Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 08, 1895, Image 4

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There waa never a time in the hiiftory
of our coantry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the artii
and sciences generally was bo great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the fHotory and workshop, tlie household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual accessions to tho
appurtenance anil impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
beu2onthe alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care cannot be exer
cised in ohooBing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instanoes by the employ
ment of inoompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
Bnd strength of the patent is Dever con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowanoe and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
CIS K street, N. W.,Washington, I). C,
representing a large numbor of impor
tnnt daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the country, was in
Hlitutod to nroteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, inoluding me
nhanioal inventions, dosign patents,
trade-marks, labols, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to entsr into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Widihi
lilH F Street,
p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
While yon nnnp your mitwiriptiim paid up yeu
can koep your brand in frueot churns.
AHyn T. J., lono, Or. Ilnnws Hit on loft
shonlclw; uiitlln Hainn on li'ft hip, nnilur lilt on
riht fflir, mill uppnr hit on tins luft j raiiKO, Mor
row county.
AririHtront?. .1. C, Atpinn. Or. 'J' with rmr nn
tlnr H on loft ahonhlor of horo; oatHo wiuid
"a lliwi'n.'o. 1)., Kiulit. Mile. Or. ("iittln hmnrl,
t i ufi liit nnil homnH Hiono hruud on rii'ht
elinlllilnr. ItllllKK, Kiullt Mil".
AilkinH, J- llopi-nnr, Or.IInraufl. -TA lion
tmeteil on luft Hunk: (iiiltli. wunBmi leCI hii.
HartholioufW. A. (1., Alpilio. Or.-7 ll.im'H
hrulnli'il 1 K on olthnr Bhonhlor. ItiuiRti in Jlor-
"uXl'or, ,T. W Iliirilmmi, dr. Cuttle liniml.
od II on l"ft hip "ml I.IpkIi: split ' i""'1' "nr.
HriMiiinr. I'ut'ir. tionwibnrry Omnim- H.irwH
riiiil,l Pli fill loft Hhouhtor. Cnttlo bjuiio on
r"i'lu'rko.l,M Ht (', l.oim Crunk, Or-On raittlr.,
MAY lainiiraitint on loft hip, mop oil loft mir, tin
ih. r hulf "roll oil riiilit. llnrmm, mum liiiuiil on
liilft nhoulilur. Kiiiwo iu llmnt inn! Morrow
"llroMiian, .lorry, l.oim. Or. Homes Immilml 7
on riuht nhouhlor; r.nttlo II on tho l-,ft hiiIii.
I.i.ft our hoi f (nop mill rich! oiirupimr lopi.
Ilurton. Win.. Iloppnor, Or. -Ilnrpiw, , lion
riuht tiiiuh; nittlo. mime on riuht hip; uplit in
Mrown! lull, limtimttim, Or. Mithor IH on tlm
riiilil Klitlo; oiitlhi mono on ritflilliip; ranitH, iUm
rowoounty. Brown, J. C., Iloppnor, Or. HnrBps, mrcle
C withilot ill em tor on loft hip; (initio. Kruno.
' Hriivvn W .1., U'litt, Ornuim. Mi irmiH V. Imr
nvor it, on tlm loft ahoulilor. Cuttle sumo mi Wit
'''I'loyor W. O., Iloppnor, Or. Humes, lim
hmiiilim riuht hip nail le, same, with split in
iiiu'h cur. n i
lluru. P.O.. Iloppuor. Or. HorBOB, P 11 on loft
Bhonhlor; onttlo. Biuimon loft hip.
JirownliKi W-.l., 1'oi.Or tiHltlo. Jll onnneclwl
mi loft "iilo; (imp on loft i nnd two oplitnnml
iniilillo piooo nut out on right ear; on Iioi bob miiiiio
hmnil on the loft think; iliumo in Dux valley,
(Imnt (iimntv, , .
Cnnilinr. Wiirron. Wanner, Or Horar, tiranil
(.ilOnu riuht Blillo; roil I In r- (throo Imrn) on
right rilix, crop mill plit in (moll our. Kanue iu
(Iriintmiil Morrow iiouutioB.
