Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 11, 1894, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time in the liistor
of our country when the demuml for
inventions end improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great ae
now. The conveniences of rnHjkitid in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, a well an in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance and implimenta of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing dcfiaiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oare cannot be exer
o:sed in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
au application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been loat and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is tuiB advice applicable to
those who adopt the 'No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do bo at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
nidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 F Btreet, N. W.,Wa8bmgton, D. C,
representing a lnrge number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to orotect its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of buHiuess. The said Con
nanv is Drenared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, inoluding me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labols, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial atteuion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to etitr into
competition with any lirm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkim-khhuhn.
lilH F Htreet,
P. O. Box 5185. Washington, D. C.
Whilo yn nMOttyour snhocriptimi pnid up yen
nun Utwp your bnttul in f rue of (sIiwmih.
jMlyn. 'I'. .)., Imiih, Or. HorwiH (JH on loft
( i in n. I m ; i-.'il I lo f untn mi loft, hip, nixlrr hil on
riKht ninf nip'r hit on Ihelnft; nuiKo, Mor
row ColJllUv.
Armfltion j. , Alpiim, Or. T with hnr nn
dor it on f(Ji. mhler uC ImrHMH; (initio biiijih
on loft hip. ,
AMiHiin. it. I-)., KuM Milo. Or. CuMln brnnd,
O 1) on loft uinl lim-Nw Hume hrmid on ritflit
HhonMnr. Hmm, Kilit, Milt.
AHkniH, ! . J., lioppnnr, Or. IIornoH, ,J con
nruti on li.ft dunk; HtiiiiHon loft hip.
i;'ii llll,Hitii-w, A. O., Aipino, Or.- Hoi-huh
hnni'lt , 7 K uii nillmr HhouhUtr. ItiuiKO in Mor
row (V.illlltV
h'iimihh'r, W., lliti-tlmim. Or. (lutl-la hnwi.
p ' II on l"fi hip mill IliiKh: Hplit in ouoh our.
Uii'imor, i'utor. (lonHoliorry Omim IIoi-hor
britini'xl V H m lufl tihoiihlor. CnU.lo name on
riM nmIh.
IturKo, M Ht C, LoTiff Crook, Or--On oatllo,
!1 A V conimntntl on loft hip, mop oil lof t our, uu
il.'i hiilf crop off riht. JlornoH, hkhio hniml on
h'lft HhouhW. Hiuiko in Umnt Hint Morrow
UroHiniin, .lorry, ltorm, Or. llorHOH bnuulixl 7
on ritfM Hliouhlnr; mil tin M on t hn Int'l Hido.
Ijoft our half nrop uinl rilit nur npimr Hlopo.
Hiirlmi, Win.. Iloppnori Or. -Hoi-hoh, j Hon
ritfht thigh; rittlliv mime on right hip; Hp it in
ouch our.
Hrown. I mi, Loxinitton, Or, HorNiw !H on tho
rinht "tinn; cutllo minioon rihMiip; nuiL'o, Mor
row county,
hrown, J. C, Uoppnor, Or. Hoi-hob, oirclo
11 with dot. in imi tor on loft hip; cull In, mono.
Hrown, VV. J., bona, Ortion. Horw'M W. bur
nvur It, on the loft, HtiotildtT. Cattlis miino on left
lioynr, W. 0.. Hoppnor, Or. Hormw, box
hmmt on r:!i. hip outllu, hhiuu, with Hplit in
ouch our.
Horn, I. (., Hoppnor, Or. HorHOH, I' H on loft
nhoiihlor: (initio, hiiiiioom loft hip,
hrownloo, W.I., Kox,Or Cattlis .1 H oonnoolod
on lofl Hido; orop on loft our timl two Hplittt ami
miridht piooH out on' tut right, oitr; on horwoH wuno
tiriuiil on 1 1 io loft thiKh; iiuiiKO it) i''oK vulliy,
(Irani oonnly,
4'Hrnner. Warron. Wawnor, Or.- Ilorno Itranii
od () on rinht Htdlo; oaltlo (throu barn) au
rittht ritm. crop HiidHplit in each oar. Hhiik'Mii
(hunt and Morrow count urn.
t'ain.K., Calob.ttr - V I) on horaoa on loft Btitlo
U with uriartor circlo ovor it, on loft nhoiildor
mid on loft, Htillo on all coltH undor ryoiirn;on
Irfl Hlioiihlor only on all Iioi-hoh ovor fi yoaru. All
run wo in ( Irani county.
