Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 26, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Adoertisers.
THOSE (iMiriiif! the Insertion of display i.,
or change of same, must get their copy in
not later than Monday evening for Tucsdav'a
edition, or Thursday evening for Frldy a edi
tion. Thb Patterson Pobi.hshino Co.
Take Notice.
1. The aum of five cento per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks." "resolution! of
respect," hsta of wedding presents and donora,
nd obituary noticea, (other tf.au thoae the edlt
r shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whateverpurpose.
2. Noticea of church and aociety and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
tents a una. These rules will be strictly adlser
ed to la every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
"correspondence will be published unless the
writer a real ae,me is signed as an evidence of
'good faith.
J Ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
Ban Francisco, la onr authorized agent. Tina
Der is kept on file In his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Btaeo for Hardraa.ii, Monument, Lour Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrivenevery dayat6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
bom the Interior country.
Phill Conn, A tent.
Removal Notice.
G. B. Todrowe desiros to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where he will still keep the beat brands of
Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. G. B. TKDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Twenty oorde
Of good pine wood
' Are needed at the Gazette
Offioe on subscription at onoe.
Ben C. Irwin, ot Portland, was in the
city yesterday.
Lee Kilbourne was in from Goose
berry yesterday.
A. 0. Pettyg was up from the lone
oonntry Wednesday.
Bob Wilobin is enjoying a few days'
respite from hard work.
Lawrence Sweek was over from Mon
ument the first of the week.
Dick Beeman was down from the
Hardman section yesterday.
For choice ooal, very cheap, see the
Heppner Transfer Company. F,
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and
do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c.
Mrs. H. Hnllook is quite ill down at
ber daughter, Mrs. Win. Dutton's.
Good meals and beds at Monumental
Hotel, Long (Jreek. Stop there. 8-7
. T IT, ll - 3 II
iur. j. w. iuatioc-K arm tamiiy now re-
lae "M . 118 Eiol Aldor, Po-H.J.
J. B. ,8 perry and family are now
' looated out on the ranch iibove town.
Pains in the regions of the kidneys
are oured by Simmons Liver Regulator.
The lecture of H. K. Hines, D. D.,
tomorrow evening will be worth heur
ing. Aaron Vinson, of the Walla Walla
marble works, is in town on his return
from Crook connty.
When in Long Creek stop with Geo.
F. Ward, prop., Monumental Hotel.
8 7.
Photographs $1.50 pei dozen at Shep
pard's gallery, near opera house, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf.
A very large table beet was reoently
left on our table bv Mrs. 8. N, Morgan,
of Sand Hollow. It is bard to beat.
Fossil Journal : Wm. Til lard, Clyde
Sperry, Frank Noble, Frank Jones and
Ed. Hale of Heppner attended the raoea.
Journal: Messrs. Ed. and Wm. G lea
son and their sister Miss Dollie of An
telope were in town during the races.
Chas. Jones lias oharge of Green
Mathews' shaving parlors during the
latter's sojourn in the country. Call on
D. K. Jayne, who has been ill at his
home in Heppner for several weeks
past, is reported to very low wi'b
Bright disease.
Onr readers will please notioe that Ed.
Day's band of fineSpaniBb-Merino bunt's
are soon to be on sale down at Tbes.
Morgan's. Bee ad.
We wrll take wheat at the market
prioe on subscription, and it our patrons
have as much as a load will pay the
balance in hard cash.
N. H. Boley, of Canyon City, county
judge of Grant county, arrived on Tues
day evening's stage, leaving on the
game evening's train for the valley.
The new fire bell is now in position
near the engine house. Messrs. Boyed,
Frank Roberts, Walt Kiobardeon and
Frank Minor constructed the tower.
-Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers
is a popular preparation in one bottle,
and oolors evenly a brown or black.
Any person can easily apply it at home.
Geo. Wells has sold oat bis interest in
the grain business to D. A. Herren.
The buiness will hereafter be onnducted
nnder the firm name of D. A. Herren &
Any person who desires to trade good
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in oondition for raising wheat, for
property in Portland, should call at the
Gazette offioe.
