Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize tion. We hold each and every correspondent re . hii for hiior nor communication. No cutro8pondenceh Vlll be published unless the writerVreal name la signed as au evidence of good faith. Did you ever Bead abont tne Man who Hid bis Light nndor A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising All the Snide sohemes lo the country Will not aeoomplish Half as much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read Hv the peopK And that owns Its own Soul; that Uses its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. tar sentiment eliminate Mr. Dolph from the field, then look out for a so-called dmk horse who may be none other than Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton. AN EXCHANGE says that Queen Lil is not crazy but in the midst of a "jamboree." Lil will get drunk. Two of Portland's councilmen are under the ban charged with re ceiving bribes. They claim to be iunacent. Gen. H.uuiisoN has decided to make one or more speeches for his old friend and political run ning mate, Levi P. Morton. James Anthony Fkouijk, a great English writer and historian, has passed to the beyond, at the ad vanced age of eighty odd yearB. John S. Johnson rode a mile on a bicycle in New York recently in 1:35 2-5, faster than the time made by Salvator, the chief of running horses. The Portland Sun of the 215th pictures Prof. Dilhau. In this the same Dilhan that charged 30 for a porterhouso steak in Olympia in 1801? We cannot see that the county judges in convention assembled down at Portland accomplished very much, but as this is the begin ning, the future may be fraught with better results. MORROW COUNTY'S CHANCE. The energetic and eutorprismg men of Portland are again agitat ing the immigration subject. This is a "twice told tale," but in this instance may bo more fruit-bearing than former efforts have brought forth, tfiuco its institution as a statu, Oregon has not made slow progress, yet it is widoly admitted that, had not its path been strewn with populiBt thorns last spring, its advancement would have this year been unprecedented. As the wildcat scare is about over, and a solid republican administration is assured, this state may reasonably look for, by spring at least, groater immigration than has ever before been experienced in any one year in Oregon. Portland is now mak ing preparation to impress upon the Eastern resident the rich and varied resources of this state. Such ambition is worthy of practi cal recognition throughout Oregon, and particularly Bhould it be coun tenanced by the poople of Mor row county. Wo want more people here, and it is not likoly that people will come to this region without capital. We havo the rich cattle, sheep and horse graz ing lands, the finest wheat bolt in the stato, water in abundance, and families on ranches who under republican rule live in luxury. Here is a coveted home that the rolling stone has boon for years in search of. llore ho will bo con verted into the setting hen and hatch eggs. For theso and many other loasons well known to the people- of Morrow county a strenuons and financial effort should be made to encouiago the immigration idea. It is the duty of Morrow county to hold a mass meeting, send words oE greeting and cheer to the Portland commit tee having the matter in charge, and sue that theio is not only immigration but the importation of capital into this county. SENA TORI A L CANDIDA TVS. It is now quite certain that Mrs. Nellie Grunt-Sartoris is engaged to God. H. Kyd Douglas, of Mary land. Gen. Douglas was an officer of Gen. Stonewall Jackson. Ten persons were death in a Seattle Saturday morning. burned to hotel last Film! Piles! Itching Piles. hvmntoiiiH Moisture: intense ltoliing and stinging; most at iiiKbt; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, wbioQ otten nieea bdq ulcerate, becoming very pore. Swaine's Ointment Btops the itching anil bleed 1DB, heals ulceration, and iu moat oases removes the tnmorH. At aruggintn, or bv mail, (or IK) cents. lr. Swayue & Hon, Philadelphia, WKIIMNH HELLS. For Twenty Years Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. There is no secret about its ingredients. Physicians prescribe Scott's Emulsion because they know what great nourishing and curative prop erties it contains. They know it is what it is represented to be ; namely, a perfect emulsion of the best Norway Cod liver Oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda. For Doughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump tion, Scrofula, Antenna, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Rickets, Mar asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting. The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put in salmon colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes ! Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and S I . They are making a winning tight iu Professor Wilson's district in West Virginia to keep the tariff reformer at homo. The ex-schoolmaster will not be Badly missed. Ale efforts to unite the Grace and Tammany democracy in New York City and Brooklyn have failed, and the prospects for re publican success state and local were never so bright. The republicans will elect nearly all their candidates for congress the districts in and about New York City, The list of souutorial candidates is growing. It now lias Dolph for re-election, Tongue, Governor elect Lord, Fulton, aud last but uot least, the brilliant Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton. The Gazette does not know that Mr. Lowoll is iu the field, but it seems that his friends insist that 1ns name shall be considered in connection with senatorial honors. Hon. 0. W. Fulton is also seriously considered as excellent limber for U. 8. sonator for Oregon, his recent declaration for equitable protection and for uulimited freo coinage of silver 1G to 1, raising him high in the estimation of the republican party in this state. Yet it must be admitted that Senator Dolph has a strong following. His earnest advocacy of the protective policy under which our oountry Like the free traders, the gold bugs are talking theoretically. They cannot overcome the fight and to be prosperous, iu the face of an increasing per capita, there must be an increased circulation of money, aud the only wny to secure this is to mine more gold than they are doing now or adopt the froo coinage- of silver. The former seems to bean improbabil ity and tho latter a feasibility. Kecently G. K. Fell inserted an ad. in the Gazette offering for sale the Dr. Fox fin i-ituro. In less than a fortnight every article is sold. Does it pay to advertiso? Can any person doubt it? Thousands of Oregon's citizens have felt the need of printer's ink, aud today they aro doing the business of our commonwealth. In close times when business is somewhat slow competition becomes sharper ami closer, and thus it becomes all the more necessary for the business man to advertise. G Eli many, Franco and Russia, like the United States, have refused to joiu with Euglaud in friendly intervention iu the war between Japan and China. The ground for for refusal taken by Germany is that tho independence of Corea does not concern it. Kugland's meddling tactics iu the Coreau difficulty havo proved unavailing and bv other powers considered unwise, even in tin' face of Great Britain by this war losing consider able trade. The fact its commerce is effected is no excuse for Lug laud's interference in this matter. From the Arlington Kiifonl. Mr. Charles ltoyee and Miss Anna May Platts were married in Eugene City Sunday aud put iu appearenoe at Arlington on Wednesday morning last, much to the surprise of everyone in these parts. Their most intimate friends bad no knowledge of their intention of em. bBrking on the matrimonial voyage. Miss Platts was an old time acquaint ance in the Willamette valley. Mr. Koyse is one of the principal teachers of this county, was nominated by the democrats for school superintendent last spring but like most other democrats did not get votes enough to elect. He takes charge of the Old school the first of November. The bride and groom made us a pleasant oall while here. We wish ahnudant success in their new venture. llonny Spent Economically. Money economically spent is not al ways judiciously spent. Why? Simply because a cheap article often requires more money spent ou it to keep it in repair than it would oost to purchase the best. We manufacture nothing but the best gas and gasoline engines in the market, and results prove it. Send for catalogue. Palmes & Kky Tyhe Found ry, Front & Alder Sts., Portland, Or. H1IEEP RANGE aud large pasture torrent. Jusnrii mayks. U-U. Oauiiut at Last.- Frank Klein aud Otis Havaue. two "swift" young men of The Dalles, have been arrested for rob bery of the ex pres. ofiira at that place. The entire Bum stolen, ft H,000, fans been recovered, less used by the thieves, and it is also aBsertod that one of them, Klein, has confessed. Other arrests are anticipated. Kinging Noises In the ears, sometimes a roaring buzz ing sound, are oaused by oatarrh, that exceedingly disagreeable and very oom mon disease. Loss of smell or hear int Also remilt from catBrrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly successful remedy for this disease, which it oures by purifiing the blood. CAUI) OF THANKS. We deBire to express our thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kind ness to us during the illness of our husband and father, Daniel B. Jaync. Mas. Jayne and Family. Arlincton Record: Mr. John Landy has accepted a clerkship in the Arlington