Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 23, 1894, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
THOSE desiring the insertion of display ads.,
or change of name, must get their copy in
not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
edition, or Thursday evonluy for Friday's edi
tion. TlIK 1'ATTERtioN PUBLlMllNli CO.
. Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
d obituary notice, (other than those the edit
or snail himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue iB to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rale of five
cents & line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
"We hot each and every correspondent re
ponniWe for his or her communication. No
"correspondence will be published unless the
writer i real name is aigued as an evidence of
ood taith.
JLJ lng Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
Han Francisco, is onr authorised agent. This
paper is kept on file in his office.
Give your busintsa to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp'
net. Patronize those who patronize
Htage for Hardraan, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p.m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the Interior country.
Phill Conn, Agent.
Removal Notice.
G. B. Tedrowe desires to inform the public
that he has removed to the City Hotel stand,
where he will stiii keep the best brands of
Liquors and CigarB.
Gamhrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest
izedmuB. . G. B. TKDKOWK, Prop.
Here and There.
Twenty oords
Of good pine wood
Are needed at the Ouzette
Office on Babsoriptioa at once.
The mountains are ooated with enow.
E. H. Clarke, of Pendleton, ia in the
J. A. Woolcry was up from lone
Mies Etta Minor is visiting friends in
Joe Baling was in from Eight Mile
John Boyse was in from Hardman
Saturday last.
We learn that Dr. E. T. Qagen is now
looated at Enterprise, Oregon.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and
do not puree, pain or gripe. 25a.
Mrs. Ike Ennis returned borne from
Hillsboro Thursday morning last.
Mrs. Walter Richardson is visiting
with relatives over in Gilliam oonnty.
Robt. Hynd, of the Band Hollow
country, was on our streets Saturday.
Pains in the regions of the 'kidneys
are cured by Simmons Liver Begulator.
Photographs SI. 50 pei dozen at Staep
pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf.
A hotel in a town not far distant, baa
a cook so good-looking that she mashes
the potatoes bp looking at them.
Gbas.' Jones lias oharge of Green
Mathews' shaving parlors during the
latter's sojourn in the country. Call on
I. L. Vanwinkle bas set up bis chop
mill in the Stewart barn just below this
office. He is now grinding barley at full
A. J. Wilson was up from the lone
country yesterday. Ha reports thresh
ing almost completed down in that
C. W, Conger, of Long Creek, got
back from Portland on Sunday morn
ing's train, leaving the same day for
Long Creek.
Hon. W. B. Ellis returned from Port
land Sunday morning. He was ac
companied home by Mrs. Webb, mother
of Mrs. Ellis.
Our readers will please notice that Ed.
Day's band of fiue Spanish-Merino bud's
are soon to be on sale down at Tbos.
Morgan's. See nd. .
We will take wheat at the market
price on subscription, and if our patrons
have as much as a load will pay the
balanoe in bard cash.
The Monument bridge is to be com
pleted t.iday. Its completion will be
celebrated bp a grand ball at the resi
dence of P. S. Wilson this evening.
Doug. Belts will not be at Heppner as
advertised, owing to the fact that an un
expected demand for his Oxford grade
rams has exhausted his band. tf.
Stage leaves for Echo Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
H. Wade, Prop. T. W.AyersJr., agent.
' Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers
is a popular preparation in one bottle,
and colors evenly a brown or black.
Any person can easily apply it at borne.
Wm. Bndio, one of the leading Long
Creek merohante, arrived from that
bnrg last Friday evening in a private
conveyance. He departed for borne
Sunday m .rniDg.
Any person wbo desires to trade good
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in condition for raising wheat, for
property in Portland, should call at the
Gazette offioe.
Gid Hatt has pnrohased the barber
shop on the Matlock oornerfromA. C.
Carle, where his old friends and custom
ers will find bim. Shaves, shampoos
and hairouta on short notice and in the
highest style of the art.
