Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 29, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE desiring the Insertion of display arts.,
or change of same, must get their copy in
jot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
Ktitiou, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi--on.
Tits Patterson Poblikhinu Co.
Take Notice.
1. The ium of Aye cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ind obituary notices, (other thau those the edit
or Bhall himself give as a matter of news,) and
aotices of special meetings for whateverpurpose.
3. Notices of church and society and all other
;ntertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall bo charged for at the rate of Ave
,ents a line. These ruleB will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
ipon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponslble for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will be published unless the
Arriter s real name is signed as an evidence of
,food faith.
ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
San Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is Jtept on file in his omce.
Give your business to Heppner people,
ind therefore assist to build up Bepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hard man, Monument, Lone; Creek,
Fohn Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. ra., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phlll Conn, Agent.
Removal Notice.
G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel Btand,
where he will still keep the best brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Oambrluus Beer on tap. Served in largeBt
Sized mugs. G. B. TEDKOWK, Prop.
Here and There.
Lard, 10-pound buoket, $1.00 at J. F.
Andrew Reaney, of Lexington, was in
Hepper yesterday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
n'alla Walla, Wash.
Loin steak, 8 ote.; round steak, 6 eta.;
rib steak, 5 ote., at Sprays.
Sleighing is all the rune in Heppner
at present, and it is tine, too.
0. F. Walker, the cattle buyer, came
up this morning from Portland .
Johnny Hnger is seriously ill at his
home with inflammatory rheumatism.
The little eon of B. D. Cnats, residing
near Hardman, is seriously ill with
Miss Martha Neville is slowlv recover
ing from a severe sickness of intiamution
of the bowels.
The senatorial oontest in Washington
in. still unsettled. It is claimed that
Wilson is gaining ground.
Mrs. Coohrnn, who has been seriously
ill at the residence of Rev. Deuison, is
reported rapidly improving.
President Cleveland yesterday sent a
speoial message to congress on tu
financial situation of the country.
Sunday was the ooldest night we hive
yet experienced thiB winter iu Heppner,
the thermometer registered 9 above zero.
Cabinet photographs of the finest
enamel finish at Dowe's gallery,. $2 per
dozen. Gallery opposite opera house.
Mr. B. F. Swaggart desires to give
notioe that he will have prepared and on
the market bis squirrel poison at an
early date. tf.
A sure oure for the liquor habit. No.
core no pay. For full particulars and
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Store. 9-if.
Born In Baud Hollow, Saturday,
Jan. 19, 1895, to the wife of Mike Kenny,
a son, weight 15 pounds. Mother and
child doing well.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
hairouts always it stook. Baths moiin
ueotion. Call on him.
Baby photos and family groups a
epeoialty at Dowe's gallery. No extra
charges for groups. Cabnet photos at
$2 per dozen, any style. tf.
J. P. Johnson, a merohant of John
Day, and wife, who have been on a
visit to Portland, returned this morning
and took the outgoing stage for home.
Q. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, oan
be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc.
Baldness is either hereditary or caused
by sickness, mental exhaustion, wearing
tight fitting bats, and over work and
trouble. Hall's Keuewer will prevent
Owing to aiokness Mies Anna Balsicer
was prevented from being at the connty
school superintendent's offioe on Satur
day last. However, she is reported as
not being serionsly ill.
Karl'g Clover Eoot, the great Blood
purifier, gives freshness and olearness to
the Complexion and cores Constipation,
25 ote., 50 ots., $1 . Sold.by T. W. Ayers,
The 6-year-old ohild of W. J. Watten
berger, living on Butter creek, is sick
with pneumonia. It is also reported
that another one of his children is down
with the same affliction.
Wilchin & Plemmons, who own the
shooting gnllery next door to the post
otfice, have cash prize shooting, com
mencing Monday of each week and end
ing on Saturday. Give the boy a call.
We are requested to announoe by
Miss Anna J. Balsiger, oounty school
superintendent, that the regular monthly
meeting of the Teachers' Heading Circle
will be held at Lexington on Saturday,
Feb. 16. All teaohers are invited to be
If. when orossing a railroad track, yon
see a train approaohing at thirty miles
an hour get oat of the way as soou as
possible. When threatened with
.chronio rheumatism or catarrh, take
Ayer'g Sarsaparilla persistently and
patiently, and the danger will soon pass
i?ob Gilmore, of Monument, is in the
oitv8nd registered at the City hotel.
