Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 04, 1894, Image 4

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Tbere waB never a time in the biatorj
of our coantry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
aud soienoes generally was so great as
now. The oonveoiences of mpjkind in
the factory and workntaop, the boimehold
and oo the farm, a wti as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
iippurteDance aod impliments of each
io order to save labor, time and expense.
Toe political ohange in 4he administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
normit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly conceiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great o.re cannot be exer-
o ned in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and dentroyed in
innumerable instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable
those who adopt the "No patent
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do bo at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
018 F street, N. W.tWashington, 1). C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
Htitutod to protect its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The enid Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable feeR, and prepare and prosecute
Applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It in also prepared to entor into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkddkhbuhn.
tilS F Street,
P. 0. Box 385. Washington, L). C.
While yon n,nip your HubHcription iHid up ycu
Can kMi your brand in froonf clmrKi,
Allyn. T. J., irmo, Or. HornnH Git on loPt
fltumldnr; cuttle Hftino on left hip, ninlor hit on
ritfht pur, mid upper bit on the lfl,; riuiKe. Mor
row county.
Armntron, J. 1. Alpino, Or. T with bur nn
dr it on loft fthonlriur of homos; mltle hiuiip
on lofl hip.
AlliHou, 0. D., Kiht Mile. Or.-OittlH hrnnrl,
O I) on loft hip iitnl hnrnnH name hrwid on riht
Bliou!ier, iUne. Kiht Mile.
Adkiim, J. J., Ileppner, Or. HortiRH, J A oon
nilH(t on tuft Hunk; mittl", hhtiiooti loft hip.
Hurtlioliitnt'w, A. (., Alpino, Or. ijoincH
hrtitidiHl 7 E ou either ahoulilor. llHitKo in RIoi
row oountv
Hunnistr, J. W,, Iliinlman, Or. Cattle brand
ed H on lft hip mid thigh; Hplit in nruih our,
llrnnnor, Ptr. (innwihniTy Dnwu-IfortWR
bmndnd PH on left Hhonldur. ('utile snuio on
riht Hide.
Iturke, M Ht 0, lionff lirnnk, Or On oiitth,
MAY oonnooted on left hip, crop off left our, nn
der half crop oft right. Hormf( euni brum! on
letft Bhoulder. Huuko iu Grunt and Jlorrow
Urowmun, Jnrry, lnn. Or. flowne hrnnded 7
on right fihouliler; wittlo M on tho Inft Hide.
Left ear half orop nd right ear upper alone.
Hart on, Win.. Ilcppner, Or. -llnreeH, ,1 H on
right IhigU, cattle ttitiue on right hip; Hplit in
oaeh ear.
Brown, Ihh, Oxington, Or. Whhh IH on the
right etifie; ciitt le wuiio on riuhthip; rantce, Mor
row county, i
llrown, J. C, Hnppner, Or. Homus, circle
C with dot in en- teron left hip; cuttle, Hnme. j
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon, HornnH V bar
over It, uu the MUhouhler. Cattle mono on left
Buyer, W. fl., lleppner, Or. II n raw, box
brand on rigln hip cattle, name, with Hplit in
entih ear.
Horn, l. O., Hejipnor, Or. TToraos, P B on left
shoulder: flattie, mime on left hip.
Brown lee, W. J., Fnx.Or Cattle, JH connected
m left side; prop on left ear and two Hplilmuul 1
middle piece cut nut on right ear; on hoi-Men Hatne
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley.
Grant, county,
Carmier Warren, Wagner, Or. Horse brand
twi O on right Btdli; cattle (throe bare) on
right, riba. crop audnplit in each ear. Range in
Grant and Morrow count iea.
('ain.K., Caiob,Or.-Y 1) on hurtes on left ntiflc
U with ouarter circle over it, -i left Hhouhler
and on left Btitle on all coltB n'der ft yean; nn
left Hboulder only on all honsns over ft years. AM
range in Urant coutv.
Cate, Chas. R Vinaon or Lena, Or. Hornet
H V on right shoulder; cattlo aante on right hip.
Range Morrow anil Uiuatllla counties.
Curl, '1'. H., John Day, Or, Double emus on
each hip on nail le, swallow fork and undor bit
in rigid ear, split iu lt'ft ear, Mange in Grant
county. Ou sht'p, inverted A ud spear pniut
uu Hhoulder. Kar tnat kou ewes, crop on left ear
punched upper bit in right.. Wethers, erop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All ratigu
iu Grant oountv.