L. Btausser, butober for Hayes &
Mathews, bad bis left band badly cut
last Saturday. Ha was scuffling with
some boys when Jeff Himsaker jerked
the butcher knife from his band, outting
a deep gash in the middle and lost two
Ed. Reese, formerly fireman of the
branch line, came up Sunday morning
and Is now basy packing up his house
hold furniture end making preparations
to move to Tbe Dalles, wbere be expects
to locate. Ed. now bas g position as
engineer on tbe maid has.
The Webfoot Planter, at Portland peri
odical devoted to tb interests of farm
ors, atockraiaers, orobardiats, bee-keepers
nd poultry raisers, will be sent free of
charge for one year to all those wbo pay
op all arrearages and one year id ad
vance, or to all new subscribers to tbe
Gazette. This offcr is made for a limited
time. Those wbo desire tbe paper must
tttotioi it when tbey settle their ao-
OBOtl. '
Chronicle: Captain John W. Lewis
has opened an office in the Chapman
building, direotly over tbe land office,
and will prepare land papers and assist
parties in perfecting title to government
lands. Having bad four years experi
ence as register of tbe land offioe here
tbe captain is well equipped for tbe
bukineBs, and will no doubt, rece e a
liberal share of patronage.
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tbe
Uazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their snbscriDtions for
one year in adranoe will be entitled to
the snme.
When a dootor considers it neoessary
to presoribe sursapanlla, be simply orders
a bottle of Ayer's, knowing full well tbat
be will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than any ether which the
drugstore can furnish. Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is tbe Superior Medioine.
Mrs. Jerry Oobn has opened up s
bakery in the Abrahamsick building on
May street, wbere she keeps fresh bread
Btuffs of every description. A full line
of canned goods, confectioneries, cigars
and tobacco will also be added in a tew
days. Giye Mrs. Cohn a oall. 77-tf
Invalids should remember that tbe
oauses of sios and nervous headaches
may be promptly removed by taking
Ayer's Pills. These pills speedily oor
rect irregularities of the stomach, liver
and bowels, and are the mildest ad
most reliable cathartic in use.
FrBnk Jones, George Noble, Jr. and
Clyde Sperry returned from Fossil
yesterday where tbey bad been attend
ing tbe races. Tbey report the races as
almost a failure. None of tbe scheduled
raoes filled, so tbe sport cucsisted of but
two matob races.
Henry Heppner's buildingon the west
side of Main street, formerly occupied
by Henry Blaokman, bas been divided
by a partition, making two neat store
rooms. Jerry Oobn has moved into one
room and E. J. Slocum will soon occupy
tbe other.
Cbas. Cunningham will have at the
James Jones ranch a band of bis Frenob
and American Merino and Oxford
graded Buoks. All wool growers wbo are
interested in improving their bands will
have a ohanoe to see a spleadid band of
bucks after the 1st of October. 60 tf.
Geo. W. Wells and J. S. Buseick,
under tbe firm name of Wells & Co., are
buying aud selling grain of all kinds
next door to the Gazette office. They
pay the highest market price, and will
buy in any quantities. 69-tf.
Born To the wife of O. L. Patterson,
of the Long Creek Eagle. Oct. 18, 1894,
an 8 pound boy. As the Eagle came
out on time with the usual amount of
news we presume the editor still holds
down the tripod.
B. A. Hunsaker runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the iutenor. P. Cohn,
H. Reineman, the genial representative
of Kelly, Dunne & Co., spent Sunday
and yesterday in the city, interviewing
our local merohauts. He departed on
last evening's train for Pendleton.
J. B. Natter Iihs reopened theBrewery
Saloon, keeping on tup at all limes the
best beer on the Paoitic coast. Also on
hands tbe best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 56tf.
Eagle: Otis Patterson, of the Hepp
ner Gazette, arrived on a short visit
yesterday. He rendered valuable assist
ance in putting our new press in position.