Mrs. iGilmore is expected to arrive by
stage tVom Monument this evening, and
it is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Oil
more to t'aite up their future permanent
residenoe inHeppner.
' Bymptoms ci kidney troubles should
ha nromotiv v attended to; tbey are
nature's warnings that something is
wrong. Many "persons di vic'ior
kidney r1easea who ooum nave ota
saved'bnd they tso prnpor preo.uio i.
The prompt oie oi Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver and Kidney Balm has saved
thousands of valuable lives. If you
have any derangement of tbe kidneys
try it. PrioflPbot,tl.
Mr. Maxwell and wife, of Eight Mile,
onme to Heppner yesterday evening and
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hood.
After partaking of supper Mr. and Mrs.
Maxwell were taken violently and ser
iously ill with vomiting. Their severe
sickuess continued throughout the night,
the parties through strain vomiting
up blood, and much onnoern was felt by
friends as to the oondition of Mr. and
Mrs. Maxwell. Dr. McSwonls wns
called and administered to alleviate the
suffering tf his patieuts. The rtootor
gave it as his opinion that the severe
illness of the lady and gentleman was
brought on by too long exposure to cold.
George Conser, cashier of the First
National bank, returned home this morn
ing from a business and pleasure trip to
1 ortland Bud Hillsboru. Mrs. Conser,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
W. E. Brock, at Hillsbnro for sometime
past, also returned home in oompany
with her husband. Mr. Conser reports
having had an enjoyable time, but
owing to a pressure of business duties
was unable to visit Salem during his
short absence from home, muoh as he
would have liked to have done so.
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring ou an
attaok of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped bands and fuoe, oraoked lips
and violent itohing of the skin also owe
their origin to oold weather. Dr. J. H.
MoLean's Voloamc Oil Liniment should
be kept on hand at all times for im
mediate application when troubles of this
nature appear. It is a sovereign
remedy. 25o, 50o and $1.00 per bottle.
For sale by Slocum-Johneon Drug Co.
Lafe Fenian's little boy, living with
his uncle near Lexington, where the
little fellow is attending sohool, met
with quite a serious aooident Saturday
afternoon last. With a number of other
boys be was ooaeting down a bill and fell
off bis sled, breaking both bones of his
left forearm. Dr. McSwords reset the
fractured arm and at last acoouLts the
youthful sufferer was getting along
Newberg Graphic: W. O. Minor, of
Heppner, Morrow county, who is down
looking for some Short Horn cattle.
stopped over here with N. O. Maris on
vVednesday. Mr. Minor la a large land
and stook owner and has been ve.ry
successful in the business. He is the
gentleman Mr. Maris left his herd with
when be took them east of the mountains.
Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbanm,
of San Luis Key, Cal., wna troubled
with a lame baok and rheumatism? He
used Cbamberlaiu's Fain Balm and a
prompt cure was effected. He says he
has since advised many of his friends to
try it and all who have doue so have
spoken highly of it. It is for sale by
Slocum-Johuson Drug
Clyde Saling name near having a
serious runaway Saturday. Iu getting
out of bis hack in front of the post offioe
the team he was driving started to run.
Clyde held on to the lines, however, and
succeeded in stopping them, but not
until they had run the back into a
telegraph pole, breaking the double and
Without the means at hand for com
bating it, a oold miy prove more
dangerous than thu small pox. No
family is sate uuless orovided for suob
a,; emergency. In eudd'Jo attacks of
oold, croup, asthma, etc., Avar's Cherry
Pectoral is an invaluable speoinc.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, C'nttanoogii, Tenn.,
save, "Shiloh's Vitnlizer 'Saved My
Life.' I consider it the hegt remedy for
a debilitated system I ever used." For
DyspepBin, Liver nr Kidney trouble it
excels. Piice 75 ota. Sold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tup at oil times the
beBt beer on the PHoific onnst. Also on
hands the best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 56tf.
Green Mathews for shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours. CM. Jones, assietont.
. Just as good work in cloudy weather
as in the brightest suusbine Bt Dowe's
gallery and all work guaranteed to
please. tf.