Cook, A. J. ,Ijona,Or. Horses, WO on right shonl
der; Cattle, sameon right hip; etir mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin, R. X Currinsville, Or. -Horses, EC on
loft stifle.
Coi Kd. H., Hanlinan, Or. Citlo, C with
K in center; horses, CK on left iiu.
Cochran, R. K,. Moiimneut, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope IkjIIi ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.f Hanlinan, Or. Horses branded
Oon right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands Cl on ho rues right thigh; CHtio same
brand on right shuukk'r, and cut oil end of
right ear.
Douglass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, R Don
right side, uwadow-fork iu each ear; horses, H 1)
uu left hip.
Kly. .1. H. A Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand,
ed XY ou left shnuldur, cattlo same on left
Lip. hole in right ear.
Ktnery, C. H., Ilardman, Or.- Horses branded
I reversal C witli taill on left Hhoulder; cat
tle same on right Inn- Range in Morrow county.
Florence, 1j. A., lleppnor, Or. Cattle, Lb' on
right hip; horses V with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, V on
right shouldei; cattle, 1 on right hip or thigh,
Krench, George, Ilcppner, Or. Cattle branded
W K, with bar over it, ou left Hide; crop oil left
ar. Horses, Heine brand on left hip.
Gentry, I'.buer, Keho, Or. Horses brwnded H.
H. with a ijiiartnr circle over it, ou left st die
Range in Morrow and Umatillacouutiea.
Hiatt A. B Ridge, Or.-l'itttla. iMund-top A
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Htnton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Can In, two lm
rn eitlier hip; crop in right car and split in left.
Horses, J ou right thigh. Range in Grant county
Hughes, Hamuel. Wagner, Or-J" (T K 1.
iuuiuH'U'd) on right shoulder on borons; on ratt le,
on right bip and on left side, swallow fork iu
right ear and slit iu left Range, m Haystack
district, M"rtNw connty.
Hale, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded
-O- (circle ith parallel tails) ou left shoulder
4'-attle suiutt od left hip also large circle ou left
Hall. Kdwin, John Day, Or. Cattle K H on right
hip; horses same on right shoulder, baugein
tiraut county.
Howard, J L, (islloway. Or. Horses, (cr.s
rith bar above li) in right shoulder; cattle
ttanieon left side. Range in Morrtw and Uma
tilla counties.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horaw, shadrnl
lieart on the left shoulder, Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B A, Wagner. Or. llurstta, 9 ou left
Hhoulder; oattls. Won left hip.
Humphrfjs, J M. Uardtniiu, Or. ilomos, H t
'Huston, IiOther, Eight Mile. Or. Hor I! uu
I he latt shoulderaud hart ou the left Btitie t'at
lsain on left hip. Range iu Morrow county
Juuts, 1 lurry. Hepptw, Or Horses brauded
.H J on the left shoulder; cattlf liaauded J on
right hip, sUo umlei l;it ,iu left ft.i. liaiigo n
Morntw eeiilitj.
Juukiu.8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse
shoe J ou left shoulder.' Cattle, the suttit
liango on Kight Mile.
Johnson. I-'ulix, Una, Or. Horses, citvlo I on
left -stifle; caUie. Kair.etm Tight hip, under half
crop in ribt mid unlit iu it ft ear
JfcetttiY, t Or.- Hor branded
HNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
ear: under sloiwtonthe right
Kirk. J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses 89 on left
shoulder; cattle. HW on left hip.
Kirk, JesHe, Heppner, Or,; horses 11 on left
sbonider; cattle sauie on right side, underbit on
right ear.
Kumberland.W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on rigid and left sides, swallow fork in It ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses nam
brand on loft shoulder. Range in Grant county.
Loften, Stepuen, Fox, Or. H L on left hit
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Homes
same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Lienallen, John W., Lr. tr Or. Horse
branded half-circle JL connected nn left shoul
der. Cattle, same on left hio. Range, near Lex
ington Leahey, J. W. Hoppner Or. Horses branded
L and A o'1 b'ft shoulder; cpttle same on left
hip, wattle over right -yo, three slits in right
Lord, George, Henpner, Or. Horses branded
double H uoi.necN Sometimes called s
swing H. on left shoulder.
