Notioe to Advertisers. rHOSE desiring the insertion of display ads., or change of same, must jret their cony in lot later than Monday eventng for Tuesday's -iditiou, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi--on. Th Patterson Fuiiukhino Co. Take Notice. L The mm of dye cents per line will be Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, r.d obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose, 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five jenta a line. These rules will be strictly adher 4d to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable asd made known lpon application. We hold each and every correspondent re ponsible for his or her communication. No orrespondence will be published unless the 'rtS . I"1' name "igned u au evidence of gmiA faith. J" . FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8-JL-I ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange. -Ian Francisco, is ot authorized agent. This paper is kept on f & in his office. dim (four business to Heppner people, tnA therefore assist to build up Uepp er. Patronize those who patronize you. TIM TABLE. Stage for Htfdman, Monument, Long Creek, Uohn Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : .Every ay at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rriweirevery day at 6 p. m. , except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or '(Msa the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. G. B. TKDROWIS, Prop. Here and There. Sleighing and coasting galore. T. J. Curie is up from lone today. Now is the winter of our discontent. Lard, 10-pound bucket, $1.00 at J. F. Spray's. Diok Beemanws down from Hardinan .yesterday. T. M. Holmes was on our streets Wednesday. Tba Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, WalU Walla, Wash. I join steak, 8 ots.; round steak, 6 cts. ; rib steak, 5 ots., at Hprays. farmers oan't you give a few bushels ml wheat for the Nebraska sufferers? August Charlton, of Gooseberry fame, Was seeu on our streets this morning. J. A. Woolery came up from lone on yesterday's delayed train returning lust evening. Tap. 8imons departed Monday even ing for a few weeks visit with friends .and relatives iu the valley. Chas. Elder and wife spent New Year's vacation this week with relatives in Heppner SDd vicinity. Otis Patterson, of the only Heppner Gazette, is snow-bound somewhere be tween Portland and Heppner. Mrs. Geo. Oonaer and mother, Mrs. 0. A. fibea, departed last evening for a three weeks visit with Hillsboro rela tives. The New Year's ball at the operB bouse last Tuesday evening, though not largely attended, was enjoyed by all present. A sure oure for the liquor habit. No. cure no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drag Store. 9-tf. Henry Scherzlnger is quite ill at the City hotel with inrUmatory rheumatism. Us was brought iu Wednesday for medioat treatment. A. I. Wheeler, of New York and jtewart Armour, of Portland, both oom meroial men, were registered at the City hotel Wednesday. Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and iiairoots always it stock. Baths in con nection. Call on him. Born Near Eight Mile Center school bouse recently to the wife of John K Evans an eight pound girl. Mother and child are getting along nicely. Buckingham's Bye for the Whiskers ean be applied heo at home, and is uui formly success ful in ooloring a brown or black. Heuoe, its great popularity. Christian church sarvices will be held in the opera ball Saturday evening, at 7:30, and S'jnday morning and evening. Preaching by Elder J. W. Jenkins. Nebraska sufferers relief fund con tribution, (mm this county is now being Bgitatec. Add your name to the list for f e w bushels of wheat at least. Qui'ea number from Heppner went down to Lexington Wednesday to attend the 'funeral of Mrs. John H. Johnson, wb Me death occurred at the hospital at Pf rtland, as mentioned in the last issue. Miss Martha Neville closed a very 'pleasant term of aohool down in the Mo Alister.district last Friday. On Christmas day a dinner was given her Dy the friends and putrouB of the sohool, each of whom brought well-tilled baskets. Parties desiring to seoure state scrip to use in purchasing government lands during the month of Deoember should see or write A. Mallory, of this city. This proposition must be taken advan tage of during this month. 