Notice to Aduertisers. "H08K desiring the insertion of display ads., . or cbmira ot Bamo. miiHt. irpt thir i not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evenins lor Friday's edi tion. Thk Pattebsun Publishino Co. Take Notice. 1, The sum of Ave cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five eents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name ia signed as an evidence of gouu iaun. T P- FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIH. JJ ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange. Ban Francisco, is our authorized agent. This payet u acpi ou me in nis omce. Give your business to Hevvner veovle. and therefore assist to build tin Hevv ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. Btage for Hardman, Monument, Lonjf Creek, duuu fa. j nuu unuuu jiiy, itJttVbfl HB IOllOWH Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrive8evervdavat6 n. m.. extent Mrtnrfav The cheapest, quickest aud beat Hue to or irom me interior country. B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. Removal Notice. G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public that he has removed to the City Hotel stand, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gambrinus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugB. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop. Here and There. About Twenty oords Of good pine wood Are needed at the Gazette Offioe on subscription at once. John Oill, of Portland, is in the city. W. W. Smead's little son is on the sick list, Joe Lnokmau was in from the oountry Tuesday. Ernest Beitman was up from lone Wednesday, Wesley Brannon was iu from Eight Mile Tuesday, Jerry Brosnan was over from Lena oountry yesterday. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. J. W. Rasmus returned from Portland Wednesday morning. J. N. Brown returned from Grant oounty Tuesday last. J as. Juhnson and Tbos. Gilfillin were over from Lena Tuesday. John Kenny was over from the Butter creek country Wednesday. N. 0. Maris, of Newberg, is here with a bunoh of short-born oattle. Miss Etta Minor returned from Port land the latter part of last week. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sickness, indigestion and biliousness. 25o, County oourt is in session this week, with the usual amount of business. The Lexington sobool bouse will be completed by the tirst of Deoember. Bob Beard,' of Galloway, is back to Morrow oounty to look after possessions here. Matbias Kelley, farmers, was in one of Gooseberry's from that section Wednesday. H. M. Thornton was in Wednesday from below, and reports bis sheep in ex cellent condition. Photographs 81.50 pel dozen at Shep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. M. C. Leslie came over from Monu ment Wednesday and left that eve for The Dalles on business. Quite a number of the young men from tbe oonntry are in this week, enjoy ing a tew days of "high life." Mrs. J. H. Johnson, who lives near Lexington, is m very poor health and will shortly go below tor medical treat ment. Jesse Kirk, ot Rbes creek, bas put in tbe greater part of tbe fall hauling wood to town. Wood is now legal tender, you know. In ibe case of D. W. Hornor vs. H. Wade, to recover some wheat, tried the first of this week, the jury failed to agree. Yaughan & Huston's thresher met witb a breakdown early this week, but will soon be repaired and ready for busi ness again. Times must be improving. Yesterday a twenty-chip poker game for $200 a side was played. However, the loser was not willing to repeat. Hall's Hair Renewer renders the ha r lustrous and silken, gives it an even color, and enables women to put it up in a great variety of ways. The wives of the A. O. U. W., of thiB place, have organized a Degree ot Honor, and we are informed that tbe institution ot the lodge will occur very soon. Ed Ashhangb says that be bas a twenty-five day run with the thresher yet this season. Winter will find consider able nntbreshed grjin in Morrow Co. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Batbs at any time during business boars. CM. Jones, assistant. On Wednesday Kev. Powell, of Sand Hollow, was arrested on a charge of maliciously mutilating cattle. His trial occurred yesterday and resulted in ao quittal. "We don't want bear stories," said the editor. "Our readers demand something spicy." "Well, said the man with the manuscript, "this story is about a cinna mon bear." Any person wbo desires to trade good unincumbered farm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for property in icrtlBC-l, sbruld cull at toe Gazette offioe. . X1 Robert Cnrran, au old timer here, ctme op last week and will work tbia winter for Hugh Fields. In tbe spring be will remove bis family from tbe valley to Morrow oounty. After oompai Ing prices with Pendle ton and Tbe Dalles, John F. Spray will ell sad deliver meat at tbe residenoe of