Minor, Oscar, neppnnr. nr. Tattle, M D or
ricrht hip; horse. M on lef t shoulder.
Morgan, H. N Huppuer, Or, Horses, M -on
lft ehorddf cattle same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 uu ri?h
hin; cattle, 77 on right side.
McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horsee,
Figure ft on each shoulder; cattle, M2 on h'n
Met j in, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shop
with toft-cork on cattle on ribs aad nndor in
each ear; horses same brand on left stitle.
McIIaly, ., nmnliton. Or. on j-jorstn.
with half circle under on left shoulder; on aU'r ,
four bars connected on top on the right 6;.d"
linnue in ttrafit County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Itock.Or. tlorseB A IN con
nected on left sbonlder: cattle ame on both hip?,
Nordyke. K., Hilvorton, Or. Horses, circle 7 in
left thigh: caitle. snme on left hip.
Oliver. Joseph. Canyon City, Or. A 2 on rnttlft
on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh, Rangp
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on lef'
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; hortes fm loft Btitlp
and wartle on nose. Hane in Grant county,
Pearson. Ohive. Eiirht Mile. ( lr. Horses, ouar
ter circle shield on left shoulder nod 21 on lef'
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right oropped. '&
on left hip. Range on Kight Mile.
Parker A Gleason, Hardraau.Or, Horses IPoi
left shoulder.
Piper. Krne-t, Lexington, Or. Hordes brand
e E (L K connected) on left shoulder; cuttlp
s nie on right hip. Range, Morrow county.
Piper, J. H Lexington, Or. -Horses, JK con
nocted oi. left shoulder; cattlo, same on loft hip
under bit in each ear.
Puttys, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond P on
shoulder; cuttle, J II J connected, on thr
left hip, npper slope in left ear and slip in the
Rood. Andrew, Hardman. Or, Hontes, snaarp
crfiwi- with unurter-circle over it, on left stifle.
Homager, Curia, Heppuor, Or. Horses, C R on
left shoulder.
RuhIi Bros., Henpner, Or. Horses branded ?
nn the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
nrop off left ear ami dewlap on neck. Range ii
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Reaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horsai
hrandod A R on right shoulder, vent nuartet
circle over brand; cattlo same on right hip
Range Morrow county.
Royso, Win. H, Dairyvillo, Or HR connectet
with o nurter circle over too on cattle on riirht hit
anil crop off right ear and split in left. Horse
same brand on left shoul'ler. Range in Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Rector. J. W., lieppner, Or. ilorsiB. JU ol
leftehotildor. Cattle, () on right hip.
Sninknall. J. W.. (lofmeborrv. Or. lloruo
branded ill on loft, sh uldur; range in Mor"
county. "
Hailing, (' C Hoppner, Or Borrow branded
on left Hhoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
Hwniu'nrt, It. V Ijcxingum, or,-nurses
with dfish under it on left stitie. cattle H with
(IshIi under it on right hip, croo off right eur and
waddled on nvht hind leg. uaugo in iHorrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
Kwaggart. A, L., Athena. Or. Horses brande'1 f
nn left siioiilder: nettle same on loft hip. Croi
on oar. wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. K., Heppner, Or. Ilornos shaded
J H on bf i stitle; cattlo J K on left hip, swallow
fork in right oar, underbit in left.
happ. Thos.. Heppner, Or. Ilorsos, H A P or
left hip; cattle sameon left hip.
Wirier. John, Fox, Or. NT. connected on
horses on riirht hin; cat tie, same fin right hip.
crop olf rirht car and under bit in left ear. Range
iu urioit; county.
Hmitti Hros., Husnnville, Or, Horses, brandef)
II. 'A. on shoulder; catt le, nine on left Hhould-T
Hipiiri's, James. Arlington, Or,; horses brande'
JHon left shoulder: cattle the same, also nns'
waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliamco uitiei
Hteph""H. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HH o
right slide; cattle horizontal L ou the tight side
HteveiiHoti, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or, Cattlo,
on right hit : suallow-fork in left ear.
Hwammrt. G. W., Hetumer, Or. Morses. VI ot
left Mhoiilde ;caMle. 44 on left hip.
Hperry, F. G-. Hemuier, Or. Cattle C oi
left hiii, crop off right and underbit in left year
ilewlap; Iioihch W Con left shoulder.
