PATENTS! BERCEUSE. , la meZodia ben marcnio. C. DUPROUT. Lento con esprets. NOTICK TO INVENTORS. There never a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions nnd improvements in the arte ant sciences generally was so great as now. P conveniences of rni'.ikind in the factory imrl workshop, the houeho)d Brut o.i t!:n farm, r. b in official life, rpqn.'c cnnfiimit! noi'tcfl nm to the Hppurt.'Diiitw aoii implimeots of eueb in order to nave, labor, time and expense. Th political ch'ines in the administra tion of a.iv.voineiit does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who betug on ihe. Hierl, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit tlie niTiirs of government to de ter bim from quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Too great c ire cannot be exer-o;-ed in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare Hnd prosecute bd application for patent. Valuable in terest Lave been lost and destroyed in innnrasrable instances bv the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" sjHtein. Inventors who entrust their buHineas to this ohiss of attorneys do o at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an Hllowanco and obtain the fee. THE FRBSrt CLAIMS COMPANY, John WedJerbnrn, General Manager 618 K street, N. W.,Wushington, D. 0., reproseniitig a ltirge number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of Hie eonntry, whs in stituted to nrutuct its natrons from the nnniife methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Ood pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable, tees, anil prepare auil proseonte applications generally, inoluding me. ohaoioil inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial atteuion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entar into competition with auy firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wkiidkhhubn. lilH F Street, P.O. UoxUHB. Washington, D. (J. OTOCH BRANDS. White ynu htnp your Bubacriptinn paid up yru can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Hot-hub UW on loft liouftler; oatilo hhiuo on left, hip, tinder bit on riht ear, mid upper bit on the left; range, Mor row comity. Annfltronw, J. (!., Alpine, Or. T with bar nn rler it on left dlumlrier of horea; oatilo name on left hip. Allison, 0. 1)., Mile. Or. -Cattle brawl, O 1) on left, hip ana horneti rhiuq brand on right nhouliinr. lUne, Kight Mile. AilkiiiB, J. J. i Hoppnor, Or. Horhos. JA oou nc(,(i( on left flank; cattle, namoon left hip. Burtholamow, A. ii.t Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 Ifi on oHhor eluinldor. llango in Mor row ooiintv tianiilftor, J. W., HanliTmn, Or. Oattle hruiiri tn It on left hip and thigh; Hplit in each ear. HrHiinnr, Pot or, HooHoberry Ornjimi MnrHOH branded I'll on left shoulder. Cuttle hhiuo on right Hide Htirke, M Ht 0, Long Creek, Or -On miff In, M A Y noniieeHvi on left nip, oiop dT left ear, un der half crop off right. IIoreeH, hhiuo brand on let ft shoulder. Range in Urunt arid Morrow conuty. hroHinan, Jorry, Ijnna, r. Hoi-hob branded 7 on right ahoulder; cattle H on the loft side. Left oar half crop nd right oar upper nlope. Harton, Win., Heppuer, Or. -IloreoH, J lion right thigh; (laltle. name on right hip; Hp it in earn ear. Hrown, I an, Lexington, Or. IbirHea III on Hip right atitle; cattle name on right hip; range, Mor row county. Mrown, J. C, Heppner, Or. HornB, circle C with dot in noi ter on left hip; cattle, (tamo. Brown, W. J., Uum, Oregon. Hornet) W. bar nver It, on tho left ahoulder. Cattle mhiiio on left hlP. Hoyer, W. (.,, Hoppner, Or. Ilorsee, boi brand on rtuV. hip cattle, same, with uplit in each ear, Horg, P.O., Hoppnor, Or. Homos, p H on left dhoulder; cattle, name on loft hip. lirownlee, W- J., Fox,Or ChIUo, JH oonuooted on ltift, shin: oroo n left ear and two flnlitu and middle piece cut out on right ear; on hnruee Haiue iirand on (he ion uiign; nange in roi valley, U rant