., iu the way of re. moving the back partition, putting in aounters, shelving, etc, and throwing the whole building, aside from the office room, into one store room. This action is made neoessary on acoount of a lack of space, and owing to the faot that the hrm will about the hrat of March receive a large oonsignment of new and elegant gooda. Relief (Jokps Mekhng. There will be a special meeting of the Women's Relief Corps, at 1 o clock, Saturday, tne 9th day of February, 1895, at the M. E. cburob, at Lexingtoo, for the purpose of inBtallmg the newly eleeted nrboers for the ensuing year. All should he present. E. M. Wilms. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archrr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castorla Is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caalos Mabttn, T). D., New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl- gestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwis F. Pajideb, M. P. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Tni Centaur Compakt, 77 Mubkat Street, New York Citt. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A Recommendation From Los Angeles. 632 Castelar St., Los Angeles, Cal. After having suffered for a -'oDg time from acute rheumatism without obtain ing relief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was Blmost immediately re lieved. I highly reoommend this as the best medicine known. 1). M. Hamilton. For sale by Slooum Johnson Drug Co. MONTHLY REPORT Of Heppner Public Schools for Month log January 25, 1895. School Meeting. At the school meeting of the taxpayers of district No. 1 yesterday, at the court bouse, a fair representation of oitizens were present and considerable interest manifest in the matter of voting a tax levy. The ques tiou was thoroughly discussed pro and con and dually a vote wag taken on the advisability of levying a 2(1 mill tax with which to pay present indebtedness, resulting in the defeat of the measure by a vote of 39 to 22. On motiun, a com mittee ot two, consisting ot Messrs. Frank McFarland Bnd George Oonaer, were appointed by the ohair to visit the sobool and interview the teachers relative to a reduction in salaries, and being unable to accomplish any good in that direction the committee returned and so informed the meeting. A motion was then made to vote a tax levy of 1 mills; tbis was amended to levy a 10 mill tax, followed by an amendment to make it 15 mills. The chair left the matter to a rising vote of the house and a ten mill tux levy was compromised on to be voted for. On ballot being taken the ten mill tax levy for school purposes was voti-d by a vote of 33 to 30. In a recent editorial the Salem Oreeon. Independent says: "Time and again have we seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tried and never without the most satisfactory resnlts. When ever we see a person afflicted with hoarseness, with a oougb or cold, we invariably advise them to get Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, and when they never regret it. It always does the work and does it well." For sale by Slooum- JobDBon Drug Co. McFarland Mercantile Co., have changed their business to an absolute cash basis, beginning with the new year. Their prices oompare with the lowest. Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow- tb kidneys ! der, as good aa the best In tot market Jo a ". H g hmh ZrS -t 1 76 62 55 2 44 38 .14 3 60 57 b-1 4 43 88 34 7 72 01 52tf Total.... 295 256 227 A. W. Wieb, l'rln. Shiloh'e Cure, the great Congh and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-Dye doses onlyzoc. Children love it. Bold by T. W. Ayers Jr. H181F1VK DAY'S SPEKCHES. For Mayor. At the earnest solicitation of many friends I herehy announce myself as a candidate for re election to the office of mayor at the coming municipal election to be held in this city Tues day next, February 5, 1895. Thanking the citi zens of Heppner most sincerely for past favors and for the confidence reposed in me during my administration as chief executive of our )rosp-rous cuy. l win, ii eieumu, eutiKvur he bust of mv abilltv to merit a continuance of your confidence by a faithful discharge of my duties as mayor In everything that pertains to the welfare and best interests of our fair city aud Its people. 1'. O. BOKO. For Couneilmen. We, the undersigned, after earnest solicitation of voters and taxpayers, hereby declare oursel ves candidates for the office of couneilmen, sub ject to the decision of the voters of Heppner at ine City election on luesuay, ruoruniy, f,iu 1895. ED. J. KI.OOUM, 8. B. HOKNEK, T. H. BISBEE. For Councilman. I hereby announce myBelf as a candidate for councilman, subject to the sulfrage of the voters at the coining municipal election to be held in this city Tuesday, February 6, 1895. Respectfully, THOU. QUAID. Finb Stook. Mr. Oscar Minor re turned Monday evening last from points in the Willamette valley. While absent Mr. Minor purohaaed and brought home with him to place on his stook farm near the city, six head of thoronghbred Shorthorn cattle and two thoroughbred China I'olon bogs. He also brought up to pasture a thorough bred Shorthorn for a gentleman living in the Willamette valley. Among his purchaaes was one Shorthorn cow, which he obtained of Ladd & lieed, that at one time weighed 2000 pounds, and now weighing in the neighborhood of 1900 pounds. She is said to be the finest now in the state. Mr. Minor is of the oninion that ne is now the possessor of as fine a lot of thoroughbreds as ard to be fonnd anywhere and feels justly proud of his purchases. W. M. Booher, of Lexington, was in the city yesterday on business. The Eselsy Institute -OF- For the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gaikttr office for partienlars. Strictlyconlldential. Treatment private and snra cure. Jlll, Dawson&Ivyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNEK, OBEGON Plenty of them at the Gazette Office LEGAL BLANKS ....THE .