'liin,K., Caleh.Or. Y 1) on horBoH on loft stllln
11 Willi tiunrter oirele ovor it.on loft. Mlioukler
mid on left Btillo on nil oolts nuilor liyonrB;rn
loft Bhonhlor only on nil horsoB ovor G yours. All
riuitfo iu tlniut nouiitv.
I uto, CIiiih. It., ViiiBon or l,onn. Or. llorsoH
II 11 on right Bhonhlor; cnttlo biuuo on right hip.
Kongo Morrow anil V mat Ilia nount li'H.
Curl T. II., .lohil Hay. Or.- Douhlo oroaii on
each h'ip on niitllo, Bwallow fork mill unilor hit
iu rightour, aplit in lofl oar. Itango in (Irnnt
miuuiy. On Bhonp, invorloil A anil Bpoar point
on Bhoulilor. Kur lunrkoii owhh, crop on loft oar
puuohoil uppor hit in right. Wot hor, nrop ill
right ami umlor hair orop m loft uar. All l'augil
III (Irani ootintv. ,, . , . . ,
(iok, A. J.,liiMi.Or. HorwiB, Won right ahonl
dwr; I'atlhi, nauioon right lop: oar mark Btjuare
orop oil loft ami unlit iu right.
Currin. It. V., t'limiiBVlllo, Or. -HorBds, on
'"('iri''l. H., llarihuan, Or. Cattle, 0 with
K in oontor; liorooB. CK on loft flip.
('oohran, 11. K., Monuinont, (Iraut (o, Or.
Ilorxoa hramliHl oirolH with liar hnnoath, oil li ft
ahoulilor; oaltloaanio hraml on holh hlpM, mark
umlor alopo holh oara and dowlap.
Chapin, H., llanlmnii. Or. - loraiw hram oil
nun right hip. ( atllo hramloil tho biiiuk. Alan
hraliila I'l on horaoa right thigh: cnttlo aami
hrandon right ahoulilor, and cut oil onil o
"ollughw". W. H Ilallowav. Or.-Cuttlr.. 11 Hon
riglit Bido,wailow-fork in ouch iwr; liornon, 11 I)
on lotl nip. , ., i . ,
,1. H. iVMOIlB, llOUKiaB.l'l- lioiwoa mnmi.
I,Y on lofl ahonUlor, catllo iMiiuii on loft
1 11. hole in rigm onr.
li'mory (' H., Ilarihnnii, Or.-Honu hrandoil
') ' I rovo'raiHl (' Willi Uull on loft ahoulilor; cat
iloaanio on right hip. Itango in Morrow county.
Kloronco, li. A., Iloppnor. Or.-( attlo, I.li on
right hip; hormw. V with har undor on right
''Florouc., S. V. Iloppnar, Or.lloreoB, K on
riglit Bhouldor; catllo, b on right hip or high
kronoh. (Ioorg, Iloppnor. Or. I nttlo liramlivl
Willi oar ovor n, on "-. "
II uhmi.i hrHiul oil lott hill.
Ilontrv Khutir, Kcho, Or,-llorao brsnilod II.
H with a quarter oirclo ovor it, on lorn Blltlo.
Hniigo in Morrow and UmatillacountioB.
Iliatt. A. It., Kidgo. Or.-Caltlo. iMUtu -top
witlmuartor circlo umlor it on tho right In p.
Italic in Morrow and llmalillacountioa.
Ilintoii.VJouka, llainiltou.Or- ( attlo, two hlr.
on oithor hip; crop In right oar anil aplit in loft,
Horaoa. J on right thigh. Ilango in Ijraiit county
Illinium. Sanini-1. Wagner, Or-K CI' f 1.
connccti'illon right alioiililorou hiirf.oa;on(iiittlo,
i.n right hip ami on lt'f( alilo, awnllow fol k in
right oar and alit iu loft, liiiugo in llajhliu k
dif.Iriiil.iM'irriiw c.Miioi. ,
Hl0, Mllloil, llglUT, i'l . lion"". oii'io l
I (ciri'iownn parinioi iioini "o o;"
itlliiaainti ou loft hip Hlno largo circlo on lofl
Hall Kdwin. John Hay. Or. -Cattlo K 11 on right
hip; loiraoa aaum on nglit Bhouldor. haimo in
rant county.