After comparing prices with Pendle
ton and The Dalles, John F. Spray will
ell and deliver meat at the residence
of Heppner people as cheap as either
town above mentioned.
Old Hatt has purchased the barber
shop on the Matlock comer from A. 0.
CBrle, where his old friends and custom
ers will find him. Shaves, shampoos
and haircnU on short notice and in the
highest style of the art.
Chas. Cunningham will have at the
James Jones ranch a band of his Frenob
nd American Merino aud Oxford
graded Bnoks. All wool growers who are
interested in improving their bands will
have a cbanoe to see a splendid band or
bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tr.
The Webfoot Planter, a Portland peri
odica! devoted to the interest" of farm
ers, alockraisers, orohardiats, bee-keepers
and poultry raisers, will be sent free of
charge for one year to all those who pay
up all arrearages aod one vear in ad
vance, or to all new autwcribfra n .he
Gazette. This offer is rnde for a I m.ied
time. Those who desire the pape; nv:st
BMntioflit wt5 .byt.tM (bur so-
Mr. John Parnim, father of Mrs.
Henry Walker, of Fox valley, arrived in
Heppner from his Indiana home the first
of the week. He was met here by Mr.
and Mrs. Walker and acoompanied them
tn their home over in Grant oonnty.
While on the way over Mrs. Walker
met with every paioful accident. When
nenr Monument the vehicle upset,
throwing the occupants out and badly
orusbing Mrs. Walker's bund and
severely spraining her wriBt. However,
we learn that no b mop Were broken.
Dan Wolfi we'l known in Heppner,
has oharge ot the Swedish Ladies' Quar
tette, now visiting the Northwest, a very
popular organization. He is also man
ager of the Oregon City theatre and will
shortly have a number of combinations
on the road in one of which Mrs. Wolf
will star. Dan is a rustler, and people
in Heppner know him to be absolutely
reliable. At present he is In San Fran
oisoo but he will soon return to attend
to business up in Oregon and Wash
ington. The revival services being conduoted
in the opera hall, by Elder J. W.
JoDkius of the Chriutian cburoh, con
tinue with considerable interest
Services Sunday at the usual hour.
Subjects: "The changes necessary in
order to enter the kingdom of God;"
"Hmnan and divine righto; or, Render
unto Caesnr the tbiDgs that are Caesar's
and unto God the things tbatare God's."
The regnlar subscription prioe of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 32.50 and the
regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian
is 81.50. Anyone eubsoribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregoniau for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will be entitled' to
the Bums
Isaac Pbipps, who has been working
for Hugh Fields for several ears past,
left Wednesday night, after seven
years abseooe, to visit his old borne at
Independence, Grayson county, Vir.
He expects to return iu the spring,
The Gazette will keep him in touch
will) the Morrow county news during
his absence.
Rev J. F. Moore, of this city, who has
been attending the yearly convention
down at Monmouth, writes back that he
will arrive home next week. His family
have been visiting in Prineville during
his absenoe. Rev. Moore will begin a
series ot revival meetings on Sunday,
November 1th, at the Baptist church.
Grand Master L. 0. Parks, of the
grand lodge of Odd Fellows, will leave
Portland, November 9th, on his tour
visiting lodges in Eastern Oregon.
According to his slate be will be in
Heppner on November 15. Several
lodges are already making preparations
to receive and entertain the gentleman.
When a doctor considers it neoeBsary
to presoribe aarsaparilla, be simply orders
a bottle of Ayer's, knowing full well that
be will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than any ether which the
drugstore can furnish. Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is the Superior Medicine.
Chas. Fnstoo returned home from Idaho
yesterday morning after an absence of
Ave years. When he left home he was but
a youth of small stature, and yesterday
as he appeared with his 180 pounds, but
few ot his old fneuds would have reoog-
nized him without au introduction. He
will probably reniaiu here this winter.
