PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never a time in the history of our ooantry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The conveniences of me jkind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in official life, require oonlinuat accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affeot the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive tbe ensting deaoiencies, does not permit the affaire of government to de ter bim from quickly conceiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great osre cannot be exer cised in oLoosiug a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare Bud prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is tbia advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrUHt their business to this olass of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderbnrn, General Manager (J18 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C, repreaeming a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to oroteot its natrons from the ,Uin,lB heretofore emuloyed . , : ti. o..;.i n.,n I in luis line 01 oubiubmb. xuu o,u pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fee, and prepare and proseoute applications generally, including me obanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entar into competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wkddkhbi'iin. 1118 F Street, p. (). Box 385. Washington, D. C. Mazurka Hongroise. M. LAMBERTl. ) mF feET fei P pom cresc. lr I FIXE. ) fr " - gg J J- VfiiF-- VT f 3 V V r - i -j & ' ' t i -jumS- .j. 1 ( ft ' 0 '.'v'mjj.m. rzz:zL j&z. z -jJZjg y T- ? f j r 1 " A A A J JL A fg g 1g" . -f t3 , ,.!, ptumosso. I I1U K--tt--t Vsfa-, k-v r- B t - J, 1 - 1 r 1 ' I HlM -w -jS M tig- is- J:r-H i 1- -J- ) Zt ' mC g 4S - ( rgj-ii'fL; a; ,i:s-- ZJt sz 2Z r i " ' i " " 1 ) "Zg1 rt -s T K BltANDS. While you a.pp your BubBoriptim paid up yea oankeep your brand in free of oharKB. AUyn, T. J., lone, Or. Horeee (Hi on Inft nhuiifiler; cattle wimo on loft hip, nntlor hit on riKhtear, and upper bit on the hift; rnngo, Mor row county. Armtttronff, J. Alpine, Or. T with bar mi ller it on loft uhonlilur of homes; cattle same un left hip. Allison, O. D., Eiaht Mile, Or. -Cattle brand, O L on left hip anil homta Bume hrand on right boulder. Kan if h, KitthtMile. Atlkiiia, J. J., Heppner, Or. Ilorfios. JA non nested on left Hank; cattle, name on left hip. Hartholnranw, A. (i., Alpine, Or. Jlorans hraudoil 7 K uii oHlmr uhonlder. ltanite in Mor row eoiintv Mauniator, J. W., Hard man. Or. Cattle brand ed H on loft hip and (ImkIi; aplit in each ear. Hremior, Peter, (ioimoborry Oroon HurHoH bmudwl Pit on left Hhoulilor. Cattle Name on riaht nide. llurke, m Ml ijonB ireev, ur-wn oaum, - ft jiiico nut. ) g- ftgr . & g g w Turk Musical Record Co. ) , ; Bf- JLT V r" "si- -zr-7rrr D.S.alFim:. r lil.t t ' 1 1 .J; i i '-- pJ -r h 1 V p"8" 'f ' "f ' -s-t ) fek rTs, JJ?J L-r '-r -M- Lr- H- 1 ( giff 53E fe ifeEjr -feiiE vi n ; ' i p t3--1 f i p-i : i-r--- Copyiiglil, i8y, !iy Tht: Nc MAY oonn-'otod on loft bin, omp olT left ear, nn- no Donnty. Aar iiulf nrnn ntf riulit. Horeoe. same brand lotft ehouiuer, HauKe iu Urant and Morrow llnrHoe brandod 7 rifcht Hhoulilor; cattle H on the loft Bide. HroHinan, Jerry, Lona, r. L4ft ear half crop tnd riKht ear nppor elope. Marlon, Win., neppnor, ur. hoi-hhb, j n on rinht tliiHh; cattle, Bame on rilit hip; split in BHiirown. Ihh, LeziiiRtn, Or. HorHos lit on the ritflit Htitlo; cattle wuueon ritfhthip; raue, Alor- Mnwn,yj. C., Iloppnor, Or. Horses, otrcle V with dot in ooi tor on loft hip; ratlin, Bame. Brown, W. J., IMia, OroKou. Hormm V. bar over 11, on the left Hhouldcr. Cat tie flame on lutt 1 jloyer, W. fl., Hoppner, Or. -Ilornw, box brand on rmht hip cuttle, eame, with Hplit in ""Born, P. O., Ileppner, Or. Horeee, P B on left houlilor; oat tie, name on left hip. Brown loe, W. J., I'ox.Or Cattlo. Jit cotinnotod on left Bido; crop on loft ear and two aptiteaud middle piece cut out on riht ear; on Iioi-hos name brand on the left thigh; llaiiKa in Fox valley, tJrant county, Carener Warron. Wiutnnr, Or'"",,rwM orand ed O on riht etitie ; cattle -: (three hare) ou rifjlit ribs, trop and Hplit iu each oar, Kantio in (Irani ami Morrow count iea. Cain.K., :ateb(Or.