Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 02, 1894, Image 4

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BERCEUSE. . &- d-lL 1 - viinA
Lento con espreso. Iu mcUxlia hen imtrMo. ' ' J A " " -yL-y- .f.
FT ' - , 'F -rr3h41-r1 1 ) t $ . -f: . . -j '
Tbere was never a time in tbe bis tor
of oar coautry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and flcienoes generally was so great as
now. The oonveniencee of mpjkind in
the factory and workahop. the household
and on the farm, a wl an in official I
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save liibor, time and expenHe.
The political chnoge in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oire cannot be exer-
o;ned in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lout and destroyed in
innumerable instnuces by the employ
merit of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as tho breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Weddorburn, General Manager
18 F street, N. V.,Washington, 1. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eonutry, was in
fititntcd to nroteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this lino of busim-HR. The said Con-
pany is prepared to take charge of a!
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fpen, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including mo
ch anion 1 inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer-
ences. infringements, validity reports,
and uives especial atlenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to Hutur into
nompotition with any nrm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Whddkmfh kn.
MH F Kfcreel,
i O. liox 385. Washington, V. C.
Whilo yuti &tepyimr Rnhsttription paid up yiti
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn, T. J., lono, Or. Hunwa 0(1 on loft
slioiililitr; ;ntlle hhiiih cm Irft hip, muler bit. on
right nnr, ttrnt upper bit on the loft; rniiRfS JUor
ruw county.
Armstrong, J. V,., Alpine, Or. T with bar na
iler H on Inft Rtionlilur of hoi-Ben; entile enme
on left hip.
A Ninon, (). 1)., Kiht Mile, Or - ('attln brand,
1) on tuft liip Hiui horHOH Bame bmnii un right
Rtionhler. 1 tan we, KihtMilo,
Adkii'8, J. J., Hepjmor, Or. HortHw. JA con
nantwt on left HanK; cattle, wuimnn left hip,
liHrlholitinew, A. 0., Alpine, Or. liorw8
liranilnd 7 K on tillnr nhoiihler, Jtfuw. in Mor
row enmity
Blitakinan. Oho., Mantinan, Or. Hnrmm, a linn
onloft hliouliler: cult I e name on riwlil, rifmiilflur,
riantiiHter, J. W., Hanlnian, Or, Cat Oh brand-
ml if on H'll tup and Uiitfru hi 1 it in vncu ear,
HnMiner, l'eter. (iooHnlmrry (rptfnn-li(rm.(i
branded Pit ou loft Hlmulder, t'attie hi mm on
ru:M Hide
Ihirke, M Ht lma Crwk, Or- On natllo,
MAY (lunuuctiul on left nip, mopott loft ear, nn
dor half oroo oil right. HrnHn, sunie braml on
lotfl nliuuluur, Katige in Orant and Morrow
count y.
HroHinaii, Jerry, lioim, Or. Horws iirandod 7
cd right Hhotilder; cattle H on tho left Hide.
Loft ear half crop - mi right ohc tipper hImi-o.
Harton, Win.. Hoppner, Or. -florHet), J It on
right thiuli; oattlo. name ou rich I hip; Hplit in
wtuh oar,
Hrown. Inn, Islington, Or, llnrww IM on the
right Mtifle; phMJo huiuroii right hip; range, Ator
row county,
Hrown, J. (!., Hoppner, Or. Horses, oirole
I! with dot inntti tor ou left hip; oattle, hhihb,
Brown, W.J. , Irf-na, Ort'Kon. llorm'H V. bnr
over It, ou tho hiftftl.uHhk'r. Cattle mime on left
Hoyer, V. 0.. Heppaer, Or. Hormis, box
brand on right hip cattle, Bamo. with Hplit in
eaoh ear,
lloru, P. () Hoppner, Or. Homos, V B oa left
Hhoulder; cuttle, Hanie on left hip,
llrnwnloo, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, Jl) ennnectod
on left Bide; onipwi loft ear and two split and
middle piooo out out on right, ear; on horwwt Maine
brand ou the left thigh; Uaiige in h'nx valley,
ti runl county,
CarBiior Warren Wagner, Or. Horse brand.
edOun right Btitle; cattle .-" (throe barn) on
r.uht ribs, crop and Hplit in each ear. ltaiige in
Oraul and Morrow uountioH.
