Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 23, 1894, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time In the hiBtor
ofonr coaotry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mpjltind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, an wi: an in official
life, require continual neceHB'oDS to the
Bppartenanoe and implements of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Tno great owe cannot be exnr
oved in choosiug a competent and Bkill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumernble instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the 'No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorney?
do o at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fpe.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
(Sl8 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C.
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, whs in
stituted to Drotuct its natrons from thf
unsafe methndB heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including me
ohanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and ives especial atteuion to rejected
oases. It is also prepared to entur intr
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wbudrhruhn.
ti!8 F Street,
p. 0. Box 885. Washington, D. C.
While you kmop yonr nuhftnription pnid up yn
din ktwp yonr brand in free of oimrtfl,
Allvn. T. 3., lone, Or. Hohwh 0(4 on Inf
nhmiMnr; out tie nmn on loft hip, nnrior hit ot
riht pur, and upper bit on the left; raune. Mor
row comity.
ArmHtronfr, J. (, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der il on loft t)honlitr of horBett; cattle bus in
nn lft hip.
Allium, O. T., Kiffht Mile, Or. Cattle brand.
O U on left hip and liorwoH Hame brand on rilii
Bhouhlnr. IUnn, K.litht. Mile.
Adkina, J. J.i Heppnor, Or, HnrnoB, .TA oon
nertnd on iH ttHiik; cattle, nam oon loft hip.
Bartholamew, A. (4., Alpine, Or. Hornet
branded 7 1C uii ell her shoulder, Ilniwo in Mtn
row oountv
hannlHtor, J. W., ITardman, Or. Cuttle brand
ed H on loft hip and thith; Hptit in ourh oar.
Hrennor, 1'otor, Uofmohorry Ori'KOii Ilnranr
hrandnd I'H on loft uhouldor, t'uttle sutne or
right Hide
Hurko, M Ht 0, Lnrifr t;rok, Or On cattle
MAY eoniK'Oted on loft nip, oiopoll left oar, un
tier half (iron off rinlit. Hormm, Hamo brand ot
lot ft. Hhouhler, HaiiKB iu UthuL and 31 or row
Hnrnman, Jorry, Lonn, Or. Horaoa branded 1
on ritfhl Hhouldor; oHttlo H on the loft ido
IWt ear half crop nd rinlit oar tipper slope,
liarton, Win., Heppnor, Or. -llormw, j Hot
right thiifh, uattle Name on right hip; split it
eiirh ear.
Brown, Inn, LnxiiiRfon, Or. Hciraoo III on Hit
right Bt.ille; oattlo uamoon rihthip; ranee, Mor
row county.
Hrown, J. C, Heppner, Or. IlornoH, oirrh
0 with dot in oh: tor on loft hip; oat tie, hamo.
Brown, W. J., Lima, Oregon. Hornon V hut
ovor It, on the loft shoulder. Cattle same ou leti
(loyor, W. 0.. Heppnor, Or. Horrvw, hoi
brand on rmh hip cattle, same, with split in
earth oar.
Born, P, 0., Heppnor, Or. Hoi-son, P B on left
shoulder; oaltlo. aiimo on left hit.
Brown lee, W. J., Fo,Or-('attle. JH onnneeted
on loft .side; nrop on loft ear and two splitHiim1
middle piene out out on right oar; on hnmea Hatm
brand on the left thigh; Uauge in Fox vtilluy
14 rant county,
CarBiier Warren. Wagner, Or. Horse hnind
tdO on right HtiHe; eat Ho z (throe ImrH) oi
right rihrt, erop and split iu each eur. Itauge it
Oraut and Morrow count ion.
t'ain.K., Calob.Or.-V 1) on horaeN on left stifle
TJ with ouarter eirtde ovor it, on left shoulder
and on loft stifle on all colts under R years; oi
loft shoulder only on alt horses over ft-yoars. AH
range in Urant oountv.
fate. ('has. U,, Vinson or Ijona, Or, Horner
H (' on right sliouldor; cattle same on rigid hip.
