Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 22, 1895, Image 2

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Two weeks from today, Tuesday,
Februnry 5, 1895, occurs the an
nual muuicipitil election of Hepp
uer. Although this is a mntter of
considerable import to ourciti'ens,
as yet very little interest is mani
fest in the event and from this we
would naturally infer that the
people of Heppner generally are
satisfied with the administration of
municipal affairs during the past
year and are cognizant of the fact
that the mayor and council have
ever had an economical eye on the
welfare and best interests of the
city and people. It is no more
than right and just to say that
Mayor I3org, in his official capacity
as the chief executive of our thriv
ing little city, has done his duty
well and conscientiously, with de
serving credit to himself and honor
to our city and its people. Work
ing in harmony with the council
he has at all times been sub
servient to the best interests of
the people, and during his in
cumbency of the mayor's office the
past year has given a wise and
economical administration of muni.
cipal affairs. So far we have
heard of no opposition to Mayor
Borg's candidacy for re-election,
and as it is generally conceded, as
a mark of respect and esteem,
that an efficient and wise official is
deserving of recognition at the
hands of the people, and the say
ing that one good term deserves
another will most likely be de
monstrated in this instance and
Mayor Borg re-elected to succeed
himself as Iloppnor's chief exe
cutive for his second term without
any opposition.
The retiring councilmen at the
coming election are Messrs. John
ston, Yeager aud Koithley, who
have served the people faithfully
and conscientiously during the
past two years, working in ha
mony with the mayor and othor
members, always doing thoir duty
as they saw it, and to the best
interests of the city. These gentle
men are of the opinion, that they
have hold the office long enough
and would rather step down and
out ami allow others to shoulder
the responsibilities in the manage
ment of city affairs during the
next two years.
To fill the vacancies of the
retiring councilmen the names of
J. B. Natter, Thomas (Juaid aud
Alexander Thompson have so far
been piominontly mentioned.
They are representative business
men prominently conuncted with
the best interests of the people,
and would, no doubt, if olectod,
provo ablo and conscientious
guardians of our city'B welfare.
The present incumbent of the
city treasurer's office, Mr. A. M.
(hum, will not be a candidate for
re-election, owing to the fact that
he intends shortly to remove from
the city. However, we have heard
tho name of Mr. L. W. Briggs
mentioned in connection with the
office. Mr. Briggs is manager of
tho P. C. Thompson Co., in this
city, and would, no doubt make a
good officer.
For the office of city recorder
Fred J. Hal lock will, we are in
formed, be a eondidata for ro
election. Fred has filled the office
with credit duriug the past year
and done his duty well.
However, there is plenty of time
yet for candidates for municipal
honors to ' bob up sereuly" and
would suggest that it might be n
good idea fur all those who have
their eye on soino official plum to
insert their Announcement in the
cost of maintaining onr public
school is comparatively small.
Too much cannot be said in com
mendation and praise of this
institution, and our people who, at
heart, are proud of their school
and the grand opportunities it
offers for the education of their
children, should not lose sight of
the fact that the district is in debt
in the neighborhood of S2500 aud
that a meeting is to be held the
30th of this month for the purpose
of levying a school tax to raise
funds to meet this indebtedness,
and for the continuance of our
school another year. Every father
who has the future educational
welfare of his children at heart
should take a deep interest in this
matter and be on hand to attend
the meeting at the stated time, and
by his vote in favor of tho tax
levy show that ho is abreast of the
times and alive to the best edu
cational interests of our city.
The following is a list of the
representatives in the senate and
house who voted against Dolph at
the recent caucus meeting in
Salem. Every free silver man in
the state should read these names
carefully, so they ran see how
their representatives acquitted
Alloy, Lane County; Johnson,
Linn county; Trice, Umatilla
county; Patterson, Marion county;
Woodward, Multnomah county.
Baker, Lane county; Baikley,
Marion county; Boothby, Morrow
county; Burkley, Multnomah coun
ty; Cleeton, Columbia county;
Coon, Wasco county; Craig,
Marion county; Curtis, Clatsop
county; Davis, Umatilla county:
Dunn, Jackson county; Gates.
Washington county; Guild, Yam
hill county; Gurdane, Umatilla
county; Ilillegas, Lane county;
Ilofer, Marion county; Hope,
Malheur county; Lester, Clatsop
county; Lylo, Crook county
Moores, Marion county; Patterson,
Grant county; Rinearson, Clacka
mas county; Scott, Linn county;
Sliutruni, Umatilla county; Smith,
Linn county; Tigard, Washington
county; Wright, Union county;
Yates, Washington county.
