Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 22, 1895, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time in the hip.f ry
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of meukind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to perr
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly conceiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care cannot be exer
oieed in ohoosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lout and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No -patent, no
pay" system Inventors who entrust
their business to this olass of attorneys
do ao at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General , Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Wasbington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers,' and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to protect its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and (gives especial attenion to rejected
cases, it is also prepared to enter into
competition with any firm in securing
formal patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Weddrhbuhn.
18 F Street,
p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. 0.
Wliilo you ik.epyonr fmbaoriptinn paid up yen
can kep your brand in free of charge,
Allvn, T. J., lone, Or. Horsed fii on left
ohotilfinr; cattle wmio on loft hip, nnderbfton
riht oar, and upper bit on the left; rango, Mor
row oonnty.' - 11
Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
dor it, on loft ehoaldwr of horsoa; cattle same
on h'ft hip.
AlllHon, O. T)., Riffht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O Don loft hip and liornnB name brand on right
shoulder. Itniia. Mlit'it Miln,
AdkniH, 3. J-i Hoppner, Or. TTortieR, .TA con
neiitfwl on lrt flank: cattle, name on left hip.
Hnrt.hotnmew, A. (., Alpine, Or. Hoi-hob
branded 7 ii on either nhouldnr. Jtnrifre in Blor
oflf ooinif.v '
Mamiinter, .T. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on loft hip and thitih; eplit in oaoh ear.
Brenner. Pel or, Hooebnrry reon Horneq
braudofl P 11 on loft shoulder, Cattlo aamo on
ripltt idw.
Burke, M Ht C, Ijour Crook, Or On cattle,
MAY conncioted on lft hip, oiop off loft oar, nn
dnr half oron off riht. HoreeH, audio brand on
lotft shouldsr. Biine iu Grant and Morrow
onnty. . '
HroHinan, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horn bmndnd 7
on rmhl Hhoulder; cattle B on the loff aide,
Left our half crop Tid right oar nnpor slope.
Barton, Win,. Hoppner, Or. -HorHOH, J Ron
right thigh, cattle, euuie on right hip; split in
aach oar.
Brown, Ihh, Lexington, Or. Moraes IB on the
right nl.iHu; cattle emnoon right hip; range, Mor
row oonnty. ' '
Brown, .T. (., Hoppner, Or. Horaes, circle
0 with dot in eei tor on left hip; eattlet same.
Bruwn, W. J., Lena, Orogou. Ho mug W. hnr
over It, on the lull auuiiliUir, VattJuKtimuon kit
Boyer, W. G., Hoppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on ritfht nip cattlo, Hame, with .split in
each oar,
Jiorg, P. ()., Hoppner. Or. Horses, P B on loft
Hhoulder; cattle, same on loft hip.
Itrowiilne, V. J., Pox, Or Cattle, JU oonnocted
on left side; crop pn loft ear and two plitiand
middle piece out. out on right oar; on hormoH same
brand on the left thigh- Jiange in Fox valley,
0 runt county,
Carmuu- Warren, Wagner, Or. Horso brand
ed O on right stillo; cattlo (throe bars) on
right rilm, r.rop and aplit in each ear. Kango in
(J rant, ami Morrow countioH.
Cain.K., Calob.Or. V D on horBPRonlnft RtihV
V with uuartor circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colt under R years; u
left shouldor only on all hoi-Hoa over fi yoarn. All
range hi (Irani oonnty. '
Cate, ('has. H Vinson or Lena," Or, Homes
11 Con right shoulder; cattle same mi right hip,
Itange Morrow and Cinatllla countieH.
Cori'igall, M M. Oallnwity, Or-r-Cat tie crop out
of racli car and uwdorbit ' wattle in forehand;
liorsoH litiif cindo i) on letl htitie. ltangu -Morrow
and Uiuatilln counties,
Curl, T. 11., John Day, Or. Double orose on
oacli hip on eattloi swallow ( rk and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Kunge in Grant
nonniy. On Blmep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Kar markou ewes, crop oil left njir
puuelied upper bit in rigid. Wethers, crop in
right a"d nndor half oro) in loft, ear. All rango
in drain, count v." ' ' " ' 1
Couk, A. J.,Leua,Or. Horses, QOon right shonl
der; Cattle, name on right hip; ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin.lt. x, CurriiiBVilh Qr. -llorai. on
Cox Krt. H., Hardman, Or. Caitle, 0 with
Kin center; horses. Chi on left iip.
