Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 11, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE desiring the insertion of display ads.,
or change of same, must get their copy in
lot later than Monday evening for Tuesdays
idition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi--on.
Tub Patterson Publishing Co.
Take Notice.
1. The Bum of five cents per Hue will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
jnd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or f hftll himself give as a matter of news,) and
tocices 01 special meetings lor wnatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
jents a Hue. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to Xk every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable amd made known
tfon application.
'We hold each and every correspondent re
ponBible for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed as an evidence of
-food faith.
ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
n Fmncitco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper fe kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
und therefore assist to build up Hepp
tier. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ;
Every day at 6 a. in., except Sunday.
Arrivesevery day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior conn try.
Phil! Conn, Agent.
Removal Notice.
G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where tie will still keep the best brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWK, Prop.
Here and There.
Lard, 10-pound buoket, $1.00 at J. F
The cheapest plaoe for photos is at
Gilhousen Bros. 9-2
Nels Jones' familiar face was seea
Tuesday in town.
The Columbia river at The Dalles is
blocked with ioe.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
George Ely returned from a visit down
to the valley last week.
Loin Bteuk, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 eta.;
rib steak, 5 cts., at Sprays.
Chas. Johnson and Jess Lieuallen
were visitors from Lexington Tuesday.
The January term of oounty court
convened in this city Wednesday morn
ing. Gilhousen Bros, are doing the finest
work iu the photo line ever seen in
Heppner. 9-2
Mrs. B. B. Bishop, mother of Ed. R.
Bishop, spent the holidays with her son
and family.
J. W. Oowins is putting up ice with
whioh to supply the wants of Heppner
people next summer.
Arlington is quite a lively place this
winter, the eohool attracting an un
usually large number of people.
A sure oure for the liquor habit. No.
cure no pay. For full particulars and
terms call on T. W. AyersJ Jr., City
. Drug Store. 9-tf.
C. Haley, one of the old-time land
marks of Heppner but lately a resident
of Arlington, spent last week in the
Hiok Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, b ham poos and
haironts always m stook. Baths in con
nection. Call on him.
Heppner's business men should not
overlook the benefits to be derived from
The completion of a passable thorough
fare from Heppner to Mitchell.
Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers
can be applied when at home, and is
uniformly suooeBstulin coloring a brown
or black. Hence its great popularity.
A shipment of nine oarloads of hogs
have arrived at Troutdale from points
in Idaho. They will be fattened and
butchered for the Portland market.
Waldron Rhea aud bride returned
Wednesday from their wedding trip to
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Rhea will take
up their future residence in Heppner.
Governor Pennoyer on Monday laet
pardoned J. Rust who was sent to the
penitentiary from Umatilla oounty, at
the last term of circuit court, for oattle
McFarland Mercantile Co., have
changed their business to an absolute
cash basis, beginning with the new year.
Their prices oompare with the lowest.
See new ad. a
Captain Sweeney, 0. S. A., San Diego,
Cal. says : "Shilob's Catarrh Remedy is
the first medioine I have ever found that
would do me any good." Price 60c.
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
The Long Creek Eagle has reached us
as bright and newsy as ever and appar
ently none the worse for baviog its "tail
feathers" singed in the reoent disastrous
fire at that plaoe.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head clear
as a bell, zoc., ouc, ana Si. Bold by
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
The snow is fast disappearing and the
streets of Heppner present the appear
ance of a miniature lake, occasioned by
a visit in this section from the ever
welcome "chinook."
Rev. J. M. Denison, pastor, and Rev.
Frank Adkins are conducting a series of
revival meetings at the the M. E. chnrob.
The meetings began Sunder evening.
Quite an interest is being taken.
Dell Lashier, a well known citizen
and formerly a resident at Spokane,
occupies a quarter in the oonnty jail at
Walla Walla, the eause being delirium
tremens. He represents Hotaling ft Co.,
of Portland.
Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbanm,
of San Luis Rey, Cal., was troubled
with a lame baak and rheumatism. He
used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and a
prompt onre was effected. He says he
has einoe advised many of his friends to
try it and all wbo have done so have
spoken highly of it. it is for sale by
Slocum Johnson Drug
BncklfD Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rbeum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all ekin ernptious
and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayeri, Jr.
