PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the hutorj of our country when, the demand for inventions and improvements in tbe arts and sciences generally was eo great as now. The oonvenionces of mpukind in the f notary and workHhop, the household uud on the farm, an well aa in ofiicial lilo, require continual accessions to tin appurtenance and implements of each in order to Baye labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who hemg on tbe alert, and ready to per ceive the ex 18 ting deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de tor bim from quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Too great care cannot be exer c od in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lout and destroyed in innumerable iustances by the employ ment of incompetent couusel, and es pecially is this ndvioe applicable to ; those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust tbair business to this class of attorneys lio so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con fiidered in view of a quick endeavor to gtt an nllowanoe and obtain tbe fee. THE FltESa CLAIMS COMPANY, John Vedderburn, General Manager (il8 F street, N. W. (Washington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in Htituted to oroteot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of nil patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute fipplioations generally, innluding me nu union 1 inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and ijives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to alitor into competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John WicnnmtituitN. ' (118 Htreet, P. O. Box 385. Washington, I). C. STOCK R HANDS. While yon nwtpyimr Hit henriptioii paid up yen dm knep your brand in freoof oharxG. Allyn. T. J., 1mm, Or. Hoi-hub (id on n BluntlMitr; (iiillln HHinf on (oft liip, ninlnr liit on riirlil rinir, Hitd uppur hit on Ota loft.; nuiKu. Mor row uimiity, ArniHtroiH!, C., Aliiitio, Or. T wifli Imr nn tlnr it on loft Hhmildur of Ihii'mhh; oittUu wwiio on l'n hip. Allium, . I) KiKht Milo, Or. Wtl hntnd, O Don lft hip hikI hnrHiw HHiae brand on riht HhoiiMor. Iliuit Kmlil Mi In. AiikiiiH, J. J., Hnppijiir, Or. HornnR, .TA ron n ct ml on lul't Mauk;.t;tt(tl. wuihmhi lufl hip, H(ir(hotam(!w. A. Ci.t A Ipintv Or. Hci'mob l)ninl'd T E on oiLlmp Hkouldor. Kiuitfo in AJor row (imintv hiniiUHldr, ,1. W., Hurdtmin, Op, -f'uM.Jn hrand od It on loft liip Hint tliitfli: Kplit in nunli uht llnuinor, I'nh'r. UnoM-Wmrry Orison f hn-Hno brimili'd Pit on li'fl Hlioultlnr. ( 'af 1 lo mnto on1 rirlit Hidn. I It). (-lot !t Ht ('. hnllL' l-,r,k Or-fln ,..,111.. MAY I'oniKH'.Idd on loft, hip, nop nil' loft, nnr, uu'. dor Imil rroiMUl nyht, Uoihiih, hhjiih bmrul on lot ft Hliouldiir. Hoittto in (iimil mid Morrow county. liioHinitn, Jnrry, Ijijnit, Or. llorfios bmwil 7 on riidit Hlimildor; oMLln H on tlin loft ld. Loft (Mir tint T nip rirlit our nppor nlip, Ilarlon, Win.. Iloppnor, Or. -1 Iim'-ion, J Hon rit-tht. thib; cuttlo, waiuo on rifdit tup; Bplit in uae-li war. Krown. Ihh, lMiiii((t..ui, Or, Hnrson II) on tho rU;ht Hi ino; uiil lie muuoim riiditlup; rtumu, Mor row oounty. Brown, J. ('., Hiippii'T. Or. Hoi-hob, oirelo 0 wilh dot in dot tor on Jf 1 Itip; outtlo, mimo. Hruwn, . .)., 1 ,1'iia. Oregon. Kiiwh W. !tif nviir It, on the loll Hlioiildrr. Initio muio on U'lt hlh. Ilojftr, W. 3.. Ilnppnnr, Or. riorum, box briiud on n.'dii liip ciiltlw, muiuo, witli Hplit in ouch tuir, Korn, P. O., Meppunr, Or. Umi-hor, P B on loft nhould'U'; ritltlo. nhiiio on loft liip. Jimwnhm, VV. J., (''ox, r -i -nil to, .) It ooTinmitod on U'H Hidn; orop on loft our itnd two NplitH uud middle pioiio out out on rirlit our; on liorwim Hiittio iiritiid on llio tuft thiKli; lUnno in Fox vulloy, (trnitt. oounty, CitrHiuu' Wurron, WaKiior, Or.