county, Caranei' Warren. Wagner, Or. florao brand ed O on right atitle; cattle r (three band on right ritm, crop and split in each ear. Kuugo in (Irant and Morrow countiea. Caln.K., Caleb.Or. Y I) on hiirsea on loft ntl(lo D with uuarter circlo over it, on left shoulder and on left atitle on all oolta under A yeartt; on left ahoulder only on all horaeaover Syeara. All ranue in (brant cimnty. I 'ate, Chaa. H Viuaon or Lena, Or. Horaea it (J on right ahouidor; cattle aame in right tup. Kungo Morrow ami Umatilla counties, ('url. T. 11.. John lav. Or. Double croHB on each hip on cattle, awallow fork and under bit in right ear, aidtt in left ear, Hauge iu t J rant nonnty. On ahucp, inverted A and apear point on ahoulder. Kar markoii owea, crop on left oar right and under half orop in left ear. All laiiga iu urani ooum-v. Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Hirae.l)l)on riirhtHhonl rter. Cattle, name on right hip; ear mark tjuare orop off left nnd aplit in right. YM CurrinavUle, Or. -Boraes, Won left ati He. Coi Kd. H.t HnrdniHH, Or.-(!aitlo, 0 with V. in center; homes, i n, on ion tip. (ouhran. H. K.. Monument, (irant Co. Or. Horeea braiui'Hl circle with bar Iwiioath, on left ahoulder: cattle aame brand on both hips, mark under alone both ears and dewlat). Chapiu, H.t Hanlman, Or. - Horses brundiMl ou right lap. Cattle bruuded the same. Alsu bran da Cl on horaos right thigh; cattle aujue brand on right ahouldor, and cut otl end of right ear. Uonglaas, W. M,. Galloway, Or. Cattle, It Don right aide.swadow-fork iu each ear; horses. It 1) on left hip. Elv. J. B. A Sona, Ponglaa. Or. Horaea brand ed KLY on left shoulder, cattle name on left hip. hide in right ear. Emery, C. K, llardnmn, Or. Horn branded ;.. (rcverHod t with Uill on left ahoulder; cat tle name on rigni nip. nan go in morrow couuiy. Florence. L. A.. Hotuuier, Or, Cattle, LK on right hip; horsott F with bar under on right ahoulder. Florence. B. P. Hoppner, Or Horaea, I' on right ahouldert cattle, f on right hip or thigh. Trench, Oeorge, Hoppner. Or. Cattle branded VK, with bar over it, on loft aide; crop oil left ear. Horaea, aame uranil on ion nip, Gentry, Klnier, Kcho, Or. Horses branded H. H. with a quarter ein'le over it, on left atitle. Hange in Mrntw and Umatilla counties. Hiatt A. H., Hidgo, Or. Cattle, iMund-top K with quarter circle under it on the right h 1 1. ttangeiu Morrow and Umatilla couuties. Hint4n A Jeuka, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two hat on either hip; cnip in right ear and split iu loft. Horaea, J on right thigh. Range iu Omut county Htighea, Hainnel Wagner, 03 (T K L councctetllon rigid slHnlderou honw; on iwttle, on right hiiand on loft aide, awallow fork in right oar and el it in toft. Kangn iu Hayatack dint riot. Momw mnnty. Hale, Milton, WagtuT, Or. Horses branded -O- (circle with parallel tails) on loft ahouldor Cattle tame on left hip also large circle on left side. Hall. Kdwln, John Day.Or. -Cattle K Hon right hip; horaea same on right shoulder, hange it brant county. Howard, J L, tialloway, Or. Homea, f (crot with bar aUive it) on right ahoulder; cattle sameou left side. Range iu Morrow and Umtw t ilia oounUos. llugties, Mat, Hoppner, Or. Horses, ahaded heart od the left shoulder. Itauxe Morrow Co. Hunaakar, B A, Wagner, Or. Horaot, M on left s boulder; oat tie. 0 on left hip. Hnmphreya, J M. Harduiau, Or. -Horses, I? i-o Infi Hank litiatou, Luther, Kight Mile, Or.- Horse 11 n the left ahouldor and heart on the left atitle Cat tle same on left hip. KaiiKA in Morrow comity Jones, Harry, Hoppnor, Or Hores brandtnl H J ou the loft shoulder: cattle tutaudod J on right hip, also muittrbit in left ear. Range in Morrow oeuutv. Jnukin, 8. M., lr puner. Or Horaea, horea ahoe J on left ahoulder. Cattle, the saint. Range ou KWM Mile. J ohnion, FWk, Lena, Or. Horses. circleT on leti Utlej cattis (.imaon right hip, under half ftp- , j ' -J' "j I G: -Sr- L -z-zr m .m VL-"' '- 1 I . .. u Aj hZZl!j- " Lf" !p f - rilnril. a tempo. ( v;zi"Zj:r rj; J I - Mw r r 1- g " y ' 1 i , igg zT7 p: z A piu mosso. rr mT P " MS0 marcnio. : - 1 1 H" tj -I-'-'h -E 0. M- -m"-m- ' -ml- B?