PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts ami sciences generally was eo great as now. The conveniences of ropukind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well na in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to Baye labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the eiiating deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Too great onre cannot be exer cised in ciioosing a competeut and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE FRES8 CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager 618 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the country, was in stituted to orotcot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications geuerally, including me chanical inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with auy firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wbiikkbuhn. H1H F Htreet, p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C. OTOUK BKANDH. While you nMopyonr imbue ription paid up yen can kop yemr brand in fraeof churns. Allyn. T. J.. ln, Or. HnrnnB iUi on left BhouMn'r; eat lie wuno on left, hip, under bit on rurht r, mid upper bit, on the left; ratine, Mor row county. ArniHtronir, J. Alpine, Or, T with bar nn rfnr it on left Hhouldor of hureeii; wattle name "UiHc'r.'o. T)., Kijfht Mile, Or. Cattle brand, 0 1) on left liip and ImrHfw Hiiino brand on riht Hhouldor. Kaiitfe. Night Mile. AdltinH J. .1., Meprnirtr, Or. MorfiOB, J A eon naerml on left Hank; eattlc winieon loft hip. HnrtholiHiiew, A. (I., Alpinu. Or. HorneH branded 7 K on either nhnuhinr. Katiife in Mor- 'TanniHt',r, J. W., Ifanlnian, Op. Ciittlo brand ed li on left hip and tliiKh; Hplit in aeh ear. llreiiner, 1', iionHelerry Oregon Horseo briuidnd I'H tm loft Hhouldor. Cattle entiiB on Hnrlce' Sl Ht Ijoiik Creek, Or -On rattle, MAY c.miiietnd on lert hip. eiopuH left ear. on. tier half eropotf riht. llorHew, Htune brand on lntft Hhouliler. Itanxo iu (I rant and Morrow "ilroHinan, .b'rry, Lena, Or. Hornen branded 7 riwit hI I'ier; enttlo H on the left Hide. Left our half erop and riht. ear iinper wlopo. Hurl on Wm.. Ilepptier, Or, I lornen, J Hon riuht thiL'hj cattle, mime on riht. hip; split in eiu'h ear. ., , ., Hrown. Ihh, LemiiKlon, Or. lIurwiH III on the rinlit utitto; out Ho hiuuooi. rilit hti; rauue, Mor row county. in i Urown, J. ('m Heppnor, Or. Hornon, circle I1 with dot in nei tor on left hip; eattle, name. Brown W. J., l-ona, On-Kon. Ilimn W. bur over It, on the lisfUhuuMur. Ualtlu name on left hiHoyor W. (1.. Heppnor, Or. HornoB, hoi brand on right hip cattle, aamo, with eplit in oiu'li ear. ,. i n i Ilortc, P. O-. Heppnor, Or. HorHOB, r B on loft flhoiildor; cat' lo. Maine on '"ii Hmwnlee, Kox,Or-( 'at tie, J H oonnocted tin hrt Hide; crop on left our and two Hplitn and middle piece cut out on right oar; on horwut mime brand on the left tliinh; llantie iu lox valley, U runt county, , (X . , Carwier. Warren. Wagner, Or. HorOA brand ndOmi right BtiHn; eattle (throe barn) on right rilm, crop and Hplit in each ear. llange in (i rant and Morrow eountioH. Cain Ii., Caleb.Or.- Y 1 en hereon ouleft HtihV U witli tiiiarter circle over it, on left Hhouldor mid on leH. Htitle on all oolU under R yearn; n loft Hhouldor only on all hnrsoB over ft years. All range iu Urant county. Cute ChaH. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Hnmri II C on right nhouldor; cuttle wttno on. right hip. Kimge Miurow ami Umatilla oountion. Vv T. 11. . 'lohn lay, Or.-Double eroHH on each h'ip on cattle, Hwallow fork and under bit in right war, hpIU in left ear. Itange in Grant I'oniny. tn nlnnp. inverted A ad Hpear point on Hhouldor. Kar umrkou owoh, crop on left ear nuuehod upper bit in right. Wothern, erop m right and under half erop left oar. All rang tu (Jraut county. . . ...., a i i ,Umh dr. HorHOH. Mlon ritfhtuhiml dor- ('tittle, wunnoii right hip: ear mark sguare crop otl left and nplit in rulit. Currin. H. V., Curnnsvdle, Or. -HorHes, on left Htille. . Cm Kd, H., Hanlman, Or. ( aitle, ( with Kin ennter; hornoH. CK on left iio. Cochran. It. K., Monument. Orant ( .v , Oiv IbtrnoH branded circle with bar bonwtti, on loft Hhouldor; cattle Maine brand on both hlpu, mark under (dope both eai-H and ilewlan. Chanin, 11., Hanlman, Or.