- MorniM hnuul wl O on riht Htith; nittlo - (Ihroo hunt) on rirlit film, cropiind Hpljl in oiu'-h our. ltmigo in (Jnint li'id Morrow douiititw. Ciiin,!1'.., 'iilnb.Or. Y I) on hortoM on loft hI iHo li with iiimrtor oirolo (vtr it, on toft Hliouldor nu t on "ft Hlitlo on nil coltH nndor fty(inrH;ou lofl HhouldHr otdy on tili UoraoB ovor ytMiiH. At) riiii in liiml counlv. ( uto, ( tiUH. it,, vttiHon or iiMim, nr, norHiH )ll on rirfht nhoiiUlor; 0i1 (Id wuuo ou tiht tup, liiitiKo Morrow mid Uiimllllu oountioN. Ciirl, T. U.. .lotiu Dny, Or. Doiililn onwH on om'h i 1 1 on c-iili h, kwhMow fork and undnr bit in niiht (r, Hplit in Mt ttftr. Il'imjn in iintnt OMimiy. "n nhiHtp, invtirlod A lld npoar point on Hhouldor. Kar iniivkoii owoh, orop on loft our punoliod uppor bit in rinht. WothorH. orop in rtKht H"d ndir half omp m loft oar. All m(K in (Irani oouiitv. ('ook, A. J.,lioiiii,Or.- Horn(H, MOoti ritrtitHlioitl dor; t'attlo, HHiuoon riidithip: ear uiark eipmro cniip oil loft nml Hpltt in rittht- Currin, It. Y., t'urriimvillo, Or. -Hoihoh, D on left Htiite. Cox fc'.d. 8., Hnrdnmn, Or.-t'attle, ( with K Hi Oont Tt httt'HOH. CK on lott Sip. Coohran, It. K., Monninont, Ormit Co, Or, Ibn-Nt's Imiiuh'd oirclo with bar bouoat h, on lefl Hlionldir; cfitll" Mituio lirand on bo!li hipsunn k under niitp." liolh ohch ami dowlap. t'liapin. II., Ilardiimn, Or. Hortmfl brainlxd C on rii-rlit hip. t tit llo branded ( ho nnmo, Al-n brnnilH t'l ou hor.-o ncllt lliirh; faMi hhiuo liriitul on nrtlit nliouldor, and cut oil end of rtiiht oar. D.uu;latn, W. M .tialhiwav. Or.- Cattbi, It M on riftlit Hid", HWudow-foi k in oai'ti tvtr; horuoti, U U un lofl tup. Kly, .1. H. t Hoiih, OomdiiH, Or. HormR brand od l'!liY ou lot! Hhould-ir, radio tmmo ou lofl hi. Iiolf it I'K'it twir. ... Kinory, ('. N., Ibu-dtuan, Or.-Horw'H brandod :), LruvVr-ioi' C wild tad m b'ft Hhouldor ; cat tloHanio on rirlit hip. Ituno in Morrow oounty. l-'hirom-o, U. A., ll.tpouor. i)r, Caitlo, l,V on ritfht dip; hoiH'tn K with bur umhu- on virM hoiiiditr. Kloronot H. 1', Hoppnor. tir - Moi-hoh, h on riutit tdiotildoi; nattlo, V on riytit hip or thwh. I'l-tftioti, tiourtfo, Uppuot Or. - t'alllo hnmd"il VK, with bar ovor it, on loft Hido; orop off loft nr.' ilornM, muuo lirand on loft tup. tiontry, Klinor, Ki'ho, Or. Hormv hmndod II. H. with a nuartor oin'lo ovor it, on loft stltlo. Halloo in Morrow and Unmtillaoonntitxt. Hiatl. A. H., Uidtti, tr. I'att round-top K with nuartor oin-to undor it on tho nht hip. UnntEo iu Morrow and l: mat ilia ooimtioa. Minion A Jonkn, Iliuuillon, Or- Catt lo.t wo ham ou oitlior lup; orop tu riuht vir and ph( in Ictt. HorHCH, J ou riilhl thirfh. ItaiiK' in I counli HutioH, Hainnol, WaH-ucr, Or - ZF lT K ' fon 1 10' t I'd) on li k I it Hhouldor tut hornn; on oatt lo on riht hii am) on lofl nnto, nwallow fork in riht on i ami nlit m loft. ItnhKo m llataok dtHi tin. Morrow ounnty. Halt. Milton, Wanner, Or.-- llort0H hmndod -O (.'ii.'lH with p'O'aliol tiidt-1 o:i loft Hhouldor CnHloHtunt on lofl tiip hUh larno turi'lo on lofl Htdo. , lirtll, lMwin, John Hay.Or.- Cattlo K lion ritit tdp: horwM Hituio on ngtit Htumldor. bauxt' it. rant cotutiy. Howard, J l. tUlloway. Or, -llomon, (onwn witti liar ttbova itj tin riht hhonhlorj oatita nainu on loft bidy. Ilano tu Morr iw aili) L'ma (llla tuatntio. llulon, Mat, llopunttr, tr. Hontoii, uhH'ltHl boart on tii loft hhtrddor. Uanni Monow Co. llmmakr, I A. Waunor. Or,-Utunos, U on loft Bhouldor; oaltlt. M on Iwfl hip. Huiuphroyb, J U liard.uan, Or. HorB e, U oi lof' thin k UuHtou, Luthor, Ktttht Mile. Or. Hophm LI ou tliB left shonldoraud hoart ou tho loft etitto Cat. UtHHlUHon loft hip. lianiifl ill Morrow ottntity .loiioM, Harry, lloppu-'r, Or Hm-hoh hrtui lod fl .1 on tt'.i' loft nii(tuld.r: oattlo tiaaudl J on rltcM Mp. hIco untuu bit io l-fi car. Han ah in Morrow oonniv . Jimkiu, H. M , Hoppuw, Or, IbiriaM, li-rMV nhoo J ou left HhoaUor. Catilit. thd nai. Uan on i'Uht Mita. . Johnson, Kotix, Una, Or.