Notice to Advertisers. THOSE desiring the Interticn ni rlinplny ails or change of aame, mint irct their copy in not ater than Monday evening fur Tuesday's edition, or Thunriay ensuing for Friday's edi tion. The Patterson Publishing Co. Take Notice. 1. The mm of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding; presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. J. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five eents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name Is signed asau evidence of good faith. T P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS--J-J ing Agent, 2 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on tile In hiB office. Give your business to Heppner people, and tlterefore assist to build up Hepp tier. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. Btge for Hard man, Monument, Lontt Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arriveaevery day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. O. B. Tcdrnwo desires to Inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, whero he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrlnus Beer on tup. Served in largest sized mugs. G. B. TEUROWE, Prop. Here and There. About Twenty oords Of good pine wood Are needed at the Gazette OQioe on subscription at once. Nosh Rose and Ob Welle left Saturday for California. J W. Swezea was over from Dmntilla county yesterday. Clerk J. W. Morrow's little daughter, Lizzie, is quite ill. The Nilea-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, WaBfl. W. A. Johnston returned from Port land Sunday morning. Johu Gill, of J. K. Gill & Co. , was in town over Friday and Saturday. Wesley Brannon brought in bis little sou Saturday for medical treatment. J. H. Allen and G. D. Coats were in yesterday from Hardman with wheat. John Ambrose came in Saturday from Long Creek and will remain a few days. J. H. Hansbrongh is baok from a suc cessful trip aoross the trail with sheep. W. G. Boott and Wm. Barton were visitors to the Gazette oflioe Saturday last. Bailey Dustin and Warren Carsner were over from Wagoer the latter part of last week. Otis Patterson, of the Gazette, was called below on Saturday evening on business. Friday last M. C. Leslie arrived from The Dalles on his way to his home at Monument. Bev. Frank Adkins is confined to his home by sickness, being threatened with pneumonia. Frank Pangborn is back from a tour of Washington. He Bays that he enjoyed h immeusely. W. A. Biddle, one of Gooseberry's progressive farmers, was in town Friday snd Saturday. The dance at Bob Dexter's last Friday night was pretty well attended, A good time is reported. Rev. Father Beutgen, of Pendleton, will oonduot services at the Catholic ohurcn next Sunday. Mrs. Hick Mathews returned this morning from a mouth's visit with relatives in the valley. Mat Mosgrove was in town Friday last representing the interests of his firm, Fleiscbner, Meyer & Co. W. R. Ellis and wife returned from below Sunday morning, having spent Saturday in The Dalles. We are pleased to note that both Mr, Frank MoFarland and Mrs. J. W. Rasmus are fast improving. Bob Willchen'8 family have arrived from Baker City and will hereafter make their residence in this oity. R. 0. Geer and wife arrived Sunday evening from Burns, and left on last evening's train 'or Vancouver, Wash. Hon. John Q. Wilson arrived Saturday morning from Salem, tie win remain a few days to look after bis interests here. Chas. Johnson was up from Lexington Sunday. He says the plat orm isorowd- ed with wheat and that more oars are needed. Rev. Potwine oonducted Episcopal eerviooB at the M. E. church last Friday evening, after which he departed for Pendleton. Bill Geiaer has resigned his position as chief direotor of N. A. Kelley's sheep and is improving his ranch up on Marri son Hale prairie. Mrs. John Hager and daughters, who have been visiting with relatives oacg in Vermont for six month's past returned home this morning. People with hair that is continually fallinff out. or those that Bre bald, can stop the falling, and get a good growth of hair by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Art Hamilton, of Mahogany Ridge, dropped in on ns Friday. Art is a familiar figure over this way though this is his first trip over to Heppner for year or more. Any person who desires to trade good unincumbered farm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for property in Portland, should call at the Gazette office. Iooe is making preparations fur a gala day down there 01 Thanksgiving. Horse racing and turkey shooting with a grand ball in the eveoing is the program as we