Notice to Advertisers, TH09K deoirinar the Insertion of display adn., or change of same, must Ret their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday'! edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi tion. The Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. L The turn of five cento per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," ''resolutions of respect," Usti of wedding present! and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whateverpurpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five eents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable aad made known npon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real name Is signed as an evidence of good faith. T P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIB JLim ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, is our authorized agent. This paper u Kept on Hie in nisomce. Qive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. ra except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best Hue to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. O. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Oarabrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. Q. B. TEDROWE, Prop. Here and There. O. W. Rea got in 8aturday from Pen dleton. Lard, 10-pound baoket, $1.00 at J. F. Spray's. O. Penrson wiib in seotion Friday last. The Nilea-Vinson, from Eight Mile Marble Works, nalla Walla, Wash. Frank Elder was a passenger on Saturday's up train. Ed. Holloway was up trotu Douglas the latter part ot last week. Loin steak, 8 ots.; round steak, 6 cts.; rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays. Art Hamilton came in from Mahogany Ridge to have a sick baby treated. Hon. H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, is in town looking after business iuterestB. Wby not petition the legislature for lower wheat rates? Go at it, farmers. Mew Year's danoe at the opera ball tonight. A pleasant time is anticipated. H. Blnakman Bpent Saturday in Hepp ner visiting friends and looking after the duties of bis offioe. Mrs, Otis Patterson and daughter, Zoe, arrived home Saturday morning from a visit to Walla Walla. Jaok Lake has charge of tbe branch train as oonduotor during Mr. Win. Dunn's Christmas vacation. Wm, Hughes reports that the ther mometer stood 15 degrees below zero over in Oamas prairie last week. E. H. Clarke, of Pendleton, tbe well known wool-buyer and devotee of Lord Cbesterfeld, came in on Sunday's train. Herbert Alexander formerly fireman on the branoh line, spent a few days the past week visiting with Heppner friends. Mrs. O. L. Patterson and son, Oils Patterson, Jr., departed last evening fur an extended visit with relatives in the East. A lure cure for the liquor habit. Mo. core no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drug Store. 9-lf. Tbe heaviest full of snow of the season, to far, appeared Sunday night, but was very light. Tue weather moderating, it is going raoid'y. Pbill Cohn, wife and baby returned from Portland Friday morning last. Mrs Cohn has entirely recovered from her recent illness. Orin L. Patterson, renreseutative-eleot from Grant county, and Otis Patterson, of tbe Gazette, left on last eveuing's train for Portland. Miss Ethel Stewart, of Portland, ar rived Sunday morning and is visiting her aunts, Mesdames G-o. Harrington and Julius Keithley. . Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and hairoots always n itook. Baths in con nection. Call on bim. The weather of the Heppner oonntry was a little "crimpy" nearly all of last week, registering at one time as low as four degrees above zero. Mat Halverson, the lone merobant, ii op from that berg today. Mat seems to be well pleased with bis new location and reports a good trade. Wm. Barnes, formerly a passenger oonduotor on tbe O. B. & N., shot an engineer no at Bntte, Mont., recently and is a' fugitive from justice Miss Marie Tongue, daughter of Hon. T. H. Tongue, of Hillsboro, is visiting her friend and former schoolmate, Miss Elizabeth Matlock of this oity. Perry and Louis Snyder are hunting the festive "mowioh" up in the ever, glades and snow-banks of tbe beautiful Blues. May they have success. Shilo'sCure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient Consumption. It is tbe best OoughCureonly one oent a dose. 25 ots., 80 ots., and 81. 8old by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Misses Etta Bssmer and Marguerite Alderson, of Salem, srrived this morning to assist Prof. Parvin in bis mnsical institute and also in tbs concert which will be given next Friday evening. E. L. Matlock and J as. Fristoe say that they cannot buy axes fast enough to keep one on hand, tbe light-fingered gentry keeping an sailing void in stock near their wood-piles, so far as sie are eonoerned. Ye a-e known and had better return tlnse axes before tbe mesbes of tbs law entwioa about you. Sickles' Amka Mvi. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruise. Sores. Dicers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sore. t'oHer. Cbsnped Hands, Chilblain., Cjros, aad all skin eruptions sod positively onres Piles, or no pay ( preparation . it can oe omaineo, wun- t. . ..M,i t oivnt cost, of all druggists and country require". 1 ' - - perfect satisfaction or money refunded. riPee 25 cents per box. For sale by I. W. Afert, Jr. Eagle: Will Lee while attempting to xepurare a couple nt itogs engaged in a uuut on Main street lust Sundav. nnni dentally stabbed Himself in the left leg with a knife he bad in bis band at the time, cutting an artery. Dr. HendorBon was at once summoned and stopped the flow of blood, but it will be some time oerore Will will be able to be about. Now is the time to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of me west, vvitn tbe Gazette, both striot- ly in advance, for one year, fi. No better combination of newspapers can be made in tbe state. Besides we will give as a premium an additional journal, tbe Web foot Planter, an agricultural paper. Come in now and subscribe. F. E. Donaoer, fireman on tbe Hepp ner Draocb met with a serious accident at Arlington last Wednesday night. He ell over an embankment at the turn table, falling a distance on 10 or 12 feet, hurting his baok and hip, and severely shaking him up. It is reported tbat it will be some time before be will be able to take bis place on tbe engine again. TJnole Billy Gilliam was around Satur day distributing boius "initiative and referendum" literature and seouring signers to a petition to the legislature asking that a new constitution be adopted in accordance with the demands of the times, and to include the "initiative and referendum" plan of law-making. Portland Sun: Oonduotor W. M. Dunn, of the Oregon Railway & Navi gation Company, who, in oompany with his wife, has been spending a few days in the city, returns to Heppner today, accompanied by Oonduotor C. R. Milter, of the O. R. & N. between this city and Pendleton. A watoh meeting was held last even ing at tbe M. E. ohuroh, whiob we learn was quite well attended. The Christian Endeavor society also held a similar servioe at the home of Mrs. D. A. Her ren. From all reports both meetings were interesting and instructive. Robert Male, L. M. Hills end R. O. Sperry, of lone, are enjoying New Year festivities in Heppner today. They informed tbe writer that they were organizing a social club down at lone and anticipate very pleasant times dur ing tbe next two mouths. Jerry Brosujin and Wm. Hughes are back from Camas prairie whither they were called to eo on the bonds of Wm Walker. Walker's bonds have been re duoed from $2,000 to $1,000. No one believes Walker guilty over in the Heppner oouutry. Mrs. T.S.Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.. soys, "Smlobs Vitalizer 'Saved My Life.' I oonsider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Pi ice 75 ats. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. The editor f the Reoord promises to turn over a new leaf today. We don't know what sort of a leaf to which he refers, but judging from reports it must be a matrimonial one. May be never have occasion to wish the oil leaf baok again. Paities desiring to secure state scrip to use in purchasing government lands during the month of Deoember should see or write A. Mallory, of this oity. This proposition must be taken advan tage of during this month. 2-4. Miss Agnes O'Brien, of Ellensbnrgh, is visiting ber brother-in-law and sister, Wm. Dunn and wife, of this place. The popular O. R. & N. conductor, Mr. Charley Miller, is also a guest of the latter this week. D. A. Herron and J. S. Buseick, under tbe firm name of D. A Herrcn & Co., are buying and selling grain of all kinds tier I dour to tbe Gazette office. Tbey pay the highest market price, and will buy in any Quantities. 7-tf. B. A. Hunsaker runs stage between Heopner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday ond leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior, P. Cohn, agent. Mrs. John H.Johnson, the lady who went below recently to receive medioal attention, died yesterday. She was uu- able to rally entirely from tbe effects of the operation. Wilchin & Plemmons, who own the shooting g' llery next door to the post ottiae, bave oasb prize shooting, com mencing Monday of each week and end ing on Saturday. Give the boys a call. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer on tbe raoiuo coast. Also on hands tbe beet brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. This will not last long. The Gazette, one year in advance from date of order, and one of Gilliousen's life-size orayons all for $4.70. Call and see us for par ticulars. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier, gives freshness and olearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 ots., 50 ots., 81 . Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. The installation of oflioers, in the Knights of Pythias, occurs this evening. Alt members are requested to be present promptly at 7 p. m, J. W. Dawson has reaohed Portland on bis return from Texas and is register ed at tbe Perkins. tireat Uaks From little acorns grow, so also do fatal diseases spring from small beginnings. Never neglect symptoms ot Kidney troubles; if allowed to develops they cause much suffering and sorrow. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is a certain aure for any disease of weak ness of tbe Kidneys. A trial will con vince you of its greet potenoy. Prioe SI 00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum Johnson Drug Co. G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artist, can be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner, where he will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc. Arlington Reoord : Mr. Jayne, after a long sickness, is, convalescent, aitbongb he plainly shows tbe effects of bis illness. We hope now soon be may gain bis former strength and vigor. A Herald or tbe infant Year. Clip the last thirty years or more from the oeutury, and the segment will rep resent the term of tbe nnbonnded popu larity of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Tbe opening of the year 1895 will be singalized by the appearance of a fresh Almanac of the Bitters, in whioh tbe uses, derivation and action of this world famous medicine will be luoidly set 'ortb. E'ervbody should read it. The calendar and astronomical calculations to be found in tbis brochure are always astonishingly aoourste, and the statistics, illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich iu interest and fnll of profit. The Hostetter Company, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish it themselves. Tbey em ulov more than sixty bBnds in tbe mechanical work, and more than eleven months in the year are consumed in itsfolose application to laborious irieMitl dealers, and is printed in English; German, French, Welch, norweigan, Swedish; Holland. Bohemian and Spanish. ( j Heart Palpitation Indigestion, Impure Blood Cured by Hood's. air. D. W. Bridge "C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell. Mass.: "Dear Sirs: During the winter and spring I have used a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rllla tn my family, and I ain quite sure we have been greatly beuefltcd by It. For years I have been troubled with Indigestion, accompanied Sarsaparilla by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood's Sar saparilla has done me very much good. We have also given It to the children for impure blood and ringworms with very good results." D. W. BniDiir.s. Pleasant Hill, Oregon. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's S irsap.v rllla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Pl!!scureall Liver Ills, Biliousness Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c. Pleasant Pasties Enjoyable Events. On last Saturday evening a few of tbe many friends of Miss Jennie Wier gathered at her home and tendered ber a well-planned surprise. The even ing was pleasantly spent in social con versation, games, vocal and instrumen tal music. An important feature, also, ot the evening's entertainment was a sumptuous supper, served under the supervision of Mrs. A. W. Wier, to wbioh all did justice. The following were present: Miss Marie Tongue, of Hillsboro, Miss Lizzie Matlock, Miss Etta Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oonser, and Messrs. W, L. Baling, Harry War ren and Alvah W. Patterson. Last evening the above, joined by Miss Jennie E. Wier, gathered ut the home of Miss Lizzie Matlock in response to an invita tion to attend a Watch party given by ber in honor of her frien I and gnest. Miss Marie Tongue. The program of entertainment was very similar to tbat of tbe previous evening. At 10:30 an appropriate lunch was served, and at 12 o'olock, as tbe bells of tbe oity rang out tbe old and in the new year, all present formed many good resolutions for the new year. Altogether both evenings were most enjoyable, mirth, gayoty and jollity reigned supreme. Uenebal Booth is Poutland Gen eral Balhugton Booth has arrived at Portland and is being well reosived by both laity and olergy. He is making his headquarters at the residence of Judge George H. Williams, It ih wonderful to note bow public sentiment has changed in regard to the Salvation Army. Peo ple have learned tbat it is a wonderful faotor for good. The members ere very charitable and the poor of many large Lities would today be suffering were it not for tbe existence of tbe Salvation Army. A poor, poverty-strioken drnuk is in a poor condition to iiooept the teach ing of the soriptures with an aching head and an empty sjomach. It matters not bow low or unfortunate he may be in the eyes of tbe world, be will receive consolation, both temporal and spiritual, should be fall into tbeir hands. What better or greater missiou oo one fulfill on this earth than to minister uoio the wants of needy and fallen mankind? Symptoms ot kidney troubles should be promptly attended to; they are nature's warnings that something is wrong. Many persons die victims of kidney diseases who oould have ben saved had tbey taken proper precautions. The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm has saved thousands of