Notice to Advertisers. 1-H08E (icilrtng the Insertion of display ails., . or change of samo, must set their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's r, evening ior rrinay s ell tiun. int Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. . The sum of Ave cents per line will be Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect, Hits of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or Mull nlmiielf give as a matter of news,) and noticea of special meetings for whateverpurpose. i. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which reveuue 1b to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable amd made known upon application. e .5?ld eacn na every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the 5?I atme 11 an evidence of T P. FISHER, NEW8PAPER ADVERTIS- S V ,u Ani, n merchants Jfxchange, Ban Francisco, la onr authorized agent. This paper is kept ou Hie In his office. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follow : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUMSAKER, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. d. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. (J. B. TEDKOWK, Prop. Here and There. Spray sells for cash only. 88tf. Meat 'way down at Spray's. 88tf. J. W. Beokett is in today from Eight Mile. Lard, 10-pound bucket, $1.00 at J. F. Spray's. 88tf, . Qarl Grow was np from Lexington yesterday . Billy Douglass was over from Butter oreek today. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. Tom Davidson brought in a fine lot of fat hogs yesterday. Oliver Snyder and family have become residents of Heppner. Henry Adkins dropped in from Hard man Saturday on business. Charley Armstrong was in Saturday from the Alpine neighborhood. Dan Rioe and L. W. Lewis were down from Hardman yesterday. N. H. Leathers and Ed. Long were in from barker's mill Sunday last. A. Vinson, the Walla Walla marble man, came in Sunday from The Dalles. The name "jurisdiction," as applied to the K. of P., has been changed to "do main." - J. H. and Ernest Piper and Ben Swaggart were in yesterday from Juniper seotion. W. M. Lassen returned Sunday morn ing from a visit to Koseburg, Oakland sod Eugene. J. B. Carmiohael and family were up Saturday from their home southeast of Lexington. A new Btyle photo will be taken at 81 per doz., at the OilhouBen gallery, from Deo. 1st to the 29th. 9-12 The Oazette wants a correspondent at Hardman ; one who will give us the news and avoid personalities. Gilhousen Bros, are going to give you oabinet photos at $1 per doz., from Dec. 1st until after holidays. 9-12 Eagle: J. T. Bell, representing Werner & Co., a book publishing bouse, was in Long Oreek Wednesday. J. L. Beymer had a runaway on May street today. One horse and one tug did it, but no damage resulted. Bob, Albert and Edgar Matteson came in yesterday. The boys are preparing for a big bnnt the first snow that falls. From now henceforth Ohas. Van Winkle's Bteam saw will ont your wood twice in two at 60 cents per cord, cash down. Hawthorne, the murderer of Karpolis, the Indian policeman, has been taken to The Dalles to testify against Otis Savage. Chris. Beinioger, wben last beard from wai over in Cheyenne. Chris did not aooompany the sheep drive to its destination. A tare oure for the liquor habit. No cure no pay. For full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drug Store. 9-tf. Mr. E. D. Gilhousen, brother of Photographer Gilhousen, arrived Satur day morning from Missouri and will locate here with bis brother. Marion D. Egbert, who started the Walla Walla Journal about eleven years ago, is ranning for mayor over at South Bend on the non-partissn ticket. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time duriug business hours. C. M. Jones, assistant. Col. Q. F. MoConnell, G. K. of B. A 8., Grand Lodge of Oregon, K. of P., has onr thanks for a copy of the pro ceedings of the reoent convention at Portland. Eagle: Ed. Allen came over Wednes day from the mines to spend Thanks giving with bis family, but was called back to the mines the same evening on business. Any person who desires to trade good unincumbered farm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, tor property in Portland, should call at the Gazette office. Bny Bell brand of tea at 25 oents per pound of P. C. Thompson Co. This tea is a pnre leaf and does not consist of the weepings sad litter uf the packing houses aa most oheap teas do. 9-0 Wilchin A Plemmoos, who own the hooting gi Uery next door to the post offioe. have oasb prize shooting, com mencing Monday of each week and end ing on Saturday. Give the boys a call. Good wool mittens for 25o. per pair, A knit a 1 nin.aa f r . T u.i with nl I Mo. Bed calfskin, for 50o. per pair, f leeced ; lined goat or kid gloves at (1 .00 per pair. Oents-Moona regular value 82. Call and examine at A. E. Kilpatriok, of Fillmore, Cal , had the misfortune to have his leg i-nuKui u.itween a oarr ana a stone and badly bruised. Ordinarily he would have Wen lid up for two or three weeks but Shys: "After using one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm I began to t. el better, and id three days was entirely well. The peouliiir snotbiug qualities whioh Chamberlain's Pain Balm possess es I have never notioed in Buy other liniment. I take pleasure in recom mending it." This liniment is also of great value for rheumatism and lame back. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Mr. Ernest D. Gilhousen arrived Saturday, direct from the East, with all the latest "fads" and stvlea in the nhntn business. He will go in with his brother nere. xney wil refit the ea erv nn in latest oity style with new and handsome continuous backgrounds, whioh will arrive in a few days. Then you can get sometmng new and tine. The r work will be superior to anything done in the past. uio Mr. T. D. Condon, formerly with the Union Pacific, and very well known to many in Eastern Oregon, is the propri etor of the Merchant Hotel, of Portland. As will be seen in his advertisement id these columns, he runs a first class hotel and at prioes to suit the times. Mr. Condon is worthy of patronage because he can give you excellent enter tainment and save you money. Sheriff Harrington is making the last call for taxes for the year 1893. The Gazette infers that unless the "digging up" act is soon executed in said sheriff's office, to the extent of the respective amounts against property, sale of same will be duly and regularly made. For pity's sake, don't growl and grumble because you are troubled with indigestion. No good was ever effeoted by snarling and fretting. Be a man (unless you happen to be a woman), and take Ayers Harsaparslla, whioh will relieve you, whether man or woman. Over, at the Hardman danoe ou Thanksgiving, b little occurrence sent a young man to his oouch quite early in the evening. It always pays to act the gentleman in public even though ladies do not always have big, six-foot hus bands to protect tbem. For every variety and phase of the many diseases which attack the air passages of the head, throat, and lungs, Ayer's Cherry Peotoral will be found a speoific. This preparation allays inflam mation, oontrole the disposition to cough and prevents consumption. Warren Carsner arrived Saturday from Wagner with bis wife who will have a tumor in ber breast removed by the physicians here. Mrs, Carsner thought seriously for awhile of going below for treatment but became couvinoed that it was not necessary. Died At the borne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Hunt, near Heppner, last night. Will Hunt, aged about. 24 years. Deceased has been ill with rheumatism for some time. The parentB and rela tives have the sympathy of all in their affliction. Yesterday in the oases, State vs. Ed. Day and Sam Hule, oharged with abus ing cattle, Ed. was discharged without trial and Sam aoquitted before a jury, Judge Freeland presiding. Jas. Dougherty, B. P. Doherty, John Kenny and Pat Spillauewere among the visitors to Morrow's metropolis Satur day.. Pat has been absent Beveral months. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tup at all times the best beer on the Pacific coast. Also on bands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 5(itf. Judge Keithley and JoeLuckman had some "discussion" at the oourt house this morning, resulting in a little scrap in which Joe got quite a rap on the nose. Hardman had a big Thanksgiving dauce and some good horse races. Funny that Hardmau hasn't some person willing to chroniole these little doings. Fossil Journal: We judge, from his editorial column, that Bro. Patterson, of the Long Creek Eagle, a member of the next legislature, is a free coinage man. The success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment in the relief of pain and in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reach of modioine, has been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up crooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been onred through the use of this remedy. Price 25o, 60 and 81.00 per bottle. ORDINANCE NO 58. An Ordinanoe establishing fire districts. fixing fire sigials and prohibiting the ringing of the fire bell exoept in oase of fire or drill, and providing a punish ment therefor. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the Town of Heppner; Section 1. The town of Heppner is hereby divided into three fire distriots or wards, as follows : That part of the town ooutaiued in Heppner preoinct eball he known and designated as District No. 1. That part of the t wn contained in Gentry preoinct shall bekn iwn and des ignated as District No. 2. That part of the town contained in Mt. Vei lion precinct shall De known and designated aa District N . 3. Sko. 2. The fire alarm fur Distriot No. 1, shall be a rapid ringing of the fire bell, followed by a single tap, the same to be repeated as ofien as may be necessary to give a thorough alarm. 