Coehran, tt. K., Monnmenb, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
fthutilder; cattle suute brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.j Hanlnian, Or. Horses branded
Oon right lap. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; en' Me snme
brainlon right lumWUr, and cut off end of
right ear,
D.mglass, W. M .GalloWav. Or.-4'atUe. R Don
rigid side, swallow-fork in each ear; ho mm, i 1)
un lnft liio.
Kl v, .1. 11. A Huns. Douglas, Or. Homes brand
ed KLY on left tihouldur, cattle same on left
hip. hole io riuht ear.
Kiuery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Homes branded
0 I revomed ( 1 wit h tail on left shoulder; cat
tlesitme on riglit hip. Hange in Morrow county.
Florence, ii. A,, llepptier, Or. Cattlo, UV on
right hip; bonHw with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Hepnnor, Or Horses, V on
right shouldor; cattle, V on right hip or thigh.
Vrenoh, George, lleppner. Or. Cattle bmudod
VF, with bar over it, on left side; crop off left
ear. Morson, lame brand on left hip.
Gentry, Klmer, Kcho, Or. HomeB bmnded H.
B. with a quarter cin-lo over it, on left stlHe.
Uange in Morrow and UnmtiUiwountioH,
lliatt. A. H., Uidge, Or. Cattle, round-top
with inartnr cinUo ninior it on the right hip.
KtuiKe in Morrow and 1 1 mat ilia eounties,
ll niton A .tenke, Hamilton, Or--Catt le, two b;a
on either liii)1, crop in right oar and At in loft.
Horsed, J on right thigh, Ha:ige inOtwit county
HtinhoH, Haniuel, Wagner,
Or-3 CP V L
OOiinectcdion riuht shoulder en horsed; on cattle,
on right hiiiuud tui loft side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Uauge in Haystack
distriet,Momtw cmntv.
Utile, Mjlton, Wanner, Or. Horses branded
-O (cattle with parallel tailsl on left nhouldir
Cattle SAtne mi left hip also large circle ou left
euirt, ,
Hownrd J Lt Gslloway, Or. Homes -f (croes
with b'tr above itl on riulit nhonider; cnttleesuio
on left side, ltaugrf in Morrow and Umatilla
conn ties.
Haii, Ftwiu, John Day, Or. Cattle K Hen
riyhi hipi hones smueoii riKht shoulder, Haue
in flraut oounty.
Hughe. Mat, Hepvmer, Or. Horses, shaded
hmrt on the loft shoulder, ltaiign Morrow tV
Hunsaker, B A. Wagner, Or. UorsoB, 9 on left
lu'iilder; cattle, Bon left hip.
Humphreys, J 11, lianlman, Or, Horses, H on
left (Mule
IJtiston, Luther, Fight Mile, Or. Hor Hon
tin loft Nboitlderand heart on the left suite Cat
tie H!iirt i mi b i ( h' n. K ine in Motiw oun! v
J one, Harrv, Heun r, Or - -Homos hraudwt
i'l ,1 on the loft nhrtit'der; cntC IvikiivI ,J on
right, hip, aU updtrbit In left sar. ItHiigo u
ftlorrow IMHtllly.
Jnnkin, B. M., Hoppner, Or. Horses, homo
rhoe i on left shouidtr, Cattie, tii Mtna,
Rsng on Kight Mile.
JnW Uiaa, Or, -Hnri, irelT m
left etifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half
3rop in rih and nulit n left ear
Konny, Mike, Heppncr, Or. Horses braodor
KNV on left hip caU-ie same and crop off left
ear: under slope on tro right
Kirk, J. T.. Heppner, Or. Horaea 69 on left
shoulder: cattle. ri& on left hip.
Kirk, JehHO, Hoppner, Or.; homep 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on right side, onderbit on
right ear.
Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L or
cattle on right and left sides, Bwallow fork in I ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses satm
brand on left shoulder. liangin Grant coimtv.
Ijoften, 8tepnen, Fox, Or. H L on loft hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear, Horne
Bftmn brand on left shoulder. Itange Grant
Lienallen, John W., Ijfxfiu"i, Or. Horse
branderl half-circle JL connected on loft shoul
der. Cattle, same on lefthiu. Range, near Lex
ington Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
L and A fn lpft shoulder; cettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three elite in right
Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H connect d Sometimes called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Minrr, Oscar, tieppner, nr. Cattle, M Don
right hip; horae. Mon leftshouJder.
Morgan, W. N., Hoppner, Or. Horses, M
on left shonldei cattle same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on righ'
hip; cattle, 77 on right side.