valuable lives. It you bave any derangement of tbe kidneys try it. Prioe 81.00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co. Tub Mdsioal Institute Concert. The chorus of forty voices that has been drill ed by Prof. Parvin, assisted by Misses Beamer and Alderson, of Salem, promises to be one of the grandest entertainments ever given in Heppner. Miss Alderson is a brilliant pianist as well as singer. Miss Beamer is so good as a singer oe to be engaged by Aumold, tbe great violin ist, for his ooncert company. At tbe M. E. oburch, Sontb, at 8 p. m. Friday evening. Admission, 35 cents, children 25 cents. Tickets for sale by members of tbe convention. Bcbqlarizbd. Ou last Sunday night, some person or persons entered J. B. Natter's saloon by tbe way of a window, abstracting from the cash drawer over $10 in coin. Tbe parties who did tbe work are evidently familiar with tbe place, and bad no doubt at some pre vious time removed tbe large nail from above the window-sash. It was a clean job of thievery, bnt it may turn out bad befoie it is ended. Before a Tall Head of steam Is gathered by that tremendously de structive enL'in''. malaria, put on tbe brakes with Hottetter's Stomach Bitters, wbioh ill check its progress and avert disaster. Chiils and fever, bilious re mittent, dumb ague and ague cake sre promptlv relieved and ultimately cured by Ibis genial speoino, wbioh is also a comprehensive family medicine, speedily useful in canes of dpepia, biliousness, constipation, sick headache, nervousuess, rheumatism snd neuralgia. Against the hurtful effects of stid'.on changes oi temperature, exposure in wet weather. pursuits, ami 'tlier I'lU.H'iices prcjti Iic:al to health, it is n mo6t trumworthy safe guard. It fortifies tbe eistem Bt' disease, promotes appetite and sleep, and hastens oonvalesceoce after debili tating snd Serb vsiettng diH?f. MERCHANT HQTEL, Corner Tliini PORTLAND, Meals 25 cents, best in the oity. Rooms 25 cents to 50 cents. Board snd rooms, 85.00 to $7.00 per week, according to room. ELEGANT DINING ROOM Good Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service. No Chinese Employed. wlra- T.D.CONDON, Prop. THE OPEN DAY MAX 8MITH( iw-3m Proprietor. flu Kecley Institute -OF- Ellis, Dawson. Xs Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pnblic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HEPPNER, Is the Place for Fresh Cash FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND It is the Headquarters ! jpjairti, rrvts Oils, Oluss, Toi let Artloee, I'lttent: Merllolneii, It3. . Office of all stages running out of Heppner. muiii-joirai dbds mni for Infants " Castorla la so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to mo." IL A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla is so universal and IM merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are tbe intelligent families who do not keep Catoria within easy reach." Crlos Marttn, D. D., New York City. LEGAL BLANKS. "How to Cnr All Skin Dlafama." Simply apply "Swainb's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cores tetter, eozema, Itcb, all eruptions on the fnce, bands, nose, &a., leaving tbe skin clear, wbite and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Askyourdrng gist for Hwatnk's Ointment. Green Mathews for shaving, bair cntting, sbhmponing and all other work in tbat line. Baths at any time during business boars. CM. Jones, assistant. Dissolution of Partnership. TOTICE 18 HEREBY (ilVKN THAT THE 1 co-partnernhlp herctofnreBxIsting between Allen Evmii and Ana B. 1 homaon, under the Hrm name of Evanl fc Thomnon, li this day rilsaolverl by mutual consent. AM.EN T.VAS ASA B. THOMSON. Dtel December It, IMM. iM-0. Stockholders' Meeting, NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVES THAT THE regularannual incetltis ol the stockhold ers of the Heppner Building 5c Loan Association will lie held in their oltlce In Heppner, on the second Tuesday of January, lito, between the hours of 10 o'clwk, A. M.. and 4 V. M., for th pnruoseof sleeting Directors for the .nsulug year. ED. R. BIARDf, 'y. Urrr.tL, Or., Due. 10, isi4. rjl aul. "gome time ego Mr. Simon Uo'dbanm, of Ban Lnii-I Key, Cal., was troubled with a lume buck and rheumatinm. He used Chfimherlain's Puid lialm and a prompt cure was effected. He sftys be hue advtsd many of his friends lo try it and hll who bave done so bave spoken bigbly of it. It is for sale by Blocflm JobnntYtf Cc. and Pav.8 Streets, - OREGON. 0AFE AND NIGrIIT lim .'MO I HISON (ST., Between Second A Third, Portland, Ol For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It li located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. full at rha flitfTT Affina fn. rln Ua Strictly confidential. Treatment privateand sure cure. BANK BUILDING. OREGON Groceries, Cheap for Only. PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ... PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. and Children. C&Htorla cures Colic, Constipation, Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, (fives sleep, and promotes di- gestlon, Without injurious mnilicatlon. "For several years I have recommended your 'CoKtorla,1 and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial remilts," Edwijc F. Pardee, M. D, 12&th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. The Centaur CotrPAWT, 77 Murray Street, New Yon City. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Spray Your Fruit Trees J. M. SALING, PUUNING E SPRAYING Now in the time to have your fruit trees upray ed. t have one of the fluent Spray I'linnm in the market, and use the most effective remeniea, and tfiiararitee my work. Charmw rennonahle. I can lie found at I). A. Herrcn it Co.', or write me at Heppner, urefron. 1-a-w, J" . 1VE. JEIAXjXIVQ-. Notice of Stockholder's Meeting. V OTK K IS HEREBY ttlVKN Til VT TflERE il wlMa meeting of the ntorlcholderi of the Kirnt National Bunk of Heppitfr, at their oUite on the aeeoiul Tuesday of January, IMWi, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clftrk p. m., of SHid day, for the purpom of eltt'tirift dtrertora arid for the transaction of such otner business as may appear. GEO. CONHER, Cashlnr. Heppner, Or,, Dec. 7tb, Ml. 2W-9. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. TOTlfE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A i innisi aiiuui iiivcljiik "Jl lfJ 'WHIlQin- eri oft ha National Bank of Heppner will b UtTJ'i D l iiivii iJHiia iu sx uuuat; in IlfTJiulHT, UN HIV jMK-jud 'i tiewlaf in January, ly6, between the houmof luo'elfick, a. M. and 4P M , fur tri purpose oi eiecuug n rectors mr me ensuing yvnr. Kf K. Hnh, t.'ushler. II fclTHBII, VI., UVK. i", JO.'t, ZUi.WI lUyeri & MatbewH, proprietor), of the Oity Mwit MHrRet, uHiivnr moat to hoy prt of tlifccity. FuJI wietfht uuil good uueat gnsriintftwl. Leave them yonr order it. Facts Worth Knowing! A fpA nilOTatinnc Rofnro a n-l Minnr .-ww, v. w ii wi isvsisiw unu niibi i 1 1 1 1 w I & Co. reduced prices : BEFORE Granulated sugar 8 lb for $1.00 Extra C sugar 9 Lb for $1.00 Rice, Island No. 1, 10 pounds for $1.00 Beans 16 pounds for $1.00 Green coffee 4 pounds foi $1.00 Arbuckle's coffee 30c per package Rock Candy Syrup $3.00 per keg Keg of pickles $1.65 100 pounds D Salt $1.75 100 pounds stock salt $1.15 Case coal oil $3.25 Flour per barrel $3.00 Matches 5 packs for 25 cents Cabot W muslin 10 yards for $1.00 Calico 14 yards for $1.00 B. & H. boots $5.25 per pair Overalls 75c per pair I gallon jars duo Suit of olothes $20.00 Overcoats $20.00 Continue to Uphold us as 1 w; HAVE RECEIVED MORE Freight than all the rest com. blued. This Is no boast; ask the agent. Patronize those that reduce the prices, not those that combine to keep them np. This Space GILLIAM HARDWARE. Xmas. Christmas Gifts for McFARLANJ) MKI1CANTILE COMPANY'S HEPPNER. In fact Old Santa Claus will be on Deck this as usual. WE HAVE just received, lo be Bold at lowest cash prioes, Toys, Pictnre Books, Tin Horns, Rattlers, Drams, Ships, Tin Kitabeus, Jampinf Jacks, Gaps and Saucers, Mugs, Soldier Sets, Wagons, Dolls, Babr Oarringes, etc., etc A fine line of false-(noes Dress Goods, Fanoy Ooods, Ribbons, eto., at abonl half prioe. All Dry Goods at Lower Frioes than oan be booglit in Eastern Oregon. Groceries, a foil aopply, WAY DOWN. A fe more Heating Stoves at Cost. Hand Lamps and Grookery very olieap. Gall and see us. McFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. Owing to tbe advantages gained tbroagb being a member of tbe .... P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to make prioes for cash as low as tbe lowest. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested ciises intelligently mid skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and dispute speedily settled. Contests Between individnsls baring conflicting claims nmler the agricultural land laws, snd tbose between olsimsnts undr the Mineral Laws and agricultural olaimants; and also betwoen claimants under any of tbe pnblioland laws and the Railroad companies and tbeir grantees, and the states snd their grantees, under the 8wamp-Lsnd and Hchool-Land Grants. Specialty made of securing patents in tbe shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with the laws nnder whiob tbeir entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of tbeir patents, oansed by Trifling Irregularities whioh csn be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating t tLe public lands, espeolslly an points arising under tbe new laws wbioh have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain. If you want your land patent in a hurry il you want yonr land bnsluess, of any cbaraoter, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderuurn, Gen. Man., r. O. Bor, 38. Wasllnrtec, V 0. 1 A TEW. 15 pounds for $1.00. 16 pounds for $1.00. 14 20 to 22 4 " 2,ic per package. $2.50 per keg. $1.00 " 100 pounds D Salt $1.25 100 pounds stock salt 90o. $2.50 per case. $2. 15 per barrel. 7 packages. 14 yards for $1.00. 16 to 20 yards for $1.00. $4.50 per pair. 50c per pair. 25 cents. $15.00. $15.00. you have and the Prices Lower! Leaders in Low Prices.. Belongs to & BISBEE. Xmas. Old and Young at and masks. HEPPNER, OREGON.