-llorsoH braudinl on right hip. Cattle nntuded the aamo. Ahu brandtt Ci on horoH right thigh; cattle hjubuj brand on right hhouldor, and cut oil end of "uouglaHi. W. M .Uallowav. Or.-Cattle. 11 lon right Hide.Hwailow-fork in each ear; homes. It U Ul'iv ' jI'm'. A Hons, Donglan, Or. Horeos brand eil kl,Y on left Hhouldor, cattle aauio on left hip. hole in right ear. Fmiiry, C. H., llardmun, Or. Horso branded IroverHod C with taill on loft nhoulder ; eat. tlomuue on right hip. Uange in Morrow county. Florence, I-. A., Heppnor, Or.-Cattie, on right hip; hormw V with bar under on right "Vlorimee, H. 1 Heppnor, Or. Horse. K on right phouldei ; cattle, K on right hip or thigh. French. Oeorge, Heppnor. Or. t utile branded VK with bur over it, on left Hide; crop otl left wir ' HorHOf, HHiue brand on left hip. h'lnmr. Keho. Or. -H ormw branded H. H with a ijuarter cin leovor it, on left Klltlrt. llauge in Morrow and IhnatilUoountieM. H init A. H., Hidge, Or.-l'itttle, round-top K with iiuatt-r circle under it on the right hip. Hun no in Morrow and IWnatilht count ioh. Iliuton A.lenkH, Hamilton, Or- Cat t In, I wo (mm (in either hip; crop iu right ear and Hplit in left, Horaua, J 1,11 "Bid. IhUli. Hange in Orwitt county HiigheH, Hatunel, Wiigner, Or-Jr (T K h on lie led) on right shoulder eu horoH; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, awailow fork iu right ear and slit in loft. Uango in Hajhtack district. Morrow ciinty Hs ENY on left hip. cattle same and crop off left ear: under slope on the right Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or. Honn 6 on left shoulder; cattle, tiU on left hip. Kirk, Jense, Hoppnar. Or.; horses 11 on loft shoulder; cattle same on right side, underbit on right ear. Kumherland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lon cattle on rigid and left sides, bwkUow fork in 1 fl ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses sam brand on left shoulder. Hange in Grant enuntv. Lofton, Htepnen, Fox, Or. B It on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Hange (irant oountv. Lienallen, John W.f LwHrtn. Or. TTornes branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul rler. ('attle. same on lefthiu. Kange, near Lex ington hoahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded Land A on lert shoulder; cettle same tm left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Ijord, Reorge, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double II connect d Sometimes called a swing II, on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, tieppnor. Or. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, H. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M) on left should"! cattle same on left hip. Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or. Hones, 37 on right hip; cattle, 77 on rightside. Mol'laren, D. O., Brownsville. Or, Horses, FiKure Son each shoulder; cattle, Mii on hip MctJirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe -cork on cattle on ribs ssd mirier in each far: horses same brand on left stifle. Mclluloy, it. i ., nauilltoD, Or. un Horses. with half circle under on left shoulder; on liattte, four bars connected on top on the right side Hsnge in Grant County. Neal. Andrew. Lone Hock. Or. Horses A N con nected on left shonlder: cattle same on both hips, Nordyke, K., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 ou left thigh: cattle, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 9 on cattle on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh, ltangf in Grant county. Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or. P O on left shouidor. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, 0 LP connected on left hip; hones on left stifle and wartle on nose. Hange in Grant county, Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Hornes, quar ter circle nhield on left ehoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. "2A on left hip. Hange on Kight Mile. Parker A Gleason, Hardman.Or, Horses IP or left shoulder. Piper, Krnest, Lexington. Or. Hores brand e WK (L K connected) ou left shoulder ; cattlf s me on right hip. Hange, Morrow county. Piper, J. H., Islington. Or. Horses, JK con nected ouleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. nder bit in each ear. Pattys, A. !., lone, Or,; horses diamond P or shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on tht left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in thf right. Hood. Andrew, Hard in an, Or. Horses, so, naif cross with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Heninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C H or left Hhouldor. Riinh Hros., Heppner, Or. Hones branded 3 on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Hange u Morrow and adjoining counties. Reaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Hornet branded A H on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. H, Dairy ville. Or Hit connectet with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hij and crop off right ear and split in left. Horset same brand on left shoulder. Hange in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W., Heppnor, Or. Horses, JO oi lef t Bhoulder, Cattle, O on right hip. Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Hone branded HI on left shoulder; range in Mor oonnty. Hailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Hones branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Hwanimrt. H. .. Lexington. Or. Horses with dash under it. on loft stifle; cattle H with danh under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Hange in Morrow. Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Hwaggart, A. L.tAthena. Or. Horses branded ' n loft shoulder; oettle same on loft hip. (Jroj un ear, wattle on left, hind leg. Ht.raight W. K., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J H on left stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left. bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, B A P ou left hip; cattle same on left hip. Hhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on horseH on right hip; cattle, Hame on right hip. crop otl right ear and under bit in leftear. Itangp in iiranl oountv. Hmith Hros., Nnsnvillf Or, Horses, branded 11. 'L. on Hhouldor; cntt le, .-ame on left Hhouldor HuuiroH, JamoH, Arlington, Or,; hones brandei JHon I lift shoulder: cattle the same, also hohc waddle, Hange in Morrow and Gilliam counties HtephniiH, V. A., Hanlman, Or-; horses HH nn rif-'lit. Htille; cattle horizontal L on the right, side NlovoiiHon, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, K on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Hones, ii oi led Hhoiildei ; cattle, U on loft hip. Hperry, Ii. G.. Heppnor, Or. Cattle W C oi left, hip, crop oir right and underbit in left year, ilewlap; hones W 0 on left Hhouldor, ThompHon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g or loft shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tipioi,B.T.,Kulerpriso,Or. Horses. C-on lefi Hhouldor. 'I'urner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, horses; cattlo same on left hit with split in both ears. Thornton, II. M., lone. Or. Hones branded HTeoiiiioctod on left . HtiHe; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H.T.. Lena, Or; it ones II V inu neiiUnl ou right shimlderieattlo, same ou rigid hit Walhridgo, Win.. Heppner, Or. Httnes, U. I. on tho loft Hhouldor; cattle same oil right hip cron nil left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John W,, Halem or Heppnor, ()r. IIoi'hoh branded Ji; on the left shoulder. Hange Morrow county. Warrou,W H.Caleb, Or Cattle W with quartet circle over it, ou left side, Hplit iu rigid oar. Hones name brand on left shoulder, Hanu ti ll rant comity. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded nco of HpadoH (Mi left shoulder auri left hip Cat Ho branded name on loft Hide and left hip. Woltinger, John, John Day City. Or On horset three parallel ban on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Malhnei aountioH. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Ul connected on loft shoulder. Wiitkms. Lishe. Iteiumer. Ur. Horses branded UK oonnocted on loft stitie. Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. ('attle, W oi right thigii, hole in loft ear; horses, W on righ' shoiihier sunn same on left shoulder. Whlttior hros., miuungion. Baker Co., Or, -Hones branded W B connected on left bhoulder Williams, Vasoo, namiiton.Kr. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattlo and hones. Range Grant county. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or -Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle name and slit in each oar. Hange in Grant oonnty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or, Hones runiiingA A ou shoulder; Cattlo. same on right hip. Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horse branded THonthe right shoulde- A Gentleman Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes: ' For 20 years past, my wife and 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor, and vu attribute to it the d;nk lwtir whirl) hhe and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years youiuror than we, areeithergray-hended, white, or bald. When asked howoiu hair has retained Ms color and fullness, we reply. liy the use oIAyer's Hair Vi frj Vigor-nothing else.' && "Inl88,myaniai,'cd TZ:: was ntally htild, and & A the hair '&3P kept fall ing out every day. I i n d ii cod her to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and tr lossy to this day. 1 can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all that it Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VSCOR HOQ CHOLERA I HAVE A HI'RK, TRIKD, PKOVKN AND guaranteed cure for Hon -and Chicken Cholera, which his stood the teHt for seven yours without failure, that I know of, hut has eject ed thousands of cures. I have sold over St.onti receipt and family rights in eitfht months, and not a single complaint received yet. I sold each and every one on a guarantee, and I still sell that whv. If Holland CholernCure and Preven tative fallH to (Mire or prevent Cholera, I will refund your money. This Is fair enough. Six pouudH of the medicine can he made at a total coHt of from $1 to $l.'2n, enough to doWhogH and UK) chickens a year. You are then assured agaiiiHt cholera for one year. If you will try tli i h remedy, 1 assure you you will never regret it. Cue it, and your hogs and chickens will look better and' healthier than ever before. Recipe and family right only ?I.IH). Heady prepared medicines 00c and $1 per bottle or nuckago. Address MRU. KAOHKIj V. THOMAH, Agents wanted at once. Cnwarts, Ala. TEGTIMOITIALS : Dallas, Texas, April 13, IttW. Mrs Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam: I have thoroughly tested your cholera remedy and lind It 0. K. It's grand. I endow? $U) will try the agencv, 1' I ease send at once and oblige. Very respectfully, H. W. Haki-kh. DhUhb, Texas, May Itith, 1H!):I. Have sold out, 1 enclose $.0 for whhdi send me all the reeiptts you can and the rights to the counties named below. I never saw anything sell so fast. What is the least you will take for tlieHt-ite. If vour price is reasonable will take the state. Very respectfully. II. W. Waiu'KU. f I have not room for all IiIk letters. He took the state. Here is one more of his letters.) Itiillas, Texas, July 17th, ism. Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, Hear Miidtiin ;- Since tnklng the state right. I canvassed three weeks and made .f'.tHT selling recipes and territory. 1 will start several sub-agents next week. Could t exchange n portion of Texas for a portion of Kansas'.' Very respectfully, II. W. Haktkh. Milieu, Georgia, Dec. llth, IS!):',. Mrs. Thomas: -I write a letter of employ. How much ot this state is unsold? I want bal ance of the state. Holland's Cholera Cure is just what It is represented to be. It has proved a blessing to the farmers of ihn county. Very respectfully, C o. Kpknkiki.o, Agent lor Seruveii County. Rock P.ridge, Ohio, Dec 1th. li:t. Mrs. Thomas:- Recipe came to hand and it 's all O. K. Knelosed lir.d .p) for Jlorkfug, Picka way and Kairiield counties. What will you take for Hie state'.' Yours truly, P. 11 A N STK I N. 1 have thousands more tcstiinoinals. I guar anlee Holland's Cholera Cure and Preventative to cure and prevent, hog and chicKcn Cholera in each and everv case or refund the money. Tills Is fair enough'. Ihni't postpoiieonlcring because you may not at present ho