MoClaren, D. C., Brownsville, Or, Horeee,
Figure Ron each shoulder: cattle. M2 on hin
MctJirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule she
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
McHahjy, . ., nuuiiiftm. Or. n tioraon.
with half circle ondor on left Bhoolder; oo ;attt,
four barB connected on . top on the right aids
Uanga in .Grant County '.. .
Noal. Andrew. Lone Hock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on lnft shoulder: cattle same on both hiiiF-,
Nordyke, E., Hilverton, Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thdgh oat tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattlf
on left Mp; on horsed, same on left thigh, Kange
in, Groat county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on lefi
shoulder. ! ,
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, 0
LP connected on left hip; horses on left etifle
and wartle on nose. Hance in Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 2
on left hip. Hange oti Fight Mile.
Parker A Gleaaon, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
" Piper. Ernest, Lexington, Or. Horwes brand
e (L K connected) on left shoulder ; cattlp
s me on right hip. Range, Morrow comity.
Piper, J. If., Lexington. Or.- Horses, JFJ con
nected on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Pettys, A. 0., lone, Or.; horses diamond P oti
shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the
loft hip, upper slope in left ear and si Id in the,
Hood, Andrew, Hantaan, Or.Horaes, square
cross with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle.
Heninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C H on
left shoulder. ' ' '
Rush Hroa., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
nrop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Range ir
Morrow and adjoining counties.
lteanny, Andrew, Lexington, Or. HorRat
branded A It on right shoulder, vent quarter
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Hange Morrow county.
Koyso, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connectet
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hir
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horaof
same brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties. '
Hoctor. J. W.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, JO oi
left shoulder. Cattle, () on right hip.
Spicknall, J. W-, Gooseberry, Or. Horae
branded ill on left shoulder; iange Mor'-o
u" y.
Bailing, C C Heppner, Or HorseH branded
on left Hhoulder; cattle name on left hip. .
Kwaggarfj, K. K., 'Lexington, Or.-Hbrses
with dash under it on loft stifie: cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, oron off right ear and
waddled on right hind log. Itange in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
Hwaggart, A. L.,Athena. Or. Horses branded S
on loft shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop-
on ear. waicm on Lett, ninti leg.
Htraignt -W K, Hoppner, Or. Horses shaded
J H on left stifle; cattle J H on left hip, swallow
fork in right oar, undorbit in left.
happ.Thos., Hoppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
left hip: cattlp same on loft hip.
Hhrier.John, Fox, Or, NO conneotod on
horses on right hip; oattie, same on right hip,
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Range
in Hranfc county.
Smith Rroi.. Hnsanville, Or, Horses, branderi
H. 'A. on shoulder; cattle, -aino on loft ahonlder.
Hipjiroa, James. Arlington, Or,; horaos branded
3H on loft shouldor: cattle the same, also iiohp
waddle. Range iu Morrow and Gilliam oountien
Htophous, V,. A., Hardman, , Or-,; horses ron
right stiflo; cattlo horizontal 1. on the right side
HtnvotiHon, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattlo, ti
on right hip: swallow-fork in left onr.
Hwaggart. G. W.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left shoulder ; oattie, 44 on' left hip.
Hporry, E. G., Hoppner, Or. Cattle W C on
loft hip, crop off right and undorbit in left year.
de'Map; horsrts'W IJonloft fthonlder,
Thompson, J A Hoppner, Or'. Horses, f-oi)
left Hhouldor; cattle, U on left shoulder.
Tirmotfl,H.T.,Entorprise,Or. Horses. 0-on left
Turtier K. W.. Hoppner, Or. Small capital T
loft ahouldor, horses; oattie same on loft hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, Ht M., lone, Or. Horses branded
JIT oonneoted on loft st iHe; sheep same braud.
. VaitiUri)iool, HJ', I-oua, Or ;- Horses H V con
noct-ed on right should or ;oattle, same on right
Walbridiiu. Wm.. Himnnor. Or. Horsoa. TT. I,.
uu.LLd loft ahuuldor; cattlo same on right hip,
crop off loft, oar aud right ear lopped.
WiIhoji, JLdrfiQ 0,,.,yidni .of, Heppner, Or.
Morson brandtd Jii on the left shoulder, ltiinir
Morrow eonntv.
' 1Waiwh,W1!(!iilnh,Or-riiUIe W with qnartnr
cinde over it, ou loft side, split in right oar.
HorHOH same braad on left miouluor. RaUgBit'
G rant, county.