-V I) on horaoa on left MiHe I) witli quarter circle ovor it, on loft houlder. ami on loft etitie on all nolle nndor ft yearn; on left Hlioulder only on all lioreee ovor ft yearn. AH raime In tJrant county. rtfl iMikh. U.. ViiiMon or Lena. Or. II or hob II C on rmlit ahoulder; cattle aaiue on right hip. I tan o Morrow and Umatilla oituntioH. ' t'url, T. H John lay, Or. Double oroHB on each hip on cattle, nwnllow fork ami under bit in right ear, Bpllt in loft ear. Kantfc in lirant connty. On enrep, inverted A nd p(ar point on ehonldor. Kar markon ewoe, crop on left ear pnuchmi uppor bit in riKht. Wethera. crop iu right ami under half crop iu left ear. All ra'K in (trani ooimtv. Cook, A. J.,lrina,Or. HttrBoe.Ubm rigid nhonl (W; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark tiquaie crop oH left and Hplit in right. turrin. It. Y., Curriimvilln, Or. -lionioe, on toftatiHe. , Cox Kd. H., Hanlman, Or ( aitle, C with K in aentor; horeee. VM ou left iip. Coehran, K. K., Monnment, Urant Co, Or. Moraiw biandetl circle with bar beneath, on left Bhouldor; cattle Bame brand on both liipn, mark under Hlope both earn and dewlap. t'lmoin. H.. llardman, Or. Homes branded on right bi Cattle braudml tbe name. AIbu KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left er: under fllope on the right Kirk, J. T., Hoppner. Or. Horses I1H on loft Bhonlder; cattle, HU on left hip. Kirk, JoflBo, Hoppner, Or,; hnrneu 11 on loft Bhonlder; nattie wiuie on right Hide, underbit od right ear. Knmberland.W.n.. Mount Vernon. Or. T 1j od oat tie on right and loft Rides, ewallow fork in If fi ear and under oiop in right ear. Hornoaaain' brand on loft shoulder. Hange in Urant conntv 1 Lofton, Htephen, Fox, Or. H lj ou left hij ; on cattle, crop and split on right oar. Horse Willie brand on left ahoulder. Kange Urant oountv. Lionallen, John W., Ijoxi-'H"" Or.-Hornet' branded 1ml f-eirolo J L connected on loft shoul der. Cattle, same on left hiu. Range, near Lox. iuuton Leiihey, J. W. Hoppner Or. Horses branded L and on left ahoulder; eel lie same ou loft hip, wattle ovor right eye, three elite in right ear. liord, George, Heppuor Or. Horses branded double H eoi.nont Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, neppnor, or.- t "at tie, M Don riwht hip; horse. Mon loft shoulder. M)igan. M. N Hppur, Or. Horsea, M ) on loft Hhonhl'ii cattle same on left. hip. Mitchell. Ooar, lone, Or. HonaB, 77 on rinhi hip; cattle, 77 on right Ride. Mct'laren, 1). ., Itrownsville. Or,- HorsoH, Figure ft on each Bhonlder. catt le, Ma on hin Mctlirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on riba and nmler in each ear: ho r boh aamo brand on loft si i tie. Mcltale. . iiaiiiiiroii, r. on iiornnn. M with half circle under on left Bhonlder; on t;attie, four bars connected on top ou the right sidn Hange in Grant County. Neal, Andrew, Lone Hock, Or. HornoH A N con neeteil on left nlmuldr: cuttle same on both hips, Nordyke, K., Hilvorton, Or. Horeee, circle 7 on left thigh; cattle, name on loft hip. Oliver. JttHeiih. Canyon City. Or. A 3 on cattle on left hip; on horses, Bame on left thigh, Hange in Orant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left houidoi. ill HiTimii PiRii-in Citv. Or. On cattle. O LP counootod ou loft hip; lors on left stifle and wart le on nose. Hange in Grant connty. lNwirson, tMave, Kight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter eirele uliield on left shoulder Hnd 'lt on lef) hio. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Hange on Kight Mile. Parker A, Gleason, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper, Krnet, Lexington. Or. Hordes brand e K (L K connectMl) eu left shoulder; cattle h me on right hip. Hange, Morrow count-. Piper, J. H., lioxlngton. tr. -Horses, JK con noeteti on loft Bhonlder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit In ea.'h ear. Pottys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P ou Bhonlder; cattle, J 11 J connected, on the loft hip, upper (dope in left oar and slip in the rigid. HimhI. Andrew, iianiman, nr. norses, buqu nectod on right Bhonlder ;cattle, same on right Walbridge. Wm.