Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 01, 1895, Image 4

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There was never a time in the history
of our cocmtry when the demand for
inventions Rnd improvements in the arts
Bnd sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the fnotory Rnd workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of ench
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great C3re cannot be exer
crsed in ohooning a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this olasB of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, aB the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
got an allowanoe and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager
018 F street, N. W.,Wasbington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to oroteot its natrons from the
ntisafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Oon
piiny is prepared to take charge of all
p iteut business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, including me
obnniaal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to enter into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and ndvice.
John Wbddbhih'HN.
(US V Ktreet,
p. O. Box 3H5. Washington, D. 0.
Whilfi yon loinpyonr niibBoriptiori paid up ycu
oan knap ynur brand in freoof dmi'tin.
Allyn T. J., Itmo, Or. HorwiB (HI on loft
nlmnlilo'r; (vittln hiuiih on loft, hip, mider bit, on
rlt'ht, our, anil uppiir bit on (lie lnfti riuiKO, Mor
row comity.
Armutrnnir. J. f!., Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
nr it on loft tihonidur of horneti; cuttle bkuib
0lMmin,'o. 1).. KiKlir, Milo, Or. (Initio brand,
.O lion loft hip and horHiiH name brand on ris'lit
nhimldi.r. Ilmiitn. I'.ixht Miln.
AdkinH, J- Jo Ilnppnnr, Or. Himum, .1 A oon
nactnd on li.rt tiank: iiattln. Hiuneon Inft hip.
Iliirlhol'imow, A. ((., Alp'mii, Or.-T Horwm
brandiwl 14 on oltlior Hliuuhlnr. Ultimo m Hor
row ' iiiit v
niHiiiiwtr, J- W., If'tnlumn, Or. (Wtln brand
ed H on lft hip mid thiK": jlit in wwli nnr.
Urmirifir, I'nlnr. Honnnbnrry Onwiii-Hormdi
linimliMl Is H on Intl uliouldnr. ('ult lo nmin) mi
r,M!!rk"!M Ht ( iioriK crfwk, Or-On ml I In,
MAY rimiiwtitil nil Infl, til)), flop nil Inft, flfir, 1111
ilfir tmlf mii olT rilit. Moi-huh, hiuiih hrnml on
Mft HtiuuhlHr. Uiviiko in Grant ami Morrow
" HrVmmiui, Jorry, lmnn. Or -HornoH hmnd,.. 7
on riKht nhmhi"r; ratUo H on tliB loft hicIh.
Lif1 Bar Imlf orop find ritrhl mir mir mIoi.o
llurtim, Win., Unp.nmr, Or. -Htrnnn, J lion
rUht thih; unt.Uo. name on ritfht hip; Hplil in
Bitch oar. ... , ii id ,t
lirown, Ihh, IjnmiiKtmi.Or. Homim 111 on ttin
rihi Hl iilii; eittt.lt) Hittnoon riKiit lup; rango, iMor
row ooiiiity, .
Hrown J. Hnpinior, Or. Hormw, oirclo
V, witlidol intuH-tBroii lofl hip; piiMIo, hhiuo.
Hrown. W. J., Lena, Oregon. Hormm W, Imr
nvtsr it, on tin) luft Hhoiihk'r. CaiiJu hiiiiio on Wit
lliloyBr W. 0.. Hnppnnr, Or. Hurmw, box
hrnml mi vitfht hip ealtlo, Mitmo, with nplit in
each ar. ,. .
liorK, I'-O., llttppnor, Or. llormm, r B on lor!
Bhouhlnr; ouHIb, rtaiiiBon loft hip.
lln.wnU., W. J Kx, r-( 'iitl lo. ,1 11 otmnwloi
.m ...fimtltt: orop on loft wir anil two HplifHiuiil
.i,i,n .,i,lt.u iiiil nut on rittht oar; on Imniim wtinn
luitiKl on the left Uiitth; HiuiK in vulloy,
Ciirwinr. Wiiitbii. Wiwnor, Or.- Montna braml
oil O an rittlit Hlilli; will In : (thron ham) ou
riKht rilw, cmp amlnplit in oach wir. ltangn in
(iritnt antl Morrow count im.