Tbe Gazette would be pleased to re
ceive the name of the person who uses
tbe brand C. R on oattle. Also informed
us as to wbere brand is looated. 5 7
Very neatly papered and tastefully
decorated with beautiful pot plants is
the bakery oonduoted by Mrs. Jerry
The Shoe Maker. Joe Dubois has
moved his shoe-making and repair shop
from the old May street stand to the
room formerly occupied by Green
Mathews, barber shop, next door to
Noble's harness shop. Joe also bas a
good workman with him and guarantees
satisfaction. Don't overlook him for
first cIsbs votk. 66 tf.
PtJBido Sale E. D. Rood, adminis
trator for tbe Johnson estate, will sell at
public auction at Jacob Johnson's old
ranch out in tbe Gooseberry seotion, on
Thursday, October 25tb, beginning at
1 p. m., tbe following property :Five
head of horses, two oowe, one calf,
Baldwin feed cutter, hack, barrow,
sleigh, saddle and two pack saddles.
One year's time with unproved n-o,irity
at 10 per ceut will be allowed on all
sums over $5. For all sales under tbis
amount cash will be required. Remem
ber the day and dote. 5 7
One on Shutt. A good joke eorass
over from Antelope on rjlmtt, who is
editor of the Antelope Herald and also a
sprinter of no mean ability. About the
first of last week an apparently uulf
witted, dniuken "utted fellow came
riding into town una at once begau tell
ing what a good running horse lie bad,
and that it oould beat anything in town.
Tbe boys sized tbe fellow up, and
thought they had a fish, so accepted bis
proposition for a horse race. Tbe
stranger weakened and backed out, but
said he could outrun any footracer in
tbe country. Then the boys were sure
from bis actions and walk that they bad
a sucker, and at once made a match
between be and Shutt, the pride of the
village, for a distaooe of 100 yards for
$40 a side. Ou Wednesday afternoon at
the time set for the race, both rnnners
made tbeir app?urunce. 'Alien the
stranger came out stripped down the
admirers of Shntt weakened in their
enthusiasm, for they discovered that the
stranger was not the sucker they had
thought, but sppearantly a well devel
oped, hard trained professional. Tbis
theory soon proved tu be the correct one,
for at the word "go," he took the lead
and held it to the finish, beating Sbntt
about 10 feet. Now tins ia tbe report as j
we get it, uud it may be iooorreot.
Shutt may have been oil or out of train, I
but in Buy event tbe boys should be.
careful what kind of a sucker they piok I
After compai lng prices with Pendle-1
ton and The Dalies, John F. Spray will I
sell and deliver meat at the residence1
of Heppner people us cheap as either !
town above mentioned. ,
Malarial fever and Its effects quickly I
givaj w ay to Simmons Liver Regolator. .
Heart Palpitation
Indigestion, Impure Blood
Cured by Hood's.
Mr D. W. Bridget
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: During the winter ami spring X
have used a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla In my family, and I am quite sure we hare
been greatly beueflted by it. For years I hat
been troubled with Jndlgestlou, accompanied
by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood'i Far
sap:irill;i bas done me very nnu-h good. W
have also given It to the children for Iru'iurs
blood and ringworms wfth very Rood resu!:s.'
D. W. Hkiiioks. rieasant Hill, Oregon.
N. B. If you (iecide to take Hood's S ;-.;.
rilla do not be Indnopd to buy any i:lter.
Hood's Plllscnre all Liver Ills, Ililionsnrta
Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c.
Land Fob Salb. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ration and
will be sold cheap. Gall at Gazette
office for particulars and terms .
Wheat Saoks. The Morrow County
Land & Trust Go. are putting out wheat
saoks at their warehouses at Douglas,
lone and Heppner. All those wishing
saoks should see them. 57tf.