2-1. J. W. Dawson returned home Wednes day morning from a b ief business visit down in Texas. We beg to call attention to a brief interview id aootber column relative to the beautiful climate of Texas in which Mr. Dawson poses as a native of the Lone Star state. Colds, oonghs, bronobilis, and all throat and lung diseases are efleotively treated with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, lo negleot the nse of proper remedies for these ailments, is to induce consumption, which is said to cause one sixth of the mortality in all ciyilized oountries. Rev. J. T. Moore will leBve tbis even -ing for a three week's visit to the valley. However, he expeits to remain ovor Sunday in The Dulles. There will be no services at the Baptist ohnrah during Mr. Moore's absence, though Sunday school and prayer meeting will ooutioue as usual. Bur k leu s Arnica .Salve. Tbs best salve in the world for cuts Bruises, Suras, Ulcers. Snl Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Clapped Hands, CbilblBins, Corns, and nil nk'.n eraylious and positively core lJilea, or no pay require.!. It is guarantee! give perfect satisfaction or money t'-fur.deJ. riPoe 25 cents pr box. For "tie by Ti W, Avert. Jr. Some time sgo Mr. Simon Uoldbaum, of Sao Luis Rey, Cal., was troubled with a lame bsok sod rheumatism. He used Chamberlain's Pain Balm abd a prompt oure was effected. He savs he hss since advised many of his friends lo try it and all who have done so have spoken highly of it. It is for sale By S locum-Johnson Drug Co-. Many of IfcoUp nhlibus for a sleigh ride secured same this m 'ruing for fear that the opportunity would be missed, and Boms not particularly anxious for same took a brief slide anyway in order to keep peaoe in the family. Slegh rid' ing would doubtless be mora enjoyable if it oould be worked in with a Fourth of July program-, It seoffls hardly possible, but neverthe less true, that on an average every fifty fifth person you meet wears W. I.. Doug las Shoes. Did vou ever think what an immense undertaking it is to supply one artiole of wearing apparel to over one million people f The farmers oorpfiifttri greatly of the extremely bad condition of the Cunning heme hill above town. They say it is not only bad but very dangerous, and in fact next to impossible to get over it. This should be looked after at once. O. 8. Dowe, the photographer who recently came here frm Uniou with the intention of locating in our oity, but shortly afterward returned to Union to look after bis property, arrived on yester day's train. Tbis time be oomes to stay. Wilchin & Plemmons, who own the shooting gallery next door to the poBt oflioe, have cash prite shooting, com mencing Monday of each week and end ing on Saturday. Give the boys a call. ohangel their business to an absolute cash basis, beginning with the new year. mines now compare witn the lowest. See new ad. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer on the PaoifJo coast. Also on hands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. Ritf. G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, oan be foaod at bis parlors, Matlock oorner, where he will dispense at popular prioeB, shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc. T. W. Marshall, the genial represen tative of Matsohek, Haradon & Co., paid our business men a visit yesterday alter noon. What have you subscribed to the relief fund for the Nebraska sufferers? Don't miss the musical ooncert at the M. E. church, South this evening. Joseph Robison was over from Lone Rook yesterday. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me auy good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. For the Nebraska Sufferers Sub scription papers are now being circulated for the Nebraska Sufferers. It is the intention to add one carload of wheat form Morrow county to the relief fund. If you have not yet subscribed, do so at once. Subscription papers may be found at MoFarland Mer. Co.'s store, M. L. & T. Co.'s warehouse aid at every station along the branch line. The grain may be delivered at any of the warehouses. Kail's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clfHr your Complexion, regulate your bowels and make vour head dear as a bell. 25c , 50c, and 81. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Died in the Cab The trainmen on the branch line brought up word yester day of the sudden death of Engineer Samuel Tucker while at bis post of duty somewhere between Portland and Bridal Veil. His engine was engaged iu push ing the rotary snow plow, and Tucker was sitting at his post in the cab, when be suddenly fell to the floor, dicing al most instantly, of heart failure. Mr. Tucker was a young man, being proba bly 35 years of age, though an old engi neer, having been on the O. R. & N. line for nearly 10 years. He was very popu lar not only among the railroad boys but wherever known. Shiloh's Cure, the great Oongh and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size ojotains twenty-five doses only25c. Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers Jr. Heavy. Fall of Snow. Snow began falling late Tuesday night or eirly Wed nesday morning, continuing throughout the day and following night, and yester day morning when the storm abated the ground was covered almost a foot in depth. The snow was quite general all over the state. At Willows it was 18 inches in depth; at the Dalles, 3 feet; at Trontdale about 4 feet. At Walla Walla and Pendleton the fall was about the same as in the vicinity of Heppner. Passenger traffic on the 0. R. & N. is greatly delayed. We learn that Wed nesday night's east bound passenger ar med at The Dalles Thursday morning about 6 o'clock behind four engines, losing nearly seven hours' in the run from Bonneville, fifty miles. The west bound with two engines arrived at the same place at 9 o'clock, only five hours late. Although the road was opened up with rotary plows between Portland and The Dalles, yet it soon drifted and oame down in slides covering tbetraokinsome plaoes to the depth of 20 feet. No train could get np from Portland last night and all down trains stop at The Dalles The east bound train is made up and started from that poiot. A telegram from Portland stated that it began rain ing there yesterday afternoon, and as far east as Trontdale. If this continues it will open the blockade, though some of the track may be oarried away. Last night was very cold in this vioinity, but early this morning the ever festive obi nook arrived and is playing sad bavoc with the beautiful . TO cossniPTIVES. ' The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with a severe lung sneouon, r-oa mat a read disease, Con sumption, it noxious to make known to his felljw sufferers the means of cure. To those who deeire it, be will cheerful ly send, free o! charge, a copy of the pre scription nserl. rrih thev will find a sure cult- f ir (.'i..-umptiou, t'lbthma, Ca tarrb. Kronni'tie and nil throat and limit j malftfiu !i-i lo,p -6 till putTL'rers will , nse hii remedy ar it is iivaluahle. Thou ; desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing will pleane address, Rev. EDWARD A, WILSON, Brooklyn, S, 7. rlnll-w. Catarrh in the Head An Unfortunate Inheritance -How It Was Destroyed. "Spokane, Wash., Ann. , lsra. "0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. l "Gentlemen: I wish to add my testimony to the worth of Hood's Sursaparllla. My little girl lias been cured by It of inherited catarrh. She had colds continually every month and yel low discharge, but since taking Hood's Sarsa. HOOD'S Sarsaparil.a parllla has been entirely cured. Hood's Sur saparllla I have found of great help to my other children." Mits. L. M. fl inT.F.tTfc. Hocid'is Pills are hand m:ule, and perlce' In proportion and appearance. 25c. per box. Officers Installed. On Tuesday evening last DorioLodgeNo.20, K of P., of this oity installed the following officers for the term endiug June SOth, 1895: C C, Thos. Quaid; V. 0., E. L. Freeland; Prelate, Wallaoe Smead) M. of W.. Harry Watfen; M. of F., Geo. Fell) M at A., W. C. Thompson; K. of R.&S., Vawter Crawford; I. G Lee Cant well. As is the usual oustoui the honor of P. C. was conferred on the out going C. C, A. W. Patterson, who was also eleoted and installed to fill the vaoancy of 0. G., oansed by the resigna tion of the offioer eleoted. D. D. G. C, J. J. Roberts was the installing officer. Symptoms of kidney troubles should be promptly attended to; they are nature's warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die victims of kidney diseases who could have ben saved had they taken proper prpo nitions. The prompt use of Dr. .1. H. McLean 'h Liver and Kidney Balm has saved thousands of vnlunhle lives. If yon have any derangement of the kidney: try it. Prioe 81.00 per bottle. Fur suit by Slocnm-Johnson Drug Co. All Report a Pleasant Time. Tb young people of the oity mt at th-' residenoe of Mr. E. J. Slooura on Tiib day evening.and a very enjoyable tveni g was spent with games and refreshments. The young people departed i t a !ale hour, each pronouncing it the most enjoyable affair of the season. The following is a list of those present as kindly handed us by one ot the number: Misses Mabel Leezer, Lntie Farriswnrtt", Bertha Cute, Grace Ball, Maud Ruth, Mamie Stott, Ardella Reed, Myrtle Horner, Elsie Laoy and Lillie