( 'ain.K.. ( ali)l),tir. i i on iiuiwn uu nn n m,.
I) with uuiirtor iMiv.Ie ovnr it.tm uti Hiionninr
Hiitl on l"'t BhtlB on all oollH nnot-r ynjirn;n
l.fl HhouhltT only on nil Iiothoh ovnr ft yuan.
i'..i ChtiH. It.. Viimoii or I, mm. Or. Horntn
11 C on riuht Hhoulilor; oat Mo wiino on riKl hi
HanB Mnrntw ami Umatilla oountion.
(Hiri.T. H., John lav. ir.--Douliln pphhh on
Mtoh hiponoatlltt, Hwallnw fork ami umlor hit
in riKhtoar, Hplit in loft iwr. llnn in tlraiit
comity, on nhonp, invnrlwl ami wpoar point
ou Mhonltlor. Knr markmi owh, cmp on U.f I oar
nnuohott nppor hit in nht. Wolhorn. .;rop m
riKht am! nmlor half orop m luft oar. All nt"K8
lu Omul I'.oiintv.
Oook A. J,,Liuin,Or. Mornon, IHon nnhtMhonl
iir; Cii'ttlo, hiuiih on right hip: oar mark Btinaro
crop oil loft ami mlit in rrnht.
Cnrrin. It. V., I'urriuHVille, Or. -Horeon, tc on
'',(lljl,Ki"l, H., Hanlnmn, Or.--faille, V with
K. in omit on hormw. CK on luft 'lit.
i'nrlirnn U. K., Monninont, llrant lo, Or. -llniww
hramhil fiiolo with Imr hcnoath, on loft
ithoulilnr; oattlo mono hritml ou both hips, in ink
umlor Mlop bolh oarw an.i ihwlnp.
t'hapln II.. Manlman, Or.Horoit bmnil.'d
DonriKht hip. t 'al Mo Inaintivl t Im hiiiiio. Aki
brrnuU CI on liornoi riht thi'h; oit'tlo M'.kib
hramlou rinlit tthoulth'r, ami cut oil ami ot
rit)!!iwlaHHl W. M .(Jallowav. Or. Cattlo. H lion
riKht rnlt,Hwailow-fnk in oaoh oar; horuiiM, It D
UlKU tj!V(! A HmiH. Doniilaa, Or.llornon brnml.
wl Kl.Y ou loft HhouMor, ciittlo anio ou loft !
hip. holo in rwht wtr. I
Kinnry ( H., 1 1 anl man, Or. HorHOH nramloit
mvorHinl t with tail) on loft Klmultlor ; oat.
tlo MHino on riKht hip. llano in Morrow county. I
Kloiouoo, Li. A., lloppnor. Or. Cittth), IK on I
riKht hip; hormitt V with bar umlor o rilit
B'TlorimcP, H. 1. Hppnr, Or. Ilnrnw. K on
riKht. HhouMor; cattle, 1' on nht hip or thih.
l-'nmch, Oooi-ko, lloppnor, Or. t'atllo hmmUl I
V, with bar over it. on in nun; crop ou icu
eitr.' Hoihw. Mamo brantl on loH lnp,
tJtmtry, Kluior, Kcho. Or.- IIoinw brwmlM II.
H. with tpiartor cin lo ovor it, on loft Htiiln.
ItitiiKo in Morrow ami Dinatilhtcountitw.
Hunt A. H., HiU, Or. -fattlc, muml-top
with inutrtor ovrclo umlor it on tho nht hip.
Itantro in Morrow ami I! niatilln count ion.
lltntnn A J onkrt, llaini Iton. Or--t'ltll lo. two hm
en Btthor hip; crop in rmM oar ami wplit in toft.
