Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 18, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
THOSE desirine the insertion of display ads.,
or change of same, must get their copy in
uot later than Monday evening lor Tuesday's.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
uuurgeu mr "caras 01 manna, "resolutions ol
respect,- usu 01 weacune presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than thnsa th txt.
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
ueuw a une. ineRe rules will oe strictly adher
ed to in everv Inetanrtfl.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and everv RorrRtuinnilPiit. ro-
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
good faith.
Ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner, Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phlll Cohn, Agent.
Removal Notice.
Q. B. Tedrowe desires to Inform the public
that he has removed to the (JUv Hotel stand,
where he will still keep the beBt brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrlims Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. Q. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
One week from today is Christmas.
Lard, 10-pound buoket, $1.00 at J. F.
Wm. Qosuey'a baby ib siok with
Ohas. Barnett, of Lexington, was up
Saturday last.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
'slla Walla, Wash.
Frank Hale onme over the snow
mantled Blues Friday last.
Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 cts.;
rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays.
Born To the wife of J, J. Adkins, in
Heppner, Saturday, Deo. 15, 1884, a son.
Jerry Brosnan, Jas. Johnson and
others were in to attend the trial yester
day. Geo. 8mith departed for California
last Saturday and will pro bubly winter
Mrs. Mary feterson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Hunt, is over from Seattle
visiting home folks.
Qilhousen Bros, are going to give you
cabinet photos at $1 per doz., from Dec.
1st until after holidays. 9-12
Prof. J. W. Hilton, one of Morrow
County's industrious and progressive
teachers, was in Saturday.
It is said that the Black Butte mine is
being looked over by Portland oaptalists
and that a sale may be effected at onoe.
From now henceforth Chas. Van
Winkle's steam saw will out your wood
twice in two at 60 cents per cord, cash
A Bare oure for the liquor habit. No
cure no pay. For full particulars and
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Store. 9-tf.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos ami
baironts always it stock. Baths in con
nection. Call on him.
E. G. Sperry returned from the Enst
Saturday morning, baviug sold Ins
mules in Kansas City. "Lish" says be
was too early for the Southern market.
A dance at which thirty-six numbers
were sold oocurred out on Mix Dollar
last Saturday night. Jas. Tolnort, who
was evidently there, said they had a line
Hayes & Mathews, proprietors of the
City Meat Market, deliver meat to any
part of the city. Full wieght and good
meat guaranteed. Leave them your
orders. tt.
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
best beer on the Pacific coast. Also oh
bands the best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 56tf.
B. L Akers informed one of the Ga
zette foroe Saturday that be bad just
finished threshing 4,000 bushels of wheat
and had hauled only one load of that
amount to market.
John Crismao and Tom SorogginB
returned from 'Frisco Saturday morning
last. They were well pleased with the
raoes down below, but say it's a bard
place for bunobgrasaers to "oatoh on."
The best way to avoid so alp diseases,
hair falling out, and premature baldness
is to use the best preventative known for
tDat purpose Hall's Hair Renewer.
Wilchin & Flemmons, who own the
shooting gallery next door to the post
office, have cash prize shooting, com
mencing Monday of each week and end
ing on Saturday. Give the boys a call.
Some young gentleman of our town
invited a few lady friends to the Falace
hotel dining-room, last Saturday even
inn tn h.an lnrpiann'. TMiann nhrtnn.
graph. The entertainment lasted all of
two hours.
Parties desiring to seoure state scrip
to use in purchasing government lands
during the month of Deoember should
see or write A. Mallory, of this city.
This proposition must be taken advan
tage of during this month. 2-4.
Lawrenoe Bweek got in Saturday from
the John Day. He reports yery heavy
mow drifts out in the Spring Hollow
section, near J. O. William's, and says
that the roads there are almost impas
sible. The attention of the authorities
in called to this.
People who have tried it, say that
there is no better medioine ror dyspepsia
than Ayer's Sarsapsrilla. It may not
mMAnalhftilnmiflhnf Rll OHtfich. but
it so strengthens the ailmentary organs
that digestion or ordinary rooo. oenouien
easy and natural.