- Horwn, cirrlol on loft tir!o; iatlio, aaiutt on riht till, uador half omp in nh- nd sulit iu loft w Mtfuuy, Or.llurwM brands KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off lft ear: nndr nlopn od the riittit Kjik, J.T., Uoppner, Or. Hones flt on left Bhoridtn emtio. t& on left hip. Kirk, Jfh. IIfp i-'W, Or.; hortw It. on loft eLomdor; catUti nauie vn riht bide, uu(lcrbit on rn;ht (nr. Kuinbfrlnrd.W.G.. Mount. Vwrnon. Or. I L on emtio on ritfht ard loft eidt. nwallow fork in Ufl efir and urdor eiop in rtk'M oar. lornwBh?rn Lrand on left Phouider, ltHiie in Grant noitntv. Itirt-n, HiApndn, Fox, Or. H L on loft hip on cattlo. crop ai.d rplit. on right ear. Horno Haum brand uu Itft ehouldor. iiange (iraot oonntv. LiHttaMen, John W., Lrinan. Or. Horew br:t:iHJ haif-cin-lo JL coiirj:tfd on Iwft etionf. dnr. Cattle, same on left hio, ltane, near Ijoz- iuuton UmJi'jy, J. W. Hoppner Or. Horans brandwl L and A If 't HhouJdor; ("ittle aaine on lft hip, wuttle ovor riuht ejo, three nlita in right ear. Ixrr1, fjoorato, llopjinor. Or. Hnrnm brandod doitblo :il coi.nerii( a Soinetiaiue (ml led b Hwini,' II. on loft nhoiilder. Minor, Oannr, nfipnor. fir. Oittlo, M D ou righthip; hortia M rjn lft whouhior. Morgan, H. N Ki'ppner, Or. Horeen, M ) op loft nh(uJdH rattle Hauioon left hip. Mitc.holl. Onoar, iono, Or. UorHas, 77 oil right hip; attlo, 77'in righttfls. MoClarn, I). (., HrowoBville, Or, llorsof, v iguro ; on a'Ui Biiofijiter; oat lie. mz (n nip Mctiirr, Frank, Fox Valloy, Or. Mule bIkh with Pe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in OH" a oar: Iiothoh Hnnie brand on loft ntinn, MolIalo, ., rtHiniitoa, Or. Un" tlorww. With tiaif circle undor on tort Bhonidor; on four tmrn nonntwl (n lop on tht right eiih) Kango in Grant County. Nal, Andrew. Ixmo ltor,k,Or. Jlorno A N oou nw.Ui on loft, AifoJdor; cattle hhiuo on both hit fsonlyke, K Kilvertoa, Or, Horses, circle 7 on left Hugh; rattle, huqi on mump. Oliver, -bmoph, Cnnyoit City, (Jr. A 2 on catt If rm toft hip: on horsos, sainn on left thigh, Kaugc in (irant county. Oilur, Terry, Lexington, Or. I' O on l;f flhoiiidoi. OJp, Herman, I'lairie City, Or. On nattlo, ) Id' connc-ted on left him horwos on left sti lir and warlle on iioho. Hntiife in Grant county. Foarnon, Olave, bight Mile, Or. Hornee, guar ter (jirdo shield on left Hhouldor ond U4 on lofl hip. Cat tie, fork in left oar, right cropped. 'IA on lift hip. Kango on Might Mile. Parker h Gleastm, Uardman.Or, UorHeslPon left Hhouldor. l'iper. Krno-t, Lexington, Or. Hornns brand e V, (L K (Minnectod) on loft Hhouldor ; cattl fl mo on right hip. Jhtugo, Morrow countj. Piper, J. H., Lr'xington. Or. liorsofi, JK con netdod onhtft Hhouldor; cuttle, mine ou loft hip. andor bit in each oar. Petty, A. ('., lone, Or,; horsea diamond P oi Hhouldor; uattlo, J II J connected, on the left hip, jipper slope in left ear and slip in Uip right. Hood, Arid row, Hard man, Or. Horsea, so,nare oroHH with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Itentngor, Chris, Hoppuer, Or. JIorHos, C K on left Hhouldor. Hush Bros., Heopner, Or. Horses branded X m the right Hhouldor; cattle, 1 X. on the left hip rrop off left ear and dewlap on neck. liange Morrow and adjoining counties. HoHtiey, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses branded A H on right fihonldor, vent rptartei circle over brand; cattle Maine on right iiip. Ilange Morrow county. lioywe, Will, ii, Uairyviile, Or II H oonnectet. wit h 'j uart or circle ov(-r top on cat tin on right, hip and crop