I'hIo, t'haH. It,, ViiiHon or Lena, Or. HorHoa
II (' on riht Hhonldor; cattlo mtmo on riK'lil hip.
Himo Morrow and Umatilla comitiOH.
t'uri,T. H., John lay. Or. Donhlo otohh on
oach hip on cattle, Hwallow fork and under hit
in riKht oar, Hplit in loft onr. Iuiiiko in Grant
cminty. 'n Hlo'op, invortml and npoar point
on whouldor. Kar niarkon owim, crop on loft oar
punched upper bit in riKht. VVcthorH, crop in
nuld a'Ul under half crop in loft oar. AU hiii
in (iraiit coiiutv.
(look, A. J.,liimn,()r. Horwi, ItOon rirrtitHhonl
dor; Cattle, MKiiKon right hip: ear mark mjuiiro
urop oil loft and Hilit in rmht.
Currin.Il. V., CurriiiBVillo, Or. -HorHOB.tOon
loft Mtitlo.
Cox Kd. H., Hardnian, Or ('aitlrt, Cwlth
K in center; Ihm-hoh. CK on loft Jii).
Cochran, H. K., Moniimont, (jrant Co, Or.
HorHOH Immdod circle with bar bonoHth, on loft
hhonldor; caHloHamo brand oil both lupo, mark
under nlopo both mvn and dowlan.
Chapin, H., Ilanhnan. Or. Ilorawi branded
Hon riKht hip. ( altlo braudil tho name. AInu
brandm Cl on Iiothoh nht (hifjli; cai t lo huhio
brand on right uliouldfr, and cut oil cud of
right oar.
OougluHH, W. M .(lidloway. Or. Cattlo, H Don
right Hide, Hwailow-fork ui oach twr; horHoa, It 1)
un loft hip.
Kly, J . H. A WoiiH. Douglas, Or. HorHiw brHnd
ih! f:i.Y on left Nhtiuldor, cattlo Hauiu ou loft
hiii. lode in right oar.
Kmery, C. H., Hardtuait, tr.--HornoH brandi'd
rovornod C with tail on loft Hhonldor; cat
tlo name on right hip. Itangti m Morrow comity.
Florence, Ij. A., Hoppnor. Or, Cuttle, 1,K on
right hip; horBOti, V with bar under ou right
L loronco, H. I. Hoppnor, Or. HoraiM. V on
right nhouldor; nittlo, I'' on rigid hip or thigh,
French, tioorgo, Hoppnor, Or. --Cuttle branded
WK.with bar ovoi it, on loft wide; crop oil left
oar. Hornon, name brand on toft hip.
(icntiy, Mlinor, Kclm, Or.- Horno brnndotl H.
H. with a ipiarler cinlo ovor it, on loft utilitv
Hangoin Morrow and UmatilUoonntioH.
Hiatt A. 11., Hidgo, Or. I'utllo, round-top
withipiartor circle under it on the right hip.
linn go in Morrow and laiiatilla count ion.
ttiuton it Jenkw, Hamilton, Or - Cult lo, two hmu
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in loft.
HorOH. J on right thigh. Jiango in Onu.il couniy
Hughot, Sammd, Wagnor, Or
connected Win rmht Hhonldor on Iioinom; on cattle,
on right hip mid on loft wide, hwhIIow fork in
right tvir and nlit in loft. Hmigo m HityNtaek
iliwl rict , M orrow cimnty .
Halo, Miltou. Wagner, Or. HoroH lirandid
-O (circle with parallel (hiIh) uii loft Nhouldor
Cattle Htime ou loft hiii airo large our lo on left
Hall. Kdwin, John Pny,(r. -Cattlo K II on riht
hip; horn mime on right vhouldor. atigeii.
runt county,
tlownrd, J lv, (iiiltoway, Or. Hojhoh, -f (eronn
with bar ahoy ill on right whouldor; cattle
Kiiiiioon loft Hide. Itange in Morrw and I'ma
tillit count io.
Hughe, Mnt, Hepimor, Or.- Hovhoh, nhndl
heart on the left HtnMilder. Halige Moriow Co.