- . J Zl W000000 I m- m--m- -m---m- -m - . -00--m- &--- '--0- i $0- -0-' -0- i . s I A -i 1 -i 0- -t i -m- 0 -0- i . alunjttiulo. f i 7) 000 m-m -Jf 5 H8BS 000- 00; m 000 0 r J -0- -e-m mo -m- -w- -tn-tt-a)- -a- -- -m--0- rail. -2 - - p a tempo. " f0 I i):g t:?--r7 i-?ri -a , , 2-; 00f&Z -JLJ-Uj- -0 igjfrgfeE KNY on loft hip oaf tie sumo and crop off lofi ear: under fllopeouthe right Kirk, J. 'P., Hoppner, Or, Horaea Oy on lef stioulder; cattle, on reft hip. Kirk, Johhp, lieppnor. Or.; hnrwi U on 'of abonlilfr; cattle aame on nqht aide, undorbit or right ear. Kiiitiberliui't.W. H.. Mount Vernon. Or.--1 L oi catt le on rigid, and left anion, nwallow fork in U f ear and under ciop iu l ight, oar. Horace eaui brant on loft HhouMor, Range in (lia'it oountv : Lofton, Stephen, Fox. Or. H L on Inft hit on cattle, ciop and aplit on riu'it oar. Horse' , Ban 10 brand on left shoulder. Range Grant ooiintv. Liennllon, Julin W,, l7rl"""' Or.Horwv j braudt'il half-circle JL connected on Inftshoul der. Cattle, hhihc on ljft hit). Rantjo, near Ijox iugton ijoahcy, J. VV. Hoppnor Or. Morses branded L and on lolt ahuuhlor; cottlo Mttue ou left hip, wattle over right rye, three elita in rigid ear. Lord, Heorge, Hoppner, Or. Hornes branded double II co,nect SomotimoH called b awing II, ou left ahoulder. Minor, linear, neppnor, dr. Cattle, M I) op rinht hip; horaa Mon loft, shoulder. Morgan. W. N., Hoppner, Or. Horses, M ) on loft pilonidal cattle aame on left hip. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. HorUiJB, 77 on riglr hip; cattle, 77 on right aide, MoClarou, I. (L, Brownsville. Or, Hornet), , Figure Ann each shoulder; cattle, M2on loo 1 MoHirr, Frank, Foi Valley, Or.Mulo fihoe ' with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and muter in each ear; horaea name brand on left etitie. j Mollaley, u. imuiuum. Or. dn lioree. w with half circle under on leftshonlder;on .:ntt'e, four bars connecUMl ou top ou the right aula Range iu (irant County. Noal. Andrew. Lone Itock.Or. H(rsea A N con needed on loft ahouldor; cattle same on Imth hine, Nordyke, K., Hilverton. Or. Horaea, circle 7 on left thigh; caitle. same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. 3 on cattle on left hip; on horaea, aame on left thigh. Range iu (irant comity. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O ou left shou.det. Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horaos on loft etille and wnrtle on none. Range in (irant count. Pearson, Olave, Kight Mile, Or, Horaos, quar ter circle shield 011 loft shouldor and 2-4 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Kight Mile. Parker A (lloason, Hardman.Or, Homes IP on left ahoulder. Piper, Krne-t, Lexington, Or. Hordes brand e WK (I K connected) ou loft shoulder; cuttle e me on right hip. Range, Mori'ow oonuti'. Piper, J. H., Lexington, Or. -Horses, JK con neotod 011 loft ahouldor; oat t ie, same un left hip, under bit in each ear. Pettys, A. C, lone. Or,; horsea diamond P ou shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the left hip, upper Blope In loft ear and slip in the right. ItotKt, Andrew, Hardnian, Or. Horaea, square orowfwith quarter-circle over it. on left Btitle. Reningor, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C H ou left ahouldor. Hush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 5t on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the loft hip crop ott left oar and dewlap on neck. Range 11 Morrow and adjoining counties. Reaney, Andrew, iexington, Or. Hornet braudiHl A R on right shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cuttle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Hoy so, Wm. H, Dairyvlllo, Or H R couneebx. with quarter cirole over top mi cattle ou right hif and crop off right ear ami split iu loft. Horeot same brand on loft ahouldor. Range in Morrow (irant and (iilliam counties. Hector, J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JO 01 left shoulder. Cattle, O ou right hip. Spicknall, J. W., (looscberry, Or. Horse brandetl HI on left Blumldor ; rtuige in Mom county. Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horaos braiuhxl on loft ahoulder; cattle aame ou left hip. Kwtuigart, B. F. laington, Or.- Horses with daih undor it on left atitle. cattle 11 with datdi undor it on riuht lop, crop otl right our an I waddled mi right loud leg. Range iu Morrow, (.Hlhamand Umatilla counties. Hwaggart, A, L., Athena. Or. Horses braudo 1 S im left shoulder: celt le same ou left hip. Croj en ear, wattle on loft hind log. Straight W. K., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J H on lofi atitle; cattle J H on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, nmiornii iu ion, happ. Thos., Heppner, Or, Horaee, fc A P oi j left nip; cattle same on left hip, Hhrier. John, Fox, i r. Nl - connected on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, I crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Uauge iu rant county. Smith llnw., Hnannvllle. Or. Horaos. branded I 11. Z. on shoulder; cattle, uniflou loft ahmilder. f Squiros, James. Arlington, Or,; horses brandtnl i JS m left ahouldor; cattle the stuuo, a' so mute ' waddle. Range in Morniwaud HUliam counties. ! Htephsna, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HSon right atitle; cattle honxontul L on the right tide : Hteveus)n, Mrs A. J., Hoppner. Or. Cattle, ( j on right hip; Bwallow-fork in left ear, 1 Hwaggart, 0. V.. Hoppner, Or. Horse. 4t ou ; left ahouldei ; cattle, U ou left hip. t Blurry. K. (i.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on j left hip, crop off rmhf a';d nnderhit in left year, , dewlap; horses W C on loft stumltler. I Thompson, J. A.. Hoppner, Or. Horse, Z on left ahouldor; onttle. 'J on left shoulder, Tipoofs.H. rK'tHrpriso,(.br, Hoiee. C-ou left : shimldor. ! Turner R. W., Hoppner, fr. Small capital T lolt ahoulder. iiotmw; caitle earn ou left hip with split in both ears. I UuTUttin, H. M lone. Or Horse branded U T connecusl ou luft mis; theop aui bramt. VamWnad, U.I., tMri:ftm MY ith Copyright, 1894, by 7'he New York Musical Record Co. neotod on right shoulder ;cat tie, aame on right hi,. Walbridgc, Win.. Huppner, Or. Horses, U. L. on the loft, ahoulder; cattle name on right hip. orop off loft ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q.,, Halem or Heppner, Or. Horees branded Jy on the loft ahoulder. Range Morrow comity. Warrou.W H, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, ou loft side, aplit iu right ear, HorneH same brand on left shoulder. Kutigeiti (irant comity Wado, Henry, Hoppner. Or. Horses branded ace of spades ou left shoulder and left hip Cattle brand ml aame on left side and left hip. Woltinger, John, John Day City.Or On horse throe parallel burs on left ahoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both enru. Range in Grant and Malhuer ooiintioH. Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Horeea, X oonneetHi on loft shoulder. Wat kins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded UK oonuooted on left atitle. Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W or rightthigii, hok iu left ear; horaos, W on right shoulder boihf bh me on left, shoulder. Whittior hrop., riuniingiou. Baker Co., Or. -Horaos branded W B uonueuted on left shoulder Williams, Vasoo, nam ll ton, Or. Quarter oir cle over three bars on left hip, both oatUe ano horses. Range Grant nonnty. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, quai ter cinde over three bars on left hip; cattle aam and alit in each oar. Range in (irant oonnty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A on ahoulder; Cattle, aame on right hip. Young. J. H., (-Joosoherry, Or. Hordes brand TH on rhe right shonldp- o - lit) viait 1.. Evry patriotic cinzrn h h n iL t i;iv.i hi? personal rrliui and iniloeiicc tn s:u i ;t t the ciritul.tliort 'd his hifito. p.ij't.;' w nifh teai'.ht.