Howard, J ti, llalloway. dr. llomoa, p (itobi
wiih har ahovo ill on right alionhlor; callid
aaiuo on lost Hide. llauKO in Morrow and t'u.a
lllla couiltioa. it .... tii
lliuh.w. Mat. Iloppnor, Or.--Ilorww, alm.li'd
heart on tho loft ahoulilor. Itango Morrow Co.
Hiuiaaaor, H A. Wagner, dr. lloia. oil loft
shonldor: cattlo. V on loft hip.
HniutihroyB. J M. Uaiilman, Or. HorsoB, II on
lofl Hank ....... n ,,
lluaion, l.ntlmr. Kight Vilo. Or.- Bnrm II on
tho loft ulionldoraud lionrt on tho loft alill ( at
yoBBillfiolilofl hip. Ilacito ill Morrow euniiTy.
.lonoa, Hmitv. Hoppti'T. Or-llorow lrar..i-1
II i on tho lott aooulilor: cattlo Puau.hsl .1 on
right hip, ill-" uu loi-hit in lofl o-ir. K.-in,' HI
Morrow coiiiliy.
Juukm.ti. M., Ho'umiT, llr.-Hora.. liom.v
Bnai J uu h ft aiiouhlir. Ca(tlo, tho ii:iit.
UangH ou f ight Muo.
.luluoi.-n. rol-.t, Lena. Or. -Horses, cu.io I on
laft Btitla; oatllt. aauio on right hiy, uudar luuf
ci.ip in rih'-i!it mdil in loft nur
Hnny, , t)r.-Horafia brnrrlnl
KNY on left hip cattle Barpe and crop off left
ear: under alone on the rigrit
Kirk. J. T., Hoppnor, Or Horses C on left
Bhoililpi-; cnttlo, on lott hip.
Kirk, Joai-o, llripiier. Or.: homec 11 on left
slioniilor; cattle taine (;p i ignt bide, underhit on
rmrit o'.r.
Knniliorlard.W.G.. Moi-.nt Vornon. Or. I L on
cattlo i.u rigiit and iert Hiiica, nwailow fork in Iff!
oar and un-lor oiop m rigid oar. Horaoa same
hrmd on loft Bhoulilor. llango in lirant countv.
Lofton, tstopnen. Fox. Or. 8 L on loft hip
on cattle, crop and fipiit on riuht oar. Homes
same hrand on ltft uhoulder. Itange tirant
J.ion'iIIen. John W., Lohortoi. Or. Horaee
hn:mloil haif-circlo Jli coriuectfd on left ahonl
ilor. Cattle. Bame on lefttiip. Itange, near Lex
iioltoTi Loiihoy, J. W. Hoppnor Or. Horaod hrundod
I. and A on left ahouldi-r; cttio a:one on left
hip, wattle over right aju, three ahls in right
Lord, Geonre, io.-piier. fir. llorfee branded
dout.'ie II coi.nocK i Sometimea cnUed a
BW'ig II. on left ahoulilor.
Minor, llM-ur, nonpiior nr. rattle, M D on
rii'ht llip; horse. Moll loft ahoulilor.
Morgan. H- N.. H"ppu"r. Or. Tlorfes, M )
on loft nhori!dr catt lo flame on loft hip.
Mitchell, Oicar. lono, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip: cnU'eion right aide.
MeClnran, D. (r., Ilrownsville, Or, HorBef,
Firuro 5 on ouch Bhonhlor: cattle, M2 on kin
Mctlirr, Krniik, Kox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with top-cork on cattle on rihs and nniier in
each our: horses saino hrand on loft stifle.
Mclhilo,, . , .. nairlliton.Or. on Horned.
with hulf circle under on left Bhoaldor;on catt'o,
four liars connected on top on the right side
Itango in Grant County.
