PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never a time In tbe history of our coqntry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. Tbe conveniences of cnftkind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, an well as in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oouoeiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Too great care cannot be exer oiaed in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ merit of incompetent counsel, and es pecially ib this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as tbe breadth and Btrength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager 618 F street, N. W., Washington, D. 0., representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to oroteot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, inolnding me chanical inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entor into competition with any firm in Beouring foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Weddkhbubn. B1K F Street, p, 0. Box 385. Washington, D, C. TOUK B HANDS. While yon mop yonr subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Hornns on loft ehrmhlnr; nattlo unmn oo left hip, under hit m rilit ear, and upper hit on the loft; range. Mor row county. Annfltrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar, un der it on loft ahonldor of horoes; cattle same on Iff t hip. Alliwon, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. Cattle brand, ODnn left hip and hornoH Hame brand on right ahmildor. lUngn. Eight Mile. Adkiim, J. J., Hoppnor, Or. HorttoH, JA onn ntwtnd on lft flunk; cuttle, aatneon left hip. HartlioUmnw, A. G., Alpine. Or. Hoi-hob brimdnd 7 K on either uhouldr. Hunge in Mor row conntv iinnnlntr,.T. W.. Flanlman, Or. Cattle hrand. eri H on loft hip and thigh: nplit in each ear. Hrminer, 1'ntor, Gofmohorry Oroyou Horaea hrnndiMl I'll on loft Bhouldor. Cattle same on right aide. llnrkc M Ht 0, Iinng Crook, Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip, mop off loft oar, nn iler half ori ff right. JlorneB, Hftmo brand on. lot ft Hhoulilor. ltunge in Grunt and Morrow "llrtminan, Jerry, ijnna, Or, HnrRos branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle H on the loft aide. Jjefl ear half orop and right oar onpar alope. Harton, Win.. Heppnor, Or. -llorwoH, J H on right thigh; oatUo, Hame on right hip; split in Nich ear. , .. Hrowu. Ifta, Lexington, Or. Homed IH on the right HlitKi; cattle Haine on right hip; range, Mor row county. llrown, J. 0., lleppner. Or. HrtrBfid, oirole V witlidot in noi ter on loft hip; cuttle, Maine. Rrnwn, W. J., Uum, Oregon. IfornoR VV. bar nvur It, on the left shoulder. Cattle sumo on left 1 lioyor, W. G.. Hoppnor, Or. Hoihor, box hrand on right hip cattle, same, with split in e"Borgl,rp. O., Hoppnor, Or. Horses, P B on left dhoiiMor; cattle, saiueon left hip. lirowulee, W. J., Eoi,Or t'attlo, JB oonnmited on left side; crop on loft oar and two Rplitaiuid middle piece cut out on right oar; on horned minis brand on the left thigh; Hauge in Eox valley. Grant oounty, - Ctusnei' Warren, Wagnor, Or. Horae brand m1 O on right stino; cettlo (three barn) on rigid ribs, crop andHplit in each ear. ltauge in Grunt ami Morrow counties. ('iiin.K., ( uleb.Or. Y. 1) on hortoH on left stifle'1 U wilhquurtor oircle over it, on left shoulder antt on Vft stifle on all oolts niidor IS years; n loft shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in ( county. Cate, ('lias. H,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H ( on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Bangs Morrow anil Umatilla counties. Curl, T. 11., John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right oar, split in loft ear. Range in Grant omimy. On slump, inverted A "d spear point ou shoulder. Ear inarkou owes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop ill right and under half crop in left ear. AU rauga in Grant omiut v. Cook, A. J.,Lona,Or. Horsee, ttlon rightshonl dor; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square orop off loft and split in right. Cnrrin, H. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, to on lort sUtle. Cox Ed. H., llanlman, Or. Cattle, 0 with Bin onntor; horses. CK on left "lip. ('ochran, It. E., Monnniont, Grant Co , Or. HorsoH bramled circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Cliapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horse branded Con right hip. 'attic braudetl tho same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle sarnie brand on right shoulder, and cut ott end of nj!mTlaR". W. M . Galloway, Or. Cattle, R D on right side, swadow-fork in each ear; horses, It D un left hip. ' Ely, J. B. A Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand cd ELY on loft shoulder, cattle same ou left hip. hole in right ear. Emory. C H., Uanli rdmnit. Or. llorsiw hnindod i IreversiH) 0 with tiiil on left shoulder; cat- tlesanieon right hip. Range in Morrow county. Florence, it. A., Hoppnor, Or. Cattle, LK on right hip; h'roe E with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, H. F. Hepnner, Or Horses, F on rirht shouldei ; cattle, K on right hip or thigh. French, (ieorge, Hoppnor. Or. Cattle brunded WF, with bar over it. on left side; orop off left ear. Horsits, same brand on left hip, Gentry, FMuier, Echo, Or. Horses hrsndod H. P. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range m Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hiatt. A. B., Ridge, Or. ('attle. rtmnd-top K with quarter circle under it on tho right hip. Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hm ton A .looks, Hamilton, Or Cat lie. two Imis on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. n..rU.tu .1 mi i-itrht ihiiih. Hanuo in linmt fount v Hughes, Hamnol, Wagner, Or h (T V L con licet i'd ) on right slum moron nornes; on cuttle, on riht hip and on loft side, swallow fork in riht oar and slit in left. Range in Haystack liuf i-ii-iMiipi-ow count v. Hale. Miltiiu, Wagner, Or. Horses hmnded i) (circle with parallel tails) on loft shoulder Cuttle same n left hip also large circle on left side. Hall, Edwin, John Pay.Or Cattle Ellon right tip; horses same on right shoulder, htitigoiij rant county, Howard, J h, fi alio way. Or. Horses, -f (cross with Iwr above it) on right shoulder; cattld same on let! side. Range in Morrow and Uma tilla counties. H un hes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horsed, shaded hrtert on the left shoulder. Bange Morrow Co, Runsaker, B A, Wagner Or. Horses. 9 on left VmWler;o.ttle. P on left hip. Humphreys, J M. Hard man. Or. Horsee, H oo left tinnk Hucton. Lnther, Fight Mile, Or. Hors H on the left shoulder nd heart on the left stifle Cat tle same un loft hip. Range in Morrow county. Jones, Hurry, Heppnor, Or Horses hrnudod H J ou the left shoulder: cattle baauded J on riuht hip, hUo uuderbit in left ear, lunge in IN or row county. Junkui, ,M.. Hoppnor, Or. Hontis, horse. shne J on lft sh.mldor, Cnttle, the samu. Range on KmtitMue. ,lu!iieim, 1 lit, Ih'iih, Or. Horse. circIeT on Istt sutie; cattle, stilus on right tup, under half orop in riwht ud sobt in left mr Knnrt i r.-HctMd nreaded KNY on left hip. cattle tame and orop off left ear: nnder sloiw on the right Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left shoulder; cattle, Hit on left nip. Kirk, Jesse. HenDner, Ur,; horses 1J on left sbonlder; cattle same un right side, nnderbit on ngnr ear. Kumberland.W. G..Monnt Vernon, Or. I L on cattle on right and left Bides, swallow fork in left ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses samr urann on left snouiuer. itange in (irant county Lcften, Htepnen, Pox, Or. H L on left hit on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horse Bame brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant countv. Lienallen, John W., LexlngtnTi, Or. Horsef branded half-circle Jfj connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same on left hip. Kange, near Lex. ington Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or Horses branded Laud A on left shoulder: cettle same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three Blits in nght ear, Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double U connect d Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, neppner, nr. Rattle, M D n right hip; horse. M on left BhonJuer. Moriean. H. N.. Heppner. Or. Horses. M ) on left shoulder cattle same on left hip. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, r. norsee, 77 on right hip; cattle, 77 on right side. McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figure Son each shoulder; cattle, M2on hip MoGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. McHaley, . munition, Or. On Horses. with half circle under on left Bhonlder;on tJattie, four bars connected on top on the right aide Bangs in Grant County. Neal. Andrew. Lone Hock. Or, Horsee A N con nected fin left shoulder; cattle same on both hips, Nonlyke, E., Hivertm. Or. Horses, circle 7 oc left thigh: cattle, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 3 on cattlf on left hip; on horses, Bame on left thigh, Kaugt in itrant nonnty. Oiler. Perry. Lexington. Or. P O on lefi sh milder. O n. Hennan. Prairie City. Or. On cattle. 0 LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on nose. Kamm in Grant oounty. Pearson, Olnve, Eight Mile, Or. Horsee, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder end 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile. 'arkar (I Gleasun. Hardman.Ur. Horsed IJr oc left Bhonlder. Finer. Ernest. Lexinirton. Or. Morses brand- e WK (L E connected) on left shoulder ; cattle a me on right hip. Bangs, Morrow county. Piper, J. if., Lexington. Or. Horsed, JE con. nected onleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Pattys, A. (;., lime. Or.; horsflB diamond od shoulder: cattle. J H J connected, on the left hiu. upper slope in left ear and slip in the right. Bood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square oross with qnarter-ci role over it on loft stifle. neninger, lUns, iieppner, ur. xiursea, vnira left shoulder. Rush liros.. Hennnsr. Or Horses branded 2 on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange ii morrow and adjoining counties. Boanev. Andrew. Lexington. Or. Horse branded A B on rieht shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cattle same on right hip Itange Morrow county. Hoyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HB oonnectet with ouarter oirrle over top on cattle on right bit and crop off right ear and split in left. Horse same brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow Q rant and Gilliam counties. Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, JO oi left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip. Snicknall. J. W.. Gooseberry. Or. Horse branded 31 on left shoulder ; range in Mor comity. Hailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Hwaggart, B. F Lexington, Or. Horsed with dash under it on left stitle: cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and wadd ed on nir it hind leg. Itange in Morrow. Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Hwaggart. A. L.. Athena. Or. Horses branded V on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Croj i ear, wattle on lett mnd teg. Htraitfht W. E.. Henunor. Or. Horses Bhiiderl J H on left stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right oar, undorbit in loft. happ, Thos., llopimer, Ur. Horsed, a A if or left hip; cattle same on loft hip. Hhner.John. Fox. Or, NO connected or horses on right hip; cattio, same on right hip crop uff right car and under bit in left ear. Hang m ttrant county. Hmith Bros.. Hnssnvllle, Or. Horses, brander B . Z. on shoulder; cattle, -rnmfl on left ahonlrler Hfiuircs, James. Arlington, Or,; horses brander -IH on left shoulder: cattle the Bnme, alBo nos' wa'iitie. nnnge in Morrow ana uiiiiam counties HtenheiiB. V. A.. Hardman. Or-: horses HHot right stifle; catt le horizontal L in the right side HtnvenHon. Mrs A. J.. Hennnor. Or. Cattle, fr on right hip; swallow-fork in loft ear. Hwauaart. G. W.. lleppner. (Jr. Horsee. 44 or left Hhoiilde ; catt le, 44 on left hin. Hnnrrv. K. G.. Hennner. Or. ('attle W C or left hin. croo off right and undorbit iu left year. dew I up; liorHos W Con left shouldor. I honipson. J. A.. Heppner, tlr. Morses. 7. or left shoulder; cattle, Hon loft shoulder. 