- the American policy id I' o tiun. It is his duty to aid in this u s,..ct i:i t:- ny way possible. AJtei tic iv t,..j paper is taken car of, why nt sv'i. sctHm for the American r, pubtiihed by the American ProU-i.tivs Tariff League ? One ot its corrcHpoti dents says 1 "No true cm p-t tdonj without ft. I consider it the gie.ii cut and truest political teri. r in U;e Viiilrd States." Send postal card request tor Irvt) st in pie copy , Address Wilbur F. W:ke. man, Gtsneral Sucrwtiry, 135 We .t j;, 1 St., New Vortc Qcct QW a. Wiendo cause, tor you wiling; to lul I'. iv liiu ..i .'I l'ioti-'tun in placing rt li.iWo i '..r. 1 . ."u.n in ;ho haniis of your a 't.-ir;. If ywu .re, y.ia shoukMtr ut, ! . The American rj;--.vrecTivE tariff Leac-i ?:. SO W. 230 Sr., New VoH.a t'.i. 1 'fee out knd .end It to the Na .re. '. . IV-li Fon Svik. A tborouMireil tegia U'ril HeroforJ bull MHywnmt, No. L'S.fnifi. This bull wnsbrcl in Illinois by (lw. T. Hkor, siul is just tln Hnircil ynn wiitit to brt'fil stook ihnt will brina a Kootl price. I will bI1 chenp as I ti uve unother of amo stock ; or will tra.le for gooj railoh cows. Stf, V, O. IHTHMCX iilv i!i3 Scars Hemaii?. "Among the miiny testimonials which I ee in regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansiug the blood, etc.," writes IliiNitv Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me more than my own cue. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became running sores. Our family physician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother urged roe to try Ayer' Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure In telling what good it did for me." For the cure ot all diseases originating in Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you Brief State News. A new creamery is about assured (ot Nehalem. Pendleton's city election ocotirs od Deoember 8. There are now 102 boys in the state reform sohool at Balem. Jackson oonnty farmers will turn off this fall about 50,000 wortb ot bogs. Bids have been opened tor 82500 gymnasium building tor Willamette nniyersity, Halem. At Valley, Malhenr county, tbey dis missed sohool to let tbe teacher and pupils attend the horse raoes. One ot Newberg's wonders is a cab bai;tj which is bearing its seventh annual crop from its apparently perennial root Tbe new Cusick bank building at Al bany has been oompleted, and is pro nonnoed one ot the handsomest in the state. William, a 17-yeBr-old brother ot Rep resentative Wilkinson died Thursday at Eugene. Another brother died only few months ago. The marriage licenses taken out dur ing tbe week at McMinuvilleiuelndeone to Marttu Vauderzauder, aged M, and Tetrnnella Coenen, 60, U. U. Couch, of Union county, last spring planted one ponnd of potatoes of the Maugie Murphy variety on his place near Island C'ty, nud last week dug 100 pounds ol potatoes as a result. Geo, Iluusrlniaii, ayouugengiueer, was r.t Halem ou Thursday eve-mug by owning in oiwiUc with, ft livn ttotrU HI P I tr .m. s jj::v 0 l. S&S- A , A . - (gift, r -- fJf-0s , a largando. j SdrsBS: Bj: SiriCT: t t5?ft-0- 0 f -ft -0 .-0 --0 0 m ,0- M U i :L-" C - 1- -i fe "S 0 m-'-JZm- 0 & -wf-wtf-TFT 7f77Tf yTyT ZXSXT-ft pjg1 rp- J- J. ritftrd. a tempo. ' J fJ- pr wrr Ljy TTTfg y r y r -dT yfijTirf' " - -?Z2 Ofjo - - - - - a - - )oco - - - m - - - - - - - e dim, r- r it ' K 'r--fL 'F fg jbhh morendo. r i f J X j J5i pi i n i. , i ? f S-- -fczr tr0zr m 0 f jtJ-jJ-j isbj...j!x: : ' ! 