O. S. Do we, the photographer, has
openea a gallery in Heppner and is
prepared to do as fine work as any made
1 in the state, Mr. Dowe's work ebeold
j be seen to be appreciated. His work
without exoeption is the finest we have
ever seen in this section ot the oountry.
He finishes all his work with the finest
artist enamel, and guarantees his work
to give satisfaction. His prices $2 per
dozen for fine oabinet work brings them
within the reaoh of all. Call at his
gallery and see the class of work be is
doing. It.
Dr. J. H. Fell and wife returned on
Wednesday's train from Portlaud, where
the doctor has been confined in the
hospital for a month past, undergoing
a Biiooessful surgioal operation. The
Dr. and Mrs. Fell intend remaining in
Heppner tor a month or so the guest of
the Dr.'s father, Mr. 0. E. Fell, before
proceeding on to their home at Prairie
The Epworth League of the M. E.
church, Monday evening elected the
following officers for the iusuing year:
W. L, Saling, president; Geo. W. Wells,
first vice-president; Mrs. J. M. Denison,
second vice; James Hart, third vice
Lillie Blsbee, fourth vioe; Alice Glass
cock, secretary; Delia Reed, treasurer.
That slight cold, of whioh you think
so little, may lead to serious trouble
with the lungs. Avoid this result by
taking Ayer's Cherry Peotoral, the beat
known remedy for colds, coughs, catarrh,
bronchitis, incipient consumption, and
all other throat and lung diseases.
The Heppner flouring mills whioh
have been olosed down for the past two
weeks on aocount ot the cold weather
will start up the first of the week
weather conditions being favorable.
Workmen were engaged clearing the
mill race of ioe Wednesday.
A oertain indge took occasion reoently
to warn his people from coming into the
courtroom drunk in these words: "I
wish to put everybody on notioe that if
they oome into this court room while I
am sitting on this benoh drunk they bad
better look out.'
The Heppner Building and Loan
Association last Tuesday evening
eleoted the following officers for the
ensuing year: 0. E. Farnsworth, presi
dent; Ed. R. Bishop, secretary and
treasurer; Wm. Penland, E. D. Rood,
A. Rood, P. 0. Thompson, O. E. Farns
worth, directors
Xeuophon N. Sleeves, the lawyer.
jointly indicted with "Bunco" Kelly for
the murder of George W. Bayers, at
Portland, andconvioted of manslaughter,
has been admitted to bail in the sum of
$10,000, pending an appeal to the
supreme oourt.
Considerable trouble and del ay is
being encountered in running trains on
the main line, owing to heavy snow
storms in the Oasoadee, and high waters
east, occasioned by melting snows under
the mild waftiugs of the zephyrus
J. M. Thompson and family arrived in
this city yesterday morning from the
Willamette valley. They were met here
by Mao and John Thompson who will
oonvey the family to their future home
in the vioinity of Monument.
Wilcbin & Plemmons, wbo own the
shooting gallery next door to the post
oflioe, have cash prize Bhooting, com
menoiug Monday of each week and end
ing on Saturday. Give the boys a call.
Green and Hiok Mathews left for
Portlaud Monday evening last in answer
to a telegram announcing the death of
their father in that oily. Tbey returned
home this morning.
You are invited to spend a few minutes
looking at, the fine displny ot pictures in
our gallery. Come and see them
whether yon waut photos or not, truly,
Gilhousen Bros. 9-2
Andrew Jackson Breeding, a pros
perous and prominent Willow creek
farmer, was in the city yesterday. We
acknowledge a pleasant social call from
the gentleman.
Shilob's Cure, the great Cough and
Cronp Cure, is in grent demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses only 25c.
Children love it. Bold bv T. W. Ayers
Green Mathews for sliBVlng, hair-
cutting, Bhumpooing and all other work
in that line, Baths at any time during
business hours. C. M. Jones, assistant.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorinl artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlook oorner,
where he will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
What! Tommy's shoes worn out al
ready? That because yon didn't get
them at Minor fe Co., observed Mrs.
8 with her good seoee.