Tho fight over the United States
senatorship, today at .Salem, we
predict will be hotly contested
with Lord in the field as the favor
ite of the anti-Dolph men. Al
though tho so-called caucus got the
best of it by 40 to 32 in favor of
Dolph, considering the questiona
ble means employed to bring about
this caucus, it should not, and in
all probability will not. bo con
sidered binding. There is a possi
bility of a deadlock in the election
of a United States senator.
Personally wo like Mr. Dolph
well enough, bat are not in accord
with his policy, and are supported
in our opinion by a majority of the
people of Oregon and, also, of the
republican party. The "machine,"
which includes some of the old fos
sils who are beyond the age of
change, even though the world
argues against them, and too child
ish to be dangerous, and a small
coterie of bankers, with exceptions
even in this class, are the only ones
standing in with Mr. Dolph.
A Resolution Tabled to Instruct Onr Rep
reftentativea to lTse Their Influence
in Favur of Sliver.
The need of a city marshal was
made very apparent by the riotous
disturbances created in this city
last evening, and will most likely
result in the council taking imme
diate, decisive and permanent ac
tion in the matter of maintaining
law and order in this city in the
future. Mr. S. S. Horner has been
circulating a petition among the
taxpayers today praying the coun
cil to immediately appoint a mar
shal at a salary of not to exceed
$40 per month, it being generally
understood that tho old marshal,
deposed a short time agn, and who
is well acquainted with the duties
of the office, having signified a wil
lingness to act as maishal for that
amount. Nearly every taxpayer
approached signed the petition and
Mr. Horner will have a largo num
her of names of the leading tax
payers of the city to present to the
council at their special meeting,
called for this evening, for the pur
pose of acting in tho matter of the
appointment of a marshal.
The New Years edition of the
llosoburg Review has reached our
desk and, to say the least, it is a
very creditable paper.
The September grand jury, at
Portland, has found a true bill of
indictment against Richard Bank
er, tho swindler of the A. 0. U.
Puoilist Fitzhimmons has been
indicted by the grand jury at
Syracuse, N. Y., for manslaughter
in the first degree, in causing the
death of his sparring partner,
Con Kiordon.
Tue earthly romains of ex
Governor S. F. Chadwick were laid
to rest in Laurel Hill cemotery, at
Salein, Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. All state offices were
closed at VI o'clock out of respect
to tho highly honored deceased.
The county court of Multnomah
county has decided that the jury
in the Steeves murder case are
entitled to but $2 per day for their
servicos, while they naturally
expected what had formerly been
paid jurors on murder trials, which
was $4 per day. There is talk of
contesting tho matter in the courts.
i ho met that wo have here in
Heppner one of the best equipped
and foremost institutions of lcarn-
ing in the state should he an in
centive to our people to put forth
every endeavor for the luturt1
maintainanee and perpetuity of our
school on an equitable basis linan
eiallv with the public schools ol
other cities. In our (school there
are eleven grades taught, necessi
tating tho employment of
teachers, at a cost to tho district
in the neighborhood of J400
monthly, and when we take into
consideration the grand educational
facilities and opportunities offered,
aud the good work being ac
complished by an excellent and
competent corpse! teachers in the
proper moral and educational
training of the young of Heppner
and vicinity, fitting them out to
light the battles of life intelligently,
when they arrive at the proper
ago to enter the great eremi ol
busineiw cares mid religious and
polit'"1 i of thU world, Ui
Hon. J. A. Wright has thor
oughly canvassed the matter and
says that as an advocate of silver
ho firmly believes he represents
fully two-thirds of tho people of
Union county, and ho intends to
represent his constituency. If M r.
Wright.B promises are coirect, his
position becomes a duty h owes
to tho people of his county.
L'nion Republican.
Herman Rein hart, convicted a
short time ago in Portland of
embezzling somo 5000 fioui the
firm of Pittenhoefer, Hans &
White, by whom ho was employed
as book-keeper, aud sentenced to
three veins in the penitentiary,
and whose case was appealed to
the supreme court with the result
that the lower court's judgment
was nflitmed, was taken to the
penitentiary Saturday.