Piles! Piles: Itching Files.
bymptoms Moisture; intense Honing
uwdliub'ug, -v n - -1 -
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, wbiob often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne s
Oi htm est stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases
removes tbe tumors At druggi.'ts, or
by mail, for 60 cents. Dr. Bwsyne k Hon,
Rev. J. B. Chamberlain, tbe "sailor
preacher." now a resident of Dayton,
Wash., will lecture at the M. . church,
South, od the evening's of Deo. 20th and
21st, on "What I Saw in Egypt." This
win inomde the ohief cities, Pyramids,
Obelisks, Fompey's Pillar, Sphinxes,
Catacombs, and the valley of human
bones (20 miles long aud 4 feet deep),
with the reminescence of Abrah tm,
Joseph, Jacob, Jeremiah and Christ, as
'Sojourners in the land." Also includ
ing Joppa, the town of Simon, the
Tanner, and Peter's vision, Caeserea,
where the gospel was first preaohed to
the Gentiles, in the bouse of Centurian
Cornelius; and the Island of Cyprus.
Come early and get seats.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, tbe Web
foot Planter, an agricultural paper.
Come in now and subsorlbe.
Died Mrs. Arzella Oeoil died at ber
residence on Willow creek on Deo. 9,
and was buried at Arlington on the 10th.
She was born July 19, 1863. Mrs. Ceoil
has been sick a long time and has hern
a great sufferer. She leaves her hits
band, Nate Ceoil, her ohildren and a
host of friends to mourn ber loss
Arlington Reoord.
Interstate Milkmaids' Convention at
Opera House on Friday, Dec. 28tb, the
time first advertised. The orownina
event of the season. If you want a good
mugn non t tail to attend. Admission
15o. Reserved seats 25c for sale at
store of Homer & Warren. Don't torget
ine aate.
Silverton Reoord : Wm. Mosier. of
Toledo, Oregon, was killed in an aooi
dent at the Pioneer quarry at that plaoe.
a oaoie supporting the mast of a huge
derrick gave way and the nnfortunate
man was instantly killed. He leaves a j
family. This is the second aocident at
the Pioneer quarry sinoe June.
Look over our paper and see who ad
vertise. Then look over the town and
see who don't advertise. Then make
comparisons as to who do the business.
We can commend those who talk to von
through our oolumns; we don't think
the others want your business, at least
they don't say so.
The date of the Milkmaids' Conven
tion has again been changed to Dec 28,
the original date, owing to the lecture at
the ftl. JK. ohnroh. South. Deo. 21. the
date selected. Don't forget tbe ohange
or miss the play as this will be the event
of the season. Seoure seats at Horner
& Vi arreu s.
R. C. Wills denarted last evenina for
Portland where he will buy a fine stock
or general merchandise, and locate b
store in the Penland building, Lexington.
rte will buy for oash and sell for oash.
Mr. Wills expects to be open for busi
ness in the course of a week or so.
Everybody koows that the conditions
for health are not favorable when the
slomBoh, liver aud bowels are disordered.
lu such oases, headache, indigestion.
and constipation are the result; for all
wuiou ailments the proper remedy is
Ayer's Cathartio Pills.
W. R. Winans, of New York, but tem
porarily located at Salem, arrived at
Heppner last Friday. Mr. Winans is a
Sunday school missionary, sent out by
the National Sunday School Union, oi
New York, lie left Saturday for the
interior oountry.
In our list of editorial nnles appear
some very complimentary thinos about
Congressman Ellis, taken from the
Uregomau s Washington correspondence.
We have haard from Eliis often from
other sources, and they all agree as to
his efficiency.
Mrs. T.S.Hawltins, Ci)Httanooga, Tenn.,
says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'Saved My
Life.' I consider it the best remedy for
a debilitated system I ever used." For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 ots. Sold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
Sheriff Harrington leaves this evening
for Portland, and will remain three or
four days. During his stay be will graoe
the Sheriffs' convention with his august
presence. We'll guarantee thatnocounty
makes a better showing than Morrow.
Wiley MoBee writes us from Lower
Lake, Lake Co., Calif., that be would
like the Gazette for the next year.
Wiley does not say bow he is getting
along clown there, but judjjiug from bis
spirit he is all right.
The man who killed Thos. Kenneally
aud threw his remains in the Villard
ruios(now Portland hotel) recently con
fessed on bis deathbed at Kansas oity.
His name was Frank Roarke.
This will not last long. The Gazette,
one year in advance from date of order,
and one of Gilhousen's life-size crayons
all for $170. Call and eee us for par
ticulars. .
Joe Sating is in the spraying aud
pruning business, as bis ad. in these
oolums will testify. Work entrusted to
him will be done in a strictly first olass
Green Mathews for shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business bouts. CM. Jones, assistant.