Baby photos and family groups a
specialty at Dowe's gallery, No extra
charges for groups. Cabnet photos at
2 per dozen, any style. tf.
Tbe eastbound passenger on the main
line wau about nine hours late Tuesday
night, oooasioned by a heavy snow slide
at Bonneville,
J ust as good work in cloudy weather
as in the brightest sunshine at Dowe's
gallery and all work guaranteed to
please. tf.
B. F. Watkins returned this morning
from an extended visit to relatives and
friends in tbe Willamette valley.
Cabinet photographs of the finest
enamel finish at Dowe's gallery, 2 per
dozen. Gallery opposite opera bonpe.
J. B. Sperry and Henry Gay brought
in a fine lot of fat bogs on Wednesday
for shipment to Portland.
I don't need my spectacles today re
marked Mrs. ti because I am going
to trade at Minor & Co.
,Tim Jones, the stockman, shipped a
carload of bogs to tbe Portland markets
D. A. Herren left last evening f'.r lone
on business. He will return Sunday
Dowe makes but one grade of work,
tbe best, and guarantees to please all bis
patrons. tf.
Tbe Heppner Literary and Debating
society will elect omcers tomorrow even
.T. W. Dawnon is lying prionly ill at
bis room in the City hotl
Joseph Book, of Hamilton, registered
at the City hotel Wednesday.
J. T. McOonignl, of Grants, Or., is
registered at the City hotel.
Something very nice in oorsets at
Minor & Co.
Alfred Haaub, of Portlaud. is registered
at the City hotel.
Underwear at under prices at Minor
& Co.
How to Cars All hkln DiHeaMefl."
c,,', r ii
i No internal medicine required. Cores
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions oo the
, fece, bands, nose, icn., leaving the skin
' clear, white and healthy. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask yonr drug
j gist for Swayki's OreTM-WT.
Mrs. Judge Peek
Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How
She Was Cured
Sufierers from Dyspepsia, should read the fol
lowing letter from Mrs H. M. Peck, wile of
Judge Pwtk, a justice at Tracy, Cal., and a writer
eon:r"'t(l with the Associated Press:
"By a deep sense of gratitude for the (treat
benefit I have received from the use of Flood's
SarsaiKirillri, I have been led to write the follow
iuit statement for the benefit of sufferers who
mny he similarly afflicted. For 15 years 1 have
been a great sufferer from dyspepsia aud
Heart Trouble.
Almost eTerythiug I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and medicines, but
failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend
prevailed upon me to try Hood's iSarsaparllla.
The first bottle I noticed helped ine, so I con
tinued taking It. It did ine so much good that
my friends spoke of the Improvement. I have
received such great benellt from it that
Gladly Recommend It.
I now have an excellent appetite and nothing T
eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my
flesh ami strength. I cannot praise Hood's
Sarsaparillit too much." Mas. II. M. l'KCK,
Tracy, California. Uet HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills are band miule, and perfect
In proportion and appearance. 25c. a box.
A Live Game. Representatives of the
Gazette, through the courtesy of the
Portland Amateur Atbletio Club, were
permitted to witness the foot-ball game
between the Port Townsend boys and
tbe Portland lads, at tbe Multnomah's
grounds on New Year's day. Tbe
weather was damp and chilly, patches
of Bnow still dinging to the wet earth
here and there. The Webfooters were
at home in tbe mud, bat the Port Town
send fellows were not familiar with a
"slushy" grid-iron, and this had muoh
to do with their poor playing. Port
lands got the pig-skin at the beginning
of the game and very soon proved them
selves more than a match for the Port
Townsends. It was a lively oontest,
however, The playing of Davey, Lass
well and Pearson, of the Portlands, was
roundly applauded. In fact the Port
lands put up an almost errorless game.
At the end of the match the scores
stood 28 to 0 in favor of the Portlands.
The Port Townsend boys admitted that
they were no match for the PortlanderB,
though claimed that their lack of prnclice
on s muddy held bad muoh to do with
their poor playing.
