Notice to Advertisers. THOSE desiring the insertion of display arls., or elm n to of name, mnst feet their opv in not later than Monday evening for Tuesilay'i ruiuuii, wr j (inntnay evening tor Friday e edi tion, the 1'atthrhon Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whateverpurpoBe. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, Bhail be charged for at the rate of five ceuii hub, inese ruies will De strictly adher ed to In everv lnet&nca. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is Bigned as an evidence of LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER A D VERT 18- lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Han Francisco, is onr authorized ageut. This paper is itepi on nie in nisomce. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and canyon uny, leaves as iouows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A r rives everv dav at 6 d. m.. except Mondav. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or irom tne interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. I'h ill Cohu, Agent. Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to Inform the jiubllc that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the bent brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest lized mugs. U. B. TEDKOWE, Prop. Here and There. Qeo. Lovlet is over from Monument. Ed. 8. Cox was in yesterday from Bardman. E. L. Fatbarg was up trom Lexington Wednesday. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, WaBh. J. M. Hamblet, of lone, bag moved to Heppner for the winter. For cboioe coal, very cheap, see the Heppner Transfer Company. F. (iood meals and beds at Monumental Hotel, Lone Creek. Stop there. 8-7 . Born-To the wife of Grant Wordeu, of Eight Mile, Nov. 11, WM, a 10 pound boy. J. Lk Harper, representing The Preston Parton Milling Co., of Waitsburg, is in town. , Billy Hale left this morning for Butter Creek, where he expeots to winter. E. Delriok. Jr., agent for The John 0. Gralllin Co., dealers in bags and twines, is with us today. A. R. Urant, representing the O- W. R. Mfg. Co., was in Heppuer over Wednesday night. hil J, Brady, a Portland com mercial traveler, spent Wednesday and Thursday jD this city. Isaao Large returned Wednesday UlOrP'Uff from tuiwauu, wuoie uo uau beiia tor the past week. It ia a treat as well as interesting to go into Gilhousen's gallery and look at the fine views and photo's. i 7. J. W. Swezea, the fruit man, bad his liaok badly demolished, while driving a wild borse near the depot Monday. H. 0. Hinkle, M. D., representing the Pacific branob of the National Hurgi oal institute, was in Heppner yesterday. Prof. Z. M. Parvin, of the Willamette University, will conduct a musical institute in this city during Christmas week. George Stevenson, son of Andy Stevenson, returned reoently from a trip across the trail with one of Palmer's orews. Superintendent Balsiger began exami nation at tbe court bouse last Wednes day, concluding today. Six applicants were in attendance. Geo. W. Lund, who went over the trail with one of Sam Palmer's bands of sheep last season, returned borne on this morning's train. In our last iBtne we stated that Bob Willoben bad looated here, having moved from Baker City. This is wrong, Bob oame trom Pendieton. R. C. Wills, formerly of this county, but of late a resident of Ueno, Nevada, has located at Paoifio Grove, Calif., on tbe coast for his health. People with bair that is continually falling out, or those that are bald, can stop the falling, and get a good growth of bair by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Collector Henry Blackman arrived from Portland on this morning'; train on an official and business visit to tbe city. He will depart tomorrow evening. Chaa. Fmley was arrested yesterday on complaint of Wm. Banders, charging bim with the larceny of two cord of wood. The trial came up berore Justice Freeland yesterday afternoon. After bearing tbe testimony the jury rendered a "not guilty" verdiot. Mrs. Jerry Cohn has opened up a bakery in the Abrabamsick building on May street, where she keeps fresh bread stuffs of every description. A full line of canned goods, confectioneries, cigars and tobacco will also be added in few days. Give Mri. Cohn a call. 77-tf Mrs Henry -Wade, the lady stage driver between Heppner and Echo, had a runaway a short distance this side of Echo, last Tuesday, in which she was slightly