HorHOH, J onnht thUiK. UaiiKiun lUmit county
MuwhoH, Hamnol, Wagner, Or - J- V V h
..MiU'vU-tlt mi right Hh.mlilorou hoifow; on cittth',
tin right hip ami on hrt hkIo, Hallow fork in
rorhl our ami lit in loft. Katigo in llaif-Utck
iliuict,l'rr,.w onntv.
Hal". Milton, WiiKiicr, Or. llorw hramt.il
n i..if.-ln u i Mi imrullol (m!ri) on loft HhouMor
Cuttlo wiino ou Ml hip hIho larifo circle ou left
, J
Hall, K lrfiu. John lay,tir. i auio r. n on ri'n
hip; horww Nuiiid ou right shoulder. Imngoii,
rant county.
Howard, J li. l.ftUoway. Or. Horn, f- (cons
with bar above ill on right shoulder; tvutlo
tmmoini toft Hide, liitngo in Bluri'-jw and tiua-
tilla countieH.
Hugtitw. Mat, lloppnor, Or.--Horse, shndod
hotrt on tho loft shoulder. Kailgo Mnrrow Co.
HuuHHkor, H A. Wagner. Or. lloisos, on left ;
4imilder;calllo, Won left hu. j
Hu.uplirejs, J M. Uardumu, Or.- Horsi'8, 11 oti I
lefi ttatik ... ... r. i. !
Huston, l.utlier, Kigld Mdo. Or.- Horse 11 on j
tha left Hhoultioraud hetirt ou the left Hiilte ChC 1
tie KH'iwon left hip. lUnge in Morrow county, i
.It.nori, H,trr, lloppnor. Or Home l.rmlod
II J ,,t) (he left shoulder: cattle Im ui lod ,1 on
right hip, also uud-'i bit in lotl Kr. liange in
Siorrow county. i
Junkin.8. M., Heppner, Or. - Horwiw. hor. I
show J on loft shoulder. CltllO. H.e SHillU. ;
Llantft on Kilit Mile.
Jtilmsori, VMii, tjm. Or.-Horne. cinde 1 on i
lft Htiti-. canto, saiije on riglit hip, umlor hitlf
erop in ri"- m) ulit in loft etr
KNY on left hip, cattle same and crop off left
ear: nndr slope on the right
Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left
shoulder; cattle, ffl on left hip.
Kirk, Jesso, Heppnwr, Or.; horsep 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on right side, uuderbit on
right ear.
Knmberland.W. ft.. Mount Vernon. nr. IJj on
cattle on right nod left sides, swallow fork in Uft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Karige iu Grant county.
Loften, Htepnen, ox. or. w u on wn nip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
Bame brand on left shoulder. Itange Grant
Jiienallon, John W.( Ijaxiueon, Or. HorseB
hrandwj half-circle JL counectM on left shoul
der. Cattle, same on left hiu. itange. near Lex
ington Limhi-y, J. W. Heipner Or. norsoB brandwl
Land A on loft shoulder; cettle same on left
hi, wattle over right eye, throe elite in riRht
eHLord, Rftorge. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H coi.necu it Sornetioiee called s
swing H. on left shoulder.
Minor, Oscar, neppner. Or. rattle, M D on
righthip; horsB. M on loft shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., Heppner, Or. HoreeB, M )
on left shonlilei cattle same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on richt
bin; cattle, 77 on right fiide.
McClaren, D. O., Hrownsville, Or. Hors.es,
FiKiire Ron oiich shoulder; cattle, M2 on hip
Mntiirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs asd nnder in
each nar: horses name brand on left BtiHe.
Mf.Hr. in. ... . . r..miTn.Or. i)n Horses, w
with half circle under on left shonlder;on i;altie,
four bars connected on top on uie ngiu bhib
Hango in (Jrant County.
hjni Ar,flrf.r I ..inn ltdflk.Or. liorsefl A N COD"
nertAfl'on loft shonMer: cattle same on both hijs.
