Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 07, 1894, Image 4

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There was never a time in U
of our country when ti h
inventions and improveuv t ia ,,
ami sciences generally wa.-- t
tuny. The oonveniene. . t v
the factory and workv-,,; .;,.,
and on the farm, as " , (.-
life, require continua. .;' .-
appurtenance and ;i
in order to tiavo v,t t ,i ; i :
. , .he
ifArr ; ; i . . DN6.
f.(6 ' i - : tra-
..,.! ?: r it the
.V, .... ' ' ') who
r' . f , .; 1- .; 'i per-
- .. .. . t; (8 not
The political c1'
tion of gover i.i
progress of t
being on tl.
ceiye the v
permit tl.; '
tec bim ' ..
remedy '
cies. ' o -'
o:Fed : -i---
ful U,- 1 '' !'
an ',p-.:-'v ;
" to do
. ! .viutf the
. . discrepan
.-. jt be exer-
. int and skill
. t ; jnd prosecute
, '. . ' u Valuable in
v i , i ! ,.nd destroyed in
,;.. i .'i a by the employ
, ' i . . nt counsel, and es
idvice applicable to
, the "No patent, no
Inventors who entrust
to this class of attorneys
, 4inentriak, as the breadth
,th of the patent is never con
those w
pay" ft.
their bu.
do so at
and etrer
sidered in v.ew of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fpe.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 strett, N. W., Washington, D. 0.,
represent a large number of impor
tant dail? and weekly papers, and gen
eral peri )dicals of the eountry, was in
btituted to protect its natronB from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Com
pany U prepared to take charge of all
paten: business entrusted to it for rea
sonatle fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trademarks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences. infringHranuts, validity reports,
and giveft especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is hIbo prepared to enter into
oon-.potition with any firm in securing
foreign patents .
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wbodkhhukn.
(ilH F Street,
p. 0. Box 385, Washington, D. C.
While yon mnp yonr nubncnptiim paid up yen
cm ktfop yuur braiul in free of ohnrtfe.
AUvn. T. .1.. lono, Or. Kornne (Hi on left
Blimii(ir; cnf tlo wiiim on left hip, nnlrr I i t on
ritfltt our, ami uppur hit on tlio lft; nuiws Mor
row ounnty.
ArmHtnmff, J. ('., Alitino, Or. T with !ir nn-
dnr it on Inft Hliouldtir of hortwti; outdo hiuiiu
on Inft hip.
All. hod, O. I)., Kuhi Mil, Or. ChHIb hrnnd,
0 1) on loft hip urn! liorww witne hrutid on l iwlit
Bhouldor. llHitH, Kiirht Mtl.
AdkniH, J. J., l!tppniir, Or. Htirflns, .IA or)n
Ti'-1ol on lott tlitiik; Hitt In, wuiie on lttft ht.
IfitrthctliiiiH'W, A. )., Alpine, r. Uoihoh
hntmhvl 7 K on oitlntr bIiouIiIlt. Kmitfo in Mor
row (iiumtv
imnnlHtnr, J. W., Ifttritmnn, Or. Cnttlo hnind
ed It on Itift hi tuid Miih: Hplit in ohoIi imr.
Hri'iiiKM", l'otnp, MooMnliHrry OnK'n Hoi'nmk
hr(ttild Pit ou loft Mliouldor. ( Initio siimo on
riflit wido.
Hurko, M Ht 0, Jtonff Crook, Or On mUU
1 AY oonmmtod on loft liip, oiop oil loft, oar, mi
dor hiilf oroo oil rii;!it. llnrHOH, hkmio hnirnl on
lot ft Hhouhtor. . ItiuiKO in Hi itnt and Slorrtiw
UroHinmi, Jorry, ljonn, Or. MnrHOH briuK'cd 7
on riwht Hhonhlnr; ont.tlo li on tlio loft huIh.
Ijoft our half oroi 'ind riht oar uppor slopo.
