i Notice to Advertisers, THOSE desiring the insertion of display ado., or change of same, must set their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi tion. Thk Pattehhon Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other thau those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cent a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for Mb or her communication. N correspondence will be published unless th writer s real name la signed as an evidence oi good faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTW- ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange. Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. Thi paper is kept on file in his office. Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE, Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sundav. A rrives every day at 6 p. m except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform tlie public that he has removed to the City Hotel Btand, where he will still keep the best brands oi Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served iq largest sized iuugs. G. B. TEDKOWK, Prop. Here and There. A merry Christmas to all. Low Tillard Sundayed in Heppner. Tom Grow was in from Butter creek Sunday. Lard, 10-pound buoket, $1.00 at J. F. Spray's. M. Galloway was in from Sand Hol low Saturday. Will Allison dropped in on us briefly Saturday last. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. Our merchants report a good days' business Saturday. M. R. Morgan, of the Ioue country, was in the city Saturday. Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 ots.; rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays. Lee Cantwell returned yesterday morning from Hood River. W. Q. Ballard, of Portland, is visiting bis daughter, Mrs. W. A. Johnston, A Christmas masquerade ball will be given at the opera bouse this evening. Holland Thompson was in from the home ranch on Hinton creek Saturday. W. L. Hill and N. R. MoVay repre Rented the Gooseberry seotion Saturday. J. C. Brown was distributing some hue Christmas turkeys in the city on Satur day. Albert Rea went down from Pendle ton on the excursion, returning home Sunday. Frank 0. Brady, the Portland embez zler, has been Bet free on motion of Pros ecutor Hume. Mrs. J.C.Brown, of Black Horse, is reported very seriously ill. Dr. Shipley is waiting on her. Gilhousen Bros, are going to giva you oabioet photos at $1 per doz., from Dec. 1st until after holidays. 9-12 Benny Patterson arrived home from Forest Grove yesterday morning to spend Christmas with his parents. Superintendent Anna Balsiger re turned to lone Saturday evening o spend Christmas with home folks. "Christmas oomes (bio) bu' once (hio) year," murmured a man holding on to an electric light pole Sunday night. J. F. Willis, 0. N. Peck. E. D. Palmer and Wm. Booher, of the Lexingtou sec tion, were seen on our streets Saturday. From now henceforth Chas. Van Winkle's steBm saw will out yonr wond twice in two at GO cents per cord, cash down. Gov. Rea departed for Pendleton Saturday night where he will spend Christmas with bis daughter, Mrs. Mark John. A sure oure for the liquor habit. No cure no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drug Store. 9-tf. Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts always it stock. Baths inoon neotion. Call on him. G. B. Tedrowe, Dave MoAtee, Frank Borg. Chas. Van Duyn and Mrs. O. S. Van Duyn were among the exoursionists who returned borne on Sunday morning's train. Hayes A Mathews, proprietors of the Citv Meat Market, deliver meat to any part of the city. Full wieght and good meat guaranteed. Leave them your orders. tr. John Hale and Alex Sweek. of Port land, came in on Saturday's stage from the interior where they bad been on legal business. Tbey left the same evening for Portland. Wilchin & Plemmons, who own the shooting gallery next door to the post nffinn. have cash rrize shooting, com menoing Monday of each week and end ing on Saturday. Uive the boys a can Mm T.H Hawkins. Chattanooga. Tenn .... "Hhitnh'a Vitulizer 'Haver! Mv Life.' I consider it tbe best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 ots. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Ed Bees, formerly fireman on tbe branch line, bnt now running an engine between Tbe Dalles and Umatilla, came op 8undav to take Engineer Patterson's place during bis bi-nting vacation. When naked how long he would remain, Ed replied, "Until Pat kills a deer" Tnis promoted bystander to reranrk that be bad better move hi family here. Piles' Piles! Itching Pile. Symptoms Moisture; intense Itching and snnjing: most at nieh!; orw by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors f irm, which .ifteo ble-il a:id ulcerate, becoming very fore. Swayxbs Ointment stops tbe itcbing an;l bleed ing, heals ulceration, and jn most cases removes tbe tumors At druggist, or bv mail, for 80 oents. Dr. Swayoe Sop, iTuladelp&ia, Wm. Tappan and J. M. Straddling, representing Ginn & Co., school book publishers, were in Heppner Tuesday of last week. Tbey were oareful not to talk sobool bonks, and when tbe shades of night fell upon tbe Heppner hills they folded their tents like the Arab and stole silently away. If tbeir cause is a just one, why don't these sohool book men who want change work "open and above bo -ird?" Tbe showmen, wilb their mummy, bad a runaway down near Lexington last Wednesday, resulting in tbeir rig being upset and slightly demolished; also "bruising up" tbe mummy to some extent. It is said, however, that H,ey Jido't care for this wonderful attraction, us they oould make another one when it bs gone. Now is the time to get the Wrekly Uregonian, the greatest newspaper of the Went. With tbe Gnzette, both strict ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better combination of newspapers can be made in tbe state. Besides we will give as a premium an additional journal, tbe Web foot Planter, an agricultural paper. Come in now and subscribe. A literary sooiety was organized last Saturday evening at the court bouse with twelve charter members. Tbe offi cers elected are: R. F. Hynd, Pres.; fames Hart, Vice Pres.; H. T. Bagley, Sec, and Roy Glassoock, Treasurer. Tbe society will meet every Saturday evening, and those wishing to join are cordially invited to attend. Prof. Bonbam, sohool superintendent of Grant county, and wife arrived from Long Creek on Sunday last and last evening left for Portland to be in attend ance at the State Teaobers' Association. VI r. Bonbam will also attend the state gathering of county superintendents wliioh also meets in Portland this week. Tbe date of tbe Milkmaids' Conven tion has again been changed to Dec. 28, the original date, owing to tbe lecture at tbe M. E. oharob, South. Deo. 21, tbe .late selected. Don't forget tbe change or miss the play as this will be the event of the season. Secure seats at Horner & Warren's. Miss Bessie Fitzwater writes tbe Con ilou Globe that she is located at Eight Mile, where she began teaching on Deo 3d, and has a very good school. She also informs that paper that Miss Anna Clarke's school at Liberty olosed last Friday with a grand entertainment in the evening. Interstate Milkmaids' Convention at Opera House on Friday, Dec. 28tb, tbe time first advertised. The crowning event of tbe season. If you want a good laugh don't fail to attend. Admission 15c. Reserved seats 25o.. for sale at store of Horner & Warren. Don't torget the date Elder J. W. Jenkins, of The Dalles, will be in Heppoer and preaob for the Christian church at tbe opera house ol Saturday evening and botb Sunday morn- ng and evening. Members and friends of the congregation will please bear this in mind. Net every woman, who arrives at middle age, retains the color and beauty her hair, but every woman may do so by tbe nocasional application of AyerV Hair Vigor. It prevents baldness, re moves dandruff, and cures b11 ecalp Prof. W. A. Wetzell arrived at Hepp ner Saturday morcing from Harney nouoty, via The Dalles. The Prof, hat Oaen quite successful in bis institute vork, judging from the encomiums show ered unon him by tbe preBs of our state. Harry Warren, Oacar Minor, Frank Rogers, and Frauk Minor recently from Iowa, got back yesterday afternoon from a ten days' hunt nil over tbe Hat mountains in the soutbero part of the couutry. They report three antelope. Arlington Record: Rev. J. M. Denison, formerly our pastor, was in our city ou Friday last, returning from Ooldendale. where be bas baen helpiug in a meetiug tie went to Heppner, wuere he is no located, on Saturday morning's train. "A snake in tbe grass" is ail the more dangerous from being uueuaiieoied. rjo are many of tbe blood ruediuiues ollered the public To avoid all risk, ask your druggist for Ayer's Aimauac, wbioh it just out for the new year. Paities desiring to seoure state scrip to use in pnrobasiog government lands during the month of December should see or write A. Mallory, of this oily. This proposition must be taken advan tage of during this mouth. 