Cain.K., Caleb.Or.- Y I) on horsw, on loft stifle
U with unartor circle over it, on left Hhonldor
and ou loft Htitle on till eotlH nnrl.ir R v..ri.
left shoulder ouly on all horaecj over ft yearn. All I
riiugo in mni couiny,
(-lark, Wm. II., Lena, Or.-Hormw WHO con
nected, on loft nhouldor: cattle Hume ou right
hip. Hango Morrow and Umatilla counties.
('ate, Cha. It,, Viimon or Lena, Or, Homos
H 0 on right shoulder; cattle (tame ou rigid hip.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties
eoil, Wm., Dnuglaa, Or.; horses JO on loft
shoulder; oaMlo wuno on left hip, waddles on
eaoh jaw and two bite in the right ear,
Curl.T. It., John Hay, Or.- Double cross on
eHch hipon cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, unlit in left ear. ltange in Orant
county. Ou sheep, inverted A "l enr point
ou tihouliler. Kar markoii ewes rop on loft ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right a"d nmlor half orop m left tnir. All rnuya
Cook, A. J. ,lena,Or. Horses, ft)on right shonl
itor; Cattle, sauiBon right hip: oar mark smut re
cntport loft and split in right.
Currin. H. V., Currinsvillo, Or. -Horses, to on
loft stitle.
Coi Kii. H., llanltnan, Or. ('at tie, 0 with
K in center; horses. t'E on leit 'tip.
Cochran, H, K Monnmont, lirant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with Imr iHmrath, on loft
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, 11.. Hanbnan. Or.-Horses branded
on right hip. t'attle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; caitls sume
brand on right vhnuhb'r, and cut otl cud of
right oar,
Pickens, Kbb Horsim branded with three
tinil fork on left stifle, t 'at lie wne on loft side.
Oouulass, W. M .Oalloway, Or.-Cattle. H Don
right side, swadow-fork in tmuh ear; horstw, It I)
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T Douglas, Or-1 1 or sea TO on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Kly, J. H. A Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
oil KLY on loft shouldor, cuttle name ou loft
hip. hole in right oar.
Klliolt. Wash., Heppuer, Or, Diamond on
right shoulder.
fcmory, C. H.. Hanhnan, Or. Homes branded
;h IreversiHl t with tail on loft shoulder; cat-
i lenamo on ngnt tup. liange in niorrow count
nook. Jack sou, Hoppner, Dr.- Horww,
oonneouMi on rtgni siumuier; cattle same on
right hip. tar mark, bole in right and crop
off loft. 1
Florence, U. A., Hoppner. Or. Cattle, LK on
right hip; horses, V with bar under on right
Florence. 8. I. Heppuer, Or Horses, F on
right shoulder; oatt le, h on right hip or thigh.
French, tieoige, Hoppner, Or. Cattle brand ml
WF, with bar over it. on left side; crop oti left
ear. Hormm, same brand on left hip.
Uav. Henry, Hoppner, Or. OAK ou left
Oilman-French, Land and Uvsfthtck Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horww, auchor M uu loft shoulder; veut,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same oo both hip
ear marks, crop otf right ear and nuderbit in toft
Kuuge lu UiUiaui, tiraut, Croik and Morrow
Gepfry, Khuer, Koho, Or. Horses brtmded .
B. with it quarter ci rile over it, on loft stifle
Jlange in Morrow and Cumuli counties
Hayes, (Jim., ljeua. Or, Brand JH cmneciid
with quarter circle over it, on loft shoulder.
Hiatt A. II., Hidge, Or. t'attle, round -top K
with quarter circle under It on the right hip.
Hango in Morrow and Dmatillat'ounties.
li niton A Jonks, Mnmilton,Or Cattle, two bun
on either hip; crop in right ear and split iu loft.
Horses, J on right thigh. Kangeiu 0 -ant coutity
Hughes, H'Kiinol, Wagner. Or r- (T V I,
coitlUM'UHl) on right shoulder on homos; on cattle,
on rttfiit hipano; on lf t side, swallow fork in
rig'.! ii.tr and stiV in left. Uange in lluittttt.S
(lf."nfftii5 tirniK-j
.... : - llU U-JLJ i f r ' r r " rn ,. - 1 'iiti
ites-'S-j--ju j-shj njriBJ
I I & ffi zrBgz 0ih g zrzzrrz gLgL
txfc-zz J izk2b5 i , -an - -
TOT Y T ' rrrsFr 1 gT?lro feiSiSiS3
: " - - I J u 01 mo marcato. - -a - I M ZlL --Lg-- pi f 1
l T " - . . . :-T.t r- I , .
