Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 14, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rpHOSK desirinjr the insertion of display mis
M. or change of same, must Ret their oln.v In
lint ater than Monday evening fof Tue ay'"
edl ton, or Thursday evening fir Krldny "8 odi
tlOU. lug I'vrTlfBMIN PUBLlKHmu CO.
Take Notice.
:.Ji".mj9. ' B cents per line will be
Iffi'.,,. 0,..wedd,'n?prOTe,lt8 an4 donor.,
iv? n'l!f 17 "j?"?6". (o'ner than those the wilt:
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for w hatever pu rpose.
,N?,lceB ol church and society and ill other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be d"
IL.,, ' "u"'1 charged for at the rate of five
nnVerUiT n5.rate reasonable and made known
,h?ld. eac.h. nd every correspondent re-
lousiuie tor nts or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
'if!!1 name "Kned Man evidence of
5TTV.. f " Merchants Exchange,
Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. TMi
paper Is kept ou file in hisotnce.
Give your business to Beppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon city, leaves as follows ;
Kvery day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrlves every day at 1p.m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
nun n . . . B' A- HUNSAKER, Prop.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
Removal Notice.
G. B. Todrowo desires to Inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where he will still keep the best brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Condon baa a K. of P. lodge.
Lard, 10-pound bucket, $1 00 at J. F.
A. 0. Carle was in from the oountry
Miss Myrtle Sargent bas returned
from The Dalles.
Reports are that
vival in full swing.
Lexington has a re-
The Niles-Vinson,
"Walla WhIIb, Wash.
Marble Works,
Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, G els.;
rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays.
Rev. Adkins is oonduoting revival ser
vioes out in Clarks ccnyon.
Geo. Wells will soon erect a dwelling
on his Chase street property.
Clerk Morrow's little daughter is re
ported to be steadily gaining.
Mrs. H. Welch and daughter have re
turned from their visit to Portlaud.
Governor-elect Lord and wife have re
turned from a visit to relatives East.
Harry Warren departed for Portland
Monday evening returning yesterday
D. 0. Boyd is associated at present
with Thos. Nelson m the publication of
the Reoord.
Gilbonsen Bros, are making cabinet
photos from $1.00 to $4.00 per doz. Call
and see samples. 2-7.
L. Blumenthal went down to Portland
on Saturday night's train returning yes
terday morning.
Rev. Henry Rasmus is "tnnking bis
mark" in the pastorate of the Grace M.
E. church, Portland.
Gilhousen Bros, are going to give you
oabinet pbotos at $1 per doz., from Dec.
1st until after holidays. 9-12
8. P. Garrigues is making some very
necessary improvements on bis residenoe
property near the M. E. ohuroh.
From now henceforth Obas. Van
Winkle's steam saw will cut your wood
twioe in two at 60 cents per cord, cash
The asylam site has been purchased
over at Union, and inoludes 600 acres of
fine garden land near the famous bot
springs. A sure cure for the liquor habit. No
core no pay. For full particulars and
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Etore. 9-if.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
baironts always it stock. Baths inoon
neotioD. Call on him.
Shiloh's Care, the great Coul'Ii and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size oontains twenty-five doses only 25c.
Children love it. Sold bv T. W. Ayers,
Hon. Henry Blaokman, oolleotor of
internal revenue for tbe disttiot embrac
ing Oregon, Washington and Alaska,
pent Wednesday with friends In this
Hayes & Matbews, proprietors of tbe
City Meat Market, deliver meat to any
part of the city. Full wiegbt and good
meat guaranteed. Leave them your
orders. tf.
The tumor taken from tbe breast of
Mrs. Warren Carsner reoently by Dr
McSwords was tbe largest the Gazette
bas seen for some time, Ailing a large
glass jar.
J. B. Natter bas reopened tbe Brewery
Saloon. keeping on tap at all times the
best beer on tbe Pacific coast. Also
bands tbe best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 56tf.
Oscar Minor, Frank Rogers, Frank
Minor, of Iowa, and Harry Warren left
yesterday for the Blue mountains for
a ten days' hnnt. It is sate to say that
they will return with game.
Wilchin & Plemmons, who own tbe
shooting gnllery next door to the post
offioe, have cash prize shooting, com
mencing Monday of each week and end
ing on Saturday. Give tbe boys a call.
Attorney J. N. Brown is over at Can
yon City this week in attendance on
oirenit oourt at that place. He will
probably remain till tbe end of tbe term.
