Notice to Advertisers. IHOSE desiring the insertion of display ads., - , cnaiiire 01 same, must get their com- in not later than Monday evening for Tues'lkv'a -edition, or Thursday evening for Friday s edi tion. Tug FATTKESON J-UBUSHINO CO. Take Notice. Je mm 01 Te cent" P8' line will be xnarged fer "cards of thanks," "resolutions of espeot." lists of wedding presents and donors, ud atiiary notices, (other than those the edit or armCI himself give ai a matter of news.) and notrats of special meetings for whatever purpose, 1 Notices of church and society and another W-ertaiumentt from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable ami madekaown upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. T P. FIBHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS- fc " .boui,, mercnauis n,xonange, inuuKu, ia our autaorizeu agent, aper is kept on fllo in his office. This Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize pou. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Mouumeut, Long Creek, Jlohu Day and Canyon City, leaveB as follows : Every day at 0 a. m., except Sunday. Arrivesverydayat6 p. m., except Monday. The ritwapest, quickest and best line to or from we Interior country. .i t B' k- HUNSAKER, Prop. Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. O. B. Tcdrowo desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, ivbere he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Oambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest Here and There. J. W. Vaugbanwas up from Lexington yesterday. Jas. Leabey has moved down to his new ranch. J. M. Hoy was in from Monument t'riday last. Wright Saling was iu from Eight Mile Friday last. George Brown was down from Park er's mill Friday- last. John Koyae and son were over fr m tlnrdmau last Friday. See new ads. Vieuna Cafe and Merchant hotel elsewhere. Kosooe Shaw and Graut Harer left Friday last for Long Creek. J. I). Hickey and Dan Galligber were iu town Saturday and Sunday. Willis Bros, olosed down their thresh er Saturday for repairs, but will resume suon. E. D. Palmer was up from Lexiugl jn Inst Saturday, culling at the Gazette office. Those who attend to their own busi ness about half the time, at least, suc ceed best. . When in Long Creek stop with Geo. F. Wurd, prop., Morjumental Hotel. t 8-7. Tioe Adkins returned from Baker City Friday. He hasbfjen following the racing oirouit this season. Hon. Sol Hirsoh, of Portland, has one to Paso Hobles Springs, Calif,, hoping to improve his health. Photographs SI. 50 pel dozen at Stiep Vard's gallery, near opera house, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26(f. It is a treat as well as interesting to go into Gilbousen's gallery and look at the flue views and photo's. 4-7. IkeEnnia, Art Minor, S. S. Horner and Green Mathews left yesterday morn- lug fur a bum in the mountains, Services were held at the Catholio church last Sunday and were well at tended. The Father is a very interesting speaker. Wheat took a jump Saturday at The Dalles and prices ranging from 37 to 88 cents were paid. The general outlook is much brighter. Hon. H. Blackman went dowu to Arlington last evening but will return with P. S. Malcolm, Grand Master A, F. & A. M., tomorrow morning. Kev. Honkms, nf Galloway, brought his three-year-old son to town a few days ago tor treatment. The ohild is very ill with intiamatinn of the bowels. There will be preaching both morning and evening on next Sunday at the cpera house, by Elder J. W. Jenkins, of . The Dalles. You are invited to attend. Dr. B F. Vauahan will leave Thurs day for Long Creek stopping at Hamil ton two days on the way over. Those desiring work immediately should call at onoe. John MoMillan, of the Lexington country, was up Saturday. He is a Tennessee republican and was mnch pleased to near the good news from his old state. Oregon Prater: An official circular has been issued by G. C. Hill, command ing lodges to display insignia of mourn ing in memory of G. B. Shaw, P. S. C, deoeased. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work iu that liue. Baths at any time during business hours. CM. Jones, assistant. ,T. B. Natter,has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer o,i the Paoitio ooast. Also on hands the best brands of liqnors, wines and cigars. 