1 & ' a I & 1 4i -i 1 r 1 light wire. He was at work in the cold storage room ot a meat market, and by some means oame in contact with the wire. When found the curreut was passing through bis body and bis clothes were on firo. The Alliance Herald at 1'endleton an nounces in a recent number that it is on its last legs. What's the matter with our populist friends. Are you going to let that excellent paper die t Hundreds of piling and spars from tbe big log raft which broke up off tbe coast while in tow from tbe Columbia to San Frunoisoo are coming ashore on the beach near tbe foot of Necarncy moun tain. A reward of 8400 is offered for tbe ar rest and oouvictlon of the person or per sons who robbed the express office in Myrtle point on the night ot Oct. 15. Wells, Fargo & Co. offer $300, and tbe agent $100. Excellent sand stone for building pur poses has been found within a few miles of Ontario. The stone is of flrst-clnss quality and of an unlimited amount. It is found in layers varying from two to ten inches in thickness, Harry Palmer, an Oregon Pacific brake man, fell off tbe train near Sbelburn last Monday. Six miles further east tbey discovered bis absenoe and baoked up for bim. He now wears a black eye and oarries bis nose in a eliug. A man who gave the name of Davis left Springfield a few days ago with a team be hired out of a stable. As he has not returned it is thought he is on bis way to Eastern Oregon and tbe officers have been warned to arrest him. (Jeorge H. Burns, a sbeepberder, was oommitted to tbe insane asylum at Salem on Thursday from Wasco oounty. His insanity is oansed from granular optbal mia. He has a delusion that be has visited heaven. He is 41 years of age. There are hundreds of bushels of refuse apples rotting on tbe ground, savs tbe Oreswell correspondent of tbe Eugene Guard, pointedly, yet in six months from now the farmers, as well as other people, will be buying California vinegar, just as if there was nothing in Oregon to make it. It is remarkable that of the six deaths upon which assessments are to be paid in the A. O. U. W. order for the month of October, five of them were violent. Two were from drowning, one railroad aeoldent, one crushed by machinery, one pistol shot and the sixth tnberoolosis. There are now 670S members in that order in Oregon . The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navi gation Company will rebuild the state portage, at Casoades locks. The inten tion is to build tbe track on a higher level and oonstruot a steep iuoline with hoisting engine at the top. The work mut be done before November 10. and will oust several thousand dollars. River trsffia continues so brisk that this outlay is justified. A company of Pendleton gentlemen bas tvoMtly twmraj raluabl buklitigtUiU Greenhorn mining district in Grnn ennnty, nnd arrsneemente are now beir g made for inaugurating extensive opera tions next season. Messrs. B. F. Renn, Robert Renn, E. E. Craig, Everetl Heicher and A. J DeDninoo recently se cured, both by loonMou and purchase, 240 aores of placer ground in one solid body, on Olive oreek, 8 miles bfj'nnd Granite, and about 100 miles due south of Pendleton. Witb tbe olnims purchas ed they seoured a dilcb three miles in length, together with a hydraulic plant and a "little giant." Wheu persons are weak and languid from siokness or overwork, feel delai i dated and depressed, it is an judication that the blood is out of order, and the) need help to throw off the miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pur oose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite and n H iw of oheerful spirits. Price $1 00 per bottle. JOLLY TO BE AN EDIT Ht. A eoboolboy's composition ou "Tbe Editor" ran as follows : The editor is one of the happiest indi viduals in tbe world, He can go to any oirous in the afternoon and evening without paying a penny, also to inquests and hangings; has free tickets to theaters, gets wedding cake sent him, and some times gets a licking, but not often, for be can take things baok in tbe next issue, which he generally does. While other folks have to go to b-'d early, tbe editor sits up lute at night and sees all that is going on. When I am