Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 11, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
THOSE desiring the insertion of display arts
n"t later than Monday evening for Tuesdav's
evening lor Friday's edi
tion. Tim Pattsrson Publishing Co.
Take Notice.
. -fw, . uciiH per nue will be
ohrged tor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
reanent." lists nf wAddins npABa..t. -...i j
1 Tho Bum nt Aa ... .
ni obituary notices, (other than those the odit
n .1.-11 uimnii 8ivo as a matter ot news, and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
-. ... nuu oucieiy aim auotner
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
eent. a Hue. These rulea will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable sad made known
upon application.
We hold each and
ponslble for his or her communication. No
vvv. iuu,"w mu m, puoiisnea unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
JLi. in Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file In his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp-
Stare for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at Hp.ii., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the inferior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent. 1
Removal Notice.
Q. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where he will still keep the best brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrltms Beer on tap. Served tu largest
sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Geo. Miller is up from Douglas.
Oa Mitobell was in town Saturday
Lard, 10-pound bucket, $1.00 at J. F.
John Kenny says range is fairly good
this fall.
Dan Osmers returned this morning
from Portland.
T. W. Marshal, the traveling mau, is
in town today.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Frank Whetstone and Albert Ilea left
last evening for Pendleton.
Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 cts.;
rib steak, 5 ots., at Sprays.
Mr 8. Geo. Oonser is visiting ber
parents out on Bbea creek.
Wm. Hughes' little daughter, who
was ill recently, is oonvalesoent.
Harry Warren left list evening for the
metropolis to remain a few days.
Mrs. Green Mathews departed for
Portland Saturday to visit relatives.
Ben Rinsheiraer, representing Gbas.
Higele & Go., Bundayed in Heppner.
Tom Oarle is getting his warehouse
ready for snooesstul operation down at
Asa Nelson, r-)----'- it t"--- r.i-..
of the Record, came in Sunday to visit
the folks.
M. Oorrlgall, a Butter creek sheepman
and ranoher, was over Friday last to do
some trading.
Two freight trains collided yesterday
down at Squally Hook. An engineer
was severely hurt.
Col. J. W. Dawson leaves this even
ing on a business trip to Texas. He will
be gone about a month.
The Heppner region has been visited
by very high winds of late, and last
night was no exception.
Gilhouaen Bros, are going to give you
cabinet photos at $1 per doz., from Dec.
1st until after holidays. 9-12
Andy Cook informed the Gazette man
this morning that the high winds bad
raised "Ned" out on Butter creek.
J. E. Taylor, representing the Paoifio
Paper Oo., was in town Saturday 1 .oking
after his firm's business interests here.
From now henceforth Ohas. Van
' Winkle's steam saw will out yonr wood
twice in two at 60 cents per cord, cash
A sure oure for the liquor habit. No
care no pay. For full particulars and
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Store. 9-tf.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
bairoots always in stook. Baths inoon
neotion. Call on him.
Prof. Wetzell fc' " Assist Supt. Bon
bam in the institute work at Long Creek
this week. He went through Heppner
thiB morning, en route to Long Creek.
Geo. S. Gray is now located at Ailing
ton, and writes to have the Gazette sent
to that plooe. George thinks he will be
back to bis old borne, Heppner, by
Shilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee
It cures Xnoipient Consumption. It is
the best Oongh Oure only one oent a dose.
25 ots., 50 ots., and 81. Sold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
Two section men. Edward Beck and
Edward Bedlan, were run into by a work-
train near Bonneville reoentiy while on
band-oar, Beldan being fatally injured,
the other serionsly bruised.
The enrollment of the Heppner High
School department is now 71. Besides
doing the regular High School work,
there is in successful operation Busi
ness aod Teachers' olasses.
Joe Baling sprayed and pruned J. M.
Hager's orobard recently. He was
assisted by Albert Res, and from the
ad. whioh appears in this issne it seems
that Joe is in the business to stay.
