Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 04, 1895, Image 4

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There was never a time in the hintor
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the artB
end sciences generally was bo great ae
now. The conveniences of mp'akind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, h well aa in nOicial
lifo, require continual accessions to tht
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the adminiHtra
tion of government does not affect tht
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
rnrmit the affairs of government to de
tor bim from quickly oouoeiviug the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care cannot be excr
eted in cLoosiug a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorney
do ao at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Washingtou( D. C.f
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to oroteot its patrons from tht
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The Raid Oon
jiany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including me-,
ohanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attemon to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to enter iutc
competition with any firm in securing ;
foreign patents. .
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wbdi'KUbui.n.
1H F Htreet,
p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
toi;k brands.
Whils yon np ymir unbHoription paid up ycu
eanknep yourbmiid in frtwnf chitrKe.
Allyn T. .1 . lne, Or. Horn W on lofl
dhoufilnr; (iHtt.lo munnon loft, hip, nniiw bit on
ri)itour,iui(l upper bit on the lf t; nwiKo. Mor
row oounty.
AnnBtniHK, J. O., Alpino.Or.T witli bur nn
dr it on loft Hliouldor of hoihoa; uattlo mum
01 ANiwm.'o. 1)., KtKht Mi In. Or.-CtMo lmnd.
0 1) on lf1: liip ItorwHHrtiiie .muni on rild
Blionfilnr. Kimikb. KiuhtMilH.
A.lkiim, J. J., IfHppnnr, Or.-I!rHR .J A "wi
nctn! on loft, ilank: i!iitt 1. wuim on lofl up,
nurltioliimnw, A. (I., Alpiiw, ; r.-: Horn
bmml"il 1 K ttiliior Rlmulilnr. Uiuikm in May
r,'oiiMii!,Htr.r. W., Hiintnmn, Or. Cut tin brand
ed lion Inft liipiuid thin!;: Hplit in nuch nnr.
Hrminm-, I'nlnr, liufiKptmrry Ociit in - (form
bntndod 1' li on lufl rtlmuMnr. Ca(.Ll HUinti or
' 'i t' Jit I " M HI W lioim llrnnk, Oi'-iln (mtllc
MAY roiimf (ml on Inft bin, riopoH l.'fl .our, un
r halt nron oil rutin, iinrn w, piuiht " "i ...
bo n
Hliouldor. Kiimjo Hi uraiu iimi iiinnow
"iKmaii. .Irry, b.-na, Or -HorH hrjimlM 7
on m'lit Hhouldor; oattlo H on llm Wfl hhId.
liuft oar half (iroi and rii(lit ivir ui;por nloiwi
Harton, Win.. Iloppnnr, Dr.-HnrwH, .1 II on
riwlit Ildtfh; until", name on riht tup; plil in
twh oar. ,, , .,
Itrown, m, lioxirwlon, Or. Hoi-hub 111 on tin
ritdii Hlill'S wiU.loMaiinion rmhtlup; raiiRii, Mr
r,Tirown,1ij. C Hopptinr Or.-MorHOH, cirri.
V. wilhiiol in nojtnron Inft hip; ratilo, hiiiiih.
Hrovvu W U'liu, On'KO". llnrw'H . bat
nvnr It, on I bo loftMboulder. rim.unM.Mjim Ml
hl!'oyor, W. Hopper, Or.-llormw, box
brand on null' hip imttlo, mtinu, with Hplit n.
B' MorTi1- ., HMPnr, Or.-llorHOH, V H on loft
Bhoaldor; call In. nauio on loft hin.
lirownU.W.J., Koi.ttr-t'atMo Jlioonnwlo.
on loft Midi; onipwn loft, oar and two HplitHdiut
middlo piooo cut out. on riM ar; on hnrww Himi
brand on tho IhCI tlwKb; Haimo in 1'ox valloy.