Mr. Brown returned home last eveniDg.
Paities desiring to secure state scrip
fnimain nnrohaaintf government lands
during tbe month of December should I dltl0B) bearing w 11 be destroyed forever;
ee or write A Mallory, of this oity. njue eB9ea 0U 0( ten are oaused by
This proposition mntt be taken advan- j CHtttrrla which is nothing but an in
tage of dining this month. is-- (j3med condition of the muoons surfaces
i We will give One Hundred Dollars for
Piles! Plle! Itching Viles
. hvmDtoms Moi6tnre: intense Itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
cratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form. hiob often bleed and
, : . n-.vwa
uH.ei-, it- hi nil iii-d.
Pna s . c era ion.' nd i" moettses
ing, neaie uiwri . j. ...
removes me lumoxa ""
a. Chamberlain, the "sailor
now a resident of Davtnn.
"ami., will ertturo t tl,, M v i i.
7;"u. nh the evening's of Dec. 20th and
-let, on "What I Saw in Egypt." This
will include the chief cities. Pyramids,
Obelisks, Pompt.y's Pillar, Sphinxes,
Catacombs, and the valley uf humau
bones (20 miies lung and i feet deep),
with the reminesoence of Abrah im,
Joneph, Jacob, Jeremiah and Christ, as
sojourners in the lund." Alo includ
ing Joppa, the town of Simon, the
tanner, aud Peter's vision, Caeserea,
where the gospel was first preached to
the Gentiles, in the bouse of Ceoturian
Cornelius; and the Island of Cyprus
vuuio oanjr anu get seats.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregonmu, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oa be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, the Web
foot Planter, an agricultural paper.
Come in now and subsorlbe.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank McFarland ar
rived from Portland on Wednesday
morning. Mr. McFarland is lapidly
recovering from the effects of bis reoent
illness, oaused by appendicitus, wbioh is
quite gratifying to his many friends in
this aud other oonnties. His entire re
covery is but a matter of time.
.Judge A. Mallory returned to town the
first of tbe week from a few weeks' stay
out in tbe country where be bas been
engaged in herding hogs, but having
served his apprenticeship, now desires to
employ a first-class hogberder. Judge
says be hBS 130 shoats that are fast grow
ing into porkers.
No other remedy is so reliable, in
cases of sudden oolds, or ooughs, or for
any and all derangements of the throat
and lungs, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
This wonderful medicine affords great
relief in consumption, even in the ad
vanced stages ol that disease.
J. M. Munson, brother of Mrs. i. B.
Manning, is quite ill at the letter's home
in Heppner. Mr. Munson lntely arrived
from California, and is suffering from
various complications. However, he Is
reoeiving excellent nttentiou and hopes
are entertained of his early recovery.
"When your heart is bad, and your
head is bad, and you are bad olean
through, whnt is needed?" asked a
Sunday school teacher of her class. "I
know Ayer's Sarsaparilla," spoke up a
little girl, whose mother had recently
been restored to health by that inedioine.
Gid Hatt has purchased tbe barber
shop ou tue Matlock oorner from A. C.
Carle, where hiH old friends and custom
ers will find him. Shaves, shampoos
and haircuts on short notice and in the
highest style of the art.
Staoey Huberts, Ed. Holloway, Ed.
Hunt aud wife, W. T. Campbell, Ernest
Piper, Press Thompson, Pearl Jones and
P. J. Miller, all residents of Morrow
county, were seen on onr streets yester
day. If tbe onre of the bair were made a
part of a lady's ednoation, we should
not see so many gray heads, aud the use
of Hall's Hair Keuewer would be un
necessary Mart McLaughlin and J. J. Roberta
for the past week have been very busy
on the lone Warehouse Go.'s platform,
returning home yesterday morning.
Green Mathews fur shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
Mr. Gen. Barker, representing Pacific
Coast Elevator Co., will go down to lone
and DutiglHs oo business oouneoted with
his bouse Monday next.
It. O. Wills and family are back from
Reno, Nevada, at present stopping in
Heppner. We weloome tbem back to
Morrow county.
Young Smith, who served a sentenoe
in the Morrow oounty jail for laroeny
has been seut to tbe reform Bcnool from
Wasoo oounty.
Mrs. J. H. Fell arrived at Heppner
from t anyoo City, via Baker, Wednesday
and will visit relatives here for a fen
Miss Ida Fell arrived home from Port
land on Wednesday morning. She left
her brother, Dr. J. H. Fell, convalescent.