O. W. Thompson, familiarly known as
"Wash," departed last evening for
Bolivar, Mo , to visit bis mother. He
will spend the winter mere ana me
Gazette wishes him a pleasant time.
Onr fellow townsman A. A. Jayne is
still Ivinc- onite eiok at The TaW. Mr.
Wilson, onr former prosecuting attorney,
bas been appointed for the Ute for the
term now in session. Arlington lt?o rd.
Aeonrdiug to present H'raag'nts
our contract' with the 0k-.:uiHn expires
Jan. 1st, 1893. Those who wn-h the two
papers, Gazelle and Oregouian for UU,
both strictly in advance, should come in
at onoe.
Wheat would be selling at a much
better figure than 29 and 30 cents per
bushel here in Heppoer if it were not for
the soarcitv of oars and the goeral
wheat blockade below. The Gazette
expects to it tb 10 esnt mark rsaobed
ft long.
Kev. J. B. ni,mh.rl.m .i, i.:i...
--nmu, .UD DBI1V1
v6 k er'- DOW B re9'lent of Dayton,
"""I w' lecture at tlie M. JE. church,
South, on the evening's of Dec. 20th and
.21st, on "What I Saw in Egypt." This
will iDolo.de the ohief cities, Pyramids,
..Dn.P, irumpey-B jriJlar, Hptiioxes,
Catacombs, Hod the valley of human
. , -x icbi uuv;j
with the reminescenoe of Abraham,
'-nrMUl jaooo, Jeremiah and Christ, a
'OOioiirnfirn in tho anA ' 11...
. . iuuu, niou iUUlUU-
lanner, and Peter's vision, Caeserea,
kuohbi was nrsi preaobed to
t he Gentiles, in the bouse of Centurian
Cornelius; and the Island of Cyprus.
Come early and get seats.
The correspondent from Eight Mile,
not having seen any news in the Gazette
reoentiy, has sent in some. Thanks.
And while we do not always take blnnt
sayings of some of our IoobI writers to
mean anything offensive, let ns warn all
right now that there is a wonderful dif
ference between personalities and "news."
We do not want to aot in the capacity of
trouble-makers ; rather we would have
all true men friends.
Arlington Record: There is serious
oomplaint by farmers on the Heppner
branch road because cars oannot be had
to ship their grain. A complete dead
lock haS nTlRtAH tnf anma TU
' ' DUIUO tllUC, 1UO
warehouses can receive no more and
can i snip what they have. Farmers are
beinp nrennnrl fnr mnnv nnH nnnn..i
their wheat off. The people oall on the
O. R. & N. Co., for assistance.
Minor fir fin's ahlntv,a.t nnini i
St. Paul resulted disastrously Potatoes
1. .'. -1- T A. ...
oio uiku in lows-ji per Dusnel but
the commission men always have some
excuse. The Gazette thinks that most
of them Bre worse than "bunoo" sharps,
and that tho nnl. .! t u;
...... .uu v... duiu )nu ia iu BUip
enough that the owner may go along
nuu uueiiu me saie or consignment Him
self. Now is the time to est the Wneklv
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
ine west, witn tue Uazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, the Web
foot Planter, an agricultural paper.
Come in now and subsorlbe.
Frank McFarland and Dr. J. H. Fell
are both doing very well below and will
soon be able to return to their Eastern
Oregon homes. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus bas
left St. Vincent's and is at present at
the home of her brother-in-law, Rev.
Henry Rasmus, of the Grace M. E,
church. She is expeoted home the latter
part of this week.
"Wben your heart is bad, and your
head is bBd, and you are bad dean
through, what is needed?" asked a
Sunday school teaoher of ber olass. "I
know Ayer'a Sarsaparilla," spoke np a
little girl, whose mother had recently
been restored to health by that medioine.
The young bloods report thataslugger
of fair dimensions is in town. Of
oourse, he oould not get up a prize fight
here, but he might find some one who
would box for points" a limited number
of rounds, or until one or tbe other
wearied of the sport.