Kango Morrow and Uinatllla counties,
('url.T. H., John Hay, Or. Double cross oi
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hi'
in right ear, split in left ear. Haiige iu 14 rant
otranty. u sheep, inverteil A and spear point
ou shoulder. Far raarkou owes, nrop on left ear
pnnohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop it1
right and uudor half crop U left ear. All rango
iu Oraut oountv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. HoreB,00on right shonl
der; Cattle, eaiueon right hip: wir mark etjimn
crop off left ami split in right.
Currin, K. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, i or
Cos Fd. 8., Unrdman, Or (-attle, C will
K in center: horses. CF ou left Sip.
Cochran, H. K,, Monument, (iratlt Co, Or.
Horses hrandod circle with bar hoinvtth, on lef
shoulder; oattlo same hmnd on both hips, mark
under slope both oars and dewlap.
Chapin, H.. Ilunlman, r. Horses bratideo
O on right hip. 'attlo hrandod the same. AIh.
brands Cl ou hordes right thigh; ca t e smi
Inanil ou right shoukti'r, and cut oil end oi
right ear.
Douglass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, H Mm
right Hide, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, It ll
ou loft hio.
Ely. J. B. A Hons, Donglas, Or. Horses brand
d FLY on loft shoulder, cattle same ou left
hip. hole if right oar.
Kmery, C. H., linrtiuian, Or. Horses hrandod
0 , rovofhod C wit h tail on left shouldor; cat
tloRame on right hip. Uauge in Morrow county
Florence, Li. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF oi
right hip; horsm V with bar uudor on right
Florence, B. P. Hoptmer, Or Horses, fi on
right shot Idoi ; cattle, h mi nub! hiporthiwh.
French, (ioorge, Hoppner. Or.--Cnttle brundoil
VF, with bar ovor it, on left sidn; crop uii left
uar. llorseh, hkiih brand on left hip.
Oontry, Ktiuer, fr.oho. Or. Horse hrsnded H
H. with a quarter circle over it. on left stlhV
Ban ye in Morrow and UinitlillaeouiitiOB
limit A. H., liidge. Or. --Cattle, round-top
with quarter circle under it on the right hip,
itantto iu Morniw ami C matilla eonutioH.
Hiiitoti Jeuks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bs.t
on either hip, crop in right ear and split iu left
Horses, J ou right thigh. Uauge in Ornnt county
Hiwhw", Hvnuet. Wanner, Or - U (T F 1
roninH'livDon riht shoulder ou homes; on cattle
on right hip and ou left side, Hwallnw fork it:
right ear and slit in left. Kantio in Haystack
district. Morwiw C'ntitv
Hale. Milton Wanner, Or. Horses hrandet
-O- (circle with pn.ru I lei tails) on loft shoulder
Cattle same ou left hip also large circle ou Utf
ifall. Fdwin, John Duy .Or. Cattle K H on rlgl t
hip; tutrsos same ou right shoulder, bunt's ii
Uraut oounty.
Howard,.! L, Galloway, Or. Horses, -f (cnist
with bar above it) on right shoulder; cat tit
same on leftside, liaugu iu Morrow and Uma
tilla counties.
Hughes, Mat, Heppnor, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the loft shoulder. Ivan go Mortow Co.
H tin Baker, B A. Wagner. Or. Horses, 9 on left
Shoulder; cattle, Oon left hip.
Humphreys, J U. Hardman, Or. Horse. H ot
lf rlank
Hnston, Wher, Fight Mile, Or.-Horse H on
the loft tthouldernnd hoart on the loft stitle Cat
tie Hams on left hip. Hungo in Morrow ponntv
,Ions, Harrv, H-ppn-'r. Or ?(ots"S hn.ndivi
fi ,1 on the l"ft shouidxr: ctf t It- tuoitideit ,) on
right Itip, hIh uudt bit iu left ear. Uatue V
jlorrow emit) ,
Jnnkiu. tt. M., Hepiseor, Or -Horses, horse
shoe J ou left shoulder. Cattle, the tot in'
Uauge on Fiuht Mile.