Hmifiiker, H A, Wagner, Or.- ilortod, H on loft
thouldor, cattle, V on lufl lup
HumphrtiyB, J M. Hard man, tr, Horn, U on
left Hank
HiiHtou, liiither, Kight Alilo, Or. Horn H ou
(he left uhontdttrand liowrt ou tht loft Htilltt Cut.
lie (Mima on loft hip. Range in Morrow comity
Join, Harry, Hoppnor, Or Hortw branded
n J on the left Hhoiildt'r: c:it'o Ivetudiil J on
right hip, alwt umtoi bit m loft our. liange in
Mot row coiui' y.
Junk in, 8. M., Hoppnor, Or. -Hornet hirft
nhot) J on left tdioitldor. Cattle, Uie miut.
llHiigo on Ki.rht Mile.
Jolnmon, Felix, bona. Or.- UornoH, circle T on
loft stitlo; oattio, wtiue on right hip, uhour hnif
orop iu tihr Hplit in left eir
i"ot;ny, . i Or. Hor-s hrr.nt.v3
KNY on left hip. cattle same and crop off left
ear: ntidtr slope on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner, Or. Horse 89 n left
short lder; cattle, tin on left hip.
Kirk, Jenne. Hopi.ner, Or.; horso !1 on left
ehonlder; cattle same on right Bide, uuderbit on
right enr.
Kuiiiberland.W.fJ.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on right and loft Hides. bwhIIow fork in If ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Hordes Mine
brand on loft whouldor. Itange in Grant county.
Lofton, (Stephen, Fox, Or. H on left hip
nn cattlo, crop and split on right ear. Hnreep
BHine brand on left shoulder, itange Grant
Lienallen, John W., Leri'iirVn Or. HorRe
branded half-circle JL rounectorl on left shout,
dor. Cattle, bailie on left hio. Jiange, near Lex
bcidicy. J. W. Jloppner Or. HorHOB branded
L and A fn h'f't nhouldor; ;ettle wirne on left
hip, wattle oyer right eye, three slit in right
Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses hranded
double H coi.necti- Sometimus called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Minor, Oscar, rieppnor. Or. r"iittlo, M Don
right hip; horae. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Hoppnor, Or. Horses, M )
on left hhonldf catt lo same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cat' le, 77 on right, side.
McClaron, U. (i., HrowDHville, Or, Hore8,
Figure 5 on each shoulder; cattle, m'i on bin
McOirr, Frank, Fox Yalloy, Or. Mule shop
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear: horses Hame brand on left Htitle.
McHle, . i naiiiliTon, Or. i)n liorsoo. w
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connects! on top on the right side
Range in (rrant County.
Noal, Andrew. Lone Itock.Or, Horses A N eon
nectMl on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, K Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
loft thigh; cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same on loft thigh. Range
in f Jrant county.
Oiler, I'orry, Lexington, Or. P O on lefi
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattlo, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartle on nose. Range in (Jrant county,
Pearson, (Have, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on loft shoulder and H4 on left
hip. ( 'at tie, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Rangoon Kight Mile.
Parker & fJleaaon, Hardman.Or, Horses IP ot
left shoulder.
Piper, Krnest, Lexington, Or. Horses brand
e K (L V, connected) un left shoulder ; cattli
s moon rifdit hiu. RaiiKo. Morrow county.
Piper, J. H Lexington, Or. Horses, JK con
nected onleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip,
nil dor bilinear-hoar.
Pottys. A. ('.. lone. Or.; horses diamond V on
shoulder; catt le, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slopo in left ear and slip in the
Hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
oross with quarter-circle ovor it. on left stifle.
Roningor, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C 11 on
left, shoulder.
Hush Hiob., Heppner, Or. Horses hranded X
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
nrop oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Raugo u
Morrow hikI adioininu conn ties.
Uoaiioy, Andrew, Lexington, Or. HorHoa
branded A R on right shoulder, vent quarto!
circle over brand; cattle same on right tup.
Itange ittorrow county.
Itovse. Wm, H. Dairvvillo. Or Hit conn octet
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right oar and split in loft. Ilornee
same brand on left shouldor. Range m Morrow
(Jrant and Gilliam counties.
Rector. J. W., Heppner, (Jr. Horses, JO oi
left shoulder. Cattle, () mi right hip.
Spicknall, J. Gooseberry, Or. Horse
branded .11 on left Hhonldor; range in Morr'
Bailing, (" (' Heppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattlo same ou loft. hip.