Mrs. Jerry Oohn hns opened up a
bakery in the Abmbamsick building on
May strer t, where she keeps f.esh bread
sums ot evory rieuonpriuii. A lull line
of canned goods, confectioneries, cigars
and tohncoo will also be added in a few
days. Giye Mrs. (John n cull. 77 tf
I. L. Howard, of Galloway, has re
turned from the mountains, where he
oared for bit father's sheep during the
past summer. Air. Howard delivered
two oar loads of mutton sheep yesterday
which were sold tu the Paoilic Packing
Co., ot Portland
Invalids should remember that the
causes of sick sud nervous headaches
may be promptly removed by taking
Ayer's Pills. These pills speedily cor
rect irregularities of the stomach, liver
and bowels, aud are the mildest a.:d
most reliable cathartic iu use.
The Eastern Oregon Normal School,
at Weetoo, should be, and no doubt is,
the pride of our seotion- We bear good
reports from it, and hope that some of
our Morrow county young people will
take advantage of the splendid oppor
tunity presented.
D. A. Herren and J. S. Buseick, under
the firm name of D. A Herren & Co., are
buying aud selling grain of all kinds
next door to the Gazette office. They
pay the highest market price, and will
buy in any quantities. 78-tf.
Chas. Dustin, nephew of ex-Representative
Dustin, of Grant county, and a
well-known printer and newspaper man,
is now with J, C. Arnold, the surveyor
general. Chas. has a good position of
wbioh he is deserving.
Heppner's business men report an in
crease in business, regardless of bard
times aud low prices. However, no
oyoloue of cash has disturbed this oliiue.
Printers always come last when it comes
to paying up.
David E. Junkiu, of Linn county, who
has spent the past week up in the Hard
man country on a holiness vuit, de
parted for his uornu last i-.vei ii-jf. Mr.
Juukin is a ooium oi S N Jnnkiu, of
Eight Mile.
B. A. Hnusnker nius tdaye but wren
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheapest-route
to tbs iiileri.tr. I'. Oohn,
Condnotor Dunu retura-d fr;n I'jrt
land Tuesday night, relieving W. H.
Fowler, who had been holding down
the position for him. Mr. Fowler re
turned to The Dalles the same night.
Henrv Thompson, of Butter creek
was over yesterday on business. Heury
has one of the largest fruit orchards in
Eastern Oregon and gave employment
to a large number of men this year.
Journal: Mrs. Andrew Tillard and
baby boy arrive! Wednesday from Hepp
ner to visit her mother, Mrs. Donaldson,
and a large circle of friends who knew
and loved ber as Miss Emma Rhea.
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, kecpii g on tap at all times the
best beer ou the Pacific coast. Also on
bands the best brands ot liquors, wines
and cigars. 56tf.
A Hackney, a John Day merchant,
accompanied oy his wife and eon, Frank,
arrived yesterday from John Day and
departed last evening for Portland.
The Gaztle would be pleased to re
ceive the name of the person who uses
the brand C. II "a cattle. Also informed
ns as to where brand is located, 5 7
When olUcis Tall
Hood's S irsuparilla builds up the shat
tered system by giving vigorons action
to the digestive organs, creating an
.Ifc o,,.l rmrifi ir.LT the Vilftod. It ia
Hpynita .! p-...
1 prepared by modern methods, possesses
I tbe greatest cni'itive powers, and has
I the moat wonderful record of actual
icoraa ot any mfraroio" in muito.
Talis only Sbua ,
Catarrh In the Head
An Unfortunate Inheritanno-How
It Was Destroyed.
"Spokane, Wash., Awr. 9, IBM.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
"Gentlemen I wish to a'ltl my testimony to
tlio vorth of Hood's Sarsaimrllla. My little
Iiiis L'wm cured by it of InhrrlteU catarrh.
She had colds continually every month mid yel
low discharge, but since taking Hood's Banttv
pai illiv hits been entirely eureil. Hood's Sttr
sapiirilla 1 have found of u'reut tii'Ip to t :y
otlicr cl'.ililren." Mrs. I.. M. i; m.i.K'Iti:.
Hood's Pills are hand nmile, anil perfect
i nronortum and awiearance. "-. per bos.
Land Fob Sale. 4S0 aores over in
Wilson nrairie. A good stock ranoh tin J
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms 'J.
Wheat Sacks. The Morrow County
Land & Trust Co. are putting out wheat
saoks at their warehouses at Douglas,
lone and Heppner. All tbone wishing
saoks should see them. 57tf.