Joimson. Felii U-na. Or. Horses. oireleT oi
left stitle; cattle, same on rinht top, under hid'
orop iu rt'1 uid suiit in left ear
kvuuri Or. Horse bnuided
Tempo di Vatse.
J r
.rc:g ; -
llhzzzd3tz 1 FE--y- Lii t-z
v v
I I 1 1 9
Copyright, i.v, by Tin: Nuw York Musical Kccord
'NY on loft hip cattle same and crop off left
ar; under slope on the Hunt
Kirk. J. T., Heppnor, Or. Horses 69 on left
honlder; catt le, nil on loft hip.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse1 11 on loft
'bonldnr; cattle same 00 right side, undorbit on
tght oar.
Kumberland.W.n.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
tatt le on right and left sides, swallow fork in U ft
tar and under ciop in right ear. Horses sain
'irand on loft shouldor. Hange in Oraut county
Lofton, Hlophou, Fox, Or. H L ou left liit
m cattle, crop and split on right oar. Horso
tamo brand on lift shoulder. It an go ttrunt
Lionallon, John W IitI-' " Or, Horse
'traiided half-cirolo JL oonnooted on left shonl
lor. Cattle, name on lefthiu, liange, near lei
lioahcy, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
daiul on left shoulder; cettle same on loft
hip, wuttlo over right fyo, thrno slits in right
liord, (Jeorgu, Heppner. Or. Horses hrandod
louble H coi.uectf Soiuotimcs called a
iwing H, on left shoulder.
Minor, Oscar, neppner, fir. rattle, M I) on
ritrht hip; horse. Men left shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., lbppt,er, Or. Horses, M )
tn loft shouhtot cattle same nn loft. hip.
Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on righ
hv; cattle. 77 on right side.
Mct'iarou, D. (i. Hrownsvilln. Or, Horses,
Figure K on nach shoulder; cattle. Ma on hu
McOirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shop
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
mrh ear: horses Hame brand on toft st die.
lMcHabi, w. 1 naiuliton, Or. On Horse.
with half circle under on left shouldor;on i:attie,
'our bars connected on top ou the right eitle
Hange in Orant County.
Neal. Andrew, Lone Kook.Or. Horses A N con
looted nn left shouldor: cattle same on both loop,
Nordyko F., Hilvertou, Or. Horses, circle 7 on
loft thigh: ca'tle. name ou loft hip.
Oliver. Joseph, Canyon City, Or, 2 on cattle
im left hip: ou horses, name ou loft thigh, Uauge
m Orant county.
Oiler, Terry, Lexington, Or. P O on toft
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
IjP connected on left hip; homes on left stitte
ind wartle on nose. Hamre iu Orant county.
Pearson, Olavo, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, qnar
'er circle shield on left shoulder and M on loft
hip. Cattle, fork in lef ear. riht cropped. 24
in left htn, Hange on Kiirht Mile.
Parker V OloaHoii. Hardman.Or, Horses IP on
lft shoulder.
Piper. Frne-t, lionington. Or, Horues brand.
1 WK (L F connected) 01, left shoulder ; cattle
- menu rigtit hip. Hange, Morrow count v.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. -Horses, J K con.
lectod ot left shmildor; cattle, same on left hi;),
mder hi' in each ear.
Pettys, A. C., lone, Or.; horses diamond P on
shoulder: entile, J H J connected. tn ttio
'eft hip, upper slope in left ear aud slip iu the
liood, Andrew, Hardman. Or. Horses, square
oron.. with quarter-circle over it on left stitle.
Honttmer, Chris, Heppnor, Or. Horses, C H on
(ft Hhouhler.