Noal. Andrew. Iione Hook. Or. Horaoa A N con
nected on left flhonlder: cattle same on hoth hips,
Nordyke, K., Hilverton. Or, HorBOB, circle 7 on
left thigh: cattle, aame on left hip.
Oliver, Jomiph, Canyon City, Or. A 3 on cattle
on left hip;on horses, eauie on left thigh, ltange
in Grant county.
Oiler. I'eny. Lexington, Or. P O on lefl
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on loft hip; horses on left stille
and wartle on nose. Itango in Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. HoraeB, Quar
ter oircle shield on loft shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. !M
on left hip. Range on Kight Mile.
Parker A Gleason, Harduian,Or, Horses IP od
loft shoulder.
Piper. Krneat, Lexington, Or. Horses branil
e K (L K connected) on loft shoulder ; cattle
B me on right hip. Range, Morrow county.
Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. Horses, JK con
nected on left Bhouldor; cattle, same on left hip.
under hit in each ear.
Pettyfl, A. 0., lone, Or.; horses diamond P on
flhonldor; cattlo, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper Blope in left ear and Blip in the
Rood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
crnHBwith (piartor-circieoveriton left stiHe.
Reningor, Chria, lleppnor, Or. Horses, C R on
left shoulder.
liiiflh Hros., Heppner, Or. Horn branded 3!
im the right shoulder; cattle, IX on tho loft, hip
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Range lr
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Roanoy, Andrew, Lexington, Or. HorHOB
branded A It on right Bhouldor, vent, quartei
circle over brum1; cattle Balue on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Royse, Wm. II , Dairyville, Or H It connectec
with ouertor circle ovor top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Homes
Maine brand on left shouMor. Range iu Morrow
Grant and Gilliam countioB.
Itoctor. .J. W.. Iloppnor, Or. Horses, JO o
left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip.
Spick-null. J. W., GooBoberry, Or. HorBB
branded ill on left shoulder; range in Jlorr"
county. , j
Hailing, C 0 Hoppnor, Or Horses branded
on left ahoulilor; cuttle aame on left hip.
Hwaggiirt, 11. It'.. Lexington, Or, HoraeB
with diiflh under it on left stifle; cattle H with
dash nndor it on riglit hip, orop off right ear and
waddled on right hind log. Range in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
bwaggart. A. L.,Athena. Or. HorBOB branded 2
im loft Bhouldor: nettle same on left hip. Crop
an ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. K., Hoppnor, Or. Horses shaded
J H on left stifie; cattlo J 8 on loft hip, swallow
fork in right ear. nndorbit in loft.
happ. Thos.. llopplier, Or. HorBos, H A P on
left hip; cattle sumo on left hip.
Bhrior.Jnhn, Pox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; ealtio, same on right hip,
crop oil right car and under bit in left ear. Range
in Grant county.
rlinith Hroa., Hnsnnville, Or, Horses, branded
II, Z. on ahoulilor; cut! In. ..ame ou loft ahoulilor.
Hipiiroa, .lanioa. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JHon left ahoulilor; entile the bioiio, alao nose
wiiilillo. h'a'igo in Moi-i-ow:iud Gilliam coiiti litis,
H'oplioiiH, V. A., Hai-'linan. Or-; Imi-acH HH on
riclit alillc; c-ittlo hor'oc'ill L on t ho right aide
llovoiiaou, Mrs A. ) ., lloppitor, Or. Cattle, 8
on riglit hip: sv-id low-fork in loft. car.
HwlilMHrt.a. W., Ilepptier, Or llorsos, U on
luft, shouhloi ; cnttlo, 4-1 on lott tup.
l-hiorrv, K. G.. Iloopnei'. Or. ( attle w (; on
l"fl hip, orop oil' riglit and undorliit iu loft yuar,
lUovhipj horaoa W Con left ahoulilor.
'I'hoiiipHon, J. A Hoppnor, Or. llorsos, 7, on
led alioiildi r; calt hi. 2 on loft alionhlor.
