Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 21, 1894, Image 4

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Tbcre was never a time in the history
of our coantry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of msukind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, an well as in official
liio, require oontinnai accessions to the
appurtenance and jmpliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
b.-tng on the alert, and ready to por
cine the existing deficiencies, does not
pnfmit the affairs of government to de
ter him from quickly conceiving the
remedy to overoonie existing discrepan
cies. Too great onre cannot be exer
c . id in choosing a competent nnd skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
au application fur patent. Valuable in
ternals have been lout and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
meat of iucompotont oouueel, and es
pecially is this ndvioe applicable to
those who adopt the "JNo patenr, no
avatem. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
ho at imminent risk, as the breadtn
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
018 ' street, N. W.,Wa8hington, D. 0.,
representing a large number o impor
ttint daily and weekly pnpers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eonutry, was in
atituted to nroteot its Datrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
dable tees, and prepare and prosecute
r.pplioatious generally, inoluding me
chauioal inventions, design patents,
Irade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to enter into
competition with any firm in scouring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John WitiiniwnuitN.
1118 F Street,
p. 0. Box 8K5. Washington, D. C.
T0t!R liltANDS.
While you n.11011 your mihBoription pmd up yru
onnktwp yur brand in free of oliarge.
Allyu. T. J., lotie, Or. Horses 0(1 on lnft
BtionliJtir; otitde HKiiifMm left hip, nnilor hit on
rlwlit our, mill uppoi" hit on the loft; riuiBii, Mor
row comity.
Arnmtronu, J. tl., Alpino. Or.-T with bur nn
iler 11 on loft shoulder of hornou; ciittlo ennui
""a in'Mju'o- P.. Eiillit Miln. Or. Cnttlo brniid,
O I) on left, Iiip tun! liorwiH Mimo brand on rittllt
shiralilnr. HaiiKo. l!nlit .Mile.
Aiikine, J. J.i Heppner, Or. HorfioH. JA oon
nertfitl on left Hunk; CHttle. Hlune on left hii.
Iliirthiilumow, A. !., Alpine, Or. Horaeii
branded 1 li " either shoulder. luuuw in Mur-
nominlMtor, J. W., Iliiriliimn, Or.--Cattlo brand
ed tt on left Idp mill thiKh: split in eeoh eur.
Itrnnner, Peter, ttoneeherry Oromi Hnrfine
briiniled Pll on loft shoulder. Cattle seine on
rlMurke!eM Ht, 0, Ijoiik l;reek, Or-Ori raitt.le,
MAV connuoted on left hip, elopoll left ear, un
der half onip tiH riht. lloreeH, eiune brand on
letft shoulder. ItiuiKO in llruiit and Mmiow
"""lrnan. Jerry. Lena, Or -HoraoB branded 7
on riKht shoulder; out tin H on the left Bide.
Left eur heir orop '.lid rinht enr upper slope
Hurton, Win.. Ileppner, Or. -Horses, J I! on
rilit thiuli; eultle, bhiiiu on rinht hip; split in
ew'li ear. ,, .,.
Uriiwn, In, t,exinton, Or. HoraeB 111 on the
rinlit Btitto; cut tle name on right hip; ratntti, Mur-
rnHrowntyj ('-. Heppner, Or. HorHeB, oirele
0 with did iniiel teron left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Ina, Ori'KOii. Horses W. I.nr
over It, on the left Bhoulder. Cattlo biuiic on left
'' iiiiyor, W. 0., Ileppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right, hip cuttle, same, With split in
"lork-,ri'. )., Flepimer, Or. Homos, P B oil loft
ahoilhior; ealtlo. Biune on left bin.
lirownlee, W.J., h'ox,Or- atlle. JH connected
on loft Bide; orop on hilt ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on riKht, enr; on homes same
brand on the left tliinh; ItiuiKO in I'm valley,
U"tone"nWiirreii, Wanner, Or. -Horse brand
ed O on rinlit slille: ant tie (tliruo liars) ou
riuht. ribs, crop and split in each ear. limine in
Grant, mid Morrow counties.
Cain.K., (toioli.Or- V I) on hnrsna on left stitte
U with Quarter circlo over it, on left shoulder
and on left, atille on all colls under It yearn; oil
left shoulder only on all horBOB over 5 years. All
ratine in tlrant county.