Heppair people as cheap M either town abort Mttontd, Says an exchange: Frank MoFarland formerly of Coffin & MoFarland, of Arlington, bas the bulge on the rest of us now. He was recently seized with appenaioitis, and was taken to a Port land hospital, where bis vermiform appendix was suooessfully removed. Consequently Frank oan swallow a cherry stone, boarding-house biscuit, nr the hardest yarn without endangering u lue. A life-size orayon picture of yourself or Hny memoer or your family, made right here in Heppner by an experienced artist and worth 85 in the cheapest markets of the wnrlrl. and tha Oootto for one year, in advance from date of mr c.iu. uaji ana see us lor terms. This offer holds good only till Deo. 15th. All orders must be in before to at date. On last Saturday nii?ht the the Heppner school gave an entertain ment at the opera house for the benefit of the school. It was a deeidd suooess from every standpoint. It netted $60 wnion win oe or much help these hard times. The purchase of mnoh-needed apparatus will be made at onee. The wisest course in politics is to vote for the best man, and you cannot be mis taken, So, in the use of blood purifiers, you oan't be mistaken if you take Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the best the Superior Medi cine. Try it this month. Mr. E. Minor is in receipt of a picture from Fairhaven showing a seven pound trout, oaugbt in Lake Whatcom, measur ing two feet and five inches in length. It was landed with a six ounce rod in the bands of F. D. Alexander. It is quite a ouriosity up here where pound trout are more than the average. Mrs. Jerry Cohn has opened up a bakery in the Abiabamsick building on May street, where she keeps fresh bread stuffs of every description. A full line of canned goods, oonfeotioneries, cigars and tobacco will also be added in a few days. Giye Mrs. Cohn a oall. 77-tt Leslie Matlock had quite a time with a big, fine mare, down at W. P. Dntton's a few days ago. The animal tried to count ties on a railroad bridge, and falling through was in imminent danger of breaking her leg. Some help was summoned and she was finally extrioated To relieve headache, correct disorders ot the stomach and increase the appetite, and for the cure of liver complaint, use Ayer's Cathartio Pills, They are perfect ly safe to take, and invariably promote a healthy aotion of the digestive and assimilative organB. Yesterday a veritable Columbia river fog oame up the creek, and today it yet remains with us, obanging tbe weather trom exceedingly pleasant to that of tbe other extreme. Stockmen, however, claim that the present weather will make grass grow. Jas. Carty is in this week from the Alpine neighborhood. He lost 100 head of sheep on tbe way out of tbe mountains this fall, but in all his dock did very well. John Kilkenny is interested with Mr. Carty in the sheep business. D. A. Herren and J, 8. Buseick. under the firm name of D A Herren & Co.. are buying aud s-lling grain of nil kinds next door to the Gazette office. They pay the highest market price, and will buy iu any quantities. 78-tf. H. T. Birgley and Perry Hall are here from Hillaboro, and expeot in the near ruture to open up a repair harness shop in the room formerly occupied by Arthur Smith, frank Klineman ia also here witb them. Goods are oheaper in Heppner than at any of tbe neighboring towns, yet many do not seem to know it. Good jadioions advertising is necessary, and it would be a good plun to quote prices. D, W. Hornor received an order from Creede Hale, Hewlet, Wyoming, for two saddles this week, and also an order from Green River for one saddle. The orders will be filled immediately. A good male teaiher of ten years ex perience wants a school in Morrow coun ty. Has taught in Eastern Oregon and bas first grade certificates in a halt doz en states. Call at Gazette office. Gilhousen in order to have samples of his work all over the county, offers you a life-size orayon portrait with tbe Ga zette, one year in advance from date of order, for $4.70. J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the best beer ou the Paoiflc ooast. Also on hands tbe best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. 56tf. This will not last long. The Gazette, one year in advance from date of order, and one of Gilhousen's life-size orayons an lor Ei.nJ. uall and see us for par ticulars. Commissioner Baker is absent during tbe present session of oounty court. Peter Deardoff came in Wednesday from Long Creek for freight. Allen Evans was up from the Alpine neighborhood Thursday last. Ed. Holloway was up from Douglas the first of tbe week. A Great Battle is continually going on in the human system. The demon of impure blood strives to gain viotory over tbe consti tution, to ruin health, to drag viotims to tbe grave. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the weapon with which to defend one's self, drive the desperate enemy from the field and restore bodily health lor many years. EIGHT MILE. Euitok Gazette: : People in this section of country are busy putting in grBin. The Huston k Vaugban thresher is laid np for repairs. Rocky is doing well under tbe manage ment of Mr. J. Hilton. Mr. Carl, tbe popular artist, was seen on our streets lust Saturday. Miss May Davidson, of Hail Ridge, is attending sobool at Lone Rock. Miss Lena Bevmer is missed by her host of friends in this community, C. W. Ingraham is working on a new vapor burner. He says it is a "dandy". Mr. Chester Saling and Bud Ingra ham made a flying trip to lone this week. The sobool at Liberty is progressing nioely under the care ot our accomplish ed teacher, Miss Clarke. What's the matter with Heppner organ izing a foot hull team We think we oould "knock 'em out." Mt, V,. Q. Allison aud Albert Lovegren went to Oriental last week to look after their mining interests. The smiling face of our former friend Stacey Roberts, was seen on our streets taking a load of wood to town. School will commence at E, M. C. tbe! first Monday )n Deo., with Mux Bowie j Fitzwater. of Condon, as teaober. Ibe ladui ot tb U. ! chuicb, ol I Heart Palpitation Indigestion, Impure Blood Cured by Hood's. IZr. D. W. Bridges lC. t. Hood ii Co., Lowell, Mass. : "Dear Sirs: During the winter and spring I have used a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla in my family, and I am quite sure we have been greatly benelited by it. For years I have been troubled with indigestion, accompanied HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood's Bar- saparllla has done me very much good. We have also given It to the children for impure blood and ringworms with very good results." D. W. BRIDCK9, Pleasant Hill, Oregon. N. B. If you deckle to take Hood's S:irs:;p,t rilla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Pillscureall Liver Ills, llilimisiiesii Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache, ffic. Eight MnV, will give a sooiable at Eigh t Mile Center, Thursday, 15th ult. Our Sunday Bchool is well atteudedi and progressing very nioely under the leadership of our Supt., Mrs. M. A. Fuqua. The way in which Mr. Harlan Stanton is rushing around with bis work shows that he contemplates a hard winter. Rev. W. W. Gregory will preaoh the third Sunday iu this month. Rev. Adkins will preaoh at Liberty Sunday. A large orop of wheat was raised in this part of the country. Fruit was very good. Grass is growing; every body in this part is looking forward to a good time this winter. Luanheld. Eight Milk, Or. , Nov. G, 1894. HE IS CALLED NICHOLAS II. The Czarevich Ascends the Throne to Suc ceed his Father, Alexander 111. St. PuTERSBUBa, Nov. 2. At 9 o'clook this morning the imperial hernldB in bright uniforms, attended by troops of trumpeters, announced the death of Alexander III and the accession of Nicholas II. Throughout St. Petersburg today the aocession of the new ozHr is beiug cele brated. As the festival for this event takes precedence of the' mourning cere monies, all signs ot public mourning will be withheld until tomorrow. At 10 o'clook yesterday evening tbe first rpquime mass for the repose of the soul of Alexander III was oelebrated at St Petersburg, and all tbe ministers and members of the oounoil of the empire were present. Those in attendance took tbe oath of allegiance to Czar Nioholas II and the heir presumptive, Grand Duke George. This morning the senate met aud all tbe members took tbe oath of allegiance. At tbe same time tbe troops forming tbe garrison of St. Petersbnrg were paraded and sworn with the oustoinary form ality. Later, the Bame ceremony was observed in tbe case of the civil servants of tbe empire. Alexander III (Alexandrovitoh), tbe late emperior of Russia, wbo suoceeded to tbe throne on the murder of bis father by the nihilist conspirators, Marm 13, 1881, was born Marob 10, 1845. For some time a'ter bis elevation to tbe throne he seldom appeared in publio, but lived in the closest retirement at Gatsobina. being in oonstant dread ot the machinations ot the secret societies of socialists. His ooronation took place at Moscow, May 27, 1883. He married in 1856 Mary Feodorovna, formerly Mary Sophia Frederioka Dag mar, daughter of Christian IX, king of Denmark, the sister of the Prinoess of Wales and king of Greece. The princi pal concern of the czar bas been to put down nihilism; to develop the military power ot Russia; to organize ber Asiatic and Caucasian provinces, and to keep a steady eye upon Constantinople. The czar never forgave bis cousin Alexander JoBeph of Battenberg for acting independ ently of Russia in the crisis of 1885. The czar struck tbe prince's name off tbe Russian army list and forced him to sign his abdiotion. Prinoe Alexander soon retired lo bis estates. In October, 1888, the czar, with his family narrowly escaped death by