Bold Huntbbs. The readers of the
Gazette will remember the hunting
excursion enjoyed reoently by Eugineer
J. A. Patterson, Thos. Quaid aud John
Hughes, all of Heppner, and three very
jolly, hapoy souls under any oircum
stanoes. Their return to civilization was
marked by stories of hunting and many
bair-breadtb esoapes. The best story,
however, is on Mr. Qnaid. Thos. got
into b band of "mowioh" and in his
baste to pump lead at the game tried a
oartridge in his weapon "wrong end to,"
His haste was rewarded by losing this
grand opportunity of seonring a single
speoimen of the "antelope" tribe, and it
took tne whole party tbe remainder of
the day to extrioate the cartridge and
get Thomas in hunting trim again. Of
oourse, our readers must remember that
this is Engineer Patterson's aide of tbe
story. Probably Tom might have some
thing interesting to Bay about "Pat's"
suocess as a hunter and of his match
less marksmanship when suddenly con
fronted by a whole hand of deer.
On Thrib "Hiqh Hdhhe." As a re-
anlt of the couuoil deposing tbe marshal
and leaving the city without polioe pro
tection, Monday night last some of tbe
yonng bloods of Heppner not on their
"high horse" and prooeeded to make
things lively by demolishing several
indow lights in the general merchan
dise store ot I.. Blutnentbal. Tuesday
Mr. Blumenthal had tbe window panes
replaced only to have them broken out
again Tuesday night, the parties, bow-
ever, going a little farther than on the
previous evening in their devilment by
demolishing one of tbe large panes of
glass in the front show window. Mr.
Blnmenthal informs us that be Is well
aware wbo the parties are that perpe
trated the malicious mischief upon him
and that it tbey do not oall around in
the very near future and satisfy all
damage snstained, es a resnlt of their
nefarious mischief, be will bring the
matter before the grand jury at tbe
coming session of court and prosecute
tbe parties to the full extent of law.
The New Year
Finds Hood's Haraaparilla leading every
thing in tbe wBy of medicines in three
important particulars, namely: Hood's
Sarsaparilla has
1. The largest sale in the world. It
2. Tbe greatest cure in the world. It
3. Tbe largest Laboratory in tbe
What more can be said? Hood's
Hftrsnnarilla baa merit: is rttuliHr to
i itself, and most of all. Hood's Hnrf a-
pirilla enres. If yon are giok.il is the
medicine for you to take.
(Jommenclng Monony, Dec. A. and on
each Monday and Thursday thereafter
ootil Jan. H. tbe O. R k N. will sell
round-trip tickets, Heppner to Portland
and return, at $9.90, including two ad
missions to the Portland Eiuosition.
Tickets good 6 days. The expofitioo
will undoubtedly be very fine.
D. A. Herren Bnd J. 8 Bnseick. under
the firm name of U A Herren 4 Co., are
! having and sellinir ?rai- of all
! ne:t d'.or to the Gazette office
pav the hisrbent market
; bov in any Quantities. '
nnd will
7 tf.
This will not last Iiv.tr. The (
one yar in advance from date of order, ! dBy exoept Monday and leaving every
and one of Oilh'nihea'a life-size crayons ' day eicept Snndny. Shorten' a- i rheap
all for ?t70. Call and sea us for par-, eat rout to tbe interior, P, U bn,
tiealars. agent.
UnUiDhxin MPDPimri? rnnDAWV?
fig store at Heppner has a
1v - 1
irocene , JJrv uoods,
al Merchandise.
We wil
Retail Goods
Our books are closed to any
farther Credit Business.
A Few Cash Prices.
rHEY Speak Lotjier Than Words.
Best Syrnp, per keg, 2.W
Beans, 22 pounde for . . 1.00
Roast Coffee, 4 pounds 1.0(i
Green Coffee, 4V4 pound 1.00
Granulated 8ugar, If) pouids 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 16 pounoi 1.09
Best Rice, 14 pounds 1 on
Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00
Sugar Norn, 8 cans 1.00
Golden Gate Baking I'onter, ii tin l.on
Dr. Price's Baking Powdei, 2V4 lbs 1.00
Stock Salt, 100 pounds 00
gallon Keg Pickets....; 1.00
5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25
18 lbs. Rolled Oats 1.00
Spounds Chocolate 90
6 cans Table Fruit ; 1 00
14 pounds SeedleBB Ritisini I.IK)
16 pounds Extra RaisiiiB 1.00
11 lis, Dawson & Xvjroris,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
minner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
for Infants and Children.