Cate, ('Iuib. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H t- on rinht shoulder; cattle same ou rlnnt hip.
limine Morrow and Umatilla oounties.
Curl T. Il John Day, Or.-Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork mid under bit
in rinht ear, split in left ear. Kanne ill liraiit
oeiiniy. n slump, inverted A ami spear piuilt
ou Bhoulder. Kur niarkou ewes, crop oil left ear
pnuchod upper bit ill rinlit. Wethers, croi ill
rinht and under half crop m left ear. All ramie
111 drain count y. .
Cook A J ,Lena,0r. Horses. ton nnntshonl
der; Cattle, saineon rinht hip: ear mark eiuare
crop oil left and split ill rinht.
Ctirrin. K. Y., CurriuBVille, Or. -Hursee, m on
'ToKd. 8., Hurdmnn, Or.-Onltlo, C with
Ein center; horses, ('lion left 'lip.
Cochran, 11. K., Monument, ( rant ,), Or.
Horsos branded eirele with bar beneath, on left
shouhler; cattle same brand on both hipB, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Cluipin. H., llardman. Or - Horses branded
Oon rinht hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses rinht lliiiths onitlo same
brand ou rinht limlldor, and cut oil end ol
riDonliei.W. M .liallowav. Or. Cattle, U lon
rinht side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, It 1)
"Vl'v'-Ml'' Hons, llounlas, Or. Horees brand
eil'Ki.V on left shoulder, cut tie Banio on left
hip. hole in rinht ear.
Finery C. Haidnian, Or. Homes branded
) Irevorswl C Willi tail on left shoulder ; cat
Uesuine on rinht hip. Itaiine in Morrow county.
Florence, L. A., Ileppner, Or.-t attle, Lb on
rinht lop; horses K with bar under on rmht
"''thlremie, B. 1'. Ileppner. Or Horses. V ou
rinht Bhouidei ; cattle, K on rinht hip or llunh.
Krench, li.-ome, Ileppner. Or.-t utile branded
VK with bar over it. on left side; crop oil left
ear' Horses, same brand on left hip.
Uenlry, Winer, Fclio. Or.-lloraes brsn.le. I.
H with a ipiarter circle over it, on lelt stltle.
ltannein Morrow and Uuialillaconnties.
A II lli.lue. Or.-Catt e. ivnnd-ton K
with quarter circle under It oil the rinht hip.
llai'ICe 111 .lorrow aim i ..m ........ ....
k i...,Ws Item ton. Or ( atlle.two bin
on either hip; crop in rinht ear and split in lelt.
Horses, J on rium ioib". ..,.i,H..... . .......
Hushes, Samuel, Wanner, Or-- (T K l.
coiineetedlon rmht shoulder ou horses; on cattle,
ou rinlit hipned on left side, swallow fork II)
rinht ear mid silt ill left. Itanne ill llajslaek
dl.llm.MrHw enntv ... , ,
Hale. Milton. Wanner, Or. Horses hrandeil
-O- (circle with parallel tails) on left shonliler
(Mile mom on led hip also larno circle ou left
''lialt. K.dwin, John Ilay.Or.-Cattle K H on rinht
hip; horses same on rmht shoulder, haune ii.
rant county.
Howard, J L, bslloway. Or. Horses, (cross
with bar als.ve it) on rinht shoulder; cattle
saineon left side, limine m Morrow aud liuin
tilla iwuntles.
liunhes, Mat, Ileppner, Or. Homes, shaded
heart ou the left shonliler. llallice Morrow Co.
Hiiusaksr. H A. Wagner. Or.-Homos. II ou left
.le.nider; ealtlo. don left hip.
Humphreys, J M. llaidaisu, Or.-IloiM. 11 ot
''lloslloi, l.ntlier. Kutht Mile. Or. Horse Hon
the led stem Ider and lewrt on the left Btille Cal.
Ue same on left hip. Haiis-e in Morrow comity
Jones, Harry, Heppner. Or Horses branded
H J on the left stionMer: cattle baanded J on
rinht htp. also uuderbit ill left ear. Itanne in
Morutw ceuuty.
Jnnkiu, H. M., Heppner, Or. Morten, horse
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the iu.
UstiK-e .in Klnht Mile.
