PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never a time in the histor) of our ooantry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The conveniences of me jkind in the faotory ami workshop, the household and oo the farm, as wei: an in official life, require continual access-ons to the appurtenance and impHmeots of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does npt affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oouoeiviug the remedy to overoome existing discrepan oies. Too great cire cannot be excr o ed in onoosing a competent atid skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lout and destroyed in innumerable instances bv the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do 'o at imminent risk, bs the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Mnnager 018 fc' street, N. W., Washington, D. C represeniing a nrge number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry? was in stituted to oroteot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of b11 patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare Bnd proseoute applications generally, inoluding me ohanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial atteuinn to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with any firm in scouring foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. Joun Wbuiibhbiikn. HIS F Street, p. 0. Box 3K5. Washington, D. C. OTOUK BRANDS. While yon khp ynnr Mitmcription nrtid up yu Can kep your brnnd in fretiot chargo. Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. HihW (Hi on loft shoulflnr; mttie wmnun pft hip, nnHor hit on right our, find upper bit on the left; ranK", Mor row ouunty, Armntronpt, J. (., Alpitio, Or. T with bar nn dor it on lrt Hhouhier of hurries; out tie smtih on left hip. Allison, O. T., Kiurht Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O Don left hip and horwos name brum! on right ihoii'.tler. IUtio, Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Op. TTorBflH, ,!A oon neiti on loft'timik; owttio. name on left hip. linr(hohimew, A. (t., Alpine, Or. Ilnr-Hen bniriiled 7 K on either ehoalder. itruiKe in Mor row oonntv riatmlHtor, J. W., Hardman, Or. Out! le brand ed II on left hip and thigh; split in owih ear, Hrenner, IVtor, HnnHnhnrry OrfKin--HnrnflH branded PB on left shoulder, Cattle name on ritfht side llnrke. M Ht ( hnna tJreek, OrOn cattle, MAY nonntinted on loft nip. crop off loft ear, nn der half crop oil ritfht. lloraeH, name brand on lot ft Hhoulder. ltruige in Grant and Morrow eonnty. HroHtnan, Jerry. Lena. Or. Korean hmwlr-ri 7 on riht Hhouluor; oattle H on the loft side, lieft oar half crop nd riht oar tipper Hlopn. Harton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J H on riht thinhi cattle same on ritfht hip; split in eaon oar. Hrown. Isn, Lexington, Or. Homes IB on th right stitie; uattle same on right hip; ranife, Moi row county. Brown, .T. C, Hoppnor, Or. Horses, circle V with rtor mi on tor on irt hip; cnttiH, snme. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W hsr over It, on the leit (mourner. tJattiu same on left hln. Boyer, W. Q,, Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on riich hip cattle, same, with split in anh ear. Boric, P. O,, Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left Inn. Brnwnloa, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle, JB connected on left side; crop on left er and two splits and middle piece ant out on right ear; on horves same brand on the left thigh; ltauge in Fox valley, Grant eonnty, Carsner Warron, Wiignor, Or. Horsori brand ed O n right HtiHe ; cattle (throe mr) on right ribs, crop Hiidnplit in each oar, Kunge in Orant and Morrow oountitHt. Oain.K., Caleb.Or. Y 1) on horsnn on left stHlo V with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all cults under flynnrs;on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Orant county. Cate, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H 0 on right shoulder; esMlo same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties, Curl, T. 11., John lay. Or. Double crow on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hit iu right oar, split in left ear. Itunge in Orant onniuy. On sheep, inverted A a"d spear poiiw on shoulder. ftar mnrkoii ewes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right a"d under half orop in left ear. All rauga lu Orant ootmtv. . Cook, A. J., Leu a.Or. Horses, Won right shotil der, Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark Bipiare crop oil left and split in right. Currin, It. X.t ('urriusville, Or. -Horses, QQ on left stille. Cox Kd. 8., Hanlnmn, Or.