Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 23, 1894, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner, Patronize those who patronize
We hold each arid every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
eorrespondunoe will he published unices the
writer s real name is Bigue4 as an evidence of
good faith.
Did you ever
Bead about tne
Man who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
In the country
Will not acoomplisb
Half as much
Ab a good ad.
Iu a good, live.
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its spaoe
, Ltke merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
The Tortland Telegram calls it
The remains o the dead czur
huve been laid to rest.
Public sentiment must bo edu
cated in order to accomplish all
SENATOU Don Camekon says that
though he is a silver man ho is a
Ekpokts from all parts of the
country indicate that limes Bre
improving some.
Anton Gkonoii Humnstkin, the
Roumanian composer and pianist,
has passed to the beyond.
Kolii is raising a racket down
iu Alabama and insists that lie
shall bo sworn in as govornor. A
row will result.
The Bontiment that non-partisan
control of cities is conducive to
public good, is growing. New
York has sot the pace and it will
be followed up by other cities.
It is the opinion of an American
officer on the Concord that unions
China comes to the terms demand
ed by Japan that the latter nation
will annihilate her. The Japs are
marching men daily towards
"Astoria is to have a railroad."
This is the headline that is now
seen iu many of our loading jour
nals. We hope Astoria will got a
railroad, but the Gazette has hoard
so much about it that it has grown
somewhat Bkeptical.
Since the new bond issue has
beconio an assured fact, gold has
boon withdrawn from sub-troasur-ies
in largo amounts. In fact,
(Juclo Sam will be compelled to
buy back his own gold. This is
one of the "admirablo" features of
the single standard.
Portland winds up with the
tail-end of the World's Pair.
Tho Midway Plaisaneo will bo a
painted all'uir down there. This
will not bo so roalistic as the
Chicago or San Praucisco show,
but it will perhaps give our local
society of baldheads Homo idea of
the original.
It is reported that mauy re
publican fivo silver mou will in
sist that the next national platform
of that party contain an unequivo
cal declaration for free coinage of
silver. If this is not dono it is
asserted that a now party will be
formed declaring for protection
and free- silvor.
The popularity of Chamberlaiu's
Couth ltrmeriy aud the hiuh esteem in
which it is held leads us to believe it to
bean artioleof great worth aud merit. We
have the pleasure of giving the experi
ence of three promiuent oitlKsna of
liedoudo Iteaoh, Cul., in the use of the
remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudell Bays: "I
UBvealwajs received prompt relief when
I used Chaniberluiu'D Cough Jiemedy,"
Mr. James Orohard Buys: "I am satisfied
that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured
my cold." Mr. J. M. Hatoher says:
'For three years 1 have used Chamber
lain's Ootwb Remedy in my family and
its results have always beeu satisfactory.
For sale by Hhcnn-,Tnhhon l'rug Co.
The cliivKHT'ttit ttunn seHson is now (in, j
and is ho much the rae. down in 1'ort i
land Hint a time di)s' (lower carnival ;
is lm7 b ing held, an exhibition of
obrjsautheuiuuis being the pnucpul
Onr Sunday school is progressing
nicely. I
Another rainfall would improve the
roads and give the grain a good start, j
Mr. John Iiitchey will probably rent h
ranch on the creek in the near future, j
Hauling water is tedious work and don't
Miss Ivy Mitohell contemplates at
tending sohool at The Dalles. Miss
Ivy is our Sunday school secretary and
a good student.
There is great rejoicing among the
the republicans in our vicinity iu view
of tbe grand redemption of republicanism
in tbe East. The eleotion was a stunner
and far beyond expectation. More than
that, it was a sleeping tornado whioh
swept everything before it throughout
the North and ooultl barely be checked
by the South. We oh illenge any one to
show us a parallel in the history of the
United States. Everybody wanted
change and our grand viotory has been
aohieved mainly by the renewed confi
dence of the laboring classes in the
republican party. The workingtnen
have opened their eyes onoe more and
will not take chances on olosing them
again upon principles whiob are of vital
importance not only to their nation and
homes, but to the coniiug generation.
Tbey will not look in vain. The Ameri
can people have expressed themselves
emDhatioally for protection and men of
all political faith look forth to renewed
prosperity in due time.