J.ihnson, Mil, Une. Or.-llorses, eircleT on
left suite; oattle, same on ritfht hip, under Kail
6mp in riai. sea spin in ten sr
Or.- Hore brmnded
RN7 on left hio. cattle same and crop off left
ear: under slope on tne rinht
Kirk, J. T.. Heppner. Or. Uorees Ow on left
shonlder; cattle, VH on left hip.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horses 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same ou right side, nnderbit on
ru-ht ear.
Kumberland.W.G..Monnt Vemon. Or. I Lod
catt le ou nniit and loft Bides, Bwallow fork in If ft
ear and under ciop in rinht oar. HorseBBaine
brand on left shoulder, ltannein Grant county.
Loft'-n, Htepnen, Fox, Or. H L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on rinht ear. Horses
same brand ou left shoulder. Huiine Grant
Lienallen, John W., L-rfi(f Or. Horses
hramied half-circle JL connected on left shonl
iler. Cuttle, same on lof (.bib. Kauice, near Lex
ington Leahey. J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
L and A on left shoulder; cettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three elite in rinht
ljord, Croorne, Heppner. Or. Horsefl branded
double U coMiecb. ft Sometimes called a
swinn H. on left Bhoulder.
Minor, Oscar, neppner, nr. rattle, U Sun
rinht hip; horsa Mon leftBhouliier.
Mornan, H. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M )
on left shonldei cattle same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar. Ions, Or. Horses, 77 on rinht
hio; cattle, 77 on rinht side.
MeClaren, D. d., Hrownsville. Or, Horses,
Finnre fi ou each Bhoulder; cattle. Mli on hip
Medirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-coric on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horsefl same brand on left stitle.
McHal.1, ... t .. namiiton, Or. ifn Morses. w
with half circle under on left shoulder; on cattle,
four bare connected on top on the rinht side
Hnnne in frrunt Comity.
Nonl. Andrew. Lone Hock, Or. HorBOB A N con
nefiUsl on left, shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Nonlyka. K... Hilverton. Or. Horeos. circle 7 on
loft thinh: cai tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same oc loft thinh, Kanne
in eirant county.
Oiler. I'orry, i,exini?lou. Dr. 1- u on leri
shoe, fief.
Olp, Herman, t'rairie l ity, (Jr. tin cattle, w
LP connected ou left hip; horses on left, stitle
ami warl In on nose, liani'e in (irant county,
Pearson, Otnve, Einht Mile. Or. HorseB, quar
ter circle shield on left ehould'T anil '24 on left
hm. Cattle, fork in let; ear, rtnnt croppeil. iH
on left hip. Kanne on I'.ntht, Mile.
Parker & GleuBon. Hardman, Or, Horses IP od
left shoulder.
Piper. K,rnot, Lexinnlon, ( lr,--Horses Drona
. LI (L K connected) ou ieft shoulder : cuttle
s me on rinht hip. Kanne, Morrow county.
iper.J. H., Ijexinnton. or.-Horses, .jr. con
nected onleft sliouliter; cattlo, sume on leri nip.
nnder bil in each ear.
Pattys, A. C, lone, Or.; horsoB (llamonn r on
stioiilrler: cattle. J H J connected, on the
loft hip, ut'per slope in loft ear and slip in the
rinlit- ...
Kood. Andrew, llarftman, ur. norBos, square
cross with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle.
Itentnner, l.lins, ileppner, ur.-uiw, vj u ou
left shoulder.
Kusli Urns., Heppner, Or. Horses branded t
mi the rinht shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hin
crop olf left ear and dewlap on neck, ilange ir
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Heaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorflfM
branded A 11 on rinht shoulder, vent quart el
oirele over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow county.
Itoyse, Win. H, Uairyville, Or II It connect
with oimrter circle over Utn on cattlo on ritrhthip
and orop off rinht ear and split in left, llorsei
same brand on leftBhouliier. ltange in Morrow
Grant and Ojlliam counties.
Hector. ,1. W.. ileppner. nr. norBes, iiu ot
left shoulder. Cattle, O ou right hip.
K,,i,lr,,j,ll .T. W.. Gooseberry. Or. Horse
branded 1 on left shoulder; lange in Jlorr"
county. .... . , ,
Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses brandeil
on left, shoulder; cattlo Biune on left hip.
Hwagnart, It. F., Lexington, Or. Horses
with dash under it. on left Btille; cattle ii with
flash under it on rinht hip, crop fill right ear and
waddled on rinht hind Ion. Hango in Morrow,
Gillininand Umatilla counties.
