PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There waa never a time Id th hisor of oar country vihon the demand for inventions and improvements in the ) arts an 1 sciences ffenerally was so great uow. The conveniences of inpjkinil as in the faotory and workshop, the household un.l mi fcha ffirm. ftH ffi! aS ID oflU (iiil lil1. require continual hciss'oijs to the ivnmtrtnnanoe and ltnplimeuts of eaoh in order to snve labor, time and expeuHe The political change in the administra tion of government does uot affect tht pn-gress of the American inventor, whf hH'uifonthe alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the aff.iira of government to ter bim from quickly conceiving the retaedy to overcome existing dmcrepun ci9. Too great oire cannot be exr o ed in cLoosiug a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances bv the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No pntent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent rifdt, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of ft quick endeavor to gut bo allowance and obtain the foe. TBE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderbum, General Manager 018 F street, N. WWashington, D. C. Dpreseming a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen i ral periodicals of the eountry, was in htituted to nrotect its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea dable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, including me chanical inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and givea especial atteniou to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entar into competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wbimwhhuhn. Iil8 F Street, P. 0. Box 385. Washington, 1). C. STOCK BKANDH. While yon ,np yottr mihupription piiid up y'0 osn kep your bran ii in free of clinrKO. Allvn, T. J . Ion. Or. H (trues OH on lofl shontdwr; odtt.lo HMino m Inft hip, nncl.M- hit on rltfht ar, and uppar hit on the Mi ninnu, Mor row (jitunty. Armsrrornf, J. 0., Alpino, Or. T with bar mi nor u on hft flhouhinr of horBWH; ciiltle siitm on loft hip. Allison, O. I)., Kiffht Or. Cfifilo brimd, O 0 on lft hip iiml hni'Hfw swim brand cm ritflii shoulder, liuna Kiuhi Adkitts, J. J. i Hflppnor, Or. Homes. ,T, ooti neetoil on l'M Hunk: entile, shiiihoii left hip. Hurl hold mew, A. O., Alpitio, Or. U.hhrh hriiniled 7 li otthur shoulder. Huuko in Mor row oountv tinmuHter, .1. W-, Hardnmn, fr. f 'attle brand H on left hip and thiirti: split in wuih our, Brenner, Peter, Uonseherry Oretrou NorsflH branded PH on left shoulder. Curtis Bums on rimhtsido. Hnrkn, M Ht f Jjohk Cwk, Or On outdo, MAY c.onneotnd on left, liip, oiopott loft oar, un der half (iron oil rinht. Hoihoh, mime brand on letft. shoiililor. Hhuk iu Orant and Morrow e"hrohinan, .lorry, liens. Or. Horses branded 7 on riufht shoulder; ouUle H on the left Hide. ft ear half crop nd rinhtear u riper slope. Hurl on, Win., H pimer, Or. -Horses, .1 Hon rinht tliitfh, eatlle sumo on riM hip; Hplif in Hrown, lsa, tiexinnttm, Or. Horses III on (he right stillo; cat tle mime on right hip; mimo, Alor row ooiinty. Hrown, J. (.. rfeppnor. Or. Horses, nircte 0 wit h dot in nn ter on lofl hip; (initio, wiiim. Hrown, W. J., IMia. OroKim. Horses W bur over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle sttnio on left '''lioyor, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on rnii hip cattle, same, with spliL in eiHor, P.O.i Heppnar, Or. Horses, P B on )ri ehonlilor; oattln. wimomi left hip. Brown lfn, W. J., Kim,Or-CritU, JU oonn noted cm left side; erop on left oar snd two split and middle pifire cut out on right oar; on hows same brand on the loft thiKh; iiane in Fo Talley, Grant nounty, Carsnoi- Warron. Wnnor, r. Horsec hmml od O on iilit stille; eattlo (Ihreo tiara) on ritiht ribs, erop and split in oaeli ear. Uuiibo iu (irant ami Morrow oountios. CiiinJC, ( 'altib. tr - Y li on horses on hrt M itle 11 With (limrtor eirelo over it, o'l loft Nhoiihlor ami on left stitlo on all oolts unler ftyoai;ori left shoulder only on all horses over R years, AH ranno in Uraut eoivitv. Cato, ('Iihm. K,, Vinson or hnna, Or. Horwes H C on right