Hurton, Win., ilfppnor. Or. -HoroH, j It on
riwlil tliiKh; ciittlo, wimo on rit?ltt hip; split in
twu'h our.
Hrown. lwi, Iioxinnton, Or. H(rHon 111 on tlio
ri!it Htitlo; out ilo Hhinooii ritfht hii; mii(,'o, Mor
row oounty.
Hrown, J. (L, Hoppnor, Or. Hoi-hoh, oirolo
0 with tiol in oni tor on loft hip; oattlo, namo.
Brown, W. .1., Iona, Oregon. llorMOH W. Imr
ovor It, on tlio left Hhoiililur. tlattluHtunoim left
(toyor, W. (),. lloppnor, Or. HorHOH, box
hrnnd on ri(lu nip outtle, hihuo, with split in
ench our.
Iloru, P.O.. Hoppnor, Or. Hornnn, P It on loft
Bhouldor; tiatt lo, siimo on loft hip.
Hrownloo, W. J., Koi.Or Cattlo, ,1 It oonnontod
on loft sido; crop n loft oar and two Hplitsand
lmddlo piooo nut out on riwltt oar; on horotw hihuo
iraiid on tlio loft HiikIi; Unn8 in tin valloy,
Grant oouiity,
CarHnor Warron. Wiinnor, Or. Iloraort lirand
oil O on riKl't Htillo; rattle (throe hum) on
riht riliH. i-rop and Hplit in oaolt oar. Haji'o in
(irant and Morrow eountioH.
t 'ain.l'!., ('aloh,Or. V 1) on horsoH on loft Htiflo
U with iiuartor mrolo ovor it, on loft shouldoi
and on loft Ht iflo on all oolts undor R ynartt; on
loft shouldor tnily on all hornoHovor ft yours. All
rano in llrant oounty.
Cato, CliiiH. It,, Vinson or Lona, Or. HorHon
II (' on riht shouldor; cut t lo saino on rifc'ht liip.
Itaiitfo Morrow and Ihtuit Ilia count ios,
'url, '1'. H., ,lohu May, Or. lJoulile erosH ou
mv hip on oattlo, swallow fork and undor hit
in riht oar, split in lof t or. Huno in Hrmit
county, on shop, invortod and sposr point
ou shouldor. Kar uiarkoii owtts, orop nil loTt oar
pnuoluMl upper hit in riht. Wethers, orop in
right and undor half crop in loft ear. All ration
in (Irani count v.
('ook, A. J.,ljena,Or. Horsog, rtion riKhtuhoul
dor; I'attle, same on rifdithip: ear luaik Bguaro
onp otl loft and split in riuht.
Currin, It. V., (.'urrintivillo, Or. -Hornes, CD on
left stitle.
Cox Md. H., Ilanlman, Or. Omtle, Owllh
E in router; horsos. CK on left 'iip.
('(icliran, It. K.f Monuinout, t irant Co, Or.
Hiirss branded circle with har beneath, on loft
shoulder; catt lo same brand ou both hipu, uiaik
Junior slope both oars and dowlap.
t'hapin, H.. llardman, Or.- Horses hrandinl
nnn ritfht bio. ( 'at t lo hraiulod t he same. Also
brands t l ou horses ritiht thih; i'attle same
brand on rintit hhouhU'r, and cut oil eml ol
riuht ear.
DoimlaHH. W. M .dalloway, Or.-Cattle, H Den
ritfht sido, swailow-tork m each oar; horses, It U
.... I..fr tun.
Kly, J. It. A. Hons, Uoulas, Or. Horses brand
ed KLY oh loft Hlioulder, outtle same on left
hip. hole in nht ear.
Kiuery, t'. H., Hardinau, Or. Horses bramlod
;) , (roverHiwt 0 with tail on loft shoulder; oat
tie same on riht hip- Hane in Morrow county.
Klotenoe, A., Ilyppner, Or. Cattle, LK on
right hip; horses, V bur under ou right
norence, H. V. Hoppnor, Or. (torses, K on
right shoulder; cattle, L on right hip or thigh.