Mrs. Judge Peck
Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How
She Was Cured
Sufferers from Dyspepsia should rent! the fol
lowinj; letter from Mrs. II. M. Peck, wile of
Jit:!;: I'eck.a just ice at Tracy, Cal., untl a writer
coiiiiucUmI with tlie Associated Press:
"Hy a deep sense of gratitude for the great
l.nn'ifit I have received from the use of Hood's
S;irs p:iri!!;i, I have l-een led to write the follow
ing stjitrmMit for the benefit of sufferer who
mi'.y lie similarly uplifted. For 15 years 1 have
been a great sulierer from dyspepsia and
Heart Trouble.
Almost everything I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and medieiues, but
failed to realize relief. Two years t,'o a friend
prevailed upon me to try Hood's Karsapaiilla.
The lirs t bottle 1 noticed helped me, su I coo
tiuueit taking It. It did me so much good that
my friends spoke of the improvement. I bave
received such great benefit from it that
Gladly Recommend It.
1 now have an excellent appetite and nothing I
eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my
Hoofed Cures
Ht'sh ami strength. 1 cannot praise Hood's
Sarsanarlll'i loo much." Mrs. H. M. fxcit,
Tracy, California. (Jet HOOD'S.
Wood's Pills lire hand made, and perfect
in proportion anil appearance. 25c. a box.
Salem, Or., Jan. 26. The senatorial
situation is praotically unchanged.
Dolph today polled 42 votes, Speaker
Moores being present and voting for
him. The stony-hearted Templetou, who
refused to pair with Scott, his sick ool
league, while he saw the least ohanoe of
viotory for Dolph, gave in today when
be saw that the Senator's cause was
hopeless, and a pair was effected. The
vote was divided aa follows :
Dolnh 42
Moore li
Hure, pop 10
Simon 1
Tongue. . .
Salbm, Jan. 28 The following is the
vote for United States seuator today :
Dolph Hnre 10
.uoore a
Lowell 2
llaikley 2
illiuius .
Weatherford .
Rucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beat salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rlieum,
Fpver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively oures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to sive
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
reoovering from a
Tenipleion mid Scott paired.
An Old Soldier's Hecomme iwiution.
In the late war I was a soldier in the
First Marylaud Volunteers, Company
G. During my turru of service I o.n
traoted ohronic diarrbos'i. Since that I
have used a great amount of niedioine,
but when I found any that would give
me relief it would injure my stomach,
until Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
diarrhoea Remedy whs brought to my
notioe, I used it and will say it is the
only remedy that gr.vo me permanent
reliff and no bad results lollow. I take
pleasure in recommending this preoar
ation to all of my old comrades, who,
while giving their services to their
oouutry, oontraoted this dreadful disease
as I did, from ealing unwholesome and
uncooked food. Yours truly, A. E.
Bending, Halsey, Oregon. For sale by
Slooum-Johnson Drug Co.
Big store at Heppner has a oomplete assortment of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener
al Merchandise.
We are Agents for
The Celebrated . .
Baking Powder
TheBe jroodB are Strictly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction.
We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices,
Our books are closed to any
Further Credit Business.
A Few Cash Prices.
They Speak Louder Than Wohds.
BeBt Syrup, per keg, 1 2.50
Beans, 22 pounds for 1.00
Roast Coffee, 4 pounds 1.00
Green Coffee, i pounds 1.00
Granulated Sugar, Id pounds 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 17 poundB 1.0!)
Best Rice, 14 pounds 1 00
Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00
Sugar Norn, 8 cans 1.00
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2'4 tbs l.ixi
Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2y, lbs 1.00
Golden WcBt Baking Powder, 1 pound
5 gallon Keg Pickels
5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25
18 rbs. Rolled Oats 1.00
3 pounds Chocolate 00
6 cans Table Fruit 100
14 pounds Heedless RHisins 1.00
16 pounds Extra Raisins l.oo
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country.
Has no future value to us, bd(1
we don't want any man's
Upon any other than a money basis. We
can't place "credit" at BDy kind of interest.
We Don't Want
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can get
them elsewhere.
mm. k
for Infants and Children.
This Space Belongs to
" Castorla is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abchkr, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
its merits so well known that it Beetns a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
Carlos Martyn, I). I).,
New York City.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation.
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years 1 havo recommended
your 'CaNtoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
F.DwiH F. Pardee, M. P.