Bisbee, Messrs. John Horner, Clyde Saling, Floyd Thomas, Maurice Ball, Ed Saling, Ben Patterson, Hruoe Kelley, James Hart, Leonard Akers and Walter Van Duyn. Exposure to rough weather, dampness, extreme oold, etc., is apt to bring on an attaok of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped bands and fane, oraoked hps and violent itching of the skiu also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should be kept on band at all times for im mediate application when troubles of 'his nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25o, 50o and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Proof Positive Offbmsd. By some mysterious dispensntion, it has branme recognized custom among railroad corporations to extend tbe courtesy of a half-fare rnte to all ministers, and tbe Dumber ot clergymen apparently Always on tbe move is remarkable. On Satur day afternoon one of tbe ministerial brothers introtlaeed himself at a local ticket aaenoy, and asked for a ticket to some eastern oity. Some doubt was expressed as to whether the applicant came within the rule, and be was oalled upon to furnish tbe proper credentials. He did tbe best be oould, and after tell ing who he was, when be was converted, bis age Bnd how long he bad preached, wound up bis oertidoate of oharacter by informing tbe agent it "that was Dot enough be would preach one of his sermons for the benefit of those in tbe offioe." That was enough; the agent furnished tbe desired tioket and extended tbe lialt-rate in preference to bearing any more proof as to the man being a sure-enough "gospel sharp." Oregon i an. Befure a Full Head uf Steam la gathered by that tremendously de structive engine, malaria, put on the brakes with Hostetter's Stomach Bilters, wbiob will check its progress and nvert disaster. Chills and fever, bilious re mittent, dumb ague nnd ague cake are promptly relieved and ultimately cured by tbis genial specific, whioh is also a comprehensive family medioine, speedily useful in cases of .dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, sink headache, nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia. Against the hurtful effects of sudden change of temperature, expobure in wet weather, olose application to laborious mental pursuits, and other influences prejudicial to health, it is a most trustworthy safe guard. It fortifies the system against disease, promotes appetite and sleep, and hastens convalescence after debili tating and flesh waisting diseases. Hon. Q. V. Oates departed on Wednes day evening's train for bis home at Hillsboro. Mr. Gates exp-cts to visit Hppner aeain about March lolb Hillsboro Arm: Toe !..- loo :-i-doscent lights an; uov biiruiric; through out tbe oiL'ht, and the lucklenn wight who stavs ''just' little longer" will have their cheerful gleam to direct biro horns. Hillabord beam tod rH! ar dii .1 n-plaioiog. MERCHANT ' HOTEL, Comer Third and PORTL,AJSri3, Meals 25 cents, best in the oity. Rooms US cents to 50 cents. Board and rooms, $5.00 to 87.00 per week, according to room. ELEGANT DINING ROOM Good Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service. No Chinese Employed. s-w lm. T. I . CONnON, Prop. ....THE atiitiln OPEN DAY MAX SMITH, sw-3m Proprietor, The E:c!sj kiilut -OF- Dawson Xz Ivyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HEPPNER, si.1 JkUMPBTOga! for Infants and Children. ' Caator! a Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A Archeh, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V. "The use of 'Castorla is bo universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse ft. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within eatsy reach." Carlos Martyn, T). D., New York City. "How to Cure All Skin Diseases." Bimply apply "Hwaynb's Ointment." No internal medicine required. (Jures tetter, eczema, itcb, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &o., leaving tbe skin clear, white ami healthy. Its great bealiug and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Askyourdrug gist for Swayne'b Ointment. Green Mathews for Hhavlng, hair cutting, shampooing and all ntber work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. CM. Joues, assistant. TImh will not lust long. The Hazette, one year in advance from date uf order, and one of Gilhousen'H life-size crayons all for 84.70. Call and see us lot par ticulars. B. A. Huusaker runs istage between Heupner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. P. Cohn, agent. 