Hwagnart, A. lj., Athena, tlr. norsoB nrunue" j
en lort shoulder: nettle same on left bin. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
(Straight W. K., Ileppner, dr. Horses shaded
J H on left Btille; cattle J H on loft bip, swallow
fork in right oar, uuderbit in left.
happ, TIiob., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A V on
left hip; cattle same on left hip.
Hhrier.Jolin, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on rinht hip; cattle, same on rinht hip,
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. ltange
m lirant county. .
Hinith IiroB., Hnsnnvllle, Or. HorseB, branded
II. A. on shoulder; cattle, aine on left Hhoulder.
Hqiiiros, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JSon left shoulder: cattlo the same, also nosj
waildle. ltange in Morrow aud Gilliam counties.
Hlephens, V. A., Harilinan, Or-; horses HSon
righl stitle; cattle horizontal L ou the right side
Hlevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, H
on right hip: swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggarl . G. W.. Ileppner, Or. Horses, 41 on
left shou hloi ; cat tie, 4 on left hip.
Htierry, F. G.. Heppner, Or. ('attle W 0 on
left hip, crop off right ami uuderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W Con left shonliler.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Or. HorsoB, Z on
left shonliler; cattle, 2 on loft shoulder.
TipnetB.B.T.,EnlorpriBO,Or. Horses. C-ou left
shoulder. ,, , ,
Turner It. W., Heppner, dr. Small capital T
left shoulder, liorHes; cattle Bame on loft hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, II. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left, stitle; sheep same brand, -
Vanderpool, H.T., Lena, Or: Horses II V oon
neutod on right Bhoulder;cattle, same on right
' Wulhridge, Win.. Heppner. Or. Horses. U. h.
on Hie left shoulder; cattle same ou right hip.
orop otl lert ear and riglit ear lopneil.
Wilson, John Q Halem or Ileppner, Or.
llorses branded Ji ou the left shoulder. Hauge
Morrow county.
WiirreU, W II. Caleb, Or ( attle W with quarter
circle over it, ou leri snie, spin lu imnteai.
Horses same brand ou lelt Hliolliiiur. miugoi"
Grant comity. , , ,
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shouhler and left, hip
Catt lo branded same on left, side and left hip.
Woltlnger, John, John itay l :ny. i fr un norses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on slieep.
bit in both ears, ltange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward. Jolm, rleppner, ur. rioraos, ui
ooniieettsl ou loiisnouiiier.
Wntktus, lesno, Itelipner, r. norses uruuutsi
UF. oonnected ou loft, stitle.
w,.ll..,., Chiirles I lei, oner. Or. ("attle. W on
p,l.i iniui hole in left, ear: horses, V ou right
ahonliior Bonn1 same on left shoulder.
Whittier nros., nuniingion, Bilker Co., Or. -Horses
branded W H connected on loft, bhoulder
Williams, vasco, nmnilton, Or. Quarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle auo
horsoB. llanne Grant county.
Williams, i O, Lonn Creek. Or Horses, guar
ter circle over throe bars ou leri nip; came Bame
and Blit iu each ear. Kange in (iraut oounty
Wren, A. A., Heppner. Or. Horses runiiingA A
on shoulder; ( attle. same on rinht hip.
Voullg, J. GiKiBOlierry, kit. norBes uranuee
I'Hon the rinht shonlde-
Ore ox
a W'tendAo
"tecaxsc ok
oA UnevoaY.
Are you willing to work for the cause
n( Protection In placing reliahle Infor
in iliiin In the hands of your acqimin.
t.inct'S ?
II you are, you should be identified
the american
photective Tariff League,
Cut tUt notice out and lend It to the League,
.tat n your poiidon, and gtre a helping; hand.
Every patriotic citizen should ;iveliii
prrsontil effort snd influence to im-retue
tin- circuhition of his home paper which
ti ...lira the American policy ot l'rtef
tii.ti. It ishisdutytojdiiithisre?'i rt
in cv iry way possible. After the lunne
p.iptv is taken care of, why not sub.
scrilxi for the Amehcan Economist,
puMithcd by the) American Protective)
T.u id l eague ? On ei its correspon
dents says I "No truo American can
tet along without it I consider it the
ti Litest and truest political teacher In
ti.o United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Addrt Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Sccrattry, 135 West SjJ
St. Hew York. x
rhototfraphs $l.f0 pel dizen at 8hep
pard's gnllnry, near opera house, north
Main Ht.. Hetmnir, Ore. 2tf.