WwlUj.HoJiry. lioppn.oi;.. Or. Roraes branded
ace of spades on hut shoulder and loft hip
Cattlo branded same on left side anil left hip.
Womuifor. .limn, jonn J'ay i;ity. ijr Km horses
throe iiaratlol bafs on left shoulder; 7 on Httoep.
bit in both ears. Range iu Gmut and Malhuor
Woodward, John, lleppner. Or. Horeee. UP
OfMiuei'tod pn, loftphou.lder.,. , k
watKius. Ljisiio. ii oppnor. ur. Morses Drandod .
HE connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. UuuDaer. Or. Cattle. W on i
rurhtt.hiuji. holo in left ear: horses. W on riirht
stiouloor sonif same on loft shoulder.
miii.ii in,, 1 1 inn iJiKiiiu, I xi mil rr,
Horses branded W li conueuted on left shoulder
Williams. Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Onartor r.ir i
cl over throe bars on loft hip, both oattie and I
noi ses, uango m raur. county, i
Williams, J Oi Long Crook. Or Horses, ouar
tor oiroloover three bura on loft hip; cattle same1
and slit in each ojtr. Itange in Grant county
Wren. A. A,, itonnnor. tr. Morses run m no A A
on shoulder; Cattlo. samo on right hip.
Youiig. J. M., Hooseherry. Dr. Horses branded
TH ontlm riaht th.mhto-
Obce i(oa
a lrVteVa.VQ
Ke cause 0
"Inhere s"a ?
Are you willing to work for the causa
tt Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in the hands o( your acquain
tances? If you are, you should be identified
the american
protective tariff League.
136 W. 230 ST., NEW YORK.
Cut tl.l. notice out and lend It to the League,
.tatlnu yniir position, mnd c helping haud.
Every patriottc cttien should give his
personal etTort and intluence to increape
the circulation ot his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in evury way possible. After the homo
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the Ammican Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One oi Its correspon
dents says 1 "No true American can
gel along without ft. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal cart request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake,
man. General Secretary, 13 West 3d
St., New York.
riiotonrsplia $1.50 pel dozen at Shep
pitrd's pHllery, Dear opera umi.e, north
Mnin Ht,. Hinoetr, 0r.
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
name to the public, make9 this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die, and ah our neiKhhors
thought that even if I dW not die, 1 would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finifer and
It gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, tt
was sure to become a running .sore. . I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
done me so much good as AVer's Sarsapa
rilla. It has made me well and strong."
T. D. M., Norcatur, Kaus.
AVER'S SarsapariHa
Prepared by Or. J. 0. Ayer St Co., Lowell, If a...
Cures others, will cure you
Kimrantuod euro for Hon and Chicken
Cho(;ra, which hm stood the tent for seven yearB
without failure, that I know of, but has eifeot
ed thounrUjin of cures. I have sold over 23 00u
receipts and fittniiy rights in eight months, and
not a single complaint received yet. Isold each
and every one on a guarantee, and I still Hell
that way. If Hqllaiid Cholera Cure-and Preven
tative fails to cure or prevent Cholera,' I will
refund your money. This is fair enough. Six
pounds of the medirdne can be jnade at a total
cost of from ?1 to $1,20, Enough to do. V) hogs and
100 chickens a year. You are then assured
against oholem for one year. Jf you will try
this remedy, I assure you you will never regret
It. Use it, and your hogs and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Kecipe and family right only $1.00. Ready
prepared mudiirines. 50c and $1 per bottle or
package. Address
Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala.
Dallas, Texas, April 13, 1803.
Mrs Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam : I have
thoroughly tested your cholera remedy and find
it O. K. It's grand. 1 e iclose $10 will try the
agencv. I'leu&e send t once and oblige. Very
respectfully, ' H. W. Harpeh.
Pallas, Texns, May.lOth, 189:1.
Have sold out. I enclose $f0 for which Bend
me all the recipes you can and the rights to the
counties named below. I never saw anything
sell so fast. What is the lenst you will take for
thcst ite. If your price is reasonable will take
the state. Very respectfully.
II, W. Warper.
(I have not room for all his letters. He took
the state. Here is one more of ins letters.)
Dallas, Texas, July 17th, IMS.
Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam; Since
toking the state right I canvassed three "weeks
and niiide $'.W7 selling recipes ami territory. 1
will startseveral snb-ugnlH next' week. Could
I exchange a portion (d Texas for a portion of
Kansas? Very respectfully, H, V. Iaiipkk.
