PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. .- -L , ,l. t i . Tber(r"waB never a time la the marorj of oar coantry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the art Bt.d sciences generally was bo great hp uow. The conveniences of mpjkind in the factory and workshop, the household and Od the farm, as wt: an in offitrinl liie, require coutinuat accf-HB ons to the appurtenance and tmpliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. Tae political change in the sdmimstra ti n of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who boiug on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, dues not permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from quickly conceiving th remedy to overoome existing discrepun oies. 'fno grat aire cannot be exr o -ed in oLoostug a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prospcuti b:i application for patent. Valuable in terea's have been lotst and destroyed i inuqmernble inHtanoes bv the em pint merit of incompetent counsel, and en pacially is tLis advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorney do so at imminent risk, ns the breadth end strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endenvor to iet an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manage' 1)18 F street, N. W., Washington, D. 0. i-epreseniiog a Urge number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stitutcd to protect its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Com pany Is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, including me cbanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to into competition with auy firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John WicnnKitmnm. lilK F Street, P. 0. Box 885. Wa'd.ingtou, J). 0. ;to;k h rands. While yon a nop ynnr Fulmnnptinn paid up yen can keep your bmnJ in free of ohargo. Allyn, T. .J.. lone, Or. Homes (IU on lor Bboulder; oatt.le Hume im IcPt hip, nwtor bit 01 rlniitear, and upper bit on the loft.; rann. Mor row county. Armstrong, J. t'., Alpine. r, T with bar nn der it on left uboublur of lioraea; cattle sain on left hip. Allison, O. 0., Kiifbt Mile. Or. Cattle brand O Don left, hip and homes name brand on righ1 uhonhhr. Itattge. Kight Mile. AiikniH, J. J., Heppiier, Or, Hrrses, JA eon united on hit tlank: cattl. same on left hip. lliirthnlumew. A. (I., Alpine. Or.-- floi-ant-brnnded 7 & on either shoulder. Hange in Mo -row oouiitv, J. W., Hard man, Or. ( attle brand e) 11 on left hip arid thigh: split in eaeh enr. Brenner, I'ter, I iwinnliMrry Oi'inmn-- ItnrHii' branded Pit ou left slionldor. (initio sjimn 01 riytit sirle Hurke. M Mt li'mg tironk. Or On rntllo MA V eouni-eted on left hip, eiopotl left, our, tin der half (imp off right. Hornns, sumo brand ot Jtft shoulder, llango iu (lrant and Morrow hrotminn, .ferry, Lena. Or. Horaea branded i oil rigid Hliotihtnr; cittiie n on me it'ir side Left ear lililf nrop nd right wir uppfir slope. Hart.on, Win.. II ppner, Or. -Horses, ,1 H or right thigh, cattle huiug on right hip; split in eaeb oar. , Hrown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses 111 on Hit right stitle; oattlo aamaon right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. 