No other remedy is so reliable, in
cases of sudden colds, or ooughs, or for
any and all derangemeots of the tbroat
and lungs, as Ayer's Cherry Pcotoral.
This wonderful medicine affords great
relief in consumption, even in tbe ad
vanced stages of that disease.
A fall of two feet of snow is reported
up in the mountains, and to have
reached as low as Wm. Penland's Head
quarter ranch. It is, or was, badly
drifted, hat v?a have no dr. that the
obinook has played sadbnvoo with it ere
Jack Ktoord, tbe icvinoilile "Jack,"
who always meets the "enemy" when be
comes to town in a baud to moutb oon
fiiot, and invariably becomes "bis'n" as
soon as be can surrender, bas departed
for rural scenes.
Wilcbin & Plemmons, who own tbe
shooting gnllery next door to tbe post
office, have oash prize shooting, com
mencing Monday of each week and end
ing on Saturday. Give the boys a call.
K N. Crockett, and mother, Mrs. H.
N. Crockett, aocompanied by Thos. D.
Williams, arrived last evening from
Long Creek and departed immediately
for Portland.
Tbe Inter-State Milkmaid's Conven
tion, by the W. 0. T. U., to be held at
the opera house, has been obanged from
Deo. 28th to Dec. 21st. Tbe public will
please take notice of tbe same.
Dr. P. B. McSwords took a large tumor
from the breast of Mrs. Warren Carsner
last Saturday. The patient is doing
well and her entire reoovery is expeoted
in the oourse of a few weeks.
C. A. Shnrte, formerly principal of
the Heppner schools, but for some years
past J. W. Smith's head man, oame in
this morning from Arlington on busi
ness oounected with bis house.
If the oare of the bair were made s
part of a lady's education, we should
not see so many gray heads, and the nse
of Hall's Hair Kenewer would be un
necessary. Green Mathews for shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business boars. C. M. Jones, assistant.
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
best beer on the Paoifio ooast. Also on
hands tbe best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. B6tf.
J. L. Beymer, Chas. Repass, Jones
Bros., Bud Ingraham and numerous
other prominent Eight Mile people are
hauling in their wheat as rapidly bs
Gilhousen in order to have Bamples of
bis work all over tbe county, offers you
a life-size oravon portrait with the Ga
zette, one year in advance from date of
order, tor 84.7U.
Joe Saline is in tbe spraying and
pruning business, as his ad. in these
oolums will testily, worn emruBiea w
bim will be done in a strictly Brst olass
Although it has not bfen annonnced,
it is presumed that an important feature
of the C irintmas week will be a grand
hall at the oners house of S. P. Gsrri-
Kiri's Clover Root, the great Blood
purifier, gives freshness and olearness to
the Complexion and enres Constipation,
25 ots., &0 ots. , 81 . Hold by T. W. Ayers,
Hayes & Mathews, pre prietors of the
City Meat Market, deliver meat to any
part of the city. Full wieght and good
meat guaranteed. Leave them your
Frank Minor, brother of Bob Minor, is
here from Iowa visiting the folks. Mr.
Minor says that Bob has married and
settled down to farming.
Luther Hamilton, Sunday reported a
good, stniuV chinonk at work on the
snowy mantle np in the mountains at
tbe bead of Willow oreck.
MoCage Reeder and Mat Hushes
Ofiine together Saturday last. "Cage"
got tbe wont of the scrap, costing Mat
tbs regulation before Judg, Htllwk.
Weli and Happy
Thanks to Hood's Saraaparllla-Dull
Headachea-That Tired Feeling.
Mr. W. H. Tolea
San Francisco, Gal.
"One of the greatest mistakes people make is
to lock the door after the horse is stolen, or hi
other words, to wait until they are sick tu bed
before they do anything for the poor body.
Neither my wife nor myself were real sick ; I
attended to my business, and, my wife to her
household duties dally. But we had dull, heavy
headaches, and a little oveT-exertlon would tire
us greatly, and my appetite was Tery poor. So
we took three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and the result was perfectly satisfactory. I be
lieve Hood's Baraaparilla
Savod Us a Severe Sickness
And a big doctor's bill. If people would only
remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth
a pomm oi cure,' tnere would ie less snnerinz
In the world. My advice to all who do not feel
Hood's Cures
well is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla according to
directions, ami you will be well and happy."