Nov. 19th, 18!H.
When others Fail
Hood's Sarstiparilla builds up the shat
tered system by giving vigorous action
to the digestive organs, creating an
appetite and purifying the blood. It is
prepared by modern methods, possesses
the greatest curative powers, and has
tne most wonderful record of actual
cures of any medicine in existence.
Tuke only Hood's.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and
do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c.
Miss Jennie Kiuoaid's Kchool will
close next Friday in the Hoohor district.
Mrs. Chan. Fngan, of The Dalles, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Warfinld, iu
Oban. Johnson has been ill for the
past few days, and W. . McAllister has
taken his pluue at the depot.
All the hoosos for rent in towu are
fast being occupied by fnmilies moving
in for the purpose of attending sohool.
Miss Amy Leach departed last week
for the valley where she will remain
some time visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry
Pen I and.
The farmers are busyily engaged in
hauling wheat. Aud a glance at the
platform and depot grounds is enough to
convince the eye witness what Morrow
county is capable of doing for the farmer.
itiiy. Gregory will attend the quarterly
meeting at Pine Oily, Saturday aud Suu
day. Mr. Gregory is a most estimable
gentleman aud greatly admired by all.
LI if) earnest tffirta for the upbuilding of
church interests here uro rarely excelled.
The new sohool building will soon be
completed nuder the skillful workman
ship of D ivia & Buigoyu'!, ami when
Unished will be a very flue building.
The school will move about the flrst of
December, with the able and geuiul
Prof. Brown as principal.
Com table Jens Lieualleu and bis
brother, Joe, are bunting up Clyde
Sperry. 'Gene Jones was brought to
town yesterday, but at last aocounts
Sperry has not beeu captured. The
boys Bhould ooiiBider that stealing
oattle iu broad daylight is risky busi
ness and that the laws of our country
are very strict. It should learu the b ys
a lesson uotto be forgotten. 'Genu was
acquitted Tuesday of the charge placed
against him. En.
Rev. W. W. Gregory, accompanied by
Miss Lulu Boothby, of Lexington, at
tended the eutertaiument at Eight Mile
Center last Thursday evetiiug, given by
the ladies of the M. E. churoh A pleasat
titno was enjoyed by all who participated.
The address of welcome read by Mr. A.
0. Carle, of Heppner, was liighly ap
preciated ; also the remarks made by
that esi'uuable Christian lady, Mother
Abbangh, aud others. The ladies
of Eight Milo fully understand the
art of oooking; also entertain
iug friends. On the following Sunday
ltev. Gregory preached at Eight Mile,
and at tho Kood school house which was
well attended.
Died On Nov. filh, at 3 p. m., the
populist party. It was so shocked at
hearing of ivtisamiri going republican
that it died of heart failure. The re
mains were laid down in their last rest
ing place by the republicans and demo
crats o Lexington and the surrounding
country. May they ever rest iu peace
hereafter is the wishes of
P. A. P.
Lexington, Or., Nov. 21, lSOt.
No one can question the great spirit
ual good which has beeu accomplished
in open air meetings. But it is also an
established fact that there is great
danger of bodily harm to be received at
such gatherings. Stand ing on cold
ground, exposed to chilling winds, or
talking io t e damp evening air, fre
quently starts a cold whioh, unless
promptly treated, results seriously.
For all tbe purposes of a cough medicine
aud h au anodyne expeotorant, to allay i
Irritation, prevent couching and check
tin progress of a eold, Ayer's Cherrv
Pectoral leads all others. It whs the
only remedy for diseases of the truest
ami lungs receiving a medal and
diploma at the World's Columbiui,
Geo. D. Ely was up from Douglas
Representative elect Boothby was up
from Lexingtou yesterday.
Wood is ooming in slowly; In fact
notch slower than tho heralded advance
of winter.
All goods will be delivered free insido i
city limits from 6 7
White House Grocery.
The Oregon State Agricultural College,
of Corvallis, Oregon, has addeil a
farmers' oonrse of five wdeks, tuition
free, beginning January Stb and ending
February 11th, 1KB.