Mrn. J. W. Rasmus arrived on this
morning's train from Portland, where
she bas been under medical treatment.
D. H. MoOarty and Frank Sloan oame
in yesterday to attend the regular con
vocation of Heppner Chapter No. 26.
The "bridge gang" have been at work
this week on the cattle pens and coal
bunkers at the Heppner depot.
A new style photo will be taken at 1
per doz., at the Gilhousen gallery, from
Deo. 1st to tbe 20th. 9-12
F. M. Templeton, of the Haystack
country, is over spending a few days in
tbe metropolis.
Robbie Stott has been on tbe sick list
for several days, but happily is recover
ing. E. J. 81oonm departed Tuesday mgbt
for Portland. He returned this morning.
E. N. Crockett and T. D. Williams
returned from Portland this morning.
The plan of ereotiog a scouring mill
over at John Day is beiDg agitated.
A. H, Mallory, the traveling man, saw
bis oustomers here Thursday.
M. R. Morgan, of lone, dropped in on
us Tuesday for a short time.
Allen Evans and Asa Thomson were
in from Alpine yesterday.
Mrs. Steve Lalande is ill at her home
below Heppner.
J. W. Vaughan was up from Lexing
ton last evening.
Harve Rush is nursing asix-weeks-old
J. Q. Crafts is np from lone today.
Deafness Caaout be Cared
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tbe ear.
There is only one wBy to eure deafness,
and that is by coumitutioual remedies,
ueatuooo in cauwl by an iuflamed con
dition of tbe mucous lining of tbe
Eiis'Hcliian tube. When this tube gets
iLddiiied you have a rumbling sonud or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
ulo-ed deques is the result, and nnless
the inbUnimation cn be taken out and
!.:.- .iiht. Km ,Autira Irt itm nnrm.l Ann
any case or aeaioess icauaea oy caiarroj
that cannot be cured hv Hall's Catarrh
Cnre 8end for rircrtlar, free.
! v. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
"rfol.l by dragging. 7oc.
Tiiis will "ot last Im.g. Toe Gnz-tte,
1 on! year aJcance fro.n date of order,
, .i ,,np ,,f (iiioon-en life-size orttjon.
; .. ... . ... tnA . n.r.
Rev. J.
Heart Palpitation
Indigestion, Impure Blood
Cured by Hood's
Mr, J3. TT. Bridges
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. ;
"Dear Sirs: During the winter ami spring I
have used a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla in my family, and I am quite sure we haw
been greatly beuellted by it. For years I have
been troubled with Indigestion, aoeom. nied
by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood's Stir
saiiarUla has done me very much good. "We
havo also given It to the children for liii'uirs
blood aud ringworms with very Rood results'
D. W. Bkidgi'.s. Tleasant Hill, Oregon.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sars:ip
rilla do not be Induced to buy any other.
Hood's Pills eure all Liver Ills, Ihliousnesii
Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c.
A Boycott Threatenkd. A Heppner
dispatch of recent date to the Oregouian
says: "P. U Ibompson who is at the
head of the firm of P. C. Thompson &
Co., of this place, bas been notified to
discharge bis manager, L. W. Briggs, on
the ground that Briggs was mixing np
too muob in tbe attempts made by the
Woman's Cbristiau Temperance Union
to close the saloons n Sundays. If not
discharged in uaoordunoe with tbe notifi
cation, every effirt iioseible will be
made to divert trade from the rirm. If
tbe matter is uot pushed, those who seut
the notice say it will be the cause of con
siderable trouble," It such is the oase,
it strikes the Guzette as beiu the re
sult of short-sightedness. Frankly, it
matters not bow much the Gazette
opposes a certain policy, the right of
every American citizen to make com
plaint if he deems laws are violated
should not be taken away fioin bim;
neither should be be coerced into
silence. It will win sympathy rather
than lose it for the oppressed.
It Slay Do as Much tor V.n.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes
that he bad a severe kidney trouble f.n
a number of years, with severe pains in
his back and also that bis bladder whs
affected. He tried many so-onlled kid
ney cures bat without any good result.
About a year ago he began use of Elec
tric Bitters and fouud relief at once.
Electric Bitters is especially adopted to
the oure of all Kidney and Liver troubles
and often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 60o. for large bottle. At drug store
of T. W. Ayers, Jr.