bothered with chol era. The idea is to prevent it iu time. This my remedy will do and will also keep your hogs am) chickens in a nice healthy condition. Gen eral and local agents wanted. State and family rights for sale or trade. Address Mas. Rai hkl V. Thomas, sw-ltm. L'owarts, Ala, Chicken Cholera Ore vyou. a PvAendAo Vcxjc cause q ProrefiVov ojj; (Xncrcav. Are you willing to work for the cause of Protection in placing reliable infor mation in the hands of your acquain tances? If you are, you should be identified with the american Protective Tariff league, 135 W. 230 ST., NlW YORK. Cut tM. notice out and tend tt to the IRue Wilting your position, and (It helping hand. I) ('.iM' m.K II. hip; r-ii II will 'im on li.ff b.u. lltlH countl" ,,ii on Hi" loll lii.;uiu'r, Wiutm'r, Or.- Horn. nrHtiilml linUt.l tHiln) on loft Kh.iuMiT ' (l dip tiln Ihi-ko i'ito! i toft n l)ny,(lr. -('Bttlo K II on rlulit on MKlkt titioulilor- liHUKo iu Mluwiiy, Or.- Horn., (orow ,0 on nutit BliouUlor; i-Mttle liitiiKiMU Slorrow kiui uuia- 1 ...I...r II A. Wt tioiililor. iiatll. f "" '"" ''''' llT.-Hiinwt, fthwitHl Khiiko Morrow To. inr, Dr. Moi'mob, y on K'ft -Hiitm, H i ' llimn'liri. J U. lUritniail. Or, WiuZl. l.n.h. K.ahl Mile. Or - H..r H ou the left ulioulih.riiil.l heart on the loft Htille I U l,.Mi,,e..i. left Inn. liHiue in Morn.w oounty i a llrrv Ht.i. liner. Or -Hornet lirttiiilod .. . .1 . I t. ..I. .,..'.l..r- infill. llHlitlilll J Oil in K'ft ear. liiHie in II .1 on U... loft nlion'.h'r: rit-'lit liip, el"' mi.lei lilt tiorro i-ouul) . J'lMkiu. a. M., Ileiipner, O hIhh. J on h'ft K.ioutitor, Lin ine on I'liirlit 1 ilo. . , . Jonnnon. Kelii, Lena. ()r.-llor-e. rircle T on lefl MUle; OHllle, luinieou niirit llll, uudtft IiiUI or. i in riut ami ulit -n len ear Kenai. -HdWie, horo. t'atUe, tlnl Mim. , Or, Horaaa branded (il)OII lliill'li. Every pat not u . in should ',;ive his personal cfiort and iiitiuence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teach rt tho American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in evory way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub Bcribo for the Ammican Economist, published by tho American Protective Tariff League? One of its correspon dents says i "No true American can get along without it 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake, man, General Sccratsry, 135 Vestj3d St. New York. If you use the Petalum" Iniutiators A limxlers. Make money while other ore wasting time byold processes. CutnlotflelLsull about U.inul describes every article neeueU lor IU( poultry business. Few r t V?iiK9XS!ffi9K&En 111 4V!.J I JU."V." . I Ji jjauj "i"i,"s "J 1 The "ERIE mechanically the best Lvheel. 1'retLirst model. c JWe are Pacific Coast Acetits. iticvcle cata lojfue.mailed free, gives I fnll description. prices, etc., aofntb wantfd. FETAI.tTM A INCUBATOR CO.,Petalnma,Cal. Ukanch HorsK, 2,u S Main St., I.os Anijeles. ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should nee that the Journal they subscribe tu is the In-st ami most reliable authority obtainable. iii GAB1 STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. It deals practically with fruits and vegetables, trees, shrutis and rlowcrs, and covers the field of horticulture systematically and thoroughly. It illustrates and describes methods of cultiva tion, unproved varietiesand labor - saving devices, H is, without doubt, The Paperforthe People! $1.00 a IV.ii-(? 11 urn tn'ra). Specimen enpv ft"'' 'm-ii:ii;c ontal'iy no oi horticultural books FRfcE on appli. ution. American G.irdening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y. riiotok'rtilm Sl ot) pet ilozeu at Shep imrd's Kiillery, uear opera bouse, north Mam St.. Heunusr, Ure, Viott. OF WHAT. IS THE . MAIDEN DREAMING ?, w Music by MARIA STRINBERC ELMORE. Words by ELIZE MARIE DUDLEY. 