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, D. L. on the left Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q Halem or Heppner, Or. HorsoH branded Jq on the left honldor. ltang Morrow county. Warreu, W H, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter oircle over it, on left side, Hplit in right ear. Horses same brand on left Bhoulder, Kange in Grant oouuty Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left Bide and left hip. Wolilnger, John, John Day City, Or On horse three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhaer oounties. Woodward, John. Hoppner, Or. Horses, UP connected on lef t Bhoulder. Watkina, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded CE oonueoted on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hoi? in left ear; horses, W on right shoulder some same on left shoulder. Whittier tiros., mimiugion, Baker Co., Or. Horuea branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bare on left hip, both cattle and horsoa. Kange Grant connty. WilliaiuB, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle ovor throe bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Hange in Grant connty Wren, A. A., Hoppner, Or. HorseB running A A on shoulder; Cattle, name on right hip. Voting, J. H.. GiMieoharry.Or. Horn brands THonths right ohonldp- hran.U i'I mi ItorttftM rtulit tbiab; cattle hjibio i ',i, .,iIHir-iMrele over it on left stitle. brand on right Hlioulder, and cut ot! mid of j Honingor, Chris, Heppuer, Or. Horses, C It on left Bhonlder. Knell Hros., Heppner, wr,--nono oramieo j D.mglas, W. M .Galloway. Or. -Cattle, H Don I right eido.swailow-fork iu iMtoh ear; homes, It 1) : '"kl'y. j! H. A Sons. Douglas, Or. Horses brand-! od ELY u left si urn It tor, cattle same on left hip. bole in right ear. ... V in ory, C. H., Hanlman, Dr. Horses branded ) IrevermMt C with tail on left shoulder ; oat tlesame on right Lin. llauge in Morrow county. Florence, L. A., Hoppner. Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses. F with bar under ou right slmulder. ., M Florence, 8. P., Heppner, Or Horses, K on right ahoulder; cattle, Fon right hip or thigh. Vrencb, George, llopp'ior. Or. ( attic branded WF with bar over it. ou loft side; crop oil left ear.' Horses, Bame brand ou toft hip. Gentry, Kliuer, Koho, Or. Horses branded II. H. with a quarter circle over it, on left HtltK Hange in Mornw and Umatilla counties. Hiatt A. H., Hidge, Or.-Cattle, nmnd-top with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two liars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J ou right thigh. Hange in Grant connty Hughes, Hamnol. Wagner, Or Or (T K L coiinwtfd) on right Bhoulder ou horwos; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork iu right ear and slit in left. KangA in Haystack district. Morrow connty, Hate, Milton. Wagner, Or. Horses branded -O- (circle wim parallel inum ou Biiuumur Cattle same on left hip aUo large circle on lefl side Hall, Kdwln, John Oay.Or.t'attlo K Hon right hip; horses same ou right shoulder- hange in Grant oouuty. Howard. J U MUoway, Or. Horses, t Irross with lar above it) ou right shoulder; cattle same on leftside. Kange in Morr-.w and Uma- litiuhm. Mat. Heppner, Or. -Horse heart on the left shoulder. Hange Morrow Co. Hun unit er, a a. nagimr, wr,-uuiw, wu w ..Hi .1 l.lA...ttla Unnlnft hiu. Hum nh'nui. J H. Ban1inn, Or. H.j lfl Hank llimtim. l,titlir. Kmlil Mile, Cr. - li.imi H un th. loft .houlilemuJ )mrt iu lliw Inft alll ( hi. nn tlto rinlit .lutuiiior; oHttlo. IX on tho loft lui i.rnp ..fl left wr Riul dowmp n hock. i.ftnKO ir Mormw Hiul mijoiniiiK oountiiw. KiwiK)', Andrew, Imiiniilon, Or. H.mvi brniul.xl A H mi rilit hiniUnr, vont quiirlai mrolH over hrRiid; wittie wiiue on riitht lull. IIbiikb Morrow county. Koyne, Win. II, Diiiryyillo. Or lilt donned." with tjimrtor circle over tov on cattle ou ritflit Uiv anil crop oil riKht er mul split in left. Homo. Wiine hrnml on left .houliier. HHlitre in Morrow tlrunt Hint llilliHinoountie.. Heetir. J. W., Heppner, Or. Homes, JO 01 left .liouliler. t'KtUe, o ou rlslit hip. Spickimll, J. W., iioobrry. Or. Horeo hrniiilciUl oil left BliouUler; iiik ill Morro oouuty. , .. , , . HnilltiK, 1' lleptmer, Or Honen hmmloil on left hhoulilor; cuttle wiiue on loft hip. HwiiuKH", H. K LeiuiRtou. Or. Hunw with iiKh uiuler it on left .title: entile 11 will, iliteh nmler It on unlit Inp. crop off riht ear Mill wmliiletlun rmht hind ln. lUuge III Moiro. I i:;ll,u, .ml IhuHlillH oouiilie.. rlwHintnrt. A. U.,Atheim. Or. -Home, hmnil"' i nn lefl nhouliler: celtleeume on left Utp. I'rol un enr, wnttle on left hmil ltMI. HtrniKht W. K., Hoppner, Dr. Home, nhmleil J H on lefl stifle; entile J Hon l.ft hip, .wallow fork iu rinhl ear. nniierbit iu left. riapp. Tho... Ileppner, Or.