Trench, tieorge, Hoppnor. Or. Cuttle branded
Wl', with bar ovor it, on loft side; crop otl loft
ear. Horses, sauio brand on loft hip.
tientry, K liner, Keho, Or. Hormw hrsndcxt H.
H. with a quarter oitvlo ovor it, on loft stitle.
ltange in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hintl. A. It., Hulgo, Or. t'attle, round-top
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
liantce in Morrow and Umatilla count 10s.
11 in ton A .lenks. Haul i lion, Or Catt lo, two burs
on either hip; crop in right ear ami split in loft.
Horsos, J on right thigh. Kangein Ijrant county
Hughes, Hamuel, Wagner, Or J- (T V I,
connected) on rigid shoulder ou hoins; on cattle,
on right Idp and on loft sido, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left, ltange m Hayhtavk
diHlriet,Morr,)w enmity.
Hale, Milton, Wagner, Or.- Horses branded
-(- (circle with parallel tails) on loft shoulder
i'attle same ou loft hip also large circle on left
Hall. Kdwin, John lay,Or. Cattle K 11 on right
Idp; horses wiiue ou right shoulder, hauge iu
Ui ant oounty.
Howard. J li. (Iftlloway, Or. Horses, f (im-oph
with bar alsive it I on right shoulder; cattle
MUlloon left side, linage ta Morr-iw and Uma
tilla poind io.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the loft shoulder. Kauge Morrow Co.
Hnnsaker, It A, Wagner. Or. Horses, V on left
sh'Hildor; cattle. V on left hip.
Hnmphroya, J M. Uauliusui, Or. Horees, II o.
Huston, liUther, Fight Mil". Or. Hors II nrt
the left shonldoraud heart on the left stitte Cut.
Ue same m loft hip. liaiitfe iu Morrow county.
Jones, Harry, Hoppnor, Or - Horses branded
J on the loft shoulder: outtle Imaudod J on
ritfht hip, also underbil in hft eir. ltange ir
Junkiu.H. M.. Heop-ipr, Or,- Morses.
shoe J on loft shoulder, t attie.
ttto Milne.
liange on Might Mile.
Jiilmson, i-'elu, 1'ua, Or. Hor-ee. circle 1 on
left stirle; cattle, iwiiuo oil right hip. under hkif
tnl ui riMt-i- and llUt iu Hr
Or.-Horw InwdiHl
isft hip, cattle same and crop off left
f slnpo on the right
i,; , . TM ileppner. Or. Horses 69 on left
e; cattle, nil on let! hip.
JesHe, Hfppnr. Or,; horsep II on left
cattle same on right side, uDderbit on
' ar.
,. ,iirerland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I h on
r t :) on riRiit and left bidfs, swallow fork in If ft
i iiid under ciop in right ear. Horses sara
i. id on Ifft shoulder, ltange in Grant county.
ifton, fcjtepaen, Fox. Or. H ii on left hip
o cattle, crop and split on right ear, Hnroe
me brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant
Lipnallnn, John W., ti-r- Or. H'treof
minded half-circle JL conncctM on left shouh
dor. Cattle. aam on left hiu. Jiange, near Lex
intrton Irf'ahcy. J. W. heppner (Jr. Horses branded
Land on h-rt shoulder; cettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eju, three slits in right
Lord. George. Heppner. nr. Morses nranded
double 11 coi.nocn nomerimee cauea
swinir II. on left shouldor.
Minor, Oscar, Menpner. nr. rattle, M D oa
riifht hio: horsa M on loft shonmer.
Mrran, H. N.. H"ppt,Mr, Or. HorBes, iM )
on left phoTi!it cattle same on jeTl ni'i.
jMiwhll. Oear, lorift. Or. Horses, 77 on rigU'
hin; cattle, 77 ou right side.
McCiiiron, D. fi., Hrownsville. Or, Horses
Kii'nre 5onech Hhonhlnr; cattle. MHon hip
Mct-iirr, Frank, Fox VaJlr.y, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under
each ear: horotis name brand on left Bfirle.