Kindt Hros.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the right shoulder: cuttle, IX on the left hip
"rop oft loft ear and dewlap on nock. Kaugo it
Morrow and ad ioining counties.
lioanoy, Andrew. lenington. Or. Horse
branded A H on right shoulder, vent quartet
"irclo over hrnnd; cattle same on right hip
Hange Morniw count v.
Uoys Win. H, Dairyville, Or Hit connect w
with quarter circle over top on cattle on rti-'ht hit
mil crop off right ear and split in left. Horse
smno brand on left shoulder. Kongo in Morrow
Orant and Oilltam counties.
Hector .1. W.. Heppner, (r. Horses, JO 01
left shoulder. Cattle. 0 on rigid hip.
Spieknall, J. V., Gooseberry, Or. Horse
branded HI ou left shatlder; lauge in Mor
Hailing. C C Heppner, Or Horses hrandod
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip
Swaifgart, H. F. LeTtington. Or. Horsiw.
with dah under it on left stitle cattle H with
it ash under it on right lop. cron off right ear aud
waddled o right bind leg. Hange in Morrow,
(i ill mm and C unit ilk count ios.
Hwaggart. A. li.,Aihena. lr. Horses brande ?
en left sltouhier: eeltle HHUie on left hip. Cnq
en ear. waltln on left hind log.
Htraight W. K. Heppnor, Or. Horses shaded
J H on lef stitle: esttlo J 8 on left hip, swallo
fork in r'glu ear, nnderhtt in left.
Happ. Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P 01
left hip: outfit same on left hip.
Nhrior.John. Fox, Or. NC connected or
horses on right hip: oattie, same on right hip.
crop (.ft right ear and under bit in left ear. Kaugr
in it rant county.
Hmith Hros.. Husstiville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, a mo on left shoulder
Nq nirea. James. Arlington, tr,; htirses branded
J 8 on left iihoulder-. cattle the same, also nose
watldte. lU' gein Morrow and Oilliam co.inties,
Htepheiis, V. A., Hardnian, Or-; hortuw KS on
right stitie; cattle horixontal I. on the right side
Rtevenmm, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. tattle, f
on right Hi 1 ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left Kltoulde-; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hiwry. F. IV. Hsimner. tr. Cattle W C or
left hip, crop off ngt't aid n"derhit tn left voar.
, u wian; i,rsvs l li'll sii.eii.ter.
f 'I'hompsiin, J K., Heppnor. I r . Horsed, J or
I lef shonhi r: cattle. U n-i left u.ulder.
i Tip 'ets.8. r.,KiMerprise.tr.-- Hor.d, C-oti lef'
I Turner It. V.. Heppner, Or. Small tvtp'tsl T
; left hhoi'Mi'i horses; cattle same on left hi(
won iii 1 f tn tui'n ers.
Thornton, H. M, Ion. Or Horss hrande-1
liT couuicted on left stitle; stitn-o same bmud, ,
Vimkcvi-ul, H. T La CVi-tKw 11V oon
0- tz
i I
$ S
sT - - r .r. - :r. - r
jr. j.
-w. .m.
0 -
I 1
-2- -2-
-1 0 1
nee ted on right shoulder ;oattle, same on right
W alb-ridge. Win.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on tight hip
crop nff left, ear and risht ear lopped.
Wilson, John 0,, Halem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jq ou the left Bhoulder. Itaugf
Morrow county.
Warrou, W H. Caleb. Or Cattle W with quarter
circle ovor it. oti left side, split iu right oar.
Horses Hame brand on left shoulder. KanKeif
Grant county
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on loft shouldor and left hip
Cattle brandert aauie on left side and left hip.
Wolflngnr, John, John I ay City. Or On horse
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both earB. Kauge in (irant and Malhuei
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UF
connocteii on left, shoulder.
Wat kins, Lishe, Hoppnor, Or. Horses branded
UK conneotooon left, stifle,
Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W or
right thigth, hoh in loft ear: horses, W on righ'
shoulder sonn Bameon left shoulder.