understand it. A life-size orayon picture of yourself or any member of your family, mule right here 10 Heppner by an experienced artist and worth $5 in the cheapest markets of the world, and th G zette for one year. 111 advance frtitn date of order, for 84.70. Call and see ne for terms. This offer holds good only till Deo. 15th. All firsts remt be in bfor tbtdt. The Christian Endeavor eooiety meets at the opera house on next Sundayeven- 1111? tso clock, or immedi' tely after the : school at the M E church, (South. Sub jeet for consideration, "Prayer." All rcombere o? the society are requested to bring tueir Bibles and be prepared to amke some lifting comments 00 this im portant 61lbj"Ct. A highwayman demanded a colored barber's mouey or life one night recently in Baker City, but t he knight of thernzor ran, when the robber tired, the ball striking the barber on the head, and re bounding, seriously wounded bis assail ant. At least this is the story the Baker City jokers are telling on the oolored gentleman. The latter part of last week C. Kuhl had A. Abrahamsick arrested for the laroeny of tlour from the Btore room formerly oconpied by him. The trial came off Saturday afternoon at the oourt house before Justioe Freeland. After hearing the testimony on both sides the jury rendered a verdiot of "not guilty" without leaving the oourt room Good wool mittens for 2oo. per pair, and knit wool gloves foxed with nil tan ned calfskin, for 50c. per pair. Fleece lined goat or kid gloves aMU.OOper pair. Gents' Mocha Castor dress gloves in black, brown or tan. at 1 .50 per pair. regular value $2.00. Call and examine at store of P, C. Thompson Co, 3 4, Miss Fay Fuller, of Taooma. a writer of considerable note, has assumed the position of oity editor of the Pendleton Tribune. Miss Fuller is a sister of Robt. Fuller, who for several months in 1H!2 held down a oase in this ollioe. We predict that Miss Fay will be a success ful Dews gatherer. Mrs. Jerry Cohn has opened up a bakery in the Abrahamsick building on May street, where she keeps fresh bread stuffs of every description, A full line of canned goods, confectioneries, cigarB and tobacco will also be added in a few days. Giye Mrs, Cohn a oall. 77-tf Friday last Waldon Rhea came in from Long Creek where be had been looking after fat steers for Tom Rhea. He left Saturday to oomplete hie mission, and very soon will assist to bring in 125 bead of oattle, bought from tslaokwell and Itudio, destined for Union Meat Co., PortlaDd, Oregon. "Nothing eucoeeds like success," and nothing will more quickly insure Buccess thnn true merit. For fafty veers, Ayer e Sarsaparilla has maintained the popu larity as the suporior blood purifier. It stands upon its own merits and never fails to t;i e satisfaction. Chas. Cunningham will have at the James Jones rauoh a band of his Frenoh and American Merino and Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interested in improving their bands will have a chance to see a spleidid band of bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tf. The Morrow oounty teaohers' institute will be held AJnndav, Tuesday Bnd Wednesday, Nov. 26tb, 27th and 28th. Superintendent Balsigur is arranging an interesting program for the occasion, and every teacher in the county should make an effort to attend this session. An English admiral, says : "It is true, the life saving service of America is not equaled anywhere in the world." It is also true that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saves, annually, thousands of lives. Invaluable iu sudden colds, Ihroat and ung troubles 1). A. Herreu and J. K. Buseick, under the firm name of 1) A iierren & Co., are buying aud s lling zraiu of all kinds next door to the (iuzette office. They pay the highest market price, aud will buy in any quantities. 78 tf. Saturday lust John Rasmus "pasted" C. Ruhl in the face a half dozen times for telling falsehoods concerning John. Though it oust a few dollars the uni versal opinion was that the "licking was well deserved. W. J. Pliimnienn nd It Willehen have opened up a shooting gallery in the old Gem saloon building next door to the postollioe. Drop in and ring the bell when you have a few moments to spare. Mrs. Felix Johnson was in from But ter creek yesterday. In conversation with her she informed us that Felix has not bad very good health this fall and has suffered muob of late with a severe cold. A good male teacher of ten years ex perience wants a school in Morrow coun ty. Has taught in Eastern Oregon and has first grade certificates in a half doz en states. Call at Gazette oflioe. Jaok Parker was given seven years and six months in the penitentiary. The crime for which Jack was found guilty was the killing of Bud Howard over at Burns during the fall races. Condon Globe: Atty. T. R. Lyons made a Hying business trip on horseback to the Mayville country Monday last. Mr. Lyons left yesterday for Heppner, expeoting to return today. After compai ing prices with Pendle ton and The Dalles, John F. Spray will sell and deliver meat at the residence of Heppner people as obeap as either town above mentioned. Times-Mountaineer: Hon. W. R Ellis and wife arrived in the oity last night from Portland, en route to their home at Heppner. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Ellis. Gilbonsen in order to have samples of his work all over the county, offers you a life-size crayon portrait with the Ga zette, one year in advance from date of order, for' 84.70. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer on the Pad tie coast. Also on bands the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 50t(. This will not last long. The Gazette, one year in advance from date of order, Bnd one of Gilhomen's life-size orayoue all for 84.70. Call aud see us tor par tioulars. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, sbbmpooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. CM. Jones, assistant. For choice coal, very cheap, see the Heppner iraosfer Company. r Knck!fii' Arnica Salve. The beet salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, CIcerB, Salt Rbenm, Fever Sores, fetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn", and all skin eruptious and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gna'anteed to give periect satisfaction or m ioev refunded. Price 25 centi per bm. For sale by T. W. Ayers. Jr. i . . ... . i The Shok MiHiK.-Je I nh Ins j moved bis sli le-i.iakmg and Mpi'rshup from the old fBy street stand to the i j ro"tn fortu pi occupied by (liven i Mtthewa, bnrlifr sboi'. next door to Noble's barusd siinp. Joe aieo dm a , good workman with bim aud guaran:e?s ! satisfaction. Don't overlook him for first da work, Catarrh in the Head An Unfortunate Inheritance How It WaS Destroyed. "Spokane, Wash., Aug. 9, 1'J3. "C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : "Gentlemen: I wish to add my testimony to the worth ol Hood's Sarsaparilla. My little girl has been cured by it of Inherited catarrh. She had colds continually every month and yel low discharge, but since taking Hood's Sarsa Sarsaparilla parilla has been entirely cured. Hood's Sar saparilla I have found of great help to my other children." Mrs. L. M. (1 im.ettk. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect in proportion and appearance. 2TK!. per box. Puominent Citizens Arkkstud. Deputy United States Marshal Humph rey arrived in Portland yesterday from Canyon City, having in oustody five leading citizens of Grant county, arrested on what appears to have been a trumped up charge of interfering with the pas sage of the United States mails. The prisoners are Errett Hicks, the leading attorney of Canyon City, and ohairman of the Grant county democratic oentral oommittee; John Wash, ex-Bheriff of Grant couuty; I. Jewett, who formerly oonducted tho stage line between Baker City and Canyon City, and is now engaged in the livery and feed stable business; J. Chambers, proprietor of the Elk Horn hotel at Canyon City, and T. A. Morrison, who formerly drove the stage. Hicks, as attorney, and the other four us creditors of William Townsend, who now runs tho stage line, had issued writs of attachment against Townsend and bis horses were levied on by the sheriff, while they were in Jewett's stable, and were not attached to the stage or maM. Townsend'a attorney had issued United States wurranta against Hicks and his four clients for interfering with the passage of mails, and tbey were arrested by Deputy Humphrey. As the party left Canyon City, the citizens with a bruss band accompanied them a distance. They pleaded not guilty before Judge Bellinger and all were released on their own recognizacoe. Assistant District Attorney Sehnabel expressed a willingness to allow them to plead guilty and to recommend that the court impose the minimum fine (SI each) on them. The defendants deolined, however, and will contest the' case. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers ville, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi oans for miieB about, but of no Bvail and was given np and told I oould not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle aud began its use and from the hrst dose began to get getter, and after using three bottles was up and about again. 