Oive your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize won. We hold each and every correspondent re- inonsiblo for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name Is signed as an evidence of good lauu. Did you ever Head about tun Man who Hid his Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is likn Itoiug business Without advertising. All the Snide schemflH lu the country Will not accomplish IIbK as much As a good ad. J 11 a (rood, live, legitimate newspaper, One that Is read I!y the people, And that owns Its own Boul; that Uses its space Like merohandise, Worth dollar For dollar. -43 Secretary Waite, of California, died suddenly Wednesday last at Oakland. The Seattle holocaust burned sixteen persons and wounded many more. Ameiucan beef is shut out of the German markets. What Las the Gorman law given us anyway ? Chicago is vying Xew i'ork in rottenness. False registration is charged on both sides of the political fence. An illicit still for muking brandy has been discovered at OBWego, Or., operated by Dan Montour and F. C. Congdon. The East Oregouiau discovers that Col. Griggs, of Tacoma, is a Tom Johnson democrat. The Colonel kicks, however, against his profits being taken off his lumber through the Gormau-Havemeyer bill. WHAT 8 THE MATTER The next legislature can confer r groat favor on the people of Orogon by simplifying the methods of tax collection. We say frankly that we do not expect it to be done, unless the pressure of public opinion becomes so great as to be irresistible, but it can be done, and lie done so readily that none but an oilico-ridden community would ever think of tolerating the present vexatious and expensive system. All the new taxes, including state, county, municipal and school taxes, should be paid to one official, who should receive a fixed salary for his services. The difficulty in securing such legislation is that it reduces the number of offices. It is oasier to create offices than to vacate them, especially when there is a horde of hungry office-seekers hanging around the legislature clamoring for pap. Still it is an outrage that the taxpayer should lougor bo compellod to submit to the present system, but it is their fault if they do not raise a clamor for a change that will drown out the voices of the offioe-seokers. They can make themselves heard when the legislature assembles, and if they do not do it thou they deserve to be imposed upon by the present outrageous system. Tele gram. As the (Ja.otto understands the present law for collection of taxes, one individual performs that duty in tho various counties tho sheriff. Tho Tolegrum has certainly for gotten that the last legislature passed the vory law for which it is clamoring. The New York World boasts that the necessaries of life are cheaper since the Wilson tariff bill. So they aro. Cheerfully admitted. They have, in fact, been growing cheupor over sinco the W'lson bill party came into power. Tho trouble is that everything else is choapor. It gives a follow no satisfaction to Bee good land sell ing at ten cents an acre if ho can't fiud a job to earn money enough to buy a post-hole. The reador will no doubt recall in this con nection the story of the Irishman who could buy as much of some things for a shilling in Ireland as for a dollar in America but tho devil of it was to got the shilling! There are far bettor things than cheap nocessaries of life espec ially for a producing people, in. terested iu finding a good market for their surplus necessaries of life. Statesman. The October issuo of tho Pacific Good Follow, edited and published by Mrs. Amelia Do F. Smith, is indeed a most creditable number. Tho fraternal ordor which sho rep resents is certainly fortunate iu having as an exponent of its objects and aims one so well iuali fiod as Mrs. Smith, ho is a graceful writer, and her work shows great intellectuality. Her uuusual ability to picture upou the literary canvas rich goms of thought, added to her experience in the society world, no doubt decided the managers of the Portland Sun in the selection of Mrs. Smith as editor of the Bocioty column. The uow journal is to bo congratulated on the choice. One of tho brightest and most progressive editors of Oregon is J. II. Cradlebaugh, of The Dalles Chronicle. He is also a man with a big heart, but tins does not hinder him from having firm aud fixed opinions. Whon Cradle baugh believes anything, he usu ally has good reasons for doing so, and he bo impresses his friends. HALLOWEEN PARTY. "If you should chance to find The ladius undersigned, B y eight o'clock next Halloween, Then a luncheon you may share, Served with Jokes as li(ht as air, And the nicest pumpkin pies ever seen. The above invitation signed by six ladies of this city, was sent out to an equal number of young men. As