Choiob Apples fob Sale. Wm, Du
ran has 700 bushels, more or less, of Ben
Davis apples, free from worms, for sale
at bis plaoe, six miles north of Heppner,
on Black Horse. First choice, lj'ots.
per pound, seoond choice, let. per
pound. 5-7
Henry at Astobia. Mr. Henry Blaok
man, U. 8. colleotor of internal revenue,
is in this city today and gave the
Budget a very pleasant call. Mr. Black
man was formerly a resident of Hepp
ner, Or., and for many years bas repre
sented Morrow Qrant and Harney ooun
ties aB join t sen ator. He is a democrat from
the genuine stock aud a genial gentle
man who can righteously olaim a host
of warm friends whereever be may be.
Astoria Bu dget.
Important Land Decision Tbe fol
lowing is furnished by W. D. Harlan,
land attorney, Washington, D. 0. : "Land
included within a valid settlement olaim
is not subject to railroad indemnity se
lection, and the failure of the settler to
file his olaim in the statutory period will
not operate to defeat the effect of said
olaimi as against the company, nor limit
the extent of said claim to tbe particular
tract on whiob the Improvements are
situated. Asst. Seoy. Sims."
Should do it. Postmasters would do
newspaper publishers and some news
paper readers a good turn if they
would inquire when a uian refuses to
take bis paper from the office, whether
he bas paid up all arrears and ordered it
discontinued. If be has not done so,
the postmaster should explain that the
law will compel bim to pay for. tbe
paper whether be takes the paper from
tbe office or not, and that the only way
be bas to stop it is to pay what he ones
tbe publisher. Kx.
Death of Fbank KoBBiNS.-The
death of Frank Robbins, a resident of
Fox valley, oocurred last Friday even
ing of consumption. Mr, Kubbias
resided in Portland, but on account of
very poor health oame to Fox valley In
hopes of recovery. He was in usual
health until last Friday evening when
attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs,
death resulting almost instantly. His
burial took place at tbe Fox cemetery
Sunday where a large concourse of
friends met to pay tbeir last respeotg to
tbe departed dead. A grief-stricken
wife and ohild suivive him. Eagle.
Mr. Kobbins is a son iu law of W. O.
Gentry, of this oity.
Will reign supreme among the residents of Morrow and adjoining Co's
They oatob onto a few important faots, one of whiob they must and will know
on reading tbis Ad. When they learn of tbe
Of General Merchandise taking plaoe at-
McFarland Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth
Retail Store !
They will make a "bee line'' for it at a "Nancy HoDks" gait.
McFarland Meroantile Co , of Heppner, selling out at cost ? Yes, we oliV r our
whole stook at lowest wholesale prices, for CASH ONLY, in order to
be ready for onr Fall purohases. These goods are all New,
Clean, First-Class Artioles Bnd bought in the
best markets in the United States.
We wish to exchange them for your money.
A Chance of a Life Time to Buy Goods
At Cost or Lower !
Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Embroderies, Handkerchiefs, Towtls,
Infants Gaps, Bonnets and Cloaks, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Mitts,
Flannels, blankets. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Knit Goods, Silks Satins, Velvets,
Riding Gloves, Black and Colored Hose, Dress Linings, Stays, Silk Thread and
Twist, Knitting Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Fancy Goods, etc.
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers,
At prices never thought of. Call and see.
One hundred pairs child's heavy lace shoes way dowu. Men's and Boy's Clothing,
Overshirts. Gloves, etc., Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, White
Shirts, Silk Neokwear, Hosiery, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Razors, Table and Pocket
Cutlery, Silver Plated Ware (knives, forks and spoons) Carving Sets, Trunks, Va
liseB, etc.