Coyriglu, i Syi , by '.' lie New York Musical Record Co.
M w MW I
-() ((irclowllliiiinrll.ii l.iln) on luft nhinililur ltraiinncr, ClniB, lloppiior, Or.- HnreoB. (! It on ' T- n oj. i XT
:it1 luftHiiiB uu lutlliiii lilw. liiiKiMiirelB on lofl fl Hlioulilur. ryfEgSSN. DFiei Otate JN eWS .
Hull Kilwin.John lav.Or.-('allln K lion ri.rht
hip; horses hhiiio on light slioiihler. l:ingen.
(iranL couidy.
liowurd, .1 I,, i alloway, Or. - IIuiki'h. i (enmt
with bar above it) on riuht Hhouhtor; entile
snine on left side, tbingo in Morrow Kiid Lma-
uua uount.is.
Hughes, Mat, Hoppner, Or. HorMM, wiadod
heart on the left shoulder. Hun go Morrow Co.
HiuiHakor, U A, Wngiier. Or. Hoihos, U on loft
shoulder; oaitlo, Don left hip.
Hardlsty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, A H
connected, ou left shouhlor; t'attle on the left
hip, crop otl left ear,
Humphreys, J M. Hrmiuian, Or. Horses, H oi
tefi flank
Hayes, J. M., Ilt'iipner. Or, Homes, wi (logins?
on loft shoulder cattle, same on right, hip,
Huston, Luther, Kmht Mile, Or. Homo H on
the left shonldernud heart ou the left stifle Cat
tie same on loft hit). Kuntre in Morrowoonnty
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or --Cattle 1 Don
right hip, crop oil lefloar and bit in right, Hnrs.v
same brand ou left shoulder Kuuge n (trunt
Touch, Hurry, Hoppner, Or Horses branded
II J ou the left Hhoulder: cattle Imnndod J on
right hip, slso under bit in left ear. Hange a
Morrow county.
ilnnkin.H. M., Hoppner, Or. Horses, horse.'
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sama.
ltange on Fight Mile.
Johnson, Felii, bona, Or.- Horses, circleTon
loft stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half
orop in right and split in loft ear
Jenkins, I) W.,Mt. Vernon, Or. .1 on horsc'Son
left shonlder; on cattle, J on loft hipondtwo
smooth crops on both ears, ltange in Fox and
Boar valleys
Kenny, Milm, Hoppner, Or. Homos bmidri
RNY on left hip. cstt le same and crop oil left
ovr: under slotoonthe riht
Kirk, J, T., Hoppner, (Jr. -Horses (W on loft
shoulder; oattlo, lt on loft hip.
Kirk. J ( Hnppnor, Or. Horses, 17 on eithei
flank: rnttln 17 on right aide.
Kirk, Jesse, Hoppner, Or.; home' 11 on left
skonldor; cuttle same on right side, iiiidorbit i n
right oir.
KnmberlHnd.W.O .Mouut Vernon. Or. I I, on
euttlooii right and loft shies, swallow fork in U ft
ear and under oiop in rirht ear. Horses samr
braml on left shoulder, linn go in Orant county.
Lofton, Htephen, Fox, Or. H L on left lip
on cattle, crop and split on right oar. Horse
same brand on luft shoulder. Knnge Orant
Lionallen, John W., L-l v'''1" Or.-Horsofr
branded half-circle J L connected on left shout,
dor. Cattle, same on left bin. ltange, near Isl
ington U'ahcy, J. W. Hoppner Or. Homos brwndod
Land on left shoulder; cettio same ou left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
liord, (loorge, Hoinmer. Or. Horses hrnndod
double H coi. ueoti 1 Somot i mos calleit s
swing H, on loft shoulder.
Markham, A. M., Hoppner, Or. Cattle large
M ou loft side both earn cropped, and hplit in
ttoth. Homos M on loft hip. Kaugo, Clark's
Minor, Oscar, ttoppnor nr. fat tie, M D on
right hip; horse. Mon loft shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., lbmpner. Or. Horww, M 1
on left shonld'M ivittle same on left hip.
MoCnmlwr, Jas A, Koho, Or. Horses, M wd I
bar over ou right shoulder.