11 is worm its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at T. W. Ayer's Jr., drug store. Coal and Post Fob Sale. The Hepp ner Transfer uo., now nave on nauu a carload of the best lump coal ever sold in Heppner, which they will dispose of at a lower price than ever before quoted inthis city. Also a choioe lot of cedar poets for Bale or trade very cheap. F. L'JBT, BTI1AVED OK STOLEN. A light colored bay mare, black stripe from mane to tail, weighs 000 to 1000 pounds, six or seven years old, branded 66 on left stifle. A suitable reward will be paid for her return to John Ayers' place on Little Butter creek. Any information concerning this mare should be left at the Gazette office. 282-5. W. H. Hai.k. Gid Hatt has purchased the barber shop on the Matlock oorner from A. C. Carle, where his old friends and custom ers will find him. Shaves, shampoos and haircuts on short notice and in the highest style of the art. French Superstitions Ahout lirc-ad. There is a usare general in France that bread before beta))? out must be marked with the sign of the cross. The neglect of so marking the bread is sup posed to involve misfortune. In I.ille to step on bread is a blameworthy act. It is a common sujerstition that the falling of a pieee of bread on the but tered bide is fatal to luck. The tree'i San Dance- Ttonorts of the barbarous rites which form the conspicuous features of the f 'ref Indians' sun (lance are ample jus tification of the order of (Jov. Kickards forbidding the orgies. Reference was ,r,n,ln in these columns a few days ago to this prohibition of the governor of j Montana and to the laci mat uic I frees had applied to the courts for an I iu junction restraining the governor i from interfering i oraetiee and the with their ancient successful result 01 their ix-tition. me jruvrnioi orJr said that tne sun uitiiccwaa ..i... and repellant to Christian civilization, and he knew whereof he spoke. A part of the rites was the banging up 01 three Young braves by thongs thrust through snts cut in the skin of their breasts until they tainted in trie ordeal. Gov. Uiekaros was clearly right in trviu; to prevent such bar bar ines, and the coiiru should have helped lostCit'l of t;-irji,' h'K hufidi. i Leeer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND FiES ALWAYS ON HAND. It is the Headquarters ! jpalnts. Drugs let Artioea, Patent Office of all slaves running out of Hepmer. SLOGUm-JOHHSTOK DRUG CiPP.IIf. The Keeley ktilu1 -OF- for Infants " Castorlalsso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription kuowu to mo." H. A. Archer, M. P.. Ill So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. Y, "The use of 'Castoria Is ho universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos JIahtyn, P. D., New York City. The Ckntauk A SAD KXPEltlKNCE. It was during the progress of the pie nio in Jurnigan's grove by the Method ist Sabbath sohool in Hawville, Okaia homa. Alkali Ike who siogs bass in the choir, and Miss Lillie Cosaok, the soprano, bad wandered a short distance from the scene of the festivities and seated them selves on a moss-covered log, whioli lay at the foot of a tall tree! The gallant's arm had strayed around the maiden's slender waist aud lingered there, apparently to the profound satis faction of both persons, and Isaac had asked for the sixteenth time. "Does oo love me Lillie?" "Course I do!" replied the maid, snuggling closer to him. "I love gooder than any Ob, mercy, I do believe there is some kind of horrid animal up in this tree!" "We'll soon sec," remarked Ike, grimly, at the same time drawing his revolver and firing a few shots into the foliage above. "I'll stir the varmint up a little, anyhow." At that iustnut a roproaohful voice was beard proceeding from the canopy of leaves above their heads: "How long, oh Lord? How long?" "What the dev-. That is, woo are your ' rtemamleu me. 'All that remains of Heroulese P. Smith," wao the reply. "I was ewim ming before the pioknickers came, and a cow ate up the most of my clothes be fore I noticed her. I chased her through a blackberry tangle and then a stray dog, that appeared to be mad, obased me baok again. Then the ooming of the Sabbath sohool drove me up this tree and here I have heeu ever since, with a hornets' nest on omb bough and a snake on another. And now you are trying to finish the j ib by assassinating me." "Why didn't you come down before?" "Well, you see, I happened to be en gaged to Miss Cusack, whom you are hugging." Cure fur Heartache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Kleotrio Bitters has proved to be the very beot It effects a permanent Oure