the reader would infer from the above the gentleman mnst find the ladies who were hiding before 8 o'olock; if not, as a penalty, they were to serve supper to the ladies at some future time. Shortly after aeyen o'clock the gentlemen began a quiet hunt for the Indies, but later became desperate and with search warrants iu hand, sooured the oityi entering mimy residences in quest of the LiJdon until the curfew sounded their defeat at eight o'olock. The Tictore then came out of hiding aud finding the defeated, eeorted them to the home of Miss Jennie E. Wier, where a beautiful and appropriate spread was awaiting them. After doing more than justice to this feature of the evening's entertainment tbe guests repaired to the parlor where the remainder of the even ing wiib pleasantly spent in jokes, games and music. Those present were: Mr. aud AlrB. Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Horner, Misses Lutie Farnsworth, Lizzie Matlock, Laura Muir, and Messrs. W. L. Baling, J. W. Dawson and A. W. Patterson. CUKE FOK CKII'l'LKU CHILDREN. The Lexow committee are hav ing a hot time, showing up the corruption of Tammany. Every department of the city, ns well as Tammany hall, seems to be au organized system of blackmail, and at the coming election, if all signs fail not, the voters of the city and state will, with ono grand effort, overthrow the Tammany influence, root and branch. At (iueat exponse the Gazette has secured tho right to publish tho musical selections, both vocal and instrumental, of the New Yolk Musical Ilocord Co. Each selec tion will appear in two issues of the paper, that all of our subscribers may have an opportunity to secure the full benefit of the service. rill ill'Hl !! I . inat inis teature will be appreci ated, we have not the slightest doubt. U CATEMALANB ore pushing across tho Mexican frontier and occu pying Mexican territory. A typ ical Central American war will result. Fighting for a year or more will ensue. Two or three men will be killed and four or five captured. Tho press reports will be more or less enlivened during tho time, and the trouble will be put down jut in time to hoar Honduras and Costa Iliea "jaw" oach other. Money Spent Economically. Money economically spent Is not ul- ways judiciously spent. Why? Simply because a cheap article often requires more money spent on il to keep it iu repair than it would oust to purchase the best. We manufacture nothing hut the best gas and gasoline engiues iu the market, and results prove it. .Send for OHtiilngue. Palmwi k Rky Tyce Focni ky, Kront St Alder His., Portland, Or. The National Surgical lustitnte, Paoif io braiich,.'!l!) Bush St., 8nu Francisco, successfully treats all cases of Orthopedic Surgery, Diseases of the Spine, Hip and Knee Joints, Paralysis, Piles, Fistula, Nasal Catarrh, Bow Lega, Knock Knees, all Deformities and Chronic Diseases. Their success in treating these cases is shown by thousands of references from trustworthy people all over the country. Ptrsons having iilllicted children or friends should convince themselves of the excellent results of the system of treatment by this institute. One or more of these surgeons will be at the Palace Hotel, Heppner, Thursday, Nov. 15th, one duy, to examine oases. Send forciroular. Reference may be had to Hon. Thos. L. Davidson, Salem; Supreme Judge Htrahu, Albany; J. C. Hayes, Heppner; J li. Natter, Ilippticr; J. F. McFemn, Morrow ooimty, mid hundreds of others. Oonsump ran formerly pronounced incurable. N if the early stages of the disease Scott's Emulsion Now it is nui. In all i will effect a cure quicker than any other known specific. Scott's Emulsion .ro inotes the making of healthy lung-tissue, relieves inflammation, overcomes the t xcess ive waste of the disease and gives vital strength. For doughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Consumption, Scrofula, Argtufo, Loss of Pleah and Wasting Diseases of Children. Buy only the genuine with our trade- TRADEMARK. i lMff'lijwc UJ'J'Cf . Send for pamphlet on Scotfs Emulsion, Kk'fitt. cou Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $ I . & CO. Goods CJlTLfrp for OolIx Only. LATEST NKVYS. Livadia, Nov. 1. The czar died at 3 o'clock this afternoon. It is under stood the czarevitch will immediately issue a proclamation declaring himself czar, and all Russian ollioials throughout the world will take the oath of allegianoe as soon as possible. "How to Care All Skia Diseases." Simply apply "Swavne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe face, hands, nose, Sea., leaving the Bkin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Aakyonrdrug gist for Hwayjie's Ointment. It seems that one of the Heppner banks was the objeot of attack by Hawthorne and Bowe, two of Tbe Dalles desperadoes. It appears that their early arrest