X if m it I T'tl t ' ft ' PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never s time In the biBtorj of our country when the demand for invontione and improvements in the arte nail Boienoes generally was so great as now. The conveniences of mp jkind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, bs well as in official lite, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political ohange in the administra tion of government does not affect tut progress of the American inventor, who beu-.g on the alert, and ready to per ceiva the existing deficiencies, does nol permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the remody to overoome existing discrepBn cies. Too great 03re cannot be exer o'nei in oboosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lout and destroyed in innumerable instanoes by the emplo ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is tb's edvioe applicable to tho.iewho adopt the "No patent, no pny" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this olass of attorney! do 10 at imminent risk, as the breadth Bud strength of the patent is never con Bidared in view of a quick endeavor to get bq allowanoe Bnd obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager blti J? street, N. W.,Washington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the country, was in stituted to Droteot its Datrons from thf unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con p iny is prepared to take charge of al) p itent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseoutt applications generally, inoluding me euauioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, und gives especial atteuion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entor into competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. , Write for instructions and advice. John Wewiehbiihn. lilH V Ktreet, p. 0. Box 885. Washington, D. 0. OTOCR BRANDS. While you nnp yimr subscription paid up ycr. Oankeep your brand in freoiif churns. Allyn. T. J.. Or. H'" Mi on left hiiuldnr; onttle fwmn m left tup, nndor bit nr rixlit ear, and upper bit on Hie loft( range, Mor row uounUr. Armstronu.J. (!., Alpine, Or.-T with bar nn dor n on left shonldor of horses; cattle eaini ""AlHwin',"'. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand O D on left liip and horHeMaauie brand on riKh' hnuldnr. Itanue. Kitftit Mile. Adkiiie, J. J., Ileppner, t r.-Hornos ,TA con norted on left flank: cattln.sameon left hip. Hiirt.lmliimnw, A. 0-, Alpine, Or. HorMi bramled U m either slumlder. Itiumu in Mor- mm'S'nr, J. W.. Ilanlman, Or.-Caltle brand ed H on left hip and ttiiuli; split in oaeh oar. Ilronnor, 1'oter, lliicmnhnrry OreKou-lloreoE braudod P U on Intt uliouliior. Cattle same 01 r'll'nrko,eM Ht, C, Long Crook, OrOn cattle MAY commoted on loft hip, mop oil loft oar, un dor half crop off rixht. llornos, mine brand in lotft shoulder. Mange in Uraut and Jl.irro " Hrosinan, Jerry. Una, Or.-Hnrms branded on right Hlmnldiir; oatHe H on the loft Bide. Loft oar half crop and right ear nppor elope Harton, Win.. Heppner, Or.-lloraea, .1 lion right thigh; cattlo. Biune on right hip; split in Hriiwn", laa, liOlington, Or. Horses III on the right Btitlo; cattle Biimeou rlghthip; range, Slor Hrown J. C, Hoppnor. Or. Horace, circli Cwithd.lt in nei tor oil lofl hip; calllo, same. Hrown W. J., bona. Oregon. Mom W. bai over it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle Biune on lufl '''foyer, W. d.. Hoppner, Or.-TI.irs bin brand on right hip cattle, same, with split n ""ilorTi'. ., Hoppnor, Or.-HoraoB, P B on lefl ehouhlor; calllo. same on loft hip. Urownioe, W. J., Kox.Or-Catllo JH connected on loft Bide; crop on left oar and two splits urn' middle piooo cut out on right oar; on homes mum brand on the left thigh; linage m Fox valley. "t'tonT Warren. Wagner, Or.-lloreo, brand edOou right, etille; cattlo rn (three bars) 01 right, ribs, crop and split ill nach ear. Hangs ll (Iranian" Morrow counties. Cnin.K.. Calob.Or.-V I) on hnrii on loft s IHe U with Quarter circle over it, on li.ft slmulil.ir and on loft Btitlo on all wills indor years; m loft shoulder only on all horses over IS yours. Al railgo in Orant oouiity. Cate.Chas. ll Vinson or Una, Or lorso. H C on right shouhlor; cattle same on right hip. ltango Morrow and Umatilla counties. Curl, T. II., J"hu Day. Or.