Choice AppnEs fob Sale. Wm, Du
ran has 700 bushels, more or less, of Ben
Davis apples, free from worms, for sale
at bis place, six miles north of Heppner,
on Black Horse. First choice, l'jots.
per pound, seooud choice, lot. per
pound. 5-7
Land Decision. The following is
furnished by W. D. Harlan Land Att'y.
Washington, D. C. Mordec.ai vs. state of
Col. "Lands more valuable for tbe
store found on tbeui thau for agricultu
ral purposos or grazing is subjeot to
entry under the timber or stone aot,
June 3, 1878. Asst. Heoy. Sims."
Litebari Entertainment. Saturday
evening, November 3rd, the Heppner
Hiffh Bohwul will cive tt IHeLuty enter
tainment of music, songs, recitations,
tableaux and plays, at the Opera House,
beginning at 7:30 o'clook. The prooeeds
are to supply the High School with new
song books and library rending. Ad
mission, 2d cents; children, 15 eta. 8-10.
Difference of Opinion. John Ci. Neal
en is over from Monument to look after
some stolen oattle. Mr, Nealen claims,
that one, Jas. Mack, took them 'and sold
same to Sam Kinsman. We understand
that Mr. Mack claims that he is. owner
ot the oattle and that be has committed
no crime. Of oourse, the courts will
settle the mutter, aud we hope to the
satisfaction of all.
The Shok Maker. Joe Dubois has
moved bis shoe-making and repair shop
from the eld May street staud to tbe
room formerly occupied by Green
Mathews, barber shop, next door to
Noble's harness shop. Joe also has a
good workman with bim and gnarantees
satisfaction. Don't overlook him fcir
firBt class work. 66 tf.
For Sale. A thoroughbred regis
tered Hereford bull Maywood, No.
28,606. This bull was bred iu Illinois by
Gen. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed stock tbal will bring
a good prioe. I will sail oheap ns 1
have another of same stock; or will trade
for good milch oows.
8tf. F. O. Buckncm.
Death of Ida Hhumk. Word was
reoeived iu Heppner yesterday of the
death of Miss Ida Hhulse, daughter of
Rev. J. M, Hhulse, and well known to all
in Heppner. Mies Hhulse baa been very
low with consumption, and ber death,
which occurred at 1 a. m. yesterday
morning, was not unexpected. The
sympathies of the niany Heppner friends
are extended in this hour of hcri-aveuient.
Around the (iimu. While the ed
itor was below reoently, he met E. Y.
Judd, the well known wool mau, on bis
way to Austrulia aud New Z -iiluud, and
th nee to India aud 8 luth Afncn. From
there ho will probably go to Kamp", and
then across the Atlantic home, making a
complete trip around the gl ibe.
Judd desires to see how they raise wool
in tbe cheap labor countries, miw that
we have to compete with them, thanks
be to the democratic administration, lu
addition to cheap range anil labor, in
many countries steam shearing appa
ratus are in vogue, further cheapening
the cost of wool production. No doubt
Mr. Jtidd's observations will be of great
service to tbe woolgrowers of Eastern
Oregon and Washington.
For tbe many accidents that occur
' about the farm or bniiHehohl, Mifh aa
! burns, m aid", bruiaei, rut, raxif. d
wonuds, Uitet ot amamla, wisquitot ct
j other inuects galls or chaffed epote,
I frost bitea, achea or pains ou any part
! of the body, or tbe ailmenta reeultiuii
! from exposure, as ncnralgia, rhenma
ti8m,eto. iJr. J. H. McLean's Volcan
j io Oil Liniment hue provd itself a
I sovereizn remedy. Price 25o, 5)c and
I $100 per bottle.
Malarltl fevar and its effesta quickly
gin way tt tismruOr'S hi.tt RsglUtor.
Exhibit of Morrow
For the Six Months Ending Septem
ber 30th, 1894.
Of the County Clerk of Morrow County, State of Oregon, showing the amount
and number ot claims allowed by tbe oounty court of said county, for what al
lowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and
unpaid, from the 1st day of April, 1894, to the 80tb day of September, 1894, both
lioud and bridge account
I'nnper nooount
Criminal aooonnt, justice court..