Tipoi'ta,y.T.,l';u!ovpriho.Or. Horuos. C-ou lefl
Tumor It. W., Il"iipner, Or. Small cc.nihil T
left shoulder. hol-Hoa; cattle same on loft hip
Willi aplit in llolli olira.
I liornton, II, M., lono, Or. Horos branded
HT eonneetoil on lefl Htillo; ahoop hhiiio bniud.
Vioiilei poi.l. II. 'I'.. I. era, Or-- llo -oa II V run
Hooted on lii;!it aliolllder;catl lc, Hiune ou right
"wnlliriilgc. Win.. Hoppnor, Or. Iloi-aea, U. L.
on the lofl ahoulilor; entile simio on right hip.
crop oil loft oar and rigid earloiiood.
H'll'-on, Jotin O., H-ilom or lliMoinor, Or.
Iloinoa bnieded J7 011 the left shoulder. Range
.iliiiiew coini'y.
Win ron. W H, ('nlob. Or-Caltlo W with ipiartor
eirclo over il.oli loft aide, aplit in riglit oar.
IIoikom Hiiino brand ('U loft ahollldor. Raligoiu
Grant eoiiutv.
Watlo, Henry, Hoppnor. Or. Horaoa btanilori
nee of apndoa 011 lott ahoulilor and loft hip
Cultlo brallilod eanin on left side and loft hip.
Wol linger, John, John Hay City.Oi Ou horsei
throe pariillol bars oil loft ahoulilor; 7 on atloop.
hit in holh ears. Range in Grant and Malliuol
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, TJI
ooiiiiocIimI on loft ahoulilor.
Welkins, Liahe, Iloppnor, Or.-HorBos bruniled
UK connected on left Btillo,
Wallace, Charles, lleppnor. Or. Cnttlo, W 011
right thigJi, hole in lott oar; liorsos, v ou ngni
ahoulilor some Biuueon loft shoulder.
Whittior liroa., niiimugion, Hakor Co.. (r. -HoraeB
branded W H connticteii 1111 left bhouldor
Williams, Vaaco, Hainiiton, dr. Quarter cir
cle ovor three bare on loft hip, hoth cattle am
horaoa, Itango Grant county.
Williams, J O. Long Crook. Or Horses, quel
tor circle over throe bars on loft hip; cattle saiui
and alit in each ear. Range in Grant county
Wton, A. A., Iloppnor, Or. lloraos ruiiniugA A
on shoulder; Cat! lo. same on right hip.
young, J. H., GiMisoliorry, Or. Horses brandfw1
THon the right shoiililo
UO(l '. il Mi.
Every patriotic uiiuen shuuld ivti his
personal effort and inthiiMicc to increase
tho circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in evory way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scribo for tho Amkican Economist,
published by tho American Protective
Tariff League? One o( its correspon
dents says I " No true American can
got along without It. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake.
man, General Secretary, 135 West 33d
Sit, New Yeifc.
Ore oa
Wc cause q
0 Ctancv'veaw.
Are you willing to work (or tho causa
of Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in tho hands of your acquatn
t.mces ?
If you r, you should be identified
the American
Protective tariff League.
135 IV. 23D ST., NCW YORK.
'v t' ii il tiv-f out and wtid II to the Lc;iefc
s 1 . .Mr puititiaM, and c'e a hft!vt"'jC
rhot.'k'niplis Jl.'iO pot .lion at Slii-p-piinl's
uiillory, uear operu lioujo, nortb
Main St., IliniiiDur, Ore," ititf,
A, w II
Saved Her Life.
Mrs, C. J. Woor.niiinoE, of 'Worthara,
Texas, saved tin life of lu-r cliihl by the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"One of my rhildron had Croup. The
case was attfimied hv our physician, and wat
fliipposcd to lie well under control. One
ninht I w:is startled by the child's hard
bivrithiny, and on iroing to it found it stvan
pliutr. It liad nearly cfiased to breathe.
lif'jiUzfnjf th;it Hip rhiid's alurminfr oortdition
had become pnsilile in spite of the medicines
give?), I reasoned that such remedies would
he of no avail. Having part of a bottle of
ylyer'fl CIhti v Pectoral in the house, I pave
the child three doses. ;it . short intervals, ami
anxioiislv v;iiled results. Ki om the moment
the sectoral was fii vn, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, in a short time, she waa
sW'phiK (piietlv n,nd bnathing naturally.
