Notice to Advertisers. THOSK desiriiiK the Insertion or display ads., or cbanse of Bdmo, muet set their copy in uot later than Monday evening for Tiiemlay's edition, or ThnrBday evening for Friday's edl tion. The Pattkkson PUBLibHiNu Co, Take Notice, 1, The turn of fire cent per line will be Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," liftta of wedding presents aud donors, ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2, Notices of church and society aud all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, Bhall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will he published unleiw the writer s real name is signed aaau evidence of good faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIH- ing Agent, 'l Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, is our authorised agent. This paper Is kept on tile in h.B oflice. Give your businemto Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows ; Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. a rrivfls evarv dav at 6 n. in.. exceDt Mondav. The cheapest, quickest aud best line to or rrom the interior country. B. A. UUNSAKKR, Prop. Fhlll Cohn. Agent. Removal Notice. G. B. Todrowe doBlre-B to inform tlio public that he has removed to the City Hotol Maud, where he will still keep the best brands of Liquors and CigarB. Oambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. O. B. TKDROWE, I'rop. Here and There. About Twenty cords Of good pine wood Are needed at the Gazette Oflioe on subscription at once. Kev. M. Bramble! is over from Lue Iiook. Pendleton is alive on the subject of irrigation. Bob Hynd will feed 6beep at Hardman tbis winter. D. O. Justus whs iu Tuesday from bis county borne. Tbe NileB-Vinson, . Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wasb. C. C. Sargent visited liis parents at Tbe Dalles last week. Joseph Stringer, of tbe lone section' was in town Wednesday, Bob Gilmore and wife were over from Monument last Wednesday. W. O. Hill and Andrew Reaney were in Wednesday from Lenngton. Mrs. Julia Bradley in oonfined to ber room with au attack of neuralgia. Frank F. Thomas leaves soon for Sa lubria, Idaho, where he will looate. T. A. Rbea left for Long Creek on Wednesday's stage, to be absent several days. Arthur Ammerrunn was in from Hamiltou Biob.' mill the rlrst of this week. E. H. Clarke and T. T. Nelson, of Pendleton, were over the first of the week. Married Near Douglas, on Oct 24, 1894, Mr. F. Petorsou and Miss L. Winters. E. 0.: Senator W. F. Matlock returned this morning from the Hepp ner ranch. Mrs. M. B. Potter arrived Saturday from Hood Kiver to visit relatives at tbis place. Fred Sherman is repairing the mill dam tbis week, preparatory to tbe winter's run. M. J. Bhaburn. of 'Frisoo representing Deming Investment Co., was in Hepp. ner yesterday. Phntoirranhs 81.50 Dei dozen at Shep- nnrrl'a o-nllerv. near oDera house, north Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf. Born To the wife of L. M. Powell on . Oot. 2flth, 1884, a daughter. Weighs 8 pounds. All doing well. Frank MoFarland and Mrs. J. W. Rasmus, now in Portland hospitals are reported as getting Blong nicely. Dug. Wiloox, of Portland, is visiting relatives in this vioinity. Mr. Wiloox is a nepbew of the late W. G. Boyer. Miss Anna MoHaley, nieoe of Jas. McHnley, is making ber home with her nnole, and will attend Heppner's school. Harvested, Jas. and Minnie Willis, harvester!. Oot. 29th. Crop good. Will thrash later. He weighs about 8 pounds. Chas. Jones has obarge of Green Mathews' shaving parlors during the latter's sojourn in the oountry. Call on him. . Tbe curfew bell tolls at 8 o'clock, r. m. It means tbat boys nuder eighteen years are expeoted to be 08 the streets nd at home. Genial Tbad. Armstrong, of the Alpibe section, came in yesterday to oe in attenu anoe on tbe trial of Milt Powell, charged witb oruelty to stock. We will take wheal at the market prioe ou subscription, and if our patrons have as muoh as a load will pay tbe balanoe in bard cash. Judge A. Mallory and wife returned home Wednesday morning from their visit to