a railway aooident on tbe Trnnsoaspia railway. Of late years bis life bas been a little more tranquil, but still the ever recurring plots of the nihilists and socialists have rendered his life one of care aud watch fulness. Kuckleu's Arnica Salve. Tbe best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, halt Rheum, Fever Buree, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud Bll skin eruptious, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. ANOTHKH DKIVK. On November 1st we put our business ou a spot Objh basis, and no further credit oan be granted. By this method honest men will not be compelled to pay' debts iu bigb prioes. We mill not sell staple articles below cost in order to draw you in where we can I swindle you on goods you are not posted j on, bnt we will meet all legitimate I competition. All outstanding accounts must be t tied promptly either by oaeb or secured notes. Grain taken at market prioe. - ... i asi-2. - P. C. XloitrioM Co. ) The Keeley Institute -OF- for Infants " C'astoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arches, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria Is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martyn, D. P., New York City. The Centaur AGKlCl'LTUllAL COLLEGE NOTES. Tbe third year agricultural class is becoming quite profioient in veterinary science. The diseases of the bones aud feet have been completed and Materia Medica has been taken up. Ibe Benior class has organized a Shakespeare club. They meet every Friday evening and their brat study will be the Merchant of Venice. The club now numbers 20 aud any senior may be come a member. Tbe O. A. C. athletic aeBoeiatiou U contemplating the of a lot of new goods for their gymnasium. They decided what to get at their last meeting and have some twenty or twenty-five dollars available for the purpose. The second of a series of oollege cham pionship football games was played Sat urday at the O. A. O , which resulted in a grand viotory for the team of this oollege, 18 to 0. The game was between O. A. 0. and State University, and played under tbe new rules. On the eighth of January tbe "farm er's short oouree" will begin at the O. A. C. Bnd oontinue five weeks. There ie no ohnrge for tuition and all persons in terested in agriculture, horticulture and other subjects are eligible to attendance. In a few days circulars setting forth the objects and methods of t he oouree will be issued and obtainable on application. Contbibutob. Cokvallis, Or., Nov. 5, 1804. Danger From Catarrh. The most important feature about the very common oom plaint, catarrh in tbe bead, is its tendenoy to develop into some olber and more serious disease. The foul mutter droppiug from the head into the bronohial tubes or lungs is very liable to lead to bronchitis or consump tion, thBt distroyer which causes more deaths iu this country than any other disease. As oatarrh originates in im purities in the blood, local application oan do but little good. Tbe common Bense method is to purify the blood, and' for this purpose there is no preparation superior to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbe powerful action of this medicine upon the blood expels every impurity, and by so doing cures catarrh and gives health to the entire organism. SATIETY. Leaf, lie rome a whlBpcrin' urappin rom oe tree; Stopped ter tell a story 'Bout hisse' ter me. Hays: We's see'd de vi'lets, Hyurd der robins hIiik; We's tasted all de pleasures Pat de worl' can jjlb iu spring. We hah seen de .1 uue-time roses, We lish felt de Aiifjus' rain; We hali holp de breezes frolic As doy swep' de ripenin' grain. We hab changed our modes' colors foil de kin' Octobah brings; We hab dressed in gol' an' purple, Like de koIi' geousest ob Kings. Dah am nuflin' mo' ter wish fob: We hab tasted all de lies', Ho we'ro dritppiu' ourejjretfnl 'Case we're ready foil er res'. Marvelous Nesults. From a letter writteu bv Rev. J. Guuderman, of Dimondale, Mch., we are permitted to make this extract : "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as Hie results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rivs Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of ooughicg would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Disoovery ; it was quick in its work Hud highlv satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at T. W. Ayers, Jr, drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1. Land Decisions. Digest of land decisions, furnished by W. I). Harlan Land Att'y, Washington D. C. : "A person whu files bis soldier's I). 