Hwaggart, H. IV., Jjoxiugtou, Or. Horses
wit h dash under it on left Htillo; cattle H with
dash undor it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled ou right hind leg. itange in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
Hwaggart, A. L., Athena. Or. Horses brandc' 2
an loft, shoulder; nettle name on loft hip. Croi
on ear, wattle on left hind log,
Htraight W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J H on lft stifle; cut t le J H on loft hip, swallow
fork in right ear, uuderbit in left.
hupp, TIioh., Heppner, Or. Horses, H A P on
left, hip; cattle same on loft bin.
Hhrior.Johu, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip: cattlo, wiine on right hip,
crop tdt right ear and under bit in left ear. liange
m urant county.
Hinith Pros.. HuHnvill( Or, Homes, hranded
II. Z. on Hhonldor; cat I le, r amo on left Hhonldor.
BquiroH, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JH ou liTt Hlioiil'ltir; cut I In the same, also nooe
waddle. Rangn in Morrow and Gilliam ooinIie4.
Htophens, V. A., Il'ininian, Or-; homes KM on
right stilln; citlle horizontal L on the light side
H'ovenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle. S
on rigid hn ; swailow-forlt in htft ear.
Hwaggart, it. W,, Hcppuor, Dr. liorsos, 41 oi
left, idioiildoi ; call le, 44 on left hip.
Hporry, K. ii Hoppnor, Or. CntUo W C on
left hi, crop olf right and uuderbit in loft, year,
dewlap; horses W (Ion loft shouldor.
Thompson, J. A., Hoppnor, Or. Horses, Z ou
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on loft shoulder.
1 ippotH,H.T.,KuturpnHo,Or. Horses, (.-on lufl
Turner It. W HoppiHjr, Or. Hmnil futpib) T
left, shouldor, horses; cattlo same on left hip
with split in both ours.
Thornton, II. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left otitic; hIicop same brand,
Vimdoipool. If. T., Lena, Or;- - Horses 11 V con
iioctod on right shuuldor;cattlo, same on rigid
Walbridgc. Win,. Heppner, Or. Hordes, U. L.
on the loft shoulder; cattle sumo mi right hip.
crop oil loft oar and right, ear lopped.
Wilson, Jot i u Q,, Mi'lom or Mnppnor, Or,
Hojhos branded J; ou the left "shoulder, liangf
Morrow county.
War roil, W H. Caleb, Or- -Cuttle W with quarter
circle over it, on loft wide, Hplit iu right oar,
Ho!'hoh name brand oil left Hhonldor. Kaugoir
IJi.-iut eonnly.
Wado, Henry, Hommor, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on lolt shoulder and lofl hip
('tittle branded same on loft aide and left hip.
Wolltngor, John, John I ay City. OrOn horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on stovtp,
hil in both ears. ICange in Oraut and Malhuei
Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Horses, TJI
connected on left shoulder.
Watkme, loshu, Hoppnor, Or, Horses branded
UK connected on loft atillo,
Wallace, Charles, Hoppnor, Or, Cattle, W on
right Ihigti, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder Home same on left, Hhonldor.
W hittier hros., ihhm ingion, Maker Co., Or. -Horses
branded W li oonnecteti on left bhouldor
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bai'H on left hip, both cattle am'
horses. Huiiko (iraiit coin ill'.
Williams, J O, Iiong ('reek. Or Horses, quar
tor circle over throe bars on left hip; cattle stuue
and slit in each ear. Han go in (Jraut county
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Catt lo. same on right hip.
Voung, J. H., tJoimetierry, Or. Horses hnrndtv
THouthe right slum hie
Every patriotic citizen should yive his
personal effort and influence to inmu: ,e
the circulation of his home paper v, l.u h
teach i8 the American policy oi Ti oi ac
tion. It la hit duty to aid in this ri-i -ih:1
In every way possible After tin. homo
paper is taken care of, why nut sub
scribu for the Amkrican Economist,
published by tho American Protcilive
Tariff League? One of iU correspon.
dLMits says i "No true American can
gut alone without ft. X consider it the
greatest and truest political teaclu r in
the United States."
Send postal cant request for free
simple copy. Addreat Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
l-t., New Y01.
Ore ow
a Wien do
Are ) ou willing to work lortliccu'i
f I'rutL'ction in placing reliable i
ii .ttiiin in tho hanJs of your ut-,i. ,
t . U,S?