Onion. They bad been absent about three months. Any person who desires to trade good t,n,.nmKArr1 ffirm lands, suitable and in condition for raising wheat, for property in Portland, should oall at Hie uazeite omuts. After comparing prloes with Pendle ton and Tbe Dalles, Jobn F. Spray will sell and deliver meat at the residenoe of Heppner people as obeap as either town above mentioned. Cbas. Cunningham will have at tbe jBmee Jones ranch a band of his Frenob and American Merino and Oxford graded Bucks. All wool growers who are interest! in tm proving their Iwtids will have a chance to see a sple idil baud of bucks after the lot of October. 61 tf. The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri odical devoted to the interest "' ers.tockraiaers,orohr.liets, and poultry raisers, wil! b "n free of charge for one year to all those ' l'T n .11 .n-rii0a and one veer ad- -.,.. nr In all new inlwimlvK t tbe Gazette. Tbia offer is made for a limited time. Thoa who desire tbe rai.ei must mwttoffit Vha 'tWy se'.tla tir t, ccaaU. T. M. : The new plans for worrying train robbers devised by the Welle Fargo express oompany, have been put in operation npon the through trains between Han Franoisco and Portland. Tbe burglar proof safes in the express cars are fitted with detachable knobs for the combination locks and the express messenger who travels in the nais are nnable to open the safes, not being furnished witb the knobs or tbe combi nation. Married In Sand Hollow, Sunday Oct. 28, 1894, Mr. It. Nicole and Miss Lulu Hale, at the residence of the bride's mother, this county, Rev. J. M. Deuison, of tbe M. E. church, of this place, preforming the marriage oeremony. A splendid dinner followed the marriage of tbe young couple wbiob was enjoyed by a large u umber of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Niools have our best wishes. Mrs. T. J. Blaok and daughter, Hadie, of Portland, acoompauied bv Mrs. Blank's sister-in law, Mrs. Pry Wilson, came over from Monument Monday. Mrs. Klaok and daughter have been visiting Pry Wilson, brother of the former, and family for the past two weeks, and during their stay here visited Mrs. Julia Bradley. They departed Tuesday evening for their Portland borne. Married At the residenoe of the bride's parentB, Mr. and Mrs. B. F., Hevland, on Rbea oreek, Thursday morning, Nov. 1, 1894, Mr. Jas. Wren and Miss Cora Hevland, Rev. J. M. Denison officiating, Tbe contracting parties are very well known and greatly esteemed. The Gazette desires to ex tend congratulations, Oregon Frator: Mrs. Amelia de F. Smith, of tbe Paciflo Good Fellow, has been selected from a number of uppli' cants as sooiety editor of tbe Sun. This was a wise choice as Mrs. Smith is an easy writer, a live news gatherer and well posted among th9 better olass of people. She knows how to gather in the gossipy items. The Gazette scribbler saw a China pheasant yesterday near tbe courthouse. There must be quite a number in Mor row county now, comparatively freak ing, and if hunters will spare them a few years longer will add one more game bird to those already in this sfetion. Mrs, Jerry Cohn has opened up B bakery in the Abrahamsick building on Mav street, where she keeps fresh bread stuffs of every description. A full line of canned goods, confectioneries, cigars aud tobacco will also be added in a tew days. Give Mrs. Cohn a call. 77-tf It is reasonable to suppose that as Ayer's Sarenparilla has benefited others it will benefit you. No other medioine is so effeotive in producing a radical change iu the blood and imparting renewed life and energy to tbe whole system, both nervous and physioal "Ool." Isaao Guiidesheiiner, forinerlyj vvim iu. A. ijunst a no., "i I'ortianu, has been returned from St. Paul charged with enib' zzleineut of $400 from hip employers. The ' UoT. has inanv friends who regret bis downfall which is chargeable to wine anil women. Ayer's Sarsnpnrilla aots dirently aud promptly, purifying and enriching tbe blood, improving the appetite, strength eniug the nerves, and invigorating the system. Il is, therefore, in the trnest