Nonlyke, K., Hilvorton. or. Horses, circle i od
left thigh; cattle, same on left hip.
ti;r .if.DUw.h furivnn Citv. Or.A 3 on cattle
on left h'ip; on horses, Bame ou left thigh, llange
in Oram county.
Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or. P 0 on left
ehouider. ,
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on loft hip; horses on left stitle
and wartle on nose. Itange in Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Jiight Milo. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on Mt
hip. Cattle, fork in loft ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. llange on Kight Mile.
Parker A Oluason, llardinan.Or, Horeea IP od
Piper, KrneHt, Lexington. Or.-HornBB brand
e E (L K conned ed) ou left shoulder; cattle
B moon right hip. Itange, Morrow comity.
Piper, J. 11., Lexington. Or. Horses, JK con
neoted on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Pettys, A. ('., lone, Or.; horsoB dmmond Pod
Hhoulder; cattle, J 11 J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
"hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
crosHwith iinarter-circleover it or left stifle.
Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 a on
left Hhoulder. , .
Rush Bros.. Ileptmer, Or-Horsos branded X
im tho right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left, hip
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Itange ie
Morrow and adjoining, counties.
ltenney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorRei
branded A 11 on right shoulder, vent (piartei
circle over brand; cattle Bamo on right hip,
Hango Morrow county.
Itoyse, Win. 11, Dairyvillo, Or Hit connectec
with ouarler circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop olT right oar and split iu left. Horses
Biune braml on left shouhlBr. Hitnge iu Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. HorsBB, JO oi
left shoulder. Cattle, o ou right hip.
Spicknnll, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. HorHO
branded ai on left sliouldur; range in ilor"'
Hailing, 0 0 Hoppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle same on loft hip.
Hwaggart, H. F Lexingtou, or. norees
wilh dash under iton loft stitle; cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, orop off right oar and
waddled on right hind leg. Itange in Morrow,
fj;ili,.. .....I f 1 mt i I In nmintiCH.
Hwaggart. A. L.,Athona. Or. Horses branded 2
on left shoulder: cett le same on left hip. Crop
on oar, wattle on left hind leg.
Htraight W. K., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J H on left stifle; cattle J H on left hip, swallow
fork iu right ear, nnderbit in left.
haiui. Thus.. Heppner, Or. Horses, a A P on
left hip; cattle Bame on left hip.
Hhrior.Johu, Fox, Or. NC connected on
.i r.irl.t- hin: nut U f. same on riuht hiu,
crop oil right car and under bit in luft ear. llange
in tirarit county.
Hmilh KroH.. HusHiivilIe, Or, Hordes, branded
ll ' .... um.nld.'r- o.filtln. ...Mine on left bhoillder.
HipiiroH, jarnort, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JHonliift shouldor; cat He Ihe same, also nose
waddle, llange in Morrow and Gilliam counties,
HtoohoiiH. V. A., Hardmin. Or-; horses HHon
ri.rhi ui itl.tr i-iitl lo hnrizoiitid L on the right stile
Klevenson. Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, H
f.n riiri.t liii.i Hvnllow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. (L V., IM'Pp'ier, Or. -Ilorsos, 41 on
left, Hhoiildei ; cattle, 4J on loft hip.
Hperry, K. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W (, on
left hip, crop off right, and umlorbit in loft year,
liowlap; horsoH W Con left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or Horses, S on
left Hhoulder; ca1!.I' 2 on left .shoulder.
Ti Ppets.H.T., Kul erprise.Or. Horses. C-on left
shoulder. . ,
Turner It. W., Hoppner, Or. Small capital T
left ohouldiT, horses; cattle same on left hip
willi uplil in bolh srs.
Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left slille; Hhooperiuio brand.