-llomo., 8 A V loft hip; cattle naiue on left run. Hhrier.Jolui, Ko, Or. NO connected 01 home, ou riiiht hip; cattle. Mine on riKht hip crop otl rinlit ear anil nnit"r hit in left ear. Inline in lirant counlv. H'nith llro. , Wnnville. Or, Horeee, hramled II . onithoiihler; cattle, -auie on loft ahouhlor. Suiunie, Jamea. Arlintlon, Or.; hori hranile.1 Jrlon loft ehouliler: cattle Uie ane. aleo noes hailed I wmlille. Hane in Morrow anil t.illivu coiintie. Htephen., V. A., Hanlman, l'r-; noreee Bnim niiht .title; cattle hornoulal L on the right ule rlleveoaon. Mm A. J.. Heppner. Or attlo. H nnriKhthip; .wallow.fork m left ear. Nwatftiart. 0. W., Ileppner, Or.- Hoimw. II ", left .hoiihlei ; cattle, on loft lilt r.OOD A It'li. Evrry patriotic citizen should ijivr. hi, prrsonal e.tlbrt and inttnent-e to iucti-ii-o the circulation of his tiurtie papt-r wiii h teaches Hie American policy ol Pvuuc tion. It is hi duty to aid in this n pect in eiiry way possible. Alter the home paper is taken caro ol, why not sub scribu for the Amhican Economist, publiihed by tha American Frotcctive TariiT League? On ol iU correspon. dents says i "No true American can gel along without H. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free samplecopy. Address Wilbur F. Wake man, General Secret ry, 135 West 23d St. New York. Oniif the Scars Remain. "Among the many testimonials which I see in regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes Henuv Hudson, of Ut .lames Smith Woolen Machinery Do., Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me mora than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years. I had swellings come oil my les. w hieh broke and became running sores. Our family piiysieiancould do me no good, and It was feared that the bones would he affected. At last, my pood old mother urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, tho soros healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the I memory of the past, to remind me of the xood Aycr's Samaparllla has done ine. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of healt h. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." For the cure of all diseases originating In Impure blood, the best remedy is AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Man.. Cures others, will cure you null m m Brief State News. Qrc ow "ie cause you . liiiuii 10 woru Ur tlm cause i.trn. ol rrotccti.iii tn piacii.g ri'.ia'.-'e milium in the hands of your t,c Units? It you are. yo.i siiouiri ti- i.i. -. , t ? 1 - if Willi The American Protective tariff league, tas w. 230 Sr., new York Cut tU aoti tail and tend U to the Lcaoa, euling your poeidon, and belpui li,ud. Junes, Harry, Hoppner. Or Mom tirinnl ett .noliiuor; cainw ,K,aiiu,i Horeo. hrtnnleil t i.u ii riuht hip. also und.rbit ill loft ear. liaiuie in llorrow eeuuty. - t attle (' 11 . HJ toll S.M.B. A tboroniflibrpil regis toreJ Hereford bull Maywood, No S,tVHi. This bnll was bred in Illinois by (?.. T. Uaker, au.l is juet th ouimal .Imikin. 8, hoe J on left houlilor. t attle, the saiut. HaiiKS o" f.ntlit nine. Johnson. Keln, Una. Or.-llore... cmd.T on left sutle: oattle.ssweon riiiht hiy, lUider half esrp in ht audjnl in left H,-,.ru h'. 1: llMitmier. fir. left hip, crop off riuht and underbit tn left year, dewlap; hoi-eoe V Ton loft elionlder. I'hoinpiion, J. A.. Hoppner. Or. R ou Ti,.oeffi to brd stock thai will britiR h.,:!!:'!'r.' .i.,h ei,i tI. k'ood urioe. I will ieil cbwp u 1 lett ehouliitr. homo.; cattle aaiue on left hip jiavH another of satuestiK'kj or will trade won eplll in Horn ear-,, Ihorutoii, 11. M.. lone. Or.-lloreee branded ! 