This will not last long. The Gazette,
one year in advance front date of order,
and onp of GilhoUHen's liTe-size crayons
all for 81 70. Call and see us for par
ticulars. Tho BUCOPHS that has attended the use
of Dr. J. H. McLpan's Volcanio Oil
Liniment in the relief of pain and in
curing diseases which seemed beyond
the reacn of medioine, has been truly
remarkable. Hundreds supposed to lie
crippled for lite with arms and legs
driiwn up crooked or distorted their
muscles withered or contracted by
disease have been onred through tbe
ne of this remedy. Price -oo, 51) and
81.00 per bottle.
Geo. W.Jenkins, editor of the Santa
Maria "limes," Cal , in speaking of the
various ailments of ohtldren said
"When my children have croup there is
only one patent medicine that I ever ue,
and that is Chamberlaiu's Cough
Remedy. It possesses rme medical
properties that relieve the little sufferers
immediate y. It is, in my opinion, the
best 0- ugh medicine in tbe market."
If this remedy is freely giveu as soon as
the ornupy oongh Bppearsit will prevent
the attack. It is also no ideal remedy
for whooping c ugh. There is no
danger in giving it to children, as it
contains nothing ininrjnns. For Bale by
Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
I.'1'jext ok Land Decision. Furnished
by W. D. Harlan, Land Attorney,
Washington D. C, for the Gazette: "As
between tw i claimants for Oklahoma
lands, enoh of whom allege settlement in
the afternoon of the day ou which the
lands were open to settlement, priority
of right may be properly i.ocrded to the
one who firat reach's tbe tract and puts
np a "stake" with the announcement of
his claim thereon, whore such initial act
of settlement is duly followed by the
establishment of residence in good faith.
Ass't Scc'y Sims."
A. K Kil patrick , of Fillmore, Cal.,
had the misfortune to have his leg
caught b 'tween a cart and a sttne ami
badly bruised. Ordinarily be would
have loeeu laid up for two or three weeks
hut, S'-ys: "After using one bottle of
Cbamherlnin's Puin Balm 1 began to f el
better, and in three days wiih entirely
well 'the peculiar enoihing qualities
whioh Chamberlain's Pain Balm posseBS
es 1 have never uotioed in any other
liniment. I tuke pleasure in recom
mending it." This liniment is also ot
treat value for rheumatism and lame
hack. For side by Slocum-JohnMon
Drug Co.
Tkaoiiku's Insitr'TK. The Morrow
County Teacher's Institute will be held
in this city Mouday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, Nov 2(!tu, 27th aud 2Sth.
Day session will convene at 8:30, a. m.,
each day at the school house. Sessions
vvi'l be held Monday and Wednesday
evenings at the .M. E. church, beginning
at 7:30 p. m On Tuesday evening a
reception will he iriven the teachers, by
the ladies of ll-ppner, which will occur
at the opera hall. A special program
has been arranged for the evening
sessions. Citizens of Heppner should
ehow their appreciation of the superin
teudent'd effort in arranging such an
interesting program, by attending every
session, and no teacher can afford to
misa this institute.
"Huw to Care All Skin Diseases."
Simply apply "Swaynb's Ointmknt."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eiv.ema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, ,vc, leaving the skin
clear, white mid healthy. Its great
healing and curative powers are pnHness-
ed bv un other remedy. Ask yonrdrng-
gist for Sivavnkh Ointment.
tto Ertmmiiieul.
Spend every dollar judiciously and to
the best advantage. He oonsiderato.
Study every question of economy on all
sides. Do not jump at oonolusious, but
investigate. If you want power for
pumping, Bawit,g or printing, eend for
catalogue of the llorcnles O Engines.
Palm ait II ky Tvrn Fodnduy, Front A;
Alder 8ts., Portland, Oregou.
Tins Suok Makkh. Joe Dubois has
moved his shou making and repair shop
from the old May street stand to the
room formerly occupied by Uieeu
Mathens, burlier shop, next door to
Noble's harnees shop. Joe hIho has a
good workman with him and guarantees
siitisf.ictani. Don't overlook him for
lirat eh'."M work. till tf.
Olm S.niigeand Ualph Oibons, charged
with robbing the express otlioe with the
selt-corfeesed culprit, Klein, have been
exonerated by a Wasco county grand
jury. 1'hev will be held, however, for
th. poetetlica robbery.