Souie time ago Mr. Simon Uoldhatiui,
it Sun liiim Kev, Oal., wae troubled
villi a lame buck H'ul rheumatism, tie
lined nminlierlain'H l'mi Balm hih! a
irimiit mini wan tflVoted. He ' he
Iihii su, cm advised niauy of hie frienda lo
try it ami all who have done o have
noken highly of i. It t for "! by
One of tho retiring councilmen
at the coming city election is Mr.
W, A. Johnston, who has, during
the past two years, served the city
well and faithfully in tho dis
charge of his duties. Ever ad
vocating an economical adminis
tration of municipal affairs, Mr.
Johnston has all along labored
zealously in harmony and unison
with the other members to the
best interests of tho people. Mr.
Johnston's many friends, realizing
his qualifications and fitness for
tho office, are anxious that he
should reconsider his decision to
retire from tho council chamber at
the expiration of his time and
again allow bis name to be brought
before the people of Heppner for
In Friday's issue of the Ore
gonian, Mr. A. Mallory, writing
from this city, takes occasion to
say there is no other source open
for the denial of the statements
made in the Heppner Gazette,
other thau through the Oregouian.
This statement of Mr. Mallory's
we wish to emphatically deuv, aud
will state that the columns of the
Gazotte are always open for both
sides of the question that is of
publio import.
Governor Pennoykr was very
explicit in explanation of bis
pardoning proclivities in his
message, saying that ho bad not
been influenced by newspaper
clamor or public cavil but by the
merits of the cases brought before
him. He hit tho lowvr courts a
friendly tap by saying that there
would and could he no use for
pardoning it they were infallible
but pardons, still, wore necessary.
The retiring state printer, Hon.
Frank 0. Baker, complimented the
members of tho legislature end:
with nn elegant pad of lithographed
letter paper upon the opening of
the session.
Salem, Or., Jan. 17. Message from
senate was received, showing that thjt
body had concurred in joint memorial
presented by the house relating to the
Nicaragua oanal.
The house conourred with the senate
in having a committee meet a like com
mittee from the Washington legislature
to investigate the fishing interests of the
Columbia river, Messrs. Lester, Myer
and Daley were appointed from the
A joint ooiomittee appointed, three
from the house and two from the senate,
to visit and investigate soldiers home at
rtospbnrg and to visit the normal school
at Drain, Yates, Blundell and Boothby
were the appointed committee.
Moved that a oorrmittee of two from
Ilia senate and three from the bouse be
appointed to investigate the recent selec
tion of sobool books. Referred.
Moved that it was the senBe of this
legislature that the representatives of
this state at Washington be instructed
to use their iutluenoe to seonre the free
and unlimited coinage of silver at tbe
rate of 16 to 1, nod that all such money
be accepted as full legal tender and that
the eeoretary of state furnish the repre
sentatives and senators with a copy of
these resolutions. Motion to lay on I
table oarried; resolution was referred.
Jandaby 17th. Senate called to order
by Pres. Joseph Simon at 10 a. m. Roll
oall, all present. Senate opened with
prayer by Rev. Templeton.
On motion of Dawson, reading of yes
terday's journal dispensed with.
Joint resolution No. 2. Introduced by
Cogswell ; authorizing secretary of Btate
to purchase 90 copies of Hill's laws for
(he use of legislature. On motion of
Oogswell, adopted.
Message from the bouse notifying the
senate that house bad adopted H. C. R.
No. 11, to submit memorial to congress
( n tbe question of immigration. Senate
Semite notified that the house bad
adopted H. C. K. No 13, asking our rep
resentatives in congress to use all possi
ble means for all railioads to surrender
forfeited lands. CogHwell moved to
amend to refer lo committee on revision
of laws. Huston aud Vandevert called
(or Byes aud noes. Oesner moved to
amend to refer to committee on public
lauds amendment accepted by Cogswell.
Ayes 21, noes 9
Adjourned ut noon to 2 o'olook p. m.
Governor Lord's inaugural ad
dress is an ablo and masterly
effort, replete with information re
garding our state and the urgent
need of economy in the adminis
tration of state affairs,
Dayton 1). Day. a Portland Buy, Hobs Hi
Mother or 1150
From the Telegram.
At the Duion depot last night Cfficer
W. B. Johnston arrested a 13Ja year-old
lad named Dayton D. Day, whose
parents reside at Ken ilworth, for steal
ing $150 from bis mother. Day has tbe
apnearanoe of a youth 16 years old, and
but for the timely aalion of the police
be would have succeeded in getting
away with his spoils.