Young Savage, who was reoently
sentenoed to the "pen" for four years,
has been granted a heariug by the
supreme court and is now out ou bail.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner,
where he will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Eagle: J.N.Brown passed through
this city on Sunday's stage en route to
Canyon City on legal business. He re
turned to Heppner Tuesday.
Miss Edna Moore, a teacher of Grant
county, is stopping with tbe family of
Congressmen Ellis and will spend the
winter here.
Little Willetta Leezer is agent for
Hick's Almanao and also for his paper,
"Word and Works." Every farmer
should bave them.
J. Manioc, traveling representative of
Wadhams & Co., wholesale grooere of
Portland, is in the city today, headed for
F. Hunt OBtne in from Hayetaak with
54 head of beef oattle yesterday and
last night they were shipped to the
Jerry and Phill Cohn are below this
week. The former on business and the
latter to accompany bis wife and babe
Geo. Noble is building a ntoe residence
on bis McKiuney creek ranch, which
when finished will cost not less than
Round trip tickets to Portland over O.
B. & N., 20th to 24th insts., $4. What
dj you think of that ?
Bob Shaw came in from Idaho this
morning and will ship cattle below.
I Shilo's Core is soid on a guarantee
It cures tnoipient Consumption. It is.
tue best (JonghCureonly one oent a dose.
j 2.5 cts., 50 crs , and 81. Sold by T. W.
j Ayers, Jr.
Catarrh in the Head
Unfortunate Inheritance-How
It Was Destroyed.
"Spokane, Wash., Atij;. 0, 1W3.
I. Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass. :
ientloim'ti: I wish to add my testimouy to
worth ot Hood's Sarsaparilla. My little
h;'.s been cured by It of inherited catarrh,
had colds continually every month and yel
discharge, but since taking Hood's Sana-
parilla lias been entirely cured. Hood's Sar
saparilla I have found of great help to my
other children." Ms. !.. M. Gillette.
Hood's PIII3 are hand made, and perfect
In proportion and appearance. 25o. per box.
Birthday Pakty. Miss Ethel Boyer
celebrated her sixteenth birthday at tbe
borne of Thos. Nelson, last Saturday,
quite a number of yonng ladies and
gentleman being present. Tbe time was
spent in innocent games and amuse
ments, followed by an excellent lunoheon.
All report b very pleasant evening.
Dislocated Hip. Dr. Shipley is at.
present confined to his home on aooount
of an eooident which oocurred to bim on
last Thursday, down below lone. In
taking bis team through a gate, as we
are informed, tbe dootor was thrown
down, suffering with a dislooated left
hip. Luckily he got it reduoed without
difficulty, and though on crutches, will
sooo be himself again.
Death of J. M. Munson. On last
Saturday night, J. M. Muuson, brother
of Mrs. J. B. Manning, expired at the
borne of the latter after a lingering ill
ness. As stated in tt recent issue,
Munson recently arrived from California,
but grew no better through ohange of
climate. Tbe remains were interred in
tbe Heppner cemetery on Monday after
noon. The relatives have our sympathy.
Eastern Obeqon Day. Friday, Dec.
21, 1894, bas been set apart by the
Portland Universal Exposition as East
ern Oregon Dny. Ou this ooonsion it is
desired that all who can attend from
Eastern Oregon will be present. The
O. R. & N. bas decided to sell tickets
from Heppner to Portland and return
for $4 round trip. Tbose who desire
this rate must get them Thursday,
Deo. 20tb, leaving here that evening and
arriving at Portland 8 o'clock, a. m ,
Friday morning. These tickets are
good to and including the 24th iust.
Can't 8tand it & ny Lokoer. "Bi ick"
Pomeroy can't Btand it any longer to
publish a monthly, and in order to say
morn and say it oltener, harder and hot
ter, will with the New Year bring bis
paper out iib nn eight page weekly, six
columns to tbe page at one dollar a year.
It will be a hot advooate of tbe free
coiuege of silver into full legal tender
money for all debts. Will urge tbe entire
cessation of all government bonds. Tt
will be one of tbe liveliest and most
interesting family newspapers in Ameri
ca. One dollar per year. Three copies
one year two dolltrs. Ten copies one
year all ten to one post office, five
dollars. If you are for silver and against
a national debt, this is a paper you want
for a fact and for its facts. Send at onoe
to M. M. Pomeroy, Rooms 46, World
iiuilding, New Pork City.