frustrated the soheme. Old Hatt has purchased the barber shop on tbe Matlock oornerfromA. C. Carle, where his old friends and custom ers will fiud him. SuBves, shampoos and haircuts on short notice and in the highest style of the art. A Weill) F li CAI'T. I.KW1S. In a let'er to the editor of the Mercury, Col. Put Poiinn says: "I Bee Opt. John W. Lewis, of The Dulles, is a candidate or aspirnut for the adjutant-generalship, of Oregon. Lewis was a 'd d yankee' and I was a 'd- d rebel.' He audi fought on opposite sides d iritig tho 'late unpleasantness.' Hut that counts for nothing uow. He ia the bra, man I know, or know of, for tho place. He wus a gallant soldier for the union. He dis tinguished himself so greatly that he was commissioned iu the regular army. He has made a model Uuited States land oflica chief at The Dalles, aud he will make a model adjutant-general. The Oregou tuilitit, nudor his skilled hands, will beaome rivals io etUiuenoy of 'the regulars,' I trust, for Oregon's sake, Capt. Lewis may get the appointment he is so admirably fitted to grace." Of oourse Col. Mitchell will be dis placed when Uoveruor Lord takes office and when Col. Dounn recommends Lewis The Meroury will bet its pile that the gentleman is all right. Mecury, WITH THE SCIENTISTS. A silk worm's thread is one-thousandth part of an inch thick. To be perfectly proportioned a man should weigh twenty-eight pounds for every foot of his height. If a well could be dug to a depth of forty-six miles the air at the bottom would be as dense as quicksilver. The average speed of the transmis sion of earthquake shocks is nearly sixteen thousand feet per second. The idea of an ancient tropical con tinent at the south pole uniting South America, Madagascar and Australia is arousing considerable interest and dis cussion in scientific circles. After two years' trial with pine, oak and greenheart in the Suez canal works, it has been found that while pine and oak are destroyed by the borer worm, the greenheart, which comes from British Guiana, was un harmed. The latest intelligence concerning Dr. Nansen's Arctic expedition is to the effect that he has made satisfac tory progress. Norwegian whalers re port meeting him in the Kara sea and off Nova Zambia in August and further state that the water was singularly free from ice. Administratrix Notice. ESTATB OK SAMIF.I, N. MORUAK, HK1 KAt-KD. NOTICE IS HKRKRY GIVEN, THAT I.ET tcrs of Administration on the estate of Samuel N. Morgan deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 21th dnv of September IS'.U, by the County Court of Morrow County. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance at my home in Sand Hollow within six months after the date of this notice or they shall he forever haired. Tills 8!ith dnv of Sept.. INH. UARAH'E. MORGAN. 271-81 Administratrix. Teacher's Examination. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR the purpose of making an examination of all perso- a who mav oiler themselves as eandi datc for teachers of the schoolB of this couutv, for state and life diplomas, tho countv school superintendent thereof will hold a" public examination, beginning at ono o'clock, Wednes day Nov. 14th, at the court house at Heppner, Dated this twenty-seventh day of Nov. 1894 ANNA J. BALKIOER, 278-9. Uo. School Supt., Morrow Co. Oregon. f " WORTHj GPI WBA BOX' saw. MONTHLY nuPOKT ppnei' Public Hchmila for Month lull Ortulivr 2, Kml- 4 .5 E 7 n v a J. Sfl t-. si cc o3 as HMr. y.-cS ; y, 1 711 (M j M -' l" :il :1 .'. .1 i,i 1 " 11 7 j M ;wl t'.l Total j 'j,d s.-,7 .,lt A. W. Wikr, prin. lirilliiCKM Cannot he rurril by local applications, us they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Lieiuuess is caused by an iullnnied ren dition of the mucous liumg of the Knstachian tube. When this tube gets iutlamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is entirely olosed dealuess is the result, anil uulesa the inllammatinn can be tk..n out and this tune restored to its normal eoaditiou, hearing will be destroyed rorever; time cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an iutlamed condition of the mueuons surfaces We will give One Hundred Djllara for any rase of deafness (caused by catarrh) that oannot be oured by Uall'a Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free V.l. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. "3old by drungifts. Iue fight in New York grows j nicst fiio.1 itching i'iie. Wliruior as election day approaches. ! Symptoms-Moisture; luteuse milling It is a conceded fact that Tammany I l0ri,t,"1.'ii',':i.moel,,"t u.iKl'.,; ""r"H by ...... -,,.. ,1 """'clung. If allowed to continue IB beaten ltl -New lork City, niul ( tumors form, which often bleed and the rumpus there, added to tho i ;',r,,,,Kv!,,T',"i'!!' V,'.r-Y,'r,v 'S!I'S . ' ,. ' . UiNixiKsr stop the itching and bleci- geut rai leciing mat mil ami , "'g. neaia ulceration, and in most cases MaynardiBiii ' are identical, defeat the .indomitable David. . FhilariaJphir Tho suooess that has attended the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment in the relief of pain and in curing iIischhcs which seemed beyond the reaoh of medicine, has been truly remarkable, liuudrtd-i supposed to be crippled for liie with arms and legs drawn up crooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been oured through the use of this remedy. Price 25o, 60 and 81.00 per bottle. (Tasteless Effectual.) FOR All. IB9LIOU3 and NERVOUS i DISORDERS. e.. tlrli UAarianh Wlnri anH Pain In ttin Stomach, Giddlneas, Fullness. Swelling alter i Meals, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Chills, Flush- ings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness ol i Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy. Blotches on the ( Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, All ' Nervous and Trembling. Sensations, and Ir regularities Incidental to Ladies. Covered with a Tasteless and Soluble floating. Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a Box. 1 ork I fepoi, rt; canal si. AN AFRICAN PEST. The Crocodile and Ita Torrlhle Destruc tion of llmiinu t.lrp. With regard to the utility of the crocodile there are diverse opinions. It is certainly a scuvoiifrer, though, when the rapid currents of most rivers are taken iuto consideration, the im portance of his mission dw indles. The author of "In the Morambala Marsh" says that along the banks of African streams it is dangerous to approach the river-edge. Water for domestic purposes is obtained from the top of the bunks by means of a cup attached to u hnmhoo pole twenty or thirty feet in length, and in spite of those precau tions the death-roll is a most ghastly one. The primitive dugouts used by the natives for traveling on the rivers are in many cases merely death-traps. While the man is paddling along, bare ly two inches above the surface of the river, the crocodile seizes his hand aud drags him to the bottom. t'n one invasion 1 sent down some letters by a Hindoo liiiM'chant, and a few weeks later heard that both letters and postman had been devoured by crocodiles. At another time I was strolling along the bank, and hearing cites, arrived at the water's eilire in time to seize a young boy whose leg had been caught by one of these brutes and torn from him. lie escaned with his life, thanks to my timely urrival. In some places one sees thousands of crocodiles on a mudbiuik, most of them scarcely two inches iu length, evident ly just hatched. A week does not pass but in some river village wails ami lam entations are beard for a fresh vic tim to the crocodile's insatiable appetite. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Oct. 31, uki4. Notice ia hereby given that the followinK named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prim! In support of h s claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Cleric, at Heppner, Oregon, on Dec. 15, 18m, viz: CLIFFORD E. JONES, Hd. B. No. W. for the W BWU SEW SWV See. SI, Tp. S 8. R. 21 E. and NWV Sco. 3, Tp. 4 S. R. 24 E. Ho names the following witncRseB to prove hltt continuous residence upon and cultivation of nab! land, vis: Stacy Roberts, Heman Caldwell, J. T. Cant well and J. T. MiU-hell, all of Eight Mile, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, iw-m. Register. Notice of Intention. XAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Sept. 2ti, lB'.il. Notice is herein-given that the following named settler haa tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, aud that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 3, ism. MARTHA E. ROBERTS. Le-atee of the estato of Sarllda A. Beckett deceased, and by will the owner of tho de scribed Hd. claim, No. 2SS6 for tho Nwv tee. 27, Tp. 3 S. R. 21 E. W . M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: A. s. Hnlncs, Peter Brenner, Chit Joues and Jas. Jouca. all of Eight Mile, Oregon. J, K.MOORE. 270 s:;, Register. Order for Publication. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. The State of Oregou, 1 Platntiir vs. J. W. Morrow, County ! Clerk of said Morrow County. Oregon, and I the Heirs of Charles ! Llud, DeceaHed, Defendants. J Whereas it has been sutislaclorily made to appear to the court that on tlm l:)th day of January, IS'.H), in said Morrow Countv, Oregon, one Charles Lind died intestate, that at the time of his death said Ciarlea Lind was un married and left no children or other heirs at law, and that up to the time of the. commence ment of this proceeding no person or persons have appeared claiming to bean heir or heirs of said deceased. That at the time of his de-th as aforesa d said deceased wus seized of certain real estate in said Morrow Coir..ty besides a considerable amount of personal' property; that afterwards the County Court of Morrow County duly appointed administrators of the estate of said deceased, who duly qualified and entered upon such trust, and proceeded to ad minister said estate, under the direction of said County Court: Thaton the 24th day of Dec. 1S92 such administration was completed, and said administrators filed in said County Court their supplemental tlnal accourt. bv which It was shown that there remained in he hands of such administrators, after such ad ministration was fully completed, as the property of said estate, the sum of 01, which said sum of money waB on said day, under the order and direction of aaid County Court, paid by such administrators to J. W. Morrow, Clerk of sid Countv Court, the above named defendant, subject 'o tho further order of said County Court: That s'ld sum of nionev has ever since said 24th day of December 1X92 been and now is, in the hands of said J, W. Morrow, and that said Countv Court has not made any further ordor in relation thereto, aud that by reason of such facts said sum of $49.56.01 should escheat to and become the property of tho SUte and the state of Oregon has a right by law to said s -iu of money now in the possession of said defendant, J. W. Morrow us aforesaid: Alldit iS further Satisfactorily HOneMHnir to the court that a summons has issued iu this proceeding directed to said defendant J. W. Morrow requiring him and the heirs of Faid Charles Lind, deceased, to appear and answer the information filed herein, within the time tinmen oy law in ci-n cases and tliat Bald summons has been duly served on said defend ant J. W. Morrow, personally, in said Morrow County Oregon, and that no heir or heirs of said Charles Lind, deceased, can be found in 8am uouniy aim Slate: It Is therefore hereby ordered that all persons iiiicimicii in me nam esiaiu oi manes Lino, deceased, appear at Heppner in suid Morrow County, on or before the fourth Monday in March, lS9i, towlt: the 25th day tliereo' th same being the first day of the next regular iu oi mm euu-fc in aaiu county, aiLl SHOW cause, if any they have, hv the title to said estate now in the han 's of said defendant .t u- Morrow, being the sum of 14956.01 should 'not vest in me planum uerein, ttie state of Oregon It is further ordered that tills notice be imiuisiiuu ouce eacn wees ior six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of sruviai uiuiunuuii puuusiieo. at ueppner, in said Morrow County, Oregon. Witness my hand, this 21st day of Sept., 1894. , VI. U. iJRADSHAW, M-M Judge, City Hotel. THIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Alof lis; find Rooms at Xoptilcur Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER CALL AT OPPICK The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF MANCHBSTEHi ENGLAND A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT. o no.ur. me woni Summons. Notice of Intention. IANDOKFIt'K AT THE DA1.I.KS, ORKQON, J Oct. 17, l8'.u. Notice is hereby given that the following named Bettler hafl filed uoticeof his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joseph L. eiihson. U. 8. Commissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, on November 2fc, 18m, viz : DANIEL M. POTTER, Hd. No. 282H, for the NWk section lo, township 1 south, range -'.Seast, V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuco upon aud cultivation of said land, vis: Charley Stanfield, W, C. Metier. Win. Ferguson and John McMillan, all of Lexington, Oregon. 27i 2W. J.48. F. Mood, Register. XOTICE OF COSTEST. V. S. Lind OrricE, Tub Paluss, Or., Oct. 17. ISM. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this Office byEmtl C. T. Grotkopn against R. C. Barclay ior failure to comply with law aa 1', upon is. Tow nth Countv, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that the de. teniiant has wholly abandoned, and has not r Culture Entry No. S'17, dated Feh. 27, n the wi, NEV and IU NW.4 Section nship s South, Ranee 2a Vast lu Marrow .,.:i ; reniorea me tumors. A lniKKit, or vt 111 1 Uv muil frt. VI nn..in ! t .-. Miss Jeksik Ackermax, on English missionary, recently put on ft diving dress aud went down sixty feet to the bed of the OOOAn nn tha irroqtdO Mnl. Ingr trrouniis of tho world, between ! ,n""m'' ',or lh r" '" 5'r t Australia ami Mngnpure, whore 1,300: The said parties are hereby summoned to ap. men are constantly at work. 1 !"'H,r SI. W" '."!"'', 011 lhe J1" Ay Nl,v,';"l'er J ' lvl. at III o clock A. M., to respond and furn- 1 lsh testimony c ncemiug said allege,! failure. , SUEEL KiNQE ami large pasture ! J',:',"' co"u,' i1""' ' '"i-"riJV ', . . .. " . take the testimony ! Heppner, Or., Nov. Is, torrent. . . JoEPB Hav3. 