off right ear mid Hplit in left. Horsoi Hauie brand on loft, HhouMor. itange in Morrow Grant and Gilliam coalition. Hector. . I. W., Heppnor, Or. TforsoB, JO oi left shoulder. Cattle, (on right hip, Spicknall, J. W., GooHoborry, Or. Horse branded Al on loft shoulder; inn go iu Mor'' county. Hailing, V, C Heppnor, Or Horses brandod on left shoulder; cattle same on left Uip. nwaggart, n. p.. ijexingroii, ur. itorses with danh undor it on left stifle; cuttle 11 with dash under it, on riirlit liip, croo otT right ear and waddled ou right hind log, Kan go iu Morrow, GilliHin and Umatilla count ioH. Kwaggart, A. L.,At.liona. Or. Horses branded 2 nn left sliou Idor: oott In same on loft hip. Crot on ear, wattle on loft hind leg. Htraight W. K Heppnor, Or. Ibtrses shaded J H on left stitin; cat 'in J H on left hip, h wallow fork in riyht oar, uudorbit in loft. happ, TIioh.. Heppnor, Or, Horses, H A P on left hip; cattle hihiih on left hio. Hlirior.John. Fox, Or. NO connectod on horses on right hipioat'io, samo on right hip, crop ott right oar and under bitm loft oar. Hange in (trant eiHpitV. Hnuth llroH.. httlHaiiviUf1. Or. Horses. brHnrhid H. 'A. on shoulder; cattle, -innoon left Hhouldor HquiroH, Jfuties. ArliiifMon, r,; horses branded .IKonluft ahonlder; callle tint H'unn, also nose waddlo, Kaugo in Morrow and Gilliam counties HtophoiiH, V. A., llardniau. Or-; horses HSnti rirlit s( itln; i-Ht o tiMi-izoiilat 1. on tho right side HlovoiiMun, Mrs A. J., lleppner, Or. Cattle, ti ou ciild hif: swallow fork in loft our. Hwat'cart. G. W., Heppnor, ( Jr. Horses, ii o left Hhouldei ; oh t ie, 41 ou left. hip. Hporry. K. (i.. ilernmnr. Or. -Ca'tle W (I ()r, left hip, crop of? nglit. and underbit in loft year, riowiap; norwew tv i on oj l snouutor. TUompsou, J. A., ileppner, Or. ilorBos, left nhouhh r: cattle. SJ on left shotihtor. Tiopota.H.T.,Ktiierpri:p,Or.-Horses. C-on lefi Htioulitor. Turner It. VV, Heppnor, Or. Small capital 1 hut shoulder, homos; cattle sumo ou loft hi with Hplit in both oars. Thornton, H. M. Ioi" Or. Homos brahdeij Hi co'itieftod on h.ft Htilie; sheep same brand. Vundorpool, H.T., Lena, Or;- Horaes HV eotl jioctod on right shoiildorjcatllo, same on right Imp Walbiidgo, Wm.. Ib-pimor, Or. llorsos, U. L. on tho left, shoulder: catt lo satno on right hip. crop oil left car and right ear lopnod. Wilson, .toim (Jrt, Maloui or Ilopjiner, Or. HorHos branded Jty on the lott shouhlur. Huut'( Mor row county. Warren, W It. Caleb. Or-4 'atthi W with quartet circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Ilorsoft Maine brand oil lofl Hliuiildec UaUgoit Grant comity. Wade, Henry, Heppnor, Or, -Horner btamlod ace of HpndeH on lott nhouhior and toft hip Cattle branded mime mi lofl hide and loTt hip. Wollingor, John, John hay t -ily, Or On tioraet throe parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ours,. Hiuiku in Grout and Mai hunt iMunt ies. Woodward, John, Heppnor. Or. Horses, Ul connected on loft shoulder. Walkins, Lisho, Hoppner, Or. Horses branded U1C oouuot'teil on lofl stiile. Wall-i'-o, Charh'H, Htmpner, Or. Catllo, W or rtght ihii!i, hole in Im't o'tr; horsxs, V on riglu sturulnor souk huhiooii loft Hhouldor. W hift ier nriH., n ihii inriion, P,nkor Co., Or. -Horses branded W II conn'-oled on l(ft nhouldor Williams, Vaoco, Ibtmilton, Or, Quarter olr do over ihror bar" hi loft hip, both uut tie am' hordes. Kanuc I rant cnutity. Williams, J , Ijong t'nok. Or Morses, qum ter circle over three bars on tort !iip;oattlo r.auu mid in oucti etir. Itauae in Grant Oounty Wren, A. A., I loppner. Or. Itorso runningA A ou Hhouldor; (':im io. hanio on right top. Young, J. 8., GooNohorry, Or. Hurwee brander THie. tho right Htinuhh' Qx?e aw. a VVicvvdAo & cause :i you willing to worU tor the cause n( Protection