W. H. Tolks, MS 12th St., San Francisco, Cal.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
Shot Himself. Last Saturday J. H.
Ooblentz, warden of the Washington
penitentiary, shot himself through the
bead, dying instantly. Deoeased was
removed last Saturday by Gov. McGraw
and the prison directors for irregulari
ties, he, assisted by "trusties," having
gotten away with as much as $15,000.
With his dismissal came the warrant for
arrest. Excusing himself from the
deputy sheriff, he oomnaitted the fatal
act. Ooblentz was a Southern republican,
and as sheriff down in Arkansas was
fearless in tbe discharge of bis duties.
When Gen. John M. Clayton was assas
sinated, a orowd tookeburge of the body
and would allow no one to approaob,
Coblentz went into the house and with
pistol in hand drove the gang back, tak
ing the dead body of Clayton with bim
and using it as a shield esoaped to his
borne. Here he was kept a prisoner f or
three days, but some friend bringing a
horse to tbe rear of the house, he got
away under a running fire. Coming nt
onoe to Washington, he was appointed
Chinese inspector. In the disobarge of
bis duties in Ibis office he shot and kill
ed a smuggler named Holt, but not till
Holt had shot at Ooblentz and also made
an attack with a kuife. Ooblent.: wound
ed Holt, aud then the latter not desist
ing, was killed ioBtantly. When Mo
Graw took the reins up in Washington!
Coblentz was chosen wardeu of the pen
itentiary. The sad ending of what
might have been nn useful life is to I e
regretted. The budy will be sent to
Arkansas fur interment.
Hioii School Doings. The net re
sults of the High ttchool entertainment,
given recently at the opera bouse, have
been turned to good account. The
amount taken in at the door was $65.15,
which, less expenses, left $54.15 to be
expended for apparatus, eto. Prof. Wier
has added the fallowing to library and
stook of apparatus: Forty Franklin
Sqnare Song Collection, sixteen de
votional song books, two wall maps'
two Alden'e Oyolopedia of History, one
Dictionary of American Politics, four
American History Stories, one Ogden's
Skeleton Essays, one book Selections in
Oratory, one olock and one Holbrook's
Lunar Tellurian Globe. The only
expense inourred which will fall on tbe
distriot is a small balanoe on expressage,
$3.15. Our sohool is now well provided
with the various essentials to suooessful
teaobing, and considering that it bas
cost tbe distriot nothing direotly, worth
mentioning, is appreciated. For all
these, we have to thank Prof. Wier aud
bis able corps of assistants.
Mobbow County Ahead. J. H. Ed
wards, ot Sand Hollow, has invented an
automatic hen eut of wood, feathers and
at eel whioh at a oertain time eaoh day
gets up off the nest and proceeds to
oackle in true style as though she had
fulfilled all tbe duties of egg-laying.
This puts the whole ohioken-yard in the
same notion, and results in an increased
ontput of marketable eggs. The most
wonderful part of tbe whole mechanism
is that tbe make-believe fowl returns as
regularly to tbe nest as she leaves it.
Tbe Gazette bas not been able to inspect
this patent personally, but it shonld be
oome very popular and find ready sale
in every family engaged in egg-raising.
Suddbn Death, Heppner people were
surprised last Saturday evening to hear
of the death of Mrs. Isaac Laforgie, of
Ibis place. We are informed that Mrs
Laforgie was in usual health till last
Saturday when sbe grew seriously ill,
only living a few hours. Tbe interment
ooenrred riunday afternoon in the Hepp
ner cemetery. Deceased leaves a
husband, three children and two wardei
children of Geo. Laforgie. Indeed these
little ones, as well as tbe husband,
deserve tbe sympathy of all in this, their
darkest bonr of sorrow.