'or 1IX)4 BJllCll COWS. HTyonleetjtk';abe.Fer,rr . P. O. Brcl.TX. Yanderyvol. Three Iowa fnuulins arrived in Cottage Qrove lust week, There are only two vacant bouse) iu Condon, Gilliam oouuty. A new Grand Army post ta to be or ganized at Jurjotion City. Small thefts and burglaries are numer ous in Willamette valley towns. Tramps are numerous in Albany, bat tbe oily marshal keeps them moving on. Drain will sbip 20,000 pounds of ptnnes this year, as ngainBt 2500 pounds last year. Onion county furnished seven inmates to tbe penitentiary at tbe recent term of court. A mining case involviug 175,000 was on trial at tbe receut term of tbe Union oouuty court. An escape from the Folk county jail was oaptured Thursday by Sheriff Knight, of Marion county. An epidemio ot la grippe or tonsilitis, variously named by different persons, in fests Pendleton. Secretary of State-elect Kiocaid bat returned to Eugene front three-weeks' visit to Sao Francisco. Independence has afnll-rlejged athlet ic chili with all tbe apparatus usually fonnd about such places. W. H. Butcher, tbe well-known lawver and democratic politician of Baker City, is a candidate for mayor. Apple trees from six to forty iuohet in oircumfereuce can be fonnd bearing frail frj th words near HixtJ Rirr. Curtis Hawley, 23 years of age, bad bis ekull crashed at a football game at Monmouth Friday. His condition is critical. Thirty bens, owDed by James Uemen- way's son at Eugene, between January 1, 1893, and August 1, 1991, laid 354 dszon eggs, worth 870,80. The Monmouth normal school is pre paring to issue a monthly publication for the benefit of tbe school. The first num ber will be issued next week. John Henderson, of Yamhill oouuty, dug about 6000 bushels of potatoes from tbirty-seven aores and says it beats wheat all hollow at 50 cents a bushel. The new fishladder at Oregon City is said to be a decided success. Salmon will doubtless be plentiful in the Will amette and its tributaries hereafter. The apple orop of Umatilla oounty is very large this year. From Milton Bud other points in tbe east end large ship ments have been made to St Paul and Omaha. Lebanon is likely to vote on the ques tion of bonding the town for tbe purpose of buying the eleotrio light company's plant. Scio, a neighboring town, is run- ning its own plant, and the result is quite gratifying. The work of boring for ooal at New port is being rapidly pushed forward. Tbe exoavation has been made to bed rock, a distance of about 30 feet. Tbe diamond drill bus arrived and is being pnt in plaoe and prepared for work. John Martin, of Cove, Union oounty, a short time ago sold two acres of his land without any improvements whatever, for $285. Heal estate in that section, owing to tbe rich soil and adaptability for fruit raising, always commands good prices. A Dayton, Or., correspondent to the MuMinnville reporter says that Miss Bert Layman was arrested at Dundee on Monday for disturbing a Salvation Army meeting at that place. The oase was settled by her father, Samuel Layman, paying $20 and oosts. A rumor is in circulation that tbe Regulator will soon tie up. There is absolutely no foundation for tbe state ment. Tbe incline will have to be aban doned by tbe 10th, but tbe new road will be laid, and tbe new inolioe completed by Ibat time. Chroniole. There seems to be qnite a spirit of dissatisfaction about the Benton connty court allowing (70 per month for extra county olerk hire and $20 per month for recorder. They argue that the clerk's alary $1800 per year is quite sufficient to pay a deputy from snd bave a very nioe salary lefl. Nothing baa been heard from William Harvey, who left Harney City in July to go to Salem (or a load of goods and re turn. It seems be tratsaoted his busi ness tbere, loaded up, and that is the end of the chapter, exoept his team and the Sweek wagon are still standing in a Salem livery stable awaiting his orders The placer mines ot Baker and Grant ' ccmntfes tUU routlnus to tend in their product, and as tbe close of the working season draws near the clean-ups are frequent aud much larger than during the summer season, for the reason that tbe fall olean-up is the final and thor ough one ot the year. A late olean-up of the Humboit mine yielded $5040. A small Albany boy was cnucht steal iug a box of oigarettes from William PfeilTer's oigar store. The young rascal had vary adroitly concealed under his ooat a boxful, enough to last him all winter and make him as yellow as a Chinaman, but be was forced to disgorge, and was given a vigorous lecture on the downward oourse in which be bad start ed so early. Mining has beeu curried ou iu the Greenhorn district fur the past 30 years, during which time there has been a large output of gold. The present year, owing to tbe depression in other lines of business as well as to the improvement made iu machinery and tbe cheaper methods developed iu tbe industry, operations on both ledge and plaoerhave been unusually extensive as well