-('aitle, C with Xin center; homes. CK on left, hip. Couhran, H. K Munuinent, (iraut Co, Or. Horses branded circle with har bemwith, on left Hhoulder; cattle Baine hraud (tn both hip, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapiu, It., Hardman, Or.--Horses, branded on right hip. I 'attic brsuded the same. Aim. brmids CI on horses right thigh; en t e sime brand on right shouldor, and cut off end of right ear. Douglass, W. M .Oalloway. Or. Cuttle, K ln right side, wmlowfork in each car; horses, It I) tin left hio. Ely, J. H. ft Hons, Honglas, Or. Horses brand ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same ou left hip. hole iv right ear, Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or.- Horses braiuled ). rtwerset C with tail on left Hhoulder ; cat tle same on right hip. Range in Morrow county. Florence, It. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on Tight hip; horsiw F with bar under ou right elumlder. Florence. H. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on Tight shoiwdoi ; cattle, t on right hip or thigh. Trench, Ooorge, Heppner. Or. Cuttle branded WF, with bar over it, on left side; crop oil left ar. )lorsot, same brand on hf( hip. Oentry, Elmer, Echo. Or. HorseK branded H. P. with a quarter circle over it, on left Ktillo ltange in Morrow and Umatilla counties. 11 Witt A. II., Hidgo, Or, rUle. round-top with piart'r circle under it ou the right hip. ltange in Morrow and V matilla counties. Hinton & .looks, Hamilton, Or Cntt In. t wo bait on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh, ltange in Orant county Hugh, Humiel. Wagner, Or h (T F I. connected ou right shoulder on hores; on cattle, on right hip and on loft side, swallow fork in right ear end slit in left Kiingw ui Haystack district, Mnrmw i"rintv Hale, Milton Warner, Or. Horses, hrandec -O- (circle with parallel tHilsl on left shoulder Ottlstt&uie ou left hip also large circle ou left ids. Hall. Fdwtn, John Day.Or.-Cattlo K H on right tdpt horstts ani on right houlder, iungeu itrnut oonnty. Howard, J L, fclloway, Or. Horwes, (crosp -lth bar alwive it) on right shoulder; cattle time on left side, ltange in Morrow and U ma tt Ha counties. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or, Hnrww, shaded fceart on ths left shoulder, ltange Morrow Co. HansaKer, h a, wtigner, ur.-uorsea, w on left fthnnlder; cat tie. 0 on i ten nip. Harapnrer, 4 u. Haramaut ur Horses, Hot rtsuk Huston. Lnther, Fight Mils, Or. Honw H on ItS loft shouldoraud hoart ou the loft miHn ('at o same on loft hip. Haiige iu Mnrrtiw t'oiitily Joues, Hirrv, Hppii'r, Or Horsis brandivf IT J on the If H ahotihd-r: cattle tmnndd ,1 mi tight hip, also nnderbit iu left er. Iwmge n llorrow CHnMy, - v . ' Juukiu, 8. M" Hnppner, Or. Horses, horne liOe J on loft shoulder. Cattle, Ote wmia Bange on Kiirht Mile. Johnson, Ki-li x liena, Or.Hoios, circle T oi' fcft siitf; oajt tla. samttm right hip, umlor hlf Crop in.rjj1"- wni suuriu isrr ar ileiuiy, , Or. Uorsos branded m Tynt An tit I "jr,- - r r i i I T - , j : .44 . 4 4 Ti X I zv.- r - r-1 rJ r-J -J m S t J .. -. . I f . I A A A y2 -T5-r -;-P:rF t ( 2dtzc 1 h- KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left wr; midrtr slope on the right Kirk, J. T,, Heppner, Or. Horses B9 oti lefi slionlder: rattle, HH on lnff hip. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or,; horse1 11 on lefi Huonldor; cattle same on right side, underbit on rinht ear. Kumherland.W, O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lot cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in Iff1 mr and under oioi in right ear. Horses sain hrsnd on Left shoulder. 1 fan go in Orant conntv Lofton, Htephen, Fox, Or. H Lou left hi l on cattle, crop and split on right, oar. Hon,A' same brand on left shoulder. Hanga Orant nountv. Lienallen, John W., hvi Or, HorHo- hrauded half-circle JL oonnectetl on left shonl der. Cattle, samp ou left hiu. Kange, near Iex mgron beahcy, J. W Heppner Or. Horses brsnderi L and A on left shoulder; cettle samo on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits iu right ear. Lord, Oeorge, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double 11 connect Sometimes called s swing H, on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, neppuor. nr. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, H. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on left shonldi cattle same on left hip. Mitchell, Oscar, Lone, Or. Horses, 77 on righ hip; cattle, 77 on right side, McClaren, D. O., Brownsville. Or, Horse, Figure Ron each shoulder; cattle, MU on hin McOirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule nhn with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nndor ii each ear; homes Name brand on left stifle. Mcllaley, wr. n audition. Or. Un Horso. " with half ;:ircle nndor on left shoulder; on t;atrip, four bars oonneeted on fop ou the right aidp Hange in f-Jrant Conntv. Neal. Andrew. Lone Itock.Or. Horses A con nectwl on left shoulder: cattle same on both' hinf, Nordyke. E Hilvorton, Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: ca tin. name on left hip. Oliver. Joseoh. Can von Oitv. Or. A 2 on rnttl on left hip: on horses, samo on loft thigh, Hange in (train county. Oiler. Parry. Lexinurton. Or. P O on lft shou.dei. Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or, On cattle, O A1 connected on left hin; horsns on left Btifle and wartle on nose. Ran ore in Orant county. Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horse, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hin. Cattle, fork in lnff ar. riu-ht. fironnwL 94 , on left hip. Hange on Eight Mile. I "arker it (Jleasoii, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on I l"ft shoulder. Piper, lOrne-t, Lexington, Or. Hores brand- ' e (Ij E connectedl oi. left shoulder: enttln : s inn ou right hip. Hange, Morrow conntv. Piper, J. H., Lexliucton, Or. -Horses, JE con noctod m lft shoulder; oattlo, same on left hip. under hi1 in each oar. LVttys, A. C lone. Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, J M J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the rlkrht. Bood. Andrew, Hardman. Or. Homes, sonar crow with quarter-circle over it on left stirln. Keuuigor, Chris, HeppUer, Or. Horses, C It on left shoulder. Hush Bros.. Henpner, Or. Horses bratu led 3 nil the rinht shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip crup off left ear and dewlap on neck. Hange it ttlorrow ami adjoining counties, Itemtey. Andi-ew. LexihutoTt. Or. HitrHe brandml A It in right shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cattle same on right hip ltauge morrow ciuiiuy. Boyse, Win. H, Dairyville, Or Hit oonnectot with quarter circle over top on cattle on riht hit and ci-on otf riirht ear and sulit in left. Horde- s'une brand on left shoulder. Hange iu Morrow Orant and Hilham counties, , Kector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Homes, JO 01 left shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip. SpickuaH, J. W., (looseborry, Or. Horse branded 31 on left shoulder; lange in Morr county. Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Homes branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Hwavgart, B. V., l,eximrton. Or. Horses with dash under it on left HtiHe entile H with dash under it on right hp, onm off right ear and waddled on riM lund leg. Itange in Morrow. Cilliain and lUimtiila conn tie. Hwaggart, A. L.. Athena. Or. Homes hranrte'' ? nu left sluMilder: cettle Htime on loft hip. Croj en oar, wattle on left hind leg. Htmight W. K.t Heppner, Or. Homes shaded J H ou lef stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in ritfhi ear, miderbit in left. Kapp. Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P op left hip; cattle same on left hip. Hhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on horses on nght hip; cattie, same on right hip. crop Mil right ear aad under bit in left er. itang in ursnt ctitinty. Hnuth Bros., Hnsnvillp, Or, Homes, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cettle, anie on lef t shoulder Hquires, James. Arhnwton, Or,; horaee branded JHoulsft shoulder; cattle the same, also nose wsddle. Bacge in Morrow and Oilliamco inties. Htephens, V. A., Hardmsn, Or-; htirses H8oe right BtinV; cattle huritoiitnl L on the right side HtsvHiison, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, on nght hu ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. Q. W., Heppner. Or. Horses, 44 on left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Hpeny, 1-. O.. Heppner, Or. - Cuttle W c on left hip, crop off riiht at'd U'',1rhit in left year, I dewlap; horses W (' on left shoulder. J'-XKV .il"5'STft : liint..M.T.,KuivrpriH.Or.-Uni.i. C-uu lft I 1 'uriiir It. V.. H..pri"r. dr. Snmtt CHpitnl T j VK'uI "'" la'1 ,,ir Thornton. H. 51. , lone. Or. Homes branded i i iiuipi-- ii i mi i.