"Bdnoo" Kelly Goes fob Life. Ou
Wednesday at 9:50, a. m., tbe jury in
"Bunco" Kelly's oase brought in a ver
dict of murder in tbe Beonnd degree. On
tbe first ballot eight wanted the verdict
murder in the Bret degree, while the re
maining four, because of the burden of
proof being oircumstantial evidence,
would not consent to anything greater
than murder in the second degree. After
being out twelve hours, tbe verdict as
stated above was agreed upoo. This
Kelly oase as disposed of puts behind
tbe prison walls a very bad man who bus
for years oheated the law in tbe commis
sion of all sorts of crime. If the truth
was known, he has been direotly aud in
directly oouneoted with more "disap
pearances" than any tough in Portland,
but this is the first time that murder bas
been fastened upon him snffioiently to
oonvict. But for the oharacter of two
witnesses in particular, "Shorty" Car
roll and one Burns, and also from the
fact of so much evidence being of a oir
cumstantial nature, Kelly would bave
been called upon to expiate bis crime on
the gallows.
A. E. Kilimtrick, uf Fillmore, Gal.,
bad tbe misfortuue to have bia leg
ennght b etween a cart and a Bttne and
badly braised. Ordinarily he would
have been laid up for two or three weeks
bnt Buys: "After uairjg one bottle of
Cbnmberlnio'8 Pain Bulm I begao to I el
better, and in three days was entirely
well. Tbe peonliar enothina qualities
wbioh Chamberlain's Pain Balm possess
es I have never notioed in any other
liniment. I take pleasure in recom
mending it." This liDiment is also of
great value for rheumatism and lame
back. For sale by Slocum-Jobnson
Drug Co.
Railroad Aooident. Sunday morn
ing, about 10 o'clock, says the Times-
Mountaineer, a collision occurred be
tween freight trains Nos. 22 aud I'i near
Squally Hook. No. 22, bound eaBt, was
in oharge of Engineer Geo. Lang and
No. 23 in oharge of Engineer C. S. Wyke.
The locomotives oame together with a
terrible crash, aud Wyke jumped and es
oaped unhurt, but Lang stopped in the
engine and suffered severe injuries. His
leg was broken, bis font crushed, and
was hurt otherwise. He was taken to
tbe Umatilla House and medical aid
summoned. His injuries are uot serious.
although they will likely lay hiru np f jr I B. A. Huusaker runs Btage between
r v , , , , . i Henpner and Monument, arriving every
some time. Logmeer Wyke claims that (,Ry IW)pt Moilday aD, lellvinK vrJ
he was two minutes ahead of time, ao- day, exoept Sunday. Hhorlest and ohrap
cording to his watoh, aud was w, thin ib ' est route to tbs interior. Y. Conn,
hundred feet of the swiioa when tue agent.
aooident ocoarred. Tts accident is Any person who deBiras to trade good
muoh regretted, as both these men have ; nninnnmhered fRrm lands, suitable rind
msny friends in this community, and
hv always bad the reputation of being
skilful and careful engineers.
Karl's Uover Kix,t will pnnfy your
Blood tU-r y ,ur C-.np.ex,,,. re,,,,,.,
your boweis auJ mne your beau cler
. hell. 2Sr. Hit., and 91 Bold l.
Corner Third uml
Meals 25 cents, best in the city. Rooms 25 cents to 50 oents. Board and room
$5.00 to $7.00 per week, according to room.
Good Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service.
No Chinese Employed.
l-wlin. T, D. CONDON,' 1'rop.
sw-3m Proprietor,
The Keelcy Institute
for Infants and Children.
" Cantoris Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
kuowu to me." H. A. Aacnicn, M. D.(
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of Oastoria is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within eaaj reach."
Carlos Marttn, D. D.,
New York City.
We want several live, wide-awake oan
vassers to represent the Gazette in this
and adjoining counties, in oonueotiou
with the National Newspaper Union.
Tbe work is new, popular aud very
profitable, requiring neither capital nor
previous experience. It is worth look
ing after, and if ymi want a tbbI good
thing in the way of light, pleasant and
profitable employment il will pay yon to
investigate, this Btonoe. There is money
in it for bustlers. Write for full par
ticulars to THE NATIONAL CO ,
84 tf. Louis, Mo.
"How Ui Cure All Skin Diseases."
Kimply apply "fSwAi-NE's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions ou tbe
face, hands, noBe, &o., leaving the ektn
clear, white and healthy. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask yonrdrug-
gist for Swavnes Ointment.