8. by an agent is bound by agent's selection and exhausts Ihb rights and cannot make new filing or H. K. entry." "An appli oatiun to enter, to he valid, must lie made at a time when I lie land is free from application, ami legally subject lo entry. Uhkk Smith, hccietary." flaunted! A haunted house in these practical and nnrom intio days is something of a rarity, but au individual haunted witb the idea that his ailment is incurable ie a personage frequently met with. Dis belief in the ability of medicine to cure Is only a mild form of iuoiiouihuim, although lit auuje cases repealed failures to obtain relief from rainj ti itrr-ti t ! sources would aimost seem to justify tbe doubt. Hostelter's Stormcb Kilters bas demonstrated its all'ty to over come dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidnev trouble, malarial complaints aud Dervonsnss. and its recorded achieve merit in Hi enrativ li.i cuil t at least tu ui.rreot in. imhI bv i,i v tr,nhlnj with eiti --r ot Inn ,, vi- aiLot qtr, veo althongh lu previous e?t ir'H So ohuin remedial aid have been fruitless Used with persiuetics, tb Bittern will eou quer the ojoiTobstioati oiee. j For the Cure o Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits it is located at islem, Oregon, i The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Cull at the Gazkttk office for narticiilRrH Strictly confidential. Treatment private ami sure cure. and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhiea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Kowih F. Pardee, M. D. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interests of farm ers, stockraisers, orohardiets, bee-keepers and poultry ruisers, will be sent free of charge for one year to all those who pay up all arrearages aud one year iu ad vance, or to all new subscribers to the Gazette. This offer is made for a limited time. Those who desire the paper must mention it when they settle their ac counts. E. O. : A. II. Smith aud wife, lathe and mother of Mrs. Rose Campbell, left this morning for tlieir home in lon. Morrow oonnty. They were accompan ied by Nate Smith and Rert Smith. Bert will remain iu lone, making his home for the preseut witb his grand parents. B'or the many accidents that oocur about the farm or household, such as burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosquitos or other insects galls or chaffed spots, frost bites, aches or paius on any part of the body, or the ailmeuts resulting from exposure, as neuralgia, iheuma tism, etc. Dr. J. H. McLean's Voloati io Oil Liniment bus proved itself a sovereign lemedy. Prioe 25o, 50o and 81.00 per bottle. A Rakk Thing Iu Wellington wo will have two new moons this ru oiih. There has been one already and there will he one on the Mtb. This reminds us of the mouth of February 'till, which was in one respect the most remarkable month iu the world's history. It had no full moon. January of I hat year bad two full moons, si did March, but February had none. Do you realiz what a rare thing in nature that was? It had not occurred since toe lime of Washington, uor since the creation of the world; and it " ill not occur iignin, tooording to the computation of netroui mers, for how long do you thin'-'.' I'wo aud a half million ol' years!-WhIim Walla Malemunn. Why is II? That Hercules (ins aud Gasoline En gines are held by the public in so much higher estimation than other The parties using these, engines, and their name is legion, are the ones who oan best iiueuer this question. They well know the ease aud promptne-'s witb which these engines are started and the very little care they require t i seep them runuing month after iiiiiu'Ii with the most perfect satisfaction. They run without, a spark batterv, which is admitted to be unreliable. The simple ignition tubes of Ibe Hercules Engines are far better. Send for catalogue. II you want second-bund engines of other makes at oheap rates we oau supply you. We have u number taken iu trade and cannot take any more until these are realized on. Pan mkk & Key Tyi'k Kodnoby, Front & Alder Sis,, Portland Oregon. Clias. Ciinuiughani will have at the James Jones ranch a band o( his Frenob and American Merino and Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interested in improving their bands will have a chance to see a sple idid band of bucks after Hielst of October. H) tf. A XARROWJSCAPE! ! low it Happened. Tli-- ? '.rf i!l rrrdfirkliln i"."ni in :t 1 i'lv ltVv.,,1 inrprtr ilimt'H'Jpr: ' I nt ;j .n' tin- I li;ni 11 i-i f ihi: itiiiti at, tuy heart, whiWi Hut-U-n-ti ,ilmo- (. iii"f'i .;;ut!y. I h;tJ int HpiyMtl and i'.uiJ ml, hifin, J proulfJ ho rwNjx:llf!. ton, i, up in Iif?i jtnl h-lr-h ga-, from my HUnn-a--h until I thought, cvtry rniutHu would ho iiyiii-.t. ') h(-r(; wtiB a ffcelin ff O'lprt-hHlon rt'i'jiii ;r." huitr t, and I was afraiU lo draw a fi.llt.i";i i i ' f-.udii t tjWf-cp a rourjj with out, .nf cv,ii (j;iU rt tiiif,'; hut, (hunk ', a - r, ; ut ..w Ik-iut Cutj t.i ( mid I f.-t-i l.i.ts (u.utljfr v-uum... Hf- iotr (t .101.' il.e .Nt'W Utrttff. (.Uie I h..d i Keffi j-i ulft-Cl ieni-'4i- uotj Irt u tt'-ulfU v i l i.iju t nn lu.etn until i Ja ,'eU ti I i.. '-uilt J 6'. f,U--;,a;.U L-t.j.i.,tt or hi a :.?, Sew hn - f- 'f.'