- Double cross or ouch hip on cattle, swallow fork and under In in right ear, split in loft ear. ltango in Oram oonnly. On shoop, inverted A and spear point ou Bhouldor. Knr niarkou owes crop on loft oar punched upper bit in right. Wethers crop in right and mulcr half crop m left oar. All range in Oraiit coulitv. t . w . , Cook A J.,l,oua.Or.-lIorsoB,ion right shonl dor- Catllo, snmcou right hip: oar mark Bijuare crop oil loft and Bulit in right. ..-, I'urrin. It. V., i:urrinBVillo, Or. -HorsoB, aJ on lBCi FA H.. Hnntmau, Or.-Caltle, C wllh Itin center: horBos. ClC on left 'lip. Cochran It. H.,Monumenl, I) rant to, Or. IIres bianded circle with bar beneath, on lofl shoulder; collie same brand on both lilpB, mark under slope both oars and dewlap. Ihapin, II.. Ilardmau. Or -Horse, branilwl O on right hip. Cultlo branded the same. Al brands CI on horses right thigh; caitJe en. brand on riglit shouhlor, and oat oil end o. "Oonglas". W. M .Oallowav. Or.-Cattlo. It lor , right side.Bwailow-fork in each car; horees, It D ""k'i'v'j "i"' Hons. llonglas.Or.-Hors brand, ed liLv ou loft Hhouhler, cattle game on loft hip. " hole in rigid, ear. Vinery, C. H., Ilanlman, Or.-Hon.iw branded 'l Inivnrawl C Willi taill on lelt shoulder ; oat 't osaine on right hip. ltango in M'.rr.iw mmnty. Kloronco, L,. A., Iloppner. Or.-l alllo, l.h on right hip; horses V Willi bar under on right "''rtfence, 8. 1'. Hoppnor, Or -Horse. K right shoulder; eatlle, 1' ou right hip . r high. Vrench, (ioorgo, Hoppnor. Or Cattle bmud WK with bar over it. on lofl side; crop oil lofl ' ii - Iinlilil iltl Itlft llltt. i)nirv Khnt-r. Koho, Or.-llorww brnniiwi II. a u niMrltir ciivln ivr it, tin hut ntlllo. ..' . M.,, anil 1 ! ihhI 1 1 Ilk dHlltlt IWt . ii..... A K ltuliio. lr.-t'HHln. riiml-top K wlilnmHrhr mrr-le uiulur it mi lh,rmht lup. Hnntf. in M.irmw nmi V timlillti iimi jwt. Hi.KoiiAJouklliuiullon.Or- fHUllwobm. . ... 1 ir. rilit .(iir HWii Ml' ll III It'M ll. Mu,n1 Wrjiht. Or h V V on riniit hip tiu.t on h'U nlt ur Hinl lit hi loft. Hid swallow fork u ltango in Hayslne! H..I., Miiiiv. VnL-nfr. Or. HoriH hrnmlw r(..t'r,i iih'iimillol IniUloo left nUoultiMr ('BUlewune on left n hm IttrKo ciivlo ou lof Ktiwin, Jotm IHy.Or.--(,Ht(lP K H on riphi hint hortitWI BHIU6 OU ritflll uiu'um. rant OOUDtV. Howftrd, J Ii. (.Uowny, Or.-tIorro, - (crow with bar rImh It) on rtuht h.ulWi mitl nine on Wtimle. lUngo m Morrow and tnift. till cooutiwi. u.tiri.M. Mat. Hmmuar. Or. Horww, nhnitHl i . .... v.a laft titukii ilnr. IL.nut Morn lliUiHHkor, &. ttHntr, vr.-tinriHw, v ou in hml.lr;oiitle. P on loft hii. Humphry. J W. Hrdmn, Or.-Hor. H 01 lliiBton, 1-nttiPr, Kioht Mile, Or. Horwi the lft nhmililir(inii irt ou tii lft tirt t'nt Uh rh'ii on lft loo. IUurt in M.trrnw wii'ity .loijrtH, li'trrv, ll.tpon-r, Ur Hits hrnn W H J on tint l.fi nlii'ult"r: i'ttt( ltH'ui-t-t J on riiit dip, lf i u-iM bit in Mi o.u-. K uik-' i1 Jiorrttw di'iillt)'. Juukin, a. M., H ppur, Or Mown, horj,v Bh J ' 1'f1 "'H'llt-t. t'Nltlt), (ItB Willi J lUn on Kidit Milt. Juhnmin. Una, Or.-HnmM, curl r 01 lft Btitlo; fimilft, wiine on rilit bip, uniiot Uaii crop m riK "H in . , . Knnui . Or--bmnrtoa KNY on lefthio cattle mme and crop off left ear: nniW nlnin on the riifht Kirk. J. T.. Heppner. tr. Horses o on leit ahonlder; cttl, rty on lwft hip. Kirk. Jenfif, Heppner, tr.; horse ll on len shonlijnr; cattle uame on right side, underbit on nuht enr. KnmhrlftTi(1.W. R.. Monnt Vflmon. Or. I L on cattle on njrht and left siHes, swallow ftrk in 1 fl ar and umier cnp in nht wir. Horses aani' brand on loft chouldpr. liange in Grant rountv. Loften, Stephen. Fox. Or. H L on left hi(. on cattl, crop and split on right ear. Horse same brand on left shoulder. Kange Urant countv. LieriHlIen. John W.( LT-I"'? Or. Horsw branded half-circle JL copnectM on left shonl. tir. Cattle, same on left hip. Kange, near Lex ington Leahey, J. W. Heppnr Or. Horses branded L and A l"ft fhouldf-r; ccttle flume on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Ixrd, Oeore. Hoppner. Or. Horses branded donbie H coi.nect-' Sometimes called B swing H, on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, neppner, nr. rattle, M Dob riKhthip;horse. Mon leftshoulner. Morcan, H. N Hnppuer Or. Horees, M) on Ifft shonld"! cattle same on left hip. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on righl hip: onttle, 77 on right side. McClaren, D. (., HrownBville. Or, Horsofi, Ficire fnn mch shoulder; cattle. M2on hip Mcfiirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder ir each oar: horses same brand on left BtiHe. McHnly, ... .. nHuiiiw3,Or. Un liorse. with half circle nnder on left shonlder;on tiattlp. 'our bars connected on top on the right side Kange in (rant. Countv. Neal. Andrew. Lone Itock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left, slionhlar: cattle ime on both htpe, Norrlyke, K., Hilvorton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: caitle. mime on left hip. Oliver. Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle in left hip;on horses, same on left thigh, liange in Grant county, Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on lefl moii.d'H. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattlo, O TjP connected on left hip; horses on left BtiHe Mid wartle on nown. liani-'e in Orant county. Pearson, Olnvo, Kight Mile. Or. Horses, quar tor circle shield on left shoulder end 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 r,n left hip. Uangeon Kight Mile. Parker fr, Gleasou, Hardman.Or, Horees IP on fft shoulder. Piper. Krne-t, LexinKton. Or.-Hor"os brand j ,E (L K connected) on left shoulder ; cattlp me on right hip. Kango, Morrow county. Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. Horses, JK con nected on lofl shoulder; cattle, Baine on left hip. ander bit in each ear. Pettys, A, ('., lone, Or.; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the left hip, upper Hlope in left ear and slip in the Uood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square oroes with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle. Honingor, Chris, Hoppner, Or. Horses, C It on loft shoulder. RuHh Hros., Heimner, Or. Horses branded 3 on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on tho left hip (irop off loft oar and dowlap on neck. Kange u Morrow and adjoining comities. Heaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horfiea branded A K on right Hhinildor, veDt quartei circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. llange Morrow county. lioyno. Win. H, Duiryville, Or Hit connectet with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hit md crop off riglit ear ami split in left. Horse tume brand on loft shoulder. Kunge in Morrow 'J rant and Gilliam counties. Hector. J. W.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, JO oi loft shoulder. Cattle, () on rlghthip. Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horse branded 31 on loft shoulder; range in Mor" oonnty. r ... Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Homes branded on loft shoulder; cattlo same on loft hip. KwHggart. H. ., Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on loft stifle: cattle H with dimh under it on right, hip, crop off right oar and waddled on right hind leg. Kange in Morrow, Gilliam aud Umatilla count ios. Hwaggart. A. b., Athena. Or. Horses brander 5 on loft shoulder: oett.le same on loft hip. Croj on oar, WHttlo on loft, hind leg. Htraight W. E., Heppner, tr. Horses shaderi J H fu left stifle; cattlo J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right ear. nnderbit in left. hupp. TIioh.. Hoppner, Or. HorsoB, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on loft hip. Hhrier.John. Fox, Or. NO connected on tiorseson right hip; cattio, same on right hip. ;rop off right car and under bit in left oar. Hangf in itrant county. Smith Bros., Hnsnville, Or. Horses, brandofl H. Ii. onslioulder; cut tlo, ame on lof t Bhouldor Squires, James. Arlint-'ton, Or,; hrrses brandor (Son left shouldor: cattle the same, also nosi wmldle. ltango in Morrow and Gilliam co intios Stephens, V. A., Hnrdiimn, Or-; hornos HH or fight stifle; cattle horizontal L on the- right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, h m right hir; swallow-fork in left oar. HwaKgart. G. W.. Heppner. Or. Horses, 44 or eft shoulder ; cattle, 44 ou loft hip. Hporry, K. O., Heppner, Or. Cattlo W C or 'eft hip, crop off right and underbit in left your, lewlap; horses W Con loft shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Hoppnor. Or torsos, Z or 'eft ahonlder; cattle, 2 on loft shoulder, Tip!ietH.B.T.llfitiierprlso.Or. Horses, C-on lefl moulder. , , Turner It. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital 7 elf shoiilihir, dorses; cattle same on left hij vith split in botli ears. Thornton, Ii. M.. lone, Or. Horees brandec HT uonnocted on IcftHtitle; sheep same brand. Vandorpool. H.T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV eon loctetl on right shuuldorioattlo, same on rigid "walbridge, Win.. Hcppnor, Or. Horses, TJ. L. n the left slioulder; cattle same on right hip, drop off left our and right ear lopped. Wilson, John 0, Halem or Iloppner, Or. HornoH branded Jf on the loft shoulder, ltaugt iorrow oonnty. Warreu.W H, Caleb, OrCattle W with quartei urcie over it, ou left side, split it. riKhtoar, HorweH same bniud ou left Hhouhler. llaugoii jriint county. Wade, Henry, Hoppnor. ur. Morses nranuer lOe or spades on ioil siiminier hiki " i. my 'attle branded same on ion sine ami mu nip. v..iei1.r.1r .liiltn. .lohn llav Citv. OrOn lutrset hreo parallel harH on loft slioulder; 7 on Htieep. it in tioth ours, luiugo in uraut auu mtunuoi HHItltlOH. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Ui lonnectiHl on loft shoulder. Wal kins, liishe. lleppuer, ur. norsos oranooc UW oonuoctedoii loft stitlo. Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. ( -uttlo, W oi ightthigii.holf in lert oar; horses, W on nghi hotiluor soiiH buuioou left shoulder. Whittier nrus., nunungiou, Haker t'u., Or, - Hornes hranded W H connect! on left shouhlor Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir ilo over throe bars on left hip, both cat tie am Kirsos. llanwe Grant county. Williams. J O. liong Creek. Or Horses, quai or eiiclo over thnn) bars ou left hip; cuttle samt tnd slit in eacli ear. Haime in Grant eonuty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses ruimingA A m shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. V.mnii. J. S.. Gooseberry, Or. Hornes briinde VHnn the rlglir snomot"'. Obce ,ou. a Pvnend.'Vo Wz cause o; PoeofV'xoYX ojji neveau. Are you willing to work for the causa ut Protection In placing reliable infor. i "..itinn in the hands oi your acquain- l..m:cs? If you are, you should be identiliwl vvi.h THE AMERICAN I-T'OTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE. 138 W. 330 ST., NEW YORK. v 'ut tl.li notice out and lend U to the League, ....': your position, and (It a helping hand. (i(H)l) AOVK'i:. Every patriotic citizen should nive liis personal etlort and influence to inova e thf ciivulation ot his home paper w'.m. ii teia-hrs tho American policy ot TroU c tinn. It la his duty to aid in this revp. t in ev.y way possible. After the h .ma paper is taken care of, why not e ih scribo for tho Auksican Economy i, puSUihed by tho American Trotecti T.uitrLeaguo? Ono ol Its correspmi dents says I "No true American can get along without It. I consider it tba greatest and truest political teacher in the United State. " Send postal card request for free samplecupy. Address Wilbur F.Wake. General Secretary, 135 Weat 23 St., hew York. Photographs fl.50 pet dozen at Shep pard's nailery, near opera bouse,- nortL M.n St.. Heoontr, Or. 2f. 5 Bays Carrie E. Stock wkll, ol Cliester lield, K. II., "I was aftlieteil with an extremely severe pain in the lower part ol the chest. The leelinp was al if a ton weiplit was laid on a spot the size of my hand. Dur ing the attacks, the per.