-u unit., nntHp miUH onuiu. VauiiM)KH4, 11. X,. Utua, Orr Uorani UV ooo A A sn-4d-grrii:i j I T- JAPANESE DANCE. rnrr - m - tzt. i ; ; j ij- -1 -r m x n l 2 .1 isccoixi n no ted on right shouiderioattle, Bame ou right , hio Walbridge. Win.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop oft left oar and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q,, Halem or TTcppner, Or. H(rses branded Jr; on the left shoulder. Itange Morrow county. Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarts? circle over it, on left side, split in rii;ht ear. Horsea same brand on loft Hhoulder. Hangeir Orant comity Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Homes branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip 'attle brand erf same on left side and left hip. Wolflnger, John, John I ay City, Or On horses three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on snoep bit in hoth earn. Kauge in Grant anfi Malhuei counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Homes, UJ oonneeted on left ahoulder. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Homes branded UK connected on left stifle. Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W or right thigh, holt in left ear; homos, W on right Bhouluer somr same on left shoulder, Whittier tiros., nurmiigion. Baker Co.. Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Willinms, Vasoo, ITaimltnn, Or. Quarter car cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle anr1 horses. Itange Grant county. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, qnsr ter circle over throe bars on left hip; cattle samf and slit in each ear. ltange in Orant eonnty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Homes running A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Vounx, J. 8., (Gooseberry, Or. Homes brands- THnn rh rfht honhte- GOOD AOVICJE. Every patriotic citiicn should give his personal efTort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in evury way possible. After the home paper is taken care ol, why not sub scribii fur the Aukican Economist, publiihed by the American Protective Tariff League ? One of iu correspon dents says i "No true American can get along without It 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Addreae Wilbur F.Wake. man, General Sccratuy, 135 West 23d St, Mew York. Ore vipix a VAnervd Wt cause Are you willing to work for Ihc cmne of rrittiou in placing reliable inlor niation in the hands of your acquain tances ? If you are, you sh.ouW be ivl.-ntili.-d wUh The American PROTCCTIVE TAftlFF LEAm.";, OS W. 23o St., Nlw VuRa. Cut 1IJ tK4ice out mil n-nd ll to th I.-m.u Haling ynur puilitan. anil e,r a hrlju.n luuj. For S.m.r. A thoroughbred reis tore.1 lloreford boll Mnywiuid, Ko. . , ,, ... "S,o,irt, 1 Ins bill! ffus hrM in TlOnms by '' 'I'- ml i. jnn. tlm anmml vmi WHiit to breed akiok thut will brin a Koil price. I will sell chei aa I ve another of same stock; or will trade for tfOod Olilb COWS, tf. F. O. BlVE-NCM. FRENCELL1. f - 4 - ' 1 :tr bft Jf- i Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, in always more or less prevalent. The hest remedy fnr tlis complaint la Acer's Clierry Peetoral. "Last Spring, I was fa ken down with La Grippe. At times 1 whs completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as It confined in an Iron case. I procured a bottle of Aver' Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I hepan taking It than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It Is truly a wonderful med icine." W. H. Williams. Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Promptto act, sure to cure Brief State News. The Mdfnril Mail ia now printed on a new oylioder press. Two mining claims on Klamath river sold last week tor $50,000. A new boat for the Upper Willamette is being built at Newberg. George Chapman, of Milton, has been bound over for forgery. MoMmnville now baa the advantage of three competing freight lines, the Cnion PaoiQo having entered the river trade. The Wasco oonnty grand jury is con sidering the oase of Fred Broadbent, held in $1500 bonds from Hood River for adultery. Engene Hevey, who was kicked in the abdomen by a horse on Sunday evening, at Mormon Basin, Baker county, died of his injuries. A Yakima Indian named Qnalt, fell from his horse while orotsing a bridge near Peudleton the other day and broke bis neck. He was drank. Word has been received at The Dalles that A. J. Dufnr, the pioneer