(5afe OPEN DAY AND NIQIIT SURROUNDED BY MYSTEKT! For Councilman. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for councilman, subject to the suffrage of the voters at the coming municipal election to be held In this city TueBday, February 5, MS, Respectfully, T. W. AYEIta, JR. For Councilman. There are some men in this world who fail to appreciate greatness. The par ticular man in question lives in Salem. He was discovered in this wise: Sitting in a large easy chair in bis laxurions apartments in the Willamette hotel a few davs ago, Senator Dolph discussed with bis adherents and others the advisability of seonring an appropri ation for river and harbor improvements. Of oourBe, be spoke of what be bad done in the past. The questioD of Improving the upper Willamette came up and Senator Dolph remarked that he was, of course, iu favor of it. "Ob," interrupted a disgusted Salem ite, "we are tired of hearing that. You have been in the senate 12 years and what in the devil have you accomplished? All you have done is to make five-days' speeobes, and 'hen oorne home and tell us what yon intend to do at the next session. " Dolph sank into a meditative mood, and bis followers looked timidly at bim. After a few moments' reflection, the senator said slowly and solemnly: "It is very evident that the man it not a friend of mine." Mr. Dolph cannot be charged with Btedlss btf! 0B top of bim bsfpre b I hereby announce myself as a candidate for councilman, subject to the suffrage of the voters at the coming municipal election to be held In this city Tuesday, February 5, 1895. Kespsctfullv, J. B. NATTF.Pt. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for treasurer, subject to the suffrage of the voters at the coming municipal election to be held in this city Tuesday, February 5, 1S95. Kespectfully, PHILL COH.V. For ' Recorder. Z hereby announce myself a candidate for re- election to the office of recorder at the coming city election to be held in this city Tuesday next, February 5, 1S9S. Respectfully, FRF.D J. HALLOCK A Great Mistake. A VfCPtit discovery In that, hnndm'hf), dizziness, dullness, confusion of tno mind, et-., are due to derangement of Iho uerve centers which supply the brain wlih nerve force; that iudigeBtion, dy.spcpl'i. neuralgia, wind In stomach, etc., ariso from iho (h'runifo ment of the nurvo CQnUirHfe'.'.jnilylnfT ilii'se or- tzaiiH with nerve numur rorcu. i in-, i.-i nki'wh true of many dis-as)of tins Ii MAX w-3m HMITH , Proprietor. tsrsi MORWIWOIV tT., Between Soi:omi & Third, Furtiondi Ore Owinfj to the advantages ainei3 throiib being a member of the .... rt and lum ;i t!iii.'r:ipii syKlcm, fjiu luxuiJjpaDyhitf Now is tbe time to yet the Weekly Oref?omant tbe preareHt newspaper of tbe Weet. With tbe Guzette. both fitrict ly in advance, for oue year, $3. No better corob.QAtioo of oewspeperi can be made id tbe state. Besides we will ffive as a premtnm ad additional journal, tbe Web foot Planter, an agncuJtcra( papwr. Ob i aov ud ntctVr, ' 4 Tlio nurvB syn(eniinUkt) an will be seou ivy cot. Tho little while lines a r o the imrvH which ronvoy the nero f.,ro from the nerve cunters to every part of tho body just a tho elecnid'urrentli conveyed! alonif t h e telegraph wirs to every station, lnrvro or stniill. Ordinary phv-.l'lrn" fall to re-iunt thU fact; Intend nt treat ing I he nervecen ters for the runs o f the disorders arl-iln therefrom thev treat the part affected. Franklin Miles, M. I., IX. B., the highly celebrated m neo i al i 4 1 and student of nervous dlseaws, and a'lthf. of iiiitny noted trHntiKWH on the latter mi itf ' loriif miif'o realized the truth of the llit rttattjnient, and his Kes tor alive Nervhie ts prepare on that principle. It Mint:-, in curing all dlaneM arising from onrant'' mpnt of tho nervmin system i vondt-r-fui. as tn thousands of unsolicited t''ihij ni,iJ in uonwHxlon of the company n.auufU'V Uiriujf I he remedy amply prove. Dr. MlleV AisibraUve Nervine I a re!lai..o remedy fur all nervous diseases, hwh u iisdache, nervous debility, proni ration, Hlnfipk-ssne'S, dizzlneas hysteria, hesuul t;' hiiiiy, bt. Vitus dance, epilepsy, vu: It. U Bold by nil druirghtta on a psiUve misrniiU-e, or sent direct by the lie. Miles Medical t o., Kikhart, Ind., on receipt of price, 1 per bou tie. six bottles for Ifi, exprew prepaid. KeMoratfve Nervine positively ct-PUu.ia Ofl opiates or d anurous drugs. For uU bj T. W, r, P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to makeprioel for cash as low as tbe lowest. Corner Main anil Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals bavinit conflicting claims nnder the agricultural land laws, and tlioee between olnimHiitB under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural olaituants; and also between :laimanta under any of tbe inblioland laws and the Kailroad companies and their grajiteffl, and tbe states and their grantees, under tbe bwnmp-Land and Hcbool-Laofl (Iranin. ...... Specialty made of securing palente in tbe shrrrtHt possible time for settler wholiave complied with tbe latvs under which their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their pateuts, caused by Inning Irregularities whioh can be easily and speelily rnmovert. Advice also given in all matters relating t tbe publio lands, especially on points arising under the new laws which have been reoeutly passed providing for tbe disposal of tbe publio domain. . If yon WBnt vour land patent in a burry-lf yon want your land business, of any character, attended to by skiltlul and oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., p. o. m. Wwtiinsm. 0.