Morgan. Tin., Hoppnrr, Or.---Horros, cm-h-T
on loft shoulder and left thigh; cattle. A or
right thigh,
Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or, Horses., 77 ou rich1
hip; cattle, 77 on right side.
MoOuren, I). O., Brownsville, Or.-Horstw,
Figure ft on each shoulder; est tie, M'J on hm
McCartv. David H. Koho Or. NorMtw Itrwinbut
DM couuoctoii, on the loft shoulder; cattle same I
on hip and side. i
McOiiT, Frank, Ko Valley, Or. -Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on nlw and nuder in j
each ear; horses same brand on loft stifle,
Mcllaln, it. Hamilton, Or.-On Hum. H'
with half circle under on loft ehoutdor; on t ato
four bam connected ou Uip on the right sidf '
Hange in lirant County.
Noal. Andrew. lone Ibick.Or,- Hormm A N con- i
nectod on left shoulder; cattle name on both Ihpk i
Nonlj ke, K., Silvorton.Or. --Htimoe, circle 7 on !
left thigh: cattle, same on loft hip.
(llivor, Joseph, t auyon City, tr. i on cattle i
on left hip; on horses, same on loft thigh, liange
iu Orant county, j
Oiler, Terry, Lexington, Or. V O on left i
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, !
LP conneMoii on left hip;-homee on left stifle
and warlleon uose. Han ire iu lirant county.
Pea it m, Olnve, Fight Mile, Or.--Horses, quain
ter circle shield on left shoulder Slid 2i ou le t
hip. t'attle, fork in loft ear, right cropped. 24
ou left hip. Uatigo on Fight Mile.
Parker A Oleavun, Uanlman, Or, Horses IV vv
left shouliler.
Pipei, Friieat. Loilrtgtou. Oi--Flor bread,
e K ;L E couuected) ou toft shoulder; cattle
n moon right hip. Itaugo. Monnw Ctemti.
l iper, J. H., lioxingiiiu. Or. Homes, Jl; ihui
nectod oi left shoulder; cattle, same on loft hip.
noder bit in eai-h ar.
1'etijH. A. t'., lone, Or,; borstm diamond P"
shoulder; uati e, J H J coiiii.'1-tod. o-i t'i
left hip, upper slope iu left or ami situ m
Powell, John T., Onyviilrt, Or - Horses, J 1 co'i
iiw wl ou Lift shoulder. Cattle OK couuts'teii on
left hip, two under Imlf crttps. one ou oat U ear,
wattle under ihnuit. Ka gem O taiit coum .
liH-d, Anurew, Hwitiuiui. Or. HormNk, ;aar
jjfinif villi 4iiatti'MiTdii(nr i oU 1" tFv;
' ex- FSEEgS
Hotiingor, CIuih, Hoppner, Or, HorBea, 0 H on
loft nhonlder.
Hire. Dan, lUrdtnun, Or.; horaos, three panel
worm fence on left, shoulder; cut tit), DAN on
right shoulder. Ibinge near Hardmaii.
Itoyso, Aaron, Hoppner, Or Homs, plain V on
loft shoulder; cuttle, same brand reversed oo
riitht Inii and crop oil right ear. Hange iu Mor
row county.
Kueh Bros., Heppner, Or. Homes' branded X
uu the right, shoulder; cuttle, IX ou the left tup
iM'op ott loft ear and dewlap ori nock, ltauge in
Morrow ami adjoining comities.
Kind, William, Hidge, Or. Horses K on
left shonlder; ealtlo, U on loft hip, crop of!
right ear, nnclorliit ou left ear. Uheep, It on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. ltange Ima
til la and Morrow c luutios.
Itoanoy, Andrew, Lexington, Or HorHes
branded A 11 ou right shoulder, vent quarter
circle over braml; cattle same ou right hip.
ltange Morrow county.
Itoyso, Wm. H, Dttiryvllle, Or H 11 connect,
with quarter circle over top on cHttleou riglit hip
and crop off right ear and split in loft. Horses
same brand on left shouhler. 1 tango in Morrow
Orant and (iilliam coiintioH.
Hector. J. W., Hoppner, Or.-Horsos, JO ok
left ahouldor. Cattle, O ou right hip.
Spick-null, J. W., (loosoberry, Or. Horse
branded 81 on left shoulder; range in Morl
Bailing, C C Hoppner, Or Homos lirandod
on loft shoulder; cattle same on loft hip.