as prof itable. B. F. Storey, an Oregoo City black smith, was kicked by a horse he was shoeing on Monday, and had tbe muscle completely torn from tbe bone of his left leg. 1'ilrst Piles! Itching Pilea. Symptoms Moisture; lutense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, wbioh often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, beals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors, At druggists, or by mail, for 50oents. Hr. SwayneA Son, Philadelphia, Saved Her Life. Mrs. O. J. Wooi.nn.inoi, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of her child by the use ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "One of my children had Croup. Tha case was attended by our physician, and was supposed to he well under control. One night I was startled by the child's hard breathine, and on going to it found it stran gling. It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines given, I reasoned that such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, 1 gave the child three doses, at short intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew easier, and, in a shnrt time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day, and I do not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pec toral saved her life." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, afass. Prompt to act, sure to ours MARINE SHIPPING NOTES. The United States has 686 vessels en gaged exclusively in foreign trade; Great Britain has 5,908. The steamers between Europe and Xorth America carry on an average about 70,000 passengers a month. The American line steamer New York, when running at full speed, bnrns enough coal in a single day to last a family using ten tons a winter for thirty-three years. Italian ships are worked cheaper than those of any other nation. The monthly expenses of an Italian ship with a crew of twenty men are about 1475; of an American ship, 81,000. It is estimated that an average of more than 3.000 vessels and 12,000 lives are lost in the various seas and oceans every year, the value of ships and car goes being roughly averaged at about 8100,000,000. When persons are weak and languid from sickness or overwork, feel delapi dated and depressed, it is an indication that the blow) is out of order, and tbey need belp to throw off the miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite and a fl.iw of oheerfnl spirits. Price 11.00 per bottle. UTOPIA IN THE BAY STATE. Many Advantages Enjoyed by Members of a Brookllne Cooperative Company. A number of people living in Brook line, Mass., arc enjoying many of those ideal advantages that every house holder dreams of and, according to the New York Evening Post, without any of the vicious results that certain stu dents of social questions warn us are inherent in cooperative communities. These people live in houses perfectly warmed and lighted by outside powers. The same or similar powers take curt; of their sidewalks winter and summer, wash and sweep the front steps and look after the lawns and flower beds. All this is done at a moderate cost. Each house has in the rear a grass plot of its own and in the center of the square formed by the four rows of houses there is a park with trees and walks and tenuis courts. In this park is placed a pretty casino, whero the members of the community can dance, bowl or play billiards, except on thise occastons when some member enrjages it for a special entertainment. Kir such events as a dinner, a dance or a reception, the entire building with its conservatories may be rented for 83. This includes the attendance of a man from 8 to 12 o'clock in the even ing. Decorations of phtnts and flowers are to be had at a moderate additional cost. The caterer's charge for table service, crockery, etc., for 100 persons is 87.5a Small and early parties begin ning at 8 o'clock and with the last guest gone at 10:30 have the use of the hnll for $2-50. Of this plan of cooperv tion a man who has been a householder twenty-five years says; "This commu nity of interest in no way trenches up on privacy, and it is as easy to preserve seclusion and independence as in a city block, where neighbors are practically strangers. I find myself for the first time, although in the largest house I have been privileged to occupy, entirely without tie cares of a household." Keosr, Ot. Baiscs branded