Mcltftlev. namlitn. Or Hii Moiv;.
with half jir'de under on left sh(alder;on t ut'io.
four hers connected on top ou the right wdn
Itangn in (irant ( ounrv.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Kock.Or. Horeoe A N con
noeti nn lff Hhonlder: cattle name nn (with Inns.
Nordyko, K., Hilverton. Or. Homes, circle 7 od
left thitrh: cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver. Jrisenh. Canyon City. Or. A 2 on cattle
on loft hip: on humus, name on left thigh, ltange
in GrKtit coniitv.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, lierman, Prairie City, Or, On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on loft stille
slid wart.le on nose. Itaniro in (irant county.
Pearson, Olave, Kight. Mile. Or. Horses, quar
tor circle shield on Jort sliouldor and U4 on ion
hip. ('attle, fork in loft ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. ltange on Fight Mile.
Parker & (ileason, Hard man, Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper. Frnent, Lexington, Or. Hor-AB brand
e tt (L K connected) on left shouldor; cattle
s me on right hip. ltange, Morrow county,
i'lper, J. H Lexington. Or. Horses, JK con
nefrted oTileft Hhoulder; cat Lie, Bauie on left hip,
under bit in oach ear,
Pettys, A. 0 lono, Or.; horsos diamond P on
shonlder; cattle, J IU connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left oar and slip in the
ltood. Andrew. Hard man. Or. Horses, sonars
cross with quarter-circle ovor it on left stifle.
Koningor, i ;iinn, ileppner, ur- xioraes, Vj ifc on
left shoulder.
Rush Bros., Hoppnor, Or. Horsos branded
im the right shoulder; cattle, IX ou tho left hip
crop of! loft oar and dewlap on nock, ltange it
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Iteaney. Andrew, Lexington, Or. Hornet
branded A It on rigid shoulder, vent quarter
circle over brand; cattle same on right h;p.
ltange Morrow county.
ILnvMit. Win. H. Dairvville. Or Hit Cfmneotec
with (juurtrr circle over tuu on cr.ttleou right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horsed
same brarul on left Hlioulder. ltange in Morrow
Grant and (iilliam counties.
Hector. J. W.. Ileppner, wr, Morses. JU oi
left shoulder. Cattle, O rigid hip.
Soicknall. J. W.. (Jooseberry. (Jr. Horee
branded 1 on left shoulder; range in Mofn
Hailing, C (' ileppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Hwaggart, H. .. Iioxingion, ur-tiorses
with flush under it, ou left, stilto: cattle H with
dash under it on right, hip, crop off rigid our and
win d od on rn;it. hind leg. nan go m Morrow.
(Jilliainand Umatilla counties.
Hwaggart, A. L.,Aihima. Or. Horsos nrande" z
en loft shoulder: cettle same on loft hip. Crop
on oar, wattle on left, hind log.
Htraight W. E., Ileppner, Or, Horses shaded
J H on left stifle; cattle J H on left hip, swallow
fork in rigid ear, undoi-bit; in left.
hupp. Thou., Ileppner, Or. Horsos, 8 A P on
left hip; cut tie same on left hip.
Hhrier.Jolm, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; eat tie, same on right hip,
crop i0 right car and under hit in left ear. ltange
in "irant county.
Hinith Bros., Huwnville, Oi Horsos, branded
II. Z. on shoulder; catt lo, amo on left Mhouhhr.
Hipiires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JH on left shoulder: catt In the Ham, aleo iwih ;
waddle, ltange iu Slnrnev am) ( i illiam counlies.
Htejihoiis, V. A., immiiinn, ur-; tiorsns boon :
rif-dit stule; cattle tionzonial L on t he right fildo
HieveuHoii, Mrs A. J H plner. Or, t'attle, H
on right, hip: swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwagimrt. fi. W., lleppimr, Or. Horses, 44 on
loft ahoubloi ; cattle, 44 on h'ft hip.