Vanderpo.d, II. T., I'im, Or; Hoi-soh H V con
neclMil on rit;ht sliouidor;calt.lo, Maine ou right
"Walln idgc Win.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L,
on Ihelofl nlionlder; out Mo huuib on right hip.
crop od lol l oar and right, ear lopped.
Wilhon.Jotm O., Halein or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jy on the left shouldor. Itange
Morrow county. , . ,
Warrou.W It, Caleb, Or Cut He- W with quarter
cirolo ovor it, on loft side, split iu right oar.
Horses same brand on Left shouldor. Jiaugwin
Grant, counts. , , .
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shouldor and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolilnger, John, John Day City. Or On homw
three parallel bars on loft shoulder; 7 on sheep,
hit in bolh oars. Itaugo in Grant and Malhuet
Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. -Hoi-bob, If!
Oonneotoil on left Htiouliler.
Watkins, Linho, Hoppner, Or. Horsos branded
UK connected ou loft stitio,
Wallace, Charles, Hoppner. Or. Cattle, W on
right thigJi.lmh' in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder some sanioou lefl shoulder.
Whitlior lims., nuiuingion. Baker Co., Or.
HorHes branded W 11 connected ou left biiouldor
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton. Or. C?unrtor cir
ole over throe bars on left, hip, both cattle am?
horscH, Hango Grant county.
Williams, J O, Long Crook. Or Horsos, quat
ter circle ovor three bars ou left hip; cattle smut
and slit in each ear. Ultimo in Grant county
Wren, A. A., Heppner. Or. Hornoe runningA A
, on shoulder; Cut lie, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., UnoHonorry. nr. norsea ornnutw
VHoii Hie right should-
Obce ox
c cause o;
oj (mcveaw
Are you willing to work Cor the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infoi
Ki.itionin the hands of your aoiu,iin
U you ane, you should be idcntilU'd
(39 W. 23D ST., NEW YORK.
' i ti lt notice out and tend It to the Lc.u;ur,
t .ii your position, nd (lr a helping hand.
Every patriotic citizen slnniU ;ivi- !i '
isuiKil elVort ml inllvifuctr t.t i...'
. circulation of his home p:ip. v-' '
tho American policy ol l ..1
.a It is hii duty to M in this v.-v
i. v ry way possible. After tlK-1.. ...
i .t is taken cars of, why not m:!-.
!!. for tho Amkbican lx-ONOt..,
.'.:iihcl by tho American rrotcesivr
l.cajjuo? On ol its crre
ii; says I "No tru American i . a
t along without K. I consider it tho
. .id st and truest political teachi r in
c United States."
Scud postal card request for fn
. ii.plo copy. Addmas Wilbur F.Walie
u i, General Secrstaiy, 13$ Wc;,t j'
... Nbw York.
ruoti'k'nn'lia SI 50 pet ilo'.-cu nt Shep
pnrd's UHlli'ry, ueur opera ht(, north
Main Ht,. Hummer, Ore f.
Sneaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Regitter,
of the beneficial results he has received from
a regular use of Ayer's Fills. He says : " I
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order. I tried a number
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one
box, hut I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take ol
anything I ever used, being so finely sugar
coated that even a child will take them. I
urge upon all who are in need of a laxative
to try Ayer'8 Fills. They will do good."
For all diseases of the Stomach, Liver,
and Ilowfls, take r
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maee.
Every Dose Effective
(riiHrfiiitoeil cure for Hoi ANI CHICKEN
Cholera, which haw utood the test for seven years
without failure, that 1 know ot, nut nas eneci-
cd thousands of cures. 1 have sold over VM.tXK)
receipts and family right in eight montns, ami
not a single complaint received yet. 1 sold each
and every one on a guarantee, and I still sell
Hint way. If Holland CholcraCureand 1'reven
tiiiive fails to cure or prevent Cholera, I will
refund your money. This Is fair enough. Six
pounds of the niedieine can ho made at a total
rout of from $1 to $1.20, enough to doOhogs and
too chickens a your. You arc then assured
agiiinst cholera for ono year. If you will try
this remedy, 1 nsHiire you you will never regret
it. L'sc It, and your hoys and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Recipe and family right only $1.00, Keady
prepared medicines" juc and i per bottle or
pack aire. Address
AgentB wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala.