In placing reliablo infor. ion in the bands oi your aciiunin. II you are, you ihould be IJentiflt'd i : ti the American - tt ctive tariff league, las w. 23d St., New York. i .:. il l uolU out utd tend It to the Lrauet oui position, tnd tre a helping tuunL goi ADVin;. Every patriotic citizen should ejve Ids personal efrort and Inlluenre t iiwiv.i e tlic citvulution of his home paju-r wS.i. ;i tiMchts tho American policy of Prov tiuii, It is his duty to aid in this u ' in cv-iry way possibto. Alter tin L.n pa; ,i b taken cat of, why iut mi!. ilt for (he ' Amkiican Econom: jui'. li ihed by tho American rruUtio V.;iili League? One oi Its concspon. l-'. ts says i "No true American can -.1 along without It I consider it tha ijn ..Ubt and truest political teat. her ia tie United States." Stud postal card request for dee j mplo ct)py. Address Wilbur F.Wuk-. it t:i, General Sccret&ry, IJ5 We-jt Si., Ntw Yotk. ril'itiVTKI'Uf fl."iO I'i'l it.'Zt'tl tit Sbt'p I)ril Kiillcry, titiir uporn botittt, north Maui Ht.. IIhuuuit, On'. lilitf, Years Says CAHI'IE K. STocjuvi:i.l, of Chostep (iidd, N. 11., "I wits aillieU'.l with an extremely severe pain in the lower part of the chest. The keliny was in if a ton wcibt -.n laid iu) a spot the size of my band. Dur ing the attacks, 'he pei siuia ion would stniid in dropH on niy tace, ami it was a;ouy for ine to inaku sultieient elloi t even to whis per. They cauiB suddenly, at any hour uf Hie day or nilit, hi-jiing Irom thirty niiuutes to half a day, leaving as smtdeuiy ; but, for several days after. 1 was (ptito pros trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks were almost daily, then less frequent. After about four years of this sutVeiinu. I w:is taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and when I began to recover, I bad tie1 worst attack of my old tnmhle 1 ever experieiui'd. At tbe llrs t of the fever, my inotner y-'tve me Ayer's Tills, mydoctor rct'ornnieiniiiiK them as bein better tbnn nnvthint; be could prepare. I conlinned taUin' these Tills, and so great was the benefit dorived that duriiif; nearly thirty years I have had but one attack of my burner trouble, whim yielded readily to the same remedy." AYER'S PILLS Prepared hy lr. J. C. Aycr k Co., Lowell, Mm 1 Everv Dose F-ffcriiyo IIAVK A SCKI-;, TRIKI), TKOVKN AM) guaranteed cure for Hot; a nij Cuk'kkn cholera, which h'in stood the tost for seven yearn without failure, that 1 know of, but has etteot- I thousands of cures. 1 have sold over 'Jit.Oiwi iceipts immI family rlirhts in eitrbt months, and not a si iiL'le eontpJabi t received vet. J sold each and every one on a Kunrsntee, ami I still sell that vvav. If Holland CholeraCtireand 1'reven- tiitive fails to cure or prevent Cholera, 1 will rotund your money, This Is fair enough. Six pounds of the medicine can lie made at a total t trom i to im enoumi to uo ;k) nous and UK) (dd( k(-iis a your. You are then assured ngaiust (diolera for one year. If you will trv this remedy, 1 assure you you will never re Tret it. I'so it, and your hoys and chickens will look better nnd healthier than ever before. Recipe and famitv riiht onlv Jl.lfl). lioadv prepared medicines .We, and l per bottle or package. Address M KM. UAI'liLli V. I nUM AH, Agents wanted at once. Covvarts, Ala. TESTIMOITIALS : Dalhis, Texas, April 13, mx Mrs Ilaebel V. Thomas, Dear Madam: I have tliorongblv tested your cholera remedv and find it O.K. It'fi grand. 