Kporry, K.U., Ib-ppnor, Or. Cattle W 0 on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
ih-wlap; horses W (Ion loft, shouldo'.
Thompson, J. A., Hoppnor, Or. Horses, E on
left shoithler; cuttle, 1! on left shoulder.
TiptetM,b.T.,Kiitrprise,Or. Horses, (J-on left
Tumor It. W Ileppner, Or. Small capital T
left shouldor, horses; cattle samo ou loft hip
wi'h split in both ears.
Thornton, II. M., lone. Or. Homes branded
HTeonnocteil on loft stitle; sheen same brand,
Vanderpool. II, T., Lena, Or; Horses BY con
n noted on right shouliler;cat tie, sumo on right
Wulhridgo, Win., Ileppner, Or. Horses, U. L.
on the loft Hhouider; cattle same tin right hip.
croti oft left oar and right oar ioppnd.
Wilson, .To'm I),, Halem or Ileppner, Or.
Horses brandiil J on tho loft shoulder, ltange
Morrow county.
Wurreii.W It, Caleb, r Cuttle V with (piarter
circle over it, on left sido, split iu right ear,
Burses same brand oil left Hhouldor. Manuel"
(iraut county
Wade, Henry, Hopimor, Or,--Horsos branded
aoe of spades ou left shoulder and left hip
Cattle brand oil same on left wide and left, hip.
Wolthigor. John, John Day City. OrOn horses
three parallel bars mi left shoulder; 7 on snoop,
bit in both ears, ltange in (J runt and Malhuer
Woodwaa'd, .John, Hoppnor, Or. Horsos, VY
connected on left shouldor.
Wat kins, Ltshe, Ileppner, Or. Horses branded
UK connected ou left stitle.
WaMaco, Charles. Ileppner. Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, hole iu left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder houic saiueou left shoulder.
Wldt tier Jiros., ntHiiingiou, Maker Co., Or,
Bormts branded W B coutioctol on left shoulder
Williams, Vasee, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir
cle over throe bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses, Hauge (iraut county.
Williams, J 0, Long ('reek. Or Horses, quar
tor circle over three bars ou left hip; cattle same
and slit, in each oar. tiange iu t J runt county
Wren, A. A., Hoppnor, Or. Horses runningA A
on Hhouhtor; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., (ioosohorry, Or. Horses branded
Trtonthe right srumldp"
;00 AOVK'l..
Every patriotic citi.i'ii sliouWi u In.n
ikmsoiihI eirort and ititlucncc tn im r, .1 e
tlio drculiitiun ot his lioiue pupei' wlii, h
tcadira the American puticy of I'imIh:.
tiim. It is his duty to aid in this ivspci t
in uv,:ry way poasibln. Alter tlu home
paper is taken caro of, why mt bait,
acrilm for tho AuitlCAN Kconomi..!-,
pnliliilicd by tho American rrotucti .u
TatifTLeaguo? On ol its corrcspoa.
Junta says l "No tru American can
gut along without It I consider it ll:o
greatest and truest political teacher in
the t'nited States."
Send postal card request for free
sk:aplo copy. Address Wilbur F.Waks
u,an, General Secratuy, 135 Weot l -j
Si., New Yurk.
Ore ow
the cause x
Are you willing ta work (or the c.uim
id I'roti'clian in pluciii reliable inlw
..iiiMi ia the hands ol your aoju;rr,.
il aic, yuu should he idi-iiiiif,!
i i i'CTtvE Tar i r k Lt:a-.--' ',
' - . al . 1 '.J it i,. r 1
l'liiiti'srsphs SI. 50 per rtojvu nt Sliep
iinrjfl v:Uiiry, uoiir oiioru liouse, north
Main St., ll'Pner, Ori. iOtf,
Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Register,
of the beneficial results he has received from
a regular use of Ayer's Pills. He says: "I
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out ol order. I tried a number
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one
box, hut I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take oi
anything I ever used, being so finely sugar
coated that even a child will take them. I
urge upon all who are in need of a laxative
to try Ayer's Pills. They will do good."