Mr, T. D. Condon, formerly with the
Union Pacific, and very well known to
mny in Eastern Oregon, is the propri
etor of the Merchant Hotel, of Portland.
As will be seen in bis advertisement in
these columns, be runs a first class
hotel and at prices to suit tbe times.
Mr. Condon is worthy of patronage
because he can give yon eioellent enter
tainment and save you money.
Our Heppner people will remember
Max Smith, of Tbe Vienna Cafe, formerly
located at the oorner of Second and
Wash, streets, Portland. We know that
bis old friends will be gratified to leBrn
that he is again at the head of "The
Vienna" at 1251 Morrison street. His
reputation as a caterer oertainly means
a continuation of the old patronage.
A life-size crayon picture of yourself
or any member of your family, made
right here in Heppner by an experienced
artist and worth 85 in the cheapest
markets of the world, and tbe Gazette
for one year, in advance from date oj
order, for 84.70. Call and see ns for
terms. This offer holds good only till
Dec. 15th. All orders must be in before
that date.
Commencing Monday, Dec. 8, and on
eaoh Monday and Thursday thereafter
nntil Jan. 14, the O. R. k N. will sell
round-trip tickets. Heppner to Portland
and rolurn. at $!l.00, including two ad-
I rillHMlUIJB W llin J.ij,,,nu' u.mrniiti'u.
j Tickets good 6 days. The ei position
! will undoubtedly be very fins.
! h. A. Herren and J. H. Bnseiok, under
the firm name of V A Herren & Co.. are
i buying and Belling grain of all kinds
next door to the Gazette office. They
pay tbe highest market price, and will
buy in any quantities. 78 tf.
jn condition for raising wheat, for
property in Portland, ahonld call at the
Gazette office.
Oilh-msen il or ier to have st nip'es of
liii work all over the comity, orlera you
a life-size crayon portrait, with th" Oa-
zt!e, one year in advan from date of
iavis Htreots,
Hetvveeu seeim.l A Third,
jroitltiriil. Ore.
For the Cure Oi
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
! It is locnttd at Kit 1 em, Oregon,
i The Mont Beautiful Town on the Count.
('all at the (.azkttr oftiro for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private ami mire
Castoria cur Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhcua, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without Injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Kdwim F. PAnmcK, M, I.
JiiOth Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Thb Ciintaue Company, 77 Mcrrat Stkkbt, New York Citt.
mmmmmmammKBmsBOUimu wwiiuhiiiibiwwii
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Notice of Stockholder's Meeting.
IN will ben meeting of the stockholders of
the First Ni tional Hank of Hemmer, at their
ottiee on the second Tuesuny of January, 1!5,
between rhe lionrB of 10 o'eloclc a. in., and 4
o'clock p. m., of said day. for tbe purposa of
clectinir directors and for the transaction of
such other business as may appear.
lil'H). nONMKK,
Heppner, Or., Dec. 7th, 1W.H. '.)-.
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
regular annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of tlie National Hank of Heppner will be
held at tholr Imnklnu house In Heppner, on the.
il TucHdnv In .lanuarv. IS'.Ui. between the
hou rs of In o'clock, A . M., and 11'. M., for the
purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing
veni. KI It. IUMlOI Cashtor.
' llKiTNF.it, Or., Dec. 10, IS'JI. a1.301
Stockholders' Meeting.
it reuularsnnual meeting of the stockhold
er,, i,r the lleriiuicr Hnlldiiis Al Loan Association
will lie held in their otlleo in Heppner, on the
second Tuesday of January, 1X95, between the
hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 V. M., for the
purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing
year. Bl. K. Blliliur, nec y.
IlKI'I'NKB, Or.. Dec. 10, IS'JI. 201-301.
Dissolution of Partnership.
IN co-partnership heretofore existing between
Allen Evans and Asa H. Thomson, under ths
tirin name of Ei-ans & Thomson, Is this day
dissolved by mutuai consent.
pHted December M, lMll. liM-0.