The Wonderful Giant. The great
est attraction of the Norse Musee
Company, which gives an entertainment
at tbe opera bouse tomorrow evening, is
tbe great mummified Norse giant. This
giant was unearthed in Rbode Island a
few years ago, and is held by scientists
to be one of tbe ancient explorers, hail
ing from Norseland, who landed on tbe
shores of Amerioa long before tbe royal
standard of Spain was planted on our
Dative soil by Columbus. The body of
the uiant is nine feet bigh, and in an
excellent state of preservation. In this
progressive age all are more or lees
sceptioal, and it is safe to say that
several, on reading the different adver
tisements bave pronounced this wonder
a fraud. However, one bas but to visit
the opera bouse and examine the mum
mified remains of the giant to be con
vinced of its reality. This company
will also give an entertainment tomor
row evening that will be well worth
seeing, an entertainment that is sure
to please both old, young, refined and
soeptical. Among the features of the
evening's . entertainment might be
mentioned Linzie's marionettes, the
wonderful shadowgraphs, Punch and
Judy, Ira Zulma in bis new and original
acts of equilibry; Valinetca, the human
fire eater; tbe whole concluding with
Tbe PalistiDe Merchant Admission,
25 oents, children 10 cents, reserved
seats, 35 oents. The giant is on exhibi
tion from 10 a. m. until 10 p. m. One
admission entitles you to bolb this and
the show tomorrow evening. To see and
examine tbe mammitied giant is well
worth tbe price of admission.
A cew style photo will b tfifcen at 81
per dns.t at the Gilbmisen gilery, frnna
Dec. lit to tbe 'Mb.
Corner Third and
Meals 25 cents, best
&D. - -
the oity. Rnoms 25
to $7.00 per week,
Cooks. Polite Waiters, Prompt Service.
No Chinese Employed.
Is the Place
or Fresh
The Keeley Inslituts
It is the Headquarters !
paints. Drugs Oil, Glass, Toi
let Artloea, Patent Mertlolnes,
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
siiHPi on mm.
X&llis, Dfiwson $S Iyons,
All business attended to in b prompt mid Rntiefnotory
manner. Notaries Pnblic aud Collectors.
for Infants
" Can tori a Is bo well adapted to children that
I recommend it an superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. AitcnEit, M. P.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria In bo universal and
its merits so well known that It seerad a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
wi thin easy reach . "
Carlos Makttn, I. D.,
New York City,
We want several live, wide-awake can
vasser) to represent tbe Gazette in thin
and adjoining oouiiiies, iu conrifotioii
with tbe National Newnpaper Union.
Tbe work is new, popular and very
profitable, requiring neither capital nor
previous experience. It is worth look
ing after, and if y on want a real eood
thing in the way of linlit, pleasant and
profitable employment it will pay yon tn
investigate this at onne There is money
in it for husllTS. Write for full pBr
tirmlars to THE Nil' 10 SAL CO,
84 tf. ut- Louin, Mo.
"How to Cnre All Hkin IHwam-n."
Kimply apply "Swav.ne'b Ointment."
No internal rnediniio required. (Jnr
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruption od the
(ace, liandH, nose, An., lenving the nkin
cleur, white and henltby. Itn great
benliiiL' and cnrativi powern are possess
ed by un other remedy. Auk yonMlrtJif
gim for riw'AYNR's (.kntmknt.
Spray Your Fruit Trees
Now i the tiirif- to hiv ynur fruit trc-e Bprny
ed. 1 have one oi UH-.iiut .spray fur. it in the
market, and uaethewjatetlm-tive renifcOlen, and
guarantee iny work narjt restiaoiittble. I
can be found at I). 1. Herren 4 Coa, or writ
meat Heppner, Omkitj. l a w.
7 . 3Vt. BAIjINO.
Davis Streets.
- -
oents to 50 oents. Board aud roomB,
according to room.
1 . COMDON, Prop.
li. 1 MORKIHON '!-.,
Between second v. 'third,
1'ortlantl, Ore.
For the Cure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Call at the Gazette offlce for particular.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aure
Groceries, Cheap for
VHlh. COHN, Proprietor.
and Children.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, DiarrluBa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to
do bo as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwht F. Pardek, M. D.
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
The Cektaub Compaky, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . . .
I',. A. Hnnsaker runs stage between
Heppner ami Monument, arriving every
dny except Monday and leaviog every
day i-xci pt Sunday. Huorteat and cheap
est route tn tbe interior. F. Oobn,
4-.As-0 FlNECALF&kANeAfiDtt
3.49 P0LICE.3 Sous.
You cud tave money br purcaualog W. L
Because, wo. are the Urgeat manufacturer ol
fivcrtistd shoei in the world, nd guaraote
t);e value by siampitiK the name
I r, Vw.ttnm which urotectt VOU
Ttinu the tin me an
price on
which protect! yon against oikq
pries aiil trie tnifiaiciiiuo't promt, uui uuc
cmil tiibUj.ii work in style, easy fitting aud
westing UiiuirtN-it. We have them aold every
where a' pilcei ror the value given than
aayotr,r;r n-ahe. 'Uike o ubtitule. If your
dcaltr tanii'-i su:ly you we can. 6oi4 by
J felr-r ivhnvj nHrue will bortly ap-I't'-ir
Ij ' . Ateotwantfld. Apply it once.
Agents. $73
r tPi-nSf f rritmj. Th
m uttk.fcrr. Wifl-iIUtH
i tut a fftiuil'. io'.ut uiuum.
I- I, K.4 "M 1t.ua
iu lit tli' Vuf
(to ft, tl.f: tntchloeiUMi
,' J". . r;l.eTful Wlt, No Kfl4
it . f rtillikd 4n t.Lii lllUM, ('h'tf
j vr. p A : (HftlftO 4- u., turfc Coln-vana, 0
Facts Worth Knowing !
A few quotations Before and After Minor
& Co. reduced prices :
Granulated sugar 8 Bb for $ 1.00
Extra C sugar 9 Lb for $1.00
Rice, Island No. 1, 10 pounds for $1.00
Beans 16 pounds for $1.00
Green coffee 4 pounds for $1.00
Arbuckle's coffee 30c per package
Rock Candy Syrup $3.00 per keg
Keg of pickles I1.C5
100 pounds D Salt $1.75
100 pounds stock salt $1.15
Case coal oil $3.25
Flour per barrel $3.00
Matches 5 packs for 25 cents
Cabot W muslin 10 yards for $1.00
Calico 14 yards for $1.00
B. & H. boots $5.25 per pair
Overalls 75c per pair
1 gallon jars 35o
Suit of clothes $20.00
Overcoats $20.00
us as
will Still
This Space
III Freight than all the rest com. i; t llll IV 1 1 1 I
J VAA blnert. This i no boait: ask , UAJLJL J L! VV V J I
I the agent. Patronize those that reduce 1
) the prices, not those that combine too' I I I
keep them uP. ! Leaders in Low
n j Prices.a-w
Christmas Gifts for
In fact Old Santa Claus will be on Deck this
as usual.
WE HAVE just received, to ba sold at lowest onh priced, Toys, Ticturo
Books, Tin Horns, llatllers, Drums, Ships, Tin Kitchens, Jumping
J licks, Ours nnd Usurers, Miiks, Soldier Seta, Wagon, Dolls, Bnby
Oarrisitea, etc, etc. A fine line of false-fuoes and masks.
Dress Grinds, FsDcy Goods, Ribbons, etc., at about half prioe.
All Dry Goods at Lower Prioee than oan be bought in Eastern Oregon.
Groceries, a full supply, WAY DOWN. A few more Heating Stoves at CoBt.
Hand Lamps and Crookery very obeap. Call and see us.
Owini; to tbe advantages trained through.,
being member of tbe ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prioes for cbhIi aa
low aa the lowest.
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Land Patents
Land patents secured for Bottlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully bandied.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting olaims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
olaiuiauts; and also between nlaimanta under any ot tbe public land laws and the
Railroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, nnder
the iSwHOin-liSud and School JLauid Grama.
Rpeclalty made of securing palonts in tbe shortest pussible time fur aettlerg
who bave complied with tbe laws under whiou their entries were made, aud who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their pateute, oaustut by Tntiing
Irregularities whiob can be easily aud speedily removed.
Advioe also given in all matters relating t tLe public lands, especially ou
points arising nnder tbe new laws wbiob bave been reoently passed providing for
the disposal of the public domain.
If yon want your land patent in a hurry if you want yonr land business, of
any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John VVedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Boi, 886.
15 pounds for $1.00.
16 pounds for $1.00.
20 to 22
25c per package.
$2.50 per keg.
$1.00 "
100 pounds D Salt $1.25
100 pounds stock salt 90c.
$2.50 per case.
$2.15 per barrel.
7 packages.
14 yards for $1.00.
16 to 20 yards for $1.00.
$4.50 per pair.
50c per pair.
25 cents.
you have and
the Prices
0 Lower!
Belongs to
Old and Young at
WaatiiDgton, 1) 0.