T)nl hut. Texas. Anril 13. 1R93,
Mrs KhpIipI V. Thomas, Hear Madam: I have
thorough Iv teHtwJ your cnoiera remeny ana nnu
it O.K. It's grand. I enclose ?10 will try the
Hgencv. Please Hend at once and oblige. Very
respectfully, H. W. JIabpkb.
Pallas, Tcxhr, May loth, 18i:i.
Hnvc Hold out. 1 enclose f"0 for which send
me all the recipes vou can and the rightu to the
umiritinN iimiii'i! holow. 1 ucvcrsaw anvthiutr
sell so fast. What is the lenst you will take for J
thesl'ite. If your price is reasonable will take j
the slate. ery respuciiuiiy.
II. W. Warper.
(I have not room for all his letters. He took
the state. Here Is one more of his letters.)
Itiilbin, Texas, July 17th, lS0:i.
Mrs. Ruche! V. Thomas, I'eur Madam ; Since
toking Ihe slate right 1 ciinvuHscd three weeks
anil made $!.fS7 helling recipes and territory. 1
will stiirt several mib-iigcnts next week. Could
I exchange a portion of Texas for a portion of
Kansas? Very rwtpeetrully, II. W. Haui'KR.
Milieu, (leorgiH.. Dec. 1 1th, IK!):?.
Mrs. Thoman: I write a letter of enquiry.
How inuoli ol thisHtalcis unsold I want bal
anceof lln stute. llolliind's Cholera Cure in
just what It Is represented to he. It has proved
a blessing to the farmers of this county. Very
respectfully, C Kijkni-'ikld,
Agent for Screven County.
Rock Hriilge, Ohio, Dec. 1th,
Mm, Thomas:- -Heeipe came to hand and it's
alio. K. Knclosed lii.d .f;;ofor Hoeking, ricka
wuv mid Kniriiold cmiiitleH. What will you
take for the slate .' Yours truly.
Inive tlioiisnnds move tcHtinioniiiln. I guar-
(intoc llolliind s Cholorn Cure and Preventative
o cure and prevent bog and chicken Cholera in
noli and every cuse or refund the money. This
Is fair enough. Hon t postpone ordering been use
you may not at present be bothered wllhchol-
eni. The idea is to prevent k iu nine, i nis my
rcmedv u ill do and will also keep your nogs
and chickens in n nice heallhy condition. Ceu-
cml mid local ngonts wnntcd. htnte ami taniuy
rights for sale or trndc. AddrcBt
ftlllS. UAt Ul'.li . lllOSIA!,
sw-:!in. Cowarts, Ala,
Chicken Cholera
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should see that the Journal they subscribe
to is the best and most reliable
authority obtainable.
It deals practically with fruits and vegetables,
trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the
hold of horticulture systematically
mid thoroughly. It illustrates and
describes methods of cultiva
tion, improved varietiesand
labor -saving devices.
U is, without doubt,
Ihe Paper fertile People!
$1.00 a Tear C'4 number.).
Specimen copy ami RO-pano catalogue ot
horticultural books FREE on application.
American Gardening, 1 70 Fulton St., N,Y.
A ltrnhmtn'H llnit;ht.r Slunt Marry Very
Marly nr Itt'r Kepiitatlon SufTera.
The Brahmin has to not his daughter
married before she attains puberty.
This custom has crept into religion.