1 . . I a. a, a, " I x SV . fx . t-2reui C-Td 5-5 S M-i r -r-rr s T- i . , J rjtF f -P- --g-T-f 0-s 1 s--- -rrfw-. r J .zr fca t r-r-L ; 1 1. Of what is the maid - en dream - ing, As she stands at the cot - t.ige - door, And gaz - es far out in the 2. Of what is the maid en dream - ing, As she sleeps in her lit tie bed. And sheds fast tears of... I N I - -J J T r u I" HrrjrrB3 I -fp- ?t- ,:, - t--- ' -: F -j J O 5-T , L-9z 1 t L- 1 1- 1 -r i y dis - tance, O - vcr the shing - ly shore? Of what is' the maid-en dream - ing, As she walks on her way a . lone. With a I sor -"row, She thinks up -on the dead? She dreams of a man - ly tig - ure, With a face with dark ey.ig blue, How f'YT-W -tfr YTf-J- I y p Zt ;r tt - sad, sad, look in her Hue eyes;.... As she hears the salt sea's moan, lov - ing and ten - der his heart was, None but.... this maid- - en knew, ritard. As she hears the salt sea's moan. ... a None but this maid - en knew A , As "1 "1 -J- J sFrr-n tz&ztzitzz T? 5 7 ' AfJ , JL 1 NJJ J. S , N ,r J 1 N . . d , a. Of . N W 3- The dream of that fear - ful morn ing, When in a fi ight-ful storm, His boat sank down 'mid the wa - ters, His m.fp ii if -Q-g '3' -r' i -4- v- , -,-J i r-,- i I -i . I -. vm''X iv--1- :p - -Fg : -? i . ' I a. J. o. 3 &-T 1 3 1 n - ng . I K A ' A A A zzjzzz2zttHtS3 p- ' ' ' ' -1 1 i VF& t-- -i Mp ; fp I tE VA lifc-less form was borne, By the dashing waves and tlie breakers, And laid on the shingle stone; And froz - en hence.... and for - rJ-l H 1 1 r- 1 r tr Hr-I r-J t ()zzzzlji!fzzzzzzzph -r tr 1 l-gg Fr- U Ej: j3bzrrizz--r73 l:zjrrn.j - rit, - icv - cr, The maid - ' - - en must be a - lone, The maid - - - en must be a- lone 3 tl K-rr-l 1 CTH ? 3-- -1 frr I I H 1 . $zzxlzi3F f i'j-y-.?' 4. IJ' b!i i-i i7 fe; &zz&JF&pii:0Tz& zt zz zt zt zt zt zt zz zt J v -T: nJ J s, r J . r-r" a r ii 1 1 ' K' ' 1 J ritard. P ritard. ' . : CJ i i t -i 1 i- -. i- ;r - -9 - -- ---ir - -tr ; Copyright, 1894, by The New York Musical Kenord Co, PRIZES ON PATENTS. How to get S1(H anil PerliaiiH Make a Fortnne. A ClltM't KOI! HI'KTI.KKS. We want several live, wide-awake cau valuers to reprejieut the Otiette in this and mli linintf eouuties, in coiiueeliou with the Nntional Newnpnper Vninu. The work is new, notnilur and very protUa.ile, rtiuii'in neither enpitnl nor previous experience. It is worth look iiitf niter, 1111.I it jn want a real kiumI thiti in the nay of lii;!it, pleiiMint hiu) profitable emidoviiieut ii will imy yon lo investigate this at onee. There if money iu it (or bustlers. Write for full pur tienlara to THE NATIONAL CO , Hi t. v't. Louis, Uo, We seonre patents and to induce people to keep track nf their bright ideas we offer a prize of one hundred dollars to be pnid on the first of every month to the person who submits to ne the most meritorious invention during the preceeding month. We will also advertise tbe invention free of chnree in the National Recorder, a weekly news paper, published in Washington, I). C, which has an extensive circulation throughout the United States and is devoted to tbe interests of inventors. NOT RO HARD AS IT SKRYis. The idea of being Bhle to invent some thing strikes most people as being very dillicult; this delusion the company wishes to dispel. It is the simple things and small inventions that make tbe greatest amount of money, and the com plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost everybody, at some time or another, oonoeives an ideB, which, if patented, wonld probably be worth to bim a fortune. Cnfo:tu"v'r';-s ioh ideas are usually dismiss .il v. '.to bought. Tbe simple inventto :e !:k! tiw car window which could be easily slid ip and down j without breaking tbe passenger's back, j the sauce pan, collar button, the nut look, j Hie bottle stopper, tbe snow shovel, are things that almost everyone sees some ! way of improving upon, and it is these j kind of inventions that bring the greatest returns to the author. The prize we offer will be paid at the end of each mouth, whether the appli cation has been acted upon by tbe I'ateut Office or not. Kvery competitor must apply for patent on bis invention . through (id and wbthr ht snares tbt prize or not, the inventor will have a valuable patent. THE PRESS CLAIM COMPANY, John Weddemvurn, Gen'l Manager, 618 F St. N. W. Washington, D. C. P. 8. The responsibility of this oompany may be judged from tbe fact that its stock is held by about seventeen hundred of tbe leading newspapers of tbe United States. tf TRICYCLE AS A HACK. The Scheme of t Vn,nhlnKtoii gro for Cirryln(f Freight nntt Pusnf liters. Cycling, for