Our whole store will be a
Counter During the
Big Bargain
coming Fall
A Full Stook of Hardware, Cook aud Heating Stoves, Tinware, Buokets, Milk
Pails, Pans, Cooking UteosilB, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Stove Boilers, Wash Tubs,
Brooms, Brnshes, Graniteware, Bolts and Washers, Plow Single Trees, Carpenter
Tools, (all kinds) Garden Tools. Roof Plates. Stove Pine. Nails. Horse Shoes. Bar
Iron, Blasting Powder, Hanging and Stand Lamps, Glassware, Crockery, T' ilet
Sets, Stone Jars, Lamp Chimnpvs, Lantern Globles, Lanterns, Wicks, Oliver
Chilled Plows, Gang Plows, Hay Rakes Mowers, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Buck
Boards, Carts, Harrows, Seed Drills, at oost until present stook is sold. Saddles
and Harness, Rifles and Shot Guns, etc
Come in and make your selections before' the assortment is broken. Save your
money by buying at our store, A full line of Groceries at out prioes, until close
of this Bale.
Country trade solicited. It will pay vou to travel hundreds of miles to lav In
your supplies nt our prioes. Don't let friendship for any firm cause you to tax
yourself these hard times. Mail orders carefully filled. Call and beoonvinced;
No trouble to show goods.
This Clearance bale is now in full blast.
It is the Headquarters !
jpaints, Druifw Oils, Vtlixstst, 1' I
let Artloeis, Patent A I elicitio,
Office of all stages running oat of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
for Infants and Children.
Castoris Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prfweription
known to me." II. A. Archer, M. I).,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Might Have Endkd Bebioubiy. H.
Reineman, traveling representative of
Kelly, Dunne A Co., of Portland, was in
Heppner over Sunday. In conver
sation with him he tells a Gazette re
porter of an accident tbat be met with
wbile coming down from Fossil to
Arlington last Saturday . The stage was
Hearing Olex, when a fastening ou tbe i
neokvoke broke letting tbe tongue full to I
tbe ground when the team at once begau j
kicking and running. At that point the j
road for some distaooe is alongside a !
i!0 foot embankment. The team dashed j
along this at a very rapid rut for about ;
100 yards wlien tho tastming on the
tongue broke, leltiug it down. Here the i
driver checked the team, wben Mr. I
Reineman lost uo tini'i in getting ofT the
stage. It was indeed very fortunate for '
both that the team kept in the road, fori
bad they gone over tbe emu lukment some
one might have been very seriously I
For the many accidents I hat occur
about tbe farm or household, such us
burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged I
wounds, bites of auimals, mosquitos or
other insects galls or chuiT-d spots,
frost bites, aches or pains on any part
of tbe body, or the ailmeuts remitting
from exposure, us oeuralgia, ilieu.ua
tism, etc. Dr. J. H. McLean's VoIohd-
ic Oil Liniment has proved itw If a
sovereign remedy. Prioe 25o, 50o aud i
$1 00 per bottle. ,
"The use of 'Costoria in so universal and
its merits so well known thut ft x?emH a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families wbo do not keep CoMtoria
within easy reach.'1
Carlos Mahtyn, T). I).,
New York City.
Tuk Centai r Coiipahy, 77 Mcrrav Btrkkt, New Yoke Citt.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Hour Stomach, iJiarrhwo, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
" For severut years I have rx:ommendel
your ' Caxtoriu,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Kowin V. l'AnnitK, M. ll.
ll&lh Street and 7th Ave., New York City,
When persons are weak end languid,
from sickness or overwork, feel delapi
duted and depressed, it is au iudicatloD
that tbe blood is out of order, and tbey
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The beet remedy for this pur
pose is Dr, J. H. MoLan's Strengthen
ing Cordial sod Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
How of obeorful spirits. Price f 1.)(1 per
If your blood is impure regulate your
liver with Simmons Liver Regulator.
It m ill nni you by mail uvt-piid onf: nntli
cv;iifre!!i tree lnptl to your cllintite,
with lnitructlum for planting g,n1 carintt for It,
tojceUifjr wfth our complete list of Nunwry
Htook. If you will cut out thti advertinenxjnt,
mark on It the nnme of thli pjer, ani t-! I how
many and wlmt kind of tre ai:'l plants you
would like to purchase, aud when you mIhIi to
plHitt them.
