Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 16, 1894, Image 4

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" " COUNTRY DANCE. . sL , , , - "S, '' """""
7V, . I'M;. A. B. MONTI. &f UL ft ! I I f fei-
. - - . ' . i.i. i n . " mmmm i i
Tbere was never a time in the history
of oar ooantry when the demand fur
inventions and improvements in the arts
and soienoes generally was so great as J
now. The oonvenienees of mpjkind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require oontinuai accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to Bave labor, time and expense.
The political ohange in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great cjre cannot be exer
o'eed in oboosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute,
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed iu
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this olass of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, bs the breadth
and strength of the patent is sever con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance Bnd obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 K street, N. W.,Wa8bingtou, D. 0.,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen-,
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to oroteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Gon
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proBeoute
applications generally, inoluding me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
Bnd gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to entor into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wedderhubn.
KlH F Ktreet,
i O. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
tyhile you fcnepymir milieoription paid up yru
oankeep your brand in free of otiarire.
Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Horm Wi on left
shoulder; oiittle-wono on left hip, nmler bit on
rilit ear, and upper bit on the loft; range, Mor
row oounty.
Armstrong, J. 0 Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on loft shoulder of horses; oattle same
on left hip.
Allison, (). D Eight Mile, Or. Cuttle brand,
0 ) on left hip aii(lhorH(H eaine brand on right
shoulder. Itange, Kiitht Mile.
Adkins, J. J UetipQiir, Or. Horses, JA non
nested on left flank: cuttle, eatneon lefl hip.
branded TH on ollher Braider. Unuicein Mor-
'w ooiintv
iwnnleler, J. W., Hardman. Or.-Caltle brand-
ed Hon left hip and Ihigh; nplit in each ear.
Ilrenner. I'eler. HnnHeherry llr,.g,m- Horn.
l.r,l,,.l l'H on left shoulder. Cattle smiio on
riulit huIb,
llnrKH, 111 m ,
Jiltllir rrOOK. IJr i)t OUtllO.
MAY 00 hneutfid uh left liin. Amu ofl Mt Bur, nn-
l,.r l,ir nroti off riirht Jlorwm. mm bnuul on
l,..ft .1.1MP. HHi.ufi in (iri.iil. Rii.l M.rr.. .
hroHimui. .lorrv. lifmii. Or.
JIorHBB hmndiMl 7 i
on riht Hhouldor, oattle li on the luft hide.
Ijttft Hitr ha I r orot) fliiu rmlit imr uoiinr hIoik.
ihirtnn, Win.. Hnpiiuor, Or. -IlorB( J H or
riKlrf tUiKhi eaiUw. hihiih on riirht tun;' hj.IU in
HHnh nr i
itrown, Inh, I.exiiiKli'11, Or. lIorHnn II) on the
riuht Mints uhKIb Hfiinooii ritfhthip; rHiiun, Mor
row county.
Hrown, J. ('.. Hwppnnr. Or. liomoH, oirole
f with riot in ont tr mi left hip; I'Htlle, nmno.
Brown, W.J. , Lt-im, Ort'Kon. Hornnn , bur
over it, on the luft nhoultlur. CHttlvHamcon left
Hoyer, W. ii., Henpner. Or. Horttfw, hoc
lirmul o'i rmti hip OHtlle, hhiiio, with Hplit in
Rch Hiir.
1 i t it i u .... i..f i
htmldfir; 'nat'tlo. hiuiumi'ii left liin. ' !
o ..1.... u; 1 if. (wputtia .1 11 .,,...(.,)
on left nii.it: phiu on loft oar and' two HolitaHinl !
mi dd to pitM'o ont nut oti right nar; on hormH Himin
hrand un th loft UjikIi; Hauga in Kox valhiy,
Orant county,
CarHiinr Warren. Wngnor, (j, llorttn lirtuul
ttl O on right Htillo; eattle (throe harH) (mi
right ritiH, rrop aiuUplil in fh oar. Itange in
(Irant iuhI Morrow count iott.