1 eielose -flO will try the tUTuney. r lease send at once and oblige. Very respeetfully, H. W. Hari'KK. DitlliiH, Texas, May ltith, WM. Have sold out. i enclose f"0 for which Bend me all the recipes you can and the rights to the inti s tianieil hehiw. I never saw aiivthinir sell so last. Vt hat is the lewd you will take for uiescuu. ii your price is reasoiniuio wiu taKe tue untie, verv resinjcttuiiy. II. W. Waiu'kr. (1 have not room for nil his letters. He took tlie state, Here is one more of bis letters.) IHIIhh, Toxni, July 17th, lM!i;t, Mrs. Kiudiel ', '1'liunian, Pear Madam ; --Si nee tokiiifi the xt ii to riyhl 1 canvassed three weeks and nirole ;i.s7 selliuir recipes and territory. 1 will start several suli agents next week. Could I e.xi hnuge a portion of Texas for a portion of Kansas? Very respectfully, If. W. II A Itl'im Milieu, ( leoryiti, Dec. 1 Ith, ISli:!. Mrs. TliotitiiM: I write a letter of enquiry. Mow nuirh of MiiM Ktnte In iiiinoM ? J wtiut 1ml Jint'eof ihe rUttte. J I ol hi in I'm Clioleru Curu Ik (IikI u hat ft in represented to lie. It h:m proved i tdeB.tiuK to the i'annurii of llil-i cniinty. Very n'Kpeetfully, (!. . 1CihnkM':i,i, At,'eut tor Sereveu County. Itock lli'lile, Ohio, Dee. Hh, lWi:t. Mrs. Thomas:- llceijie eanie to hum! uud It's ill o. k. KucIoHnl Hi d :ifor Iloekinf?, 1'iekn tvay uud l-'uiriield euuutieH. Wtmt will you Luke for the shite? Yours t nily, 1'. 1 1 A HSTJil N, I have llioiiHKudK inoru teHtiuioniiilH, 1 K'lai' iiiilee Moiltuid'K tJliolera Curt; and I'reveiitiitive !o cure aiul locvent llo;; and chicken Choleni in .'iieli and e ery ease or refund the money. This in fair enough. )oirt.iustporienrileriiin hoeaiiBe you may not a! presi-nl lie hothered with ehol ern. 'I lie idea is to ineventil in time. This my remedy w ill do alio will nlno keep your lings and ehi 'kens in a nice healthy condition, (ieu eral and loetil nnenln winded. State Hiul iiinily t'iKliti lor sale or trade. AddtVHH Mit.N, UAt iii;i, V. Thomas, 8v-;im. CowtirtH, Ala, Chicken Cholera if you use t lie I'ctaltim Intuliators A liruuiivrs Make tuouey while others ere wasting time byold proeesses. CutalovtuUii till ithout It, and tlcsc riliew every article iieeiua ior lue, puuniy busmess, The "ERIE" inech:uiii?ally tlie best wneci. I'rctllestuioiU'l. We are Fncthc Coast Atretits. HUvcic c;it;i- loue.tuailed free.u i vob full ili;rrlpt Ion. pHrrs, ptc, AOKNTS WANTFn. rETALDTfAiHCiJllATORCn..Petalnma.Cal. Hka.ncii llm sii, a.u ,S Main St.. I.os Anurlt's. I THRIVING ON PERSECUTION. Tho llil, of ll.i.iu-iry Still lliilntnlll Their Ancient t'uHtoms t iiehnnKel, lit lluno-iirv tlu'iv tiiv. tu'uonlinp to a rouo;li est iuiiito, nhmit tino httndrt'il nnd II fly tluuis:iiiil (rypsii-s, vityabotuls who wantU'r it bout the country with their carts ami horses, ni'compuniod by llioir women and children; and though nt one time persecuted ns unbelievers and hunted to death us sorcerers and poi soners, tlie cruel edicts which enjoined such treatment were never sympathized iu by the Uuiijriinnit people. The re sult i.s, as we learn from "The Peoples of the World," that the (rypsics have increased, and, iu their own thriftless, s.iunlhl fashion, prospered, despite the hard iisii it,, thev have received ut the hands of their rulers. Indeed, the llim trarian Uimrs liuvc more than once pro teeted tliem as a "poor wandlrin 1hh ple without a country, and whom all the world, rejected," and granted them safe conducts to o wherever seonied irood to them, with their troops of douhcys and horses. Joseph 11. of Austria tried to settle them us agricul turists, and had huts built for 'hem. Hut im lcnd of oivupviiio- the comfort able de. e Uimrs I licmsclvcs. t hey stabled their entile iu them and pitched their tents outside. Tlu 11, to prevent their corn from sprontiii ". they boiled it be fore sow ine;; ami th uieli their children were tills. m from Ihcme.nd trained up into habits ef work under .Mairyar and licrman peasants, these wil Hours soon escaped and joined their parents, with out Inning lcarue,laiivthin;r from their forcible npprenticeshio to eivili.ntion. It is