UV'Hri"lWarron, WaKnor, Or.-Hnmw brand
wlOon rlnht Htillo; cattlo (throo band on
rilit ril), crop and Hplit in oiwh oar. JiatiKo in
tlraid. and Morrow omintioH.
fain K., alob.Or. V Don horaoHonloft Btitle
U witli uuartor oirclo over it, on loft Hlaaildor
ami on loft initio on all colts nndor ftymra;nn
lft Hlaaildor oidy on all lioraoa over R yoara. All
ranwo in Urant county.
t'alo.Cb'iH. It,, Vinnon or bona. )r. lorijm.
II C on nbt shoulder; oattlo amo on riKbt nip.
Haimo Morrow and Umatilla otnintioH.
(hirl T. II,. .lolin Day, Or. Double ornHB mi
men hiponcattlo, Hwallow fork and undt-r bit
in right wir, split in Inflow. ItaiiKO m tiraiit
enntny "u Mhwp, invortod A and spoar point
on shituldor. Vmt niarkou owoo rop on loft car
nnanhod uppor bit in right, W others crop m
rilit huiI undor half crop m loft oar. All raii'
in tlraut count v. .
Cook A J.,liOua,Or Hnrsoit, OOon right nhonl
dnr-t'atllo, Hanioou right hip: r mark mjvian
oropotl loft, and split in riKht.
farrin.U. VM I'tirrinHVillo, Or. -Horww.tOoii
k'loiiSi. H., Hardman, Or.Caitle, 0 with
Kin cnutor; horsos.t'Kon loft liip.
Cochran, H. K.. M.muinont, (iraut (o, Of.
HnrsoM brandotl circle with bar honoatlt, oa InO
Bhouldor; catUo sanio brand on both hips, mark
Chapin, H.. Uardiuan. Or. Horses hramlnd
Hon right hip. ( altlo braudd tho naino. AIo
hrands Cl on hormw right thigh; niltlo sanio
brand on right shoutdor, and cut oil end ol
riD!!ugl'H. W. M .Oalh.wav. Or.-('attlo, It Don
right sido.Hwailow-fork in each oar; horses, It I)
uu loft hip. ii
Klv J. H. .V Kims, Dongla. Or. Horww brand
od Kl.Y on loft Hliouldor, cftttln Haum on loft
hip. holt in right oar.
Finery, i H., Uardiuan, (tr.- llorsos brandod
revorsoiH' with lailj on loft shoulder; cat
tlowainoon right hip. Itange in Morrow county.
Florence, b. A., lleppnor, Or. t'attlo, L( on
right hip; horsos V with bar under oa right
"Vloreiic. 8. V. Heppnor, Or.Horstw. V on
right Bhouldor; cattle, V on right hip or Hugh.
Kronen, (ioorgn, Heppnor, Or.- Cuttle branded
Wb1, with bar over it. on left side; crop nil loft
ear.' Horsw. same brand on left hip.
Uontry, Kluior. Kcho, Or.-llormw brsndod H.
H with B quarter cin ta over it, on left utitla.
Ha"Kein Morrow ami UiuatilUcoiliities.
Hiatt. A. H., Hntgo, Or.-t'attlo, iMiind-top K
with quarter cindo under It on the right hip.
Kanico in Morrow and Ihnalillaoountien.
lliutou AJonks, Hamilton, Or- Cat! le, two bins
on either hips crop in rigid ear and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Uange in H' ant county
Hughes, Kainnel, Wagner, (r- (T P L
roiuu-itcdloii right shoulder on boreH;oii cattle,
on right hip and on loft Bide, swallow fork in
right oar and slit ill loft Kauge in Hayntack
diHtrict, Mormw i-iunty.
Halo, Milton. Wagner, Or. Horses tmoidnd
-( (circle with parallel tails) on loft shoulder
Cnttlcsaiue on left hip also large cnvlo on left
Hall, Kdwin. John Day. Or.--Cattle K on rigid
hip; hiiFHiM same oa right shoulder, baiu'i ii.
runt comity. ,
llowitrd,.! 1 1, (ialloway. Or. HorK.', . (ctks
with bar above ill ou right shouiiior; cattle
saiaoou hift side. liaue in Morr-w and L iu.i
tilla cotmtio'.