Cain.K., ( iiloh.Or V Dun horsm ou loft utirtn
D with iJuurtHr cirelo ovor it, on loft ahouldnr
and on loft atitlo on all coltH under 5 ynrn;mi
loft ahouldor only on all tiorHOHover ft yearn, All
range in Omul county.
( ate, CliKH. K., Vinaon or Lena, Or. Hornon
H (' on right tdmulder; cattle aiimo on right hip.
Itango Morrow and Umatilla nountien,
t'url, rl', H., John Day, Or.- Umible crown on
oach Ino on oattle. hwhIIow fork nnd undor hit
iu right par, nplit I11 luft ear. Hange in (Jrant
connty. On ahoop, invortwl and aprvir point
t.. n.arbnii... n.... ..,1 ir 1
k.i .' Kit i,. iv..i,au ...... ; 1
riht and ntiilnr halt orop i" lefl our. All ranK !
in (Jrant oountv. I
Cook. A. J..Ina.Or.- llnnwa. UOon riiiht ahonl 1
rtflr; Cattli. aamaon riitht hip: oar mark eijiiarn
rim oil left anil unlit in riiilit. ,
t'urrin. It. .. Oimnnvilla. Or. -Hormw. on i
i urnnHViiia, ur. -noraaa, w on
Col Kd. llanlman, Or.-Oaltla, 0 with
K in oaiitor; huraaa. CK on laft Sip.
CoohrBll, H. K., Moiiuniant, (Irant Co, Or.-
HorHtfn lirandinl oircla with liar tioiHWitli, on loft I
nhonhh.r: eattlo naine hrand on both him, mark I
under alopa both rairB and dewlap. I
( liajiin, 11., llurilmau, dr.- Iloraea branded
onrinlit. hip. Cattle branded the aauie, Alao t
branda CI on horiew rmht liiuli ; lailln nrie
brand on rmht bIii'uIiI.t, and cut oil end of
riuhl ear.
DoiikIiuw. W. M .(lallowiil. "r.- Cattle. II I on
rmht eide.awailow-fork in eaeh ear; horaea, It 1)
un left hip. '
My, .1. II. A Hona. Donitlaii, Or. - Horae brand- 1
ed Kl.Y on left nliniildtir, cattle aame on h.ft i
hip hole in rik-lit ir. 1
Kniery. C. K., finrilnian, dr.- lloreea branded
,) Irevemcd (' with lail on left ahoulder ; cat. '
tleeania on rinht hip. Ilane in Morrow county. ,
Florence, lj. A., Ileiipner, Or. Cattle, l.K on !
rinht hip; horaea V with bar under on riKh
lioulder j
Florence, H. V. Heppner, Or - Horaea. K on 1
rmht .boulder; cattle. Fun rmht hip or thih. j
French, (ieorne, Heppner. Or.- tattle branded!
WF, with bar over it, on left ide; crop oil left I
ear. Horace, Name bmnd on left hip. I
(entry, F.liuer, Kcho, Or.-Horaea brendwl 11. '.
H. with a ipiarter nirola over it, on left atltle. :
HaiiR-e in Morrow ami U matt! la count ioa. !
Iliatt A. H., ltidite, Or.-Cattle. round-top K
withunnrter circle under It on the rmht hip. I
Hanite in Morrow and Uniiltilla couutioa.
llmtoii AJonka, Ibunilton.Or- I'nttle.twobaia
on either hip; crop in rmlit ear and aplit in left,
Horaea, Jon riiilit thiiih. Itaimoin (Irant county
tl . . ... i ,
lluuhea HhiiiucI WiiKiier, Or--- (I F L
colim-ctodjon riltlit lioul,ler oulion.oe;oucatthi,
on rmht hip and on left aide, awal low fork in
rmht. ear and .tit in left. lUimo m Hayatack
,litrlct.M..rr.,w connty. ,'
Hale, Milton. " " '. r.-ll.raea hran.t.Mi
-O circle with parallel tail.I on left ahoulder j
( attic same on left hip alao larKe circle ou lefl j
.i n i.' ii ou.. i i-..i un i ... I
nail, owin, wi.iin miirftnimriKm.i.,.,,. riht hlo: cattle. Name on riuhr hu.
hip; hornes same in right shouuler. Itange u,
(irant county.