41 Castorla fs so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castorla is bo universal and
its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
C All LOB Mabtyn, P. D.,
New York City.
The Cbntaur
r .
I j life. iw. Ih91. Notic'f! In herebv iriveii (hut
the following immed Bettler hm filed notice of
his intention to mnke final proof in snpjiort of
his chum, aud that (mid proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on February 12, H!ir.
Hd. E. No. S073, for the E', tiVI'i and lots 1 and
2, Sec. Ill, Tp. 1 S. R. K. W. M.
He names the followinR witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Olau S. Hodcdon, H. A. Yoonm, Frank Bene
fiel, John H. I'iper, of Lexington, Oregon.
'2117-117. Register.
Notice of Intention.
j Dec. "2, IMM. Notice is hereby given that
the following named setller has filed notice of
his intention to make final prool In support of
his claim, and that said proof will he made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Feb. 12, IKUfi, viz:
Hd. E. No. 25M, and Adl. Hd. E. No. 3!r24, for
the 'lA NW!t Sec. -1, and E'4 N E!4 Sec. 6, Tp. 1
S. R.2UB.W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz:
Olan S. Hodsdcn, H. A. Yocum, Frank Bene-
fiel, Jefferson Evans, of Lexington, Oregon.
297-07. KeglBter.
Lanp Oki ick at La (jkandk, Okkoon,
December 10. 18y4
x followlng-UHHied settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the county clerk of Morrow county at
Heppner, or., on January is, iv.p:, viz :
William W.
Hd No. al, for the Wj NE!i Wyt !iE, Bee
21. To 5 8. R 2S EWM.
ne names me lonowing wiuiensen 10 prove
his continuous residence upon, anil cultivation
of stud land, viz :
W. E. Mlkesell, Liithur Hamilton, D. A.
H amnion, Linus Penland, all of Heppner. Or.
dl3jl7 Register.
Alex Kuuz, Herman Thaubauser and
James Friedrcan, commercial men, were
in the city yesterday and registered at
tbe Palace.
Two lAvm bnved.
Mrs. I'boebe Tbomsa, of Junotion
City, 111., was told by ber doctors abe bad
consumption and that there was do bope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely otired her
and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos.
EfHiers, 139 Florida St., Han Francisco,
suffered from a dreadfnl cold, approach
ing consumption, tried without rusult
everything else theo bought one bottle
of Dr. Kind's New Discovery and in two
weeks was oared. He is natuaally thank
ful. It is such results, of which thfs
are samples, that prove the wonderful
etfinaoy of this medioine in omighn and
oolds. Free trial bottle at T. W Ayern,
Jr., drug store. K-kuIr." iie 00c. and
J. B. Natter has reopened the brewt-ry
: Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
best beer ou the I'aciBc coat. a:o on
bands tbe best br aids of liquors, wines
and cigars. C6if.
B. A. tfiihpaker runs HtRke between
! Henpner and Monument, arriv;ng every
Notice of
complete assortment of
T T 1 1
nardware ana ucner-
at Wholesale Prices,
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and pruinotai di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneflcia)
Enwir F. Pardcc, M. P.
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Compact, 7? Mitrray Snrtrr, Nkw Yowl City.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
A Great Mistake.
A rTont discovery fa that h"adaobfl,
dizziness, dullness, confusion of tliemlnd,
et, are duo to derangement of the nerve
centers which supply the brain wlih nerv
forcej that Indigestion, dyspepsia, nmiralffla.
wind In stomaeh, eta,, arise from 1hdorait(ro
ment of tho nerve center ;uplyliUT these or
enns wit h nerve fluid or force. This Is 1I.cpw.kb
true at many dtsraseHof the heart und lungs.