0., iinppnor. Or. HorneR, nireb f! with dot in titr on lfl Inp; esttlo, sa-ue, Brown, w , J., umiii. tin-non. KoiNtm W bur over tt, on tho left Hlioitlui'r. Cuttle same 011 led h'liiiyer, W. 0., Heppner, Or. Homos, box brand or rw!i hip cattle, same, with split in '"ilorg, V. (., Heppner, Or. Horses, F H on left honlttor: mtttlo. same on left hin. iirownlee, W..I., Koxlr-Cattle, JH eonnenteit on left side; erop on left ear and t wo eplilsnmi middle piece cut out on right esr; on horses satin brand on the left thigh; llango in Fox valley. Grant county, Ciirsnei' Wrirren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand wlO on right still ; rattle -j (three bum) o. right ribs, erop him! split in euoli ear. Ilauge i (Jirint anil Morrow ooimtuw. Cnin.K , Cutwb.Or-Y I) on homes on left nfH. U With unarter circle over it, 01 left shoulder uiid on led stifle on all colts n dnr n years; left shoulder only on ell horses over n years, A I' range in (raut countv. t'ale, ('bus. Il Vinson or Lena, Or. How H 0 on right shoulder; cuttle siune on right hit . liange Morrow ami Umatilla counties. Ourl.T. 11., -I'diD l)ay. Or. Double cross 01 each hip on cuttle, swallow fork and under ln in right eur, split in h-ft ear, Unngo iu Ontnl county. On tthmtp invorted aiul epnar pom ou shoulder, tour niarkoit ewes, erop on left eur punched upper bit iu right. Withers, crop in right aud under half crop iu left ear. All raug in (irant oonntv. Coik. A. J.,Lena,Or. Hormw, fOoti rinrhthouI dr; ( 'attle, same on right hip: car mark Wiiarr ernp off left aud split tu right. Currtn, H. V., Currinsville, (lr. -Hornes, un left stitle. Co Kd. H.. Hardman, Or Cattle, C will Kin center: homos. t'K on left w, ('orhran, It. li.. Monument, (lrant Co, Or. Horsos btandfd circle with bur beneath, on left shoulder: cuttle mune brand on both hl(K, mark under slope both ears end tlewlap. Chaptn, H., Hardmati. Or. lIorsoB brandml oti rii;ht htp. 1 'attle bi-HUl'd ilia Bame, A1h,, brand Cl on boros right tliigh: d t e nn brual tin ri ilt bltoiildur, And cut oil eml u rifihl eur n. ...; W. M .Oallowav. Or. Cat t la. li I ' on right side, swadow-fork in eaoh our; horses. It I) ou Iwfl hin. Klv. J. H. A Hons, Douglas, Or. Horse brand ed KLV tut left shoulder, cattle same ou lefl bip. hole in rigid eur. Kmery, C. H., Hardiuun. Or. Homes branded ') reversed C wit h tuil) on left stioiiidnr ; cut tle same on right hip. liange 111 Morrow county. Kloronee, I. A., tleppme-, Or. Cattle, LK on right hip, horoert F with bur under ou right boulder. .... ,, Florence, H. V. Heppner, Or Homes, Y op rigid shoi Idei ; cattle, F ou right hip or thigh. Krenrh, (leorg, Huppru'r. Or. ('attle brandml WF, with bur over it, on left side; crop oil left ear." llors", seine brand on left hip. tientrj, Miner, b,elto, Or. Ilor,, brsndod H R. with a o,nirter einle over it, on luft stitle Hange in Morrow and Umatilla enmities limit A. K, Uidge, Or. t'attUv ismnd-top K with quarter einde undor it on the right hip. Hangs iu Morrow and I ' matilta nounties. llinton A Junks, 1 lumil ton, t 'r ( 'ntt le. two bs-.i on either hip: crop in rigid ear and split in left Horses, J on right thigh. Itangein Onuit county HngheH, Hemuel, Wagner, Or- ft' ' ?OUiHH'tcd) on right shoulder on homes; 011 cut tin on riuht hip and on b'ft side, swallow fork it rinht ur and sld in left- lUugo 111 HaystacV UiHtnci. M-'ow ronntv Hale. Mtitoti wanner, or.-nnnwi orsiMn -O- (eircle with parallel tails) ou left shoulder (Mtlu same on left hip aUo large circle ou ltd Hall, F.dwin, John lay,Or. Cattle K H on right hip; horses nam ou tight shoulder, bangf ii rant county. Howard, J L, ! -alloway, Or. Hores, (crust with tiar shove It) on right shoulder; earth dsmeou luttsnie, iUugtt ui Morrow aud Uma tilla counties. Umhoa, Mat, Hppner, Or.- Mtrtaw, al-atlcd bwrt ou the lutt shoulder, liang Morrow Co. HmiHukr, U A. Wagner. Or.-lUirMM, il 00 Uft thoulder; eitj, Hon Ipft hip. Humphrevs, J Rl Uanimau, Or. Hone. H or 'Huston. Lulher. Furht Mile, Or. Horse Hoi (he tuft should rau l lemrt ou the left stills Cut j,u,,n loft hip- Ks'IjT ;,1 Mrrrow I' M J-mh's H.irrv, H-M'pn r. Or llort.'s rar 1-v J on Ctc h f I h'io'1 i'1r: c"!t La in I d J oi riv'it Idp, !-o o:id'i bit in l-fi ear. ban,:" 1 Morrow entity. .Ltekiu.rt. H., Heppner, Or --Hnnt.e, hor; shoe J 011 Uft -lemldtr. C.dtle, the sau itu-isM on Fight Mile. J.din-oii. Felix Lena, Or.