The child is alive and well to-day, and I do
not he-i!,)t to say that Ayer'B Cherry fee
toial saved her life."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J . C . A yer & Co., Lowell, Muf.
guaranteed cure for Hon and Chuikkn
Cholera, which ban stood tlietest forseven years
without failure, that I know of, hut has effect
ud tliousainiH of cureH. I have Hold over'AOOO
receipts and family rights in eight months, and
not a sinirle complaint received yet. 1 sold each
and every one on a guarantee, and I still sell
that way. If Holland CholeraCureand 1'reven
tntive fails to (Mire or prevent Cholera, I will
refund your money. This is fair enough. Hix
pounds of the medicine can he made at atotal
cost of frojn $1 to $1.2), enough to do50hogs and
100 chickens a year. You are then iiHsured
against cholera for ono year. If you will try
this remedy, I ashure you you will never regret
It. Use it, and your hogs and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Reripe and family right only $1.00. Ready
prepared medicines .OUc and $1 per bottle or
package. Addross
Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala.
Pallas, TexaH, April 13, TO.
Mrs Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Mad tun: I have
thoroughly teHted your cholera remedy and find
it(). K. It's grand. I enclose $10 will try the
ngencv. Please send at once and oblige. Vry
respectfully, II. W. Hahpek.
Dallas, Texas, May lltth, 1MW.
Have sold out, I enelose $r0 for which send
ine all the retdpos you can and the rights to the
eounties mimed below. I never saw anythine
sell ho fast. W hat is the least you will take for
the state. If your price is reasonable will take
the state. Very respectfully.
H. W. Waki'KU.
(I have not room for all his letters. He took
the state. Here is one more of his letters.)
Dallas, Texns. July 17th, 18IX
Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam ; Since
tokingthe shite right I ciinvaHsed threeweekH
and made $17 Helling recipes and territory. 1
will start several suh-MgentK next week. Could
I e.chinge a portion of Texns for a portion of
Ivu ns!!H Very respectfully, II, W. IIakpkk.
Millen, (ieorghi, Dec. 11th, 1SDH.
Mrs. Tliotiuiri: - f write! a letter of enquiry.
How mueli of thin state Is unsold? 1 want bal
unet'oi' tin! stit(!. ."if olhmd's Chohn-a Cure, Is
just w liat it is reprof- enter) to be. It 1ms proved
a bh'HHing to the fan uers of tidi county. Very
respectfully, C. O. Kdkni'IKI.k,
Agent for .Screven County.
Rnek Br i'ige, Ohio, Dec. '1th, 1K13.
Mrs. TiionuiH: -Ue;'ipe ciune to hand and it's
nil C. K. Kmdosed lird flu fur Hocking, I'icka
wiiv mid Katrlu ld couutleH, What will you
take for the stall!? Yours truly,
1'. IIanstkin.
1 luive thousands more testitnonijils. I guar
antee llollnuirs Cholera Cure and Preventative
iu cure imd prevent .'tog and (ddeben Cholera iu
each and every cise or refund the money. This
in liiir enough". Don't postponeordcring because
yon ntiiv not nt present lie bothered with ehol
eni. The idea is to prevent it iu time. This my
remedy will do and will also keen your hogs
and chickens m a nice healthy condition, (ien
ernl and local agents wanted. State and family
rights for sale or trade. Address
MltS. JtAi IlKl, V. TltOMAS,
sv -:m. Cowarts, Ala.
Chicken Cholera
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should aee that the Journal they subscribe
to is the best and most reliable
authority obtainable.
It deals practically with frnita and vegetable,
trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the
field of horticulture systematically
nd thoroughly. It illustrates and
describes methods of cultiva
tion, improved varietiesand
labor - saving devices.
It is, without doubt,
The Paperforthe People!
$1.00 a Tear (24 numbers).
Specimen copy and Wl-pape catalogue ol
horticultural books FREE on application.