1). A. Herren and J. H. Bnseick, nuder tbe firm name of U. A Herren k Co., are buying and selling grain of all kinds next door to tbe Gazette office. They pay the highest market price, and will buy in any quantities. 7S-tf. Now is the time to get the Weekly j OrepoDian, tho KreB,eH' newspaper of the West. With tbe Gazette, both striot-1 ly io advance, for one year, fit. No better i combination of newspapers can he made in the state, iseexies we win gwe as a premium an additional journal, the Web foot Planter, au airricnltr.ral paper. Come in now and Btibaoribe. Administratrix Notice. ESTATE OK li. R. .IAYNE, OE'.'E A fKO. NOTICK 18 HKHEHY filVKN, THAT LET ters of Administratrix on the Khuuc of 1). K. Javne, deceased, were granted to tiie under signed on the '21th day of December, 1M, by the- County Court of Morrow county. All per sons having claims atfailiHt said eatrtte are re quired to exhibit them to me for allowance, at Heppner, Dr., within six months alter the date of this notice or they shall be foiever barred. This mh day of December, 1W4. HAKAII K. JAYNK, 297-0.rt. Admiuislratri x. Dissolution of Partnership. TOTICE IR HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE co-partnership heretolore existing between Allen Evans and Ata B. It.omRon, unrn-r the firm name of Evans & T homson, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AI-I-EN KVASH, AaA B. 'IHOM.HON. Dated December 14, 'i. 'tt n. Notice of Intention. JAM) OEdCE AT 'IHt DAI.Lte, DhttiOS j Dec. 'M. 16j4. Notice Is bercbv niveti that the following named settler has tied nollcool his lDtention to make Dual proof in support of his claim, and that said prool will he made hefore J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on February l. yth. MAI'.ION KVVNri, Hd. E. No. 307), fo: :h- K', N',V'n lots 1 and a, mx. In. T. 1 .-. K. ." h. VV. M. Me imrum the wjtne.ti" to prove I hu conlmuous rehidence upon ui,u euilhalion ; of said land, viz: i Olao !5. Hod Ion, II. A. Vfl-'Ulu, Pra:,k Ecu..' flel, JohQ H. Piper, of Utxlufflrui, Oreon. 1. Y. M 'XIHE, ! K.uli'sr LEGAL BLANKS Davis Streets, OREGON. -6afe ANJJ NIQIIT eni MORKISOIV ST.. Between Second & Third, Portland, O For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Salem, Oregon, The Must Beautiful Townon the Coast, Cn at the Gazkttb office for particulars. Strictly eoiitidential. Treatment private and sure cure. BANK BUILDING. OREGON Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several yeara I havo recommended your 'Castorla,1 and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. pARDira, M. D. 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. The Cektalu Cokpakt, 77 Mintur Btrekt, Nkw York Citt. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . Stockholders' Meeting TTOVlCK IS I1KKKBY (J1VEN THAT THE 1 rfKiilaramiunl nitH'tliiKOf tho stockhold ers of I he Ue)Hier Hnit'liuK & 1-oau Association will be held in their olllca in Heppner, ou the n,.,.,i. 0 Tu.'hiIhv of .Ijimuirv. 1HD5. between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M and 4 P. M., for the purpose uf electing Directum for the eneuiug yenr KU. K. H1HMUI', see v. Hkitnkk, Or., Dec. 10, 1S1U. 31-301. Notice of Stockholder's Meeting. IN riTlf'K 1 HKKKHY VK.N TH tT THUMB will be ft inectinir of the stockholders of the First National Hunk of Hejipner, at their ollicc on the second Tuesday of January, 1K'J, between the hours ot 10 o clock a. m., una i o'clock p. in., of aid day, for tho purpose of election directors and lor tbe transaction of such other business as may appear. Cuahisr. 'J. Heppner, Or., Dec. 7th, 1W4. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. TOTICK IS ilKRKBYflIVKN THAT THK 1 t'ciiihtr annual meetinir of the stockhold ers of the National Hank of Heppner will be held at their banklnK house, in Heppner, on the Kecoud Tuesday lu January, 18'J5, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and IP M,, for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year. KD K. BISHOP, Cashier. HKrPNER, Or., Deo. 10, 181)4. 2111.301 A YOUNG GIRI3 FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH. Nothing appeals so strongly to a mother's affection as her dan.iiit r ju.-t buddini; into womanhood. Following 1 an liiumco: "imr daughter. Blanche, nov l.i years of sec, hod b-n terribly afllicUd with nervousness, and had lost the entire urfl of her rein aim. hhe was in such a condition tint luvj to k"ep ber from school and abandon her rr-cMc lea sons. In fact, wo feared, f-t. .v'tua dmc, and are positive but for au Invaluable remedy she would have had that tcrnbio allh'tlon. Wo had employed pl;yaleo-;3, bat li-ci.ncd no benefit trora th'-m. Too hn-t ! Ii:t AiiRiiat h weighed but 75 pound.., and nlihoetdi fbe bui Uken only three Uu!i ;f .' flic now welKh 106 poiiiid.; her Lervo-.