--Homes, circle I or Ittft bmH; oHttle, sai'i on right lap, uiuir tmd arop in ti,,r suiU iu lft r KNT on left hip cattlfl wmft and crop off loft ar: nmiAr mnrw on tn nam Kirk J.T., Hoppnor, Or. Horsei 69 on lefi j ihonlrinr: CHttln. H on left hip, I Kirk. Jes, Hftppnor, Or.: horse1 11 on loft I shomdwr; cattle same un right Bide, untterbitoD I Ktirnberlftnd.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on I cattle on riffiit and loft airlee. rwhiIow fork in If ft '. ear and a tutor cmp in ntrlit enr. Hoi-tiMS wtrrr- brand on Ipft shoulder, linn bp in Grant county. Loftn, Htepnen. fox. Or. H L on left hip j on cattle, crop and split on riK'it ear. Home i same brand on left shoulder. Kanae Grant a 1 Lienallen, John W., L OY. Horiw branded half-circle Au connected on left shnm. der. Cattle, eame on left bio, Itanee, near Lex ini:t)n Lenhey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded Fj an 01 lfrt shoulder; cetfle Heme on lft hip, wattle over riK'it 'e, three el its in right ear. Irfird. Oftfirge, Heppner. Or, Horsea branded double H cot.nei'N Sometimes called s swing H. on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, rteppnr nr. rattle, M 01 ritrht, hip; hursa Mori left ehouldftr. Morgan. H. N., Hppuor, Or. Horses, M) on left shonldei cattle same on left hip. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on righ1 hin: cattle, 77 on right side. McClaren, D. (.. Hrownaville. Or, Horse', Fiirure fion aeh shoulder; cattle, M2on hin MeHirr. Frank. Fox Vallnv. Or. Mule shn. with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder b each ar: homes aame brand on lft stirle. VTeHal-i. .. na!inu'n. f)r. ' n Hors. with half jirile nndron left shoulder; on Hatt". four hsrs nonnested oq top on the right sidc Hapge in Grunt Count v. Ntt.Andrw. !iOn Hock. Or. Horses A N con nected on Inft shonldr: cnttle omfl on both hin Norrtyke F., Hilverton. Or. Homes, circle 7 op left thigh; cattle, same on left hip. Olivnr. Joseph, f -Hnyon City, r- 2 on eattb on lft hip; on horses, Bame on left thigh, Uauir in "irant county Oiler, Ferry, Lexington, Or. F O on lef shon,di. ' Olp, Hernian, PTairin t.ity, (Jr. On cattle. ' LP oonne-dd on left hip; h'ra on left, fltifti and war' In r noun, llango in Orant countv, Pearson. tllnv, Fipht Mile. ( tr. Hornns. quar tr eirelp shield on loft shouldr end 21 on In' hip. Cat tie, fork in leTr ear. right cropped. l on left hip. lUngp on Kitrht Mile. Parker fjleaaon. Hardman, Or, f Torses IP o l"ft shoulder. Pipor. Krae-t, Laxington, Or.--Hor-es brand e K fL R connected) m, bft shoulder ; cattl s me on right hip. Range, Morrow county. Piper, J. H., Lxingtin. Or, Hors(B, JK con nected otdeft shoulder; cuttle, Bame on left hip onder bl' in each oar. Puttvs. A. ('..lone. Or.: horses diamond P o- ghonlder; cuttle, J H J connected, on th left hip, upper slope in left ear aud slip in tlx ritrht. Rood. Andrew. Hardman. Or. Horses, squar-ores'- with ( over it on loft stifle. Keninger. Chris, Heppner, Or. UorseB, C U 01 lft sboiildnr. Hush Hros.. Hpnnner, Or. Horses branded ) on the right slmnlder: cattle. IX on the Iwft htp nrop off left ear anil dewlap on neck. Hange i Morrow and admining counties. Itnaney, Anilrow. Uixington, Or. Horn, hranded A It on right Hhouhler, vent fpiarte circle over brand; cuttle same on right hij lU'ige Morrow connt.v. Uoyse. Wm. H. Duiryville. Or Hit connscto with quarlMr nir'de over top on cuttle on rwt hi' and crop off right oar and split, in left. Horn' same brand on left .shoulder. Hange in Morrov Grant and Gilliam counties. Hector. .1. W.. Hoppuor, Or. Horses, JO o leftBhouldor. Cattle, 0 on right hip. Spicknnll. J. W.. Gooseberry, Or. HoraH branded 31 on left ah uldor; iange in Mor,( county. Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses hranded on loft shoulder; cattl" same on left hip. Hwaeiiurf. H. F.. Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on laft. stiHo cuttle H wit dash nndnr it on right hn, crop off right ar an wnddlod nn right hind log. Hunge in Morrow (jilliam an"l Umatilla noun ties. Hwaggart. A. L., Athena. Or. Horses brand 1 en hft shoulder: nettle same on left hip. (Vo on ear. watt, In on left hind leg. Straight W. K Hn(innr, Or. Horses shadn J H on M stillo: nstt.ln J Hon left hip, swallo fork in righ' ear. underlet in loft. Happ. 'I'hos., Hnpoiior, Or. lloreeB, H APo lft hip: ''altli same on left hip. Hhrinr.John. Fox, Or. N( I connected o horses on right hip: cattie, same on right hit erop i .IT right ear and under bit in left eur. Hung in nra"t county. Hmitb Bros.. Hussnville, Or. Horses, brando H . 'A. on shoulder; cat tin, ainn on left ahonldn Wrpiircs. Jumns. Arlington, Or,: horses brand" JH on loft shoulder: eat lie tho same, also H"s waddht. lt"Co in Morrow ami (i illiam no n ie HtMphons, V. A., Hardman. Or-; homos HSn riidit stith; cattle hori'ftntal L on Gin riirlit sii'f Hlevonson. Mrs A. A.. tbuinn'T. Or. Cuttle, ' on right hi 1 ; swallow-fork in left car. HwuurKurt. G. W., Heppner. Or. Homes, 4( o( left should" ; ca'tle. 4( on h'ft bio. Himrry. K. G . lUnnner. Or. Cattle W 0 o lft hip, crop off right and undorbit in Inft yea' dewlup; horses W Con left shouhler. 'riiompson, ,J A.. Hnppnnr. Or. Hnraou, Z Lift shoiild.'r: cuttle Hon left shoulder. Tipte.H.T.,KmerpriHe.Or. Homes. C!-n le' shoulder. Turner It. W.. Hnppner, Or. Small capital ' left slionldnr. horses: cattle aame on left, h-' wi'h split in both ears. Thornton, H. M.. lon. Or. Horses brand" HT connected on left stitle: sheep same brand Vunderpool. H.T.. Lena, Or: Horses HVont nected on right Bhoulder;cattle, same on rig1 hi 1. Walbridgc, Wm.. Hfippnor, Or. Homes. H. f on the ("ft shoulder; cuttle same on right hit crop oft left eur and right, our lopped. Wilson, Jonn O,. Hid urn or TTeppner, Or. Homos branded Jr on the left shoulder. Rum Morrow enmity. Werreti.W H. Cnleh. Or Cattle W with quart' circle over it, nu left side, split iu rigid oh Horses same brand oil left Hhoulder. Rutige 1 Grant comity Wadn. Ilieiry, Henpner. Or. Horses branrle ac of spsdes on leG shonidor and loft hi f'u'tle hrand"' same on left side and left hip. Wolfingnr. .Tohn, John I 'ay t'itv.Or On hors three parallel bum on left shoulder; 7 on Htine bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Mai line counties. Woodward, John, Hnnpner, Or. Homos, U' connected on lft shoulder. Wat kins, Lishn. Heppner, Or. Homes brande UF oonnecteil on left st ille. Wallace. Charles, II ppner. Or. Cattle, W o -ighl thigt'i, boh in left ear: horses, W on rig' diouloer snnn samonii left shoulder. Whittier hros., riutniiigmn, Maker Co., Or Hurses branded W H conueied on lefl b!iou)i1fm Williams, vhhoo, Hamilton. Or. Quarter ci le over three burs nn left hip, both cattle at hnrses. Range Grant county. Williams, A O. Long Cnnk. Or Horses, nm 'er circle over three burs on left hip: cattle hhiv and slit iu each ear. Range in (irant county Wren, A. A., "eppner. Or. Horses runiiingA nn shoulder; ('attle. same on right hip. Voting, J. H., Gonsnimrry. Or. Homes brande THnu the right shonlde- Ore QW a VAnendAo & cause aj; 0 CVvnervccxw "lneres:Q 1 Are you willing to work (orthectuise 1 1 Protection in placing rcliablo inlor- .ition in tho bands o( your acqiuiin. i Hu es H you arc, you should be Idontiiii-il ith The American Protective tariff league, 135 W. 23D ST., NtW YORK. 'nt (Ms ititi.-e out ,nd tend U to the Laiue, vta: ii vur piMttion, and t.e a helpdig hand. tiOOO AHVH1.. Evrry patriotic citwrn should imvi-j'.