National bank. We congratulate bim, Bnd hope he will long retain his position, for he is an energetio young man of considerable clerical ability. INOR & CO. Goods OlxeaLp for Casli Only. Hheep are reported to be dying on Butter creek from Blkali or from eating poison weeds. AN AGE OF WONPERS. Remarkable Thine That Show How Ureat This Country Is. This is a wonderful age we are liv i in a wonderful aire, and this is a wonderful country. It is doubtful if any of the effete old world dynasties can produce such things, bordering on the miraculous, as are becoming al most everyday occurrences in this land of the free, says the Erie Herald. A few days ago the press dispatches announced that some fellow out in Minuri luiil discovered coal. There was nothing so rem The success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's VolcBnio Oil Liniment in the relief of pain and in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reaoli of medioioe, has been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms Bnd legs drawn up orooked or distorted their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been oured through the use of this remedy. Price 25c, 50 and 81.00 per bottle. Nervousness is from dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver Resmletor and be oured. Teacher's Examination. City ; Hotel. WHIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVES THAT FOR the purpose of ninkliiKan examination of all pcrso' B ho may offer themselves a candi dates for teachers of the schools of this county, for state anil life diplomas, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination, begiuniusat one o'clock, Wednes day Nov. 1 Ith, at the court house at Heppner. Dated this twenty-seventh day of Nov. lS'Jl. ANNA J. BALSIUEK, 278-H. Co. School Supt., Morrow Co. Oregon. Order for Publication. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Morrow County. ,.,,, i,.,t thn The State of Oregon. 1 I Flallltl Frank McFABbANi) III About two weeks ajjo Frank MoFarland was taken ill, which complaint soon developed into appentlicitus. Last Friday he was taken to the (loud Hamarit an hospital, accom panied by his wife and W. B. Putter aud yesterday a Gazette reporter learned that ou operation has been successfully performed. The disease, whiott is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix, is very dangerous, but skillful physi cians now handle the diseuse very suc cessfully. It is to be hoped that Mr. McFBihind will speedily recover. Tun Lkctuiiis A large audience greeted II. K. Hinee, D. I)., on last Saturday evening at the M. E. church, the occasion of Dr. Hines' lecture. The subject, as announced before, was "Pioneers aud PioueBriuj;." The speak er held the attention of the audience throughout the discourse, aud proved that he was one of tho pioneers, and knew how those brave men and women made homes iu the then wildB of Oregon, Washingtou aud Idaho. Dr. Hines wae a circuit rider iu F.astern Oregon and Idaho when habitations in ninny instan ces were bb much as sixty miles apart. Should he in the future ohoose to deliver a lecture in this field we predict that he will be greeted with a large audience. fact that coal had been discovered The remarkable feature of the case is that this particular quality of coal emits no smoke when burned. Ac cnriling to the report, you could build u fire of this coal in the center of your parlor floor and be unable to find a particle of smoke in the room. In the words of Col. Mulberry Sellers, "there's millions in it." Hut this truly strange case is per haps outdone by one which is alleged . : i ,1 i. to have recently occurred in uie salu brious climate of California. The ve racious cnromcie status nuun thirty years ago one John liahler, then residing in Wisconsin, lost his eyesight and subsequently had bout eyeoans taken out, the end of the optic nerve being left as a stub iu each case. Right here is where the wonder comes in. Don't miss it. About a year ago. at his home in Fresno, Mr. liahler sud denly saw the light of a lamp placed opposite to him on the other side of the room, and the examination showed that new eyeballs were growing on the ends of the optic nerves. .Since that time his sight has grad ually improved, until now he can snoot a rillc with considerable accuracy, and hopes soon to be able to see how the foreiguers pay trie tarirr tax. Indeed, this is a great country, and isn't anywhere near developed yet. Carp milk cows and steal chickens and green corn right herein Pennsylvania, but the boundless west contains still greater possibilities than the east, and if old Europe can produce any such wonders or special newspaper corre spondents let her trot 'em out. SARATOGA CHIPS. ill' vs. NOTARY PUBLIC A- CONVEYANCER CALL AT OPFICK The Lancashire Insurance Co. i W. vmiS MAKCHE8TBR, BNGL.AXIJ Dno ote Best Jnjtheworia lms boon so successful in not for- -j;u,u uore KX-tiOYKliSOl! Hl-.AVl'.l! of lVhll sylviuiin, vociMitly expressed in n politicul Hpet'tih tho following gonsiblo eoiitiniouts: Tlio next iittiick on our protoo.tivo systom is on raw matorml. I assort that there is no such tiling as raw material that has any value. Tho moment tho hand of labor touches it it ceases to be raw ma terial. As soon as the miner loads ou the car tho iron lie digs from the mountain side ho is done with it Isn t that his finished product . Dk.vth ok Ma. I). R. Jaynk. On Sunday morning, in this oity, Daniel B. Jayne passed to the beyond, aged 65 years. Mr. Jayne had long been a sufferer from kidney ootnplalnt, and dropsy developing was the immediate oause of his death. Deceased was born iu New York, and with his parents moved to Michigan. From thence he oarue to California, landing in Santa Clara couuty iu ISM. There he resided till whet he came to Ueppner, Oregon, settling in the near vicinity. Ho leaven a wile and six children, four biiva and two girls. Mr. Jayne was highly esteemed wherever known, and Ida demise, though long expected, is sincerely regretted. He leaves hi family In comfortable circumstance, being a member of the A. O. U. W. order iu which his life was insured for $2,000. gotten. But the Bouator is not in full accord with his constituency ou the silver iiuo-stioii, yet his honest expressions as ho under stands the subject prove him to be uo demagogue. Goveruor-elect Lord is considered a silver repub lican, but the position of Mr. Tongue ou thut question has not yet been made public. In all, the senatorial matter is interesting, ami lucky will be the man who can euess the winner. is our slieep raiser. When the farmer has raised his lambs, lias garnered the wool and has packed it iu the bags ready to sell, isn't that his finished product aud a subject for protection? We cauuot afl'ord to havo the product of tho laborer of foreiu countries brought into competition with the finished product of tho laborer of this couutrv. '1 he 1,K V:'.i Not Toueheil. In u parlor car ou an eastern train sat a richly-dressed youug woman, tenderly holding a very small poodle. "Madam," said tho conductor, as he punched her ticket, "I am very sorry, but you can't have your dog in this car. It's against the rules." "I shall hold him iu my lap all the way," she re plied, "and he will disturb no one." "That makes no difference," said the conductor; "I couldu't allow my own dog here. Dogs must ride iu the bag gage ear. I'll fasten him all right for you" "Don't you touch my dog, sir:" said the young woman, excitedly; "I will trust hint to no one!" and with Indignant tread she marched to the barrgago car, tied her dog and returned. About fifty miles further on, w-hee tbf oonduetor cane along 6he asked him: "Will you tell me if my dog is all right'.'" "1 am very sorry," said the conductor, politely, "but you tied him to a trunk, and he was thrown off with It at the last statiou " Chicago Nes. t he Amorlran Way of Hating Th.m Ver- niih the (leriuun. Several of the male members of the opera eompanv sat at the same table in the Ste. Claire hotel. Another gentle man was given a seat at the same tab It seems that at dinner one day he ordered Saratoga chip potatoes and when they were served he began eat ing them with his lingers. The others looked on in amazement and soon be gan talking in Herman about the im propriety oi the acti m. They applied a number of pet names to him, prinei cipal among which was the American hug. One of them thought the thinly slieeil potatoes looked good, so he or dered sonic and when they came pro- eeeocil lo 1,-n-Kie mem won iu on, lie made about as good a job of it as he would hail he tried to eat his soup with the same implement, but by this time I he supposedly ill-bred American had Hnislied, ami after watching with amusement the antics of the other, who had to do considerable juggling to land the potato in his mouth, arose and in leaving said iu very good Herman: "Pardon me. gentlemen, but if yon will eat those potatoes wit h your ringers, as the Americans do, you will find it much easier." Mowing politely, he departed, leav ing the Hermans dumfounded. As old Maine fisherman has been living in a dory all summer, cruising about Penobscot bay catching and cur ing fish. He has camped in rough fashion on the islands, hasn't slept in a bod since last May, and avers he has had a very fine time. J. W. Morrow, County I Clerk of Niiiil Morrow 1 County, Oregon, and I the Heirs of Charles ! Lind, DeeeflKed, ! Defendants. 1 Whereas It has been sntisfaeUirily minlc to appear to the court that on thn i:tth day of January, ls'.itl. in said Morrow County, Oregon, one Charles I.iml died intestate, tlmt at the time of his death said Charles hind was un married and left no children or other heirs at law, and that up to the time of the coinnn-aco-ment of this proceeding no person or persons have appeared ehiimlnir to bean heir or heirs !