J-or nil di.seafles of the Stomach, Liver,
and HowoU, take
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maps.
Every Dose Effective
1 cure for Hon and Chicken
Cholera, which hH stood the rest for seven years
without failure, that I know of, but has ell'eet
ed thoiimuhlH of cures. I have sohl ovor '2'A, 000
hits and family rights in eight months, and
not a si nule couinlHln t reeeived yet. I sold eaih
ami every one ou a guarantee, and I still sell
mat way. ji noimnu unojerauureaim rreven
tative hills to euro or prevent Cholera, I will
refund your money. This is fair enough. Six
pounds of the medicine can be made at a total
mi oi irom i to iju.zo, enougu 10 uo;iuiiokn anu
UK) chickens a yenr. You are then assured
against cholera for one year, If you will try
thlH remedy, 1 assure you you will never regret
it. I'se it, and your hogs and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Reeiiin and hum v riidit on v .00. Keadv
prepared medicines &0c and $1 per bottle or
package. Addrews
nut a. HAimtu v. irm.iirtn,
Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala.
Dallas, Texas, April 13, 1H!K.
Mrs Ihiehel V. Thomas, Pear Madam: I have
thoroughly tested your cholera remedy and find
it (t. K. It's grand. I enclose ?10 will try the
iigr-ncv. I'lease send at once and oblige. Very
respectfully, H. W. IUkckk.
Dallas, Texas, May 1th, 1WW.
Have sold out. I enclose Jf-"0 for which send
me all tho recipes you can and the riidits to the
counties named below. I never saw anything;
sell so fast. What, ts the least you will take for
thestnte. If your price is reasonalile will take
the state. Very respectfully.
II, w. Warper.
(I Imve not room for all his letters. lie took
the state. Here is one more of his letters.)
Dallas, Texas, July 17th, IHifl.
Mrs. Ruche! V. Thomas. Dear Madam: Since
toliiiiL'the stiite riiiht i cauvaHHcd three weeks
and made selling recipes and territory. 1
will start several surj-ugentH next week, i-onld
I exchange a portion of Texas for a portion of
Kansas? Very respectfully, H. W. IIautkii.
Milieu, (ioorgla. Pec. llth, 1K!I.
Mrs. Thomas: I write a letter of enquiry.
How much ol' this stale is unsold? I want bal
ance of the state. Holland's Cholera Cure Is
jusl v hat, It is represented to be. It has proved
a messing to tne lanucrs oi uus county, very
respectfully, C. (). Kdksi-ihui,
Agent tor Hcrevi;u County.
Kock Hridge, Ohio, Dec. llh, 1H!:t.
Mrs. Thoituis: -lieciiic came to hand anrl it's
alt (). K. Kudosed Hi-.d fit) for Hocking, Picka
way and hiirheld counties. What will you
take for the stale? Yours truly,
I have thousands more testimonials. I guar
antee llolland'H Cholera Cure and Preventative
to cure and prevent hog and chicken Cholera iu
ach and every case or refund the money. I his
is fair enough. Don't post pone ordering because
you may not nl present he bothered with chol
era. The idea is to prevent it in time. This my
remedy will do and will also keen your hogs
and chickens in a nice healthy condition, licn-
al and local aireiiis wanted. State and family
rights for sale or trade. Address
MKW. lUCllliL v. THOMAS,
tv-l'm. Cowarts, Ala.
Chicken Cholera
CfflOKEEiBssaa pays
Ifyouutfe the I'ctnlum"
Incubators ft Brooders.
Make money while
others ore wasting
time by old processes.
Catalutfteltsnll about
it, nud describes every
article neeiit u ior me.
poultry business.
tnpchanically the best
wheel, l'rt'ttiestmfxlel.
We ore 1'acihc Coast
Alfents. Picvcle cata-
fnlldpsrHptioii.prlrpfi, ptc, aofnts wantkd.