-l-sonal ellort and intluncr to iiu tf-.e circut.ition of hut home pajiet wii,' t ;.i:hr the Amrncan polii-y of IVv'.. lion. It U his duty to aid in this rov, ' t in ev.iry way poaaibln. After the hoi'it: : ipol i taken care of, why not su'.i. iciiK) for the Ammicam Econom.-i, published by the American I'rotcctivo Tariff League ? One of its correjpoi-.. I'.-nts sayai "No true American can i,cl along wjout It I consider it tho gveatost and truest political teacher in the United States.',' Send postal card request for free f ample copy. Address Wilbur F.W.ike n.n, tieurral Scvivtuy, Ij5 West 2,;J t'l.. Hew Vurk. riiotivcaphs SI.. Ml 'fi iln.t'n at Simp imnl'M irulb ry. bei.r nprr Louoe, nrtl Mt4U tt,. HM'DDtfr, Or. UW. A Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but who now resuJes in Honolulu, writes: "For 20 years past, my wife anil 1 have used Ayer's IJair ViKOr, inid we iiiiuiiiiif in it the dink liiiii- wliidi she and 1 now have, while hun dietls of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozeu yi-arsyniiMt'ei tlmn we, areelihergrfiy-lieaded, wliite, or buhl. Wlieu asked how our hair has retained its color tuul fullness, we reply, 'By the use of Ayer's Itnir Vigor nothing else.' " "In 18G8, my aflianccd was nearly bald, and r.'.IJ the hair 'PrMx every day. I I n d u ced her to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new prowMi, which tins remained luxnrliint and jrlossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine lialr-restorer. It Is all that It is eiaimed to be." Antonio Alarruu, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR V5GOR M CHOLERA f HAVE A 81 RK, T'-'IKD, PROVEN AND I guaranteed euru for Hon and Chick rn Cholera, which h is Htnod the tent for seven years wltliout failure, that 1 know of, but has effect ed thousands of cures I have sold over WO receipt mid inniily rltrbts In tdght months, and not a fciniilt-' t-oiiiilnlii t received yet. I sold en eh Hide cry one ou a pimri'ntee, and f still sell Mint way. If Holland CholeruCureaud Pre von atlve fallK to cure or prevent Cholera. I will refund your money. TImb Is fair enough. Klx lounds of the inedirlne can be made at a total out f)f from $l to JF1.20, enough to do 5b hoffs and lull cbti keiiH a year. You are then assured intilimt cholera for one year. If you will try thin remedy, 1 unsure yon you will never regret if. Cue it, and your hoys aud chicke s will look better iiml healthier than ever before. ;ecipe and fami y right only .00. Head) prepared inediid es fAie and $1 per buttle or package. Addirss MKM. KAflHEL V. 'I'HOMAH. Agents wanted at onue. Cowarts, Ala. TEGTIHOITIALS : Dallfts. Texas, April 13, 193. Mrs Rachel V. Thomas. iJeiir Malam: I have horongli'y tested your cholera remedy and find it o. K. It'sytnnd, I e close $10 will try the iux'hc'. 1 letinc bend at oueo and ftbti-ro. Very respeetfully, H. W. H varsit. Diillns, Texan. May 1!) h, 1893. Have sold nut 1 enclose for which send ne nil the recipes you enn and the rights to the oiiutl h named below. I never saw anvthlti 'ell so friht. bat i" the least yon will take for; lie t .to. it your price is r.-asonable will take the state. Very respectfully. II. W. WaiU'ek, (I have not room for all his letters. Ho took i estate. Here is one more of his letters.) 1) illns. Tevas. July 17th. W):i. Mrs. Rachel V. I'liotuns. Dear Madam; Since nkiutf tin shite rjirlit I ciinvasscd three weekt iml in de ? is? seliiMK recipes and territory. 