-.,i,l .tofpnwd Thut. nt, the time of his dentil as aioresa.d said deceased was seized of certain real estate in said Morrow Cnin.ty. besides a considerable amount of personal property; that afterwards the County Court of Morrow County d'llv appointed administrators of the estate of said deceased, who duly qualified anil ,.,io.i.l in.mi such trust, and uroc.eeded to ad minister saiu esuue, iimici in,- ,iu,ii,.n , suid Countv Court: That on the althday of Uec is:'2 such administration was completed, and said administrators tiled in said County Court their supplemental final accout-t, by which It was shown that there remained in; he hands of such administrators, after such ad ministration was fully completed, as the property of said estate, the stun of $l!i."UU. which said sum of money was on said day. under the order and direction of said County Court, paid hv such administrators to J. W. Morrow. Clerk of ssiil Countv Court, the above named defendant, subject -o the further order of said County Court: That said sum of money has ever since said 'Jlth day of December W.r been and now iB, in the hands of said . I. V. Morrow, and that said Countv Court has not made anv further order in relation thereto, and that bv reason of such facts said sum of SUMi.ul should, escheat to and become the property of the state aud the state of Oregon has a richr by law to said s 'm ol money now in tne possession of said defendant, J. W. Morrow os aforesaid: And it is further satistactoruy appearuiK to the court that a summons has issued in this proceeding directed to said deieudant J. W. Mnrrniv rco ni ri in? him and the heirs of faid Charles bind, deceased, to appear aud answer the information filed herein, within the time limited by law in ei'il eases and that said summons has been duly served on said defend ant J. W, Morrow, personally, In suid Morrow Countv Oregon, and that no heir or heirs of said Charles Liml, deceased, can be found in said Countv aud State: It is therefore hereby ordered that all persons interested in the said estate of Charles l.ind, deceased, appear at Heppner iu said Morrow County, ou or before the fourth Monday in March". ls:, towit: the r,th day thereo the same being the ilrst day of the next regular term of this court iu said County, an 1 show cause, if R.nv they have, why the title to said estate now in the ban 's of said deieudant J. Morrow, being the sum of $l:i.H.()l should not vest in the plaintiff herein, the State of Oregon. It is further ordered that this notice be published once each week for si eonsecutlvo w eeks in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation published at Heppner, In sui.t Morrow Countv. Oregon. WitnesB my hand,' this 21st day of Sept., lsi'l. L,. DltAlIM, A" , ilHSiJ FOR INVENTIONS. Eaual with the interest of those having claims against the government is thatof INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incomneteucy or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and relt. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, it not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert iu patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In. terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render opinions as w Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. eether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once Idvised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by oths, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET. NORTHWEST. WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. r- Cut this out and send it with your ffil-Ml Judge. Summons. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT $houl1 circnilsoi:f ami public !tti, Mb ur.'on n.t ;:h;rl. It ia reasonable to suppose that as Ayer'a SarsinianlU hits benefited others it will benefit you. No other medium is tfteeiive in producing a ladical HI dllUH 111 111M IIKKHl HIlll 1111 1'ari I itu : ... . . . - Z":Zli i.i .,t .n.h u-h.uni "in wiin one named a net near Tiir.KB . salmon, it is: claimed, were landed bv Samuel Good- rort Vic. I 800000000000 Simple ailments O 8 neglected may grow Q deadly. A handy Q Q remedy is O Beecham's 8 e Pills (TMtelw) Vjf in .ill cases where O Q Liver and Stomach O trouble is suspected. 