sense, an alterative rued'cin0. livery lovnlid Fh.'M, ! t i':ve it n trial. . M-. Fred S-addiir, VV. 11 liu.lio's amitideutinl clerk and manager of tbe Long Creek store, departed Wednesday for Europe, v In N-w York. His home is in England which lie has not seen for over seven years. He will doubtless have au enjoyable titre Yesterday Mill Powell was ,-irr'?ited on com il anil of 15"o Snggart, charged with malicioiislv mutiliiling lien's cattle. Today ou examinu'ion he was bouud over to await the yetiou of the gran jury, bis bonds being pl-iced at 8500. J. T. McGonigill is now brakiug on the branch, tbe oompany having allowed an additional man. Tbe iuoreased btisiuess of the Heppner branch de munded more help, aud Couduutor Dunn's appeal was not overlooked. D. A. Herrcn and J. S. Buseick, under the firm name of D. A Herren & Co., are buying aud selling grain of all kindp next door to the Uazette office. They nay the highest market price, and will buy in any quantities. 78-tf. Most people in this section remember Jim Bradley, the erstwhile resident of lienpuer aud Lexington, and one of the principals in the Lexington town- burning. His death by tbe pistol in Idaho was not unexpected. Alfred Rascb, W. H. Hermann, G. F. Roberts. Fred Eaton and W. H. Smith, renre6enting. respectively. Clossett Devers. Mason, Ehrman & Co., Zan Bros., Byron Jaokson and H. E. Bucklen A Co., are in town today. B. A. Hnnsaker runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving ever) day except Sunday. Shoilest aud cheap est route to the interior. P. Cohn agent. Dan Morrow, owing to rains nn.l bad weather, did ool gel si-.ilMi l. i Long Creek till veetcruny ut-nnni!. I.ewas accompanied by U1-0, S'uhbif !! Id who also took out a loader suppins. Times are hrd but our people seem to be determined to mako b ill ends meet. This determination wiil c irry our seotion through till the downing ol a more prosperous era. in 189(3 J. B. Natter bus reopened ibe Brewery Saloon, keeping on tap a! el; tiin a tbe best beer on tbe Paoitic ro 1st. A'30 on hands the best brands of liquors, wines Bnd cigars. 56if. Nearly all women have good hair, though mauy are gray, and few are bald. Hall's Hair Renewer restores tbe natural color, aud thickens the growth of the hair. Mrs. Judge Peck Dyspepsia Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How She Was Cured Sufferers from Dyspepsia should read the fol lowing letter from Mrs, 11. M. Feck, uife of Judj;e Pe:k, a justice at Tracy, Cal., and a writer connected with thy Associated Press; "By a deep sense of gratitude for the great benefit I have received from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilia, I have been led to write the follow ing statement for the beuetlt of sufferers who may be similarly aftlicted. For 15 years I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia and Heart Trouble. Almost everything 1 ate would distress me. I tried different treatments and medicines, but failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend prevailed upou me to trv Hood's Sars;;p:irilla. The first bottle 1 noticed helped me, s i I con tinued taking tt. It did me so nuu h good tlmi my friends spoke of the Improvement. I uav; received such great benefit from it that Gladly Recommend It. 1 now have an excellent appetite and nothing 1 eat ever distresses me. It ulno keeps tip in; ttesh and strength. I cannot p";ii Sarsaparil'i loo murh." M';-. II. Tracy, California. et ilOOJK i'.IMV. . l'i;t k Mood's PitlS lire lmwl I". in prnporUon anil appearance. Whkat Sacks . The Morrow County Land & Trust Go. are putting out wbeiit saoks at their warehouses at Douglas, lone aud Heppner. All those wishing sacks should see them. 57tf. It is the Headquarters! j fillitH, Drugs Oils, let Artioea, Patent Eto Glttss, To!" Aledlolnea, 0ioe of all stages running oat of Heppner. SLQGUm-JOHNSTOH Eii Wilt PHIL. COHS, Proprietor. -OF- Foi- the Cure tu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazkttk ofticc for particulars Strlctlyeontidt'ntlal. Treatment privatcaud sure eure. for Infants and Children. HAPPINESS