and the most dreaded habitual sink beadaeheB yie'd to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, find give this remedy a fair trial. In cBBes of liRbitiial constipation Kleo trio Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try once. Large bottles only fifty cents at T. V. Avers, Jr., drug store. A Stabtlino Kakbwkll. A country minister in a neighboring oounty took permanent leave of his congregation in the following pathetic munner: " Brothers and sisters, I oome to sny good-by. I don't think God loves this church be oause Done of yon ever die. I don't think yon hive each other, been one J never marry any of you. I don't think 1 you love ne. because ti hkve not paid ,a). tK)H. v. V uir (loiriti'HiB tif mouldy inii apoh-. mid 'h I til i r : frilt Hlll jriJj(8 j hB, fcn,,w th-iu. in ..1 1,,-re. I j HJ1 K()l;l(t H1VV (.,'ir .ic I ' have beD called tu he a -l i" t.lfii i of a p,riitenti.rv. Where I go cm. not con, bnt I g' con, jon. i our to pr I . f r on mo m i Hf'lil". he I, I. Pll'.toii.liC ?! .-V i1'' I rV7-r her'- Oils, Gluss, Tot' Medlol nes, PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. For the Cure oA Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is lot'iitcd Ht. Siik'iu, Oregon, The Mont Beautif ul Town on the Coast, Call Bt the (. .kttk office for pi.rt.mlnr. strictly con (Itiuutirtl. Treatment private and mire cure. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Kruetation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medicathm. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Knwm F. Pardkk, M. I. li!5th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 MmitAY Street, Nkw York Citt. The suooess that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcauio Oil Liniment iu the relief of pain and in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reaoh of medicine, has been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up crooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by disense have been oured through the une of this remedy. Puce, BU nua $1.00 per bottle. Didn't Last Lonii. Hazlett, the printer who ban tramped up and down Oregon tor neatly forty years, made this office a call ThnrR..'y. He had walked from Arlington, aud on Friday morning started for Mitohell iu one of Oilman's wagons that would take bim as far bs the river. "Old Haz," a- he is familiarly know to the fraternity, expeoted to get the position of foreman on the new Mitohell paper, his old friend, Kooky Mountain Smith, who was eleoted to that job by the people of Mitohell, hav ing drank np all the lienor in town and pulled out for Canyon City, where they sav the soniilv is HHXhaustiDie. mo new paper when it starts, will tie euiteu by a Mr. Maxwell, a Crook oounty school teacher. if'ossil Journal. For tho many accidents that ocour about the farm or household, such as burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragired wounds, bites of animals, mosqnitos or other insects galls or chaffed spots, frost bites, aohes or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from exposure, as neuralgia, rheuma tism, etc. Dr. J. U. McLean's Voloan io Oil Liniment bus proved itHelt a sovereign remedy. Price 25o, Slla and 81. W) per bottle. The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interests of farm ers, stoekraiserH, orchard ists.beo-keeperH aud poultry raisers, will be sent tree of charge or one year to all thoHe who pay up all arrearages and one year in ad vance, or to all new subscribers to the Gazette. This offer is made for a limited time. Those who desire the paper must mention it when they settle their ac counts. .L.Douclas yt) wnvb"wtl(INa 5. CORDDVAn, fRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALf: 43.yFlNECALF&kAN6AH)l 3.yP0LICE,3Sous. oso2.WORKINGMFN! ' EXTRA FINE:. ' 2.I.7J BoysSchdolShoes. LADIES SEND FOP CATALOGUE W-L-DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Vn nn anwt triAttftV II V purchasing W. 1 n .... . ... . i.. mamr9rttirr of gmun. nc o.v advertised iboe in the world. nd guarantee the value by atarnpinK the name and price on the bottom, which protects you againat Blun . i ,1,. miri.man1, nrolita. OUT ahoel equal custom' work in atyie, eaay nttlnn arid wearing iiiip. Wp have them sold every- where at 1 any oilier dealer twt-r priT for the value Riven than in h I.e. Take no ubititutv IT your uoi Mirv'ly you, we can. bold by l)eilir mLhh iiurn will slmrtlv Ht (.war her. AtffHt whutrij. Apply it nom ELECTRIC TELEPHONE rViIrt ontrifrht, no rnt. no roTnlty. Ar1prl tn Otj. ViliKii! or 'untrr S-it4 in trt fv tiomn, nop. nn umm oreaiotti xjuvmi- iwrifti nd rjwdt I inr on