'riiompson, J. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses, ?, ot
left Mhotdit- r: cattle, a on left shoulder.
Tipj)etH.8.T.,FuiorpriBo,Or. Hiirses, (-on left
Turner R. W., Hoppner, Or, SmaH capital T
left Hhoulder. horses; cattle same on left hti
wit h Hplit in liotti ears.
Thorutoii, H. M., lone, Or. Horses bran (led
HT connected ou left stitle; sheep Name brand.
Vandornool. H.T.. Lena, Or; Horses H V con
neeU'd on right ehonlderjcuttle, same ou right
WalbridifO. Wm.. ffcnniier. Or. Horses. U. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John f,. Ha torn or Heppner, Or.
Horscs branded Jo on the loft Hhoulder. Raugi
Morrow county.
Warren. W II. Caleb, Or -t'attle W with nimrte
irclo over it, ou left side, Hplit iu ri"ht ear
Hoihcs same brand oh loft Hhoulder. KuUgeii
Gran) county
Wade. Henry. Heppner. Or. llorneB bran dec
ace of spad'w on loft shoulder and lef.' hip
Cattle branded Hume on left side and left hip.
Wnliinger, John, J(hn I ay t lit v. Or On horsm
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on stieeo
bit in both ears. Range in GrauL and Malhuei
Wooi ward. John, Heppner, Or, Horses, Ur
oounecjd ou left ehoulder.
Watkins, Liaho, Heppner, lr. norsas bnmileo
UK connected ou left stitle.
Wallace. Charles. Hepnnor. Or. Cattle. W ot
riirht thiirii. hob in left ear; horses, W on righ
shoulder hoiiu sameon left Hhoulder.
WhiMier rros.. numiiigiou. Itaker Co.. Or. -
Hoi-hos branded W H conuected on left shoulder
Williams. Vnsoo. nauii Iton. Or. Ouarter cir
do over three bars on left hip, both cattle ate
horHcH. Kaiitfo l i runt county.
Williams. J O. Ijontr Creek. Or Horson. ouai
ter circle over throe bars ou left hip; cattle fnin
xnil Hht in earn ear. Itainie in Urant county
Wren. A. A.. Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; ( 'at I le, same on right hin.
Young, J. H., Gooaoherry, Or. Horses braiwlw
-ion (h ritfht nhontdn-
Evefy patiidtic -itiT, should givohla
personal effort unl intlutMice to increase
the circulation of his homo paper which
teaches tho Ament-au policy of Protec
tion. It is his duly to aid in this respect
in evory way possible. After the homo
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scriba for the Ammican Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One ol its correspon
dents says I " No true American can
get along without It I consider it the
greatest end truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
ample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man. General Secretary, 135 West 13d
St, Mew York.
iDlre vovx
Ve cause oi;
0 (mcveav.
Are you willing 10 wurk for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in the hands of your acquain
tances? If you are, you should be Identified
the american
Protective tariff league,
138 w. 230 St., nkw York.
Cut tti. mxk-e out anj tend tl to the Lraite,
Stating yttur po.Utoii, and rtv a Mplug haud.
1'lit'tok.Tiii'lH ?1.50 pi'i ticivn tit Slii'p
l ard'a liull. iy, mur c'ltrn bonst", nurtb
Main St., lLprnor, Or. lif.
Sneaks through the Boothhay (Me.) Register,
of the beneficial results lie lias received from
a regular use of Ayer's Tills. He says; I
was feeling sick ami tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order. 1 tried a number
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's Tills. I luive taken only one
box, but I feel like a new num. I think they
are the most pleasant and ensyto take of
anything I ever u.ed, being so finely sugar
coated Mint wn a child will take them. 1
in noon all who are in need of a laxative
to ti y Ayer's Tills. They will do good."
I or nil diseases oi tho Stomach, Liver,
and liuwids, take
Prepa: ed by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Macs.