.y -.'.y 1 n.ur rtJKt;vi it-, '. i .j.; h ; . i h ?rn.r1Uid rtpihc a.u r-iOCi '. ,. i v :-' Li'i j oui dr; i,hr:n i rin f.-'iin .Oiiitdy, awl now 1 weinnl.XJv., I s ! "i i.i i-y cj-ts h?4 a fn truiy nififvtf oir. Ji f if , .if i), in, y jihrr L.eUjcltie I h - r 1 rir any LerieLt I eve r re- ren. 'i f. -, i;rM:lrwis.' M rs, Uarry btarr, I'otlav!',.-, !., O-'IoUt 12, lir. Mio' Nu'v Heart Curt) 1 so'd on a po-t-t!vt; pi :( t: by ft 1 drufvih, or by the Dr Ki:; Xlvii Co., fckhart, hid., on receipt of pt. tj, iyi r..-r bottle, bi bottles fi, exprtmn pre pud. Ti.ifr Bfpt discovery hy bq eminent m' 'vv in ttftin dt-a-4 coutulns attitntr ODUu qof dftuffftrouti drugs. For Bale by T..W. Aen, jr. 1) happiness Will reign supreme among the residents ot Morrow uud adjomiuK Cu's TIHIIESKr They oatoh onto a few important faots, one of wbioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of the GRANDCLBARANCE SALE Of General Merchandise taking place at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! lhev will maku a "bee line'" for it at a "Naucr Hanks" ttnit. W H A T ? MoI-aiUud M-i-'ritilH Co , of Heppner, whole el lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONIjY. in tinier tu be ready for our Kali purchases. These goods are all New , Clean, Fiist Class Articles and bought in the best markets in the United States. We wish to eichauge them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Enibroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Infants Caps. Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts, Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets. Hiding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fanoy Goods, etc. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Overshirts, Gloves, etc, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Wbite Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks aud spoons) Carviug SetB, Trunks, Va lises, etc. Our whole store will Counter During Months. A Full Stock oi Hardware, Cook and Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buokets, Milk PailB, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs, BroomB, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools, Roof Plates, Stove Pipe, Nails, Horse Shoes. Bar Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, G'assware, Crockery, T ilet Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimuevs, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wioks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Buck Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until present stock is sold. Saddles and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc Come iu and make your selections before the assortment is brukiu. Have your money by buying at our store, A full Hue of Groceries at out prioes, until close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay you to travel hundreds of miles to lay Iu your-supplies at our prices. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tax vourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully tilled. Call aud be oonvinced ; No trouble to show goods. WE M K A.JN" BUSINESS ! This Clearance .Sale is now in full blast. 1 nri Hut Hie reputation of beiug the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of Htiy luachiue iu the market. Land Patents Laud patent seemed fur Bettlevs iu tbe shortcut possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases iutelliyoutly and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having ouuliicliug claims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of the public land laws and the Railroad oompanies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, nuder tlie !Su limp-Laud and School-Land Grams. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time tor settlers who have complied with the laws nnder which their entries were made, and wbo are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue ol their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given iu all matters relating to the public lauds, especially on points arising nnder tbe new laws which have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain. If you want your land pBtent In a hurry if you want your land bnshiess, of any character, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkddkrburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, .')Wi. Washington . ' ). U. Owing to tbe advantages gamed throiigb beiug a member of th .... P. C. Thompson Co. i. iu p. sit.:.,, u until .1'.Vr''.ijL a) low ei the lowest. Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishimj Goods, Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons Just receiued. Odd Combinations Sign, finrner Main soi Willow Bltesti, . eellinu out at cost ? Yes, w nllei- our be a Big Bargain the coming Fall mm. ANDARD MOWER! .Gilliam & JJisbeo, II33IrKr33n., on. KM HON, OF HEPPNER. BEmEB, OREGON.