allirmed Unit a jrypsy who had actually risen to the ran It of an Oliver in the Austrian army disa ppeared vine day and was found six months after ward with a land of :in,;ari er.cainp.M on the heath. A vomer M waek fell in li've with an I tuarrie.l a j-ypsy pii-l- but in his Blwiivv sl.e e caped to the woods, and, when discovered, was sleepino; under the -hies and feeding ou lu',l'e!i'V lifter Ihe rilsbioll ot'vhe es For 1MB 11 fj it Illustrated I rK L I g ' ruS---J g -1 jg -M-g . i fg H I f" V? J T . SS: T-j-j?.u i f . : z ff i a -m J. tT- , ( I -4 . T . ... J ' ' 1 (IN THE RINCi.) Allegro wjiUUn. ' lffe i23 $&2& ) crescent lo. m: 1 K A A S ... A A A A A A A A . A k A e A A A A , 1 frri H -0-j r J : ) " VS ' A 3 -IS -4-r 1- race from whom she. hud leen taken. Abbe Liszt, charmed with the talent for music displayed by a (fypsy boy, took him to I'aris and tried to train the little lad. Hut all in vain. The mo ment he saw his own people in Vienna his delifrht waa indescribable; there was no longer any hope of keeping him under tho restraint of polite life. FLAX CULTURE IN EUROPE. IttiMla tlrows More of Thin Crop Than Any Country In the World. Our principal supply of the raw ma terial, says C hambers' Journal, is im ported from Hussia. where the plant has lonrr been, anil still is, cultivated more extensively than in any other country in tlie world; but there the culture of the crop and preparation of the liber receive less care and atten tion than in any other tlax-producinir country. This neglect may be ac counted for by the immense tracts under crop and also by much thinner sow in;r than is practiced in other coun tries in order to give tho plant greater strength atid mure numerous branches, to prevent it being livid durimr the vio lent thunderstorms that prevail about the time it is in flower. The result of this treattneut, however, is a coarse tiller, and also a very much inferior yield to that grown thicker and under more favorable circumstances of soil and attention m its early stages, tier many. Austria and France will follow Kussia as flax-producing countries, and in each of these an average area of over two hundred thousand acres is kept under this crop. In Holland flax is grown principally for the seed, and the planting and growth of the crop. as well as the time for pulling, is regu lated for this purpose. l(y properly ' maturing the seed the finality of the ' tiber is injured and renders the subse-1 tp-icnt process more dillicult; but the IHitch farmers are amply remunerated by the high price obtained for the seed, w hich has for agricultural puM poses a world-wide fame, and is chielly j sow n In Hritain, although Kiga sel 1 aln itd and pivrVif ad by aiiw 'w. ' ) dim rihtnl. VP ritartl. atempo. m m - 0 0 -m f -r A ? j g -MJe y ' : v v 1 .J. -J. ' ' THE CIRCUS RIDER. EQUESTRIAN GAVOTTE; Sf .. -01 1 'a -a , Ss 1-5- S!- Copyright. 1894, by The New era as being more hardy. Jt -is bel gium, however, to which we must turn to see flax iu the highest state of culti vation, where nothing is neglected that can in any measure improvn the quan tity, and more especially of the quality of the crop. Here proper rotation of the crops, superior tillage and liberal manuring of the land are attended to in a manner not seen elsewhere, and to this the careful, plodding JJclginn farmers owe their success in raising other crops as well as flax, and which has earned for them the reputation they enjoy of being the most successful agriculturists in the world. No Law Against It.' A prisoner in India recently, on be ing released, revenged himself on the assistant commissioner who had sen tenced him by cutting off one-half of his mustache while he was sleeping out of doors on a hot night. Tt was then found that there was no way of punishing