-i,e.i and symp toms of bt Vitus d.,u :o ui-i eolnely K,ne, bha attends school r.uleriy, aod siu.Jlea with com fort and eae. tie his rceutci-.d rauplew ra of hsrrarm. her appet:te Is tplnKlid, and no money could procure for our dfn.iitei the health br. Miles Nervine ha fcrr When my brother recommended the remedy I had no falilt in palent medii-iiii-.., aud would not liteD to lilrn, hut as a im,t rcaoit he sent us a bottle, we bci'an qivi.Jil li t . Ulan' be, und tbe effect waa a'nif-l iioincd.aO.'.'-Mn:. II. K. Jiullock. Ilriht.,11 V. Dr. Mllea' I'.eornfive Nervine Is sold by all druKbtaon a poritivr ton.'ani'.e, or hent direct by tbe Dr. Mile-. Medi-.l o , Elkhart, Ind.,ou receipt of prl' c ;:l per bottle, U Ujtllea lor 6, express prepaid. It is lotitivelr Irea front jls'4 or osiivurvj' drugs rr ! y-t T. v, rt, ji, Facts Worth Knowing ! A few quotations Before and After Minor & Co. reduced prices : BEFORE. Granulated sugar 8 lb for $1.00 Extra C sugar 91b for $1.00 Rice, Island No. 1, 10 pounds for $1.00 Beans 16 pounds for $1.00 Green coffee 4 pounds for $1.00 Arbuckle's coffee 30c per package Rock Oaudy Syrup $3.00 per keg Keg of pickles $1.65 100 pounds D Salt $1.75 100 pounds stock salt $1.15 Case coal oil $3.25 Flour per barrel $3.00 Matches 5 packs for '25 cents Cabot W muslin 10 yards for $1.00 Calico 14 yards for $1.00 B. & H. boots $5.25 per pair Overalls 75c per pair 1 gallon jars 35o Suit of clothes $20.00 Overcoats $20.00 Continue to Uphold us as will Still rE HAVE RECEIVED MORE Freight than all the rest com bined. This li no boast; ask the agent. Patronize those that rrduce the prices, not those that combine to keep them up. This Space GILLIAM 3 HARDWARE. MI7DP ixm 1UU. Big store at Heppner has r MILAM UGIMMILC; Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener al Merchandise. We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices, FOR CASH ONLY. NO MORE CREDIT SALES Our books are closed to any Further Credit Business. A Few Cash Prices They Steak Louder Than Words. Best Syrup, per keg IW Beans, 22 pounds for 1.00 Roast Coflee, 4 pounds 1.00 flreen Coffee, 4 pounds 1.00 Granulated Hugar, 16 pounds 1.00 Extra C Bugar, 16 pounds l.Oil Best Klce, 14 pounds 1 00 Tomatoes, 10 cans 1-00 Sugar Norn, 8 cans 1.00 Uolden Oat Baking Powder, 2H Itis 1.00 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, Ihs l.Oli Stock Bait, 100 pounds 5 gallon Keg Plckols 1.00 5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.21. 18 ttis. Kollod Oats 100 8 pounds Chocolate 90 6 cans Table Fruit 1 00 14 pounds Seedless Raisins 1.00 16 Dounds Extra Kalslns 1.00 Owing lo tbe advantages trained through, being a member of tba .... 1 P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to make prices for cash as low as the lowest. Corner Main and Willow BtrectB, Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Betweerr' individuals having conflicting olaims nnder the agrionltcral land laws, and thofie between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agrionltural claimants; atifl also between lannaots under any of tbe pnblioland lawa and the Kailroad companies aod their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under, the Hwnmp-Land and School Land Urania. Mpeclaity undent securing paleuts in Hie auoriesi poaaioie nuia ror awitie who have complied with tho laws under w hioh their eutrles weis luado, and who are auuoyec) and worried by delays iu tbe tosue of their patents, oauaed by Trifling Irregularities which can be easily and speodily f'uuved. Advioe also given In all matters relating t the pnblio lauds, espeulally oo ptiints arising nnder the new laws wbiob have been recently passed providing tot the disposal of tbe publio domain. If you want vonr land patent In a hurry if you want your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and oompeteut attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John VVedderburn, Gen. Man. A TBR. 15 pounds for $1.00. 16 pounds for $1.00. 14 20 to 22 4J 2oo per package. $2.50 per keg. $1.00 " 100 pounds D Salt $1.25 100 pounds stock salt 90c. $2.50 per case. $2.15 per barrel. 7 packages. 14 yards for $1.00. 16 to 20 yards for $1.00. $4.50 per pair. 50c per pair. 25 cents. $15.00. $15.00. you have and the :o Lower! Leaders in Low Prices. Belongs to & BISBEE. a oomplete assortment nf Dry Goods Boots & Shoes At prices to compete with any cash store in the country. GIVE US A CALL. HEPPNER, OBEGON. INI k . WANTS