Hughes, Mat, lloppner, Or. Hordes, shailcd
heart on tho left stioalder. liaiigi Morrow Co.
HnnHiiker, H A, Wfiwuer. Or.-llorsoa, U on left
ilvtulder;caiib, t on left hip.
Humphreys, J 11. Uardman, Or. Horses, II un
lufi Hank
Huston, latthor, Fight .Mde, Or.- Horse H te
th loft shoulder and leart on the left sdth Cat -
Lie (Mtum '"i ' " i" '- "
,1, ,!. H.-ir-:
l,.;, .,
II .1
!!, I-
I. i .Ut'.tl ,1
ri.'M I, in,
llioi-I tnl 111 I"
J an
'i. M..
;.r. dr.
i,l,,r. i
I U.T-...
tt;.U', t ,
i i .... l ..
.lo,,i;..ii, I- ,.:-it, l..,i,rt. lr. -Koi-.,,-!,. cm
lftt't ft.li ; eau!. hti;o ,m rii-!,t Inp, u,
onip in uiul .ulit -li li t hat
Kainy, . r,- How tV-nti'tot .
KNY on left hip, cattle same and crop off loft
ear; nuder slope nn the right
Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left
shoulder; cattle. I'M on left hip.
Kirk. Jehse, Hoppner. Or.; horpos 11 on left
Fhoulder; cattle name on right bide, naderbit on
right ear.
huinberland.W. fi.. Monnt Vprnon. Or. I L on
Cattle ;ii rigiiL arid lof r f iilew, swadow fork in U ft
ear and under oiop in right far. Horses aamf
brand on left shoulder, Jia.-ige in Grant countv.
Loft en, Htepnon, Fox, Or. K L oo left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right tsar. Homos
same brand on left shoulder. Uange Grant
JaonHllon, John W., liCT-HcTi. Or. Hrtrsftf
brandwl half-circle JL connected on left shoul
der. CatUe. same on lufthip. Kange, near Iex
inuton Leahcy, .1. W. HeppriT Or. FTorseH brandod
L and A on left shoulder: cettie same on loft
hip, wattle over right eye, thruB slits in right
lonl, fiv(rgo, Jloppnfir. fir. Horses brando!
double H coi.TK!i:in; SouietiuifH caiied t,
swing H, on loft shoulder.
Minrr, ()t-;ar, Jiepp.'ier, tJr. rattle, il D on
rigM hip; horse, M on Inft shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., H"pjHier, Or. Horsoa, SI )
on left fhouidr cattle same on left hip.
MitchpU. (Wear, lone, Or. HorSL'e, 77 on riht
hip; cattle, 77 on riht Ride.
ia.-en, 1). f., Hrownsville. Or. Horsoe,
Fiivirn fn;ii each shoulder; cattle, .M'ion hin
Mtiirr, Krank, bx VaJly, Or. Mufe ahof
wit )i toe-cork on cattlo on nhs HBd nnder in
eatdi ar: horses name brand on left stifle.
iMdf.'il.iy, . ., nKiiiliton. Or. Un It'tr.w.
witli half circle under on loft shoulder; on l ;atne,
four bars connee id on top on the right bida
Hang'i in (iraut, f 'ounty.
Nedl, Andrew. Lone itock,Or. Horses A N con
noeted on left shouldor; cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, ft., Kilvorton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left, hip; on horuea, same on left thigh, Itange
in f i rant county.
OIIr, 1'urry, Lexington, Or V O on lofi
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
iV connected on toft hip; horses on loft atille
and wartlo on nose. Kango in (irant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 'M
on left hip. Hange on Might Mile.
Parker A Hletwon, Hardman, Or, Horaes IP on
left shoulder.
Pipor, Krnest, Lexington, Or. Horses brand
9 (L K connected) on left shoulder; cattle
n moon right liip. Kange, Morrow county.
Piper, J. H-, Lexington, Or. Horses, JK con
neelod on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
andor bit in each oar.