135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
The Centavr Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 30tb,
nt 1 o'clock iu the afternoon, at the
court bouee in this oity, is the date, time
riu J place descanted for the holding of
the sobool meeting for the purpose of
voting a tBX levy to pay the present in
debtedness of the district and for tbe
aoutinnacoe of our school another year.
Let everyone interested m tbe cause of
education aud the promotion of the wel
fare of Heppuer's publio school be pres
ent at tbe meeting tomorrow and by
their voioe and vote pr omnlgate tbe in
terests and keep up to its present high
standing this grand institution of learn
ing. Vote a tax levy euilioient to wipe out
tbe present outstanding indebtedness of
district No. 1 and for tbe continuance of
our school another year.
Discovery Saved Ills Life.
Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers
vllle, 111., says: "lo Dr. Kings Jew
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe aud tried all the phjsi
onus tor miles about, but of no avail
and wae given np snd told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Disoovery
in my store I Bent for a bottle and began
its use and from the first dose began to
get getter, and after using three bottles
was up and about again. It is wortb its
weight in gold. We won't keep store
or house without it." Get a free trial at
T. W. Ayer's Jr.. drng store.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Mrs. 0. C. Boon is
lingering illness.
8now is falling, present depth about
eight inches and still a "oomin."
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
HolUnd, who baa been ill for some time
past is convalescent.
Cyrus Fuqua, of Eight Mile, informs
us that he will snon move his family in
town for the purpose of school ad
vantages. F. M. Smith, of Social Ridge, was
seen in tbe city Wednesday with his
fine black trotters and eU-gunt cutter.
Frank expressed himself is "Inn in' a
Our enterprising merohnut K. C. Wills,
is continually increasing his txotllent
stook of goods, groceries etc. Lexing
ton needs a tew more such genial
business men as Bob.
The coyote ohase of last week was
enjoyed by tbe following participants:
Cap, George Sperry, Jess Lieuallen,
Tom Boothby, Chas. Beymer, Frank
Smith and James Brown. The boys
were mounted and well equipped and
lead one to believe by tbeir det rmined
countenance and murderous expression
thai tbey were about to be hurled into
some fnrious enoouuter with wild
animals of the forest. However, tbey
had the good fortune to see one poor
howling" coyote. One of the party
took a dead aim at bis fast disappearing
caroas" hut failed to bartn tbe game.
Tbey next encountered a rabbit aud sent
its poor soul to Paradiee. One of the . co upete for tbe scalps of tbe coyote and
party beoama somewhat discouraged, the victorious side will dine Ht the
and expressed a wish lo be in the land ' P-" ,.hft q"Sl,ed h" tb
r, . , j . i hnnt is euded. Leigh'on Knox and
of ooyotes. But he was in good spirits . spellCpr Akers are the foremen, tbf-y
when be reached town safely. The choosing twenty men each.
boys report the bunt aa a howling j "
. , , , i Cure for Headache.
8U0C69S, with the exceptions of one, , ,
G Whiz 1 " remedy for all forma of Headaone
' ; Electric Bitters has proved to be the
Lexisotok, Or , Jan. 23. 1895. ! very best. It effects a permanent oure
and the most dreaded habitual siok
It is the Headquarters !
The Eeeley Institute
For the Oure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It li located at Salem, Oregon,
The Moat Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazette office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura
lllls, Dawson & Lyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
palntd. Drugii Olln, Glass, Toi
let ArtloeM, Jtatent: Medicine,
OJice of oil stages running out of Heppner.
Rahbit Hunt. Oa January 7th, a
rabbit bunt was organized at Goose
berry soboolbouse. Ed Royseand Chas.
Anderson were elected foremen of the
bunt and eacb chose twenty men. Tbe
bunt was to lat two weeks and the side
bringing in the least number of soulps
were to pay for an oyster supper. The
hunt ended on Jun. 21st and the scalps
were counted, resulting in 102 for
Anderson's side and 62 for Rovse's side.
Supper will be given this evening at
j the res'denoe of A. 8. Shudduck, to
I wbiob all members of tbe bunt and their
; families will be admitted free, together
! with those donating provisions. Others
; will be charged 25 cents. Another
! hunt was organ zd on the 21nt to lust
two weeks, mistime the nimrods will
PHIL. COIIN, Proprietor.