Howard, J Ij, llloway, Or. Horfttw, -- (prow
with bar alv il) on richt hiuttUr; cattle
Hineon left side, UaugH iu Morrtw and Uma
tilla onnntii
HiitfhH. Mat. Hontnier. Or. Honmni. (thndwH
hwirt the h-ft uliimlilfr. Kaiittn Murrow lo.
Hunwiker, H A. Wtunitr, Or. -Moroa, U on left
ihimldor; onitiA, W on left Inn. I
Humphrey, J M. Hardmttn. Or.-Hortep. H 01
lofi (nuil t
llriHlon. l.nther, Vxithl Mil. Or - Hrte H n ,
the hft ehMihlirund lwtrt th ft MttHn I nt j
tie Baine on left hip. Utttige iu Monow counly j
Jonee, Harry, lieppiutr, 'r Mors- nrnnuml
11 J on the h
itrt Hiioum
him-; OHttlx tuutmlfd J
riht hip, altMi uuderbil in If ft wtr. KittiKu in
Morrow ceuuty.
Junkm.H. M. Heppner, Or. Moreen, htiree
ihoo J on left ehoulder. rattle, the ttaiua.
HfttiKH ou Kirht Mile.
Johnson, t elii, Una, Or. Horses, circle! on
left stifle; oattle, sanis on right hip, under half
prop In r "-t- nl split in left ear
jitftiqj, , Pr.- Home hraede)
. x . . ttts , . tti ' v, ; .
r--- -- t'-tA t -r-"f ) Pz- Oft OS- t- '
--z y
f-f --f-
(Sty., - priEteg u
B. - . iJ5 - -1 --.-m- m- g-ga. Wjy- ' -
', -iT" ) Zs rw-. .-S-S-S--.jg-- ..-Tg--g---g--lg- tf !.
i ;- - -S-- T-Jg: Cg--g 33 mM: -j-fcjg: l-jL
w "..-z ,J: . : rm:-f : "VJ 1 :----Jj- . r
(a :ip.T-i" .'- pt.- , - ..,8, . r-- rgF, . jy .n
LV3L:S:-. S:g I K--i s a . ) -S-:S---S-- S-'S-'S-S-f fifz. g: 4-J
KN "n left hip nettle ame and nr.ip olT lefl
ear: nnder slope on the right
.Kirk J- J'-;.l,l"',,!,"""' llT111""" V "" '""
shoulder; oattle, on left hip.
Klrlc, Jehee lleppnor. ()r. ; horee- li on left
"boulder; oatlJe me on right, aide, underhilon
n iuiiiriinii.M.ii,. imiuh t . .
U' 1...),. . iir n itf t v...n n. 1 1 ...
"hhihuu inri aitiw, nwhiiiiv n.rK in if n
' u,u",r. m "ni fr, immH mm-
onmrt on lort Hhnuhlor. ItmiP in drant coniifv
Ijorttm. Btmiiien. Pox, Or. H li 011 loft hin
nn 0,ittl. orop nnd split nn right far, HornrtP
fwime hrutiil
n loft eh mlder, liniiKo linvnt
liiiiiHll(m, John W.,
Or. llnrHOf
hran.liM tmlf-circl JL wnnimI on left Hhonl.