a man I mean to be au editor, so that I may stay out late at night. That will be jolly. Ex. I' Piles! Itching Piles, bjmptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most et night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, nbicb often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynk's Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes tbe tumors At druggists, or bv mail, for 50 oents. Pr. Swayne Son. Philadelphia, York and Lancaster Rose. Those familiar with Shakespeare re member that the two antagonistic houses of York and Lancaster had their followers distinguished by one side carrying white roses and the other red roses. There is in cultivation a rose called the York and Lancaster on account of striped white and red lines pervading the petals these colors, of course, represent the two houses united. Just what particular species of roses were chosen has alwavs had an interest for the critical student. A recent notice In the Quarterly Review decides that the white rose of York j was tho English whit rose. Eosa arvensis. and warmly contends that it was a. double variety of this species; but if that rose at all, it was most like ly to be a pure wild form, for it would be almost impossible to. get double tov, ers for tkv ilwUM.ii.U J 1MB who eJWWeU U tJuii W-4i Saved Her Life. Mrs. 0. J. Woor.DRrooit, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of her child by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "One of my children had Croup. The ease was attended by our physician, and was supposed to he well under control. One night I was startled bv the child's hard breathing, and on going to it found it stran gling. It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines given, I reasoned that such remedies would he of no avail. Having part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, I gave the child three doses, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment tho Pectoral was giveu, the chilli's breathing grew easier, and, in a short time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day, and I do not hesitate to say that Ayer'a Cherry Pec toral saved her life." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, list. Prompt to act, sure tocuro AN ELASTIC CONSCIENCE. The Sin of It Ley only In Being Found Out With Her. The penalty attendant upon being detected is tho entire foundation of many people's honesty. A woman, says a writer in the New York Recorder, in whose company I found myself re cently; was relating with pride an in stance of her shrewdness. She re marked as a preface to her story that anyone who expected to get the better of her would have to be an early riser. Said she: "I went to the theater the other night and after the play a lady who sat in front of me asked ine if ths umbrella under her chair belonged to me. "I said no, and as no one else claimed it she left it at the box office. It was a lovely umbrella with a silver handle. "Well, now the joke begins. About week later I went to the theater and asked if such an article had been found and if they had it. I described it per fectly and told when it was lost. I didn't say it was mine, but just let them infer it. It was there still; the owner had never called for it proba bly never knew where it had been left. They handed it out when I had an swered all their questions, and I'm that much in. I had just as good a rig'ht to it as the theater people, and it looked, after a week, as if the woman who found it wasn't going to put in a claim. I'm going to get a hat with the money I saved by being wide awake, for I in tended to buy a new nmbrella." MrE. Kopbiovez, a noted rtrisian dressmaker, died recently in a lunatic asylum. Her fame was great, and she always refused to make dresses for women with poor figures. A certain duchess had often desired to become one of her patrons, but Mme, Eodri gusi in?wib!y win; "Whaayau, Uv t4Ur I U1 4ro a.."