and well known citisen of Dtifur, is lying at the point of death. He is about 80, A Willauiotte valley farmer complains becanse his potatoes have only yielded 0(H) bushels per acre. He thinks he ought to have hail 1000 bushels per acre. While J.' W. Ray and family.of Moun tain Valley, Umatilla oonnty, were at tending religions services Sunday even ing, the lHiu, their residence was dis INFLUENZA. PjTl ttr QL, tzSzZEr"- rff-f-dga ' - ' 3 ttL-zl 2 3 ' ii -l v-;jt-'.J u Japanese Daucc t. I covered to be on fire. Although neigh bors quickly reudnred assistance, the bouse, together with all its contents, was totally destroyed. The Salem grangers have had b com mittee investigating the county records. They have found $8 593 68 iu allowances 'o the assessor, and are thereat much perturbed. A proposition to put a system of water works for Forest Grove has been made by H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, for $14,000 worth of 10-year bonds bearing 6 per cent interest. There are now at leBst six applications for the position of city night-watchman of Oervais. The fight has assumed a competitive aspeot as the candidates are now bidding for the place, and at lust reports offers were made to do the work for less than $10 a month, in addition to the voluntary contributions of the oiti zens and business men. Tom Huntley, a Curry county sports man, had an interesting time one night last week, he and his dogs, with a 9 foot panther, which had been feasting on sheep in the neighborhood. Just after bis last shot the animal made a spring and laid hold npon him, but the shot proved to have been fatal, and the pan ther tumbled over at Huntley's side and expired. A tramp called at a residenoe at Tnde- pendenoe Wednesday and asked to buy 6 oents worth of milk. Being furnished with the artiole he deliberately entered the bouse, laid bis gnnny-saok bundle down, spread his bread and cheese out on the dinner table, whioh was just set for dinner, drank his milk, and when through arose and said ' Thank you." Tbere are two Jams boys, twin broth ers, living at Med ford, and their resem blance, one to the other, is deoidedly similar, so much so that Attorney Parker thought one was the other and put bim to work on his city pr perty, whereat the other protested vigorously but Mr. Parker deolared he bad employed but the one, whereas he bad employed both of theru aud didn't know it. When persons are weak and languid from sickness or overwork, feel delapi dated and depressed, it is an indication that the blood is out of order, and they need help to throw off the miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial aud Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite and n flow of cheerful spirits. Price 31.00 per bottle. Last Thursday afternoon as Edward Beaoh was blasting stumps on bis place above Willamette falls, be put a heavy charge of giant powder nnder a large stamp. After waiting some time and the oharge failing to explode, be proceeded to investigate the matter and learn the cans'. No seoner had Mr. Beaoh reach ed the stump wben the cbarg exploded, throwing him several eet in the air, and when he reached terra ftrnia once more he found himself just forty feet from whe'e he started. No damage was done exoept bttdly burned fern. . . 'I J I ! I Dave Clnmnger, whose barn, a few miles northwest of Hillfib'iro, was en tirely consumed by fire oub nitrht last week, is apparently marked by the fire fiend as its own. Iu April 1893 his barn wan burned during his dbsence. Novem ber 18, following, hisdwelling Imuse was reduced to ashes, and November 18, 1891, his barn is again burned. Two fellows, wbo found themselves going in the same direotion, in the same manner and for the same purpose, have been pacing the iuonnveniently regulat ed tie9 for a week, in Umatilla oonnty, sleeping together in apparent harmony and sharing eaoh other's sorrows. This was very goon until a night or so ago, when one of the tramps stole $15 from bis companion and vanished. The wronged man walked in from Westou to Pendleton to tell bis tale of woe to the sheriff, who has been on the watch for the sooundrel. William Merrill, after having two trials for robbery and ass tult with a dangerous w apon at Baker City, was o.invioted at the present term of the oirouit court and sentenced to eight years in the penit. n tiary. Merrill was recommended to the mercy of the court, but Judge Clifford referred to tbe statute fixing sentence in such oases, whiob