Stationary acoount
ClerkV iieonn
Sheriff's n-c unt
Count) cc-uimissiinn-ra' i.ocu'iut. .
Jury account
Uistriot attorney's nocouut
Expense account
BniliS's account
Hobool superintendent's account.
Connty judge's account
Connty treasurer's fee aocouut...
Stock inspector's salary
Cou-t bouse and jail account
Assessor's fee acoount
Criminal account, circuit court..
Election aooonnt
Total amount claims allowed Bud drawn
Outstanding unpaid oounty warrants
day of Sept. 1894
Estimated interest accrued thereon
Total amount of unpaid county warraute
State of Obeoon, i
County of Morrow, j
I, f. W. Morrow, Couaty Clerk of the C.mnty of Morrow, State of Oregon,
do hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a true and correct statement of the numher
and amount of claims allowed by the county oonrtof said oonnty, for the six
months ending on tbe 30th day of September. 1894, on wbat aocount the same
were allowed, and tbe amount of warrants drawn, and tbe amount of warrants
outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my offioe and in
my official custody.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county court ot said oounty this 4th day of
October, A. D. 1894. J. W. Morbow, County Clerk.
Of thA nmniint nf mnnev and warrants
County Treasnrer by the Sheriff of Morrow oounty, Oregon, for the six mouths
ending an tbe 30th day ot September, A.
In coin and currency.
Total reoeived.
1801 ! l'o County tlites
Total paid f "Treasurer
111.1 L
State or OnuaoN, I
County of Morrow, '
I, CJ. W. llarrinytou, sheriff of said county, do her,-by oertify thai the f.ire
tfoiiiK statement is oorreot and true. Witness my baud this 1st day of OJtobcr,
A. D. 1894. Q. W. Haiiiusuton, Sheriff of Morrow County.
Of the County Treasurer of Morrow County, Oregon, for the six mouths ending
on Ibe 30th day ot September, A. I). 1804, of uiouoy reoeived Bud paid out, from
whom reoeived aud from what source, and on what account paid out:
to amounts reoeived from W.
Uy amount paid out on County VVarrauts
By amount paid ont on tjohool Hnpt. Warrants.
By balance general fund on band
By bulauou school fund ou hand
By limb of Ex-TroHHiirnr
" ' " ti. W. tlnnU'Rlon, tax
To cash paid slate tax
To balance
Hy oash of Ex-Treasurer. ,
To warrants paid
To balanoe
By cash of Ex-Treasurer.
By cash of Miss Balsiger.
By cash of W. I. Haliug .
Balance ou hand .
By oash of Ex-Treasurer
By cash of (. W. Ilarriiitou. tax.
To cash City Treasnrer.
To balance
By cash of Ki-Traurer
By cash of Q. W. Harrington, tax
To oash paid warrant
To balance
By carh of Ux-Tieasnrar.
j In cash paid order
'l'o balance
(fteti oti Land, ,ucv mtlo Mi.11 .
Cash on band, incidental fnud. .
i Htaik of Obuuok, I
I County of Morrow, J
I, Frank Gilliam, do hereby oertify that the foregninat is a true arid oorioot
statement of the amoanls receireJ, paid ont and remaining no hand, in the county
treasnrr nf tvA rnnnty for tbe tlx months ending on tbe 30:b day ut U-pteraW,
; A. J). vVttn, my hsod tbn M fHr of October, V D. lH
j F4M fjiUMt, CVir,t; li!ts;itt
Amount of amount of war
clalma allowed.! rants drawn.
S 310 16
805 24
180 05
498 61
1641 Oti
1644 96
50 20
5tS4 45
15 00
30 23
28 00
as9 95
4ml 00
219 99
171 48
39 54
680 50
291 10
680 7d
I 9 8227 24 I 8 8227 24
on the 30th
$ 29395 37
700 00
8 29395 37 8 700 00
received for tBxes and monev naid to the
D. lay-i.
July. Aug,
$ 357 30;$ 103 69
$ '257 21,$ 718 20
$ 357 30$ 103 69 $ 257 2l'$ 718 20
Sept. Total.