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For
20 years past, my wife
yano' 1 have used Ayer'a
Hair Viiror. and we
attribute, to it the dark
h:ur winch she tint! 1
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years joitngertbaii we,
ate oilher gray-headed,
white, or bald. When
asked how our balr lias
retained its color and
fullness, we reply. 'Jiy
the use of Ayer'a Hair
Vigor nothing else."'
"In 1868, my affianced
vra3 neatly bald, and
sr-STa the hair
I , Kept fall
ing out
day. I
i n d n ced
her to use
Aycr's Hair Vigor, and very soon. It not
only checked any further loss of linlr. but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
1 can recommend this preparation to all In
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all
that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tex.
J. Ktuimntt'cfi (mho for Una and Chickbn
Cholera, which haw Ntoinl thetent for seven youru
without fuiliircs, that 1 know of, hut lian elledt
vA thoiiHHii'lM of fiiren. I have sold over'.OOO
retifiptH ami fumily rightB in eifjht moiithfi, aiul
not a niiitflu coiupliiint rp(;eivcU yet. I boIi! each
and every one on a guarantee, and I still Bell
that way. Jf Holland CholeraOureand I'reven
ttitive fails to enre or prevent Cholera, I will
refund ymir money. This is fair enough, tfix
poiimlH of tlm medicine ean he made at a total
cost of from ?1 to?l.U(t, enough to rlofiO hoRH and
1UU chirkfiis a year. You are then aumired
against chnlera for one year. If you will try
thin remedy, 1 aaaim; you you will never regret
it. Tne it, and your hos and chickens will
look hetter and healthier than ever before.
Keclpe aud family riht only ?l.on. Ready
pre pn red medieineH ."rtlc and U per bottle or
package. AdilH'HB
Axentu wanted atonee. (.'owarts, Ala.
Dalian, Texas, April lit, lKli:i.
Mrw ltarhel V. ThomaR, Dear Malain: I have
thoroughly tested your eholera remedy and find
it O.K. It's grand. I enclose 1D will try the
agencv. Pleae wend at once ami oblige. Very
ruHpeetfully, II. W. Haki-eh.
Dallas, Texas, May 10th, 1JV.I.I.
Have wold out. I eneloBc $W for whieh send
tne all the reel ties vou uan and the rights to the
coiiuti' H named below. I never Haw anything
sell no fast, w hat is the leant you will take for
theHt'ite. If your price is reasonable will take
the stale. Yerv respectfully.
H. V. Waui-ek.
(1 have not room for all his letters. He took
the slate. Hero Is one more of his letters.)
Dallas, Texas, July 17th, ls!i:.
Mrn. Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam; Since
toklng the slate right I canvassed three weeks
atid made ?'.S7 selling recipes and territory. 1
will start Severn 1 sub-agents next week. Could
I exchange n portion of Texas lor a portion of
Kansas',' Very respectfully, H. W, n.wii'iiit.
Milieu, (ieorgia, Dec. Mth, lKi:t.
Mrs. Tlmnias: -I write a lelterof enquiry.
How mui h of this Btateis insold? I want bal
ance of tin- state. Holland s Cholera Cure is
iusl w hat It Is represented to be. It has proved
a blessing to the tanners of thl county. Very
respectfully, C. . Koknkiklo,
Agent for Hcreven County.
Rock Ilridge, Ohio, Der. Ith. is:!.
Mrs. Thomas: Recipe came to hand and it's
all (. K, Kudosed llrd ;at for Hocking, Picka
way and Fuirtield counties. What will you
lake for the state.' Yours trulv,
I'. Hanstkin.
line thousands more Icstimotdals. I guar
e iioltautl's Cholera Cure and I'reveutative
ire and prevent hog and chicken Cholera in
and every case or refund the money. This
ir enough. Don't postioneordering because
mav not at pit-sent be bothered with ehol
'I he idea is to prevent it in time. This my
My will do ami will also keen your hogs
chickens m a nice healthy condition, (ien-
and local agents wanted. State aud family
ts lor sale or trade. Address
Ini. Cowarts, Ala,
Chicken Cholera
if yon use the PclHlum'1
In'ctibtitors A Brodtra.
Wake money while
others are wasting
lime ovoui processes.