He left borne Thursday evening, and
bis pareuts believed bim to bave gone
to a meting of the Salvation Army, of
which he is a member. He did not
return in tbe nigbt, of which oiroum
stanoe his mother and father thought
nothing, aa he frequently slept with a
companion living on Oiand avenue and
East Twelfth street. But yesterday
forenoon Mrs. Day bad occasion to go
to a bureau drawer in which the money
was kept, and then Bbe discovered she
bad been robbed. With ber sad etorv
she hurried to ber husband, who works
in Ionian, Paulsen & Co.'s mill, and be
advised ber to report the loss of tbe mon
ey to tbe police.
In the afternoon Mrs. Day called on
Chief of Police Minto, relating ber tale
of woe to bim, leaving nothing untold.
When the ohief suggested that ber bey
might have perpetrated the theft, she at
first could not be made to believe it, as
he bad always been kindly treated, and
in faot, be was a model youth. At last,
though, tbe ohief got her iuto his way of
thinking, and she informed bim that
Dayton had a brother living in Walla
Walla, and another at Tbe Dalles.
After obtaining a description of the bov
and this piece of information, Chief
Minto sent Mrs. Day home, promising to
do what he could for ber to recover tbe
stolen money.
Officer Johnston was at once furnished
with a pen pioture of the young Salva
tion Army lad, together with instructions
to closely watch all outgoing trains for
bim. His vigilanoe was rewarded by
tbeoaptureof the youthful thief, wbo
had with $10 of tbe stolen money bought
it ticket for Kansas City, where be had
a sister, and upon his persoo was found
$98 in money. The ohief succeeded in
having the railroad company refund the
money tor the ticket, so that Mrs. Day
is only 812 out. The lad when landed
at tbe central police Btatioo, said that be
was sleepy, and wanted to go to bed at
once, which led to tbe inferenoe that be
must bave bad a "night off" with the
missing $12.
Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the
whole world. There is no 3ccrct about its ingredients.
Physicians prescribe
Scott's Emulsion
because they know what great nourishing and curative prop
erties it contains. They know it is what it is represented
to be ; namely, a perfect emulsion of the best Norway Cod
liver Oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda.
Tor Coughs, Colda, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump
tion, Scrofula, Anamia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Eickets, Mar
asmus, Loss of Tlesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting.
The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put in salmon
colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes !
Send for pamphltl on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.
Scott & Bowne. N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $ I.
THIS Popular Hostelry has again
I been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals fiiitl Kooms at Iortilor
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
1 W HHFHKIW AHKXT One oltheBeStlnJheJWorW
Shilo's Core is soli on a guarantee.
It cures looipifnt Consumption. It is
i he beBt Count) Cure only one cent a dose.
J.) ots.. 50 ols., and 81. Hold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
Representative Bootuby in a
letter published in the Sunday
Oregouian, says that he is neither
a goldbug nor a Dolph man. lie
defines his position clearly aud
takes the stand in favor of silver.
Marvelous liewults.
From a letter written bv Rev. J.
Guuderman, ot Dimondale, Muh., we are
Dermitted to make this extract: "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's
New Disoovery, as the results were
almost marvelous in the onseor my wife
While I was pastor of the Baptist oburoh
at Kiv 'S Junotion she was brought down
with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe.
Terrible paroxysms ot onughing would
iast hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if she oould not survive
them. A friend reoommended Dr.
King' New Discovery ; it was quick in
Us work aud bigtilv satisfactory in
results." Trial bottles free at T. W.
Avers, Jr , drug store. Regular size
50c. and $1.
An Old Soldier's Recommendation.
In the late war I was a soldier in the
thirst Maryland Volunteers, Company
(. During my term of service I con
traded ohrouic diarrheal. Sinoe that I
'mva used a great amount of medicine,
Hit when I fonud any that would give
me relief it would injure my stomach,
until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
liarrhcea Uomedy was brought to my
notice. I used it and will say it is tbe
only remedy that gave me permanent
relief and no bad results follow. I take
pleasure in recommending this preoar
Hinntoall of my old oomiades, who,
while giving their servioes to their
o uintry, contracted this dreadful disease
as I did, from eating uuwhnlesome and
uncooked food. Yours truly, A. E.
Bending, Halsey, Oregon. For sale by
Hlooum-Jobnson Drug Co.