Will reign supreme amoug the residents of Morrow and adjoining Co'a "7-IHEIES3Sa"- They oatoh onto a few important faots, one of whioh they must and will know on reading this Ad. When they learn of the GRANDCLEARANCB SALE Of General Merchandise taking place at McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Retail Store ! Tbev will make a "bee line" for it at a "Nancy Hauks" gait. WHAT ? MoFarlaud Aloroantile Co , of Heppuer, selline ont at cost ? Yes, we oiler onr whole Block at lowest wholesale prioes, for CASH ONLY, in order to be rudy for our Fall purchases. These goods are ull New, Clean, Fiist-Class Articles aud bought in tbe best markets in tbe Dnited States. We wish to exchange them for your money. A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods At Cost or Lower ! Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towels, lufanta Caps. Bonnets aud Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts, Flannels, blankets, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets. Riding Gloves, Bhiok and Colored Hose, Dress Lininps, Stays, Silk Thread and TwiBt, Knitting Yarns, Saxouy Yarns, Fancy Goode, eto. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers, At prices never thought of. Call and see. One buuured pairs child's heavy lace shoes way down. Meu s and Jioy s Clothing. Oversbirte, Gloves, etc., Boots, Hlioes, ittiouers, nais, vap, vmuniw , 11 Shirts, Silk Neckwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps. Brushes, Razors, table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (kuives, forks aud spoons) Carving Sets, TrunkB, Va lises, eto. "Cantorialsso well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Akchkr, M. I)., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Land Decision. Furnished by W. i Harlan, Land Att'y, Washington, D. C., for the Heppner Gazette : Au applica tion to enter, presented while tbe laud n question is involved iu the pending application of another, should await tbe final aotion iu prior application Asst. rfec'y Sims. 'The Shob Makkr. Joe Dubois has moved his shoe-making aud repair shop r from the old May street stand to tbe room formerly occupied by Green Mathews, barber shop, neit door to Noble's bnrness Bhop. Joe aleo has o good workman with him and guarantees satisfaction. Don't overlook him for SrBt class work. (36 tf. Foil Sale. A thoroughbred regis tered Hereford bull Maywood, No. 28,606. Tbis bull was bred in Illinois by Geo. T. Baker, and is just tbe animal you want to breed stook that will bring a good prioe. I will sell obeap as I have another of same stock; or will trade for good miloh cows. 8tf. F. O. Btjcknum. Litbraiiv Entertainment. Saturday evening, ftovernoer ord, tue ueppner High School will give a literary enter tainment of music, songs, recitations, tableaux and plays, at tbe Opera House, beginning at 7:30 o'clook. The proceeds are to supply the High School with new song books And nrjrary reading. Ad mission, 25 oeuts;ohiidren, loots. 8-10. "The use of 'Cwtoria is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Mabtttn, I). D., New York City. The Ckntauii Compact, 77 Mi rrav Stkmw, New York Citt. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, flour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Kdwin K. PAanan, M. T. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Our whole store will Counter During Months. be a Big Bargain the coming Fall Tinware, Buckets, Milk Boilers, Wash Tubs, Trees. Carpenter Horse Shoes, Bar r Ul..a.;. Pna Hanmn. uiwl Ntntlil i.HimiR. It'aSSWare. uroilKttry, A lie Sets. Stoua Jars, Lamp Chimneys, Lautern Globles, Lauterus, Wicks, Oliver Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Bakes Mowers, Mitobell Wagons, Hacks, Buck BoBrde, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until present Btook ie sold. Saddles and Harness, Kittes and Shot uuos, etc. A Pull Slnnk of Hardware. Cook and Heating Stoves Pails, Pans, Cooking Utensils, Oofl'eo Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boil Brooms, Brushes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Tools, (all