1 innet1H.H.T..Lnierpri8e.0r. HorBes. C-on lefi shoulder. nrner It. W.. Hennnor. Or. Small cnoital 7 loft s.iouldcr, horses; cattle same on left hi with split in both ears. Ihoriit.on, n. jvi . , lone, tlr. Horses brander) HTcoGfisntod on InftstiHe; sheep same brand. Vanilerpool. II. T., linns, Or: Horses ilVcon nected1 ou right shutilder;cattle, same on right hu Wa bridge. Wm.. Hconnftr. Or. Horses. U. L. on the left shoulder; cattio samo on right hip. crop off left our and right ear lopped, Wilson. John t).. Haiom or lleppner. Or.- Horses branded Jy on the loft shoulder. Bang Morrow county. Warren. W B. Caleb, Or ('attle Wwithanartei circle over it, on left side, split lu right ear Horsed same brand on loft miotudor, Kaiigeir Grant comity. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses brander ace of spades on lolt Hhoulder and left hip Cattle branded samo on left side and left. hip. Wollinger, John, John Day City, Or On horsar three parallel bare on left shoulder; 7 on sheep bit iu both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhuej ooimties. Woodward. John. lleppner. Or. Horses. UI aonuoctcd on left shoulder. Wetkius. Lishe. Heiumer. Or. Horsee branded UK connected on Loft, a title. Wallace. Charles. Heppner. Or. Cattle. W oi nght .thiuh. hole in loft ear; horsos. W on rih- shoulder boiup same on left shoulder. Whittier bii., nunnngion. Baker Co.. Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left ehouldei Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle an horses, Kange Grant comity. Williams. J O. Ijonir Creek. Or Horses, our) ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle saun and slit in each ear. Kange in Grant county Wren. A. A.. Heppner. Or, Horses mnninaA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. H., Oooseherry, Or. Horsed brander rHon tlte right should"- Cbce xyMX fthe cause q "Ue vesta ? Are you willing to work (or the causo of Protection in placing reliable Infor mation in the hands oi your acquain tances? If you are, you should be identified with The American Protective tariff league. 138 W. 230 ST., NIW YORK. Cut tt.U notice out and lend It to the League Uliiig v"ur prolrinn, and gtv a helping; hand. l.Ooi. v i II I.. Every patriot ii r n slwuU! ive his personnl effort and hiIUumicc to incri-use tho circulation ol his home paper which teach ra the American policy of Trotcc. tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in evwy way possible. After the homo paper is taken care of, why not sub scribe for (he AuiatcAN Economist, published by tho American Protective Tariff League? One ol its correspon. dents says I " No true American can get along without it I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United State. " fiend postal card request for free sample copy. Addmas Wilbur F.Wake nian, General Secretary, 135 West 13d St, New York. Vluitotfmpbs fl.i0 pel dozoo at Shep- pard's gallery, uear opera bom, nortu Uaio Ht.. Hprr, Urt oO WILL I CLEAR m M LONG SKINg LIFE II m ilS MENTALl w fi f STRONG P ENERGYgJ I. NERVES I Sarsaparilla M. Hammerlv, a well-known business man Of HHIsboro, Va., sends this t'-stimony to thP merits of Ayer's .S;irs;ip:ii'illat "Several years auo, I liuit my leg. the injurv ienviitj: asorewliiehled to erysipelas. .M y s'iffei iiiu's were extreme, inv leg. troni the un.'e to the ankle, neitiu a solid sore, wtii'-h ht tr;in to ex tend to other pints of I he Poily. A fin -trying" various renieiiies, I hefj:ui uikni'i Ayvt'a Har.suparilla, and, hefore I hail litnslied tlie first bottle, i f.Npi'ih'iiwfl irieal relief; tle tecum! bottle efi'ecteU u complete cute." Ayer's SarsapariSSa Prepared by Dr. .7. 0. Ay ex & Co., Lowell, Maw, Cures others,wS!E cure you M CHOLERA T HAVE A SURE, TRIED, PROVEN AND L guaranteed cure for I loo and Chicken Cholera, which his stood the test for seven years without failure, that I know of, but has effect ed thousands of cureH. I have sold over 23,000 receipts and family rights in eight months, and not a single complaint received yet. I sold each and every one on a guarantee, and I mill sell that wav. If Holland ChnleraCiireand Preven tative fails to cure or prevent Cholera, I will refund your money. This is fair enough. Six pounds of the medicine can be made at a total cost of from ?l to $1.20, enough to doWhogs and 100 chickens a year. You aro then Ensured against cholera for one year. If you will try this remedy, I assure you you will never regret it. Use it, and your hogs and chickens will look better and healthier than ever before. Recipe and family right only 1.00. Ready prepared medicines 50c and $1 per bottle or package. Address M UN, RACHEL V. THOMAH. Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala. Pal las, Texas, April 13, 1893. Mrs Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam; I have thoroughly tested your cholera remedy and find It O. K. it's grand. 1 e icluse $10 will try the agencv. IMeahC send at once and oblige. Very respectfully, H. W. Haunch. Dallas, Texas, May 19th, 18M. Have Bold out. I enclose $;'0 for which send mo all the recipes you can and tho rights to the countifB named below. I never saw anything sell so fast. What is the least you will take for thesWte. If your price is reasonable will take the state. Very respectfully. H . W. Waiter. (I have not room for all his letters. He took the state. Here is one more of his letters.) Dallas, Texas, July 17th, 1893. Mrs. Rachel V.Thomas, Dear Madam; Since toking the state right 1 canvassed three weeks and made f'.W7 selling recipes and territory. 1 will Btart several sub-agents next. week. Could exchange a portion of Texas for a portion of Kansas? Very respectfully, H. V. IIaiiper. Milieu. Georgia, Dee. 11th, 1893. MrB. Thomas: I write a letter of enquiry. How much of this state is unsold? I want bal ance of the state. Holland's Cholera Cure la just what It is represented to be. It has proved a blessing to the farmers of ill i- county. Very respectfully, C. o. Kdknfield, Agent for dcreveu County. Rock Bridge, Ohio, Dec. 4th, 1893. Mrs. Thomas: Recipe came to hand and it'E all O. K. Enclosed tii.d fill for Hocking, Picka way and Fairiield counties. What will you take for the state? Yours truly, P. Hanhtein. 1 have thousands more testimonials. I guar antee Holland's Cholera Cure and Preventative to cure and prevent hog and ehicKen Cholera In each and every case or refund the money. This is fair enough. Don't postpone ordering because you may not at present be bothered with chol era. The idea is to prevent it in time. This my remedy will do and will also keen your hogs and chickens in a nice healthy condition. Gen eral and local agents wanted. (State ami family rights for sale or trade. Address Mas. Rachkl V. Thomas, sw-3m. Cowarts, Ala, Chicken Cholera If you use the Petalnm f Incubators ft Brooders. ! Make money while! others are wasting time by old processes. Catalogtellsall about it, and describes every article needed for thej poultry business. The" ERIE mechanically the best I wheel. Prettiest model. Ve are Pacific Coast A irtl t a tllr-urla rntn- Iniru mailMifl-Mi criveM full descHnt Ion, prices, ete.. aofnts wanted. PET ALUM A INCUBATOR C0.,PetalnmA,Cal. Bhanch IlorsB, a,u SMain 8L, I.os Angeles. ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Journal thev subscribe to is the best and most reliable authority obtainable. IING. STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. It deals practically with fruits and vegetables, trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers th field of horticulture systematically and thoroughly, it illustrates and describes methods of cultiva tion, unproved varieties and labor - saving devices. It is, without doubt, The Paperforthe People! $1.00 IVar (?4 iiumhrn). Specimen copy and catalogue of horticultural books FREE ou application. American Gardening, 170 Fulton St.. N.Y. A CHANCE Foil HISTI.KK8. We want several live, wide-awake nan vaesera to represent I lie Gazette, in this and adjoiuiiiR ooimties, in connectiou with the National Newspaper Union. The work is new, porulnr anil very profitable. rt'iuiriug neither capital nor previous experience. It is worth look ins nftor, niul it y.m want a real sooJ thiuir in the way of liyht, pleasant and protHalile employment it will pay you to investigate this nt onee. There is money in it (or btiHllers. Write f ir full par ticulars to THF. NATIONAL CO , B. IiO0i, Mo III PaKe1 I Vjl Illustrated I 1 1!L Catalogue ILJI Words by ELIZE MARIE DUDLEY. 