1 be fire alarm for District No. 2 shall be a rapid ringing of the fire bell follow ed by two (2) distinot taps. The fire alarm for District No. 3 shall be a rapid ringing of the fire bell follow ed by three (3) distinct taps. Sec. 3. Three taps of the fire bell, made slowly, may be need by the mar shal as a signal for minors to go off from the streets at night. Two taps of the tire bell made quiokly shall be the signal for drill nf the fire oompanies, and the chief of the fire de partment is hereby authorized to use or cause to be neeo said signal. Sec. i Any person or persons who shall ring said fire bell at any time ex cept in case of fire, or except as provided in Seotione two (2) and three (3) of this ordinanoe, shall be deemed gnilty of a misdemeanor and npou oonviotion there of before the recorder, shall be fined not less than Ten (flOlDollan nor more than Twenty five $25 Dollars, or be imprison ed in the town or oonnty jail not less than Five Days nor more than Twelve Days or both at the discretion of the court. Passed the Common Council snd ap proved this 8d Deoember, 1894. P. O. BORG, Attest : Mayor. F. J. Hallock, seal Kecorder. Besid-nts of Heppner are requested to preserve tbia ordioane for future use i Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood's Was; "C. r. Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass. : "Gentlemen:! am glad to tell you that I have been given good health by Hood's Sarsaparilla. For tlires years I was an in valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness end Lameness. I was so nervous I could not bear the least noise, and I hail to walk with crutches for six months, as I could not put one of my feet to the floor. Physicians did not do me any good, so a friend told me to get Hood's Sar ap&rllta, but I Said Thore Was No Use. However, after thinking the matter over, I de cided to give it a trial, and have taken six bottles of Hood's .Sursaparilla, and the re sult is that I am well as any one could wish to be, and can do any kind of work. I ad vise all my friends to take Hood's Sarsapa rllla for I believe it will do them good." Miss Susie Dohson, Colton. California. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. Council Meetino. Counoil met in regular session last evening, Mayor Borg presiding and all oounoilmen present exoept Farnsworth Minutes of previous meeting read and approved Bills allowed: Gazette, $1; Heppner Transfer Co., $2 25; W. F. Ruark, 860; Mrs. Julia Bradley, $3.50; Frank Minor, $9; F. J. Hallock, 845.16; Costs in the oases, Town of Heppner vs. G. B. Tedrowe, et al., 858.80. (The estimated amouot of oosts in those oases was muob less than that mentioned, from the fact that Judge Hallock did not ask for all to whioh be was entitled.) Bill of Heppner Light & Water Co., $70, allowed Petition of W. C. T. V. ladies to council, asking that minors under the age of 16 years, applying. to young ladies, be kept off the streets after 8 o'clock, p. m , being properly signed. was accepted and placed on file, and the marshal was ordered to enforoe the ordinanoe bearing on same. This ap plies to all minors of whatsoever age or Bex, and unless accompanied by parents or guardian, or having business, must not be on the streets later than 8 o'olook, p. m., from Oct. to April, and not later than 9 o'clock, p. in., from April to Oct. ... .Reports of reoorder aud treasurer read and placed in the hands of the finance committee Bill of A. M. Sloonm for 841.39, allowed Ordi nance No. 58 establishing fire alarms, and distriots, aud prohibiting ringing of bell unless for alarms, or for other purposes designated io ordinance, read first time by section Fire ordinanoe orJered published iu Gazette at 82 for entire publication, Wilchin & Plemmous allowed to run shooting gallery at $12 50, per quar ter by passage of resolution Council adjourned Special meeting called for the purpose of putting Ordinanoe No. 58 on its second reading hvA fjaul pas sage. Ordinance passed by unanimous Vote of oounoil. Adj jurned. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention All who have used Eleotric Bitters sing the same song of praise.- A purer medioine does not exist aud it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver aud Kidneys, will remove Pimples, bolls, Salt Kheum and other affections caused by impure blood. will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well aa oure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Cuusti patioD aud Indigestion try Eleotric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. PrioeSOo. and 81 per bottle at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drugstore. Congressman Ellis a Passenobb. Hon. W. R. Ellis, of Heppner, one of Oregon's representatives in congress, passed through this morning on his way to Washington, D. C, to attend the short session of the Fifty third oongress. Mr. Ellis, who is spoken of as being among the youngest and most handsome of the law makers of the United States, looked every inch a con gressman as be stepped off the train and talked alTtbly during the few moments stop here with a La Grande friend. He had of course but little time to devote to a Chroniole representative who interviewed him, but informed the scribe that be thought the Nicaragua caual project would be the ohiet and most important subject that will be oon sidered this session. He had several measures himself to propose, but did not have time to outline them. Mr. Ellis was not accompanied by his family. La