The War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
Indlunn contributorl her thoohsndof brave
Soldtera to tbe war, and nontute bears a t-et
te.rroeord In that respect than It dnen. In
literature It. is rapidly aeiulrlin( au
enviable place. In war and literature
Solomon Yewe.il, well known as l writer a
"Kol," ha W(n an honorable position. Ijur
Ing the Jiitxj war bo wan a member of Co. M,
M. N.Y. Cavalry aud of the lll.ii Indiana. In
fantry Volunteers Hoaardlni an Imporiaut
circumstance lie wrltetaa foifuwH:
"Heverai of is old ve'eraai here are using
I,r. Mllen' Keitoraliv. Nervine. Heart Core
and Nor arid Liver VM: all of theiu giving
pleudld iatufa,,tloi. In fa-.-t. we liae uovur
uied rfcffieilles thai .o:opui' Willi lloui. Of
th Pllii w tuo.it n y toev are im best eoue-
biaatlon ol -he qualities reuutd In a pre
a prep
aration Of their nature nam vr anunu.
He bave none b it words of praise for tlieui.
They are the outerowih of a new principle in
nu-di'-liie, and tone op Hie vtrn woriaer
fuilv. We -ay to a I, try tins n-medies."
''Oion.on Ve.ieji Mjiri'in. Ilid.. lie,-. U, lott
'Ihe-e remeiln-- are w,;tt Ijy all drut.'jliM ou
a po'lllve u'Liiamee. or M-it. dlreet by tbe
Dr. Miles Mi d' -tl in. Klklart, Ind.. on re
ceipt of nr! e, i !"-r boitle. mx tottlca 15, ex
preB prepaid. Tiiey rydtlvelycoutuinotlh
OplaWk uor dLborouj drua.
For sal by T, W. im fr.
Facts Worth
A few quotations Before and After Minor
& Co. reduced prices :
Granulated sugar 8 lb for $1.00
Extra Caugar 9 lb for $1.00
Rice, Island No. 1, 10 pounds for If
Beans 16 pounds for $1.00
Green coffee 4 pounds for $1.00
Arbuckle's coffee iJOc per package
Rock Cnudy Syrup $3.00 per keg
Keg of pickles $1.65
100 pounds D Salt $1.75
100 pounds stock salt $1.15
Case coal oil $3.25
Flour per barrel $3.00
Matches 5 packs for 5J5 cents
Cabot W muslin 10 yards for $1.00
Calico 14 yards for $1.00
B. & H. boots $5.'25 per pair
Overalls 75c per pair
1 gallon jars 35c
Suit of clothes $20.00
Overcoats $20.00
Continue to Uphold us as
will SI
Freight than all the rest com.
bined. This li no boast; aiik
the agent. Patronize those that rfduco
the prices, not those that combine to
keep them up.
This Space Belongs to
Carry a large stook of Groceries, Hardware and Tinware,
Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and Clothing, which they
are still selling at
They exchange Goods for Wheat, allowing the
highest market price for same.
Delivered at any station along tbe lieppner branch.
Owing to the advantages gained through.,
being a member of the ....
Mi UAL il
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prioes for cash as
low as the lowest.
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Dawsoa Lyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Land Patents
Laud patents souured for aettlers iu tho tiliortest po8rible time.
Contested Cases
ConteHtcd ckhoh iutelligeutly and bkillfully haudled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old rlmimn Bnd dinj)U-B Hpcrdily HfttU'd.
Between individnals having conflicting claims nnder the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimants nnder tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants nnder any of tbe pnblio land laws and the
Railroad companies and their grsnteea, and the states and their grantees, under
the Swemp-Land and School-Land Grants.
Hpeclalty made of securing patents In the shortest possible time for settlem
who have ooiuplied w ith the laws under whiob Ibeir entries were made, and who
me annoyed and worried by delays In the uwue of their patents, oaused by Trittiug
Irregularities wliuiti ran he oaailf and aptw4lly removed.
Adviee alMO given In all lualtora (elating tw the ptibllu Inu.ta, rstulally u
Mjot aiioing unjer the dew lavis whiuh tti Iwti leoeutly paaaed nruVidlug til
th disposal of the public domain
If you want your land patent u a Lurry H yua want your laud tttMu-aU, ut
any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
p, o. Box, aes.
A 'I'll; ml.
15 pounds for $1.00."
16 pounds? for $1.00?
20 to 22
2uc per package.
$2.50 per keg.
$1.00 "
100 pounds D Salt $1.25
100 pounds stock salt 90c.
$2.50 per case.
$2.15 per barrel.
7 packages.
14 yards for $1.00.
16 to 20 yards for $1.00.
$4.50 per pair'.
50o per pair.
25 cents.
you have and the
so Lower!
1 MIMA ) P. PA
nrd'.r, tat 84.70.
fhiUdelpbi. ;
by mail, for 60 oents.
or,BiyB(iraii"'' - r t r - -