American Gardening, 1 70 Fulton St,, N.Y.
I'okor riuycrn Who .Swindle Ocean Tinv
eUr. Tlio Allantii- slrainiTS are ft fruitful
lit lil for tho orookoil poker piayers.
IK'tv is u sHviimn of the wny this
tfiittti' is worked: A well-known New
Yorker tolil the story, Imt stipulated
that the inline of the victim was to be
'"A eertain New York millionaire," he
said, ""w lio is known to he more or less
suseeptihle to the Humltsliinciits of
women, u a . erossimr t lie At hint ie alone
n a t'un.irJ, t. A helv woman made
lis aeiji';; ' :i: ,iik e. w hi. h. you know, is
h, easi, ; iliii.M- in tin' world on ship
aoard. 1 !,, lie( aniv1 ery frieiuity and
.he in!i'o,;-n , 1 hhn to her husliand. I
.lou'i !::'o ueMi, r he was ri-ally her
lui .iu .i.t. teat he passed as such for that
trio. ;:1 a !i e euls.
" . 'a,, 'mi 1" was one of the eom
, . ai , i t. 1 le offered no ohjeetion
n i i.i1 lioimiie tl'u-ted desH'rately
w i ; : . 'w i i',.'.'
"Tae mtiliouaiiv. t'uiuktiijj- it wtuild
p iv hon t,i stand iu with tlte 'husband,'
wil'iiu l' a."piie.s,-e.l when a irame of
l" 1' w, .- -' :', -led. I f course, tho
lm.,.;i;! ii 1. 1 a tew fi unds, w ho were
ttK i:t t : -r.it;i.
"'0. i '!. i i used to play every niirht
oa tin.. .;;.:!! a 1 ii'.v part ef t he day.
' , ; i ! le liiilla naijv ilropped a
pile f nii'.uy- how niueh 1 don't know
- 1'ut he paid very dearly for his sus
eeptihility that trin "
Timto di Vahe.
& -
A I '
i j. L.J. zztr0
P, ., ... ) 1 r-l , L r mvmm , r , A-r I 1 rJ m i
' I I I I I I I I I
0 , m , ... j . ,
iirr' nini mix
I) mm - 111 ! i I til
) -m- -m- - -m- -- -m- -2- -- - . -J- j -r J
5-5 bzztzbt-zt:-zJ:, , tm -j-C ..q-C-j. 1
m- - T -m-
n ,irrr - s .m n ywfi
r nf rp If I Mi l rrferffibE
How to get S100 and Perhaiin Make a
We secttia patents and to induce
people to keep track nf their bright
ideas we offer a prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid on the first of every
month to the person who submits to ns
the most meritorious invention daring
the proceeding month. We will also
advertise the invention free of charge in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, published in Washington, D. C,
which has an extensive cironlation
throughout the United States and ie
devoted to the interests of inventors.
The idea of being able to invent some
thing strikes most people as being very
dittioult; this delusion the company
wishes to dispel. It is the simple things
and small inventions that make the
greatest amount of money, aud the com
plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost
everybody, at some time or another,
Conceives an idea, which, if patented,
would probably be worth to bim a
fortune. Unfortunately such ideas are
usually dismissed without thought. The
simple inventions like the car window
which could be easily slid up and down
without breaking the passeuger'g back,
the sauce pan, collar button, the nut look,
the bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are
things that almost everyone sees some
way of improviug upon, and it is these
kind of inventions that bring the greatest
returns to the author.
The prize we offjr will be pai 1 at the
end of each month, whether the appli
cation has been aoted upon by the
Patent Office or not. Kvery competitor
must apply (or a patent on bis inveutioa
I through m, bqiJ whether h secHrea h.
9 - r r -m- or sr c?-
i i
'M - jf
S , .
- 4 I
1 r i 1
Copyright, 1894, by The
prize or not, the inventor will have a
valuable patent.
John Wedderburn, Gen'l Manager,
618 F St. N. W. Washington, D. 0.
P. S. The responsibility of this
oompany may be judged from the faot
that its stock is held by about seventeen
hundred ot the leading newspapers of
the United States. tf.