Pettys, A. C., lone, Or,; horBes diamond P on
shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in loft ear and slip in the
Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
cross with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Keninger, Chris, lleppner, Or. Horses, C li on
Hush Hros., Heppnor, Or. Horses branded 2
on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
crop of! left ear and dewlap on neck. Uange IE
Morrow and adioiningcounties.
lieaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or Horflea
branded A H on right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; (tattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county,
ltoyse, Win. H, Dairyvillo, Or Hit connects
with quarter circle over top on cat tie on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
wno brand on left shouHer. Uange in Jlorrow
(irant and (iilliain counties.
Hector. J. W-. Heppnor, Or. Horses, JO m
leftshoulder. Cattle, () on right liip.
Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horse
branded ai on loft shoulder; range in 3lor'
Hailing, C (' Heppnor, Or Horses branded
on leftshoulder; cattle samo on left hip.
Hwaggart, H, ft.. Ijoxington, Or. Hnraes
vill. luHh muter it. on left, stitlo: cattle H with
dash under it on right h'p, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Uange in Jlorrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties,
Hwaggart, A. L., Athena, Or. Horses branded 2
an left shoulder: nettle same on loft hip. (Jrot
an ear, wattle on loft hind leg.
Htraight W. ft., Hoppner, Or. Horses shaded
J H on left stitlo; cattle J H on loft hip, swallow
fork in right ear, nnderbit in left.
happ, Tlios.. Heppnor, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
left hip; cattle samo on left hip.
Hhrior.John, Fox, Or. NO connected ou
horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip,
crop oil right ear and undor bit in loftear. llange
in 1 1 runt county.
Huiith liroH., Hnsnnville, Or, Horses, branded
II. L on shoulder; cattle, name on left Hliouldor.
HqiitroH, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
IH on Itift shoulder; cattle the samo, also nose
wnddlo. 1 lunge in Morrow and (lilliam count ios.
HlopheiiH, V. A., Hardman. Or-; howes yH on
right stitlo; cutllo horizontal I. on tho rirht side
hipvenson, Sirs A. J., I b ppner, Or. Cattle, H
on right hip; s'vallow-fork in left ear.
Hwai'garl. (t. W.. Henpner, Or. -JJorsoB, 44 on
left Mhoillder;CH'lle. 44 on left hip.
Kperry, I'', li.. Heppner, (r. -CalMo VV ( ,,u
left liip, croo off right, ami intdorl.il. in loft year,
de-lap; hot-sen W 0 on li. nhouUler.
'I'hooipsun, J. A., HfpPiM'i'. t r. Horaos, ?, on
left shoulder; cattle, ii on left, shoulder,
TippeiH,H,T,1Ki'.ini'pi'ho1Or. Sloi-hes, (.J-on lofl
lllOllhl -r.
Turner It. W.. Hrppner, Or. SimmII capital T
Inft. shoulder, Iminnn; calthi saine on left hip
wilh Hpiil in bold ours.
Thornton, II. M., lone, Or. Hordes branded
HTci.titiected on left "Idle; nhoep saiuo br.'ind.
VandiM-pool. II. T Ci'im, Or: -Hoihhh II V con
tieclod on rij'iit, sin. itiai r;cui I lo, samo on right
Walbridge, Win.. I b iipiicr, Or. HorsoH, U. L.
un the l"fl ihoiihler; c:iUle satno on right hip.
Drop oft left oar and right, ear lopped.
Wilson, Jo'm 0,, Huleni or tlepenor, Or.
Horses ItrjLiidetl ,i; on tho loft shoulder. Kange
Morrow county.
Warrou. W 11. Caleb, Or Cattln W withquartoi
in-ln over it., on l"ft Hhl plit in rit'ht ecr,
(b.r-cH hums brand on Udt Hliouldor, ItaiioiP
( J rant, c.ouul.v.
Wade, Henry, Heppnor, Or. Hon-ma bian:li)
ice of ho-idos on left, shimldor and l"ft hip
Cattle branded name on loft, side and left hip.