The Hindoo religion strictly forbids
shnrle life for woman or man; especial
ly must the woman be married. Hence
there are no old maids in India. Some
times one muiv meet an idd "cranky"
bachelor, who has remained unmarried
because he was too poor to marry, or
because bis character was not (rood;
but even these are seldom found except
in tho lower classes. If a man is not
married at the latest by his twenty
fifth year his reputation suffers. It is
a belief that those who have a son go
to Heaven, when the suit, after the
deatli of his parents, performs the spir
itual rites. However this may be,
whether they jjo to Heaven or not, this
severe rule tends to a strict cultivation
of home life.
Owin to this rule, if n llrahmiu's
daughter attains puberty Wforo mar
riage the father is disgraced; he loses
his caste and no one will marry the
Thus w hen a poor man has more
than one daughter it is a misfortune
for him. The Hindoo father himself
has to Un.l out a suitable husband for
liisdaui.'hter. so lie K' Hs t a irentle
man w ao has a sou. lie tic.t makes in
quiries about the family, the property,
the health and education of the boy.
Thou h ushs tho father of th boy to
rcarry hit mn to his rUv'iitst Ihs
Words by H. G. ALLAIRE.
J V J v " v
1 The car - den gate swung to and fro,
2. "He loves her so!" the rose re-plied.
said the lil -
holds her hand,"
rose; "He comes
rose rc - marked :
their vows
I...U T. 0 1-
father of the boy asks for dowry, and
the amount of this is fixed according
to the means of the man who asks for
it and not of the man who (rives it; that
is to say, if the father of the boy is
very rich he asks thousands of dollars.
Hence the Hindoo father of a girl has
to spend much for the marriage of his
daughter, for he always wishes to see
her married into a rich family.
And How It Helped to Drive Oft the Brit
ish Soldiers.
In a letter to the New York Times
David S. Turner, of New Dorp, S. I.,
says; "During the war of 1812, when
Commodore Hardy attacked Stoning
ton, the. people there had no military
defense except one old cannon which
had been used for firing salutes. At
tiroton, ou the bank of the Thames,
opposite to New London, lived Mrs.
Hailey in her own house, in the full
vigor of womanhood and patriotism
for her country, w ho, learning of the
attack, immediately mounted her horse
and started for that place to take part
in the Bl'tray. 1'pon her arrival there
the tight to prevent the landing of the
Hardy force had already commenced,
in which the old cannon was play
ing a conspicuous part, but soon it
was found that the old gun must be
given up for want of cartridges or ma
terial to make them. It was at this
critical moment that Mrs. Bailey ar
rived, and, upon understanding the
matter, gave instant notice that she
could supply the needful, and then and
there stripped off her flannel petticoat,
which w as soon worked into cartridges.
The old gun was kept at work, and
Commodore Llardy's force went back to
the fleet to report progress.
"When lien. Jackson was president
and made his tour through New Eng
land he crossed the river at New Lon
don, made a cull upon Mrs, llailey at
her tiroton home and gave her a cor
dial handshaking and his hearty con
gratulation upon her courageous and
patriotic, action upon tho occasion of
th battls ol 6ton!nrt?n "
t . Id . . .
r 1 .
j nl . is I trrzjr i -0 0
1 y
r. p: t. - 3. 1-
y to
the pan
the rose: "That
sy said, And
here ev - 'ry day, I
" It is not right for
t.l, ias - mine sifrhs."Each
and ten der sighs, Oh,
Copyright. 1894. bv The Nkw
Falee Hank Notes Carried Into Russia In
Hollow Pencils.
"One of the most ingenious devices
for smuggling was detected it Russia
not long ago." said O. L. Katovitch, of
St. Petersburg, as recorded by the St.
Louis (i lobe-Democrat.