2-4. D. A. Herren and J. S. Buseick, under tbe firm name of D A Herren & Co., are buying aud gelliog grain of all kindt next door to tbe Gazette office. Tbey pay tbe highest market price, and will buy in any quantities. 78-tf. Mao Smith and Wm. Straight were arrested on another obarge of onlf pur loining last week, and each bouud over in tbe sum of 300 to await tbe action of tbe grand jury. Judge Freeland heard the case. J. A. Patterson, Johu Hughes and Tom Quaid left Sunday afternoon for a week's "antelope" hunt nut in the tllneg. The Mattesoo buys will also joiD them. All left feeling confident of suo cess. B. A. Hunsaker runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to tbe Interior, r. uonn agent. Heppner would support a telephone exchange, even if it does starve a news paper. It is a wonder the "long-dis tance" line between Portland and Spok ane is not extended into Heppner. T. B. Natter bas reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe best beer on the Pacific coast. Also on hands tbe best brands of liquors, winet and cigars. obir. Shilo's Core is sold on a guarantee It cures Incipient Consumption. It to the best Cough Oure only one cent a dose 2o ots., 50 ots., and 81. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. This will not last long. The (iezette, one year in advance from date of order a d one of GilhoiiHeo's life-size cruyom all f-ir StO. Call and see us for par tioulars. Joe Saling i in tbe spraying and ornning business, as bis ad. in thet-e oulums will testify. Work entrusted t bun will be done in a strictly first ola manner. In case where dandruff, scalp diseases, falling and grayness of the hair appear do not neglect them, but apply a proper remedy and tonio like nail s Hair no- newer. Q. B. Hatt, the toneorial artist, can be found at bis parlors, MatlocH ooroer, where be will dispense at popular prioea shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. Green Mathews for shavlug, hair- cuttine. shampooing and all other work In that lin. Bitrnateny time dnrio bui;iee bonis C. M. Jones, assistant A new aryle ph iio will be liken at 81 per d"Z., at the (Mlhousen gallery, fro ri D o. 1st to the i9ih. 9 VI ., Gilhousen Br. are making cam no , 'photos from 1.00 to $400 pet th. Call j tod wrtfpitw. Mr. Judge Peck Dyspepsia Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How She Was Cured SdHerers from Dyspepsia should read the fol lowing letter from Mrs. n. M. Peck, wife of Jiule Peck, a justice Rt Tracy, ("al., ami a writer connected with the Associated Press: "I!y a deep sense of gratitude for tlie great iHVHiflt T Iv-ive rweived from the use of Hood's 8;ii-up:iriil;i, I Ictvt lieen led to write the follow ing !tat"r;i''i!t for thf i-.ft.cfit of sufferers v ho may l similarly aniicted. For 15 years J have been a great sullen! from dys?isl;. iind Heart Trouble. Almost everything I ate would distress tne. I tried different treatments and medicines, but failed 1o realize relief. Two years ago a friend prevailed upon me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tlie first bottle 1 untleed helped me, so 1 con tinued taking it. It did me so much good that my friend spokr of the Improvement. I have receired sucu great benefit from it that Clad!y Recommend It. I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I eat ever distresses mt. It also keeps up my Hood'sCures Hush a;il strength. I cannot prniso Hood's Siirsaparilh too ntm-ii.'" Mits. 1J. M. 1'kck, Tracy, California. Cet HOOD'S. Hood's Fills 'ire hand made, and perfect M proportion anU appearance. 