1 ill Btart fli-vetiil sub agents next week. Could f exchange u portion oi i'exan for a portl-moi vaiiKusV Very respeetiully, H. W. Hau'-kk. Milieu, (ieorgin, pec 14th, Mis. Tlionuis:-! write a lellerot enqn'ry. fuw tniicb oi this stub is unsohi .' I want ba'l-im-e of the state. Holland's Cholera Cure le list hat U is represented to be It has proved i bless' ui!' to the fanners of ihi county. Very espeetfully. V,. tt. Kuknfi'ki.d, Agent for Heiuven County. Rock Bridge, Ohio, Dec. 4th lSWt. Mrs. Tonuisi Kecipi! came to band and It's ill tt. K. Kncloseil til d fin lor Hocking, I'icka vay and Ka'i Meld counties. What will you ake fur the Btate? Youra truly, P. Hanstkin. 1 have thoiiKamls mnre testimonials. I gimr- iitee iiolluinrs t'liolcra Cure and Preventative 0 cure and nieveut hog ami chic en Cholers in acb and ei'iy case or return! the money. Thii ,i lair enough. Don't ostponeorderiug because on umv nol a present be bothered with chol ra. I he idea Is to pruvent it in time. This uy enicdy HI do aud will also keep your hogs 1 nl rh kens in a i ice healthy coiulitfou. Ueu ral and local auents wanted, state aud family ights lor sale or mule. Address Alas. Kachkl V, Til MAS. w-3m. Cowaita, Ala. Chicken Cholera Brief State News. linker City ponple nr talking up a ti 1)1 ia wool warehouse. The Orpon City Enterprise is entbnai Htimilly urt'iiig bettor romls. There was hi,? "nibbifc 'irive" in Hie l icinity of linker Oily on December 15tb A Hteer weit;!iinB 2584 pounds wbb innrketoil nt 13ukflr City one doy Inst week. A peooud crop of apples lias Blurted lo row on the orobnrd of Frmer Steveo oti, of Southern Ourry ooonty. Hy a vote of 5 to 4 the Oorvallis oonn eil pHHBed n resolution to advertise for for $2H,000 of wuter bonds. A good ni:iny cattle are being dehorn ed iu Gilliam county this winter. The prioe for ilrlmruintf is 10 cents a head. Tno him lreif and thirty bails of hops are ready for shipment from Iiidepen feuoe, fiuir enrlouils from Sfio and one I'ar'oad frooi HarriHbnra. M. S. Foss, an Eastern uentleman, ie feediim 11011 bend of cattle on the Nodiue r inch, four miles northwest of Union. It takes 11 tons of Feed a day. Joseph. aOeliln Indian converted Inst year on the Yakima reservation, has be come a preacher and is holding meetings for the Umatilla aenoy Indiana. A Mr. Kirby, living near Tarrant's ranch, Yamhill county, oat oil' the fingers if his bn's right hand ou Tuesday, lie , as cboppini; w ood and t lie boy placed 'oa hand beneath t lie axe. It is rcp'rted that the persons wb ecently located the ul.i spring on Little Eaule creek, east of Cuion, will nut iu a bottling plant ueit year and prepare the water of the spring for nntket. Mra. Rnrris, of Marion, ia lying at the p iint of death from a peouliar mishap. She was seized with a fainting spell and 'ell over a low fence, breaking two ribs lireotly over the heart aud looaemng hree from the spinal column. A voting woicm sot otT the train at ''o tawe Gmvo Tuesday and went to the ilnrwood l.oU'1. Later she v as confined i nul is ii a critical CHi.liinin. She is j le-itute iui.1 kn.ivvs lui otiti torre. The oiuity wiil look after lit r tetiipornrily. lVople in the eastern end of Long Islvud ep- r criib. At uigl.l Vbay"jack" Wordsby H. HEINE. (odernio. Andam. M f tr They thik my heart is break - inp; in sorrow's bit-tor yoke, folk; Thoa larfro - eyed 1-9- 6 ! "tt m : iar y aW ff i - fjMriamenle. iztzz r Er there were e - vil , -r2rrrrr.rrrr:rri-'rrr trrjr -r "-Jrrrritrrrr-Lg nn gels sprung all woes, m-S-t a- for them, and the orabu oav no attention to the bright light in the bow of the boat, whioh reveals them. Id one of these jacking parties recently 100 orabe were taken in Peoonio bay in one evening. The opposition steamer, Reenlator, ot The Dalles, does a good freighting bnsi neaa and ia loaded heavily every day. There is a rumor that the boat will make tri weekly trips, beginning on the 20th of this month; but Ibis has not been de termined yet, and will not while the present freight business continues. The proposed new county to be form ed from Western Lane and Douglas does not meet