injufed and tbe wagon consider ably demolished. However she secured another wagon and drove in Wednesday. Good wool mittens for 25o. per pair, and knit wool gloves foxed with oil tan ned calfskin, for 50c. per pair. Fleeoe lined goat or kid gloves at-81-OOper pair. Gents! Mocha Castor dress gloves in black, brown or tan, at $1 50 per pair, regular value $2.00. Call and examine at store of P. C. Thompson Co. 3 4. George Wells sent to San Francisco (or a life size crayon. It came, bat was a failure and a botch job. He took it to Gilbousen to be worked over. Don't make tbis mistake and have to pay donble. Gilbousen will guarantee his work, and you can't di without tbe Ga zette, botn for 54.70. Tbink of it. ! A life-size orayon picture of yourself j or any member of your family, madei right bere in Heppner by an experienced ! artist and worth 85 in the cheapest j markets of tbe world, and tte Gazette j for one year, in advance from (kite of , order, for $4.70. Call nd s-e ns tor terms. This offer bolds good only till ! Dm. 15th, All orders must be in before ' that date. j L. C. Parker, of Dallas, Oregon, at the head of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of this ta.e, visited Willow L'lde No. (ili. I. O O EV lt vninir in an official capaoitv. He was at Hardnian Wednesday, Mondav at Fossil Bud on Tuesday at Mayville. He left this morning fur Long Creek . While Edna Van Dnyn was curling bur hair Wednesday mo'Uinsr the onrler slipped from her hand and in fulling struck her eyeball, painfully burning it. However, the burn was not as serious as thought at first, and Miss Edna will soon have entirely recovered. Chas. Cunningham will have at the James Jones ranch a band of bis Frenou and American Merino and Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interested in improving their bands will have a chance to see a spleidid band of bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tf. A west-bound freight train run into the sand at Celilo Wednesday night, and twelve oars were dilohed. Both the east and west-bound passenger was delayed about ten hours by this wreok. This aocounts for yesterday's branch line train not getting in until after dinner. An English admiral, says: "It is true, the life saving service of America is not equaled anywhere in the world." It is also true that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saves, annually, thousands of lives. Invaluable in sudden colds, throat and 'ung troubles. The O. R. & N. Co., will make a rate of 60 cents per hundred on potatoes from Hood River and all points east to Coun oil Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and all points on tbe U. P. in Kansas and Ne braska, taking effect this date and con tinuing during the year. Hon. Philip S. Malcolm, at the head of Scottish Rite masonry and the pres ent Grand Master of the Blue Lodge, Htate of Oregon, will officially visit Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., on Wednesday evening next, the 21st inst. D. A. Herren and J. S. Buseick. under the firm name of D. A Herren & Co., are buying and si-lling grain of all kinds neit door to the Gazette office. Tbey pay tbe highest market price, and will buy in any quantities. 78 tf. A good male teacher of ten years ex perience wants a school in Morrow couu ty. Has taught in Eastern Oregon and has first grade certificates in a half doz en states. Call at Gazette office. After oompaiina prices with Pendle ton and Tbe Dalles, John F. Spray will sell and deliver meat at the residenoe of Heppuer people as obeap as either town above mentioned. Gilbousen in order to have samples of his work all over the county, offers you n lifa.aitta nravnn nn.tvai iniiti tha Cia zette, one year in advance from date of order, for 84.70. Any person wbo desires to trade good unincumbered farm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for property in Portland, should call at tbe Gazette office. J. B. Natter has reopened tbe Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at nil times the best beer on the Paoifio coast. Also on hands tbe best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. C. M. Jones, assistant. A family dinner was spread at the home of Grandma Slooum last Wednes day, the ooension being her 71th birth day. Photographs SI. 50 pel dozen at Shen'u RUii. ,j, uoar opera bouse, north main at., Heppner, Ore. 2btf. When in Long Creek stop with Geo, F. Ward, prop., Monumental Hotel. 