II yon are, you loulJ lie i-li nl
The American
133 W. 230 ST., New YOU,.
:' , n T'. c oat amt wrni It W ttv.- I '
1 ,' ' , i i.itU,u, ftii'J gwe ft hiu, 1.
I'hotoRrttplis Sl.,'iO pel iliiaou at S1ip
lianl'd gallery, iicnr opera tlonae, nortb
Wuii) tft.. lUrpoir. Ojo. Wtf,
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. O. J. Wooldkidoe, of Wortham,
Texas, saved the life of her child by the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"One of my children had Croup. The
case was attended by our physician, and was
supposed to he we'll under control. One
night I was startled by the child's hard
breathing, and on going to it found it stran
gling;, "ft hail nearly ceased to breathe.
Realizing that the child's alarming condition
had become possible in spite of the medicines
f riven, I reasoned that such remedies would
e of no avail. Having part of a bottle of
Ayer'B Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave
the child three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, in a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child is alive and well to-day. and I do
not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral saved her life."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
Prompt toact, sure to euro
giuirnntce1 cure for and Chicken
Cholt-ra, which Iiih stood tho test for seven years
without faflun1, that 1 know of, but has eflect
el thfuiHamlH nl curcti. i havo sold over 2:f,0()0
recoiptH and family rights in eiyht months, and
not a single complaint received yet. I sold each
and eviiry one on a Kiiuritiituc, and I still sell
that way. Jf Holland Cholera Cure and Preven
tative falls to cure or prevent Cholera, I will
refund your money. This is fair enough. Six
pounds of the medicine can he made at a total
cost of from $1 to ll.JiO, enough to do50hogs and
100 chickens a year. You are then assured
iigahiHt cholera for ono year. If you will try
this remedy, I unsure you you will never regret
it. Cue it, and your hogs and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Recipe and family right only ?1.0u. Ready
prepared medicines fiOo and $1 per bottle or
package. Address
Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala.
Dallas, Texas, April 13, 1813.
Mrs Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam: I have
thoroughly- tested your cholera remedv and find
it O. K. It's grand. 1 enclose $10 will try the
agency. Please send at once and oblige. Very
respectfully, H. W. Haju'rk.
Dallas, Texas, May litth, W.V.I.
Tluve sold out. I enclose for which send
me all the recipes you can and the rights to the
counties named below. 1 never saw anything
sell so fant. hat is the lenst you will take for
theHt.de. If your iricc is reasonable will take
rne siaiu. cry respectnuiy.
11. W. WAltl'ER.
(T linvc not room for all his letters. He took
the state. Here is one more of his letters.)
Pallas, Texas, July 17th, 1B!M.
Mrs. Riichrl V. Thoinns, Dear Madam : Since
toking the slate rit-lit 1 eitnviiHsed three weeks
ami uiiiMc !pi' Helling recipes and territory. 1
will start several suh-iigeuts next week. Could
I exchange a portion l(f Texas for a portion of
Kansas? Very respectfully, H. V. IlAitrnit.
Milieu, (ieorgla, Dee. llth, 18011.
M rs. Thomas: I write a letter of enquiry.
Mow much of this stale is unsold ? I want bal-
h lire of the sbite. llolliiud's Cholera Cure is
just s hat It is represented to be. Jt has proved
a messing to tne tanners oi tun county. Very
respectfully, C. o. Kiiknfibld,
Agent lor Screven County.
Rock Bridge, Ohio, De 4th. jum.
Mrs. Tlininiis: lieeiiie came to liand and it's
nil (). k Kuclosed find ?:!() for llorklug, Picka
way and lairlield counties. What will you
take for the stale? Yours truiv,
V. Hanstbin.
I have tliousiinds more testimonials. I umir-
antec Hollaitd'H Cholera Cure and Preventative
to cure and prevent hotr and (thicken Cholera in
each and every case or refund the money. This
is fair enough. Don't postpone ordering because
you may not at present be bothered with chol
era. The Idea is to prevent it in time. This iny
remedy will do anil will also keen your hogs
and chickens m a nice healthy condition. Ccn
eral ami local ngenls wanted, state and family
rights for sale or trade. Address
Mas. RArina V. Thomas,
sw-::m. Cowarts, Ala,
Chicken Cholera
Brief State News.
Wliaot is selling at I'emllaton at from
30 to 3() cents.