kinds) Garden Toole, Roof Plates. Stove Pipe, Naile, Was at Hbppnek. Lew Vernou, formerly a Pendleton musician, is the author of some very popular songs, among whioh are "Sweet Marie" and "Two Little Girls in Blue," wbioh are at present tbe oraze in tbe east. Vernon it is eaid, discoursed music in tbe saloons when in Portland, but bas rispu to a higher plane and is now worth considerable money, says the Walla Walla Statesman. Vernou was at one time in Heppner, and many people here will remember him. Lew was manager of an amateur minstrel performance at tbe oourt bouse some years ago, iu wbioh quite a number of onr young men were more or less prominent. The Cmi'PLHO WhistiiEU. Alfred Henry Bryant, a oripple, has attracted more thau usual attention ou the streets for tbe past week by bis remarkable whistling. The young man is a native of Australia, and was at one time n mercberof nn opera troupe in that oniony, tilling the role of baritone siuj;er. Four yeBrs Bgo while traveling, he met with a railway eocideni, b'lirg bis right leg and arm. incapacitating him from fol lowing bis profess on. Sincf. that time he has taken sdvantsge of h'e ability as a whistler to earn a living, mid his warblings not only draw a great crowd but bring many a di ne and quarter to bis picket. Yesterday a unrnber of ladies, attracted by bis whistling of "The Hooking Bird." made up a purse iiuiot.g lln ni und enntributul il to the yontig mt!. Oiegmmin . cmtut, la these daa everybody is interested iu the little "hermit nation" that boue of oouteutiau betwt-eu Oliian aud Japau yet comparatively few Araerioana have more thau a vague idea of its geography and history. With a view to supplying defiui'e iufornntion on this interesting and really important topic, the American Book Company have issued "Cores. The Udrmit Nati.m," a pamphlet which forms No. i, of the American Education ul Bulletin S ries. Besides the geog rnphv a.'id liirtnry oi th.i pcuinnila, it describes the characteristics of the peooln, tber tgoveruiieut, politics, in diie'rif-s. ediiciim, im.l religion, aid confiiiin a lv.-e unp -if O reu it!i pitrts of Chiii i .i' i ) - v iu. i'1''" pamphlet is maii-. d fee .mi .-piI.c ill. in. 1 1 ooil Cures Scrofula "t our or five years ago I had sores on my sect so that I was unable to wear shoes. I saw in tne Heppner Gazette Hood's Sarssparilla advertised to cure scrofula mid I procured two bottler-. My bands were covered with warts when I begun t.ikiuir Hood's SaraapB rilla and they all dis 'ppeared when I had finish usiuu it." Tho mp.s A.Cole mun, Davidson, Or. Hood's Tills cure all liver ills. If you arc melaucholy or dowu witb the blues you need Simmons Liver ltpguliitor. Beookd YoubBhand -The legislature of 1893 passed an net oonoeruiug the branding of stock that seeme to be not generally known. The act provides tbat "All brands shall be reoorded iu the county where the owner r.-sides, aud in snoh otner county wuere suou animals usually range; and no evidence of ownership by brand shall be per mitted iu courts of this state, on or after Nov. 1st, 1894, unless snob brand shall be recorded as in this act provided." Tbe act further provides tbat the braud shall be burned in a pieoe of leather and filed with the clerk, with a certill cate as to where tbe brand is to be placed, Bays the Chronicle. Burn your brand on tbe leather and take it to the county clerk, and be will do the rest. Antelope Herald. It -A Come in and make your selections before tbe assortment is brok'.u. Save your money by buying at our store, A full hue ol Groceries at out pnoee, mini close of this sale. ONLY SPOT CASH gets goods AT COST. Country trade solicited. It will pay you to trnvel hundreds of miles to lay in your supplies Bt onr priceB. Dou't let friendship for any firm cause you to Ihx yourself these hard times. Mail orders oart fully filled. Cull and be convinced; No trouble to show goods. This Clearance Sale is uow in full blast. .BUSINESS ! MERCANTILE COMPANY 'ANDIRD MOW R! A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Dick Benmau, one the Gazette's