Hwairgart, H. F., Lexington, Or. Horses
with daNh under it on left stifle: cattle H with
dash under it on right lop, crop otf right ear and
waddled on right, hind leg, ltange in Morrow,
Oilliam ami Umatilla counties,
Hwaggart, A. L.,Aihetm. Or. llorsos branded 2
on left shoulder: oottlo same on left hip, Croj
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Htraight W. K., Hoppner, Or. Homes Bhaded
J H ou left stifle; cattle J H on left hip, swallow
fork in right ear, nuderbit in left.
Happ, Thus.. Hoppner, Or. Horses., 8 A Pod
left hip; cattle same on left hip.
Hhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; cattio, same on right hip,
crop off right ear and under bit iu left ear. ltange
in it rant comity.
Smith Bros.. Hussnville, Or. (lorsps, branded
H. L. on shoulder; cattle, -amo on lof t shoulder
Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horsee branded
JHon left shonlder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle, ltange in Morrow and Oilliam counties
HtophoiiB. V. A., Hanlnian, Or-; homes 8Son
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Htevenson, Mm A. J., Hoppner, Or. Cattle,
on right hit ; swallow-fork in loft ear,
Hwaggart. Q. W. Hoppner, Or. Horsea, 44 on
left shoiilde ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, F. O.. Hoppner, Or. Cattle W 0 on
left hip, orop off right and undorbit in loft year,
Jew lav.; horses W Con left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Hoppner, Or. Horses, g on
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder,
Tiptmte,8.T.,lutorprise.Or. Horses, C-on left
Tumor B. W Hoppner, Or. Small capital T
left shonlder, homos; cattle same on loft hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone. Or. Homes branded
HT connected on loft stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, 11. T.. Lena, Or; Homos II V cod
neotcd on riuht shouldericattie. same on riuht
Walhridgo, Win.. Hoppner, Or. Homes, U. L.
on the loft shoulder; cattle same ou light hip.
orop otl loft oar and right ear lopped.
ilson, John (J,, Balem or Hoppner, Or.
Homos branded Ji; on tho left shoulder, ltauge
Morrow oounty.
Warren. W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with Quarter
circle over it, ou loft side, split iu right ear,
Homes same brand ou left shonlder. HaUgeii'
UraiM count I
Wright. Hi las A. Hoppner. Or. Cattle brandoii
8 W on the right hip. square orop off right ear
and split in left, !
aiio, Henry, Heppuer, t'r. Homos branded
ace of spades on left shouhlor and left hip !
Cattle branded fame ou left side and loft hip. !
Wells, A. H., Heppuer, Or. Homes, a1 on U f
shoulder' catt tf wiiue :
Woltinger, John, John Day City. Or -On homer I
throe parallel b'trs on left shoulder; 7 I'll Mie-'p, 1
tut in both oats, ltange in lirant and Midlmei
counties. '
Woodward, John, Hoppner, Or. Horses, UP I
no'-neeUHl mi left shoulder.
WatkiitH, Lishe, Hoppner, Or. Mors bnr'.ded
UK ctuiitectett ou loft stitle.
Wallace, Charh1, Portland, tr,-Chttl, W on
right thif!i, hott in left ear; horws, ou right
stioutacr somt si uu eon left ahouldor.
hlttier tros., iiuniiugitui, Baker Co.. -Homes
bi'midtnl W H t ouuoottHi on left bSouh'er
Williams, vasco, Hiuuiitoti. Or. Qimrter cir
cle over three bam on left hip, both oatUe and
homos, itaugo Onuit county.
Williams, J O, Long Crek. Or Horses, qnar
tor circle over throe lars on left hip; cattle same?
and slit in each ear. I van go iu lirant comity
Wren, A, A., Hoppner, Or. Horses running A A
ou shoulder: Cattle, same tn ril-t hip.
Walker El i x both A Sons, HnrdnirtU Or.
Cattle branded iK W connected) KW on lot t
side, homes same ou right shoulder. J. W
Walker's cattle, same oil loft hip, homes same
on loft shoulder. All range la Morrow couoty
Vounvt, J. H., Onoeeherry, Ot, Hores hrandM
Stiiu'i' leavoa fi-r Folio Mim.Uye,
W.ntnesilays, an,t Fridays, retitrnitie cm
Tut'sduys, Tliurclny e ami isliirdava.