8-7. Geo. W. Can field and wife oame in on this morning's tr.iiu. Otis Patterson returned from Portland this morning. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers vllle, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe aud tried all tbe phy si cans tor miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Disoovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from tbe first dose began to get getter, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at T. W. Ayer e Jr., drng store. Religious Fhkbdom Refused. Word comes to this country from Switzerland that Pastor H. P. Holser, the American representative of the Seventh day Ad ventists in Central Europe and tbe directors of their publishing house in Basel, is now undergoing a'term of sixty- one days' imprisonment in that city for allowing work to be done in tbe office on Sunday. This seems all the more strange because tbe "Continental Sun day" is observed in Basel, as elsewhere in Earope, with noisy revelry. Across the street from the Ailventist printing office is tbe Hubntzenplstz, where soldiers parade and practice target shooting on Sunday. But they have a law, ostensibly and designedly favoring workinsmen, which forbids ordinary labor on Sunday, Religious bigotry is able to use tbis to prevent the exercises of the concienoe. Prof. W. H. McKee was sent to that country last summer by the International Ralig ous Liberty Association npon tne appearanoe of trouble. He writes that several paltry fines have been inrlioted upon tbe establishment nntil ihey bare culmi nated in the present sentence. Tbe case was appealed twice, but it does not rest with even the supreme oourt to construe law; and though the jndees ex tressed their personal sympathy for tbe defend ant, they bad no course open to them but to confirm the sentence of tbe lower courts. Pastor Hnlser was taken from his office on Oct. 25 and confined to the city prison and subjected to prison fare. An Old Pionekr. Uncle Jack Mor row, of Heppner, Morrow county, wbo was a merchaut in lue '60's in the "Old" town, sajs tbe La Grande Chronicle, and has been some time at Craig's Hot Springs Hotel, near Union, is now in this city visiting bis many eld-time friends, such as General Stevens, ex- j State Tresfnrer Wthh, n Sheriff War- nick, etc In I iie pioueer days of gold, stage cosi-be. 'iv t am an I mule pack trsint ilr. Mor-i wis a leading, sue- ' ceesful aud p p i'ar b isiness man of La j Grande, which ww then a mining center of coumderable irnpirtauce. The gentle-1 man hai seen t 111 nlno grow fnun a' mere village of a ie bun lred popu- J laiion. M a nusi iog ra'lcy, lornbTiiig and trading city of 40.10 iohiliitants i He is welcomed most kindly by tbe friends wbo reeoeeted bim ia tbe pioneer : days of the fast fading past. Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood's imiell "C. t. ITood & Co., Lowell, Mass.! "Gentlemen: 1 am glad to tell you that I have been given good health by Hood's .Sarsaparitla. For three years I was an In valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness and Lameness. toIwas so nervous ! could not bear tbe least noise, and I had to walk with crutches for six months, as I could not put one of my feet to the floor, Physicians did not do me any good, so a friend told me to get Hood's Sar Saparilla, but I Said There Was No Use. "However, after thinking the matter over, I de cided to give It a trial, and have taken six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Hie re sult Is that I am well as any one could wish to be, and can do any kind of work. I ad vise all my friends to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla for I believe It will do them good." Miss SrsiK Poiison, Colton. California. Hood's PHIS cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness. Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. Land Decisions. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, land attorney, Washington, D. C. "The sucoessfnl contestant of a timber land entry is entitled to a pre ferred right of entry under the act of May 14, 1880." "The administrator of a deceased hornet teaderhas no authority under tbe law to submit final proof for the benefit of the devisees. In the event of the homesteader's death, final proof may be submitted by any one of the devisees, and if suoh proof is found satisfactory, tbe certificate should issue in the name of the devisees of the said homesteader generally. Ass't Seo'y Sims." At Hymkn's Tbe wedding of Mr F. E. Hodkin, chief clerk in the state treasurer's office in this oity, and Miss Addie O. Jennings will take place at 3 p. m. today at the home of the latter at Jenning's station, in Clackamas county. Rev Laurence Sinclair, reotor cf St. Paul's Episcopal churob of Salem, will perform the ceremony, and among those from Salem to witness the tying of tbe nuptial knot will be ex-Gov. and Mrs. '.. F. Moody, Postmaster and Mrs. B. F. Bonham, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Moores. Following tbe ceremony a wedding supper will be partaken of and the wedding party will return to Salem on the 9:011 overland train Wedneo day's Statesman. Weke Not Guilty. Thursday after noon Judge Bellinger deoided that Errett Hicks, John Wash, I. Jewett, M. J. Chambers aud T. A. Morrison, tbe Grant county residents charged with obstructing the United States mails, were not guilty. The allegations in the affidavit of William J. Townsend were shown to be not in accord with the state ments of the five defendants, and the sheriff of the oouuty. Mr. Hioks, who was attorney for the other defendants in tbe suit against Townsend, wbioh was made tbe basis of their arrest, expressed himself as grateful to the United States officials for tbe courteous treatment aooorded himself and co defendants. Had tbe allegations of Townsend in bis affidavit causing the arrest of these men been proven, the decision would have been different. The effioers were misled by the parties instigating the arres's. Telegram. Deats op Mks. E. H Clarkb E. H. Clarke reoeived a tefcgraui Sunday afternoon informiug him of his wife's death in San Francisco. Mr. Clarke was tbe more shocked by tbe news in that he wag not expecting it. Her demise was due to an attack of heart disease, to wbioh she was subject and from which she had suffered for several years. Mr. Clarke immediately made preparations and left for San Francisco on the even ing train. It would be superfluous to say that be bore with him expressions of deep and sincere sympathy from friends here. Mrs. Clarke was a resident of Pendleton nntil last summer, when with her son Vied Clarke, and ber nephew, Harry Kaynor, she went to San Fran- oisco, ber former home, to reside, Mr. Clarke remaining to attend to business matters here before giing to j tin them, Her oirolo of friends in this city was large and her death caused deep sorrow among luem. Eist Oregoniau. Coal and Post Fob Sale. The Hepp ner Transfer Co., now have on band a carload of the best lump coal ever sold in Heppner, which tbey will dispose of at a lower price than ever before quoted intbis city. Also a choice lot o( oeriar posts for sale or trade very cheap. F. VINDICATION OK CHAKACTbR. This certifies in proif of the innocence of Miss Emma Welch as pertaining to the infamJiis scandal that has been rsmpant over tbe community; that I was present with ber in her home, aud tjjat her sister, Anna was with her all the time from 4 until H p. ni , at which time she. with ulliers, went with mm directly to church. I w at Mrs. Welch's home fruoj 6 .30 to p. m , so I koow ber to have been tuere during this time, and also that she went directly from there to oburch and whs in my C' mpany all tbe time. Signed fVA HwAOfJAHT The time at bieb this deed as onr rjorted to have been committed w as Oct. 31st, at about 7 o'clock, p. m., tie sam evening as mentioned sboTe. THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. Of the now nearly twenty thousand regular publications in the United States, there are but two or three weekly news papers published f'ir general circulation in every state nnd territory, ami of these the Toledo Weekly Blade is the best and most papular of I hull all, It is the oldest, best kuowu, aud has I Lie largest circulation. For more than twenty. five years it has been a regular visitor to every portion of the Union, and it is well known at every one of tbe sixty thousand odd post offices of the ojuutry. It iB made especially for family reading. It gives tbe entire news of the world each week, in such coudeosed t irm as will save reading soores of pages of daily papers to get less information . Repub lican in politics, temperanoeiu principle, always on tbe side of justice aud right, it is just tbe paper for. the rising gener ation, and a great educator for