56tf. Arlington Lodge No. 88, A. F. & A. M. recently elected the following offioers: R. C. Edwards, W. M.j Chas. Snurte, S. W.; Chas. Wenner, J. W. An open installation will be given. Dr. Geo. Fanning is agenoy physician over un tbe Cmatilla reservation. Tbe Gazette man knew Dr. Fanning years ago before be bad the medioal handle tacked onto his cognomeu. This morning Clyde Sperry and 'G' ne Jones were arrested by the Lexington constable for larceny of a oow. We know nothing of the merits of tbe case but bope that the boys can prove them selves clear of the alienation. Of interest to ladies. The eealp may be kept white and elf an, and tbe hair soft, pliant, and glossy, by tbe use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. This prepsratioa never fails to restore to faded and gray bair its original color. Sold by drug gists and perfumers. . A former protege of Dr., Smith, of Pendleton, E. E. Ferguson, is now a student nnrier Dr. D. H. Band, of Port land. Dr. Rand has many friends in Hencner who will remember bis first advent in this community, asd all must canelods that Mt, feTgrsos if ii; th j For the manv accidents that onmir I abont the farm nr household, sucb as I burns, Bcalds, bruises, cuts, roeid wounds, bites of animals, mosiiuitos or other insects gnlls or chHffed spots, frost bites, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from exposure, as npnralgia, rheuma tism, etc. Dr. J. H. MoLeau's Voloan io Oil Liniment has proved itself a sovereign remedy. Prioe 25c, 50o and 81.00 per bottle. E. O.: Jerry Phillips and J. D. Neville, tbe former of Lexington Bnd the latter of Heppner, arrived here Fri day evening on their return from Kiowa, near Denver. They started last May with a big band of sbeep.and bad apleas ant and successful trip, Denver and Chey enne, they say, have been heavily hit by the hard times and silver legislation, and are exceedingly dull. Mr. T. D. Condon, formerly with the Union Parifio, and very well knowu to m ny in Eastern Oregon, is the pronri- etor of the Merchant Hotel, of Portland. as will be seen in his advertisement in these columns, he runs a first class hotel and at prioes to suit the times. Mr. Condon is worthy of Datrnnnr because he can give you exoelleut enter tainment and save yon money. Prof. W. A. Wetzell, formerly county anperintendent, of Multnomah oonntv, and au enthusiastic worker, Prof. A. W. Wier, of tbe Heppner schools, and Prof. J. D. Brown, of Lexiugton, are the oorps of able assistants and instructors secured by Superintendent Balsiger for the tantitate cext week. No teacher can afford to miss the institute. 5-6 Our Heppner people will remember Max Smith, of The Vienna Cafe, formerly Inoated at the oorner of Second and Wash, streets, Portland. We know that his old friends will be gratified to learn that be is again at the bead of "The Vienna" at 251 Morrison street. His reputation as a caterer oertainly menus a continuation of the old patronage. The fall oi the vear is a trvins season for elderly people. Tbe many cheerlps, dark, dismal days act depressingly, not to say injuriously, on both old and young. Now is the time to re-enforce the vital enorgies with Ayer's Sarsapa illa the best of all bload raeliuines. D. A. Herren and J. S. Buseick. under the firm name of D. A Herren & Co., are buying aud selling erain of all kinds next door to the Gazette office. They pay the highest mnrket price, and will buy in any quantities. 78-tf. E. O.: Nels Magnuson, of Lexington, who has been visiting friends in Pendle ton this week, says the large new school house at Lexington is nearly completed. Brighter days are in store for that little town, which has Been many ups and downs principally downs. It is the wish of the oonnty superiu tendent that the teaohers of this county attend the institnta next week during the entire session. A special aud inter esriug proeram has been prepared whioh none can afford to miss. 5-6 Gid Hatt has purchased the barber shop on tlie Matlock oorner from A. C Carle, where his old friends and custom ers will find bim. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts on short notice and in tbe highest style of the art. A good male teacher of ten years ex perience wants a school in Morrow couu ty. Has taught, in Eastern Orpgoo and has first grade certificates in n half doz en states. Call at Gazette office. Long Creek Eagle : Prof Wetzell, of Portlaud, passed tnrough Sunday and attended the iustitnte at Canyon City this week. He will visit Burns and Prineville before returning to Portland. Married At Portland, Or., on last Thursday, tiie 15th iust., Lnuis Groehens, of Heppner, and Miss Helen Heeler, of Portland. They arrived home this morning and have the best wishes of all. After com pat Iiik prioes with Pendle ton and The Dalles, John F. Spray will sell aud deliver meat at the residenoe of Heppner people as cheap bs either town above mentioned. Gilhousen in order to have samples of his work all over the oonnty, offers yon a nie-size crayon portrait with the Ga zette, one year in advance from date of order, for 84.70. Any person who desires to trade good unincumbered farm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for property in Portland, should oall at the Gazette offioe. Joe Dubois eo'd his shoemnking estab lishment to L. O'Connor Monday. Joe expeots to leave soon aud will loeve where he can learn every part of tbe trade. Oregon Frater: A. D. of H. was organ ized at Heppner last Wednesday even ing. Mrs. Young, the O. C. H., went up there to initiate and instrnot tbe officers. A stimulant is often needed to nourish and strengthen the roots and to keep tbe hair a natural color. Hall's Hair Renew er is the best tonic for the hair. T. W. Marshal, formerly of Heppner, representing Matscbek, Haradon & Co., of Portland, was in town on business last Saturday. Oregon Frater: Otis Patterson, of Heppner, O. M.-at-A., and G W Whit ney, P. C, were oallers at Headquarters this week . This office recently printed dodgers announcing a Thanksgiving masque ball at the opera bouse on the eve of the 29th inst. H. S. MiCormick, representing the J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., of Kiobmond, Va., was in Heppner over Sunday. A Hoasehold Treatinre. D. W. Fuller, of Canajobaria, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family have always found the very best resnlts follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke man, Druggist, Catskill, N. IT., says that Dr. King's New Disooveryis undoubted ly tbe best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claim ed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at T. W. Ayers, Jr., Drugstore. Regular size 50o. and 81. Coi'jiclli Mbkting. Last evening connoil met in regular session, all eoun oilmen present except Keithley and Yeager Minutes of lest regular meeting were read and approved Under bills balance cluimed hy L. D. Boyed was disallowed Committee on streets and public property instructed to see property owners on new street leading to depot J. W. Morrow permitted to construct culvert aoroaa street east of bis property.. On motion marshal was instructed to reqaire E. Minor lo const root hit sidewalk ar-oordiog t.j ordi- daooe and the petition Committee on streets and public property instructed to order city watering-trough on city property on Oale street Marshal was instrnoted to give ten dsys notice to property holders to repair side-walks. Oo motion reoorder wns instructed to draft ordinance establishing fire alarms, etc Communication rels tive to keeping girls under sixteen off the streets afwr S o'clock, p. m., laid on tbe tsbls aa ib ttta 7tsi nnsigtrtd, , . , , . . Mrs. Judge Peck Dyspepsia Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How She Was Cured Sufferers from Dyspepsia should read the fol lowing letter from Mrs. n. M. Peek, wife of Judge Peck, a justice at Tracy, Cal., and a writer connected with the Associated Press: "By a deep sense of gratitude for the great benefit I have received from the use of Hood's S;trs:ip:iri!l;i. I have been led to write Hie follow ing staleineiit for the benefit of sufferers who may be similarly afflicted. For IS years 1 have been a great sullerer from dysjiepsla and Heart Trouble. Almost everything 1 ate would distress me. I tried different treatments and medicines, but fulled to realize relief. Two vears ago a friend previiik-d upon me tfl try Hood'H Sursaparillx The llrst bottle 1 noticed helped me, so I con tinued taking it. it ilid me so much good that my friends spoke of the improvement. I have received sucii great benefit from it that Cladly Recommend It. I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my Hood's Cures llesli and strength. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilh too much." Mas. II. M. Puck, Tracy, California. CI et HOOD'H. Hood's Fills are hand made, and perfeot Iu proportion and appearance. -5o. a box. Long Tbipbv Wagon. E. W. Cop uer, a well known traveling salesman of this city, has just returned from a trip through Eastern Oregon and Idaho Mr. Copner left Portland about April 1, and has been traveling by team in the interior of Eastern Oregon and Idaho since that time. Mr. Conner killed a large bear at Austin station, Or., whiob weighed abont COO pounds. Austin is situated along the Middle Fork of the St. John river, and is the hunter's paradise. While traveling along the Malheur river he found an ox shoe on the trail made by immigrants while orossing the plains iu the hope of dis covering the supposed Blue Bucket dig gings, whiob bad been so hopefully soucbt for by so many gold hunters of early days and which were never found. -Ex. Tho snoness that baa attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanio Oil Liniment in the relief of pain and in curing diseases wbiou seemed beyond the reach of medioine, has been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up crooked or distorted their muscles withered nr contracted by disease have been cured through the use of this remedy. Price 25c, 50 and 81.01) per bottle. Tbacuek's Institute. The. Morrow County Teacher's Institute will he held in this city Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov 2!!th, 27th and 28th. uvj session win oonvene at 8:;j:i, a. m., each day at the school house. Sessions wi'l he bt'ld Monday and Wednesday evenings at the M. E. church, beginning at 7:30 p. m Ou Tuesday owning a reoeption will be Kiveu the teachers, by the ladies of Heppner, which will oocnr at the opera hull, A specinl pnigrsm has been arraugBtl for the evening sessions. Citizens of Heppner should show their appreciuiioii of itw superin tendent's effort in arranging such an interesting program, by attending every session, and no teacher cnu Blford to miss this institute. 5 6 lvKMOs ok thk Past. Geo. D. Fell reoeived Saturday from his great-uncle, Thos. A. Harlan, who lives in Delaware, about twenty pieces of colouial money, bearing dales from 1771 to 1770. The latest issue in the oulh-otion was on Jmi. 1, 1770, six mouths before the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Har luu's grandfather, Thos. A. Harlan, was a Quaker whose religion would not allow bim to light, though at heart a truepalriot, However, be was forced to tuke his horees and haul cannon. At the olose f his labors be was paid off in this colonial Bcrip, and being worth but little at that time was kept as momentoes, passiug down till it came into the poanessiou of Mr. O. E. Fell's uncle. Ho in turn has divided the money among the rclatm-v. To the printer and histormu, as wdl i-s to others, this money , a curiosity and well worth seeing. Aptkk Ot'it Liijuoit Dbamjks. Sun day night last two womw, c f tba W. C, T. U. eooured the town for evidences of open saloons. Evidently lli-y are of the opinion that lio ir labors were fruit ful, for this morning every ea'ojn man in town was palled. Numerous sub poenas have also been seived. 'the trials are set for tomorrow before Judge Hsllock, of the city court. Lost. SoLuowhero between Nutter's brewery and Joe Reoior's ranch, last Friday, between 12 and 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Nov. ICtb, three pairs of blank ets and a buffalo robe. Finder will please leave same either at the Oazetie c ilice, at Minor & Co.'s stole, or at Harry Jones' ranoh twelve miles east of town. law-8l-85. Arm IIboken. While riding through Wm. Hughes' field last Sunday, Wayne Howard's horse fell with bim, the animal bteakiug its neck, and Wayne sustaining a fracture of one of the hones of the right forearm. Ir. McHwords attended tbe patient and be is getnng along all right. bpecimao Csses. S, H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, hie stomach was disordered, bis liver was Btl'ectsd to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was turnhly reduced iu flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured bim. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 1 1 1 a . , bad a running sore on his leg of ight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electrio Bitters and se. cn boxes of Buck len's Arnica Halve, and his leg is sonnd and well. John Speiikr, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his Ii g, doc tors said he was incurable. 