Cataloglelhi nil about
lt.nnii1 describes every
article ncftieu lor me(
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wheel. lrettiestmodel.
We are Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicvcle catn-
MiSUsCf logue.raniledtrecffives
full description, prices etc.. aofnta 'wanted.
lin AN'JI House, a.u S Maiu t., I.os Angeles.
Brief State News.
Wnrtnro ia being mnde on gamblers in
Pendletou nnd La Grande.
Mnny Tygh ridge onttle are dying of e
dittonKe called blind staugers.
Whent nnd oats bring 75 oents a bushel
in Yamhill county if fed to hogs.
An Eagle Valley, Union comity farmer
has grown a cabbage weighing 55 tts.
Peer are coming down out of the high
mountain ranges. Many have bsen seen
on the range two miles south of Long
Suite l'rinter Frank Haker aud wife
will take an Eastern trip, lasting about
three months, when his term of oftloe ex
piree. An Astoria man Sunday night dropped
a counterfeit f0-cent piece in a contribu
tion plate lit a church and took out 40
cents in good money.
The ppstciliee building lit North Yam
hill w as wrecked by the late giile so that
the front door would not open. The
large wiudows in (rout were blown in.
II. O. Smith, an old gentleman of Uma
tilla county, bad two ribs broken the
ilay after Thanksgiving, and juat found
out last Friday what was the matter
with him.
Hears scoui to he .iiite uiiiueroud iu
Curry county, and uiauy are being
caught. George Forty, has recently
trapped four on bear creek, a branch ot
Elk river.
Aimer (Simpson met witli a fatal acci
dent n liile working at the old Magnolia
mills, Albany, Friday. He fell about 15
feet, striking on his head, aud lived only
a few hours,
John lUhr has returned to Teudleton
Vii Illustrnted I 3
Words by H. HEINE.
Moderato. .
t a. t I
r v
-----ty -r-
ll . I
V .
They think my heart is break - ing in sorrow's bit-ter yoke,
folk : Thon large eyed
gnaws my heart a - way,
f iMramnente.
gels sprang all
- r - f:r - f - r4 - r -
from Portland. He sold his wheat crop
of 12,000 bushels at 43 cents per bushel,
whioh is equal to 30 cents delivered in
Pendleton, allowing 13 oents for freight
and handling. t
The loO head of hogs killed by J. J.
Chadwick last week averaged just 58
pounds of lard each, or 8,700 pounds
total. Mr. Chadwick killed 153 fine oorn
fed hogs again Monday, and bad the job
completed in good shape by 11 o'clook
a. m.
A great many hogs are being sold and
thousands are being fattened, Bays the
Jacksonville Times. The pork industry
is one of those upon whioh Southern
Oregon banks strongly. It distributes
nearly $75,000 among our farmers annu
ally. Saturday evening Caroline, the stal
wart princess of the Wasco tribe, was
arrested on a charge of assault and bat
tery committed on another squaw at the
palatial residence of the latter on Mill
creek. She was tried, found guilty and
taxed SoO.
Petitions asking that the next legisla
ture enaot a measure similar to the
Washington law, prohibiting the manu
facture and sale of cigarettes in this
state, are being circulated in Umatilla
oounty by representatives of the W. 0.
T. U. They are being liberally signed.
There is plenty of good vacant laud in
Qilliaui county, says the Ccndon Qlobe,
and we want more settlers. All honest,
industrious men and women will be
welcomed, and the mora money they
hare to invest in the development ot this
great aud prolifio ooantry the better for
all coucerned it will be.
The first gate in the canal at the locks
will be placed in position this week, and
work is being pushed forward aa rapidly
--3 1 r -7 crrrrrrrn 3 L :
. -J- T-
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thcro were e - vil an - - gels who sealed my lips to close, And oh! from e - vil
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dar - ling, do I not al
ft trvtpo.
-X X -
lint on - ly in
con enpresswne. ft
x E - ss - ts
Lr-r p - j -
ul - ways in thy ires
my wretch - etl woes,
nJ iS5l-
r - - t'r
Copyright, ISM, by Thb Nkw
as possible. Visitors to the locks now
say they oan realize the canal and looks
are being completed. This is undoubt
edly the best outlook for years, and peo
ple are very muob enoouraged at the
Sam Smead, of Koseburg, while driv
ing to Coos county last week with Mr.
CranBton, of Portland, was overtaken by
a storm, which blew a large tree over.