shoulder; eaMln ssme ou right hip. iUngo Morrow ed V mat Ilia tiount ies. ('url, T. H., John Pay, Or. Uoubln cross on eaoh lup on oatth. swallow fitrk ant under bit iu right oar, split in left mr. Itange iu (Jnmt omiuiy. ou shoop, inverteti mu spear point on shoulder. Kar markoi ewes crop on left ear pniu'hed upper bit in right. Wethers, erop in right and under half orop in loft ear. All rang in Oram tionnu. Cook, A. J. ,lirtiia,Or. Horses, HI on right nuu1 dor, t'-attle, saniHon right hip; ear mark Bcjuare .irnn nil luft Hllll Sltlit ill fiultt. t'urrln, K. Y. Curriusville, Or. -Horse, oiH left stltie. Cox Kd. H., Hani man. Or. Cmtla, C with E in osnton horses. CK on left Sip. Cochran, H. K,, Monument, Ornnt Co, Or. Horses branded nirole with bar beneath, ou left shoulder; eat tie same brand on both hips, mars under slope both ears ami dewlap. Oltapin, H., llardumn, Or. Horses branded Hon right hip. 'attWf hramJeil t he same. AUu brands t'l on hor-tes rilit thigh; e t e h brand on rigiit khouldm', and cut otf end ui r'o!MiiTla". W. M . OHllowav, Or. Cattlw, 11 Pmi right sele,swadow-fork in eaoh ear; horstts, H 0 OI;iy, J. H. vV Hons, IVnglas, Or. -Horses brHnd nd I'.liV on loft shoulder, eattlo Name on left bil. hole ie right ear. Kmery, C. H., llardmaii. Or.--Horses Iirauded ;) lieverstn' l' with mill on left similiter; eat tie same on right hip. liange in Morrow eouniy. fc'loroiioe, Lt. A., tteppiier, Or. t'aitla, LK on Huht hip; hoiet V with bar uinler on right Florence, H. I. Heppner. Or Horses, K on, right shoi.ldoi ; est tie, V on right hip or thigh. Kreneh, tieorge, Heppimr. Or. Cattle branded j WK, with bar ttver it, on left sitle; erop oil lelt i BHr.' Ilorst. same brand on left tup : tieutry. Miner, he ho. Or. - lhrt brsnded H. -H. with a quarter envle over it, on left stille. Kan go in Morrow ami V niatllU count ies 1 Hunt A. H., Hidgo, Or.-t'sttle, round-top , wilhtpiartor eirelo under it on the rigid hip.' Jinnee in Morrow and li mat ilia eoiint les. H niton Jonks, llanii lion, tr--Catt le, two h-. on either hip; erop in right ear and split in left. 1 Horses, J ou right (high, linage iu Ovnt comity Hughes, Hamuel, Wagner, Or - ( V V 1. , CtuinecteiOon right shoulder on horws; on cattle, on right hip and on left id swallow fork in j right ear nud slit m Ml. Kaugn in Haynt ii ; distriel.M'fw CMnotv ! Hale, Mlltotl, uner, er.-nuw omnotn -O- (eirele with parallel tnilt) im left shoulder Cattle same ou left hip also latgo circle ou left Side. Hall. Kdwln, John Oay.Or.-CaMls K Hon rigtJ hip; horses tttme ou nuht shoulder. bangelL rant county. Howard, J Ij, -sUoway, Or. Horses, -f- (entss with bar above ill ou right shoulder; raltW anie oil left side. Itauge in Morrow aud Uiiih tllla eonntten. hughes, M'lt, Hepnnsr, Or. Horse, shltKJ buart ou the left shoahler. tilings Morrow Co. Uuimakor, B A . Wagner, Or, Horses, V on left h'Mldor; esitie, Oonlsft hip. Humphreys, J U Hhtdinau, Or. Horww, U or hU?U)o. IinthM, Fight Mile, Or. Horw H on the left shoulder and hesrt on the Hft stifle Cat tle same on left hip. Uange iu Morrow eoun'y Jinn's. rrv, neppu-r. i-r--u n ")"' , tf'.T on the t sho, liter: e-itt!p lis-nibvl J on; rigid hip, Un iinderhit in tet'i or. Ka::f,-e u ; Morrow cunty. f Jutikiu. H. .d H-MM'"r, Or - -Horses, horse lio.t J ou left "houl.lfr, Cti'ti), the uam liange on K'ght Mile. Johi son. Felii Lens. Or.- Horses, ein-U I vv left stifle; a.uh same on rwh' hip, uiiilei h!f (v.-Hmi bsMtdMi i KNY on left hip cnttle samft and crop off left ear; under ntnpa on trie riifht Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses fi9 on let) elionhler; cattle, rtd rm Inft hip. Kirk, Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse1 11 on left sbonldor; caule same on right side, anderbit od nht enr. Kuniberlanrl.W. G.. Moant Vernon. Or. I L on cat'Ieon ngiitand l-ft sides. swadow fork in 1 ft eer and under ciop iu right ear. Horses eain brand on left shoulder. liange in (irant county. Loften, Htephen, Boit, Or. H L on left hip on oat'le. crop and split on right ear. Horsn sarpe brand on if ft shoulder. Kange Grant onuntv. Ijienallen. John W., Ij-t1 Or. Horse branded hal f-circle J li connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same on lef hiu. Kautfe. near Lex iugton LeahPy. J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded Fi and A o'i left shoulder; ;ett)e sitme on left hi, waltlo over right -ye, three slits in Tight ear. I inrd, George, Henpner. Or. Horses branded double H c(rt.necti Sometimes called a sw-inff IT. on left shoulder. Minor, Oear, neiipner fir. rattle, M D on riffht. hip; horse. M on Ififf shoulder. Morgan, rt. N., H-'ppunr, Or. H(trse8, M) on left should"' cattle same on left hip. Mitchill. OwnsT. lone. Or. Hors'S, il on righ hin; ettje, 77 tn right side. M'larort, I). U. Brownsville. Or, Horses, Fi'fnrnfion adi shoulder, cat tle, M2 on hin Metlirr, Frank, Fox VhIJhv, Or. .Melo nho with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nder h nah ar; horses name brand on left. stih. MoHkUj, i. .. riH'i'i.r.JU. Or. ' hi Horse-. with half ,;irce under on Joft. nhonlder: on cat't'. four bars conner-td on top on the ritfht e;d ' limige in Grant CoutUv. NHi,An(lrw. fjon Koek.f r. Horses A N con. neefed on le't shon!dr: mtt.le "imt on both hint-, Nordyke K Hi Ivor ton. Or. Horees, circle 7 on loft thigh: ea'tie. same on left hip. Oliver. Jovph. Canvon City, Or. 3 on ndt'f on left hip; on horses, eame on left thigh, Kanef in Grant county. Oiler, I'erry. Lexington, Or. F O on lef' shon.dei. Olp, Herman, Prnirie City, Or. On cattle, O liF conneitnd on left hip; horses on left still and wartle on nose. Kan en in Grant county, Pearson, Olnve, Kigld Mile. Or. Horses, quar tr circle shield on left shoulder and 2 on lef hip. Cattle, fork in l0 ar. riht cropped. W on left hip. Hange on Kiirht, Mile. Parker , G loasun. H ardman.Or, Horsoe IP or "ft shoulder. Piper. Krno-t, Lexitigton, Or.--Horjea brand e WK K connected) oi, Inft shoulder; cuttle s me on right hip. Kange. Morrow county. Piper, .J. H IjexiriKton. Or. -Horses, JK con nected ot left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip under bit in each ear. Pettys, A. ('., lone. Or.; horses diamond V on shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on ths left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the riidit. Hood. Andrew, Hardman. Or. Horses, sonars oro-sh with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C H on left shoulder. Hush Tiros., Heonnor, Or. Horsss brmdnl nn the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the l-ft inn eron ot left, ear and dewlap on neck. Itauge ii Morrow and adioining conn tine. Ilenney, Andrew. Ijemngton, Or. Hornet branded A K on ritrht shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand: rattle same on right hip Uiirige Morrow county, Itovse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or Hit nonoectH with quarter circle over top on cattle on riirht hir and crop off rijrht ear and split, in left. Horser same brand on left shoulder. Uange iu Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO oi left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip. Spteknall, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horse braielcd ii on left eh mlder ; iimiie in Iur' county. Hailing.CC Heppner, Or Horses branded on left, shoulder; cattle same on loft hip. Hwagifan, H. K.. Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under ir on left, sttlle cattle H wi'h dash under it on right Ion, cron off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Uange in Morrow Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Hwaggart. Ij., Athena. Or. Horses btande'1 on left shoiihler: cett lesa.Tie on loft hip. "ro nn ear. wattle on left hind leg. Ht.raight W. K., Ib'tipner. Or. Horses shadnfl J H on b'f- stifle: catt le .1 H on left hip, swallov fork in right ear. underbit in loft, Happ. Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P or left hip: earth' same on left hin. Hhrier.Jnhn. I1 ox, Or, NC connected on horses on right hip: catrie, same on right hip. crop oft right ear ami nndor bit in h ft ear. Haug(J in urant nounty. Hmith Ilros.. Hiissnville, Or, Horses, branded H. 