1 1M1, at 10 A. M 0.11 ' ' J. F. MOOIE. lUkistar, . Tn the Circuit Court of the-State of Oregon for Morrow County. 1 W. F. Matlock, 1 Plaintiff; ! vs. 1 Mary Drlscoll, and Mary Driscoll, administratrix of the esta'e of C. Drlscoll, Deceased. Maud Driscoll, Minnie Driscoll aud John ! Driscoll, . j Detendants. To Mary Driscoll. ami1Mrvl n,-Un.oi ,i. ministratrix of the estate of C. Driie'oll deceased Maud Driscoll, Minnie Drlscoll aud John Driscoll. In the name ol the Ptate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you by the above named plaintiff, iu the above entitled suit, in the above entitled Court, upon the first day of the term of the above entitled Court, next follow ing the expiration of the time described in the order for the publication of this summons towlt: on or before the fourth Monday of March, 19,1, and if you fail so to appearand answer said complaint the said plaintiff will for want thereof, take default against vou and apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, towit: For judgments against defendant! upon two certain pronusory notes, one dated, Pendleton Oregon, November liith. 1SK? fop ih. with Interest thereon at the rate often nor rent per annum from the data: and nn. nl,t. dated, Pendleton, Oregon, November. l!th 1807 for the sum of tfft). with interest thereon at the . ,Fiui per annum trom the date, less the sum of fnK) paid on said note, on or about June I, lWI, and to forclosa a certain mortgage given to secure the payment of said notes; said mortgage dated the 19th dav of April. 1SS, and was given upon the following real property situate tn Pmatilla Countv Mate of Oregon, described fottou,. West half of Northeast quarter, the East half of V" """""' h""'"i tiMn tnirty-one (311 ,rSSuP'i,J.?,:ut'," tUn'!e twentv-nW (. ' , , ' M: . lch mof!age waa on the 3rd day of May ls. duly recorded in the office of the County Clerk of the Countv of Morrow state of Oregon: and for the sale of the real property deacrlhed in said mortgage, and the application of the proceeds thereof to tnc pay. ment of the costs and disbursements of this suit, the coeta. charges ind expense of sailing nTJ:,y,n,,ibeI,ylllen,0' oeiu ium found due plaintiS upou said note!. The iZ fandants and all persons claiming bv, through or under them, or either of tham subsequent hi the beginning of thii suit be barred,r"or closed of ail equity of redemption, right, title and lntereit or"lln In or to the above described property, and for such other and further relief as to the ourt shall seem equitable nJhl' 8'.""u ,on,1i PVb"in,M ,'"nt to the order of Hon . L. Bradshaw. one of the Jndsei of th above entitled Court in thi suit made at Chambers at The I'alles Wasco BatuiY, FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theif patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protectiug inventors from -worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tamed counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. , . D PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. f. o. box M JOHN WEDDERSURN, Managing Attorney. F- Cut this out and send it with your Insular. .CO IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAT. OAnn THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, P 0 Box46J30HNWEDDERBURN"Manag'"e Attorney. was caused hv servift oTnM nd S S man,"al labor- Aether diMDilitv was due to army service or not ? now H? .'d lf "married) whether soldier'! dea' not dependent uoon their own'lab?rTreMP.? ?rU.eOM t,h,e-,r own labor for PPrt. WW CHILDREN are l ited (if under w. j f , f ,d!"' "' due to service, widow, or she has sincedied or Remarried year8) almost a" c,ls" whe " wa service, or from .ffeit, of Wlc , Hi ft . ., W nor chlW' Provided soldier died In port. It makes no diffeKnc teth? sowLr " uPon theirow'' laorfor iup navy. umcrcace woetner soldier served or died in late war or In regular army or lwnifhouUhoe.inK Inry'r1eBnht'.0nea Und" 0" ,,w 'or hlBher rate. nd.r other hlJSSiSiSwJ'J!!.t9'' V" month under the old kr entitled to also for others, whetherdue to . Hrviot im 'not! d'sab",tlM '' wh'ch now pensioned, but regnlararmyor navy .,nctbe war arc .! or FloT- xty-two years of age or disabled SSomSSSSS ereek-Ch""' and Semlnol. or drDeXrn, W" 'ldle" Old claim rr)tnn1tat m . ... later laws or not. "'eni obtained, wftether pension has been granted under r.?fiCs nave lost their original papers g obtalncd for soldiers and sailors of the late war who Send for laws and information. No charge for ,fci . f. ... tljc r.Be.. A. -- '-".ccuuicsBsuccessiui. Aaaress. WASHINGTON, D.C B1U.K14T 4 RlDTTlto. B ,m n rney tor KAlii riff EMlis, Dawson & l,yons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A" haeiZLT" Z t,prompt ana satisfactory manner. Notaries Pobhc and Collectors. 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