'l01"' I ttle, wiine on left hiu. Khiikh, noitr Un-
hoiiliey, J. V. Hoppnor Or. llornfH hrumliMi
I, find on left Hhoultlor; ont t Ih hhiiio on lnft
hip, wItl over right eye, llirce hIi(n in r lit
tjnrd, UnortfO, . Hftppnor. Or. Hontea tirHiidl
donhle H uot.nHntt ' Sonietimm ralletl n
fiwinn; H, on left shoulder.
Minor, Onoitr, imppner. f tr. ('attlt, M I) on
riur lit hip; borne. M on Ittft nhouluer.
morgan, H. iittppner, ur.-HurH, M )
on loft Hhonldoi out tie hhiiio on Mi hi n.
Mitchell. Ooar, lonn, Or.-Uoraa, 77 on rih
run: oattlo. 77 on riuht Bide.
.,'' !lHrn, I). (., Itrnwimville, Or.-Hijriec
Figure ft on naoh aliouldor; catt le, M' tn I
McUirr, Frank, Fin Valley, Or. Mule whop
with top-cork on rattle on rilm and nndor in
'ie)i our; horaeii hhiiio hrand im left afiHe.
Mt'Ilaloy, u. 1 riaiuillon. Or. On iloran.
with hftlf fhrolo utiiter n left ahotildnr;on Untr'p,
four hara ooniimitoil on top on the right nida
Itango in (Irant County.
Nml,Andrw. Lone Hnck.Or. Ilnraea A N eon
necUwl on left ahonldor; cattle aame on hoth Ihoh,
Nordyka, K., Hilvortou.tr. ilorues, cuclo 7 on
left tliiirti: nultln. HHiim on loft hin.
Olivor, Joaeph, t an yon ( 'lty. Or. S on cattle '
on left hip; on horatw, nam a in left thigh, Itange 1
in (irant county.
Oiler, I'erry, Ijoilngtou, Or. P O ou lafl
Olp, Hornian, t'tairia City, Or. On cattle, O
; connected on left hip; honma on left atine
and wnrll. on nottA. ltHiurn In Urant nonnty.
INwrHon. Olavo. Kiuht Miln. t r. HofHUH. iniHr-
!r oirolri hli.hl iin left nhoulrinr and it on loft I
hip. t attla, fork in lot. ar, rltfht oroppad. 'i4
"". hip. ' Kanna on Kiuht Mil.
, larknr Allln
l'arknr A (lloaaon, Haninian.llr, llornaa 11 on
I'lpor. Urna-t, l-ailnalon; ( r.-Hnr-m liranil-
(1. f' onnaotod) on loft ahonhlor; onttln
" '""" "K'" I'll, liaimo. Jlorrnw oonnlj'.
' 'P'T. J. H.. llnton. Or. -Horaiw, J H. con.
"'tml onloft ahonldar; cattla, aame on left hip.
nn'hr hit in oaoh ear.
' ". A; ' . 'one, Or.; horana diamond I' on
- ahonlder; rallle. .1 11 J ooniiei'ted, nn the
l" h. npper bIi.ihi iu left ear and slip in the
'''.lt , . ,, , ..
Hood. Andrew, llanlinan. Or. Horeea, unace
'" with uuarter-rirele over it on left atille.
KemiiKer, ( linn, Heppner, Or.- lloraea, ( It on
'"'! "hoiil.lor.
"nh linn. . Heppner, Or.- lloreea branded !t
lm 'be rmht ahouhler; cattle, l on the lefl tup
rrop ofl left ear and dewlap on neck. Uanne u
Morrow and ailioiniUK eoulitiea.
lletinoy, Audnw, lmliKton, Or. Homo,
bran.lwl A It on rintit ehoulder, vent nuartel
circle over brand; oattle name on rinht hip.
Haime Morrow county.
.Boy", ""i. II, Kairyvllle, Or-Hlt oonliect.
with ipiarter cln-le over top on cattleou rilit hit
anil crop otT riiht ear and aplit ill left. Ilorein
"""" brand on left ahouliler. Ilanxe iu Morrow
(irant and l)illiaiiicoiinti..