Grande Chronicle. For the many acoidents that ooour about the farm or household, such as burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosqmtos or other insects galls or chaffed spots, frost bites, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from exposure, as neuralgia, rheuma tism, etc. Or. J. H. McLean's Volcan ic Oil Liniment has proved itself a sovereign remedy. Prioe 25o, 50o and 81.0(1 per bottle. Neglect of t' e bair otten destroys its vitality and natural hue, aud causes it to fall ont. Before it is loo late apply Hall's Hair Benewer, a sure remedy. august Nelson left last mtjht for a visit to bis home on one of tbe Scandi- i navian islands in tbe Baltio sea. He: ! will be gone some months. I i I i You can't afford to be without tbe Oazette. One little item might pay you i ten times wnat to paper doits per ynr. lyjERCHANT HOTEL, Comer Tliirit uml Davis Streets. PORTLAND. - OREGON. Meals 25 cents, best in the oity. Rooms 25 cents to 50 oents . Board aud rooms, 85.00 to 87 00 per week, according to room. ELEGANT DINING ROOM Good Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service. No Chinese Employed. " wlm- ' T, D, CONDON, Prop, .THE OPEN DAY MAX SMITH, sw-3m Proprietor. The kit -OF- Is the Place for Fresh Cash FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND Mm It is the Headquarters! pelnte, Ii'iu: Ollss. Olnsci, Toi let Artloew, Patent Mecllolnea, Eto. Office of all stages ranning for Infants ' Castorlft 1b so wflll adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Mjuitym, I). P., New York City. The Centavr A CHANCE FOll lll!8TIER8. We waijt several live, wide-awake oan vaesers to represent tbe Oh.ette in tbie and adjoining oouutiee, in oonneotion with tbe National Newspaper Union. Tbe work is new, popular and very profitable, n quiring neither capital nor previous experience. It ia worth look ing after, and if jon want n real good tbing in the nay of light, pleasant and profitable employment it will pay yon to investigate this at onoe. There ia money in it for bustlers. Write for Full par ticulars to THE NATIONAL CO , H. tf. ut. Louis, Mo. "How to Curs All Skin IHeMNes." Simply apply "Kwaynb's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe face, bands, uose, Ac, leaving tbe skio clear, white and healtby. Its great bealing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Aek yonrdrng gist for Kwayne's Ointmbnt. Our Heppner people will remember Mai Kraitb, of The Vienna Cafe, formerly located at the corner of Hecood aud Wash, streets, Portland. We know that his old friends will be gratitiwl to learn that be is again at tbe bead of "The Vienna" at 251 Morrison street. His reputation as a caterer certainly menus a continuation of the old patronage. A life-size crayon picture of yourself or any member of your family, made right bere in Heppner by an experienced artist and wortb 85 in tbe cheapest markets of the world, and the Oazette for one year, in udvnnce. from dale oj order, for 84.7U. Call anil see na for torms. This offer holds good only till Dec. 15th. All orders tnnst I in before that date. Ii. A. liunsaker runs stage between HeDpner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday aud leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and oheap est route to tbe interior. P. Cohn, agent. D. A. Herren and J. H. Bnaeiek, under the firm name of D A Herren A Co., are buying and s-lling grain of all kinds next door to the Oar,tte office. Tbey pay tbe highest market price, and will day io any inantiuss. '8 tf, 6afe AND NIGHT SSSl MORRIHON 4'I.f Between Sei'omi & Thi nl, l'ortlfiinl, oi For the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It fs located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Count. ChII at the Gazbttb office for t.Hrt1riilrn i Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure OS. Groceries, Cheap for Only. PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. out of Heppnei i PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. and Children. Castoria cuns Colic, Constipation, Hour Stomach, Diarrlnna, Kructation, Kills Worm3, gives sloop, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial rcKiiHs." F.OW1N V. l'ARDEK, M. T. llSth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Compact, 77 Murray Struct, Nkw York City, Gid Hntt has purchased the barber shop ou the Matloek oorner from A. C. Curie, where bis old friends and ouHtom ere will find bim. tihaves, shampoos and haircuts on short notice and in tbe highest style of the art. Notice of Intention. AMI OI'KK'K AT TIIK DAIXKrt, (IliKUIIM, ili't .81. ltttH. Notice Is hereby elven Hint L Hie ffillowiiiK named settler has Hied notice of hln intention to mane nnal prool in support nl htsctHliii, and thttt Raid prooi will he made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Pee. 15, 1H94, viz: CMFFOK1J K. JONES, Hd. K. No. Wi, for tho VH 8W!4 HK); HW'i Sec. H, 'I i. .'1 H, K. 21 K. slid MS 14 NH'liSec. ;t, Tp. 1 S. K. 'H K. He named the following witnesses to prove hli continuous rciffdence upon and cultivation oi snid land, viz: Htacy Huberts, Hemsn Caldwell, J, T. Csnt ivcll and J. T. Mitchell, all of Klght Mile, Oregon. JAS. F. MOOHK, WO !K. KrKlster. . L. Douglas TUSC IS THt 1ST. 5. CORDOVAN, 4.5."FlNECAlf&lftNeAHH 3.4PP0LICr:,3 Soles. 