him under the penal code, for, while cutting the hair of a native is punishable as dishonoring the per son, there is no such provision for Englishmen, anil the bodily harm done was too slight to be considered an offense. A CHANCE KOK II ISTbEUiJ. We want several live, wide-awake can vassers to represent the Gazette in thir 111 d adjoining counties, in connection i(h the National Newspaper Union. Tbe work is new, popular auj very prntllable, rtqniring ueither capital nor previous experience. It is worth look ing after, and if you want a real good thing in the wsy of light, pleasant and protiti.ble employment it will pay yon to investigate this at once. There is money in it for bustlers. Write for full par ticular to IHE NATIONAL CO, 04-tf. "t. Louis, Mo, p zzz - 2 H 1 ' z ' f-i- . - g m r York Musical Kecoid Co, When persons are weak nnd languid from siokness or overwork, feel oV lapi dated and depressed, it is an indication that the blood is ont of order, and the) need help to throw off Ihe miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pnr posa is Dr. J. H. MoLenn's Strengthen ing Cordial Bud Blood Fnnfler. It re stores lost Btreiiutli, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite nod a flow o oboerful spirits. Price 1 00 per bottle. EXTRAVAGANT MILL GIRLS. They Receive Fairly tiood Wages, But Are Averse to Saving. In the great carpet mills of Philadel phia, where, it is claimed, more carpet is made in a single ward than in the whole of England, the actual competi tion of women with men is a marked feature; in many cases, says Lippin cott's Magazine, they earn equal pay for the same work. In these mills the bnrlers earn from JO to ?10 a week. They work from 7 in the morning till 6 at night, with half an hour off for din ner. Those who do not live at home I can get good board for a week, lcav- j ing quite a large margin for dress or ' for savings. It would be of great ben- j efit to them if they could acquire the habit of systematic saving, but to this' they are generally averse. Some of j them do save, however, and it is no un common thing for a mill girl to save 8iiK or S40U before marriage. The first ' few years of married life are safely tided over by the united savings of the couple, nnd it is unusual for the chil dren not to begin work bv the time they are 11. They can earn SJ. 50 and i upwards, and this sum. as a rule, goes : into the family treasury. Thus there! will often be live or six bread-winners I in a family, and, if thrifty, a neat lit- ! tie sum may bo laid away. Thrift and economy are. however, rather ex- ' ceptioiuii virtues among the mill work ers. They eat. twice a day, the most expensive meat (1S and Is cents per pound), and pay vntravugaat sums tot s3 H. M. BAADEM. 9 I jj INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, thonpb occasionally ept , tieniio, is always more or less prevalent.. The best remertv for this complaint is Ayers Cherry Pectoral. " Last Spring. I was tsken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros tmtet), and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as If confined In an iron cape. I procured a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I be pan t.-tkinp it thnn relief followed. I could not be lieve thnt the effect would be so rapid and the nn re so complete. It is truly a wonderful medicine."- V. II. Williams. Crook City, & D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Frcmpttoact.suretocure Fob Haul A tu.jrnuguhred reeig tered Hereford bull Mavwomt, Nn. 28,006. This bull a- bred in Illinois, by (leo. T. Baker, nml is just the unim.l yon want to breed s ock thst will bring a good i rice. I will sell chetp ua I have another of same Block ; or will trad for good tuilsb sows. B"' O, BvtRftbM. 39-1 qi m m 1