Jtector.J. V.. Heppner, Or -Horaea. JO "l
"boulder. I attlo, () on rliiht hip.
. J
finckiiHll. J- W (ioiweliertj, Or. lloree
hrand,l 81 on left Shoulder; muge in Horn'
"onnly. .... . . .
nf. I , Hepiiner, Or-lloraea brande.1
" l"" boiihier; cnUle (uime on Mt hip.
SwiWKarl, H. l.eiiimtou, Or.-tlor.ea
wit h dual, under it cn left ti(le: cattle H with
'laah under it on rmht hip, crop oil rmht ear and
waildhyl on riKht bind led- lUime in Morrow
(tilllaiuand Uiuatilla conntiea.
Hwimirart. A. l.Albena. Or. lloreea tirnnde 1 ',
l(t alioilliter: c.Mtle aanie on left hip. Cro
, ,.,,, lllf, hlull Wg
strniiihl W. V... Hei.pner, Or. lloreea ahade,'
J H oil lefl .title; cattle J 8 on left hip. .wallo.
,rk r , derbit in left.
sBpp. Th.K... Heppner, Or.-Itorao., W A I' .,
,',,. , , (,,,,.
Hlirier.Johu, Kok, Or.-NC connei'te.1 e
crot ofl ria-ht ear anil nuder bit in left ear. Itatijfi
m 1 1 run t count v
Hmith 11 rot , HuH-tiville, Oi HortMi, hrandtnl
H. Z. ottHhiiulder; onttlw, amn on toft MhimliKr
SuiiirtM. JttmHfi. Arlinttton. t)r,: hrMM hrandod
JHtmtoft (thotildt'r: cuttle (lit hntuh, aho ncsf
wtulilU. IUtiki in Murmw HUtl ttiliiMtii At tntiito
iStt'iihons, V. A., HnMtnan. Or-; Iiopum. KS.in
riht titl; cattU htrtBontal L ou the rilit Hide
Stevtn-ou. Mm A. J., H"iHn.T, Or. Cattle, t?
on riKht bir; pwal low-fork in left ear.
HwaMRart. Q. V.. Heppner, Or. Horet, 41 oc
left nhonldw ; cattlt, 44 on left hip
Hikmi . K. ., Hfoiunr. Oi . t hMIm t i.n
left tup, crop off rintit and umltiltt in let jhht,
newinp; horeea w V on lrl ilumUler,
Thumpaun, J. A,; 'Heppuer Or -bnita, g o i
ift huudtr; rattle, ' on Uft nhonlder. i
'ipoeta.8 .T. .kiiirori.Or.--HLirtMt. t'.ou luft '
lluruer'. W., Hoppner. Or, -Small capital T j
wftVlS U Wt
lhorutou, 11. M., lone. Or. Horaea branded
HT eouueoted on lfft etirla; sheep nuX) brand. '
andtnwl, H.I., Lena. rt -rioraei HV srm ,
nected on right Bhool(ler;catUc, Bame on right
Walbridge. Wrn.. Hoppner, Or. HorBea, U. L.
on the left uliouldor; cattle same on right hip,
crop oil left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John y,, Halem or Heppner, Or.
HoreoH branded Jy on the left ahorilder. liauge
Morrow connty.
Warreu, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
Circle over it, ou left side, nplit in right ear.
HoreeH Baine brand on left shoulder, ltangeio
Grant comity.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on loft ahouldor and left hip
Cattle branded same on left Bide and left hip.
Wolfinger, John, John Day City, Or On horsea
tliree parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on uheep,
bit in both ears. Itange in Grant and Malhaer
30 unties.
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or, Horses, VY
connected on left shoulder.
Wat kins, Lishe, Hoppner, Or. Horses branded
UK connected on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on
rightthigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
stioulner some same on left shoulder,
Whittier tiros,, Buimngton, Baker Co.. Or.