Whit tier nros., nutmngiou, Kaker Co., Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shouldor
Williams, Viihco, namilton, Or. Quarter clr
cle over three liars on left hip, both cattle anc
horses. Hange Grant county.
Williams, J O, Ijong Creek. Or Horses, qnar
ter circle over three bars on left hip: cattle bhiu
and slit, in each oar. Hange in Oraut county
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A
on shoulder; ('alt le, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., Gooeohorry, Or. Horses branrltV
THnn the right ho.i Ide-
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal etTort and inHnence to increaso
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion, It is his duty to aid in this respect
in ev'try way possible, After the home
paper Is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League f One of its correspon
dents says 1 "No true American can
get along without It. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher la
the United States."
Bend postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man, General Sccrvtrj-t 135 West 13d
St, Mew York.
Ore voix
Vhx cause a
i (merean.
Are you willing to worlt for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable iufor.
mation in the hands of your acquain
tances ?
II you are, you should he Mriitilii-il
The American
Protective Tariff league,
I3S W. 23D St., NEW YORK.
Cut II. 1b notice out and K-nd it fc the League,
ta!tii yHir poeition. and give helping tund.
For Salk. A thoroughbred regis
tered Hereford bull Maywood, No.
CS.tVfi, This bull waabrftl in Illinnia by
Uho. T. U-iker, mnl is just tlm anuuiil
ymi wnnt to breed utook thnl wtil brine
a wood pritm I utll aeil olieuv) na I
have another tf aumentoek; or will trade
for vooJ luilc'U oowe.
Rtf. F. O. Btmmhtx.
Ta" ' &
. . -J J
- : - t' - rj - i - i '-TT,
0 -
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but
who now resides iu Honolulu, writes : "For
20 years past, my wife
audi have used Ayer'n
llalr Vigor, and we
iitlnlmle lo it the dark
liair which she and l
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
are either gray-headed,
white, or bald. When
naked how our hair has
retained its color and
fullness, we reply, 'By
the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor-nothing else.'"
"In 1808, ray affianced
was nearly bald, and
the hair
kept fall
ing out
day. I
I n d u ced
her to use
Ayer'e Hair Vieor, and very soon. It not
only checked any further loss of hair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant aud glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all In
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all
that it Is claimed to be." Antonio Alan un,
Bastrop, Tex.
Brief State News.
MarabBeld ia to have a town hall, to
oost about $1200.
Cbarlea Cunningham, of Umatilla
oounty, m the owner ot 21,000 Bheep.
8000 of which are thoroughbreds.
La Orande nud linker Ody papers are
disputing an to which city has the largest
population. Both prove their claims by
Mr. Kinebart, of John Day, says bia
apple crop reached 6000 bushels this
vear. He has already sold over 1000
Sixty bushel of oats anrl a set ot bar
nesa were stolen from the barn of John
Conner, near Miller's station, one night
The Tort Orford Tribune tells of a
cabbage measuring four feet across and
weighing 40 pounds. It was raised on
Elk river by A. J. Marsh.
A. A. Mead was arrested at Hillsboro
on the IU lb iustant, oharged with bigamy,
lie was held to await the action of the
grand jury in the sum ot 81000.
Frank Peck, an ex-conviot, aeenred a
livery team on false pretenses at Albany,
and skipped out to Polk oounty, and at
last accounts had not been recaptured.
The Daieley-Elkborn miue, uuder the
receivership of T. A. Wood, with J R
Ferrell superintendent, slar'ed up the
Uih iiis'uut. The mill uud mine, it iv
eaid, were never iu as goo I oondilioo as
A Faircbild, a Snowgnoae and a j'ick
aee have beet) in litigation ia Klamatb
' - I I ! J
I l. ' ' -- ii r 1 -J -S-T-J ' 1 1 -r-1 - -r- (.-fl
, J,, J " .-- ' ' J jJ j. ' J
ft! z -v ' -4- i-s-s- -rT v V ie-s- -I 3
1 11
JU.k l ' ,1 j-cSzrT r-zni-aJ 1 l-r-i r-rt-
t j nrr a
(j0, j0. .0. 4. jr. .0. .0. j0.