"A great number of false bank notes
had been put into circulation within
the dominions of the czar. They could
only have been imported, and although
the strictest search was made habit
ually over every vessel entering a Rus
sian port, no trace of the smuggling of
false notes was discovered. Accident,
however, at last brought the mystery
to light. It happened that several
cases of lead pencils arrived one day
from England, and while being exam
ined one of them fell out from a pack
age, and the custom house officer, pick
ing it up, cut it to a point and used it
to sign the orders which delivered up
the pencils to the consignee. He kept
the loose pencil for his own use, and a
few days afterward, because it needed
a good poiut, he cut it again and found
that there was no more lead. He cut
still further, and was surprised to find
a thin roll of papernestedin the hollow
place where the lead was supposed to
be. The paper was one of the false
notes, and in this way they had been
smuggled into the country."
We want several live, wide-awake can
vassers to represent the Gazette in this
and adjoining oonnties. in connection
with the National Newspaper Union.
The work is new. popular and very
profitable, requiring neither capital nor
previous experience. It is worth look
ing after, and if yon want a real good
thing in the way of light, pleasant and
profitable employment it will pay yon to
investigate this at onee. There is money
in it for hustlers. Write for full par
ticulars to IBB NATIONAL CO ,
84. , t. Loulsi Ho.
Then came a whis - per
"Oh! here they come!" the
is her lov - er
like the rose, she
der what they have to say?" "They
to lis - ten nor po - lite To
looks in - to the
dear! he kissed her
,Jw .
-4- 1-
York Musicat. Rkcobd Co.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles,
(symptoms Moisture; intense ltobing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Bwaynk s
Ointment stops the itohing and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tumors At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son,
The House of HnpMburg;.
Rudolph von Hapsburg, riding to his
Swiss home from hunting, came upon a
priest carrying the sacrament to a sick
man. The priest on foot was stopped
by a river. Rudolph immediately dis
mounted, set the priest and sacrament
on horseback and led the steed by the
rein to the sick man's house. He de
clined to take the horse again to daily
use, but gave it to the priest for the
service of the church. Remembering
this deed. Werner, archbishop of Mainz,
in 1273, procured the election of Ru
dolph as king of the Romans and Kais
er. Hence we have the source and
fount of the proud imperial house of
Hapsburg. Schiller enhances the le
gend in one of the best of his ballads,
"Dcrllrafvon Hapsburg." It may be
mentioned that the late heir to the im
perial throne of Austria was named
after his illustrious ancestor, Rudolph.
He Knew the Law.
A certain justice of the peace from
the state of Iowa, having arrived pre
vious to a trial at a conclusion upon a
question of law highly satisfactory to
himself, refused to entertain an argu
ment by the opposing counsel. "If
your honor pleases," counsel pleaded,
"I should like to cite o few authorities
upon the point." Here he was sharply
interrupted by the justice who stated:
"The court knows the law, and is thor
oughly advised in the premises, and
has given his opinion, and that settles
it." "It was not," continued counsel,
"with an idea of convincing your honor
that you are wrong, but I 6hould like
to s'tow you wht t blamed fool Ellen-
ItOM WM. . .
soft and Low; And
vio - let cried. "He
I sup - pose." Says
blush - es red," And
J T-
oth - ers eyes.
shut your eyes!"
t J
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For
20 years past, my wife
and 1 have used Acer's
Hair Vigor, and we
attribute tu it the dark
hair which she and 1
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years youngerthiiti we,
are either gray-liemled,
white, or bald. When
asked how our hair has
retained its color mid
fullness, we reply' ' By
the use of Ajrer's Hair
Vigor nothing else.' "
"In 1868. my affianced
was nearly bald, and
V-myf- Iran.
log out
day- I
her to use
Ayer's Hair Vliror, and very soon, It not
only checked any further loss of hair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all
that It Is claimed to be." Antonio AUmin,
Bastrop, Tex.
Fob Sali. A thoroughbred regie
terea neretora ouu Jiaywooa, ao.
28,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Oeo. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed a'ock that will bring
a good price. I will sell obeap at I
have another of same stock; or will trad
for good mileb sows.
III. F. Oi BtVttt.