patrons, is enjoying life in town a few days on bis return f'om a eummer'i rustling in tbe Dale oouotry. Mrs. 8. S. Whetstone and little daughter arrived Tuesday morning on the return trip home from B visit to Ohio and Missouri. Jeff Hayes, wife and mother, have returned from tbe ranch and taken up tbeir residence in their Heppner prop erty for the winter. For distressing oppressions and full ness in tbe stouiaob take Simmons Liver KegiiUtor. For the many accidents tbat occur about the farm or household, such as burns, eialde, bruises, cute, ragged wouuds, bites of animals, motqnitos or other insects gslls or chaffed ipots, frost bites, or pains on any part of the b,idy, or the ailment resulting frmn exuosure. as neuralgia, iheuma- tism, eto. Dr. J. H. MoLeau'l Voloan' io Oil Liuimeut baa proved itself i toTBHian remedy. Price 25a, 60e and LC0pr bottle. Fbll Ovkb a Bluff. A mm by t he name of Hensbaw Sunday night about half-past 10 o'clock fell over the bluff in the rear of tbe town of Grnut, receiving severe injuries from which it is supposed be will not reoover. He nad been work ing at Grant for the past month, and olalms that a compauioa robbed him of $12 and threw him over the oliff As , carpenter tools were found near where j be fell, it is supposed be had stolen them and was attempting to hide them in some seoure place above the town, when be made a misstep and fell a distance of fifty feet over the precipice. One of Mr. Walker' sons heard rocks rolling down tbe hill; but paid no aitentiou to tbe matter until about au hour afterwards, when ories for help were beard, Bud proceeding to the plaoe from wheno tbey ome, the aufortuuate man wai found in a tmrtbly niBngled onditior. Both arms wore broken, tbe skull ih fractnred and the riba oi ooe a de were crushed n'gut themio was taken iu tbe truin t th Gi 'd Samaritau hospital io Portbtnd. .Not mncli h ; known about Uensbuw, only that L was an ex-ccsvict (rem Klickiiet j county .T. M. . 3'J.ND of a I5au Man. IIjh prelunu ary examination Jiii.i Todd It 'be kill iug of Jmuri F. lii l!i-y was commenced before Jusiic" f. S. liingrbdiH in Satnr day Soptmnb"! 22 id, mid oontir tied on the foil iwi'i' M 1 1 I -.y iiulil lute in the evening. The Uil- hh represented by Distriit Att'r.,..y Ciiarles W. O'Ncil end the aoniisBd liy Major W. W. Woods. Six wituesKi-s mem exumiiied ou the part of the piowciuion, eight in behalf of tbe dnfeuse. The testimony of the eye wituess s of the trngcdv correspond ed with each other ou nil the main points and went olearly to establish the (ict that the homicide was justifiable. The character of the Jeceaeed waj undeniably proven to bn bad, and In j addition to the fact of his tun-ateimig tbe life of John Todd on various occasions, one wttnoHs testified to his being guilty -f th crniie of areon, in Morrow oouiity. O.-fgou, hii.1 was Bent to the penitentiary end there, serwd a term for tbtoff ?u-(e. After hearing tbe I testimony and i.ivoiiKiiiu of counsel, the oourt diseliKrged llie aioused on the grouu.i of justifiable homicide , Waril oer Nws. IinMaua ''"in i llml" (1 her lliouiiuilsof iirave B(ilil:cis 0-tie: war. iind noHltile, lieul's h liet ler ri'-ord hi ilint respcet it s. In liM-ruttire. II- is rapidly ae(ilii'inir au r-.,-. i:.!,!,. i::n. In ivur and llicrature Holornoii Y"Wi II ve!l known n a writer 88 ' So'." In i v.-iiii nil Iionorahle iiohilmii. lur l'i;: (he l-'ti' uitr l.e w?. a rneintKir of Co. M ,; v v :., mi .- iinil of llie lli. li lliillami In- fiinlry Vol tun i--r-. KuKardliix an imporlaut cii'i'iJinhl a n"e li'i v'l i leii hh lollows: ifc-viTw of ii- c:'l vi'iemris here are using lir. Mip IWirjt e Ner me. Heart iun :..! I.iw 1'1'ls a: of llMMM UIVIIIX i - i i-.ii I h fie'l, ue ha ve never fli-i. it--i in.iii.nre wit-li iliem. Of , Tin'-' - -i'. I hey are the besl com- ;m-""' 'ii i' rriuir-fl In a prep 1 - it-;;- r:r i:r" iu- hav- ever known. 1 1 i-i of nra r-,e for llierii i: - it ii-.-r-.'- ili of a in w principle III :. irl i.t!.' Uil llie H'Ht-ein wi.nder- -i i, i nil, try I.Mae remeinen.