B. A. Hunsaker runs stage between
Heopner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday Bnd leaving every
day except Sunday. Shortest ami cheap
est route to the interior. P. Cohn,
John F. ll'iyse, of Harlman, was in
tbe oitv Monday . Tbe Gazette acknowl
edges a substantial call from tbe gentle
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTOR!?, '.who often lose tbe benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain then
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, JI not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view ol protecting inventors irom wormiess or carcicas
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
taiued counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I
terferences; Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register TradeMarks and Copyrights, Render Opinions 05 to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
getber with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary, if
others are infringing on your rigfcts, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
ir Cut this out and send It with your
Steve Helbock, a Portland
raised boy aged 22 years, has been
arrested in that city charged with
counterfeiting silver dollars. He
was arrested at the instance of a
government dotuctive. No very
stroug cano has as yet developed
against the youth and the officers
have so far failed to secure any of
the monoy or any pa.it of the outfit
which lie is supposed to have used
in turning out the spurious coin
His mother, Mrs. Helbock, who is
confined in the insane asylum, will
lm released from that institution
iu a few dnys. Young Helbock
had always borne a good repu
tation. His bonds were placed at
Four big hnireawK.
Having the needed merit to more than
make aood all the advertising claimed sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Ca-
four remedies ! rrn, Krononitis ana all inroat una lung
The nndersigned having been restored
to health by eunple means, alUr suffer
ing for several years with a savers luug
iiftVotion, and that dread disease. Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of enre.
To those who desire it, be will cheerful
ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre
scription used, which thev will find a
O Simple ailments
g neglected may grow
deadly. A handy
Q remedy is
O VOJX (Tasteless)
O in all cases where
Liver and Stomach
trouble is suspected.
,3 cents a box.
AT 1
Ij Or., Jan.21tt, l95.
Gralum, Mr Alexander Johnston, Mr Jas
When calllug for those letters please say
advertised. J. P. Williams, P.M.
llve two vear old steers, two red and white
P one black and white, branded C O on left
hip, wattle tu forehead, erop anil under rut out
nl,HPh o.r One red and one roan branded VI
on left hip and C O on rhtht hip. tho red has
riffht ear on ann crop ami uuueiuu u-n
wattle In forehead. The roan has no wattle
One hlrti-lt and white steer calf, fresh branded
O O. crop and underbit In each car, wattle In
I will pay a liberal reward for each one of the
above described cattle.
M. M. COBRir.Ai.t.
Galloway, Morrow county, Or. l-ff-H
1 III!
i IT 13
Lqr i absolute!
i?vvji: ti. ri.
WH Oil OCR DEALERS can w!l
you mo.slilnea cheaper than yon can
get olK where. The NEW HOIKS ii
our boat, but we insike clioapcr lijntfti,
nch 83 the CLIMAX, IDEAL null
other Hluta Arm Full Nickel Plated
Sovi liis machine for $1 5.00 and W.
Call on our agent or write ue. Ve
war-i your trade, and If prices, termM
and tq uare dealing will win, wo w:-U
'l'jue It. We challenge the world to
tv.-odjcea BETTER $50.00 Sewtase
Machine for $60.00, or a better tfn.0.
: : wing machine for $20.00 thtitt y vtt
can buy from us, or our Agentn.
!SS m?mo! "MS54
The New Hume Sewing Machine Co.
257 Market St. San Fruncison, Cal.
fftlf i, days
jyf ilfresiitar prloe 26c.) your axf
dress ir reeeiveu mmw
win ne lor i ywr
printed on guniuieu
labels. Only Directory
guaranteeing 123,000
customers: from pub.
llahers anil nianufao
.....oh, Iroll'll TWClVA
II SM 'rt probabiy, thoasauds ol
U.w.lH valuable books, papers,
All fre and each parcel
with one ofyourphmM.u.areu.ue
pasted thereon. fcxTBA 1 e
aim print and prepay postage on suo ol
Jwlabil adarees to you : whicb
stick on your envelopes, boo k s,J,J
prevent their being lost. J. A. "
Y.r DoirisvlHe. N. C. writes : " ron)
il mv 'is, cent address In your I.lgbtnlng
I S&ry I've received my WOaddresj
lahels and over auwi yj
&ll. Mr addresses you scattered
imoug publishers and manufacturers
are arriving daily, on valuable parcel)
of ma" from all raits of tbe World.
So. M7 r'ranktord and Girard Aves. Philadel
phia. Pa.