0:e hotlle of Electrio Bitters and 003 box Bai lee's Arnio Balv eorsd birq nrir-!r by I, W, A7t, Jr, ' ERCHANT Corner 1 bird PORTLAND, Meais 25 cents, best jn the oity. Booms 25 cents to 50 cents. Board and rooms, $5.00 to J7 00 per week, according to room. ELEGANT DINING ROOM Oood Cooks, Polite Waiters, Prompt Service. No Chinese Employed. s w lm' T. 1. CONnON, 1'rop. Is the Place for Fresh Cash FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND '....THE YlEOT OPEN DAY SMITH, aw-Sm Proprietor, It is the Headquarters! Jl1 Erves Oils, GUiasi, Toi let Artloe, Patent Meolcl neM, Eto, ... ..... i Office of all stages running SLDM-JIflOT h Keeley kliiul -OF- for Infants and Casfcoria Is so well adapted to children thut I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Abciier, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y, "Tile use of 'Caatoria is so universal and ila merJnt bo well known that U Beenm a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. " Caalob Maiityn, P. P., New York City. THE TOMilHI WEEKLY BLADE. Of the now nearly twenty thousand regular publications in tbe United States, there are but two or three weekly news papers published for general circulation in every state ami territory, and of these tbe Toledo Weekly Blade is the best aud most popular of Itinin all. It is tho oldest, best known, and baa the largest circulation. For more than twenty live years it has been a regular visitor to every portion uf the Union, ami il is well known at every one nf the Bixty thousand odd post ollicea of the oniiitry. It is made especially for family reading. It gives the entire news of the world each week, in such condensed f Tin aa will save resiling scores of pages of daily papers to get less information, Uepub lioan in politics, temperance iu principle, always on tbe side of justice and right, it is just the paper for the rising gener ation, and a great educator for the whole family. Serial stories, wit and humor, short stones, household depart ment, (inestion bureau, farm depsrtment, camp fire, Hunday school aud young folks are a few of the many other promi nent features of I his great paper. A specimen copy will tie mailed free lo any address ou application, and I I n publishers invite any person to send a long list of addresses to whom they will mail sample copies. They would h glad to mail a couple of hundred spec j. mens to readers of this county. The Weekly Blade is a vry large p per, ai d the price is ouly one dollar a year, Address THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. 3 I 1 BT, 8THAYEI) OR STOLEN. A light colored bay mure, Mark Stripe fr.itn mane to tail, wni.tim ;hlii to KJO iionuils, sir or seven huih i-ld, branded I', un I. ft stifle A rmtahla reward will lis paid for bri leiurn to John Ayers' plane tn Little Himar creek. Any information concerning 'bis mare should be left at tbe Gszt'e i.flii a. 2H2-5. . T. H. IUi.k. Pbcnino AND iSl'KAYl:.o. Alivol.e desiring to have their fruit tree" ir 1111 d and sprayed, should call on .1 vl. Baling at the Grand Central hotel. 16. Tba Kilei-Vinson, MarMs 7: A.t. ami Davis Streets, OREGON. Groceries, Cheap for Only. PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. -Safe AND NIQIIT inl MORHINON MT. , Between Second ,V Third, Portland, Oi out of Heppner IDS COIWjlHY. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. For the Curo oi J Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It In loeeted at Heleni, Oregon, JVte ilosf Beautiful Town on the Coast. t'ell at the Gaxkttm office lor .particulars. j Ktrictlv confidential. Treatment privateaud sure ! euro. Children. Cator!a cures Colic, Constipation, Hour Ktomocli, Plarrhuia, Kructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have rocotnraended your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to do bo as it has invariably produced beneficial results," Kdwim F. Faroes:, M. I. With Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. Thk Ckntai-r Company, 77 MimaAY Strkkt, Nkw York City. A CHANCE KOIt IIUMThKltH. We wan! several live, wide-awake can vassers lo represent the Gazette in this and adjoining counties, in connection with the National Newspaper Union. The work is new, popular and very profitable, riiiirini; neither capital nor previous experience. It is worth look ing after, and if yon want a real good thing in Ihu way of light, pleaHimt and profitable employment il will pay you to investigate this at onoe. There is money in it for hustlers. Write for full par ticulars to THE NATIONAL CO, Hi tf. Ht. Louis, Mo. This will not last long. The Unzette, one ear in mtnawe from date of order, and one nf Oillinusen's life-si.e crayons all for $1,70. Call and see us for par ticulars. W. L. Douclas $3 SHOE." THC tT. auCAKINO t 5. CORDOVAN, 4.3.P FINE CALF&KAN6ARD3, 3.4PPOLICE,3SOU3. t2sj2.W0RKINfJHENe. EXTRA FINE. " 2.L3BuT&CH0!)t5H0Ea LADIES- 3tNU rOK tl AUDQUt WL" DOUGLAS BROCKTON, MASS. Too eai) iitc moBfr tor vvrchaatng W. i Douglaa fcboett. Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised ahoca in the world, and guarantee the vulueby itamuinft the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against higb prices and the middleman's profits. Our sboea equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them told every where at lower iricet for the value given than any other mk.c Tulte no buostitme. it your dealer uuu wu. e nold by Duhlej wUoho iibrjiA wtll nbortly m petirbfirf. Atfeut wnnted. Apply it ouoe. :-lt y--.,: V.. U-MWM. Tk I .., Iti tr. t.'f. W.titl(tt (ii (!' 1 lr ft itiuiij 114 ''tt ruiauw. 'Vt.ti-, 111,... tl lrl-1 tbtu i't;.-ut ti'ug lb V !Mli u ,K ""' . dUUw fr 1 j,fi,Mi-aiM1i,ni a;,f''t.'.,,C6t uiaHiktiadaM HAPPINESS Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Co's "W3HEIE3Kr They oatch onto s few important faots, one of whioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of tbe OKVATJ3 CLEARANCE Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait. WHAT ? McFarland Mercantile Co, of Heppner, selling out at cost? Yes, we offer onr whole stock at lowest wholesale prioes, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready for onr Fall pnrohases. These goods are all New, Clean, Fitst-Class Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Kmbroderies, Handkerobiefs, Towels Infants Caps, Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves aud Mitts Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets, Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and TwiBt, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fanoy Goods, etc Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs ohild's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Oversbirts, Gloves, etc., Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear. White ..nncai, iiumnj, .mud oubjiB, xjrueues, nazors, lauie ana JrooKel Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lises, etc Our whole store will Counter During Months. A Fn!l Stook of Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buokets, Milk Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers. Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools. Hoof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging aud 8taud Lamps, G'assware, Crockery, Toilet Sets, Stoue Jars, Lamp Ohimnevs, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wicks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Bakes Mowers, Mitohell Wagons, Hacks, Bnok Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until present stook is sold. Saddles and Harness, KineB and Shot Guns, etc Come in and make your selections before the assortment is hrok'iu. Have your money by buying at our store, A full line of Groceries at out prioes, uutil olose of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pBy you to travel hundreds of miles to lay In your supplies at onr prices. Don't let friendship for any firm oause you to tax yourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully filled. Call and be oonviuoed ; No trouble to show goods. WE MEAN BUSINESS ! This Clearance Sale is now in full blast. iMLil MERCANTILE COMPANY. I STANDARD I Hub tliu rpputrttiou of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any machine iu the market. FOB SXjE S-Z- Land Patents Laud patontB secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Cou tested cabes intelligently and skillfully bandied. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals baviue oouliicting claims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also lwtween claimants under any of the public land laws and the Uailroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under the Swamp-Land and Schonl-Land Grants. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with tbe laws under whioh their eutriea were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of tbeir patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given iu all matters relating te the public lands, espeofBlly on points arising nnder the new laws whioh have been reoently passed providing for tbe disposal of the publio doinaiu. If you want your laud patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Boi, 385. Washington. II. 0. Uwjug to tbe advantages gained tbrough being a member of the .... P. C. Thompson Co. Art hi position to make prioes fur cash si low as tbe lowest. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons just received. Odd Combinations Sign. Com! Mtin SttiJ Vmiow Streste, be a Big Bargain the coming Fall G illiam & J3isbee, IIBFFNBR, Oil. -COMMERCIAL UNION, OF HKPPNEB,