Mri h. Aicenta mjkt from S6 tofcftO pi ttpf . One in a iMt riaucft mtvim a fettle u all ih nlhri'rK. I inm inHrumetiW, no to, oik niini hftre, hnj ill ft i . Com)i", n'mljr 'or M whan tiipjxwi. ( an he put up by ouy now, nff tr out of or-ir, no rr'ir,ru(. la-t life V arrio1 A idqowj rutr W P, Hrrion 4 C?.. Cifefh 10, Cclumftui, 0 HAPPINESS Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Go's '7HHTTre-RT- They catch onto a few important faots, one of which they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of the GRAND AR ANCE SALE Of General Merchandise taking place at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! They will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hanks'' gait. WHAT ? MoFarland Meroautile Co , of Heppner, selling out Bt cost ? Yes, wi olfer our whole stock at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to be ready for our Fall purchases. These goods are all New, Clean, FirBt-Class Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to exchange them for your mouey. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Drees Qoods, White Goods, LiueuB, Enibroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Infants Caps, Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hilk Gloves and Mitts, Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets, Hiding (Moves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Goods, etc. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At priceB never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Oversbirts, Gloves, etc., Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, White Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Kazors, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va lises, etc. Our whole store will Counter During Months. A b'nll Stock of Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buckets, Milk Pails, PanH, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes, Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G'aseware, Crookery, Toilet Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimneys, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, HBy Rakes Mowers, Mitohell Wagons, Hacks, Buck Boards. Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until present stock is sold. Saddles and HarneeB, Rifles aud Shot Guns, etc Come in and make your selections before the assortment is broken. Save your money by buying at our store, A full line of Groceries at out prioes, until close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST, Country trade solicited. It will pay you to travel hundreds of miles to lay in your supplies Bt our prioes. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to Ibx yourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully filled. Call and be oonvinoed ; No trouble to show goods. WE MEAN This Clearanoe Sale is now in full blast. L McFAR urmiiT HARD Has tho reputation of being the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of auy nmcliiuo in the market. FOB GALE BTT -Gilliam & Bisbee, Land Patents Laud patents secured fur BettleiB in tho shortcut possible time. Contested Cases CouloHtod cases intelligently and skillfully bundled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims mid disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having ooullicting olaims under the agricultural laud laws, and tboee between claimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of the pnbliobind laws aud the Hailroad ootnpanies and their grantees, and the states aud their grantees, under the Swamp-Land and School-Land Grants. Hpecialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time fur settlers who have complied with the laws under wbioh their entries were made, anil who are annoyed and worried by delays iu the iasue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and spoedily removed. Advioe also given iu all matters relating to the publio lands, especially on points arising under the new laws whioli have been reoently passed providing for the disposal of the publio domain. If yon want your land patent in a Lurry if you want your land business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkddkrhurn, Gkn. Max., 1'. O. Box, iJHB. Washimton. !'. C. Owing to the advantages gRiued through being a member of tb .... P. C. Thompson Co. Ar? iu P''sltiou to uakrt prices foreiisli as low as the loweat. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Good, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons just receiued. Odd Combinations Sign. Corner Mniu and Willow Streets, be a Big Bargain the coming Fall BUSINESS T mm n iieppneii on . HEFFXgP,, OREGON. m OVER