"How to Cars All Skin Dlwanw." j
I Sic.ply appb "Swaynb's Oixtmfst."
No internal medicine required. Cors
I t- tter. ecz-uia, ileb, all eruptions on ihe
face, hands, nrse, 4o., leaving the skin
clear, white snd heBltby. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gilt for tiwiivi'i Cwi.
Of pneumonia, at bin home in Fair
land, Indian Territory, Deo. 31st 1894,
Alfred Adelbert Downing, son of
Theodore and T. A. Downing, aged 20
years 4 months and a few days. lie
leaves a father and mother and two
sisters, besides a number of relatives to
mourn his loss. He was a grandson of
Andrew Aslibangh of Eight Mile, this
Ueareat Allle thou hant left u,
Here thy loud we deeply feel;
But 'ti God that hai tiereft ui,
He can all our gorrowi heal.
How Joyful l the thought that lingers
When loved onel crow death's sea
That when our labors here are ended
With them we'll ever be.
No parting words shall e'er he spoken
In that bright land ot Dowers,
But songs ot joy and acc and gladness
Bhall evermore be ours.
We'll never say good-bye In Heaven
We'll never say good bye.
For In that land of Joy and song
We'll never say good bye.
headaches yie'd to its influence. We
nrge all who are afflicted to procure a
hot'le. and give this remedy a fair trial.
1l c es of habitual oonstipation Elei
trio Bitters i-ure" by giviog tbe needed
t ne to the bowels, and fe oae long
resist the use of this medicine. Try Onwe makes but on grade of work,
once. Large bottlss only fifty oeoti at tbe best, and guarantees to pleMe all hu
T. W. Ayn, Jr., drug itort. pttrooi. '
Great Oaks
From little acorns grow, so also do fatal
diseases spring from small beginnings.
Never neglect symptoms of Kidney
troubles; if allowed to develope they
cause muoh suffering and sorrow. Vr.
J. H. McLean's Liver aud Kidney Balm
is a certaio cure for any oiaeaee of weak
ness of the Kidneys. A trial will con
vince you of its great potency. Price
$1.00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum
Johnson Drug Co.
.L. Douglas
'4.3SP Fine Calf & Kangarooi
3.SPP0UCE,3 soles.
4rtMn for r.ATAi nfiiir
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They Rive the best value for the money.
I ney equal ousiom snoes in eiyie ana m.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamp a on sole.
Prom $l to $.) saved over other makes.
, li your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly ap
pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it once
Between Second & Third,
Hortiand, Ore
Owing to the advantages gained through..
being a member of the ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prioes for cash as
low as tbe lowest.
Corner Main aud Willow Streets,
r t
i-fk Ki'
Agents. $79
IUld IH.S SHl,r. Wtab. Ill ib
fll.n.a lot ft iBtuur in ou- mu .
Wiikci, noK. sod Sii.1 is. a
tllb.lt WntUbS IB bfcud. Vul
bnib ib buiieu, lb. m:&tii dol
till r-it. Hrlabi. dubM
I rli.rrul wit-4. i Mfcta
.r. buw.iladbM.dior flloiulas
br'i.ib'lt.bpi.ti'j mui.. ci,.,u
aulK,wa,rrsuUd CirouliMrful
SV. P lAFI'0 ACO., Ikrb ka. IS, Ulbsibw, CI
Now is the time to get tbe Weekly
Oregouiau, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
Iv in advance, for one year, No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional jonrnal.the Web-
foot Planter, an agricultural paper,
Com in now and lubtorlb.
Land Patents
Lund putentH secured for RettlerB in the shortcut possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested caBes intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting claims under th agricultural land
lawB. and those between olaimBpts under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and bIbo between Maimants under any of tbe public land laws and the
Railroad companies and their grantees, and tbe states and their grantees, under
the Bwamp-Land and Hobool-IiBnd Oranta.
Hpecialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with tbe laws under whiob their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of tbeir patenta, oaused by Trifling
Irregularities whiob can be easily and speedily removed.
Advioe also given iu all matters relating t the publio lands, especially ou
points arising under the Dew laws wbiob bave been recently passed providing for
the disposal of the publio domain.
If you want vour land patent In a hurry if you want your land business, of
any charaotar, attended to by skilllul aud competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man.,
r, o. Box, m
WMbineion, P 0,