with much opposition. The Engene Register, republican, and Guard, democrat, are willing. The plan is to leave t he selection ot the county seat and officers to the next regular election. Blaine county ie the name selected two years ago. George Lemon, a Damascus farmer, bas bad his right foot amputated at Gladstone hospital. He was a Union soldier, and at the battle of the Wilder ness, iu Virginia, May 6, 1363. received in bis ankle aud toot n bullet wonnd, wbicb never healed. Tke government will furnish bim an artificial toot. W. H. Harris, the railway earpenter who met with sudden death bv falling from a h'gh trestle near Pleasant Valley, bad uo relatives or friends that anyoue can disoover. The remains were taken to Baker City, and Inquires were dili gently instituted as to the deceased his tory or connections, but tolhiug could be learned eotu'erntng him. The remains were interred at Baker C.ty at the ex pense of the county. When persona ure weak and languid from sickness or overwork, feel delapi- detvi and dsprw"', it i w iodi-rlrm j gnaws ny heart a - war, TJnt on - ly iu my cliam her I dare vx - press my con esprexsiotw. x k K K ft 'fi--? m 1; - ---Fsz?zL I pain, For al - vays in thy pros -m --ail m-m a m a i a- y : rjj :zl -'"'.""rsi -tJ . hmSzh0 rrg: ztzh': S ssn.--.-r-5::.-" &tz--rr -g-g-g-P. . C-J HaHH wbiw nawi MMun vmwtmi ! Ulllm mum tamn tejvrjx.y ir it a,- nrrr 1 c p , r WBf?- -rz rrrrrr:.r:r-prrrr- rif--'- . l -! a -i a i a -i a i m V a i m - i I i h HMhmMmmJ hHMHB HHhMmJ hranlMrawHj tanvMMMwva' ,11 ,inipi,inw,in bakaaMi taKMmiiTK.u.'iixK THEY THINK MY HEART IS BREAKING. i -m- -m- -m- v- er -m t- dar - ling, do I not al a tt m)ja. - - i - S! - ?:: - S: r zzm - L an trcls who sealed rqr-r r t my wretch - ed woes, S t-E.a - Copyright, ISfW, by Thb Hsw that the blood is ont ot order, and tbey need belp to throw off the miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite aud a flow of oheerfnl spirits. Price $1.00 por bottle. Charles Baker, of La Grande, while out banting bad a somewhat exciting and an pleasant experience. As be went to sit down with bis sbotgnn oooked the hammer dropped for some reason and the gnn exploded, the load tearing past Mr. Barker's left ear and just missing that member by the one-tbonsandtb part ofaninob. Ot course be jumped, ami in jumping be dropped bis gnn, which slid down an embankment into tbe river and soon lay beneath four feet of the icy waters of tbe beautiful Grande Roude It was a ease of cold bath ornn gnn, and be cbose the former alternative, dive.l beneath tbe waters, resoued his weapon and went borne very promptly. Geo. W.Jenkins, editor of the 3ant Maria 'Times," Cal , in speaking of th" varions ailments of children said : "When my ohildren have croup there is only one patent medicine that I ever use, and that is Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. It possesses Sfine medical properties that relieve tbe little sntferers immediate v. It is, in my opinion, tb best oongb medicine in the market." It tbia remedy is freely given aa noon i s tbe oronpy oongb appears it will prevet t the attack. It is also an ideal remedy for whoopiug c ngh. There is rv danger in giving it to ohtld'en, as it contains nothing injurious. For sale bj Sloouin-Johnsou Drug Co. Gilhonsen Bros, are making cahiuet photos from $1.00 to $4.00 per dcz. Tail and eee eispU, 2 7. Uira;Wt',iM.XMti .mZt" j i - -m-1&- - i .. y.-00.-00-& -5y tWHfKUW 1 1 QflUUIiJMI1 DKB1HI 1 hi IIWIMM my T'oes, my woes. --m Music I too he - srin to taitik i-1 asnuaa tnx-zaom i i , 1 - - - tr - -c,. t 1- - ways say I Iovo the mi encit, tiuito si lent I jzzK - o i&-srD-k , w - r mil. moltn. 