Wolfinet , John, John Day City, Or On horse
three parallel burs on left shoulder; 7 on Httee:.
hit in both ours, Kange in (inu.it and MaUuioj
Woodward, John. Heppnor, Or. HoraeB, Ul
nonneeted on left shoulder.
Walliius, lashe, I leppner, Or. Horses brandei!
UK connected on lofl stitlo.
Wallnee. t'barles, Heppnor. Or. Cattle, W or
right lhii;ii, hole in left, ear; horses, W ou righ'
itionhler bomc same on left shoulder.
WhiHior nros., mini ingum. Maker Co., Or. -llnihes
branded W H cotiuected on leii nhouhlor
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir
ole over three bars on left hip, both cattle am!
horses. Kange (Irani county.
Williams, ,1 O. Long Crook. Or Horses, qua!
Uu (Undo over three bars ou left hip; cattle sani
ind slit in each oar. Kange in Urant county
Wren, A. A., lleppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., tioosoherry. Or. Horses brand1
l'Hon the right should-
Ore spx
a VVtend'lo
oj (Xmevvean.
1uereaVa 1
Are you willing to work for the cans,
,,f Protection In placing reliablo in for
iu:ition in tho hands of your acqu.tir,
If you ro, you should hn itlt-ntilii'il
the american
protective Tariff Leagl e.
I3S W. 230 ST., NIW YORK.
Ti.t tl.is notica out wi Mnd It to the Lcihr,
,.,!., v,ur Kictllon. uid (Ire . helping haud.
Every patriotic cititen should
pcrson.il effort and inllui-nce to im" .
tin- ciri'iil.ition of his home p;i i v.
t. .i.-l. , a Ilia American policy ul 1
ti .11. It in his duty to aid in this i ;
si, o !..! way possible. After tin-1-P
. : is taken caro of, why not
,i:i: for tho AMMICAM IVosov
p-iHuhed by the American Prou-ci
V.uiit League? One ol its com h
0.-t says i "No true American
cvt ;.!ong without it I consider i;
uatcst ami truest political teach.
0 e I'nitcd States."
Send postal card request for
-.iirplc copy. Addresa Wilbur K.W.
r-.,t,, Onrral SecreHry, t;5 West
' -, '-.-.-r Yirj-.
i ...t.vrapliei JC'l.-V) poi ili"-t.'n nt SIu-p-
PM.i'u kMllrry, ueur optrti hont, north
M 'in St., HffpntT, Dro. t'df.
Sneaks tliroiijdi the liootlibay flMe.) BtgUter
el the hcneficial results he has received from
a rcfrulfir use of Ayer'H l'ills. He says: "I
was feeling sirk and tired and my stomach
sfemcMl all out of order. 1 tried a number
of renvMlies. but none seemed to give me
relief until I was induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's I'ills. I have taken only on
box. hut I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being so finely sugar
floated that even a child will take them. I
tii'tr" linen all who are in need of a laxative
to try Ayer's I'ills. They will do good."
l or nil oVseuKi-K of the Stomach, Liver
and 1 towel, tnke '
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Maps.
Every Dose Effective
Kimranteed cure for Hon and Chick bn
Cholera, whhdi his stood the rest for seven years
without hiilure, that I know of, but ban effect
ed thousands of cures. I have sold over 23,000
receipts iiml futility rights In eiht months, and
not a single coinpiui n t received yet. I Bold each
and every one on a guarantee, ami 1 still Bell
that wsy. Jf Holland Cholera Cure and Preven
tative I'liilM to cure, or prevent Cholera, I will
refund your money. TIub is fair enough. Six
poiniils of the medicine can he made at a total
cost ol from to ?1.2H, enough to do't(hoj:s and
inn chickenH a year. You are then assured
against cholera for one year, if you will try
this remedy, 1 assure you you will never regret
it, Ise it," ami your buns and chickens will
look better and" healthier than ever before.