-V-i. Marlon. Imt., I ec. 5. IKS. ,r-edl-:. iireo:d by all druirglsts on iMi;;i:,tii' e, or ent direi-t by the ,-.l,-i ii., Klkhart, I no., on re : -. r luilrle. aix bottles 15. ex- i;ii -i Ii y iviltivelycontainuelther ;i .'.i-l-lill.-j uruK. For -ale by T. W. Ayers, jr. aii'l ! sple- llie )' liitiaii Hauuted! A hrtuuled hotiHe iu these prajtical and nnromaiitio ijays is something of n rarity, but an individual haunted with the idea that his ailment is incurable is a personage frequently met wilh. lii h.ilief in llie ability of medicine to cure is only a mild form of motinmania, although In some CAfH repealed failures to obtain relief from many different souroes would bltrii'St seem to jiimfy the doubt. Hosteller's Stomrcb bitters bus demonstrated its ai llity to over came dyspepsia, ponstipation. liv.-r ami kidnev tronl.le. iiie.lariai C'iin(.hinrM and r.prvonnneMd. and iH reo-T'ie t m loeve nient iri the cnri?; 'ine o"7h. nt Teqet t "i warrKUt i's tiinl by any or-e 'iT,;hled w:(h eitt er ef !lie eli',e e;t'r'ei:n. ,-ven et;b'.nifh hi pri-vi 'ie fT.n "h i bidn reru' dial an! h iTe h en ftntt'e'S. Used wiih pemi.iieime. fhe B-tt.-ra coo qir r tb' mor nb-il i -i c-jk.s. Eas tbe reputntiou of beiug the Lightest Running, Least Wear, Fewer Repairs, of Ruy liiRchine iu the umrket. fos stt r- ,11,,,,,, X l l ltn HEPPNEn on W. L. Douglas V dnWU NOQUIKINa f5. CQRQOVAPI, 3.5-0 FINE CALF& rftN6ABH 3.4P P0LICE.3 Soles. os2. WORKWOMEN EXTRA FINE. " 2.l.BoYfflML$H0a LADIES SEND FOR CATUOQUE i W-t.-DOUC.LAS, BROCKTON, MASS- Voa can save money br nurehanlug W. L. JIuukIhs HboeM, . Bcauu, we re the largest tuanufcturri of dverued hot In the world, and guarnle the value by lampinn the name and price on the bottom, which protecti you againrt hljn price and the middleraan'a profits. Our ahoea equal cuBtoin work In atyle, eaiy titling and wearing oualili'S. We have them aold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. T..'e uo Mibulltute. If your dealer cannot uyt'ly you, we can, Sold by Healer w liosa name Hill ahortly ap pearhue Agent anted. Apply il obue. Land Patents Laud patents secured for settlerB in the nhorteBt poeHible time. Contested Cases Contented canes intelligently uud ukillfully bandied. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputon Hjieedily miltlod. Contests Between individuals having coiillii ting claims under the agricultural land lawa. and those between claimants under the Mineral f-aws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbo pnbliolaud laws and the Kailroad companies and tbeir grantees, and the stales and their grantees, tinder tlie Kwemp-Land and School-Laud Oranie. Hpeclalty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers wbobave complied with the laws under whioh their entries were made, and who are anuoyed and worried by delays iu tbe issue of their patents, caused by Trifling rngiilurities wbioh can be easily and speedily removed, Advioe aleo given iu all matters relatiug t the public lauds, especially on points arising nuder the new laws wbiob have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain. If you WBiit vour land patent iu a hurry if yon want your land business, , of any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkuukrhurn, Ckn. Man., r. o. Boi, :w5. Washington. t. (!. Nt.rvone r,tm is flora dyspepsia. Take . Simmops Liter fUguletor and be cor'.J. erzr. Owing to tbe advantages gained through . being a member of the .... P. C. Thompson Co. Are in position to malt prices for rash us lew us the lowest ELECTRiC TELEPHONE rnt, noroltr. . fdpt4 r Citt. VilliiKor Oountrr. Ntiwl in r home, ihop, VjrDd offlo. Oritit.tcobtV innon Bud VeB-t ni ir fm erth. Av-nu mnitr iroinioioaoopri ar. Ont id rfttdno muni Mia bo aU tfai Dfti(ttib"r. f mm inMruiooota, do tor, wortu uirbi, tny dlxlstiCA. Complete, ruadv for qm wbn thif'id. Cad b iuf up by uny one, bfr-vr otit ol ordfrr, no rm rin, iat j aU Complete Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Gent's Furnishing Goosti Sewing Machines. A Car Load of Rushford Wagons just received. Odd Combinations Sign. Corner M:iin and W illow Streets, HEFFFEX, OjttGOW.