, VWWA. -
3 3 f -
Japanese Dance 2.
county for sometime. Iu April, 1892,
Mr. Fairchild purchased a jack from
Snowgnoae, whioh the formerolaims wrh
worthless for breeding purposes. H
brought suit for $2300 damages, and tin
jury has just decided against bim.
The mi'iers from Camp CarsoD, John
Day river, and other nearby rioh placei
sections, are pulling nut of those alpine
tike regions before fieroe winter sunn
storms set in, says the La Grande Chron
icle. Many of them have made gaud
year's wages.
Recently rn item was published ahou
an organ being stolen from a church it
Polk oounty. Thursday of last week
greater feat was performed at Det-oit.
on the North Santiam. The city's oper
bonse was taken from its foundation ami
carried off in the mountains. A onnph
of flat cars were used for the purpose.
A 3-year-old daughter of Angnst Mil
ler, who lives on the Malheur, a few
miles above Drewsey, while playing on
an empty wagon wbioh was sitting ot.
uneven ground near Mr. Miller's bonse.
in some way was thrown or fell from th'
wagon to the ground, striking on iti
head and breaking its neck, resulting in
instant death.
Jacob Khostra, a 16-year-old son of
Albert Kloostra, was severely injured
last Saturday near La Grande by t.
horse jumping on bim. He bad some
horses in a corral at his father's pi 'ice,
and while attempting to catch oneof the
horses the animal reared andstruok bin'
and knocked bim down. Several of the
band of horses ran over bim. He was
very badly bruised, but fortunately no
bones were broken.
When persons are weak and languid
from siokness or overwork, feel delapi
dated and depressed, it is an iudicatim,
that the blood is out of order, Bnd the
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The beet remedy for tbis pur
pose is Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial aud Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and
flow of cheerful spirits. Price 31.00 per
Joseph and William Vint, who recent
ly located in Dallas for the pnrpoae
of conducting a whiskey cure institute,
were arrested by Sheriff Plummeron the
l!)th, 'or the larceoy ot 8S0 from the till
of (Jus Bassett, a merchant. V bile
Basset! and bis olerk were temporarily
absent, the money drawer wa robbed.
The persons mentioned were (inspected.
and, npon being oharged with the crime.
partially ooufessed it.
J. H. Langdon, who lived near Sum
ner lake, in Lake oounty, was thrown
from bis wagon recently and killed. He
was baaliog wood tn the vicinity of
Johnson oreek, and the brake of the
wagon gave way while going down a
grade. Th hind wheel paused over his
abdomen and ohe-,1 and crmbed him to
dr-aib. His little sou was walking be
hind at the tini but was imt cloe
enough to see the accident when it hap i
pened. j
Last week Bernard Potter, of Crook
oonnty, loaded bis wagon with wheal i
c 5,
a ;r
' 1 tg 1 r-
and started for Priueville. Iu goinv
over a rough pieoe of road one of the
front wheels suddenly gave way, hil ling
Mr. Potter violently to the ground. H
fell in euoh a position that the wagon
seat caught bim fairly alongside bis
body, crashing bim iu euoh a manner
that be died in a few minutes, iu fact,
life was extinct before he oould be ex
tr cated from underneath the wagon.
The Baker City Demoorat is informed
by Judge Barnd that he is in receipt of
a letter from Hon. Charles Foster, of
Foetorift, O. .elating that the ex-secretary
of the Duiled States treasury will pay a
visit to Baker City, aud will likely arrive
i here sometime tbis coming week. Judge
Barnd is a resident of Fostoria and is
closely associated with the ex secretary
in miuiug enterprises in the West, and
the Coming of Mr. Foster is for the pur
pose of investigating the mineral re
sources of Baker couuty.