'A. on shoulder; cattle, ame on left ahouldof Hijuires. James. Arlington, Or.; horses brand"'1 IS on left shoulder: cuttle the same, ipso nne waddle. Ha"e in Morrow and Gilliam no ti'ioj Hteph"'is. V. A., Hnrdumn, Or-; horses HH e rirht stille; cattle horizrintul L on the i'i?ht sii'e Hleveiismi, Mrs A. J Heppner. Or. Cattle, on right hii : swnllow-fork in loft our. Hwaggart, G. W.. Ilenpier. Or. Horses, 41 ot lofl. slioulde : Cftll. 44 on left hin. Hnrry. 10. (.. Heonnor, Or. Cii'tle W (' oi lft hip. crori off right ni ti"der'iit in lefi year ilewlau; horwes VV Con left shoulder. Thompson, J A., Heppner. Or. Horses, ?, or left shonld- r: entile. 2 on left shoulder. Ti poets. tl.T.,Knterprise,tr. Ihtrsos, C-on loft shoulder. Turner II. W.. Heppner, Or. Small cspital T left shouldnr. horses; cattle same on ltsft hij wi'h split in both oars. Thornton, H. M.. lorm. Or, Horses hnuidef' HTeonneeted on left stille: sheep same br.-md. Vanderpixil, H, T.. I .ona. Or: Hoi-sob II V con neeUnl on right Bhonldur;cat tie, same on ng! l hii. Walbridge, Win.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. 1 . on the left shoulder; cuttle same ou light hip erop off leTt ear end right far lopned. Wilson, John n,. Hal-un or Hepimer, Or. Horses branded , fry on the left shoulder. Uang Morrow countv. WanoU.W M, Caleb. Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it. oil left side, split in riirht ear Horses siiiue brand nil left shoulder. Uutigoir Grant county Wade, Henry, Hnminer. Or. Horses brands ace of spades on loG shoulder and left hip Cattle brainier same on left side and left hip. Wolflnger. John, John i ny Citv Or On horset three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sneen bit iu both ears. Hauge iu Great and Mslhuei aoioities. Woodward, John, Hopjmer, Or, Horsoe, UI OoenHCted on left shoulder. Watkins, l.ishe, Heppner, Or. Horses brnudei' UK oomiHctenon left stifle. Wallace, Charles, H 'pp ier. Or. Cattle, oi right thigh, holi in left ear: horses, W on rich shoulder som same on left shoulder. Whittier hriis., riiHMingion, Halter Co., Or. Horses branded V H connected on left ni'ouldei Williams, Vasco, nainiiton, Dr. Quarter cir cle over three burs on lef! hip, both cattle nn horses. Uange Grant county. Williams, J O. Oong ('reek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip: cattle whip and slit in each oar. Uange in (irant county Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses rnnningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on riM hip. Voting, J. H.. OooeohHrry, Or. Horses brand' TMnoths ritiht shonldo- 1) ADVICK. Every patriotic citizrn should give his personal effort and intlutMicc to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in ev'sry way possible. After the home paper is token care of, why not sub scribi! for the Am kiuc an Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League? One of its correspon dents says i "No true American can get ulong without it. 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Addrene Wilbur F.Walte man, General Secret wy, 135 West 23d yt, Now York. Ore oa 0l rAnend cause q A J t,-YQVee,vum 0, (uercaa Arc you willing to work tor tiie i.mi. . of Protection in placing rcliab'e it;. . in. .lion in ttio bands oi your a'-.. , iuiea? K you re, you should be M,int:. . will) the american Protective Tariff league 133 W 230 ST., New VOI1K T..: I. l!,-ltlf out .1,.! wnj It tt t-'r It ,i if v n.r tuiautoii. .Ei. tji.e . helln li.ii .1. Vli..t:.?r'iiiliK Sl.fiO pel dor.oii nt Slien tia'il a . ! ) iy. nnii cn'r:i huijse, ii'H'.h Utwi He. H-tuow, Or 'Airf. nVlr Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. Wooloridoe, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of her child hy the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "One of my children had Croup. The case Wft9 attended hv our physician, and was supposed to he well under control. Odo night I was startled hv the child's hard breathing, and on fining to it found it stran ptiner. It hud nearly censed to hreathe. Realizlnfi thut the ehlhl's alarnilnp condition had hecome possible in spite of Hip medicines iven, I rpasned that niich remedies would e of no avail. Hnvlnj? part of a hottle of A yer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I pave the child three doses, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was qiven. the child's breathing prew easier, and, in a short time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child Is alive and well to-day. find I do not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pec toral saved her life." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mm. Prompt toact, sure to euro M CHOLERA XII .WE A SURE, TWIED, PROVEN AND pnaranteed cure for Hoo and Chickkn Cholera, which Ins stood the tent for seven years without failure, that I know of, hut hag etreet ed thousands of etireg 1 have sold over i 000 receipt h tmd family riirhtH in efjht months, and not a lnlu complain t received yet. I sold each and e eryoneou a guarantee, and I still sell thatwnv. If Holland Cholera Cure and Preven tative fails to cure or prevent Cholera. I will refund your money. This is fair enough. Hix pounds of the medicine can he made at a total cost of from $1 to $l.5i0, enough to doiWhogs and o() chickens n year. You are then assured acninst cholera for one year. If you will try this remedv, I assure you you will never regret it. Use it," and your hogs and chickens will look better and healthier than ever before. Recipe and fnmi'y right only $1,00. Ready prepared medicines Wo and ?1 per bottle or paukiigu. Address MHH. KACHEb V. THOMAH, Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala. TESTIMOUIALS: Dallas, Tesas, April 13, 1S93. Mrs Ttnchel V. Thoinas. Iear Madam: I have thorough'v tested your eh. dura remedy and find it O- K. It's u rand. I e udose $10 will try the nifeiu'v. 1 lease send at onou and oblige. Very respectfully, li. W. Haupeb. Dnllas. Texas. May 19h, 1K93. Have sold out. I enclose $.ri0 for which send me nil the recipes yon can and the rights to the count! named below. I never saw nnythlti' sell so fast. 1 hat i the least you will take for the Ht 'te. If your price is reasonable will take the state. Very rewpuctfully. II. W. Wari-kk. fl have not room for all his letters. He took the state. Here is one more of his letters.) Dallas. Texas. July 17th, IMS. Mrs. Rachel V.Thomas, Dear Madam ; Since tokingthe state riL'lit 1 canvassed three weeks and m .de "7 selling recipes and territory. 1 will start several nub -ntfeuts next week. Could I exchange a portion of Texas for a portion oi' Kansas1.' Very respectfully, H. W. JIakpek. Milieu, (icor-ln, Dec. 14th, 1WI. Mrs. Thomas: I write a letter oi emiu'ry. How much of this state is unsold'.' 1 want bal ance of the stuie Holland's Cholera Cure is just what it i represented to be It. has proved a blessing to the fanneiB of iht county. Very respectfully, C. i. Koknkiki.ii, Agent for Screven County. ttoek Bridge, Ohio, Dee. 4th Mrs. ThoniMs: Recipe came to hand audit's all . K. Knclowed lit d fsu lor Hncklug, Picka wav and Kairheld counties. W hat will you lake for the state".' Yours truly, 1'. Hanhtkin, I have thoiiHtiud more testimonials. I guar onice Hollatid's ( holcrii Cure mid Preventative to cure a nd prevent botf and chic cn Cholera in each and every ruse or refund the money. Thh is fair euoiiHh Don't ostpoueorderinu because you mav not a present he bothered with chol era. 'I he idea is to prevent it. in time. This my remedy will do and will also keep your hogs ami ch'l kens 111 a 1 ice liealihy condition. Gen eral and local nu'cnis wanted. Slate and family righls lor sale or trade. Address .Mks, Rachel V. Thma!. sw-:m, Cowarts, Ala, Chicken Cholera If you use the Pctalum" Incubators A Bruodcrs. Make money while others are wasting time bvold processes. Cntaluglclla alt about it, and describes every article needed for the, poultry business, The "ERIE" mechanically the best .wheel, rrcttiest model. We are Pacitic Coast Airents. Bicvcle cata logue, mailed free, gives fnl IdescHnt Ion, prices, etc,, agkvts wanted. PETALUII A INC0HATCR CO., Petftlnma,Cal. BKANC.U HousB, a,U S Main St., Los Alleles. Brief State News. Ei(hl inohea of snow fell Sunilsy, the 9lh, at Huntington. Trout fishing is good In Eastern Ore jon mmintiiiu Btrenms. Tho Christinn miaalon of Snlem is do ing good work iu the wny of ohnrity. The wind blew with grpntw velocity i tht CiiBimdo locks Suuiliiy tbitu it