The regular snbsorlption prioe of tbe
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regnlnr prioe of the Weekly Oregoniao
in 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the
GHzette aod pyiD? for one year in
ndvRtiee can Ret both the Gazette and
Weekly Oreconian for $3. All old nb
senbers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will be untitled to
the siime.
Stage leaves for Eoho Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
U. Wade. Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
for them, the following
maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
liavereaonea a puennmeim. sa.e. nr, hl, r(mtH,v gg invalu(ll,le , Thofl(l
hiug s New i)ifi5.ivry, lor consumption, , aisiring the prescription, whtcb ill cost
Administrators Notice.
ters of Administration on the Estate of
J. ll. Young, deceased, were granted to tle
und-Tsltrned on the IMh dity of January 1S!Vi.
by the County Court of Morrow rountv. All
persons having claims against said Ks'ate are
required toexhihit them tome for aloua' cc,
at inv place on Khea Creek, within six mont'is
aiter'the date oi this uottca or they shall be
Jorever barred.
J his istb dav ol Jan. 1RU.
H. C. GAY.
:2-J. Administrator.
This trill not last li ng. The Usztte,
one year in wlvanre from dale of order,
and one of (iilhouseii's life-size crayot s
all for 84.70. Cull and see us for p"r
ticulara. Now is the time to gt the Week y
Oregonmu. Hie greatest tieoepnper i f
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
HanorablvdUcliarped soldier and sailors who served ninety dar,or over. In the lite war.
are entitled . if now partially or wholly disabled forordiuary manual labor, whether diwbilitr
was?au?ed Vv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WIDOW Sof such soldiers and sailors a re entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's dw'J
was due to army service 01 not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support, Wirf"
not dependent upon their o u labor are entitled if the soldier's death wm due to service.
CHILDREN arc entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was ax.
widow, or she has since died or remarried. ....
1'AREMS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died lm
err ice, or from i'ffect of service, and thev are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
Soldiers cf the late wnr. pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rate under other
laws, wlthouUosinsr auy rights. .
Thousands of soluicrs drawing from $2 to$to per month nnder the old lr entitled to
hlcb'T rates under new law, not only on account of diabiiitie for which now pensioned, bat
aide for others, wheiher due to service or not,
ldier s and sailors cis.ioica in line oi amy in isuki m my ui muwm
the We. With tbe Gniettf. both Ptrci
. ' .7 7 7 ) Tr io... hMt. t EDWARD T 1 ePrr can b mod , "f&T 8laol. FV.
EleotriO Bitters, the great remedy for : V e ne v. tu" In the state. Besides we will five bp a Ida IndUn Waraof isss to 1845, are entitled undr recent met.
BuoklenV """'i0"" w- premium ao additional jonrual.tbe Web-1 Mexican Waraoldier. and their mows alaoentmea, h sixty-iwo yemn oi .kc0.o.ob
(not riatiUr, an ai!rioiiltr.ral pacer, i J , ,;,:., COmt'.eted and settlement obtained, wftether pension baa been granted tnder
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys.
Aruiun Sulve; the best iu tbe world, and
Dr. Kinx'e New Lifa Pill, which are a , ommem-lng Monday, ivo. 8. ana on : vom . ..... -
... i tn ,hmM r..r,.iiH fiu'h Mondiiv and llmr.day thereafter: MeFarlsnd Mercantile. C.. hnvr
pentc-t ,.,ll. All ti.ee.. roi.nHliea a.e.,,, ,, H , u. H. A S. will sell i banned their bnaineaa to an aloolnte
KiuiMUteed to do J'lst what ih claimed round lri;) ticket-.. Hi'ppner to Portland n l,eainnintf th new ,ear.
for them and the dealer whoa r aiue m ; and return, at $.M0. ineludinir two ail-, Their prices compare with the h-wtst.
attached herewith will he ulad to tell niissioiia to the Portland KXDoaitioo. I Ai,0 Slieotg for Golden Wet Baking
you more of them. Sol J t-T. W, Ayers, j Tioketa ood 6 daja. The ejpoaitton j powder, by far tbe bwt in the mirfc.t.
Jr., drag ftor. , will uudoabtrHl b ry 6c. ; sM MW ,j, a
I '
K-.'iccted el.::i reopened find settlement secr.red, if rejection improper or Illegal.
Ccftiticatrs ol" rvi je and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late wax who
bave lost their ori papevs.
Scud for Uws and information. Kocharsefcradvtce. No fee nnlesa successful. Addreaa,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
fV O. Bex 463. ""ou,VGTQN,D,0.