Mr. W. Wells, residing up the Sinslaw
river from the salmon hatchery, has re
cently built a handsome cottage about
21x30 feet. There is nothing remarkable
iboul thin, but it is remarkable that ibe
framework, rustic ami shingles in short
all the woodwork that goes to make up
that house grew on the farm of Mr.
Wells, and was sawed out by bim with a
small saw proptlled by water-power on
the farm, and framed, planned and pat
together by the owner. More than this,
the inside aud outside is painted with
mineral paint, tbo product of which is
found in a mine ou the same ranch.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
by mptoms Moisture; intense itohing
ind stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, whioh often bleed aud
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynes
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
nig. heals ulceration, aud in most oases
removes the tnmors At druggists, or
by mail, for SO cents. Dr.Swayue& Son,
Some German fialls.
A German newspaper man, evident
ly jealous of the Irishman's reputation
as a maker of bulls, took the trouble
some years afro, says the London
Fiparo, to look up the German record
in this line. Amonff others he found
in the published works of certain Teu
tonic writers the following curious ex
amples: "Amonp the immigrants was
an old blind woman, who came to
America once more before she died to
see her only son." "After the door
was closed a soft female foot slipped
Into the room, and with her own hand
extinguished the taper." "Both doc
tors were unable to restore the de
ceased once more to life and health."
"The Ladies' Benefit association has
distributed twenty pairs of shoes
among the poor, which will dry up
muny a tear." "I was at the table en
joying a cup of coffee when a gentle
voice tapped me on the shoulder. I
looked around and saw my old friend
ouoe more."
Th lu,u:n at tho Uoa.l Letter Offlre In
One of tic most interesting places in
the capital city, according to the .New
ork Advertiser, is tiie museum in the
dead letter office. Several Indian
Woheti gix-e t j a srrt:fa of the c'abi-
A Bright Lad.
Ten years of age, but whodecllnes to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die, ami -all our uelghbors
thought that even if I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and
it gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If 1 hurt myself so as tn break the skin, It
was sure to become a running sore. I bad
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa.
rilla. It has made me well and strong."
T. D. M.,Korcatur,Kans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aysr ft Co, Lowell, Uut.
Cures others, will cure you
net an archaeological appearance, and
a pair of Indian pipes o. red sandstone
cross each other in peaceful style. A
rare curiosity is a piece of parchment
on which is penned the Lord's Prayer
in fifty-four languages. It is said to
be a duplicate of a parchment which
hangs in Ht. Peter's at Rome. It came
to this country in the mail from Eu
rope in 1843, and, as It was never
claimed and its origin could not be
traced, it was sent to the dead letter
office, where It has been on exhibition
ever since. One of the prettiest things
in the cabinet is a lady's fan made of
stork feathers, the plumes being rarer
and richer than the finest ostrich
In an envelope is a lock of dark
brown hair. An inscription on the en
velope, in a nervous hand, reads: "This
contains my hair, Charles Guiteau."
Tt wn ii Triails hv the mur
derer of President GarHeld, without
any address, just as it appears in the
A few years ago there came to the
dead letter office a tin can upon which
no address could be found. The can
was opened, and sixteen lively looking
rattlesnakes made their escape. There
was a stirring scene in the dead letter
office for a few minutes.
Bottllng- Tears.
The custom of bottling tears tn pe
culiar to the people of Persia. There
it constitutes an important part of the
obsequies of the dead. As the mourn
ers are sitting round and weeping the
master of ceremonies presents each
one with a piece of cotton wool or'
sponge with which to wipe away the
tears. The cotton wool or sponge is
afterward squeezed into a bottle, and
the tears are preserved as a powerful
and efficacious restorative for those
whom every other medicine has failed
to revive, it is to wis custom that ftl
lusion is m !-?Tlm8 lvi, g: "Put
thou tiy "" Twixfe." '