Many prune troen lire being planted in
Douglaa oouuty.
Oervuia it makiuaome good drainage
A Salem uiBn contemplates the erection
ot s wooleu mill lit DiiIIiir.
A 12 days' cleanup of the Hammersley
mine, ou Jump-Off Joe, yielded $1800.
Tbere lias been considerable rough
weather on the lower Columbia daring
tbo week.
(i. Loreudo, of Williams creek, Jose
phine oouuty, raised apples so large that
22 of them filled a box.
One threshing outllt in the John Day
country is just through work. It ran 75
days, Bud threshed au average of 850
sacks daily.
The advance in the price of wheat will
be of considerable benefit to the Willam
ette valley, as a large percentage of ths
'SU crop 's -t in the bands of growers.
It is reported that 10 boats on Tilla
mook bay have been engaged to fish for
steel heads there at 15 cents each and
haul the fish over the beach to the can
nery at Nehalem.
'1 lie fees received from the Douglas
county officials since July 1 are as fol
lows: Clerk, $i;ilK5, or an average of
about 8201 a month; slierilT, S1S1.S5, or
an average of per mouth.
N. A. Andrews killed three bears last
week at the head of Jones creek, about
four miles from liriuit's i'ass. They
were of the "mealy-mouthed" variety,
a cross between the black and the
-Mrs. Jane lVarsun, wife of H. Pearson,
dropped dead Tuesday evening at 7
o'clock at her home in North Powder.
She had been atllictod with the slow
fever, that has been so prevalent at
North Powder this seaeou.
Some distaiies back from the ooast at
Port Orford, where a harbor of refuge is
to bo built, are large deposits of a
species of granite, which can be used in
the works, but to t lit it will require a
railroad about 15 miles in length.
The residence of Mose Lore, about
two and one-!ia',f wiles est of Ptiiop,
p A - cross the way, Throughout the day, Sho ot tho dor - mcr vrin - . dowBews;
I tr - S- -5- -5- - -Z- -S- -S- -S- -S- Ti-
I Sfefe-jl
A Bong sho hums,
brain is in
girl in all
bloom - ing town;
was totally oonsumed by fire Monday
Bfternoon while the family were away
from home. Everything, with the ex
ception ot two saokaof flour, was burned.
A meeting of the Nehalem fishermen
was held Sunday for the purpose of
agreeing upon a living prioe for fishing
this winter. After talking the matter
over they oame to the conclusion that
1 '4 cents per ponnd, or 20 oents a fish,
is the least they can fish for.
F. M. Frenoh, loeal displayman at Al
bany for jhe weather service, has begun
receiving from the government material
for the new service, whioh will begin in
a short time, when Albany will be the
distributing point for Western Oregon
south of Portland.
Ben. Lohrn, bead brakeman on a pas
senger train, was hit in the faoe with a
rook by a hobo, in Oow creek, Saturday
night. It was a brutal blow, but did
not disable Ben from work till be got to
Ashland, where the wound was dressed.
Tramps are becoming very troublesome
along the railroad.
Mrs. Haskius, of Fairyiew, Coos oonn ty,
was born in 1805, and remembers the
war of 1S12, She can remember when
her mother made a knapsaok for ber
father to go to the war: it was made of
au old sack covered with ooonekin. Mrs.
Haskins has a full supply of interesting
A hobo on Monday morning's train
tried to get out from under the ooaoh
while the oars were leaviug West Fork.
His foot was caught by a wheel and bis
toes pinched off. He crawled back to
the brakebeam again and rode to Glen
dale, whare the train hands took him in
and brought bim to Grant's Pass.
An evidence of the growth of the trade
of Oregon City is shown In the iaot that
oo'.cj thsn U Sras bi wjtbio the
v -s- -v -9- m -9- -9-
S2 H 11 1 ' i 1 i
lov - ing words to foed the birds That 'round the stile so gai - ly flit. Oh, all my
fr jzt tt. rr
(WliMi .rt-t-g: -gfflqt eU-U- --4-.- fppf:. -pffrfgr rM ffl
6 h9- , I rj 1 r-l - - F I I Mj I -I-ii, 3
&V u- r -f-J1 -J - -j Xs -j
pti irTj-m-j. MCr Mjgri
rit. pip
On tip - toe comes,
rj -- T
"0 1-
a whirl! My hopes are up
the bloom - ing town,
Sho is tho sweet
She is tho sweet - est girl
Copyright, 1894, by The
past year changed their quarters to Be
onre better accommodations for tbeir
enlarged stocks, while the other firms in
town have notdeoreased tbeir stock and
none have moved into smaller quarters.