We will quote you lower prfr-eti on the stoek
you want than have ever Uen oilered you.
Write ai nnie.
6-nov22 EvenrrMA, Ooor Co., Wli.
W. L. Douclas
S3 SHOE no i
. 4.5.yFis(&raNaAHia
Vol can bbtc tnonor by pu rebating; W . Im
DoucIkn Khoeit
Because, we are the Urgeit tuanufactureri of
advcrtucd uhoei in the world, aud guarantee
the val oe by stamping the name ana price on
the bottom, which protect! you against high
tf irf a Eind the middleman's DTofits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have tliera sold every,
where at lower prices for the value given thao
anyotUrfrr make. Take no nubititute. If your
dealer cannoi u?;uy you, we can. duw j
DeMur w ljone name wilt shortly Bp
pear litre. Agent wanted. Apply it ouoe
m-sm- i ....
!'Lr if" f!7i!' Agents. $73
a w."k hi. .imy- i-rriurt T
n .i t f, a umIj iBttb rjitriui.
v.h-t, hi,. i i,rl ilrici i tit a
.DwA w miif. tli! ban4t. Yufl
III. tl':'tll, ll - IJI.'it.ltiC'I'MI
W- P. IfAUJMMJ A t V., Ikik u. J, r!wtn,
Has the reputation of being the
Lightest Running,
Least Wear,
Fewer Repairs,
of any machine in the market.
r-osi sale s-sr
Gilliam & IBisbee,
heppneh, on
Will 1
400 Head
Spanish-Merino Bucks
For Bale at Thos. Morgan's place,
Heppner, Oregon, October, 1, 1891.
w-to nov. 1.
Land Patents
Land patents secured for Bettlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having oonllieting olnima under the suricultursl laml
Ihws. and those between olaimsnts under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
olaimants; and also between claimants under any nf the pnblio land laws and the
Kailrosd companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, nnder
the Swamp-Land and School-Land Grants.
Specialty made of securing patents in the Hhortest possible time for settlers
who have oomplied with the laws under whiob tbeir entries were made, and wbo
are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of tbeir patents, oaueed by Trifling
Irregularities whiob can be easily and speedily removed. ,
Advioe also given in all matters relating to tbe pnblio lands, especially on
points arising under tbe new laws wbiob have been recently passed providing for
the disposal of the public domain.
If you want your land patent iu a hurry if you want your land baslnesn, of
any character, attended to by skillful and oompetent attorneys, Bnd promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 385. Washington, V. O.
State Normal School,
fpHE FIRST TERM BEGINS THK UUD OK HEPT, 18U4. Tuition per term in Elementary
J Course, l.fiO; Regular Connie, ft. 50; BusimsHB Course, ft.OO; to thouein the Ben lor Clans
pledged to teach, frae.
"1 rfc - - . flood board and lodging in private families, f 50 per week or rooms
MMKJ III II S at a vory reasonable rent for thoHe who may desire to board them
selves, but all HtudentN, no mutter how they board, will be under the Immediate eare of the faculty.
Graduates of the Normal receive Btate Diplomas, I'. A. WORTHINGTON,
Nov. 1. Bcc'y of Hegonts.
For Sale
1 200 1
arter and
Hheepmeu will find it to their interest to inspect my Kama before buying
elsewhere. I ensure them to be sound and iu exceptional tine oondition for
I have taken great pains aud went to niuob fzpeuso to meet the growing
demand fur tbis olass of sheep, and will sell them to
Come and See Them and be Convinced.
For further particulars address moat I'JIiOT HOCK, OKK., or call at my
larm hu miles south of Pilot Hook, Ore.
Ik Keeley Institute
For the Curo oi
Liquor, Opium mi Tobacco Habits
It Is located st Kalew, Oregou,
: Thf. Most Beautiful Town on the Count.
Call at the Gazkttr office for particulars.
Htrlctlycoufldeutiai. Treatment private and sura