A. E. Kilpatriek, of Fillmore, Cal,
had tbe uiiafortui.e to have bis leg
caught !. tweeu a curt and a etcne and
badly hi raised. Ordinarily he would
have been laid np for two or three weeks
hat sys: "After nsing one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm I began to f el
better, and in three days was entirely
wi-ll The peculiar mottling qualities
which Chamlwrlain's Pain Kalro possess
es I have never noticed in anv other
liniment. I lake pleasure in recom
mending it." This liniment is also uf
great value for rbttumatism aud lame
back. For sal by Blocum-JonnioD
Drug Co.
Corner Third
Meals 25 ceuts, best jn the city. Rooms 25 oents to 50 oents. Board and rooms,
$5.00 to $7.00 per week, according to room.
Good Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service.
No Chinese Employed.
1"- T. 1 . OOXIXJIV, XI-11.
sw-3m Proprietor,
The My
Is the Place for Fresh
It is the Headquarters!
wpein.tsi, Druea Oil m, Glann, Tol
let Artloesi, Patent Medicines
Bto. .... ....
Office of all stages running
for Infants
" Caitoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend ft as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abcher, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castorla is so universal and
lis merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keepCastoria
within easy reach."
Caklos Mabttn, D, P.,
New York City.
The Centaur
"How to Car All Skin Diseases."
Kimply apply "Swaynb's Ointment."
No internal medioine required. Cares
tetter, eozema, itch, all eruptions on tbe
(aoe, bands, nose, Ac, leaving tbe skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist (or ISwatnu's Ointment.
Our Heppner people will remember
Mai Smith, of The ViennaOafe, formerly
looatod at the corner ot Heoond and
ft'Bsb. streets, Portland. We know that
bis old friends will be gratitiwl to learu
that be is again at tbe bead of "The
Vienna" at 251 Morrison street. His
reputation as a caterer oertainly means
a oontinnation of the old patronage.
A life-size crayon picture of yourself
or any member of yonr family, made
right here in Heppner by an experienced
artist and worth 85 in the cheapest
markets of tbe world, and the Gazette
for one year, in advance from dale of
order, for $4.70. Coll and see ns for
terms. This offer holds good only till
Dec. 15th. All orders must be in bpfnro
tbat date.
Commencing MondHy, Dpc 3, ami on
eaoh Mondav and Thursday thereafter
nntil Jan. 11. the O. K. & N. will sell
ronnd-trip tickets. Heppner to Portland
and return, at $0.90, including two ad
missions to the Portland Exoosltinn.
Tioketa good 5 days. Tbe exposition
will undoubtedly be ery fine.
D. A. Herren and J. 8. Buseick. under
tbe firm name of D. A Herren k Co., are
buying and selling grain of all kinds
next door to tbe Gazette office. They
nay tbe bisbeet market price, and will
buy in any quantities. "H II.
li. A. Hnnsaker runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day except Snnday. Hbortext and cheap
est route to tbe interior. P. C-bn,
The prospecls for Prof. Parvin's
Musical institute are very bright, lbat
it will be an entire sooeess, goes without
and Davis Streets.
Between tswouil it Third,
1'ortland, Ore.
For tho Cure on
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazrttb office for particulars.
BtrU'tly confidential. Treatment private and sure
Groceries, Cheap for
oat of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
and Children.
Caxtoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Btomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without Injurious medication.
"For several yoars I have recommended
your 'Castorla,1 and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
EnwiK F. Pardee, M. I,
lasth Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Compact, 77 Mm ray Street, New York City.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Notice of Stockholder' a Meeting.
will be ft meetiliir of the stockholders of
the First Nntlohal Hank of Heppoer, st their
olhee on the second Tuesday of Janunrjr, IK'.ft,
hetwecn the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., and 4
o'clock p. in., of said day, for the purpose of
electing directors and lor the transaction of
such other business as may appear.
Heppner, Or., Dec. 7th, ISM. 2UOH.