Hnppy Character Drawing.
A writer in Seribnor's hns the butler
in mind when he records his impres- ;
sums iu the epiMide subjoined. That j
mixture of conscious self-importance j
and settled melancholy which gives j
the butler an austere and formal look I
like a boss undertaker's is admirably !
noted with free hand: "I rung and ;
bnuiirht the desired l.upton. lie had :
been with usonly a few days, but 1 had
noticed that he was possessed with a'
deeper gloom than is usual oven with j
his class. 11c bore the afternoon tea;
quite as if It were the cremated re
mains of the most valued member of
the family and had a sacrificial sort of
way of offering up breakfast aud din
ner." ENGLioHMtct Of NOTE.
Tuk income of tho duke of Westr
minster is twelve una ona-aali cents
per second
Ma. Gi.adstoxe'3
name occupies
twenty-two pajes on the catalogno of
the British museum; Tennyson s fifty
seven. Till" bishop cf Liverpool is one of the
most stalwart members of tho Epis
copal bench, lie stands over six feet
high aud is. or was a model of a uui-TOr-i'v
Scott's EmuL
of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypopliosphites of Lime and Soda,
is a constructive food that nourishes, enriches the Mood,
creates solid flesh, stops wasting and gives strength. It is
for all
Wasting Diseases
like Consumption, Scrofula, Anamia, Marasmus; or for Coughs and
Colds, Sora Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Loss of Ilesh and
General Debility. Scott's Emulsion has no equal as
Nourishment for Babies and Crowing Children,
Buy only the genuine put up in salmon-colored wrapper.
Send 'for pampltl on Scott's Emulsion. 1'RIiE.
Scott II Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. SO cents and SI.
The Conductor Knew a Trick Worth Two of
tlie Other Fellows.
"Yes," said the smart man who sat on
the rear seat of the smoker, "it's dead
easy to bluff these conductors if you
know bow. Now, I'll niako a small bet,
that, although I have a ticket, I can
travel to my destination without showing
it or putting up a oent..'
"I don't believe it," said the man in
the front seat.
"Well," insisted tbe smart man, "just
watch me when the eonduotor comes
Ten minutes later the conductor did
come along. He inquired for tickets in
a peremptory mauoer. The smart man
made no move to get bis,
"Tickets,'; said the ooudnctor again,
when he reaohed the rear seat.
"See here, old fellow," said the smart
man, "I haven't got any ticket. I'm an
old railroad man. Used to be a conduct
or on tbe Santa Fo, anil I want to go a
piece with yon."
"Used to bo ou the Santa Fa, did you?"
inquired tho conductor. "Well, I don't
know bnt I can pass yen. By the way,
what time is il? My watch ien't running
just right."
The smart man winked at the man in
front of him and pulled ont bis watch.
"It's 20 minutes to 12," he said.
Tbe conductor held out his hand
"Give me your ticket or money enough
lo pay your fare, or I'll put you off the
train," he said, sharply.
The smart man reluctantly pulled out
his ticket. As he handed it over, he
"How iu thunder did you know I was
The conductor laughed a bit.
"Oh," he said, "you were easy. If
you'd beeu in tbe railroad business for
10 minutes you'd have saidll:40 instead
of L'O minutes to 12."
A haunted tiouse iu these practical
ind uuromautio days Is something of a
rarity, bnt an individual haunted with
the idea that his ailment is incurable is
a personage frequently met with. Dis
belief in the ability ot medicine to cure
is only a. mild form of monomania,
although in some cases repeated failures
to obtain relief from mauy different
sources would almost seem to justify
the doubt. Hostetter's Stomnch Bitters
bRS demonstrated its aoility to over
come dyspepsia, ooustipation, liver and
kidnev trouble, malarial complaints and
nervousness, and its recorded achieve
ment in tbe onrative line ought at least
to warrant its ttial by Bny one troubled
with either of the above ailments, even
altbontih his previous efforts to obtain
remedial aid have been fruitless. Used
with persistence, tbe Bitters will con
quer the most obstinate oases.
Borrowed Humor.
There is no use talking any higher
than wa live. Ram's Horn.