IiKANCM llorB. tji ,S Main St., T.os Atujeles.
Brief State News.
The Corvitlha Gazette is booming Oov.
Iml for senator.
Tlitire are 10 divorce and two mnrder
canea on the circuit court docket ot
Douhis oounty.
The project for a now oounty, to be
made of the Siuslaw country, is reyived
iu western Laue.
Luke comity is almost on the verge of
a miuitig boom, Mines are being locat
ed iu almost every locality.
Father Gatens, who died reoeutly at
his home ou Beaver creek, Yamhill
county, was 108 years of age.
The managers of the Pendleton sooiir
ittu mill presented each married mau in
iu their employ with a Tlmuksgiviug
A li. McCoy, of Albany, was born in
Linn county iu 1811), and wants to bear
of some one that can beat that exploit of
pioneering in that county.
The hosiery mill at Waterloo, Linn
oounty, is about to be converted into a
three-set weaving mill which will be iu
full operation by January 1.
Miss Minnie Senders, of Albany, was
badly burned about the head, faoe and
breast one evening last week while suc
cessfully assisting the kitchen tire with
The caae against Treasurer Uowe, of
Klamath county, charging him with
lBiccuy of StWO, b been sent t.. Jack
sou county, and will bo tried during the
December term.
Isaac llays, a well-known and respect
ed oilijen of I. Grande, died at bu resi.
Words by SARAH K.
.; . -
rtr r:
ten-drilsof a vine ; Then
tell you, love, the year?
felt my puls-es bcat-ing
dose-ly to his moth-er,
1 1-
pledg'd to mine,
-1 1-
3 J E-
denoe iu that city on Wednesday morn
ing of last week of heart trouble. De
ceased was the father of Mrs. J. D.
Slater, of La Grande, and was aged
about 65 years.
J. N. McCoy, of Hood River, had a
little less than one-eighth of an sore
planted to carrots this season, and after
digging them he had the crop weighed
and fonnd that he had two tons ot oar
rots, David Marshall, a Sootohman,76 years
old, is missing from his home near Lewis
ville. So far as known lie took nothing
with him but his shotgun. His aged
wife is mourning bis departure and efforts
are being made to find bim.
In Oregon we can have green oorn tor
Thanksgiving day. Riley Cooper brought
a basket full ot splendid large ears of
corn, and the table of the editor of the
Independence West Hide was replenish
ed with the luxury of green oorn on
Thanksgiving day.
J. P. MoMiun, of Milton, lately ship
ped a carload ot his dried prunes to
Omaha. He states that the consignees
of the fruit in that oity were much pleas
ed with it aud speak in high praise ot the
fine quality and flavor. The oarload
netted about ti oeuts per poaud, or a
little over $2119 in round numbers.
Ed Gibson and bis wife were arrested
recently at The Dalles charged with
stealing 10 rolls of butter from Mr. Helm.
These people are a disgrace to the com
munity, says the Cbroniele, and should
be seut to the asylum. They are regular
morphine fiends and, in oonsequenoe,
their moral susceptibilities are utterly
A rcarnuAoth tcare belorglng to John
7&Er j ""1 x j j . 4 nis--- -i 411
lov-ing, In that ev - er - bloom-ing May, Two as one hence-forth for ev - er, Need I tell you, love, the day?..
. - cres. " !
There'sayear to be
the world grew full of sunshine, And the
There's a
To a meas-ure great, di-vine; It
Need I tell you, love, the day?
i B
And a per - feet sa - tis - fac - tion
r5-S-r--5-S-r -r-
Copyright, 1894, by The
Esplund was exhibited on the streets of
Milton reoeutly, She is an English
draft, mixed with some other breed, is 4
old, weighed 1750 pounds and stands
19 hands high barefooted. The animal
is in poor flesh and experienced horse
men say that she wonld easily weigh
2000 pounds if in good oondition.