- pira'iou would sinail in drops on my lace, and II was ;iKoiiy tor nie to malte sufficient ellort even to Wilis, per. They came suddenly, at any hour ol Ihc .lay or nialit, lasting Hutu thirtv minutes to half a day, leavlns as suddenly; but, tor several days after. I was quite pros tinted anil sore. Sometimes the attacks were almost daily, then less frequent. After about lour years of this siifferiii'j. I was taken down witll lillious typhoid fever, anil when I begun to recover, I had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the first of the fever, my motiier tave me Ayer's Pills, iny doctor rerotnmendina them as being better than anything he eould prepare. I continued takiliE these Pills, anil so great was the benefit derived that during nearly thirty years I have Irid but one attack of my former trouble, whim yielded readily to the same remedy." AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Everv Dose Effeotlvo m CHOL HAVE A SL'HK, TRIED, PROVEN AND Kiiarantced cure for Hou NU CllleKKM Cholera, which hin Btood the tent lor seven years without In lire, that 1 Know ot, Din nas eneet- ed thoiiBati'ls of cures. I have sold over '.; OOO rei'clpts ami lainliy NKntH in eignt monmi., aim not a BiiiKle coiiiilalut received yet. 1 sol.l each and every one on a guarantee, and I still sell that way. If Holland Cholera (Jiireaud 1'reveii Uilive falls to euro or prevent Cholera, I will refund vonr inoncv. 'tills 18 lair eiloui?ii. rix poiinds'of the medicine can he inade at a total 1)11 chickens a year.' You are then assured against cholera for ono year. If you will try this remedy, I. assure you you will never ret'ret Use It, and your noys aim cnmite'is look better and healthier than ever before. Heeipe and family rlifllt only $1.00. Hearty prepared medicines .Hie and $1 per bottle or package. Address ill nn. lirtt.nr.ij . in. Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala. TESTIMOITIALS : Dalian, Texas, April 13, M Mra Knc-linl V. TliomtiH. Di'iii' M ml a in I have tlioroulily tosterl your cholera remedy and tlnd it O. K. JI HtinilHl. 1 e ICIOHU win iry me nRriiev. r I east; Heud at once anu online, v ery rtiHptiCtlMNV, 11. W- flAKl'BK. Pallas, TexiiH, May l'.ith, Have mid out. I ent-lose $) fo which send me ail the recipea you can and the rights to the soniillt'H nuinoii ikjIow. i never Haw auyuunir ell so fast. V hat in the least you will take for the Ht ite. If vour price Is rfaBonable will take the state. Very respectfully. ii. W. WAIU'EK. (I have not room for all Mb letters. He took the stale. Here is one more of his letters.) Dallas, Texas, July 17th, 18!W. Mm RiitMiMl V Thomas. Dear Madam: Since tokiiiK the Btato ritjht 1 canvassed throe weeks hthI unute f 7 seliiii recipes and territory. 1 will start several suh-aRcntH next week. Could f 'jxchaiiHe a portion ol l exas tor a portion oi Kausns'.' Very respectfully, II. W. Hahper. Millen. (icorRia, Dec. 14th, 1AH3. Mrs. Thomas: 1 write a letter of enquiry. How much of tills state In unsold? I want bal- ot tne Ntate. Hollands unoiera i;ure n just what it is represented to he It has proved il liit'BSIliK to Uie limners ui ini' rumuy. veij resjiectfully, t;. o. Kokni-lkld, ARunt ior ocreveu uijuiilj. Rock Ttrldite, Ohio, Dec. Ith 189H. Mrs. Thonnis: Kecipe came to hand audit's all O. K. Kiu'losed lit d $;ii for Hocking, VTeka- ' and rat r held counties, wnat wiuyou take for the state? Yours truly. t 11ANHTBIN. have tlntusands more testimonials. I guar antee Holland s i:noiera Lure una rreveiuauve (o (Mire and prevent hoj? and chicken Cholera in i and every case or reiunu ine money, mm is lair enough. Hon'tpoHtioneorderinK because u may not at present be bothered witncnoi ii. The i.lca Is to prevent it In time. This my remedy will do ami will also seep your nojjs 1 ehlrkens in a nice healthy condition. Gen eral and local tmeuts wanted. Htate and family rights for sale or trade. Address Bw-Hm. Cowarts, Ala, Chicken Cholera HABITS OF SOME PRESIDENTS. Of lieront Years None Snve Arthur. Tatd AltMitlon to Society. Gen. llruul lrourht the camp into the white Inline, says Harper's Jlaga line. Mr. Ilnyes had lived at Wash ington as a representative at a hotel or a board insf-luiuse. Hen. tiarfield had settled in tin1 enpital in a house ol his own. nml had enjoyed the kind of social life that may tie hud anywhere in this country and that runs to literary clubs that are formed to facilitate the escape of unpublished manuscripts. To en uourntfe talent and literary ambition was a grvai pleasure of the president, whose lmircler cut short the term that would have been marked with more geniality and agreeable talk than is usual at the white house. Mr. Arthur brought city manners and customs with him. People who did not know him were