4: -I- my lips so close 2 , -Si-Si Si t-r 1 1 i i i m ii4gwnt 3 And oh! from e - vil nu - rrrZgrrfrrSzrrplrr niifin Sprang all my E$rTr!?rr3P5 Vobk Musical Uiscord Co. Youngest ttona FarorecL "If one looks about him almost any where in Maine," says an observing- res ident of that state, "he will find that in the matter of descent of property we have unconsciously put in force or have effected just the opposite of the Eng lish rule of primogeniture. Where there are a number of children in a family it is almost always the young est son that stays with the old folks ami inherits the homestead. Where I live I can point out dozens of such in-'-tiincesin tho families I know, and I .nnnt umv rccnll a single instance "here any othorthantbe yonnpest tr .referred, ('f course t'ik. results from iho disposition nf t.'.c ulilcr hoys to seclc iheir fortunes away from the parental roof tree as soon as they are old enough, while tV yountrer. wit'.i the others ironc, finds room enough for his crriviiioat homo, and stays there. As ditlinpuished from the old world method this may lie called ultimogeni ture." Origin or Visiting Cards. We owe the invention of visiting cards to the Chinese, iso long ago as the period of the Tong dynasty (618 I'OT) vi:,iting cards were known to be in common use in China, and that is also the date of the introduction of the "red siiken cords" which figure so conspicuously cn tho engagement cards of that country. American Idolatora. The Yuma Indians of Arizona are the true American idolaters. The tribe U an exclusive one, and every member is proud of his peoplo. They were the objects of much attention from the Jusuit fathers when they opened their missions, but the work of converting them v. as never very suc cessful. They had their idols and stiU cling- to them, making them out of clay. Their pottery is well and curi ously made, and is their chief source of income. Pottery idols are tbeir pride aa well M the objects A tieir T"arb..' . . r ( And on I MLl f liSMMi -551s " - 25r by A. FRENCELLI. m so, as well as otn - er ' past all tell - ing, love It, n-d f- 1 -. re - miiin. w 7?ZpiZZZZZpt- ai-3 from e vil i r--- " r , y-t- IMH gels sprung nil my wretch - etl - lE 1 r mnmm tvavanoi wowmnm wretch cd woes - - rr. iT:'-EEriEEH r r-J ?H nSy lie Scars Remain, "Among the many testimonials which 1 see in regard to certain medicines perform- V Ing cures, cleansing tlie blood, etc.," writes '' Henhv Hudson, of tho James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., , Philadelphia, I'a., "none un press me more than my . own case. Twenty years ago, at Uie age of is years, f I had swellings come on my legs, which broke ami " became runnliits sores. 'Jj Ourlanillypliysiciancould do me no good, and It was feared that the bows , would be affected. At last, , my good old mother ' urged me to try Ayer's ; Sarsaparilla. I took thres bottles, the sores healed, . and I have not been j troubled since. Only the ' ( scars remain, and the ; , memory of the put, to remind me of the good - Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now . weich two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the best of health, I have been on the road fur the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised fa all parts of tbe United States, and always take pleas- urs in telling what good It did for me." : For the cure of all diseases originating ia . Impure blood, the best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparilla - PreptrodbyDr. J.C.AysTtOo., Lowsll, Mm- 'f Cures others, will cure you Koa Svi.E. -V iVrongnbrett real tercd Hereford boll Maywood, No. 2S,6i.i8, This bull was bred ii Illinois by (lei-i. T. Baker, and is jnet the animal you want lo breed s'ock thst will britc fcS-i , m 1 pood price. I will cheap aa I 'iuve another of sum. stock; or will trad f.f 'or Kood nuleu eows. f W, r. O. dvtnrw. i.1 ( 2