H or nee branded W B connected on left bhoalder
Williams, Vasoo, Ilainilton, Or. Quarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle and
horsea, Kange Grant connty.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
tor circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear, Hange in (irant oonnty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A
on Hhoulder; ('attle. same on right hip.
young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses hrandw
THonthe right should-.
ii Mill Al II I,
Evnry patrtotH- i-iti7cn ViimiI.I
pursntiiil rMort and iiillncncc to i-k rc:i
the circulation of Ins home paper wbh.li
toachrs the American policy ol I'r-'toc
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in cv.i;-y way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of. why not sub.
scribo fur the Amiiican ICconomist,
publiihed by the American Protective
Tariffl.eague t One of iti correspon
dents says t "No true American can
got along without H. I consider it the
rjoali'Mt and truest political teacher in
the I'uited States."
Send postal card request for free
si tuple copy. Addrewa Wilbur F.WaUe.
man. General Secretary, 135 West 13d
St., New York.
Vhe cause, aj
rt you wtiluiy to work Ivr t Ihm ;i im.
S'r.'tn tiim in fdudiig rt-lial V mi .i
Nn m thr haiu!s of your atr..ur.
' "ii je, y.o should ! l t-i,titf.-d
ottctive Tariff leagi ,
" " ut ami w1 It l ih t i;nt!,
t t ...i ..u.t'1 n and (ti tie'luv htiid.
K(u Sale. A tboroutflibred reuis
tertnl I Itirofurv, Imll Mhj wood, No.
2S,tKK. This ball was bred in Illinois by
T. lUker, ami in hint the aniWHl
von uunt hi hril atii' k thai rt illhrinc
tfooil priot. I W ill Rail t'heap H 1
tiavtf another of same twk; or will traJo
fur tfiKHi tuilob OOWS.
0 - v r n..
nu, , v, v i mvs,
vnn, 'A-.v
h"' Ml
M. Hiinimerlv. a wi-ll-known husinuss man
Ot HllNlmro. Vii., Sfiuis this testimony to
the pientsof Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several
jtuii'S mm, I lnift inylt'K, the injury leaving
sore which led to i-rvsipelii-s. My .Mifft'i inns
w.'i'c extreme, my h from the ktu't to the
.inkle, l'i'iin a .solid sore, which hr-iran to ex
tend to oilier parts of the hody. A Uvv trying
v.iiioiis remedies, I heyan tukiiiL' Ayei's
S:ii.i)t:irii:u, and, before I liad linislivil the
tint oottle, 1 experienced great relief; the
kki-.h i Imttlo i tit 'il hi! :i fnmo et.p iMirn
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
I'rrp.irirl by I")r. J.O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mim.
Cures others.wiii cure you
Brief State News.
A wide, fine vein of oorI hs been dis
covered in Lane county.
Oouglas ootiuty has deoided to abolish
its bounties on wild animals.
The Milton Eagle strongly ndvooatei
the division of Umatilla county.
The first pile has been driven for a
new $25,000 ennnery at Astoria.
Klamath oonnty is calling in its war
rants issued prior to May, I8S9.
The number of persons subject ts
military duty in Benton connty is 696.
The little daughter of D. Hogan, of
Lebanon, fell off a fenoe last week and
broke ber arm.
A threshing band in Wallowa connty
has spent $06 in trying to collect 827
due him for wages.
The largest qninoes in Oreuon were
raised on the farm of Mr. Mo Bee, a few
miles from Corvallis.
Frank Swingle will be tried at this
term of court, in Klamath county, for the
killing of Arthur Langell.
A i)iiasli weighing lik pounds is iu a
Kugene store aud tbe man wbo raised it
says be has larger ones still.
It is reported that two of Albany's
roost substantial htteinetie men are. rltfiir.
tog ou opeuitig a b tnk iu Lebanon.