Every Dose Effective
I gtiurmtti'i'd euro for Moo and Chickbn
(tholcrH. which b is Ktood theruRt forBevun yeurB
without fnlliircv Hint I know of, but him etfcpt
ttd thoiiHiLiidH of cures I have sold over Zl 0t)0
rccufpts and family rights hi eight inonthn, and
not h single eoniphdii t received yot. I Bold each
atifl e eryoneon a ginfjintee, and I still Hull
that wity". If llolhiiiil Chol'MiiCureand Treven
tutive fail Mo cure or prevent Cholera. I will
rutuud your money. This i fair enough, Hix
pounds of the mod id no can lie made at a tot id
eont of from $1 to Jt.yi, enough to do -ViIiokh and
100 ehlekeim a year. You an: then ansiired
against eholera for oho year. If you will try
this remedy, I admire you you will never regret
it. Tse it, and your hotts ami chicke'is will
lo'ik better and healthier than ever before,
iiceipe ami i.uiii y riht only $1.00. Heady
pri'iuiicd medici'ies .jOo and $1 per bottle or
puekage. Address
Agents uuntud at oiu-e. t'owarts, Ala.
PallaH, Texas, April IU, WM.
Mrs Itnehel V. TIioiiiiih, Dear Madam: I have
Mioroitghlv tested your cholera remedy and find
it . K. It'sgnuid. I o irh)ne -110 will try the
HKenci . 1 leare tend at oueu nd olilifie. Very
re.-peetrully, 11. W. lUiifEH.
DiilhiP, Texas. May lD'h, 1893.
Havo Kohl out. I enclose $50 for which send
mo all the recipes you ean and tho rights to the
eoiinti 8 named below. I never saw anything
Hell no fast. hat is the least you will take for
tlioftr.de. If your price in reasonable will take
the state. Very respectfully.
H. YV. Wa Kt'ic h.
(I have not room for all bis letters. He took
the state. Here is one more of his letters.)
Dallas, Texas. July 17th, 1H!W.
Mrs. Rachel V, Thomas, Dear Madam ; Since
toking the state rijrht I canvassed three weeks
and m ide $ is7 selling recipes and territory. 1
will start several sub agents next week, t'ould
I exchange a portion of I'oxus f'r a portion of
Kansas? Very respectfully, H. V. IIakvek.
Milieu, (ieorgln, D'c 11th, IMS.
Mrs. Tlionuis:- I write a letter of enquiry.
How much of rids state Is uimold? I want bal
ance of the stute. liolland's ('holera Cure Is
Just what It Is represented to be It has proved
a blessing to the fanners of ihl county. Very
respectfully, KniiNfiBLD,
Agent for Screven County,
Ifock Bridge, Ohio, Dec. 4th ISM,
Mrs. Thomas: Recipe came to hand audit's
all O. K. Kudosed lii d ?;u for Hocking, Picka
way and Kail-held counties. What will you
lake for tho slate? Yours truly,
T, "Hanstein.
I have thousands more testimonials, I guar
antee Holland's t'holera (.'lire and Treventadve
to cure and prevent hog and chic en Cholera in
each and every case or refund the money. This
s lair eiioimli Don't ostpoueordoriiu: because
you mav not a present he h'tht'red with chol
era 'I lie idea is to prevent it iu time. This my
remedy w ill do and will also keep your lions
and chi kens iu a idee healthy condition. Gen
eral and local agents wanted. State and family
rights tor sale or trade. Address
Alius. HAt'itKi, V. Thomas,
sw-ltni. Cowarts, Ala,
Chicken Cholera
lfvouuselhe I'etalum11
InciibatoiM tt UroodLTS.
Make uiouey while
olliera are wnsting
lime Dvoitinrocessca,
Cutalogtellsnll about
It, and describes every
ariKieneeufu lor iuc(
poultry business.
mechanically the best
wheel, rrcttiestmcxlel.
we ore Pacihc Coast
Airetits, Bicvcle cata-
fltltdcsrrlntlotl, prices, etc., AOKNTfl wantkd.
PETALUT.IA INCTTHATOR rn .p.t.in. .ri.
J Hkancu tUn-Mt, 2.1 S Main St., I.os Anpels.
Brief State News.
TIib prunerHiepiH Brmimi Newborg will
Bhip nl)out 3D tons of drinil prunes to
Nhw York in a short limp.
John J. Welch. ns belt) up one niubt
reomitlv in the rt'iir nf the Rrntiun etore
iu MoMinnvillH, ami relieveil of Sl(i.oO.
John Humphry wiia ordered to holdup
IihiiJh otio uveninir Inst week nt Mo
Miimville. Instend be jolted the fellow
on the jiiw and skipped out of siKbt.