2rj. a box. Not a Dksphbado . Tbe E. O. recently gave quite a picturesque aocount of Bill Walker and his John Day home, the same appearing in tbe last issue of tlie Gazette. Friends of Bill say that he has been misrepresented. He is a plain man but no desperado, as the E. O. would bare its readers believe. He has lived on the John Day only twelve years, the last three years at bis present home, and it is said to be no "robbers' roost" either. The Gazette has known Walker for ten years or thereabouts and it bas never heard him aooused of stealing. Of the present case we know nothing, but it is bad policy to give a mail a repu tation that doesn't belong to him, or to try his case in the newspapers without either judge or jury. Tbe success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment in the relief of pain and in curing diseases whion seemed beyond the reach of medioioe, has been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and lege drawn up 0 rooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by lisease have been oured through tbe ie of this remedy. Piice '15a, 50 aud 1.00 per bottle. A CHICKEN'S STRANGE FEAT. Tba Fowl Callrd Out City Tire Do- piirtmprit. An obstreperous chicken succeeded in calling out onr fire department not long since, bald a citizen ol Savannah, 3a. It was a mule bird of the game persuasion, and had acquired the very bad habit ol flying away from home and mounting to an extraordinary height for a domesticated bird. On one occasion, when cliabeu oy sonic onys, it got, badly scared, aud, flying' up rap idly, struck some wires and got tangled up in them hopelessly. liy some menns or other it shook or disarranged a wire which notified tlie department of a fire, and every effort was made to get promptly to the scene of the supposed outbreak. No fire being discovered, it was evident a false alarm had been turned in, but the continued struggle of the rooster sent in further alarms and caused a general demoralization of the electric service. Yi hen the cause of the disturbance was finally located the bird was nearly dead, and its hand some appearance had entirely vanished. This is, I believe, the first case on rec ord of a chicken upsetting electric service in this way, but the bird, al though quite a small one, succeeded in doing the work quite enectively. The Discovery Saved Ills Life. Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers- vllle, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Disoovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all tbe phi'si- oaos for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I oould not live. Having Dr. King s New Disoovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get getter, and after using three bottles was ap and about again. It is worth its weight in gold We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at T. W. Ayer's Jr.. drug store, Skinned iVIinKflf uid AM I. Mv uncle and sister and I were out in the garden one day watching a lit tle toad, and my uncle took a twig and very penny scratcnea nrsi one ,i bv no other remody. ask ynnruruK side ef the toad and then the other. I for Bwayne'b Ointment. The tjad evidently enjoyed it, for he would roll slowly from side to side, savs a correspondent in the Philadel- phia Press, and blink very expressively. I was so interested that when they went In I took the twitf and did as my uncle had done. If, thought I, if he rolls from side to aide, as I touch him. what would he do if I ran the twig down his back? I did so, and what do you think happened? His skin, which was thin and dirty, parted in a neat little seam, showing a bright new coat below, aDd then my quiet little toad showed his knowledge, for he gently and carefully pulled off bis outer skin, taking it off the body and legs first, and then blinking it over his eyea, till where had it gone? He had rolled It in a ball and swallowed it. " Be Unlet," Hold She. An excelh-nt story was told at a I-on-doo charity dinner the other night. Mr. Sydney Holland, chuirnuta of the Poplar hospital for accidents, is re ported as follows: "One day a man was brought In who was thought to b dead. His wife was with bira. Ouc of tha doctors taid: 'Ho LsdoJ,' but tho man rd'.cd LLi,ead aud said: 'Xo, 1 am not dead j-tt.' whereupon his wife admonished him Kiy-ing: '1 quiet; tie doc'.oe Cijtt V) laxrw UV y ERCII ANT HOTEL, i Corner Third and PORTLAND, Meals 25 