profit as well as for pleasure, is perhaps more practiced in Washington than in any other city in the country, and it has some odd de velopments that strike the visitor with both surprise and amusement, says the Now York Sun. The smooth, asphalt paved streets and parklike roads re duce the labor of propelling a evele to a minimum, and one sees bicycles and tricycles with all sorts of attachments and arrangements for the carrying o; packages which in worse paved and less crowded cities would call for the services of a horse, and wagon. Work men ride to work on bicycles, carrying their kits of tools, even to pails of paint and small plumbers' stoves, br.l- affordhig ample room for two persons, and in front of that, over the small wheel, was a platform which would hold two or three trunks. An awning was rigged over the whole concern Mke a buck hoard cover. The negro, who was the owner, said he does a good business and makes a good living conveying passengers between the de pots and the hotels. Sometimes he takes visitors on a tour of the city, for which purpose the machine seems par ticularly well adapted, as the passen gers have an unobstructed view, while the "driver" delivers his descriptive oration about Washington, its celebri ties and abodes easily into their ears from behind instead of leaning down and backward, at the risk of numerous collisions, as the carriage drivers do. The machine did not appear to be geared differently from an ordinary tricycle, and the "driver" said it was not at all hard to propel, even with a big load. Tt steered perfectly and would turn in almost its own length. There seems here to open a vista of possible pleasure to people who enjoy riding but who cannot afford to keep a horse and carringe and will not trun dle a e;,vk Why shouldn't the citizen of mode, t means keep hb landau-tri-evcle and have hi.i manservant "drive" CX WILL lrX CLEAR Q (LONG I SKIN, j V LI FE j 31113 MENTALH w 1 f STRONG n ENERGYgJJL NERVES AVER'S Sarsaparillap anced on a shelf chine. One workman surprised a vis itor recently and amused the resilient . by paddlin,; along Tennsylvania avenuj with a twehv-foot ladder slung fore and aft on his safety bicycle. Gro ceries and family supplies arc delivered by bicycle. Hut the oddest thing iu cycled that a recent visitor to the cap ital saw was a big tricycle with sent . for pe;eLi-rs, protected by an awn ing, and a large platform for trunks, which was plying for hire at oik of the railroad depots, in sharp competition with the hacks. Tho machine was strong. but light ly built, with two large wheels th size of buggy wheels, one on either side, and a s:u alK r wheel in front. It was propelled by a powerful negro, who sat between th big wheeU, In front pI him hrrtdi icU front of the ma- t him around the park in it? The idea of such a development of the bicycle is not at all preposterous. AcconnixG to the last census there are over 3.000.000 bachelors in the Tnited States that is, 3,000,000 men over thirty years old who have never been married. M. Hammerly, a well-known business man of Hitlsboro, Va., sends this testimony to the merits of Ayor's Sarsaparllla: "Several Veais ago, I hurt my left, the injury leaving a sore which led to erysipelas. My sufferinir were extreme, my leg, from the kn.e to tfidj ankle, heins a solid sore, which lcc;m to ex tend to other parts of the Iwvly. Aftei trvina various remedies, I bean takum Ayei Sarsaparilia, and. before I ha-l finished the first botMe. I experienced ureal relief; the second 1 " '' a complete cure." j Ay irsaparilla JU tptm . I r.J.c. yr & Co., Low.ll, y r ' Prepi Cure .wili&fS.willcuref i For i tered Salb. A tboroufi Hereford bull M, l'llr: File.! Ik bins Ftlr. hymptonjs Moisture; lOtenFe ltchuie ,.,,1 arirtait,0' mitcf nr niaht wnrflA )v h.F if li,,iro.l tn mint; nn'i. -'8.C06. This bull was brr. tniiim s furip. whioli aftto hH-t,i and Gen. T. Baker, and ie j f nUvrate. Ivciruitu verv core. S-wavnes 1nt in brwil alonk I O. l,j, i, l-.loa.1 1D2, heals ulceratinn, acil in most cases ' P " removes the tumors by mail, for oOseuts. rhlldsli-bl. I Kill fl At drujiBists. or hare auother of lameatocV Dr Hwsjrje Son, for gootl nileb eows. kill r. o,s