Keripe and family right only $1.00. Heady
prepared mod ici ties .rjUc and $1 per bottle or
package. Address
Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala.
Dallas, Texas, April i:t, lS'tii.
Mrs linchel V. Thomas, Dear Madam:! have
thorough I v tested your eholera remedy and II nd
it O. K. It's grand. 1 eic)o8u $10 will try the
age t icv. Please send at once and oblige. Very
respectfully, H. W. IIarpbu.
Dallas, Textifl, May Pith, lSl:t.
Have Hold out. I enclose $.r0 for which send
me all the recipes you can and tho rights to the
counties named below. I never saw anything
sell so fast. What is the least you will take for
thest'ite. If your price is reasonable will take
the Btate, Very respectfully.
II. V. Wahi'EK.
H have not room for all his letters. He took
the stale. Here is one more of his letters.)
Diilh'H, Texas, July 17th, WX
Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, Hear Madam Since
toking Die state ritrlit. I canvassed three weeks
and made $'.:" wellim: recipes and territory. 1
willstjirl several sub -agents next week. Could
I exchange a portion of Texas for a portion of
Kansas'.' Very respectfully, H. W. llAKl'UK.
Milieu. Ceoreia, Iee. lltb, 1S):.
Mrs. Thomas: I write a lelterof emjulry.
How much ol this sta te is unsold '.' I want bal
ance of itie Ktnte. Holhiud's Cholera Cure is
just what It 1ft represented to he. It has proved
a hlesHintr to the farmers of lid-' county. Very
respeetiully. '. it. Kuknfikiji,
Agent tor Screven County.
Rock Uridgc, Oliio. Ir-c. lib, IS!):!.
Mrs. Thomas: pectpc ennu- to liaiul and it's
alio. K. K iic 1 1 ikci I In d ;p lor Jlociau. IMeka
wav iiml l''a imeld couni ie. hal w
1 you
lake for the stnic: Voiirs trill
1 luive thousands nne-e lestitnouials. I guar
antee Holland's Cholera Cure and Preventative
to cure and prevent liotf a nd eh'ckcn Cholera in
each ami v. ery ease or rein i id the money. This
is fair enough". Don't post pone ordering because
you mav noi at present he bothered with ehol
era. The Idea is lo pre cut it in time. This my
rcmedv will do and will also keep your hogs
and chickens in it nice healthy condition. Ceu
enil and local at;enls wanted. State and family
rights for sale or trade. Address
M us. K.u liKi, V. Thomas,
bw-:iiii. Cowarts, Ala,
Chicken Cholera
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should see that the Journal they subscribe
to is the best and most reliable
authority obtainable.
It deals practical! y with fruits and vegetables,
trees, shrubs nnd flowers, and covers the
field of horticulture systematically
and thoroughly. It illustrates and
describes methods of cultiva
tion, improved varietiesand
labor - saving devices.
It is, without doubt,
The Paperforthe People!
$t.OO a Year (? numbers).
Specimen copy nnd fid-pngo catalogue of
horticultural books FREE on application.
American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y.
ifvouust the I'etnium I
Incubators a ttruoders. i
Make money while I
other are wasting i
time hvom processes.
Catalog tells nil about
it, and describes every,
4 Page
, illustrated
article needed for tutl
I Catalogue
poultry busiuesa.
meehanlcallv the best
wheel, rrettiest model.
We ore raeilic Coast.
Agents. HicvelC C.it:-
lojiucmsiteil t'ree.gives!
ftdldcvr'rtiti pr
C etC. AC.rVT-4 WANTrn.,
ANf.I Jtursi!, 2,,ir'. HUM., 1 eSVliijeivs.
Ateordlnjr to the ; lru Stttmp Will
No! Iht n l.eitci.