One hundred head of fat cattle were
driven to the stockyards of R E. Suit
marahe A- Co. at Tbe Palles Friday by
Newt. Uiirgiss, of Bake Oven, and Tajlor
Hill, of l'riueville. Tbey oarue from
J'rineville, and slthongb, atin frnro n
Country Sauu. 2,
bunobgrass hills of Crook oounty, are in
exoellent condition for the butcher's
A familiar sight on tbe streets of
Joseph are Orville Hall's two pet deer,
which wander about town unmolested
and unafraid.
Tbe first number of the Weston Phil
listine has been published at Weston.
The Fbillistine announces its advent
with the statement, ' Jawbone don't go."
It does not propose to be that sort of a
A Dallas paper learns from farmers
recently that plowing has begun for fall
sowing in different parts of the country.
The ground is in good oondition Bnd
tbere will be a large acreage sown to
grain this fall.
Abont 3 o'olock Monday morning tbe
safe of O. W. Grubb's store at Wilbur,
Douglas county, was blown open by un
known parties wbo secured abont 875 in
cash. Flour was piled about tbe safe to
deaden the noise.
John W. Clinton is logging opposite
Coxuille City on an extensive soale this
season, employing about 18 men and two
teams. He has six tores of low ground
completely oovered with logs waiting
(or bigb water to run them nut.
David R. Lewis, of Lewisville, Folk
oounty, was received at the insane asy
lum one day last week.. He Is aged 81
years and followed tbe business of
farming up to a few years ago. His in
sanity was caused by softening of tbe
Mm. Ann Craig died at Tbe Dalles
Monday, aged 78. Her life covered a
long nnd eventful period. She was b
nurse in the Mexican war, and drew a
pension for ber services there. She
came to Oregon in an early day with ber
About 150 men are employed in re
building Grant, Murray and Ruf 11s, towns
in Sherman county that were badly dam
aged by tbe big Hoods of the Columbia
last June. Tbe distillery at Grant is
about oompleted and will probably start
up io a oouple of weeks.
Green peas and corn in November.
That's what Oregon can famish. Mrs.
dobbins, of Hubbard, furnished the
Woodburn Independent last week with
quite a variety of garden stuff, among
which were peas and corn as fresh and
tender as any time during the spring.
The cash receipts in lbs Tillamook
county clerk's office during October were
8168. Tbe work done for tbe county
amounted to 8360. This would amount
to $528, and after theolerk's aud deputy's
salaries are subtracted it leaves the
oounty 8330 ahead of tbe old system.
Tbere is a big apple tree in L. L. Horn
ing't yard in Corvallis the trunk of which
is nearly 20 inches in diameter iu the
apple honta tbere is a bin that hold' 38
bushels, and it is heaping full of apples,
all picked from this bin tree. In adili
tion, 10 busbels fiom tbe saws tree wero
ground into oider, making ths total yield
48 bushels, srortb, at ths present market
prjt, $24, Th trw hi ben bearing
for a third of a century, and thousands
of cuttings have been taken from it bj
nurserymen from all parts of Oregon.
The fruit is big and reu, uuu m nuuu
the "Oregon Champion," an excellent
winter apple.
Joe Stone was brought before a Pendle'
ton juetioe Thursday a'ternoon, obarged
with assanlt and battery on Mrs. Pam
brum. Stone pleaded guilty and paid
$10 and costs. From the evidenoe it ap
pears that Mrs. Pambrum went home
intoxicated and began beating witb a
olub Mr. Stone, wbo was doing some
OBrpenter work. Stone turned in and
administered in return a sound boating,
oboking bis opponent.