H. WV, rr.-r. T. W,,vwOr.,i-t".
w - i '
Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Btgiilet,
of the beneficial results he has received from
a regular use ot Ayer1, Pills. He says : I
wa. feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order. I tried a number
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was Induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one
box, but I feel like a new man. I think they
a re the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being so finely sngar
coateil that even a child will take them. 1
lire,' upon all who are in need of a laxative
to try Ayer's Pills. They will do good."
For nil diseases of the Stoinach, Llrer,
ami Bowels, take
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mara.
Every Dose Effective
' V.t tictuse q
: , .American.
re A iUii, ui m urk for the causa
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ts h i-s f
it you are, you should be identified
the american
Protective tariff league.
133 w. 230 St., New York.
Cut tlil, dork nut .rid wnd tl to the Ltuiue,
Stating your position, .n't civ . helpiuij hand.
Every patriotic citiren should give h!s
personal etlort ano mttuence toincreasa
the circiiliituin id 'n lunne tiaper which
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Taiiff laue ' One o its correspon
dents ay3 i "Ho true American can
get a!oti wittioitt it. I consider it the
greatest and trur.t political tacher in
the United Pt.-iin "
Send p...t.i .jit re'p.irat tor freo
sniplecv.y a t.vi.ia '.V,i!'ur K Wake
naijn, Grnera! !.Mtf.. Jj VVt Jj4
Travel across tbe meuntuins in (Jrook
oounty still continues, althongh the
sdow is 12 inohea deep for a number of
Jack Crawford baa just finished a
saddle at Pendleton whioh be thinks is
the smallest in the state. It weighs yt
J. W. Clore, a Umatilla oounty sheep
herder, Is now at Pendleton suffering
from a broken ankle. Dls horse slipped
and fell on bim.
Wallows oounty is $20,000 in debt"
This is $0000 less than two yeara ago,
and yet oounty warrants only bring 75
oents on tbe dollar.
Burglars Bre getting down to bard
straits in Salem. Tbey stole a purse
oontaimng $15 from tbe Methodist par
sonage one day last week.
William Shoemaker, a lad residing at
Hood River, oommitted suicide on Mon
day by shooting himself in the left breast
with a shotgun. Despondency is given
as the ouuse for the deed.
George Goff, who waa indicted in Uma
tilla county for oattle stealing, has been
arrested in California, and will b
brought back to Pendleton tonnswer tbe
ohargee standing against bim,
August Miller, a farmer, aged38years,
who lives on Cold Spring oanyon, near
Pendleton, died on Monday of typhoid
fever. This makes tbe second deBth
within 10 days from typhoid fever in that
Tbe resitlenoe of A. W. Teats, looattd
five miles east of Dallas, was burned
Saturday evening The loss on tbe
building and its contents amounts to
11000 and there is no insuraooe. Oriein
ot fire unknown.
The fruitdryer of J. P. Mo Mi nn. nVAr
In Umatilla oounty, shut down for the
season rii1ay. It handled 125.000
pounds of green fruit, and did excellent
work. The capacity of this dryer will
be enlarged before another year.
Circuit court is now in session at
Burns and tbe interest oenters mainly
'ntbe trirl of Jack Parker, tbe only sur
vivor of tbe "Til" Glaze and "Bad"
Howard homicide, A jury was empan
eled to try Parker on last Saturday and
the case is being vigorously proseouted.
Joseph Perkins died at Llewellyn,
Lane county, Sunday, of pneumonia.
He was 88 years old and over, a native of
Ohio, and oame to Oregon in 1852. He
lived for years on the Lon Turn, in
western Lane county, and bas sold trees
an over Washington, Oregon and Cali
fornia .
A duck from Paradise, Wallows
Bounty, upon post-mortem examination
in La Grande, showed
nueeet of free gold in its gizzard, aud
now they say that the boys have dug up
the entire ranch of Diok Knieht. wher
the duck waa raiaed, in hopes of develop
ing the lead.
Malbeot is not such an unfortunate
: rymDy m tbe prt. ct barja might J(i
one to consider. Several stockraieers in
that section claim that there is profit in
selllug horses at $10 a bnud, nad tbat
many have been sold at that priae.