A Oermaa Band Leader's Idea of the
Proper Thing.
A good story was told by a Boston
man who was in Antwerp while the
preparations were in progress for the
exposition. Representatives of all na
tions were there preparing exhibits
from their respective countries. In the
evening, says the Washington Star, all
the visitors were in the habit of gath
ering in a large hall on the grounds to
listen to the band play. Out of com
pliment to the visitors the national
airs of the different countries were
played, and received an ovation from
the group of that nationality in the
hall. The night that our Boston friend
attended the band performance this
playing of national airs was on the
programme. All were played, but not
a thing that could lie twisted into an
air for the bird of freedom. A delega
tion of the Americans went up to the
leader and told him that they felt
slighted that their country had not
been recognized. With profuse apol
ogies the leader said it was clearly an
oversight, and promised to give them
the American air at once. He distrib
uted the music, and, waving his baton,
the band broke loose, not with any fa
miliar patriotic air. but "The Man
That Broke the Hank at Monte Carlo."
Amazement among the Americans final
ly gave away to visions of "Old Hoss"
Hoey and his song, and when the band"
finished the tumultuous applause from
the American delegation elicited an
eneorSi 'v . . ,- '.
-m- -m- '
. m
m t I -
L L..
m m p
4 a. 1
-iSEsL -jtm-zm- m-A-
New York Musical Record Co.
files! Piles! nulling Fllrs.
bymptoms Moisture; intense Honing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, whioh often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swatnb s
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Hwayne & Son,
A Recent Discovery of Great Commercial
At Bradford, England, silk has been
made from wood pulp so much like the
real thing that it bids fair to occupy a
place in commerce and use. It is pro
duced by subjecting vegetable fiber to
the action of various acids, the re
sult being a product said to be identical
with the filament of the worm, having
its lightness, luster and all its qual
ities, including that of durability.
Commercially speaking, says the Phil
adelphia Ledger, the importance of the
discovery can hardly be overestimated,
and it is possible that it will produce
the most revolutionary consequence in
the trade in that commodity every
where. The world's stock of silk, both
woven and raw, is immense and has al
ways held a staple value likely to be
much shaken and disturbed by the in
trusion of a new supply which can be
cheaply and abundantly produced.
Samples of yarn, fringe, braid, gimps,
sewing silks, handkerchiefs, bro
cades and other fabrics, dyed in fvari
ous colors, have been exhibited by the
Bradford makers to the trade and pro
nounced all right and up to the com
mercial standard in all respects. With
artificial diamonds and rubies such as
are now being turned out in great
abundance, modern society will doubt
less take on a style of splendor hither
to unknown, outshining the courts of
Solomon or the queen of Sheba or the
retinues of MBhmoud or Harouo, Al
Composer of ' Devotion to May," etc.
' ' S- J- -3-
, -r0m
- -rn- 1 12- ...
1 mtthm- n tm S
D- C.
Only the Scars Remain
"Among the many testimonials which I
ee In regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," wrltei
Henry Hudson, of the James Smith
Woolen Machinery Co.,
C") Philadelphia, Pa., "none
J Impress me more than my
; 3 own case. Twenty yean
ago, at the age of 18 years.
I had swellings come on
my legs, which broke and
became running sorea.
Our family physician could
do me uo good, and it was
feared that the hones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged me to try Ayer'a
Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and I hare not been
pH troubled since. Only the
1 1 cars remain, ana sna
memory of the put, to
remind me of the rood
Ayer'i Sarsaparilla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am In the best of health. I have been on the
road lor the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all part
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure in telling what good it did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating Id
impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mats.
Cures others, will cure you
P 1
I m am
r'oit Sale. A thoroughbred regie r
tered Hereford bull Maywood, No.vf1
28.G06. This bull was bred iu Illinois by
Oeo. T. Baker, and is just the snimal
you want to breed stock thst will bring
a good price. I will sell cheap as I
have another of same stock ; or will trade
for good milcb flows.
' ' F,p;?rrpi??i,