Tho 4Ui't ion ot' tho oso.ot oxtont to
vlndi a sr:r.ii' m.i v bo I'm; i';iTod uml
yot I'o i'V t!k' in .i'mo olofks
is otto t ft;? t h im'imi r ii-o,I. Pa, ro is an
onlor of t'v p--t iMtuv il.-.m-fivnt.
savN t!io Now o-.-U i'ost. that a lotter
I'ltiuud lo t'.M'uaiikd in t'iomailif
;i;iv iv:ri .if t'v M.'ii'i i- lost. This
;i 1 ::t: t'Y.'i'. if i;,.o niotv-it
oo-::; ot' t u ,'! wiv 1 . ivn it woulvl
m-! 'v ;'.v p vi. Alt ;iivu.:'!i t :u uo
ji.i -iuii-nt ' luii' th; t oocumoh-
al's i t ho :; yA".: . loi of this rulo
Muno haiiiiip rou't oonipUiints are
ruroly tnU'. A roapN '!s oli'rv-
i L. 'V. 1
if.., ?Mz&wMitw
Jij rum mm
Words by H. C. ALLAIRE.
I -tt r-r- T-pr ? "ty Tjf "O"
j j , 1 (CN
V -H -fr i ' r 1 I -i - i EjnH
1. The gar - den gate swung to l and fro,
2. "He loves her so!" the rose" re - plied.
X- T-
said the lil -
holds her hand,"
rose; "lie comes
rose re - marked :
don't see us!"
all their vows
mice in the New Vork post otiiee As
sistant Postmaster Uuylor said the other
"It is an order which is impressed
upon every new clerk, although we ex
pect them to exercise a certain amount
of discretion uud common sense. The
validity of a postage stamp, under the
law, depends. upon it never having been
used before for postage, which mast be
determined from the condition of the
stamp itself. There are many stamps
on mail matter that go from post
offices insufficiently canceled; the de
facement is often inconspicuous, some
times only in a corner or along the
margin. If the practice were such as
to admit the use of mutilated stamps,
one part of which might be from an
other stamp, the government would be
defrauded. We have never in the New
York post office had complaints from
people uliose letters were not for
warded because the stamps were im
perfect. The cases of rejection of let
ters on acuount of mutilated stamps
are very few."
AlwmltiniMl Cllle In the Wentrrn
Western Kansas is being steadily
drained of its population of farmers.
In 1SS.S twenty-two counties contained
10'i.ttiiU people, and to-day the total
is only :Yl.tii',;i. The exodus has been
caused by the settlers' failure to raise
crops on their arid plains. The hope of
those who have remained is in irriga
tion. At the present time they are in
vesting in windmills, and hundreds of
these machines will be set to work this
summer wherever there are signs of
water beneath the surface of the prairie.
The furnace-like winds which have
hitherto parched the farmers wheat
wilt then do him service as an agency
in irrigating his lands. The agricul
turist has not been the only loser, how
ever. All along the branch lines of the
Santa Fe, Missouri l'acitio and the
I'nion Pacitic railrtads are decayed
towns that once were fall of promise
and even aspired to greatness. In the
bom times many brick buildings were
. a ,
"T . . 1 1 "T
BCff- m
r- tt ff- - - "
y to
the pan
the rose: "That
sy said, And
here ey - 'ry day, I
" It is not right for
the Jas - mine sighs," Each
and ten - der sighs, Oh,
It tt
CoriyTight. 1S94. bv Tub Nfw
put up and many wide avenueslaid out.
Some of the buildings have never had a
tenant, and others were soon aban
doned. On the wide streets there is no
traffic worth the name. At Chico, for
instance, the train now ;tops only on
signal. Once its arrival was a great
event, and crowds of people swarmed
to the station. In that day Chico had
the appearance, at least, of prosperity,
and boo sts were made of its growth.
Kanopolis was to be the hub of Kansas,
and eastern capitalists, some of them
men of note, invested liberally in the
future of the town. To-day its ambi
tious eapitol square is used for a sheep
pasture, and the train rushes by as
though it were a tank station. South
Hutchinson furnishes another illustra
tion. It was a young giant at its
zenith, with brick hotels, churches,
sehoolhouses and a street-car line.
Prairie dogs now run about the chancel
of the biggest church, and the hotel
door is hidden by a sand bank.