Last night, saya Friday's Salem States
man, the Christian Workers' Mission
sheltered 16 helpless men. Nearly the
whole of them had supper and will have
breakfast this morning. Some of them
will go to work on the mission farm. It
takes a lot of provisions to feed so many,
to say nothing of the work. One tellow
day before yesterday, discouraged from
bis fruitless search for work, deoided to
ask the governor, aa an act of oharity,
to put him in the penitentiary.
When persons are weak and languid
from sickness or overwork, feel delapi
dated and depressed, it is an judication
that the blood is out of order, and tbey
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The beet remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of obeerfnl spirits. Price $1.00 per
Newt Leslie was fording Cook oreek,
near its mouth, with two pack homes
when both himself and the horses were
swept below by the swift mnniug
waters. The horses swam out, but Mr.
Leslie had on a heavy overcoat and was
almost helpless. He drifted nearly a
quarter of a mile down the oreek, when
he was able to grasp some overhanging
bushes and pulled himself out.
Any person who desires to trade good
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in condition for raising wheat, for I
property in Portland, should call at tbe
Osteite office,
i r i . m. . r . v i i i i
5 I--, - J m -yqzzxzqzx J"' J 2 1 mi m H
i y AAA " v
fTTM , rt efpf---0Bw fjzp Efc --pp rT r
I -m- I -m- I -m i -m- I .m. I -m. I I I
rTT-r-Tnijgrn-TT-TT-r-m--- i I I I mt I I I I I m I I i i 1-11
Looks shy - ly at me whoro
:J !
and down, .
Bo - cuuso
Be - cause Bhe is the sweet -
- est girl
In all the
New York Musical Record Co,
Mobile Has the Honor of Having Thl
Beautlrul Mountain of Flowers.
, "The largest rose bush in the United
States is in Mobile, Ala.," said a citizen
of New Orleans to a reporter for the
St. Louis (ilobe-Democrat. "It belongs
to the species which, in common par
lance, is known as the cluster musk
rose, and blossoms so luxuriously that
during the season from three to four
bushels of roses have been gathered in
one week, and when shedding its
petals the ground beneath is complete
ly covered with its fragrant blossoms.
Its trunk for five feet from the
ground, is nearly a foot in circumfer
ence, and it has been estimated that if
its branches grew on one continuous
vine it would exceed a mile in length.
These branches have entirely covered
the side of the house near which the
bush grows, and have extended to the
neighboring trees surrounding it, so
that when it is in bloom it forms a per
fect bower of roses."
A recullar Frmich Law.
The French are a most peculiar and
exclusive people. A decree has just
been signed by President Carnot for
bidding the marriage of French diplo
mates to foreign wives. This is merely
the revival of an old law and is said to
have been called out by the marriage
of two French diplomats, l'atenotrc and
Dauuay. to American wives. It is dis
claimed that the edict is aimed directly
at Americans, and the object is pre
tended to lw the prevention of the "dis
covery of secrets by foreigners through
the wives of the ministry. The news
papers quote several instances of this
character, in which it is conjectured
that important disclosures have been
made by the wives of French diplo
mates abroad. It is alleged that this
is the main reason why President Car
not signed the edict of prohibition, and
it will prevent several marriaires which
are on the tapis, notably that of the
French minister at Athens to the
daughter o the Itolittn minuter at
I sit;
sho is the sweet - est
est girl Iu all tha
all tho bloom - ing
bloom - ing town.
A Bright Lad,
O 'J
Ten years ol age, but who declines to jive hit
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old. my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too. would soon die. and all our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, 1 would
, able 10 Ba,k- because i waS iS
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and
it gathered and threw out pieces of tone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin. It
was sure to become a running sore. 1 bad
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
AYER'S Sarsaparllla
Prepsred by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, M,
Cures others, will cure you
Fon Saul A tboninoM.rai ....
tered Hereford bull-Maywood, No.
38,606. This bull was bred in Illinni. h.
Oeo. T. Baker, and is just the eniml
you want to breed s'ock that will bring
a good price. I will noli u. . t
have another of same stock; or will trade
for good njjlcq Oog,