hns (or two years. A log rolled upon James Hooper, near La Grande, Saturday, and crushed bis leg so that be niuy loose it. The Umatilla county stook Inspeotor offered a reward to any one who would discover sonb among the sheep of the orniuty. lie has wni'ea ia vmu sua lie j reports all sheep iu prime ooudition. Haw Inns tire becoming scarce on the Siiiilnw, and it is quite a serious ques tion wilh Boiua mill men how tliey are to supply their mills with saw tuuhei before the spring freshets swell the flow of the river. The lVmoorat is informed that a gen tleiuiiu from the Willamette valley will arrive in Baker City shortly to look over the grmuid there wilh a vi;-w of putting up a rl luring mill, l'uere is a tine open ing fur a flouring mill iu ttaker City. Between 40 and 50 witnesses from Klamath oouuty, were in Jacksonville the past week attending the trial of Howe, the Klamath county ez treaarer. It is estimated that each wituess, after piyiug his eipi'iises, will be out just S1.5S, 'Vlie hoard of directors of Tlw Ualles scImoI district .hcul'J to appoint two more teachers There are ti'iw '.'00 ruM pupils U.u e-,vr Mtx Tbn ia I EJ 4PaRe0 IS Vftt Illustrated 1 rJyL Catalogue Mndaralo. p A - cross the way, Throughout the day, She at the dor - mor win . .' dowsews; I f -5- 5- J . m 5- I r,"- -a- & -o- ' I --5 P 1 I r.r rrzrl y lig 1 a & ' 1 : it A bong she liumj, lov - ing words girl in all bloom - ing town; town, ; y ill'-' orease has been oansed largely by rais ing tbe grades, which has brotght from 60 to 70 families into tbe oity solely for the purpose of taking advantage of the schools. Tbe daily attendance is now 627. The Iodians around Klamath say that they have a good thing sinoe land has i been allotted to them, rney claim to have secured all of tbe timber land and will control the wood business, not al lowing a white man to go on tbe land for anything. There is said to be gold enough in the Suake river canyon, Idaho, to pay the national debt, but it is very diffloult to reaoh. Tbe stream plows through tbe riohest gold fields of Montana and Idaho, and wherever tbe miners have been able to reach tbe send or gravel they have secured rich results. Ale Brandon, a Plainview, Linn coun ty, farmer, was Dearly killed th otber day by a fractions colt, which kicked him in the face, crushing the frontal and nasal bones and rendering him uncon scious. He is still lying in a Critical condition. Mr. Brandon is a Linn county pioneer, has been a connty oam odssioner and is well thought of. Tba Eugene Guard makes a complaint beard in various towns when it says: "Eugene is afflicted with a nnmber of loafers and loungers whose means ot livlibood are a mystery, and Ibe town should be rid ot tbit undesirable class. Their every aotion it Indicative of crime if opportunity offers. The police force should see that a crusade is started sgaiuat this element." A terrible storm raged about the moun tains Inst night, says Sunday' Peudleton Tribune. A farmer named Bissett, driv-. ing fuur horses, was overlain by a bliz Mj t tbf Hib. bridge, Oo tbe ifcwp ezisfe: &9 531 :iE rf Eg11 j- ZSr 'f? ' -ifc. -S. -yL- brain is in a whirl! My hopes are up and down Bo - cause she is the sweet - est j pSFfcf - fEESfE 5::;T ;IiZ EEEEB f f f ) 7rr. -iS, iT- --E- 5S,. -3. g&r 4 La.- rT -Th -, 4 r i 4-, -, I t ii' .f J? A- ff- fffr rTr rrrj ACROSS THE WAY. ' . , I , r On tip - toe comes, to feed the birds That 'round the bloom - ing town, Sf r- 33 She is the sweet She is tht swoot - est girl Copyrighl, 181)4, by Tm grade he met a team, and in attempting to turn aside tbe team and wagon were precipitated over an escarpment to the bottom of tbe guloh, '200 feet below. Mr. Bissett escaped by jumping off tbe wagon. Two of the horses broke loose, and were found several miles distant next morning. The wind blew fiercely and a large amount of snow fell, and tbe storm goes on record as one ot tbe most severe ever known in tbat vicinity. When persons are weak and languid from siokness or overwork, feel delapi dated and depressed, it is an indication tbat the blood is out of order, and the) need help to throw off tbe miserable feeling. The best remedy