Not satisfied with his lot the man
who hasn't got a house on it.
A man who has long whiskers saves
the expense of neckties. Atchison Globe.
No man is anxious to stand high in
tbe estimation of the tax collector. Al
bany Argus.
"Poor John ! he was a great hunter."
"Yes; he even died game." Atlanta Con
stitution. The railway pass has carried a great
many ambitious men into obscurity.
Now York World.
When tbe office seeks the man it does
not furnish him with a barrel. New
Orleans 1 icayune.
The man wbo pays his rent must bus
tle, and the man wbo doesn't pay bis
rent is obliged to keep moving.
Politic are full of uncertainties. To
day a mau is on the stump, and next
week he may be all up a tree. Bo6ton
"Who will take care of tbe babies when
the women have their righ's?" some one
asks. There wou't be any babies. Atohi
s hi Qlobe.
Keep your boots shining there is
soma mysterious oonnectioo between a
shiny boot aud a cheerful heart Atchi
son Globe.
(Tasteless- Effectual. )
For Sick-Headache,
: Impaired Digestion.!
I Liver Disorders andi
Female Ailments.
Renowned all over the World.
I'mervd "Ith Tt.'lfi t S"lutl foatlwf.
tL- ,r T,.. Sim', aril tte no other.
M.i.te .it St. Helens, KnplanJ. SoM by i
: .lnigg!t and dca-ers. rrtce m :
oox. ew iotk ucpoi, 30;
Jagwell I hear they are making
whisky ont of beets in Nebraska. Wig
wag That's nothing, they make beats
ont ot whisky in lots of plaoes.
Preacher Cleanliness may be next to
godliness, but I object to a Chinese
laundry being put. next door to the par
socage. Philadelphia Record.
The peaceful occupation of washing
shirts seems to be better fitted to tbe
Chinese character than standing before
guns. Atohison Globe.
"Why does the spelling book put two
g's in a little bit of a buggy and only one
in a big wag n?" asked a delegate to tbe
carriage-makers' convention.
One ob de mos' melaucholy sights,"
said Uncle Eben, "am dat ob de young
inao wbo goes to a boss race an' thinks
he has found a new way ter make mon
ey." Washington Star.
First housewife (South Sea islands)
Tbe nev missionary looks dreadfully
sour. Seoond housewife Well, he'll do
for canning, anyway Detroit Tribune.
Telling toomuoh: New minister Dots
your father go to ohuroh regularly? Lit
tle girl Yes, indeed. Mamma wruld
give him fits if be didn't Good News.
Wsrdeu How's the campaign going
npyoorway? Sort of a close contest?
Sellers (gloomily) Closest I ever saw.
Neither side is giving up a blamed cent.
Buffalo Courier.
"What a perfectly charming mau Mr.
Twitter is!" Maud - I never heard him
say a clever thiug. "No; but he can
move about the room without stumbling
over tbe rugs." Chioago Keoord.
Johnuie (with his history hnok)
Papa what was the Appiao Way '! Papa
I suppose it was a way Appian had,
though I do not know much abont him
perBounlly. Detroit Free Press.
"Wbo pulled that bell cord?" asked
the street car conductor. "1 did" an
swered a passenger. "What did you
ring both ends for?" ' Beoause I wa it
ed both ends to stop." Philadelphia
A preacher wbo arrived at the kirk wet
through aBked an old Scot oh woman
what he should do, to whioh she replied,
"Gang into tbe pulpit as sune as ye can ;
ye'll be dry enough there." Scotch
BlH-kk'ii's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Eheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, aud all skin eruptious
and positively oureB Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to cive
perfect satisfaction or maoey refunded.
Prioe 25 oents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayerg, Jr.
Nearly, an Accident. They say that
"a miss is as good as a mile," but tbee
close calls are not pleasant, to say the
least. Wednesday morning as the back
bearing the Masonic committee was
crossing the track near the depot tbe
tugs came unhltohed leaving the vehicle
in imminent danger of being run down
by the approaohing train. Engineer
Patterson's attention was called to some
thing iu the rear of the locomotive, and
it was with some effort that the train
was stopped witbin fifteeo feet of tbe
hack. It is unnecessary to Btate that
the passengers received qnite a scare.