Milieu, Oeorgla, iK-c. 11th, 1KM.
Mrs. Thomas: I write a letter of enquiry.
How much oi this state is unsold? I want bal
ance of the state. HoHiind's Cholera Cure is
just what It Is represented to be. It has proved
a blessing to the fanners of ihi- county. Very
respectfully, V,. o. Kdrnvikm),
Agent lor Screven County.
Rock Bridge, Ohio, Dec. -Itlu
Mrs. Thomas; Recipe came to hand audit's
all O. Ii, Enclosed (h.d $;i0 for Hocking, 1'icka
way and Fafrtudd counties. What will you
lake for the statu? Yours truly,
I have thousands more testimonials. I guar
antee Holland's Cholera Cure and Preventative
to cure and prevent hog and ehictcen Cholera in
each and every ease or refund the money. This
is fair enough. Don't eost pone ordering because
you may not a present be bothered with chol
era. The Idea is to prevent it in time. This my
remedy will do and will also keep your hogs
mid chickens in a nice healthy condition. Gen
eral ami local agents wanted. Slate and family
rightsior sale ur trade. Address
Mrs. Raimki, V. Thomas.
sw-Sm. . Cowarts, Ala.
Chicken Cholera
prompt answer und an honest opinion, write to
iHliNN tV VO who have luul nearly lifty years'
experience in the patent business, Communica
tions Ntrlctty confidential. A 1 1 mill honk of In
formation concerning I'ntetitN and lio-w to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan
ical anil H'lintltlo hooks sent free.
Patents taken through Minm ft Co. receive
special notice In the Sid cut Hie Aiiicricnn. ami
ill us are brought widely before the public with
out cest to the Inventor. This splendid paper,
Issued weekly, elegantly t Hunt rnted. tuw by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work In the
world, JK; a year, frnmnlfl conies sent free.
Building Kdttion, monthly, l50a year. Single
mines, wnts. Kvory number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photogrnphs of new
tonuses, with plnns, piinblhiR nutlrtera to show the
latest designs and secure, contracts. Address
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should see that the Journal they subscribe
to is the best and most leliabiO
authority obtainable.
It deals practically with fruits and vegetables,
tres; shrubs and flowers, and covers the
lieKi of horticulture systematically
nnd thoroufihlv. It ilhistratea and
describes methods of cultiva
tion, improved varieties and,
labor-saving devices.
. . It is without UouU .
The Paperforthe People!
$t.0( a Year (?4 number..).
Spwfmpn enpv and N-pape cntrtloffue ot
horticultural hooka FREE ou application.
American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y.
A CHANCE Foil lirsTI.MlS
We want several live, wiile-nwake nan
rassera to represent the (tatetto in tbie
and mli"'it',,B oountiea. iu eonneotion
with the National Newsnnrer Union.
The work ia new, popnUir and very
profltulile. "quiring neither oapital uor
previous rxperieuw. U is worth look
niK nftiT, ami if J hi wunt real .:ood
thuvit in the. wv of lii-ht. pla.itit and
prolitnlile emfloymetit it will pax you to
invtiRta thia at onee. 'l'liere is usouev
in it for hustlers. Write for fail par
ticular, to THIS NATIONAL CO .
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" ' " ' " " ' '' l-opvTight'.' 1K04. 1t Tht New Ycftk Musical Record Co.
How tn f.t $100 and Perhaps Make a
F irtnue.
We secure patents and to induce
people to keep track of their bright
ideas we offer a prize of oue hundred
dollars to he paid on the first of every
month to the person who snbraits to ns
the most meritorious invention darini?
the proceeding month. We will also
advertise the invention free of charge in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, published in Washington, D. C,
whioh has an extensive circulation
throughout the United States and is
devoted to the interests of inventors.
The idea ot being able to invent some
thing strikes most people as being very
difficult; this delusion ' the company
tvlshea to dispel. It is the simple things
aud small inventions that make the
greatest amount of money, and the com
plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost
everybody, at some time or another,,
conceives an idea, which, if patented,
wonld probably be worth to him a
fortune, Unfortunately snob ideas are
usually dismissed without thought. The
simple inventions like the car window
which nould be easily slid np and down
without breaking the passenger's back,
the sauce pan, collar button, tbe not look,
the bottle stopper, the snow sboVel, are
things that almost everyone sees some
way of improving npou, and U is these
kind ot inventions that bring tbe greatest
returns to the author.