Smead saw the tree falling, stopped and
baoked the team. The tree fell across
both horses heads, killing them instant
ly. There being no limbs on the tree,
both men esoaped nninjured.
Qua Johnson, of High valley, caught a
young wild cat some time ago and has
since been keeping the animal, but on
Monday be brought it to town and pre
sented it to A. M. Benson, of the City
meat market, who will kill it and have
the bide mounted by a taxidermist. This
does not imply, however, that the carcass
ot the animal will be worked into bolog
na sausage.
Eastern Oregon will sow a large acre
age of 8ax the coming season. Many
farmers have oontraoted their crop for
next vear at Drices above $1 per bushel.
The demand for flax has been constant
tor several years and there seems to be
no room for doubting that flax ia a pay
iug orop at the above figure, especially
where ooutracted ahead. The onl)
chauoe the farmer ia running will be in
getting a large enough yield.
When persons are weak and languid
from sickness or overwork, feel delapi
dated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out ot order, and they
need help to throw oft the miserable
feeling. The beat remedy for this pur
nose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood TariQer. It re
9 "
J i I ' r ,3Jg:: -g-jpi, !I " -,
prrTinr i-Fg-:gzriri- j f j
Ma taMM Mnhhi nwniwiiitiilid iMiil toKwnmux 'Ia'inr.'K Hw tmm
Norendo. '
niv woes, my woes,
I too be - gin to think
. fl j;
- ways say
I love the
cham ber
- - j
( t-
ence, quite si - lent I
rnU. woffo.
''-ml h -'
And o!i! from c - vil an -
Sprang all my
. A . K .- J
-i- a ' . r i Lj - u i
trj2pz.LCic: 1 1 u r --
Vokk AIcdical Kecoku Co.
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of oheerful spirits. Price ifl.OO per
The remains of Roy Barnard, the un
fortunate boy who was drowned in the
Imnaha river last July were found last
week by a searching party and brought
to Joseph for interrment. Search has
been made for the body at different times
since the tragic death, but not until fail
ure seemed certain were the efforts
rewarded with succesB. The body was
found lodged against a rock several
miles below the plaoe where the accident
The Southern Paoifio has tree experts
in the field who have been selected to
travel thronghout the southern part of
the state and mark trees, whioh will be
transplanted in a system ot parks by tliBt
railway oonipany at various points along
their line. The work ot selecting trees
will ooosume about one month's time.
It is estimated that the parka to be es
tablished by the Southern Paoifio will
represent an outlay of over 81,000,000.
One of tbeir new parks will be at Salem.
Work on it is now in progress.
We waut several live, wide-awake oan
vassers to represent the Gazette in this
and adjoining counties, in oonneotion
with the National Newspaper Union.
The work is new, popular and very
profitable, requiring neither capital nor
previous experience. It is worth look
ing after, and if yon want a real good
thing in the way of light, pleasant and
profitable employment il will pay you to
investigate this at once. There is money
in il for hustlers. Write for full par
ticulars to THE NATIONAL CO .
84-tf . Louis, Mo.
i 1
so, as well as oth er
past all tell - ing, loVe
I dare ex - press my
re - mam,
gels sprang nil my wretch ed
wretch cd woes..
Only the Scars Remain,
"Among the many testimonials which I
see in regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
Hbnrt Hudson, of tne James Smith
Woolen Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., "none
impress me more than my
own ease. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 16 years,
I had swellings come on
mj legs, which broke and
became running sores.
,!'! Our famtlyphyslcian could
do me no good, and it was
feared that the bones
Jli would be affected. At last
my good old mother
IrSI urged me to try Ayer s
5fl Sarsaparllla. I took three
13 bottles, the sores neaieo,
Mm and I have not been
1 troubled since. Only tho
Scars remain, ana in
memory of the past, to
remind me of the good
Ayer's Sartapartlla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
ain in the best of health. I have been en tbe
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparllla advertised m all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure in telling what good it did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating ia
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparllla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Hue.
Curesothers, will cure you
Fob Sals. A t boron ghbred regis
tered Hereford bull Maywood, No.
2S.6C6. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Geo. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed stock that will bring
a good price. I will sell cheap as I
have another ot same stock; or will trad
for good milob cows.
Ptf. T. 0. BecJUfTJK.
r ti
t-?- ! i a
I US: 1 1