Swedo iinnied Peter retetsou, nued
about 8") years, whs prostrated ou the
street iu Hills horo one day Inst week bj
a stroke of appoplexy, and died wiibiti
a half hour. He leaves no family.
Today (Thursday) is TliKiiks;ivinu.
says tho Condon Globe, mid the ijrnes ie
sroen on the hillsides, the weather mild
and springlike. The eliioate of Oregon
is hard to bo exoelled, and is all that nu
ordinary in irtal oould desire.
b'rauk Chapman, of Sheridan, has the
best trained team iu the state. Three
horses hitehed to a gangplow turn the
sod all day without a driver. Men with
other tennis turn the plow for them at
each end of the field, uud the burses do
the rest.
Tho soldiers' home at Kosebur is said
to he tilled to overflowing, but neverthe-
I lw. In.ti.nmt ..1.1 .M.i..,,.. .; i- ...
uu..u. .uivdon vuuiiuue iu ar
rive in Douijlas county, expecting to be
oared for at the home. Tbe reult is
that many have become a burden to the
oountv, aud the taxpayers are worried
Pendleton is paying now $2.51) a month
(or telephones. She oould get them sayi
the El Oregonian, for $5 month for
I Til 4fl Pajje" 1
VS Illuslratffl I JJ
VMS. 1
Words by SARAH K.
ten-drilsof a vine ; Then
) - - i , , . i-
' 3 :t4: '- z- jr i i 1
lull you, love, the year? There's a day to h- rt - mem-berd. When your lips were press'd to mine, And I
i j gjj w -jt -9 -9i ;r
full my puls-es beat-ing To a meas-ure great, di-vine; It was bliss to lean up-on you, Like a child who, tired with play, Nest-les
ipQ-j J
!,r i.-i.-iTi-i-iz' -L-i -L-c-'
)! . L -1-
a.. -a fc r n , wr-fcn I I " r- r I ' i r-4- ,
dose-ly to his moth - er,
te'rff ss r t 3-t-3-
V- r-
plcdg'd to mine,
lov-ing, I ii (li.it cv -
business purposes and $1.50 per month
for residencies. If some ona else does
not provide the service at this oost the
East Oregoniau will undertake it. The
people of that town and seetion oannot
afford to pay more in proportion for ser
vices rendered than they reoeive for their
products. Wheat is worth less than SO
oents a bushel.
Some time ago O, W. Jones, ot Dong
las county, sold J. H. Short a valuable
dog and agreed to take his pay in the
sculps of the first coyotes be osugbt to
the amount ot S'25. This week Mr. Short
sent in bis first soalp, and when Mr.
Joues presented it at the olerk'Boffioe to
c.illect the usual amount, be was inform
ed that the bounty bad been repealed.
He is now figuring out the problem of
bow to get pay for that dog, under the
terms ot his agreement, but so tar with
out sncoesa.
Eddie and Dudley Newell, two small
sons of V. 0. Newell, aged respectively
12 and 10 years, were bunting the eows
near their home one day recently, says
the Nehalem Times, when they discover
ed a black bear in an old hollow tree.
They had a small 22-oaliber target ride,
and they decided to taotcle bruin in hia
winter quarters. Eddie took the gnn
and fired iuto the bole, which brought
forth angry growls and presently old
bruin himself. As bis bead appeared
above the bole, Eddie fired again and the
bear kept coming; bat the boy bad the
"bear fever" and was unable to reload,
o tbe boys turned and ran for home.
They got some meu and went back, but
bruin bad vacated, although be bad left
a pool ot blood iu tbe tree. If the boys
bad bad a larger gun tu-y undoubtedly
would have killed the bear.
1 Whila tbnibiug waa going on one day
U j- r- nL if-T-'-n-l-i f-4-rt r t-fr-
There'sayear to be re-mcmbcr'd. Whin your eves first look'd in mine, And
the world grew full of sunshine, And the
Need I tell you, love, the day?
And a per - feet sa - tis - fac - tion
cr - bloom-ing May,
Two as one
lrfl -J.- r - Mt
zt-rtn-rr - zj
Copyright, 1894, by The
last week at tbe place ot ,J. 0. Cooney,
Gilliam oounty, his little son Willie nar
rowly esoap d a frightful death. Tbe
little fellow's clothing oaught on tbe
tumbling shaft while the machine was in
motion, and be was violently thrown
against tbe ground a number of times
before the horses could be stopped.