The prize we offer will be paid At the
end of eoh month, whether the appli
cation lias oeen acted upon by the
Patent Office or not. livery competitor
must apply for a patent on his invention
taratgh oJ h'br k mrs 4b
prize or not, the inventor will have a
valuable patent. ' ' ' ' '
John Wedderburn, Gen'l Manager,
618 P St. N. W. Washington, D. U
t. S. The responsibility of this
oompany may be fudged from the faot
that its stock is held by about seventeen
hundred ot the leading newspapers of
the United States., tf , ,
la Franre the Moot Atrocious- Crtqiee
Are , Committed by young; Mra.-
The connection between crime and
youth is now one of the problems that
are being most seriously discussed in
France. One would nnturnlly suppose,
saya the St. James Gazette, that the
most, atrocious and the most callous
criminals would be those who had
reached mature age in a career of
crime, llut such is not the case. The
most darinp, the most sanguinary and
the most hardened criminals with
whom French justice has had to deal
of late years have been, with few ex
ceptions, mere youths. The. great ma
jority have been under twenty years.
"I had supposed," says M. Guillot.
"that during my long career as jnge
d'instruction 1 had seen the lowest
depth of human corruption; but it is.
only since 1 have had to do especially
with young criminals that I have be
come acquainted with it." We learn
from him that many a Paris boy be
longing to the class from which the
prisons are chiefly supplied is com
pletely debauched .at the. age of thir
teen. This magistrate, of the republic
has had the courage to de-'lare tha
the official withdrawal of religious ia:
fluence from the' instruction im'rye'd
upon the children of fhe people har-
ha4 much to do with the production of
this youthful typ of criminal, who.
when he is before the judge. bes not
shed even a hypocritical tear, but ap
pears really astonished nt the 'explana
tions asked of him for his evil conduct.
Speaking not from eentuuont W
frets ebsr-s 5iilst i5U.ti
that the passing away of the religious
ideal is apt to entail the abandonment
of all ideals and the loss of all sense ot
duty. . To English people such an ex
pression of opinion may seem super
fluous; but iri France it has upon a host
of politicians much, the same effect as
a red rag is said to have on a bull. ' It
must be remembered how many men of
leading, if not of light, have striven In
Franee since the fall of the empire' to
realize the ideal of . an . atheistical
state. It is true that pot a few of them,
discouraged by a reaction of public
opinion, have considerably modified
their policy; "but it still remains the
cherished dream of the republican who
prides himself on being thorough
paced and considers 'S3 a glorious date
in French history. , , . . .
An Imperial Silrer Wedduiff.
The silver wedding of the emperor
and empress of Japan, according to
foreign papers, was ' celebrated with
great pomp a few weeks ago. There
was a review of the soldiers in the after
noon, and in the evening there was a
gala dinner, to which all the prominent
officials and their wives and foreigners
were invited. Afterward there was a
reception and dance in the throne-room.
Male dancers produced the famous
'banzairaku," a dance which was
composed by the Emperor Yomei
1.300 rears ago the "taiheirakn,"
which was the- fashion 1,037 years
ago, and the "bairo," a dance brought
from India about the year .600
which, in. its various evolutions, rep
resents the subjection of all enemies of
the' state. ' All the guests received
I silver mementos of. the celebration.
, riles'. Piles! itching Files,
i Csymptoma Moi6ture; intens itching j
uuu auuKing, most at uigut; nuroe -y
scratching. If allowed to continue
I tumors form, whiah often bleed and i
j ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynus
, OisTMFvr stops the itching and bleed-
j intr, heals ulceration, and in most eases
I removes ine tumors.. a arnggists, or
i by Bail, for 5Gent. tr.Bvs 8no, I
lFbl!4lpbU,.' . ' ' '
Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi- .
demir, is always more or less prevalent.
The he.t remedy' for this complaint
is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"Last Sprinjr. I was taken down with '
La Grippe. At times 1 was completely pros,
trated. and so riifneutt was my breathing
that my breast seemed as if eonnned in an
Iron cape. I procured a bottle of Aper's.
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I bejran
takinp It than relief followed. ' I conld not be
lieve that the effect wonld be so rapid und the
cure so complete. It Is truly a wonderful m
tdne."-W. H. Williams, Crook City, 8. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt to act, sure to cure
For Sai. A thoroughbred tegls
tered Hereford bull May wood, No.
28,606. .This bnll was bred in IliinoM by
Geo. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed s'ook tlil will brine'
a good price. I will sell cheap ar I
have another of same stock j or will trida
for good alios tows. ,
w .... t, o.twi.