When persons are weak and languid
from siokness or overwork, feel delapi
dated and depressed, it is bd indication
that the blood is out of order, and they
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
'low of oheerfnl spirits. Price 81.00 per
The Siletz Indians are drinking a good
deal of whisky these days and stories are
numerons of their naughty deeds. Oie
report ia that a lady and some scnool
children near Willamina were insulted
by Indians from the reservation. An
other report is that two oitizensof Willa
mina, driving cattle between Willamina
and the agency, were stopped by Indians,
aid one of the si washes drew a knife and
threatened to kill one of the whites, who
promptly olubbed the Indian with his
Winchester and knocked bim off bis
horse into the mad.
An sltnost fatal aooident ooourred in
Medford last Ttmreday. Mrs. W. E.
Macaulsy bad gone ont in the vard to
tie up the family cow for the night. She
had placed a rope around the animal's
horns and had turned to lead her to the
barn, when she was strnck by the cow
and thrown to the ground, one of the
cow'i borni striking her right leg near
x hJ r ZEeJeee7' -eee$eee
V L --v - -
rf-Wivx&vV.Whcnyour e es fust l.uk'd in mine,
heaven a - hove seem'd clear. And I hoped
- N-
day to be re mew-herd, When your
-s 1
was bliss to lean up-on you, Like a
There's a day to lie re -
r - r J-
Seem'd my be-ing to cn-shrine.
T r,-l-rJ -rt-
New York Musical Record Co.
the thigh, making a wound an inch and
a half or more in diameter and to a
depth of about an Inch. Fortunately a
gentleman was passing about this time,
who came to ber rescue and released the
lady from her very peiilous position, aud
none too soon, as the cow had backed off
for another attack. Had not assistance
arrived just at the opportune time, it is
more than probable that the lady would
have been gored to deatb, as she could
in no way have made her escape.
It is likely the Sykes assault story
from Shotpouob oreek will be brought
to the attention of the next Benton coun
ty grand jury. Sykes, the Pole, who is
aooused of making free with two of bis
neighbors' wives, is in bad repute in the
settlement and plenty ot evidence will
be forthcoming. It seems that the reason
the irate husbands have so long delayed
reporting last summer's atrocities is that
the women folks kept the matter to them
selves until last week. The story runs
that he spent a whole week with one of
his victims, who not only kept the assault
a secret, but now refuses to prosecute
W. R. Boothe, of Cove, did not have
muoh to be thankful for on Thanksgiv
ing day. Instead he must deplore the
loss of a home, his house having burned
on that day with all its oontents. The
fire started in an upper story, Bod was
caused from a dafeotive flue. Before
anything could be done, it hail acquired
snob headway that all efforts to save the
dwelling were fruitless. There happen
ed to be a lot of cartridges upstairs, and
these kent constantly exploding, so that
the large orowd which Gathered was
compelled to keep at a safe distance.
The loss is in the neighborhood of f 1-500 I
and there was no insurance, I
And I felt my heart outreacliing Like the
with words un - spoken Need I
lips were press'd to mine, And I
child who, tired with play, Nest-les
mem-ber , Whenyoursoul was
Love was life, and life was
-X X-
M. Hnmmerly, a well-known business man
ot Hillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several
years aso, I hurt my leg. the inlnrv lenvine
a sorewliich led to ervsinelas. Mv viffcrin;;s
were extreme, my leg. Irom ilic knee lollie
ankle. beiiiK a solid sure, which li:an t" ex
tend toother parts of the hod v. AIerrrini!
various remedies, I bepin ukine Av'er'i
Sarsaparilla, and. before 1 lia,i miisiieil the
first bottle, I experienced preal relief; Hie
second bottle ellecleU a complete cure.''
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mnn,
Cures others.wiil -ureycu
Fon S.U.B. A thoroughbred regis
tered Hereford hull v... j t.
28,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by
oaner, ana is just the animal
you want to breed stock fh ;n
a good prioe. I will sell obeap as I
have another of same stock; or will trade
for good mjlcb cows.
gffiofl SLEE.P