4 Huaseltold Treasure
D. V. Fuller, of Cansjobarie, N. V..
says that he alwayB keeps Dr. KingV
New Disooyery in the house and hi
family have always found the very best
results follow its use; that be would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke
man. Druggist, Catskill, N. Y..saye that
Dr. King's New Disoovery is undoubted
ly the best cough remedy; that ho has
used it in bis family for eight years, and
it has never failed to do all that is claim
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
long tried and tested. Trial bottles free
at T. W. Ayers, Jr., Drug Store. Regular
size 50o. and 91.
Lost. Somewhere betweeu Natter's
brewery aud Joe Reotor's ranch, last
Friday, between 12 and 1 o'clook in the
afternoon, Nov. ltith, three pairs of blank
ets and a buffalo robe. Finder will
plas leave same either at the Gazette
' dice, at Minor & Co.'sstoie. or at Harry
Jones' ranch twelve miles east of town.
law-St S5.
B. A. Bunsaker runs stage between
Heppner aud Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day except Sunday. Shortest and oheap
est route to the interior. P. Cohn,
Notice of Intention.
J Got 31. ISiM. Notio Is heivbT xtven that
tbe followtnjr named ettler baa tiled notice of
bl Inteution to make final proof in support of
h i claim, and that aald pnvf will be made
before J. W. Morrow. Countv Clerx, at Eeppcer,
Ori'uou, on Dec. 15. ISM, vl:
Hd. E. No SSSfi. for the Wi SWi, SEU swi
See. CI, Tp. Sji. K. H E. and NV!, ioo ;t
Tp. 1 S. K. '.'1 E.
He 1'nnun the folhovine witin-sses to prove
his eontinnou residpnet! upon and cul lvati,.a
oi iwid Und. vt ' :
Uey KolHTts, Hemiin raldwell, J. T. Cant
well and J. T. Miuaell, all ot klght Mile,
for Cash Only.
City :
rPHIS Popular Hostelry h&s again
I been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals find Rooms at loiiiilar
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
Otis Patterson
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W. PATTERSON, AGENT. ?..j.j!Js
Equal with tbe interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
taiued counsel expert iu patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In.
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marke and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. It
others are infringing on your rigbts, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p.o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
9- Cut this out and send it with your Inauloi.O
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war,
are entitled, if now partlallyor wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused tw service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
VVIDOW Sot such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's dea'fc
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. WW"1
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled If the soldier's death wdne to service
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was ttu
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PA RENTS are entitled If soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In
service, or f rom -flcta of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
Prt. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
soldiers of 'thelatewnr, pensioned under one law, mayapply for higher rates nnder other
laws, Klthout losing any rlshta. '
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month nnder the oldlarqre entitled to
higher rales under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned but
also forothers. wheiherdueto service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular armyor navy since the war are a bo
entitled, whether discharged for disabilitvor not.
1 j "rJv.lvor5; a,ld ti,?irwidow"',?f ,he 1,,'"'k Hswk- Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flo.
Ida Indian Wars of 1H3S to 1842, are entitled nnder recent act.
or depen'dent" olul,!r,an'1 their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
fater)!a4sr'iioCt0mP'ete'iaII(1SettIeraenl0bUi,led' wnether Plou has been granted nnder
J?clf ccled,cla'm"""ptne'd5,,,."tl,emtm nred. if rejection improper or illegal.
0.ve1?sUh"e 0bUiDed for SOldie" "d f ' W0
Send for laws and Information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. WASHINGTON. D.C
Kills, Dawson & Ivyons,
All btisiDPss atteo.lerl to
msuner. Notaries
Hayes i Mathews, prrprietors of tbe !
jiy ninat flixrsnr, neitver meat to Bay
part of thpct'y. Full wtwtit nni sorlj
ni'st grmrftmeetj. litvive thra vonr
oriiere, ft
Htujje leivos fi-r t.dio MnDilave,
Wfii rtilay. Hti.l Fri invs. r-tiirnit a ou
Tueds8, Thursdays and Saturdays.
H. Wsdts Fn-r. T. W.ArvrtJr .Ss-ut,
& CO.
in s tirumpt and satisfactory
Pnblic and Collectors.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. ....
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