Only auother round or two of tbe sbBft
and tbe boy's earthly career wonld have
been at an end. Fortunately no bones
were broken, but tbe boy in one mass of
bruises, and will be confined to bis bed
for some time. He was so tightly wrap
ped around the shaft that bis clothes
bad to be cut from bis body before be
oould be liberated.
When persons are weak and languid
from sickness or overwork, feel delapi
dated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, and they
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial aud Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of obeerful spirits. Price jl.00 per
Cameron, tbe little son ot Mrs. L. L.
Jacobs, of Jacksonville, died from a
peculiar aooident on the 30th. His
mother was peeling apples and gave the
ohild a small piece, which be started to
eat, but it lodged in his windpipe. He
died before medical aid could be sum
moned. Mrs. Jacobs was alone at tbeir
borne and tbe child was past help before
her neawat neighbor knew of the accident.
He was 10 months and 14 days old.
Gilbousen it; order to have samples of
his work all over the county, oners ynn
a life-size orayon portrait with tbe Ga
lette, one year in advance from date of
order, for ti.TO.
Music by
heaven a - buve seein'd clear. And I hoped
There's a day to be re -
Seem'd my be-ing to cn-shrine.
hence-forth for ev-er, Need I tell
- --
- i - - ! IrTr-trtr
New York Musical Record Co.
Music's Universal Language-
Tbe effect of music on health and
longevity lias lately been discussed in
the Scientifia American. One writer
repeats the well-known argument that
persistent work in one particular direc
tion is injurious, and that the benefi
cent iniluence of music liespartly in its
providing an entirely distinct and
unique brain stimulus. He concludes
with the following paragraph: '-This
art has the great advantage to be emi
nently progressive and causes the lis
tener as well as the performer to sat
isfy the yearning of human nature for
a 'higher and higher level of enjoy
ment, which, thanks to the successive
labors of men of inventive genius, has
been provided for by what may be
called a musical literature, which is as
rich in eminent names as is the litera
ture of any nation, either in prose or
in poetry, while it has the enormous
advantage not to be confined to any
special language, but is written in the
universal language of emotions, which
the refined individuals of all nations
understand and app.ociate."
The popularity of Chnmberlaiu's
Oougb Remedy and tbe hiuh esteem in
which it is held leads us to believe it to
liean article of great worth aud merit. We
have tbe pleasure of giving tbe eiperi
enoe ot three prominent oitizens of
liedondo Beach, Cat., in the use of tbe
remedy. Mr. A. V. Trndell says: "I
have always received prompt relief when
1 used Chamberlain's Conirh Remedy,"
Mr. JamesOrchard suys: "I am satisfied
1 bat Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured
:ay cold.'" Mr. J. M. Hatcher ssys:
"For three years I have nsed Chamber
lain's Coneh Remedy in my family aud
i's results hve always beo satisfactory.
For sale by Slocnm-Jobbson Drug Co.
This will rot last lonpr. The Uezette, J
one year in otit'nnce from dale of onier, '
and one of Gtlhoueen's life-size crayons .
nil for 84.70. Call and sea ns for par 1
- i --,-J-T-f-rT rr!MW?4
I felt my heart outreaching Like the
with words un - spoken Need I
mem - bet' d. When your soul was
Love was life, and life was
you, love, the day?.
M. Hammerly. a well-known business man
ol Hllisboro, Va., semis tins testimony to
the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several
years ago, I hurt my leg, the injury leaving
a sore which led toeryslilas. fy surTerhis
were extreme, my leg-, from the knee totiie
ankle, being a solid sore, which beiatn to ex
tern! to other parts of the Imdy. After trying
various remedies. 1 began takiiia Ar'ci's
Sarsaparilla, and, before I had Mulshed the
livst buttle. I experienced great relief: the
second bottle enecteda complete cure."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepri by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, llzf
Cures others.wHi "ure you
clear! fj IlonqI
SKljjjtt LIFEg
pi pflra
Fob Sail A thoroughbred regta
tered Hereford bull May wood. No.
2S,fti6. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Go. T. Baker, and is just tbe animal
you want to breed stock thai will bring
a good price. I will sell cheap t j
have another of same stock; or will trad
for good rmleh sows.
8tf- F. O. Brcs?rvM.