The correspondent at Atlantic of the
London Times lately visited Chaleis,
the capital of the northern part of the
island of Euboea, which island was
greatly affected by the recent earth
quakes. A peculiar incident noted by
him was the action of the lofty Vene
tian tower in the center of the town.
It swung to and fro so violently that it
knocked down an adjoining wall,
though it remained standing itself and
sustained no damage.
We want several live, wide-awake can
vassers to represent the Gazette in this
nd adjoining oonnties, in connection
with the National Newspaper Union.
The work is new, popular and very
profitable, requiring neither capital nor
previous experience. It is worth look
ing after, and it you want a real good
thing in the way of light, pleasant and
profitable employment it will pay yon to
investigate this at once. There is money
in it for hustlers. Write tor full par
ticnlar. to THE NATIONAL CO ,
t?l-tf. ct. Louis, Mo.
l PS I 1
tt TT m ff-
Then came
"Oh! here
a whis - per
they come!" the
her lov
the rose,
der what they
to lis - ten
looks in - to the
dear ! he kissed her
York Musical Rkcord Co.
Piles! Tilenl Itcliing Piles.
byniptoms Moisture; intense itobing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, wbioh often bleed Bnd
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynb s
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
lug, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tumors At druggists, or
by mail, for SOoents. Dr.8wayne& Son,
Beefsteak I'ncter Many Alla.es.
An amiable member of the Travelers'
club in this city, who possesses a min
ute knowledge of foreign places, is fre
quently consulted by friends contem
plating a European tour. lie brings
forth his neatly kept notes of travel
and gives valuable pointers concerning
routes, hotels, cafes, etc. Just now he
is beset with inquiries about Antwerp
by intending visitors to its exposition.
To one of the se he imparted this hint;
"In patronizing the cafes, which, in
various ways, solicit the custom of
English and Americans, notice the
spelling of the word "beefsteak' on the
outdoor signs or bills of fare, and be
governed accordingly. If you prefer
French cookery, seek out restaurants
where it is spelled 'biftek' or 'bifstik.'
Hut if you wish to try a purely Flem
ish cuisine, look at these various ways
of spelling the word, which I copied
literally from signs and menus during
my stay in that city: 'Heefestee,'
'Ivaufste-.'iika.' 'heavesteik,' 'biefsteck,'
bafesteeke." 'beevestchek,' 'biffstoake'
and 'beeafc.iteeacke."
Mexico's Burro Postage Stamp..
A new series of postage stamps is in
pnvess of engraving by the Mexican
government, and will make its appear
ance lor sale in September. This is the
tii.t issue of pictorial pitstage stamps
ever i- sued in Mexico. They will be in
the usual denominations one-cent,
two-cent, four-cent, live-cent and ten
cent and will represent by cleverly
executed drawings the various stages
of Mexican mail transportation, show
ing the motive power of man, bnrro,
stage and steam train.
and 'ow; And
let cried. " He
I sup - pose." Says
blush - es red," And
have to
nor po
say?" "They
lite To
oth - er's
shut your
eyes ! "
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but
wbo now resides in Honolulu, writes : "For
20 years past, my wile"
and 1 have used Acer's
Hair Vigor, and we
attribute to It the dark
hair whicli she and I
now have, while hun
dreds of our acq.alut
ances, ten or a dozen
years youugerthau we,
are either gray-headed,
white, or bald. When
asked how our hair has
retained Its color aud
fullness, we reply, ' By
the use of Ayer'a Hair
Vigor nothlnB else."'
"In 1868, my affianced
was nearly bald, and
the hair
kept fall-
day. I
I a d u ced
Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not
only checked any further loss of hair, hut
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all In
need ot a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all
that it Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrua,
Bastrop, Tex.
Fob Sale A thoroughbred reels
tered Hereford bull Maywood, No.
28,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Oeo. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed stock that will bring
a good price. I will sell oheap as I
have another of same stock; or will trade
for good milch cows.
&f. T. O. Buck scm,
fejfgfTrayggSgBift every