greatly mistaken in him. There had been a good deal of refine ment and elegance in Mr. Arthur's home, and Its influence made the white house more of a social center than it had been before or than it has been since. Then came Mr. Har rison who hnd passed six years in the senate and a Washington boarding house, and Mr. Cleveland, who went to the capital a bachelor, having lived most of his life in apartments in a l!uf fttlo business block. None of these men adopted the man ners anil customs of court life, with the exception of Mr. Arthur, who insisted that those with whom he came in con tact should pay hisoftiee a respectsoine thing more than the formal decent re spect of good manners. The rest knew nothing of the rules which Washing ton society had laid down for its own and their guidance, and which were as conflicting, as the various interests that invented and frequently modified them. Moreover, they have seemed to care A good deal less. They or their wives or their secretaries studied up the neces sary regulations that govern the inter course between the head of the nation and the diplomatic representatives of foreign powers. And, although Mr. Jefferson insisted on taking out to dinner what woman ho would, regard less of her husband's rank, modern presidents have done their best to ob serve the proprieties in this respect. THE CARDINAL'S CUOSE CALL, 11U Kwn Senile ot .Iniell One. Hnvert nim 1 mm Hrlng Fnlftoneit. Years have rolled by since, but the story of un almast filial accident to Cardinal Gibbons has lost none of its interest through not having tn-en pre viously told, says the Philadelphia Call. Just before ho rose to give tho impassioned reading of his poem, "King Lear," at tie annircr&arv din- r r w e. ie? 11 i" 4 'v J- r (IX THE KINO.) Allegro agitato. fc , E W 55 '"3 'J? ' - s v' ' 4" pf-jg CX.? (pSr: z223 g g , q u ( ; fvrz !:&z f-z EfEj Fi "T F dim . . . ritard VP rUanL atmpo. ner of Uie .mil. of St. George, Prof. H. H. Hay, of Uirard college, told of the happening as it had been related to him while he was traveling in Europe by a .priest acquainted with th cir cumstances. 1 "While the cardinal, who was then an archbishop," said Prof. Hay, "was traveling across the Atlantic some years ago he complained one afternoon that he wasn't feeling verv well, but was told by the ship's surgeon to await medical treatment until the following day, when something would be done for him if his sickness continued. On the day following the steward of the steamer was duly sent with a remedy for the eminent prelate. As he was about to place the glass containing the draught to his lips the archbishop was almost overcome by a strange and pungent odor. He hesitated a moment and lowered the vessel containing the liquid until he recovered from the ef fect of the smell. Glancing incidental ly at the bottle in the steward's hand he noticed the word 'poison' on a label, and. not without a little alarm, asked the man if he knew what he was offer ing. The steward replied that he had done as was directed by the doctor. Alarmed, the archbishop sent post haste to the medical man to make sure of what was being tendered him. This time it was the surgeon who had i occasion to manifest surprise. lie hur j ried to his distinguished patient's side I and informed the archbishop that the glass offered him contained enough deadly poison to kill any two men." ! BRITTISH " DRUMMERS." ! Some Mlne-r T!fferows frmn th Awort j en Commercial Traveler. I The commercial traveler in England ! is little different from his American I brother, pursuing the same line of pol ' ley in "jrettitij there" so far as secur- ing trade is concerned, says Hardware, i His invariable rule, however, is that 1 his first price given to a local merchant is his last and only one- There is no going in the morning with an offer, isd then in tie afternoon with an cr- THE CIRCUS RIDER. EQOHSTRtAJT GAVOTTE; Copyright, 1894, by The tra inducement to make the trade. This being the invariable rule, it saves much labor and apprehension in the mind of the buyer that he has not done so well us he could have done with more diplomacy. Everything- is done for the comfort of the traveler, and at the hotels a special department