was not less than 5 years nor more than 20, end said tbe reoommendBtion was simply a compro mise to arrive at a verdict, but realizing the enormity of the orime committed, ob seryed that it was fortunate for the pris oner that tbe victim did not die, iu which oase he would have surely been oonvict- ed of murder in tbe first degree. At Independence, on the 21st, a trial was in progress before Justioe Irvine in whioh Ben Hayden aud his sons ha.l caused to be placed under Brrest two Jordan boys for assault with a dangerous weapon, they having in a quarrel, it seem, drawn a pistol. During the oourae of the trial Clel Hajden came in, and, walking np behind one of the Jordan boys, drew a piatul. Someone threw up his arm and the bullet went turouuh tbe stovepipe and lo ged in the wall. Ben Hayden then jumped on the boy, and with the help of offioers attempted to overpower Olel About this time Bill Hayden oame upon the scene with a pis tol iu bis hand. In ihe meantime the orowd had rushed out of the building, and the door not being large enough they also went through a large glass front. Bill Hayden was tackled by an officer and several bystauders.aud, after a strug gle, the pistol was taken away and be aud Olel were taken to the oonnty jail. In attempting to put them in Tom Low ry and Alurshul Williams knocked bim down and then looked him up. Six years ago Cnele Tom O'em filed on a homestead of 75 aores lo.'Hitd near Meadow Brook postoffice, Clacksmae county, says the Oregon On, Conner. ; Now he baa only sight sores cleared and yet he and his wife live, without any nrphis deposits to draw on, bat no i debts. HS Well K , fa,mu,; .!, . ' " ! rrv in fui'f ,, h-iL- .1..... . . 1 .. , ... u-uum umri luiiii UJHUy UIg wheat farmers. How does Uuele Orem do it? Bv milking every edge cut in bis favor. He raises for bis own hrMri MIL "Among the many teatimor.Uth v,!.ir!i I see in regard to certain niollniiiCi iw:-furm-Infr cures, cleansing tlie hlooil, fie..'' writes Hknky Hudson, ot tne Janus Smilh Vuole;i Machinery Co., i'lilladelphia, Fa., none impress me H'oro than in j own case, Twenty years ago, at the age of IS years, I had swellings come on my leys, whieii hinke and became running eores. Our family physician could do me no gixitl, ami il. was feared that ihn hones would be affected. At Inst, .ofl my good old mother IVj urged me to try Ayer's Sarsapai illa. I took three bottles, the sores healed, ilf and f have not been troubled since. Only (he scars remain, anil the aieiiMiry of the past, to remind me nf the good Ayer's Sargaparilla has ilnne me. 1 linw weiKh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparllla advertised In all parts ot the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what Rood it did fnr me." For the cure of all diseases nriginarlri; in impure blood, the best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepaiod l.ty Dr. J. C. A;'!rfci'o., Lowell, Mnss. Cures others, will cure you wheat enough, which he threshes in a little machine devised by himself. He makes a few barrels aud vats for Lis neighbors, has a splendid garden, keeps a couple of hogs, oouple of oows, a lot of onickens and a horse bich is as good natured and well fed as he is himself. He bas a neat, oozv nonie. Mrs. Orem spins her own yarn, and has time to spare to dry fruit for the neighbors on shares, her portion coming in himdv when supplies have to be bought. Both of them keep leisurely busy, but do not "rush the oattle." Their prosperity demonstrates how few acres of Willam ette valley iBud are needed by an lntelli gent, careful farmer to make a good liv ing. Piles I Piles! Itching Piles, bymptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at nigbt; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumora form, wbiob often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very f0re. Swainb s Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed iu(, heals ulceration, and iu most esses removes tbe tumors At droggUts or by mail, for,50oeote, Dr.SwayneA Sou Philadelphia, A CHANCE FOR Hf'STLfcRH. We waft several live, wide-awake osu vaseers to represent tbe Gajette in ibis" aud adj .iuiug counties, in oonueotion with tbe National ,.ar, y , The work is new, tn-pular IndV 3 profitable, r onirin. nl." , . . ' t"pHa' Dor ,Uj aft-r ',., ,f . ' ' 7 ' " " 'X.d iu me way of ..l.i. , u. i. ' --h"' pleasant and ou.auie employment 11 will pay yn to nit for hus-lers. Write f, ,,, ticnla,. to THE NATIONAL CO.P sirs lN4 I Hi B