the whole family. Serial s'orles, wit and humor, short stories, household depart ment, question bureau, farm department, camp fire, Sunday school and young folks are a few of the many other promi nent featnres of this great paper. A specimen copy will be mailed free to any address on application, aud the publishers invite any person to send a long list of addresses to whom they will mail sample copies. They would be glad to mail a couple of hundred speci mens to readers of this oouuty. The Weekly Blade is a vry large p'per, and tbe price is only one dollar a year. Address THE BLADE, Tole lo, Ohio. 3 I Deafness Cannot lie cured by local applications, ns they oannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Denfness is caused by au inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tbe Eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely olosed deafness is tbe result, and unless the inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by oatarrb, wbioh is nothing but an inflamed coudition of the inucuous surf noes. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (oaused by catarrh) that OBnnot be onred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. JrSo!d by druegists. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Rniri mitrisht. no rAnt. no roynltr. AdnntAri to City. VillnRH or Country. Numled in evnry Home, unop, More nna omce. ureuleHt couven- ienco nud boat neller on enrth. Awnt miike from SS to 8.10 M1 itnr. One in a remilence tneftns a tulle to All liie neighbors. Fine instrument", no toys, work itnywhere, nny distance. Complete, ready for use when shipoed. Can be put up by nny cue, never out of order, no retmirinit, lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker. Wrile jIuj p. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus. 0 The kb; Institute -OF- for Infants " 'alttori n ia so well adapt! to eh ililren that 1 recommend it au Bii)eriortoaiiy prcucriiitlon knuwa to me." II. A. Archer, M. I).. Ill So. Oxford St., ISrooklyn, N. Y. "The of 'C'aistoria is so universal and iLs nn-rits ho well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few aro the intelligent families who do not keep C'astoria within ea.y reach." Carlos Martyn, D. I)., New York City. The C'KNTArn The success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment iu the relief of pain anil iu curing diseases which seemed beyond tbe renoh of medicine, ubh been truly remarkable, liuudreds supposed o he crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up crooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been cured through the use of this remedy, fiiee 2.n, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. llooHEVKhT Htink, Mr. 0. E. Konse velt, the well known merchant of I'en- dlelon, was married last Wednesday to Miss Elizabeth Htiue, a very p .polar and accomplished young lady of Walla Walla. The oeremony was performed by Kev. . E- Potwine, of this oi'y. Tbe wedding was witmssed only by intimate friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt will reside at the corner of Johnson and Alta streets, Pendleton Mrs. Koosevelt will be a valuable ad dition to Pendleton society . Alliauoe Herald. For tbe many accidents that occur aboc ui trie tarm or nouHeuouj, r.ui;n as bur mm olqIIh l.ntioiiB ,.llla ra ititttA wounds, bites of auiroftls, monqnitoH or otber ltiHfuta gulls or chuffed spots, frost bitHs, aches or pains on uoy pnrt of tbe body, or tbft ailmt-nU reuniting from fxpoiiirf, hh iifMirttlifm, ibeiium tism, Mo. -I. H. MeL'iriu'a Volcun- Oil Liniment Ijhr proved itsflf a novereitfn riuely. IJri0H 25nt 5oc amJ I Sl.U) per bottl. . Thk Khok Makkh -Joh Duh'tjN Iihm j roovftl bin fihof utftk thtf nml rpnir stop J ' from th" t May stiept fun i (i thn ' roura f ' i r ai r i y uccupii) by Ufcro ' i MatbewB, bHrber nhn;, hn door to j I Noblfi's barncpfi shop, j"w also bt n! good workman with huti hni Odratitt en i fiti-r iot ion. I) n't i vrlnok ('m for ) :. fir elfins ' ' . fl'l tf. j Tnif Wi'l ' o ImV !... (. 'j'l.HlmZ t- ! on y'"r in it'l: j iu-i fr-nu tlnff.ef 01 tert ! t ul on f O.i r -nt-Ti'- l if - ' r j 11 for 3170. Crtll aud bo i. t t it p r j MicalarB. j L8T, STRAYED OR STOLES. A light colored bay mare, black stripe mane to tail, weighs 900 to 1000 pounds, six or seven years old, branded 60 on left stifle. A suitable reward will ba pBid for ber return to John Ayers' place on Little Butter creek. Any information concerning tbis mare sboald be left at tbe Gazette office. 