for this par pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen ing Oordial and Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite and h flow of oheerful spirits. Price 41.00 per bottle. Mattie See was killed Thursday last near Grant's Pass. In oompany with N. M. West, she was driving from Rose burg to Grant's Pass. When they began tbe descent of Smith's bill, there being no brake on tbe wagon, tbs horses were unable to hold it, aod, Busily beooming unmanageable, began to run. West was qviokly thrown out, but tbe woman stayed in, until the borses ran against a large oak tree, wrecking the wagon and breaking the woman's neck. Hard luok overlook Mr. Sooncbin, a red man, and wife, of Yainax, one day last week. While on tbe way home from Poe valley with his wife and a wagon load of grain, the brake gave wav on a steep grade of Lost river, and waon, horses, wife and grain, rolled into the oold and eddying stream. Mr.Sconchin's heroism saved Mrs. Scocchin, one horse, tli broken wj?un aud a pwtof lb (r&ip. r -pfi ktwumurt ktMMOB mhhm aMMawtf tmmtmmumttm m Looks shy - ly at me where A A o- the stile so gai - ly Bo - cause she is the sweet - - 0-t girl In In all the New York Musical Record Co. Several farmers iu tbevioinity ot Soio, Linn county, raised this year crops of flax, and were able to realize from $1 10 to $1 50 per bushel therefor. And while tbe kind of ti ix raised by them was not tbe regular oil-seed Sax similar to what was grown in this section years ago, tbey were able to get verv much better returns per acre than if tbe ground had had been seeded to wheat, At a nieetiug of the Wallowa stook men held at tbe Chieftaiu offioe last Saturday, it waB deoided to levy an as sessment of 10 cents per head on tbe cat tle to defray tbe expenses iocurred in the prosecution ot the stock thieves the past two years. An abstract of the assessment roll was made and placed in tbe bands of Mr. John Dishmau for col lection. John Oook, a boy U years of age, was killed on Upper Bear Creek, Yaquitia bay, one day last week, by shooting him self in tbe chin. Ue was out huntiog with a companion. Tbey became sepa rated, and after a long search bis com panion found his body lying across a log in such a position that the accidental discharge of his hunting pi oe seemed to have undoubtedly caused bis death. Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Simta Maria "Times," Cal , iu speaking of tbe various ailments ot obildren said: "When tnv children have croup there is only one patent medicine tbat I ever use, aud tbat is Chamberlain's Congb Remedy. It possesses s?me medical properties tbat relieve tbe little sufferers immediate' t. Ii is, in my opinion, the best o nth meihciue iu the market." If this remedy is freely given es soon as the oronpy C'Uiiih appears it will prevent the attacK. It is also an ideal remedy for whooping e ngh There is no danger in giving it to obildren, as it contains nothing injurionj, For sale by Sloatmi-J--'! u Co, ALBERT FRANCELLI. I sit; With flit. Oh, all my est girl In all e the' all the bloom ing bloom - ing town. , A Bright Lad, Ten years ot age, but who declines to give bit name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old. my mamma died cf consumption. The doctor said Hist I, too, would soon die, anit all our neighbors thought that even It I did not die. 1 would never be able to walk, because. I was so weak and puny. A gatlirrinj formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my Bncir jrid it sathered and threw out pieces of bone, li I hurt myself so as to break the skin. It was sure to become a running sore. 1 bad to take lots of medicine, but nothing ha) done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapv rilla. It has made me well and strong. I. D. M Norcatur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co, Lowell, Hut. Cures others, will cure you Fob Sai. A thoroughbred regit tered Hereford bull Maywood, No. 5ARSAP fS 28,606. This bull was bred in Illinoit by Gen. T. Baker, and ib just the animal you want to breed a'onk that will bring a good price. I will sell cheap at I nave another of same stock; or will tradt , for good mi'cb flows,