000000000 In tho Circuit Court of the state for Morrow County. V. K. Matlock, 1 Plft'mUiF, I vh. I Mary Prieroil, hiuI Mtiry ! PriscoIl.H'lminiHt Tutrix (lie enure of c. ItrUtull, hei-eawil. Mnmi Pnecoii, Mhnnr Prih- oll iinil John ' DriM'iiU, J lH'U'iidniitn. In Jliirv Driscoll, Hii.i JMhryi lriHtMll, Ail niimntrntfix of the ratHti' of C. Prim-oil. .litrHUfl Mami Prim-oil, Minnie Priscoll mul John PriKi-olI. In the n hi ne ol the stHte of Oregon, yon re hoivhv required to appear ami annwer the com plaint riled miauist you by the above named plaiutiti, in tho above entitled unit, in the above entitled Court, upon the first day of the term of the above entitled Court, next follow ing the expiration ol the time dew rihed in the order for the publication nf this summons, towit: on or before the fourth Monduv of Man-h, lS'.t, and if you fail o to appearand answer Raid eomplaint the saul planum win. for want thereof, take default aeainst you and apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, towit: tor juiijrnuMUS apainsi aeiemiami" upn inn Ttaiu nromtsorv notes, one dated, Pendleton. Oreiron. November li'th. l7, for the sum of $.00, with interest thereon at tho rate often per cent per annum trom tne naw: ami one note dated, femiieton. ureeon, rovenmer. mn, !., for the eum of MIO, with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent per annum from thenate. lens the sum of -V)h paid on mM note, on or I Ri-oiit June t, 1891, and to forclme a certain ; mortKagf civon to secure the payment 01 naia i notes: said mortpire dated the 19th day of April. lsv and was given upon the touovunK real nronertv situate in C mat ilia County. State of Orepon. described at follows, town: West hall ol oruieast quarter, me casi nair oi the Northwest quarter, SeotidTi thirty-one i:U) Township two ('it South of Ranpe twenty-nine p'l K. W. M. vhich mortagewas ou the 3rd day of Mav, IS-vs, dulv recorded in the orhee of the Countv Clerk of the County of Morrow, Mate ot Oregon: and for the male of the ral property described in said mortiiasre, aud the application of the proceeds thereof to the pay ment of the costs and disbursement of thi suit, the costs, charges tnd expenses of selUu the propcrn. acd tie payment of the S!tt pus f.uud due plaintiff uro said ntes. The iv tVndaute. and all ptrwvns claiming by, through, or under them, or eitherf them subsequent to the beginning of this suit be. barred ami furf eloticd'ol all equity of redemption, riRbt, title and interest or liju in or to the above described property, and fot such other and further relief as to the ! 'ourt shall seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant to te order ot Hon. vv. L. Bradshaw, one of the judires of tha above entitled Court in this suit, made at Chambers at The Paltes. Wxstm ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the lale war, are entitled, i! now partlallyor wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. WlOOWSof such aoldiersand sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Wid not dependent upon their own laor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. CHILD KEN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was ni widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In service, or from effects nf service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup. port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. . . . , tri.ii, ni.. OOItlierS OI inC laie War, pens IUU,U UUUll "J"- .a... maj OHf'J --."a wu. v.uv laws, without losing any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from U to $10 per month under the old law are entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether dueto serviceor not, . ... , Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disabilityor not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian Wars of 1H8 to 1842, are entitled under a recent act. MexicAn War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled 3fdoFd cfaim's completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under Jater laws or not. Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war Who nave lost their original papers. Send for laws aud information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON. D.C ATTORNEYS AT I., AW. All Iriaiuces altttnileil lo m H prompt and gatisfsritniy manner. Notaries Public Bnd Colleclots. OFF10K IN NATIONAL BANK BCILPINQ. HFPPNER. ORKGON UiAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office 11. . ...... ....4 t 4 .i... play of pboto views evr BWU in Hcpp ! u lh.e vf?8"1," ?oboription prioe of tbe ner. Your chance for KMtin this. -Weekly (..azette is 82.50 and tbe work will tad Xmae. as be is gmat h;,ck ! rpR P"oe of the Weekly Oregon'mo East. Stf. snbscribiDg for the : ",Mzert,! ni PyiDg for one year iu n- n. v. . "-"" -. .. ' ... . , " ua unoue hoq County. Mate ot orejou, ou tne s:ui day ei City Meat Jlarkel. .Itj'ivr meat to auv I iKly Uregouian for $3 All old nb August. lSM. Bitiaa.iT 4 Rirmtn ! P8rt ot Cecity. Full wlt.cht in 1 good ! seriber. paying their snbterintionB for ytctn? tot KiitmrJ 'meat tu at n! I, L13. t t.i-n yir on year in idvtoee will ba entitled to I r. a-'.4i..-. l,i.iict?a. Oi.ioe ft. , oidera. it, ll tarn;