1. Of 2. Of dis - tance, O - ver the sor - row, She thinks 8 HE I sad, sad, look in lov - ing and ten dcr ,JJJ , , , I k s c 1- ., r . . . - , r. a. . 1 I ill H-s 1 r 1 1 1 I 1 , 1 T 1 rH 1 1 , ' . 1 itf : -. ' ' -r -g- -Ljr.-5. ! -ir - zl.i j -c-- zl Lr- 1 -i ' j T -- R J j J ) -- r - W -- 7 T rilard. fB--fi i 4i K-r I -zd 1 J As she hears the salt sea's moan. ... A None but this maid - en knew . A J I m r ' gfr s- T 4 L-i i TT I g-. H v rall f p Z7 'p? ( aim. PS. Ik. - f I rri-h J . PP tJ if ft if FRIZES ON PATENTS. Bow to set (100 and Perhaps Hake a Fortune. We secure patents and to induce people to keep track ot their bright ideas we offer a prize of one bnndred dollars to be paid on the first of every month to tbe person who submits to us the most meritoiions invention daring tbe proceeding month. We will also advertise the inveution free of charge in the Xnlional Recorder, a weekly news paper, published in Washington, D. C, whioh has an extensive circnlation throughout the United States and is devoted to the interests of inventors. NOT SO F1ABD AS IT SEBMS . The idea of being able to invent some thing strikes most people as being very ilillioult; this delusion the company wishes to dispel. It is the simple things and small inventions that make the greatest amount of money, and tbe oom plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost everybody, at some time or another, oonoeives an idea, which, if patented, wonld probably be worth to him a fortune. Unfortunately snoh ideas are usually dismissed witbonltbonght. Tbe simple Inventions like the car window whioh could be easily slid np and down witbont breaking tbe passenger's back, tbe sauce pan, collar button, thenut look, tbe bottle stopper, tbe snow shovel, are things that almost everyone sees some way of improving npon, and it is these kind of inventions tbat bring the greatest retnrns to the author. Tbe prize we offer will be paid at tbe end of each mouth, whether the appli cation has been acted upon by tbe Patent OtHt'o or not. Every oompetitor must apply for a patent on bis invention through rn. od ber ht iwir tbs j i o-, J o- -: . j l ti! ; 0 - I " 1 " 1 1 1 I I U life-less form was borne, By the dashing waves and the breakers, And laid on the shingle stone; And froz - en hence.... and for - , -rf. N - I 1 , 1 -M-, 1 .-jf:' 1 p zzjl r 1 A ,1 I , -1 r r-l 1 r -J ,. -I I r I .0. Zg. HI. ; cv - er, The maid - - - en must be a - lone,.... The maid - - - en must be a- lone zz zz zx zx zx z zx zx zx .i-a 1 1 ry-,-y . -r-J - ,y-: , , . r i i Tr , ... , . 1 s'ir :z" jfcE "n; 7-"j . E El ;g-: "ps q J ; J n j ritard. p ritard, p I rSSH fq i r ,s , jzzz'- OF WHAT IS THE. what is the maid - en what is the maid en dream ing, As dream ing, As shing . ly shore? Of what is" up -on the dead? She dreams of T her blue eyes his heart was, i I 0 00- itmniri nt tl.n trxrtm ..l I 1V1 un-o.ui ui iiia. -iui iiiuiii - jug, v Copyright, 1894, by 'i'ho prize or not, the inventor will bave a valuable patent. THE PRESS CLAIM COMPANY, John Wbddkrburn, Gen'I Manager, 618 F St. N. W. Washington, D. 0. P. S. The responsibility of this oompany may be judged from tbe faot tbat its stock ia held by about seventeen hundred of the leading newspapers ot the United States. tf. A New (iKfTrnrtil-Al Apparatus. The marine globe is a new physical instrument to produce currents similar to sea currents. It consists of a glass globe under the interior well of which are constructed the massive outline of continents and the hollows of sea basins. The bottom of the sea is formed of an interior sphere, concen tral with the one of glass, moving on a vertical axis, and is worked by a gearing. The sea basinsnre filled with watercon tuiuing particles of stearine in suspen sion, which render all its movements visible. The exterior of the apparatus does not differ much from that of a geographical globe, and its merit is that it tends directly to facilitate the study of geography, so far as the sea currents are concerned. Contentmen. tbe Only Speelne. A newspaper reporter the other day asked ft. ft. shrady, the great American surgeou aud physicu;n, the question: "What manner of life do you think most favorable to health?" His reply was: "A moderate life. Take plenty of sleep. Take plenty to eat. Take plenty of exe.rvihp. We need more walking philosophers in this world. Keep a contented mind Remember that the man who wants little is al ways rich, and the mm who ha nmeh it-u't, always Sometimes a man owns a hoiiv. but sometimes the house owns tbe man. It is K-tUr tor the man to own the house, and Kar in mind that a very big man can live in a very little hotis. 1 need not say that little men often live In bi houses. ThU life can trJ f gtv a man it best en tbiuf "POntfiiuinSOV" MAIDEN DREAMING?, Music by MARIA she stands at the cot she sleeps in her lit tage - door, tie bed; the maid-en dream - ing, As she walks a man - ly ure, With a face 2 -t es mf As she hears the but.... this None. t 1- - ' TT: 1 iicu in it u lym-iui mui hi, ii is uut ' -0-r -9--0-r zitzt New York Musical Kmord Co. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense ltohing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, whioh often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynb 8 Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes the tumors, At druggists, or by mail, for 50oenta. Dr. Swayuei Son, Philadelphia, UNCLE SAM, JUNK DEALER. He Hu a Frlee List of the Old Trumpery lie Dispose Of. Cncle Sam is a sort of second-hand dealer and runs a good-sized junk shop on his own hook. Sot only that, says the New York Advertiser, but he sends out circulars to those of inquiring turn of mind, with descriptions and price lists of his wares, just as a seeond-hand book dealer or postage stamp or coin collector would do. If a grand army post should conclude to festoon the rafters of its armory with old muskets and antique scab bards it will find ("nele Sam right on hand, for, thouirh he has disposed of all his heavy arms, he has innumerable old pistols, muskets, bayonets and sabers whioh he is not averse to dis posing of at a fair price, and he will promptly forward a printed price list showing the comparative newness or antiquity of his second-hand wares and warranting the articles to be exactly as represented and to fill the bill pre cisely for decorative purposes. And they are offered very cheap, too. One can buy an old sword, blood-stained and full of memories of furious charges and well-sustained ai-sanlts, for twenty-five cents, a horse pistol for a dime or a Spencer breech-loader for seven dollars, other -articles varying to 6uit. It is said that Lord Campbell was often overbearing and irritable. A lawyer who had long struETled against the' chief ju-itL-cs criticisms finally folded up his brief and remarked: "I m retire, my lord, andnolongtr tree patt on ysur lcrdjbip i tm7?.tne." c , -ipg N : :? f " j - j STR1NBERG ELMORE. And paz es far out in the And sheds fast tears of... on her way a . lone. With a How with dark ey4l blue. salt sea's moan, maid- - en kntw. -1 39 a lJ - f . I J M. - a TJI baiiK uuwu tiiiu iiic - icis( n is A Gentleman Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes .- "For 20 years past, my wife and 1 have used Avar's Hair Vigor, ana we attribute to it the dark hair which she and It now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years youngerthan we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When asked how our hair has retained its color and fullness, ne reply, ' By the use vf Ayer's Hair Vigor nothing else.' " "In 1868. my affianced was nearly bald, and O the hair Vkept lall- Inv Ant every day. I JigSJ '" her to us. Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all m need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is alt that It is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrnn, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR For Sii A tborooghbred regla tered Hereford bull Msywood, No. 28,606. This bnll was bred in Illinois by (ren. T. Baker, and is just tbe animal you want to breed stock that will brine a good price. I will sell cheap aa I have another of same stock ; or will trads) for good milch ows Stf, Mm t