$ 357 30 $ 103 00
$ !f.r7 21 $ 718 20
,$ 357 30$ 103 (i9i
$ 257 21 $ 718 20
J. l.eezer, Ex Treas. .'$ 1892 88 $ 4197 42
W. Morrow, lets, Hues.
277 00
41 50
295 04
30 00
J.J. Roberts, poll tax 1894
G.W. Harrington, feoa&taxes!
E. It. Freeland, fines
240 88
55 00
5 00
1234 53
V. A. Stephens, ....
State trees, sohool money
. $ 2500 42 $ 5762 83
i I
1950 91
5.r.5 51
$ 5754 42
8 41
$ 2500 42 $ 6762 83
5294 23
124 99
28 20
Hi 98
16 44
80 58
12 N4
!9 42 9 99 42
025 53
M 06
718 7.1
5 86
8 724 58 g
724 58
7 ,D oil
10(1 Ml
t;.v) (si
S 7 ii'i 00 tf V.il iJH
10 10
48K5 24
533 98
5419 22 8 61111 22
9 120D 03
8 154 50
1050 53
S 1205 03 3 1205 03
8 6 70
8 50
18 00
Of the financial oondition of the County of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, on the
1st day of October, A. D. 1894 :
To warrants drawn on the Countv Treasurer, and outstanding and un
paid .' $29395 37
To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon 700 00
Total Liabilities $30095 37
By funds in bauds of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of
county warrants $ 565 51
By estimated unpaid ourrent taxes applicable to tbe payment of oonnty
warrants 12751 16
Total Resources $13306 67
for Infants
" Castor I a In so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Arcbkb, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
it merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
CiJtLos Maatyn, D. p.,
New York City.
The Ckntaur
Has the reputation of being tbe
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
Spanish-Merino Bucks
For sale at Thos. Morgan's place,
Heppner, Oregon, October, 1, 1894. .
w-to uov. 1.
tw Institute
State Normal School,
rpUK KIIIHT 1KKM llKtilNH THK 3KI) OK HEl'T. IM)t. Tuition pur term III Klemoulary
I Cunrae, 11.50; Regular Connie, M.SU; Riiaimns Course, .'i.M); to those In thu Hcnlor Claaa
pledged to teach, froe. '
J r- M )(od board aud lodging in private familloa, :l TiOper week or loom a
."CJc. rt 1 at a very reaaonahle rent for those who may desire to board them
selves, hut all students, no matter how they board, will he under the lmmedlat care of the faculty.
(Irailuntes oi Ihe Normal receive Htute Diplomas. I'. A. WOKTU1NOTON,
Nov. 1. Hec'y of Kutccuts.
Land Patents
Laud patents Bftcurud for settlers iu the shortest possible time,
Contested Cases
Coiitiisti'.tl cuses iiiUillij,'i'iit,ly and skillfully haudlod.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old clainiH and disputes speedily settled,
Between individuals having oontlictiug claims uuder the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Lawg and agricultural
claimanta; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblioland laws and the
Kail road companies and their grantees, and the ntutce and their grantees, nnder
the ri amp Land and Hrhonl-Lniid drama.
Specialty made of securing patents in tbe nhnrtat poasible time fur set tlers
who have compiled with the laws under which their oulrifn were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the ienne id their paUntn, caused hy Trilling
Irregularities wluoh can be easily and speedily miuoved
Advice klavi givau in all matters relating t II, pnblio luii.U c&jjcjlnllj uu
i.oiiitH arising nnder the new law which bare been reoeutly passed providing !t
the disposal of tbe public domain.
If you want your land patent iu a hurry it you want your laud buaines?, of
any charaoter, attended to by skillful sod oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis
poned of, write to
John Weddfrrurn, Gpj, IVIak,,
r, o, f,u, si.-., wwiiifiu h. c.
&rd Children.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Bout Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommendei
your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it )iaa invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pahdit, M. D.
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Ookpawy, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
of auy machine iu the market.
-Gilliam & I3iisbee,
iiEPPNiin on.
Will have
400 Head
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It fH located at Hutein, Oregon,
The Afoul Veautiful Town on the Coast,
Cull at the G A7.KTTR office for particular.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and tiure
founts, .