2.I.BOYiSCH00LSH0E3. LADIES- o2.Ht . ISND rOR CATALOGUE " - W-C'DOUOLAS, ' nonrifTnM asa You ens save money by surolulii W. Im llouglas nhoea. Because, we are the largest manntactursrs of advermea shoes In the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the Middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work, in style, easy fitting snd wearing qualities. We have them sold every where al lower prices for the Talus given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer lunuol supply you, we can. bold by peuler whose name will shortly ap pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it onoe. u::X'rAnerit.S7a a k KiciuH'e itrrtuitr TM lUtittiflUk'ssu-bor. Wudrmliltaf a.sti-- Iwi si (aaiiijr l0un biiaum huh I, ribs' Lbi drtca tfi'tl wttfi'iU' w.nlfi( ttv- bki.rli. Ynj t.usii ilM buioy, b mtbi!i4of tfr rt. bflitt' (ntbt4 oJtbBa 1 rb-t:t re.. Si soalI frrt af-jiI" j1r eir.tlilo trvKB U'b,D'1 arM i 'b-f ST. r. nARHl?( 4fO., ! It. l:luab 4 53 HAPPINESS Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Go's They oatoh onto a few important facts, one of which they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of tbe GRAND CIvB ARAXCB SALE Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! Tbey will make a "bee line'" for it at a "Nancy Hauks" gait. WHAT ? Md'arland Meroautile Co , of Heppner, selling out at cost f Yes, we offer our whole slook at lowest wholesale prioes, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready for our Fall purchases. These goods are all New, Clean, Fiiat-Clase Articles and bought in tbe best markets in tbe United States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Drees Quods. White Goods. Linens. Emhroderies. Handkurnhinfa. Tn;l Infants Caps, Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts, Klannnln lilnnlrata T.otli'Aa Mnolln tr; n..A qul. u .. 1: A Hiding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose. Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxouy Yarns, Faucy Goods, eto. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs child's heavy laoe shoes uversnirts, uiovea, etc., Boots, Bhoes, Kubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Whita Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lines, eto. Our whole store will Counter During Months. A Full Stook of Hardware, Cook and Heating Btoves, Tinware, Bnokets, Milk Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Koof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Jron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G'assware, Crockery, Toilet Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimnevs, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitohell Wagons, Hacks, Buck Boards, Carts, Harrows, Heed Drills, at oost until present stook is sold. Saddles and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, eto. Couie in and make your selections before tbe assortment is broken. Save your money by buying at our store, A full Hue of Groceries at out prioes, until close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay you to travel hundreds of miles to lay In your supplies at our prioes. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tax Yourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully filled. Call and be oonviuoed ; No trouble to show goods. WE BUSINESS ! This Clearance Sale ia now in full blast. tRUN I STANDARD ! Has the reputation of beiug the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of ADy machine in the market. FOB S-ft-LE Gilliam & I3isbeo, Land Patents Land patents secured for settlors in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having conflicting olaims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblio land laws and the Hail road oompanies and tbeir grantees, and the states and their gruntees, under the Swamp-Land and School-Land Grams. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with tbe laws under whioh tbeir entries were made, aud who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, oaused by Trifling Irregularities whioh csn be easily and speedily removed. Advine also given in all matters relating ta tbe pnblio lands, especially on pointa arising under the now laws whioh have been recently passed providing for the disposal of tbe public domain. If yon want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of auy cbiiraoter, attended to by skillful und oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS OLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Owing to the advantages gained through., being a member of the .... P. C. Thompson Co. Are iu position to make prioes for cash as low as tbe lowest. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons Just received. Odd Combinations Sign. Corner Main sod Willow 8 'recto, Dress Lininurs. Htavs. Hilk Thread anrl way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, be a the Big Bargain coming Fall K Ut Washington. D. 0. HEFTKER, OREGON. m mm. 1 j sod reference. 1 ftor of f. u. iDompfon vo.