282-5. W. H. Halk. A CHANCE KOR Hl'TLKRS. We want several lite, wide-awake can vassers to represent tbe Gazette in tbis and adjoining counties, iu connection with tbe National Newspaper Union. Tbe work is new, popular and fefy profilable, r quiring neither capital nor previous experience. It is worth look ing after, aud if you want a real good thing in the way of light, pleasant and profitable employment it will pay you lo investigate this at once. There is money in it for busllers. Write for full par ticulars lo THE NATIONAL CO , HI tf . St. Louie, Mo. A FAMOUS rJHOW OK HEAUTV. The show of distinguished beauty, transfixed by famous artists, which is now takiug place at the Academy of Fine Arts iu New York, has beeu anticipated by tbe Cosmopolitan Magazine in its November issue, in au article by Wm. A. Coffin, with illustrations of some of the more beautiful faces. The "Great l'as sious of History" series has for this month's siibj .'ctthe romautio oareer of Aanez Sorel, who influenced the destinies of Franoe under Charles VII. "The Art Schools of America," "The Great British Northwest Territory," "The Chiefs of the American Press," aud the "Public Li brary Movemeut," are amongst the Cos mopolitan's table of ooutents. Survivors of the war aud tneir children will fiud intense iutereet iu "The Story of a Thou sand," a personal narrative begun in Ibis number by Albion W Tourgee, who tells in a graphic way, of a regiment which saw fierce service of its organization, its marches, its spuria, and its death roll. The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interests of farm ers, stock raisers, orohardists, bee-keepers and poultry raisers, will be sent free of chartfe for one year to all those who pay up all arrearages and one year in ad vance, or to all new subscribers to tbe Gazette. This offer is made for a limited time. Those who desire the papei must mention it when they settle their ac counts. Pruning and Hi'Hai'inu. Anyone desiring to have their fruit trees pruned snd sprayed, should call on J M. Saling at the Grand Central hotel. 4 5. i"or the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is lonttiMl at Sttk'in, Oregon, The Musi Beautiful Town on the Coast. ('nil at thp (i .7.KTTK nftien for inrti(;ulan. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. and Children. Castnria curea ('olir, Oonstljiatinn, Sour Stomiieli, Jliarrhiea, Knietatlon, Kills Worms, gives sleep, mtd promotes di gestion, Without injurious mpdlealloii. "For several years I hnvo recommended your 'Castoria,1 mid shall always continue to do so as it has invariahly produced beneficial resulta." I'nwiN F. 1'ARnKK, M. I). l',lh Street and 7th Ave., Now York City. Compaw, 77 MrriRAY Btrebt, Nkw York CitT. A YOUNG GIRL'S FORTUNE. AN iNTF.RESTING SKETCH. -"'t)! i ;;. r;:"1"ls':o ftrnnly tn ti mother' afTi't ) i n i:i r inm;h-r U?t. It i ! 1 i j i sc Inin wrn. !!.!:'-!. I' 1 Itiv. injr it, jiu (tiMnnr-c: "Our d. Mishit r. lJ.!ir:i,,i" no'.v l"t yum of ay.o, hnd Ik; ji it-rrii'ly i'-tcl wtli hi :r vow :, atxt htvl l.t Hie eutirif hk) of h;r riKht nnn. Hhe wiih in KU'-h a coii'liiioii Unit we hod to keep h(.-r fzoui M-hl uii'l uIhiimIou her inusio le (Hiiis. J it fn' t, i! (i'i.r -'l St. Vlturt il.irn-c, ami are ix-im- Jir un jk vnhiul,!.- n iiiiily win1 w.juffi I. .ivv Iii'l UiiU U-nidU: atltlHloii. W.j btul rm;il-jvul ti -il ia ,-, lint 'n- rei'nw'1 no b'rri' lit Ifiii tin-ni. 'Jh'i lint wt l.t-t Ai'kuhi Mic Wfit;.K'! IUt 7- Hitni'is iti nlilioU'h "-he bin takt ii only t'l'-': l'Oii .(' ".,r iiiu rhc nov weifc-Ii- J'Ki 'i it ; li h- H'-rvoiii-hfft nurt ynip tnjiih of f-t. Vnui i ..i nf cutii'i'ly Koue. hlie ft'iti'nd' ' lixil i 'n! i r I r.i thuii'- with cum fori aij'l Mi li ni'iiT''i 'iiiijlri' u Of h"'!"'' tt"f f- -;( t I" r-!'l"Tlirt, HTl'l tl.1 pinti-v tuM pro'-u' ( r t-.r f!',irhi'- r Die hlVi tir, Vt'c;,' ;.r f. i r ,a.i hrousr-i Y.f r Whyn tcv hntiiT ru-ti. a.';n !