When persons are weak and languid
from siokness or overwork, feel delapi
dated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, and tbey
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The beet remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation , promotes good Bppetite And a
flow of cheerful spirits. Price 81 00 per
Joseph Buhl, a hopraiser of Lebanon,
was returning from his bop ranch Mon
day night. About 7 o'olook, as be was
oroseing a bridge over a oanal in tbe out
skirts of town, unknown parties struck
bim over tbe bead with a club or sand
bag, robbed bim of $215 and threw bis
body into tbe oanal. The cold water
revived bim, and he managed to get out
and was helped home. Nothing oould
be found of the robbers. It is thought
Bubl's injuries will not prove fatal.
I'llta! Piles! Itching Piles,
isymptoms Moisture; intense itching
Bnd stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, whioh often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynb s
Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed
ing, beals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tamors At druggists, or
by mail, for SOoents. I)r.8waynei Son,
aureeHfat Application of the Vie of the
Mew Metal.
It has been found that on account of
its porosity and its peculiar quality of
absorbing and retaining transferred
impressions, which it puNsesses in as
marked a deprce as the lithographic
stone, that it is especially adapted for
the same kind of work.
Its advantage over the stone, how
ever, and that which renders it so
much more desirable, is its great light
ness; for while a printing sheet of
aluminum having a surface of thirty
by forty inches, and the fortieth of an
infh in thickness, weighs only three
pounds, a stone of the same dimen
sions weighs at least four hundred
As the metal is now selling in rolled
sheets at a dollar a pound, and a stone
ol good quality and of the weight
stated is worth one hundred dollars,
the difference in price of the two is
ninety-seven dollars. In consequence
of the increasing demands of the lith-
ographic trade, the supply of the best!
quality of stone is rapidly becoming !
exhausted, while aluminum, whioh, is j
obtained frolu clay, and VihWh l ; ,'
"For Years,"
n . Chester-
Held, N. 11., "I was afflicted Willi un
extremely severe pain In the lower part ot
the chest. The feeling was an It a too
weight was laid
on a spot the size
of my hand. Dur
ing the attacks, the
perspiraMon would
stand in drops on
my face, and it whs
I ugotiy for me to
'make sufficient
effort even to wliis.
per. They came '
suddenly, at any
hour of the day or
night, lasting from
thirty minutes to
half a day, leaving as suddenly; hut, for
several days after, I was quite pros
trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks
were almost dally, then less frequent. After
aliottt four years of this suffering, I was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, 1 had the worst
attack of my old trouble 1 ever expcrleneed.
At the first of the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommendlnR
them as being better than anything he
conld prepare. I continued taking these
Pills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
but one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer Co., Lowed, tit
Every Dose Effective
that account the most abundant metal
on the earth, is practically inexhaus
tible. . As an illustration of the contrast
presented by the two materials it may
be stated that one ton of alumi
num sheets will do the work now per
formed by the two hundred tons of
stone stored in one of the largest litho
graph establishments in New York
city. It may be further stated that
while the capital invested in this large
supply of lithographic stone is about
six hundred thousand dollars, the
price of the one ton of aluminum
sheets which would be required for
the same work would be about two
thousand dollars, exclusive of the cost
of preparing the metal and the neces
sary printing blocks which wouldanot
exceed two thousand more.
Regarding the quality of the work,
the specimens of printing done, en the
aluminum sheets is such that they can
be employed in the finer kind fbond
printing and commercial as well as
color work. There is one particular
in which the metal is decidedly su
perior to the stone, in its flexibility,
which renders it especially available
for cylinder printing, by which a two
fold or three-fold speed may be ob
tained in the printing process.
Experiments of the costly nature
have been conducted during the past
two years, looking to the perfection of
the application of the metal to the
purpose of this kind of printing bv Mr.
L. L. Bullock and Mr. John Muilaly,
both of New York city. They have
secured patent rights which amply
cover their processes, and they expect
soon to be in the market with a large
plant capable of meeting all demands.
Gid Hatt has purchased the barber
shop ou the Matlock oorner from A. C.
Carle, where his old friends and custom
ers will find bim. Shaves, shampoos
and haircuts 00 abort notice and in tb
blgtmt iile of tb iri. .