The nervH Hyutem la Hko a M-leirniph syMem,
as will be soon by the accompany lug
cut. The little
while lines are
tho nerves which
convey the norve
fur o from the
nerve centers to
e . ery part of the
body, just as tho
conveyed alonif
the tolmiraph
wires to every
stalKm, larco or
small. Ordinary
physicians fall to
regard this fact;
Instead of treat
Ins the norvneen
teis for thecauso
o f the disorders
aridnt? therefrom
tlny treat the
part affected.
Fr.mklin Miles,
M. I)., LL.B.. the
highly celebrated
s nee I al 1st and
student of nervous diseases, and cullior
of i.iauv noted treatises on the latter mi hiei-t,
lun-i a. nee realised the truih of the nrst
sUtwtneut, and his Kestoratlve Nervine
Is pre m red on that principle. Its HnccesH
In miriusT U diseases arising from deriinjtn
ment of the nervous system Is wonder
ful, as the thousands of unsolicited tesllrno
uiiils In posse.sslmi of the company manufac
turing ifie remedy amply prove.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is a reliable
remedy for all nervous dlseat-.es, such as
headache, nervous debility, prostration,
Bieejjh-ssnesfi, dizzlnesn hysteria, sexual de
liiliiv. M,. Vitus dance, euilensy, etc. It m
foldbv till drut-'Klstson a positive guarantee,
or sent direct by the Ilr. Miles Medical Co.,
VJkhart, Ind on receipt of price. A per bot
tle mx bottles for ift, express prepaid.
hVMforative Nervine positively uontal'H no
opiates or dangerou tirug&
For Bale by T. W. Ayers, jr.
Administratrix Notice.
twr, of Administratrix on the r.ptnte ot I).
K. Jevne. li-c'f;fl.rd, were irnintw! to the under'
FlKnttfi on the 'Ith dr of Ilf-emrxr, 14, by
the County l;ourt ol Morrow rounty. All per
nonp hAvlnff elaini. atraln.1 "aid estate are rr.-
onlr:d to exhlt.lt them tome lor allowawe, at
Hejipner, Or., jltlnn aix month, after the date
01 thin notice i mey arian ne rorever narren.
Thli 2Mh day of Deocmher, I KM.
2V7-05. Administratrix.
Dissolution of Partnership.
P et,-pttttnenhinhretolortjilitlriK between
Alien E'.ttns and Asa Thomson, undai ttt
turn namt ul Ivans dt Thomson, 11 tMi day
dlssoivtd by mutual cocianr.
Daua Dectmbar 14, ISM. 2A-0.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
; Oregouian, the greatest newapaper of
the West. W Uh the Gazette, both strict
i ly in advKnce, for ot,e year, No better
I combination of newspapers can be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, the Web
foot Planter, an agricultural paper.
Come in now and stibiorlbe.
Has no future
we don't want
Upon any other than
can't place "credit" at
We Don't Want
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treiit all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can get
them elsewhere.
This Space
The Keeley I Ale
It is the Headquarters !
nt, Druga 0 1 1 , Olai Toi
let Artloe, Patent Mecllolne,
Office of all stages running
w-8m Proprietor.
Owing to tbe advantages gained through .
being a member of tbe ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in poaition to make prices (or cash as
low as tbe lowest.
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Land Patents
Lund patontH secured for Bettlers in the Bliortost poBfdble time.
Contested Cases
Contented cases intelligently and skillfully bandied.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting olaims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between olaimauts under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
olaimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblio land lawa and the
Kailroad oompanies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under
the Swamp-Land and Hcbool-Land Grams.
Hpeolalty made of securing patents in the shorteat possible time for aettlers
wbo Lave compiled with the lawa under wbiob their entries were made, and wbo ,
are annoyed and worried by dalaya in the iaeue of tbeir patents, oauaed by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating te the public lands, espsolally ou
pointe arising under the new lawa which have been reoently passed providing for
the disposal of the public domaio. ,
If you want vour land patent in a hurry if you want your laud business, of
any charaoter, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Bo, 888.
value to us, and
any man's
a money basis. We
any kind of interost.
Belongs to
For the Oure 01
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
Tlie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gabhttb office for particulars.
Rtrletlycoutldentl&l. Treatment prlvateaudBtire
out of Heppner.
FHIL. OOHN, Proprietor.
Between Hecond & Third,
Portland, Ore.
Washington, D C,