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
ll regular annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the National Hank of Heppner will 1)6
held at their hanking, house In Heppner, on the
weeoml Tuesday in January, between the
hours of IDo'cliK'k, A, M., and 4 P. M., for the
purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing
year. HI). R. HIHHOI', Cashier.
IfKPrNEH, Or., Dec. 10, WM, ail.301
Stockholders' Meeting.
1 regular annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Heppner Building V lan Association
will he held In their nilice In Heppner, on the
second Tuesday of January, IWift. hetween the
hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 1. M., for the
purlioseof electing Directors for the ensuing
veer. F.D. R. BlhHOI', Hec y.
llKri-yr.it, Or., Dec. 1", IKil. -jyi-aoi.
Spray Your Fruit Trees
Now Is the time to have your fruit trees spray
ed. I have one of the finest Hpray Pumns In the
market, and use the most etlectlve remedies, ana
guarantee my work. Charges reasonable. I
can le lonno at li. A. nerren gc ui nnw
meat Heppner, Oregon. 1-a-w.
OT. 3VX. S-A-HiIPtfO.
Old ll'itt bus purchased tbe barber
aliop on the Matlock oomer frnrn A. C.
Curb-, where bis old friends and custom
ers will fiud him. bhavos, abiiinpooi
and haircuts on short notice and in tbt
highest it;U of th art.
Facts Worth Knowing !
A few quotations Before and After Minor
& Co. reduced prices
Granulated sugar 8 tt) for $1.00
Extra C sugar 9 lb for $1.00
Rice, Island No. 1, 10 pounds for
Beans 16 pounds for $1.00
Green coffee 4 pounds for $1.00
Arbuckle's coffee 30c per package
Rock Candy Syrup $3.00 per keg
Keg of pickles $1.65
100 pounds D Salt $1.75
100 pounds stock salt $1.15
Case coal oil $3.25
Flour per barrel $3.00
Matches 5 packs for '25 cents
Cabot W muslin 10 yards for $1.00
Calico 14 yards for $1.00
H. & a. boots $u.;2o per pair
Overalls 75c per pair
1 gallon jars doc
Suit of clothes $20.00
Overcoats $20.00
us as
will Still
Freight than all the rest com.
bined. This Is no boast; ask
theageni. Patronise those that reduce
the prices, not those that combine to
keep them up.
This Space
V) '' I "
MgFARLAND mercani
Carry a large stook of Groceries, Hardware and Tinware,
Boots sod Shoes, Dry Goods and Clothing, whioh they
are still selling at
They exchange Goods
highest market
Delivered at any station
Owing to the advantages gained through .
being a member of the ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prices for cash as
low as tbe lowest.
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Dawsion Ss Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortcut possible time.
Contested Cases
CoutoHtnd cRBes intelligently and skillfully bautllixl.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims aud disputes spfdtly settled.
Between individnals having conflicting olaims under tbs agricultural land
liiws. and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; aud also between claimants under any ot the public land laws and the
Kni I road companies and their grantees, and tbe states and their grantees, under
the KwHtnp-Laud and Hcbool-Land Urania.
Hpecialty made of securing patents in tbe shortest possible time for settlers
wbohave complied witb tbe laws Under which their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating to the publio lands, especially ou
points arising under the new laws whioh have been reoentiy passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe publio domain.
If yon want your land patent in a hurry if you want your laud basluess, of
any character, attended to by skillful and oompeteut attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Bit, m. Wad
A I'M" 15 K.
15 pounds for $1.00.
16 pounds for $1.00.
20 to 22
'2uc per package.
$2.50 per keg.
$1.00 "
100 pounds D Salt $1.25
100 pounds stock salt 90c.
$2.50 per case.
$2.15 per barrel.
7 packages.
14 yards for $1.00.
16 to 20 yards for $1.00.
$450 per pair.
50o per pair.
25 cents.
and the Prices
yon nave
io Lower !
Leaders in Low
Belongs to
for Wheat, allowing the
price for same.
along the Heppner branoh.
minim vi Wt