-"! the r'tndr I had no f.'h In paH-.i". luuliciu' s. un4 woulj no' li'tn to l i.o l j' os c u:-t rt rv-rt he fnt i:t t r-Mir- vi h'-c i l ,rj' r 2 I i hnn h ami ths rffivt i'.'m n tin t i'.i.:ul ale Nirh, R. K. B'i'ir'. N V J'r h. -"-' i.i -i fiiiivc NTine n soU ty a'l (Jruft-Uou 'i jiiiv: v. mt if At or m-M nire't tv l'iO .''" - MeiJi(;tl in. I l,:hurr, Intl., on r-r. i'.o! '1 I--r tattle. ia hsttli k mr ft, extmV-n it loKtUdy irtu inn a For Bale by T. W. Aero, jr. HAPPINESS Will reign Bupremeamoug the residents of Morrow and adjoining Co'g They oaloh onto a few important faots, one of whioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When Ihey learn of the -Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at- McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks" gait. WHA T ? Mot hi land Mercantile Co , of Heppuer, selling out at cost? Yes, we oH'er our whole atook at lowest wholesale prioes, for CASH ONLY, iu order to be ready for our Fall purchases.' These goods are all New, Clean, Fiist-Class Articles aud bought in the best markets in tbe United States. We wish to eichauge them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Pi ess Quods, White Ooods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Infants Caps, Boqnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts, Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Mnslin Underwear, Knit Ooods, Silks Satins, Velvets, Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose. Dress Lininirs. Htavs. Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fanoy Goods, etc Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. Que hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes Uversnirts, Gloves, etc, 1 loots, Bhoes, Kubbers, Hats, (Japs, Underwear, White Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lises, etc Our whole store will Counter During Months. A Full Htook of Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buckets, Milk Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brashes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G1 ass ware, Crockery, T ilet Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Cbimnevs, Lantern Olohles, Lanterns, Wicks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Buck Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at cost until pres -nt stock is sold. Saddles and Harness, Rides and Shot Guns, etc Come in and make your selections before the assortment is brok' u. Save your money by buying at our store, A full Hue of Groceries at cut prices, until close of tbis Bale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay yon to travel hundreds of miles to lay In your supplies at our prioes. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tax yourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully fillet). Call and be oouvinceil ; No trouble to show goods. WiG M3CA.N" BUSINESS ! This Clearanoe Snle is now in full blast. linn tlio reputation of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of any limcliinn iu tlie lunrkel. FOE S-LiZ; et Land Patents Laud patentw Becurod for settlers iu the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently find skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Bntweeu individuals bftvintr conflicting oluinis under tbe HiriouU'rnl lnod Iiiwh. nod tbosA between clainiRiitn und.T I)ih Mintrnl Lftws snd Rgrionltunil nlai nifty ts; and also between cUimaute no dor nny of tbe pnblioland btws aud tbe Uailroad onmpanies nnrl tbeir (rranteen, nnd (he wtatea and t hoi r tfrunteos, uudnr the Swnmp-Land and Hcbool-Land Grants. Hptclalty made of swuring patents in tbe ftbortest poRHible time for settler wbo bave oomplied with the laws nnder whiob tbeir entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, onused by Trifling Irn ffiilarities wbioh nan be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given in all matters reluting t the publio landH, especially on points arising under tbe new laws whiob bave been reoently (maned providing for the disposal of tbe publio domain. If you want your land patent In a hurry- if you want your UnU busijiHt of any I'haraoter. attended to by skillful ami 0 'Uipelent attorneys, mid promptly de posed or, write to . PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkddkrkukn, Gkn. Man., 1'. O. Box, SH.r. WBhliinifton. 1 . U. Owmn to the ndvBUtSKea trniued through being a member of tbe .... P. C. Thompson Co. Are in icsiliun lo make pricei for card a low ee the lowest. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent 's Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons just received. Odd Combinations Sign. Corner Main ind Willov tUeete, way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, be a Big Bargain the coming Fall MERCANTILE COMPANY. MR Iff ft! Gilliam & Bisbee, iiBPFNBn, on HEffKER, OBEQON. t