cents, best in the oity. Booms 25 cents to 50 oents. Board and rooms, $5.00 to $7 00 per week, according to room. ELEGANT DINING ROOM Qood Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service. No Chinese Employed. s-wlm, T. D. CONUON, t'rop. ...THE OPEN DAY MAX SMITH, w-3m Proprietor, Insti -OF- Keeley lie Ollis, Dawson Ss IVyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HEPPNEB, Is the Place for Fresh Cash FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND It is the Headquarters! tat utM, Druico let Artloea ISto. Office of all stages running out of Heppner. SLOCUH-JOHHSTDH 0301! WMl BBMBiJilliilllMK'My 'Mr'J'J mnu in iam,..u,t,Agan i for Infants " Csstorialsso well adapted to children that I recommend it on superior to any prescription known to me.' II. A. Archer, JL D.t 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla is so universal and I's merits so well kuown that It suems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Caatorla within easy reach." Carlos Mabtyn, P. D., New York City. Tug CENTAim "How to Cure All Skin Diseases-" 8imply apply "Swaynr'b Ointmknt." No interoal inedioiDe required. Unres tetter, fo.emB, iteb. all eruptioDn on tlie face, hands, noae, &o., leaving the ekin cleBr, white and healthy. Its great hill;.... ami nnrafivp. nnwprfl are DoaaeHS- e..i,i,M'. Notice of Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE I HF.UEBY MVK.N THtTTflERK will lies niectiliK of the stockholders ol the First Nntloiml Bank of HeupniT, Ht th-lr office on the sec-olid Tuesday of January, lb'J.j between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in., anil 4 o'clock p. m., of said day, for the purpns of electing nirccu, i." . such other business as may swear. GEO. CONSF.K. Cashier. Heppner, Or., Dec "th, 1891. WJ- Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TFI R rinilar annual nieetlnit of the stockhold ers of the National Bank of Heppner will be held at their hanbinir house In Heppner. on the second Tuesday In January, lh'Jf, between the hoursof lOo'chK k. . M . and 4 P M., for tne purpose of electing D rectors for the ennuliise rear ED K. BISHOP, Cashier HEFPNrR, Or, Dec. 10, 18U4. Wl.301 Stockholders' Meeting. VOTICE W HIREBY GIVEN 1 HAT THE i regular annual maetlnj of th stockhold ers of the Heppner Building at Lose Assouiatlos will be held iu their office Id Heppner, ou the seco. i Tuesdsv of January, between the hoursof 10 o'clock. A. M. and 4 1" M.. lor the purpose of electing D1 rectors for the ensuing year. mj. it. ni.Hor JUrrNEB, r., Dec 1'), iwtl. M-anl. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blond pnnrier. gives Irrsnnen ami ointment vi LEGAL BLA1NKS. rtte lyOmpiexiori currF iJ"-,'ill,vuilu as ., 1. !d by T. W, Ayjn, it. Davis Streets, OREGON. .(5afe AND NIGHT Unl MOHRIHON ST., Between Swmid & Third, Portland, Oi For the Oure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It ta locHted at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautif ul Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. BANK BUILDING. OREGON Groceries, Cheap for Only. PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Oils, GlfisM, Toi' Patent Mertloinea, PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. and Children. Csstorla euros Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For Severn! years I havo recommended' your 'Costoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produoed benoflclaJ results.'1 K.nwnl F. Paroie, M. D. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. COMPAXY, 77 MtTMUT STRICT, NlW YoRR ClTT. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Any porsou who desires to trade good unincumbered farm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for property in Portland, should call at the O Hzette office. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE"'" EST. KINO. F RENCH& ENAMELLED CALF. 4-3.-Lo FlNECALF&rftNGABDa 3.5PP0LICE:,3 Soles. l2sj2.W0RKINGMEN2 EXTRA FINE. " 2.l.yBoYsScHtrat5HOEi LADIES' 9 9Z l '3 BESTD0NGO14 SEND FOR CATAJJXSU6 WL DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Veo eao save mosey by purcBaslnt W. L Because, we are the largest manufacturers of the value by stamping the name and price on lh bottom, which protects you against hlgU prices and the middleman's profits. Our boom inual custom work in style, essy tiling bo4 wearing qualities. We have them sold every where it lower prices for the value givey thaa "ny o!her msae" Tnke no sub.tllut. XfyoM icalor tauuot aunply you. w cao. 14 by Dealer whose name will ihortly p pturhere. AReBtwanted. Apply it once. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE I? - s Hold o"i r ikft't, no rit. no rti)nttr. Ad!ipM B 'l It,. ( n v Vi luiirti or Count ri. fiwlwl 111 "Vwrr ir?fC VK.itiH.otioc. ftfuettiifl "tti' f. Grfcit tooeiv "r ! 1 AifMi ro:.l from S lo J."VOp f. 1 1 1n "" ni'-wi" a "'(iii in w'"" nr-ia-hh r. I' it tfiMfrarr'UU, tio frn. work- A- , w tjywhfcf. t.t dut "- (VirntM fu T lor Gil uruo'itrtt or:T. ro rrrnrna. in I, li" l-J 'in. rvne'l'T. U;ld,Vtui Htiv.sve.a.tfe. iBIMMV Facts Worth Knowing ! A few quotations Before and After Minor & Co. reduced prices IlKPOHK, Granulated sugar 8 lb for $1.00 Extra C sugar y lb for SS1.UU Kice. Island INo. 1, 10 pounds lor Beans 16 pounds for $1.00 . Green coffee 4 pounds for $1 00 Arbuckle e coflee due per package Rock Candy Syrup $3.00 per keg Keg of pickles $1.65 100 pounds D Salt $1.75 100 pounds stock salt $1.15 Case coal oil 13.25 Flour per barrel $3.00 Matches 5 packs for '25 cents Cabot W muslin 10 yards for $1.00 Calico 14 yards for $1.00 B. & H. boots fo.ao per pair Overalls 75o per pair 1 gallon jars doo Suit of clothes $20.00 Overcoats $20.00 to us as will Still E HAVE RECEIVED MORE Freight than all the rest com. blued. This Is no boast; ask the agent. Patronize those that reduce the prices, not those that eomblne to keep them up. This Space GILLIAM HARDWARE. Xmas. -X Xmas. Christmas Gifts for it IcFARLAND iinnfmir HEPPNER. In fact Old Santa Claus will be on Deck this as WE HAVE just received, to be gold at lowest obbq prioea, Toys, Picture Books, Tin Horna, Battlers, Drums, Ships, Tin Kitchen", Jumping Jack", Cnpi and Saucers, Mag', Soldier Seta, Wagons, Dolls, Baby Oarringes, eto., ele. A fine line of false - Dress Goods, Fanoy Goods, Ribbons, etc., at about half price. All Dry Ooods at Lower Prioes than osn be bought in Eastern Oregon. Groceries, a full supply, WAY DOWN. A few more Heating Stoves at Coat. Hand Lamps ant Crockery very obesp. Call and see as. McFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. Owing to tbe advantages gained tbrougb being a member of the . . . . P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to make prioes for cash as low as tbe lowest. Corner Main and Willow Htreets, Land Patents Lund patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contented cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disput? speedily settled. Contests Between individual baring eunHicting claims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants nnder tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between "laimwuta under any of tbe public laud laws and tbe ItBilroad companies aud their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under tne Swamp-Land and School-Land Grants. Specialty made of securing patents In tbe shortest possible time for settlers who have oomnlled with tbe laws nnder wliioh tbeir entries were made, and wbo are aonoyed and worried by delays in tba issue of tbeir patents, oaosed by Trifliog Irregularities wblob eso be easily sod speedily renjoved. Advioe also given In all matters relating t tie pnblin lands, eepeotatly n) iotii( arlniog ooder the new laws wblob have bwu ruatiotly pumwl provldiog fat tbe disposal of Ibe publlo domain. If yon want ynnr land patent Id a hurry if you waul yonr land balotme, ol any rharaoter, attended to by skilllnl and enmpeteot attorneys, and promptly dle posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., p. o. Dusj, oas. Wufctiiinftoo, u a : AKTEH. 15 pounds for $1.00. 16 pounds for $1.00, 14 20 to 22 4 2do per package. $2.50 per keg. $1.00 " 100 pounds D Salt $1.25 100 pounds stock salt 90c $2.50 per case. $2.15 per barrel. 7 packages. 14 yards for $1.00. 16 to 20 yards for $1.00. $4.50 per pair. 50o per pair. 25 cents. $15.00. $15.00. Sl.UU you have and the Prices go Lower! MINOR k CO. Leaders in Low Prices. Belongs to & BISBEE. Old and Young at mm JK usual. faoei and masks. HEPPNER, OREGON.