called the com mercial room is set apart for his ex clusive use. In this room smoking is prohibited until nine p. m., a place be ing devoted to that purpose at other times. The traveler takes his meals in the commercial room, the dinner be ing a set affair in which all travelers in the house generally participate. The oldest man is at the head of the table, and is called the president; while at the foot is the youngest man, and he is termed vice president. Wllhelm'l Title. The actual title of Wilhelm II. is "German Emperor," and not "Emperor of Germany." The German empire is a confederacy consisting of four king doms, live grand duchies, five duchies, seven principalities and four free cities. Within its own limits each state is a sovereign, except as to its army and its power of coining money and imposing duties, in which matters the imperial government controls, as weU as in all international matters. A CHANCE FOR HITSTl.tRS. We want several live, wide-awake oan vasaera to represent the Gazette io Ibis and adjoining counties, in oonneotion with the National Newspaper Union. The work is new, popular and very profitable, requiring neither capital nor previous experience. I is worth look ing after, aud if yon want a real good thing iu the wsy of light, pleasant and profitable employment it will pay yon t investigate this at once. There is money in it for hustlers. Write for f nil psr ticnlart to THE NATIONAL CO , Si t. Loan, Mo. New York Musical Kecoid C When persona are weak and languid from siokness or overwork, feel delapi dated and depressed, it is an indication that the blood is out of order, and they need help to throw off the miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir oulation, promotes good appetite and a flow of cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per bottle. BROWN GOT THE MONUMENT. And as He Had Ucen a Good Fellow, the Kojs Said Ho Deserved It. At a little settlement on the Indian river. Florida, before the railroad was built, lived a penniless, good hearted fellow of the name of John llrown. When Brown got any money he would divide it to the last cent with his friends among the boys, and of course the boys liked him. One day the boys found lirowu dead in the woods. They dug him a grave, rolled him in a horse blanket and let him down in it and then drank several bottles of east coast bitters to his health and expressed the hope that whatever new climate he was in he would be healthy. Some time later than that a stranger came among them. He died a nd. as the weather was too warm to ship his body off, he was buried next to Brown. A week or two passed and the relatives of the deceased 6tranger sent down money to erect a monument over the grave of the stranger. The boys took the thing in hand and discussed it pro and con. They came, to h conclusion thst F.rosvn was a "durn?d" siuht better fellow iu every way than the stranger and more en title. 1 to a monument, so one r.i;:ht they went out and swnpned the ir...-n from i.rie irrrive to the t-".:'. -r. a re suit l;ivtvn. the ne'er-do-v.-. U .'i.ihe miun and ull around g';--.i fellow, sloops beneath a handsome marble monument and the rich stronger lies in an un marked grave. , H. M. BAADEN." INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, i alvravs more or less prevalent. The best reined v for this complaint Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. " bast SprliiR. I was taken dawn with La Grippe. At time I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my tirf-athlnft that my breast seemed as if confined fn an iron cape. I procured a bottle ol Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner haa I heesn taking it than relief followed. I could not be lieve that tli effect would be so rapid snd the cure so complete. Itlstrulyawonderfulmed. icine."-W. H. Williaxs. Crook City, 8. D- AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to euro Fob Saul A thoroughbred reals tered Hereford bull Maywond, No. 28,006. This bull was bred ia lllint ia by fleo. T. Baker, and is j'let the toumal ou wsnt to breed ock tlist will bring a good price. I will sell cheap u I have another of same etock ; or will trade foe good mi'ob eowa. W. T. & Brcjimf .