Thousands ot cattle have also been sold
out of that county at a fair profit this
Mrs. Wesley Matlook, of Pendleton,
disturbed from her slumbers by a burg
lar in the house, let fly at him with a
Winchester. The shot missed the
burglar, but tore an ugly hole in the
window casing and outer wall. A seoord
shot at a second burglar resulted no
better, but saved the family treasury
from spoliation,
The 500 Indians on theSiletz reserva
tion have reoeived the sum of $75 apiece
from the government, through Colonel
John Lane, special agent This is in
accordance with an agreement made
with the Indians by Unole Sboi, and
pays for oertain reservation landa ceded
to the government. Every man, woman
and child belonging to the reservation
reoeived $75 and money is now plentiful
in that locality.
John Boytnn, a ranoher living about
three miles west of OregoD City, waf
walking home from town after dark or
Tuesday evening, when he walked of)
the road and fell over the edge of tbe
bluff, a distance of about 30 feet. Both
bones of his left leg were broken a little
below tbe knee. Boytoo lay in the brusb
at the foot of the bluff until morning,
when his shouts brought some paper
mill hands, who were on their way to
work, to bia assistance. His whisky
bottle remained at the brink of tbe prec
Ipioe where be fell.
Napoleon B. Stover, an engine wiper,
fell before an engine at Pendleton on
Tuesday evening and was literally cut
aud omshed to pieces. He was carried
a distanoe of 130 feet where the body was
left by the looomotive which was a de
tached freight engine. Tbe Portland
bonod passenger train pulled in and tbe
engine ran over tbe body twioe, going to
and coming up from the yard. Con
uuuior aimer, or ine passenger train, was
told by a yard employe that a hat and
broken lantern had been fonnd. Hi
searched and discovered the body, orush
ed to a pulp. Tbe trunk of the body
was nearly ont in two at the hips
Fragments were picked up along the
traok for the whole distanoe it w
dragged. No less than 100 pieoes were
found. Stover had been in the employ
of the railroad at Pendleton for seven
years, and leaves a wife and seven
When persons are weak and luiionirl
from sickuess or overwork, feel delapi
duted and depressed, it is so indication
that the blood is out of order, and they
need help to throw r,f iha niunhi.
feeling. The beet remedy for Ibis pur
pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial aud Blood Pnnfier. It re
stores lost strenetb, gives vgor to cir
culation, promote g wd appetite and
ti w of oheeriul spirits. Price 51.00 per
If you would be rid of chilis so j fgrtt
tsk H'.rpmnui I,jvr altor.
Ten years oi age, but who declines to give lils
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that 1,
too, would soon die, ami all our neighbors
thought that even If I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I w;is so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my diiger mid
it gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it
was sure to become a running sore. 1 iiatl
to take lots of medicine, but nothing lias
done me so much good as Ayer's Harsapa-
T.'D.Ml.&Kal.r" aUd Strunfr "
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer ft Co, Lowell, Mum
Cures others, will cure you
The beautlrul 8l. l.mvrenoe, and IU Many
(Jtmliit Wouders.
The St. Lawrence Is a phenomenon
among rivers. No other river is fed by
such gigantic laUes. No other river is
ko independent of the elements,
matures Jiealm. It despises
rain, snow and sunshinn. I
wind may be said to be the only things
mar, aiiect, us miffiuv flow. Something
almost as phenomenal as the St. Law
rence Itself is the fact that there is so
little generally known about it It
might be affirmed that not one per
cent, of the American public are aware
of the fact that among all the great
rivers of the world the St. Lawrence is
the only absolutely floodless one. Such,
however, is the case.
The St. Lawrence despises rain and
sunshine Its greatest variation caused
by drought or rain hardly ever exceeds
a foot or fourteen inches. The cause
of this almost everlasting sameness of
volume is easily understood. The St.
Lawrence is fed by the mightiest bod
ies of fresh water on earth. Immense
as is the volume of water it pours into
the ocean, anyone who has traversed
all the immense lakes that feed it and
for the surplus waters of which it is
the only channel to the sea wonders
that it is not even more gigantic than
it is. Not one drop of the waters of
the five great lakes finds its way to
the ocean save through this gigantic,
extraordinary and wondrously beauti
ful river. No wonder, then, that it
should despise the rain n,l .v.-
r,nt9T 9eiaSn the Carl Ros opera com
pany made a profit of 810,000, the first
in several years.
Mme Emma Nevada has been en.
Bgeu lor a scries of "star" perform
ancea at tr, i., - . r "
. . f,, vomique
next autumn This, k a
in Paris
m6 M